' ‘.51? ., t mheeaor .1‘ ‘l .- ._"3 L'- :a-.-' -'*“'"'°°" °" R°"in'- . i I? on Andresoufs single to center in: the eighth, which kept Vol: from ad-. I ,_ ""-—-—- _ ‘rest of the season. and resulted in‘Compgny, 5" (:‘'‘°‘ °' T°'"‘““"m “in B‘: the following sel.-ctions: Pole-vault, Played l-int Day—i-‘inals : meets in which it is now entere . .d.' A. 12. White, coach of the co- . . . u : lumbia High ‘School track team. ex-. enum; M. M“ John ‘Dd Ml" Rd.‘ -~—-~ ..————--—- , The tryouts Tuesday %'e!'(* held 1 d 51' 1; 1]. f ., . . ‘ l PAN-HELLENIC BASEBALL 3 to determine which candidates are :e.,.::..g..,mu;:. )1, on) “O “Md” 5 SEASON OPENS SATURDAY‘ to represent Columbia during th: (1-rfificgte 5"’ W! 35- icnhen; low hurdles. Loomis and J. .. Th? Pl"’“°1l9fli¢ 51515811 6¢I9°D}Turner; high hurdles, l_«Jomi.~r and thirty.one ward,- 9.°¢li'-fdi 5101’-13‘d||}" Nebel; 100-yard dash. Walters and‘ u1i;1_\- words; gnd Vb?“ ""3 S18 -“Pb! lilldlschwietzer: half-mile, Rogers and thirty words, [D2 Sigma NUS (F085 D818 on lb! Pegfmnn; y-91;)‘ (ppm. Rage“. Mug- Varsity field and the Zeta B:-ta Tau guy,-e_ (‘mug teams will battle for supremacy be- fore the day is over. The Delta l0:30 o'clock on the \":u'.-ity d some time on the freshman lot. the Phi Delts are to battle on the sad the Betas will fight for the win-f “dd ning run on the freshman fie . . Delta Upsilon and Farm House-, will play Monday aft;-rnmm.‘ the Phi Cams and A. T. 0.’: will zet into action Thur.-day. April 30, and the other teams will break into- Lhe standings within the next twoluissouri .Mmufr." Academy 9' Mb . ‘ni . be held in Columbia the latter part Q of , T‘ weeks. The teams are paired as 1 a tournament and a single do at eliminates the losing team from further competition. » The schedule calls for five rounds of play so the championship nine will have to eliminate five other; I canoe-"eat! es-ceaeu-—uoM>:'-'-l no-Jone---9"o) a-.~e--~c«---e--"l eighth inning. &mnary to Vols. has-es ,before it can claim the honor. The! final game is scheduled for Mon-f day, May 25. and unless bod weathcrl interfcnes, the tournament will be. t Varsity diamond. hl - ———+———— ad '10 HOLD COACEING SCHOOL_ . _ . 8. Struck out»!!! 1‘! A-00!’! D! lh Missouri Nehru ‘ ~ A \ . 6g'tl.o‘.-. : ’.‘_' '." '. .- . .. - Eschool will be held at that institu- 1 behind! intend to enter coaching work and the third ‘ coaches of high schools and colleges hand in the‘ will attend the school. th l The course in basketball cosch- - ‘. A 3 , Schweiger, who the bat for Missouri, got finger of his throwing way of a foul tip off Janda’s bat in the third inning and was forced to retire from the game. replaced )1 hit of the 9‘ proved too hot for first baseman Vol: of Nebraska. Two _ drove the walking McQueen in with the first Missouri ru :5" 3! as 2-3 that the g , twice before they tried to steal. The Tigers made only five hits off the port-side oflerings of “(‘3ho Y" r Drury wnl Assemble Athletic Es-‘l’ ports for Training Coaches. , Fred Walker. director of nth-3 I 00a u owl‘ letics in Drury College, Springfit-ld.§ Mo.. has announced that a coaching tion from Aug. - to Sept. lt is expected that students who in: will be given by Dr. I‘ C len. director of athletics and has- ketball coach of the University of ' Al bo sidertd by many to be the best work of n practical nature on the subject of basketball coaching. Knute Rockne, famous coach of Notre Dame Univa-sity, will give the course in football coachi _ Rockncfhss attained national prom- ginence as a football coach because of-the championship teams he has turned out. later in the we: .. . Lin 7”” "'4 ""3 5'3 RP’ ‘““ mm izigahy by the Missouri Military Acad-N T” d , . . .. °iemy. are scheduled to enter three '00“ W 9l~9"*“"9 ','.'{:,"ds';“"d if ,:5h',F§' ‘:29 5“3‘;’mom meets. The first is a us- represent Columbia High 3'” 3 ' P 3' ” angular one to be held’ at F 1S the first time. In several years thnt\ coach has been secured to p give all his time to track. instead of contenders for the Pan-Hellenic title! dividinc his time bemoan track and " baseball. one of the largest track ; squads in the history of the school‘ is working out daily. Practically] all of the thirty-five men who re-f V. if ported to Coach \\'hite at the be- third round. semifinal. and final? girminz of the season are still out. round games will be played on the; ' A A ‘ m I ganisations enter in sufficient num-I ht. jump, pole-vault. ahdt-put. discus- llarry Gill. cbach of track and ‘ the meet held at Mexico Satur- n-soduas iiowsemr oracnouaaolltr soasn ._.a mum ‘V ‘ |eae&ss_Galss‘af In order thdt mcfiers of paoclety _calledgrindsandthatflte825‘priue offendtothebestall-coulalgifl rnaygotothesightper-son,thePlsi Thetslia ed: it society of Christian College is gin- series of chapd programs. ‘ can in the they inn ‘be repre- _____,. __ ,3 FOR‘ SALE—(‘.airbage plants at i 2 ' Hg jg’; Too LATE T0 CLASS)!-‘Y l I-‘OR RFZNT-—Jnne 1, modern hi Theta Kappa chapter room.‘ Lmom apartment near Univenzily. . d’ , ‘ "3' ’“l"’.I'hone l6l3 green. 1 . utcs of gay chatter was fol ‘ showim a typical meeting in‘: The call to or 33_ tertain the crowd. which were given were a reading room and kitchen 500 by Ilia: Mary Helen Carson. a piano: 375 selection ty Miss Louise Mitchell.‘ and a story by Miss Edith Oblander. ,' The chaptzr song closed the FOR SAL!-‘.-—Bungalow with fur- cc, full basement, electricity. hot d cold water attachment. sewer, The next program will be given _ mlwith trees and roses; good neigh- l’l'7"‘_"i._d°"“l‘}i‘"“‘"",borhood; cl(s_e in; furnished or _ furnished. For appointment. M‘""“ 3 dress Box 1-‘. I-‘.. care of Miss I ’_*‘_'‘‘'''“'V ''—~~—-—-—- ' MI!’ Tuesday morning hE'Wl’lE ‘l‘l~tACl£ ME.\' IN ‘am 9 Ev!-:N'rs ARE SEILECl‘Ell of the “four-fold It 3,,after that rally- They played like; Columbia is scheaE?é"a to Compete §,',:'.",',;, ,, 1 big lsagucrs the rest of the game. . ' ...()u.., T Private lessons by ap- WANTRD T0 LI-JASI-3—l.arge . Smith Typewriter Company suitable for rooming house: ' ad fi E fc . I . ‘ . ‘ Kelly of the commercial d art-; 7 ‘N W _ b-1pr“'sH.i hlmrdf as how‘ “'9” ""m5‘ ment of Columbia High SCll0'.)l"llS\'C‘ Lew,5_: ‘my kept the Husk.” from tying? tied with the results. and confident . Y "OW ‘Null. the score as Thompson, pinch hit-V 4;;={.th«= rum will mm - serenx '§°..‘{.'i».°-‘F§??.5'.a.'.L'."‘<:.f.'§.°..'Z.,» in . ...-I. ' Vols, singled to short, scor-L ting for Smaha. followed with his] ‘ omn‘ "‘ lb" "99 "‘“‘"'““8_ cent speed test. Exist front lnl, 80 by 290 feet, covered with bcznltllul . ' trees. llas reception hall, large living room with fire pantry and kitchen on fins: floor; ,00",_._ 5h.(.‘,;,,g porch and bath on I(*c0nd“l'l1cr; bath on third floor; oak finish and oak floors throughout; excellent furnace. Concrete: (ll‘l\'l'\\':l_\'.. Pos- -d at a bargain for quiclulnlc. SMITH-(‘ATRON RI-1!-l.T\' (‘0Ml’.\NY Exchange National Bank Building record of forty-eight words a min-; _ _ _ Certificates were awarded to Miss hnzhsh: shot. d-sous and Javelin. Neil Smith. for thirtv ‘ Th Miss Muriel Chord and Miss Ora; ‘ . . . and 5¢'l"')’<'<‘k- T|')'- Stewart have been presented certifi- '"“l the A9108 N093 ‘M1219 0“ l-h¢"out.s in the other events will be held cute; from the Underwood * RICH BLACK DIRT - ‘ writer Company for records of thir- Thc Kcwpies. who placed fourth t)‘-1W0 “'°Tdl 0 mlN|l¢~ ~C. H. 8. Mile Entries CREEK SAND AND GRAVEL‘ ulton the broad jump and mile run in the . . Monday between Cmlumhia, Fulton‘ meets remainl At 1 °°l°°k we K399“ SW5 and and the Missouri School for the schedule were . ., .Def.OM'2,h"'ll T t mzubr dmnwnd ‘"4 ‘he Pb‘ kgpp-‘—"‘ the.state ltu belhfilsd :1 2-2:o'hn¢l)'nRl?g:rs were selected as and on May 9 they will take Columbia's entries or rt In the Central Missouri Con- The result.-. of the brond.ju Terence meet, which will b: held at TIGER TRANSFER COMPAN . s ‘-9- --.-.a.- hiexico. An attempt is being made to . May _ Due to the fact perhaps, that this i V a thusiasm which the team displays; points to a winning season for (To-A lumhia High. -x-——?——§_———~—1—— PAN-liBl.l.ENlC TRACK 1 PRELIMINARIBS MAY l8‘ M To Be Meet for Local Organism _ lions if Sufiicicnt Number I I ' Compete. ’ ; The date for the preliminaries fife . the Pan-liellenic track and ficldf if the boarding houses and local or-‘ bers to warrant the competition. 1 Cups will be awarded to the win-{ will be decided on tune. T e liminary events will include the 100-; yard dash. the. 2%). the 4C0. high} throw, high and low hurdles and the javelin. The half-mile, mile and the re-3 lay will be added to the finals, mak- events. .....«.—.—.a- .,.. .. «O! V tllh ' tryaltsaoudanvaatad. ‘nape. .. 4.« . Gladiolus and Dah- Berna lia bulbs: Now is the time to plant. “Say It With Flowers” 3... I 1 s 1‘- . . GARDEN AND FIELD sends a large shipment of garden all of the highest quality We are surely proud of them. Also we have just received a shipment Be sure and come to our store W and field seeds which are A c.w1Lm'rEsEnn co. . roan corms eon than $1.50 ‘per hour-—-no "mileage A Columbia- Jefferson City ; Leave at8a.nt.--lep.m.and 5'p.Ia. - . .....-._...... ..,, .