. / ' 0 —--"-— - .. l . ”._gi§_‘a,1“.f‘““‘” “._’"“"‘ - 5‘ Q; :_.;:-g:T-:¢—«- 2); fix - $7063 " ' 1‘ ‘. 4 *. . ' .. . .. -‘ .}. ~ . ~ talllfl, -u -ueimsas -an raked . the Judge are all of a ll’ ' (arming the uni case, a ’ (ace. thus ellmi to hold court” for “The court of the ll‘ ” lung's hench' means literally the re ntatives W1-itinl ll!“-fllfll of the king of England sitting for him in the IP86! WPIB. . nals were I as of elementary is ‘ the peace and dign of the only It the lrle king--and nil! re, and words. Second In our courts the judge is the representative pencils. 0 of our government. He no longer power pen and ink. _ _ to make the laws. but he shares‘ with admin- line movements are used for practice strokes. lbollt NOW YOYK _ istrative state officers the power to execute the The 8)’ Erase tree-arm movements. H’ Vwk“ ‘"1 “*3 '4“ f0!’ _l 761’ Ind made . Offenders are indicted as transgressors and is said hy its sponsors develop writers ¢3l¢l»ll' 313- 3|“ ll!‘ 81°C? to It mostly because against the peace and dignity at the state.‘ The that can form even. symmetrical letters with a 110 0'39 918%‘ ‘Mill! live him a . -_ - prosecuting attorney is the attorney for the minimum o fatigue. llany bankers, bookkeep- Hclntifl B9!’ lives at Bits in New York ° ' stats-—-the public at large. The judge is the era and other business men, who have a great 895 _8P¢!I¢3 his title prowling about New York ' , seven.-ign.—as sovereign as any officer could he ‘deal of writing to do, unconsciously adopt. in mckms up materiel for his column and books. \ where democracy hss'made the will of the peo- principle, this . 39 "W5 in hi! Plllmu tn his bedmorrh sleeps ' pie supreme and expressed it in laws for his . Whether or not this {nee-arm system, in use fn0St‘0f the day and does his work at mtht, writ. interpretation nd execution. generally in most of the states at the present "I! 0T_ 359 011111181’! every-day thhgs thg: he _ No longer do kings hold court for judgment of time. will produce a generation of legible. hand- 59f‘-ll‘?-l9 l“‘m8fi ‘hints that we are all familiar the Pam,‘ cam, my‘; mwmp ‘N V in writers. nemains to be seen. Certain it is that Will}. evidence when ambassadors ane received, when hind-"W-1'18 ll“ Inffgfd I 89??! dacgdme in Since .that day when his father suggested the last few decades, . th the a vent arudgené travel, 0. O. llclntyre has done it, fie 5.. _ _ eral use of the typewriter. With the :13,‘ dd; traveled -:1’:-om one side‘ of the globe to another, Relics tn Ashland Bank lesrnmx and the tremendous srowth 4! us In this rountry and In foreign land; he 1... on the ‘.115 of an A,hhnd gum, in five ll“ 5325794 $54 fifty zfgfiln 13:: made a name himself as a humorous writer. 1”“ gmhmvend cu“. we hnugnds 0‘ main n; <:hc;c;‘u‘udi~ead‘fla Gru‘t‘e.‘nn““h":;x‘o" Hits shciliit stones are elterlr sou_¢it by man. arrowheads, stone hunting-axes, flint knives. and ‘cm’, were models 0'‘ mum“ ‘hue grub ‘ “Ff ‘ ~°"°’ a'°_°°“"'_7 “'4 5*’ “"'8P3P€1” the like. af and unusrtal eolleco ‘nndmom",' P‘ ‘Yuma,’ ‘ad gating: ‘are syndicated in almost every large tion of exampes o epsrtd man’: "'1' am" . ° . en“ And ten pages was considered a short 3“ ,, marred. ‘Pd _'%:,:vf"u‘:i tank hi, . Th rrowheads I the ost numero part ' , _ "l G ‘°¢°". P311103 lmlh 0 ng incident Jo! til: hollctlon. Th“; ran: in sise f1'(:l‘l. this 3”‘ ft" u""!:d°°‘.g:: Vgmltfltlll gfffled its isgreprlntlal from his travels in EIlf0P0= ones (the smallut less than one-half an inch) m°‘_;1°ifin:°°“”in‘ fim._,°h *2; ." 5 “¢‘wm=°t¢- Mr. and fun. Ielntyre visited a_noted French "° kw‘ °""’°d'mm 5°“? mm‘ F5" kn" any eorreslloodeocel tragic announce. ?"°"' "'d‘h“""l "9 ‘°'“'. 5°” 4°“ ‘° ‘*3’ ' 1-|...¢gngepuesu-e"huvdpdats, aoealled m.numd"u’urin'ru‘"‘“th‘nun. ,1ster.'Helooh:edatther~egisterusdonitsaw "““°“"‘."‘”““"""“"'5’ letters’ Speedistheenem otgooauno?r?.- "'6' ""°"”“°m‘z“"“”‘”“"~’"”‘ from the how-thongs at hands. at rest or in - _ g 7 Pierre Jeanaeau and manservsnt; he took mg.andspeedutheontl'ermo‘I°thepraentdayu tn, uflooudnwuud ‘The larger an-owheads were used for sinking . éflmm “"3 I V‘ law‘ “'1' “ “"93"”-: M0 the '3” °‘ ¢*.".'-"‘-°' the °'*""Y"*."’°°“"' lad pfalccse. as‘it once wac‘:.l“Cer-tainlrlttli "' “°"“"” “‘ °"‘““‘ "‘“‘ "°*"‘ “ ‘h’ ' ing on whether huntsng for food or hunting for tywwm bu revue.‘ hfifimw ‘or “due” toll of the lflller as as columnist. _ And that’s a ’ V huh '”‘tM5..a“h;. '11” of u2i.."zi7.;'f":L Pllfposes and has made great inroads ‘into social ‘on’ "’ ‘fin ' flak ln ' °°”u7 hm‘ ' ' ll'W*'P¢" -‘l’-""” .'°"' correspondence. Botalwaysthenemnstheaome ?-—————----3---———-— ‘ *“—‘‘' they were wrought. might give land accounts . "‘ ’ ” :.,.....~~ -..*;-~=.,.....' -:4: 9* 9::2.::.'~.;:~: t:‘:‘;-&'.f:*"" “‘ *‘ .*.*‘°....""*"‘......"'°'°.....:.‘..*:; -* M **"**';-= w "::,*.:=::.- »:........~=*==- en . ‘ _ - V spa» coda, ‘ad Gena“ Ii;.°m_i ‘ere tk ‘I‘l'ltetl.ltVlllfill8'l'CItfi%d. T on ~ if unhrokenprairieandprltneval unit. ' . ‘ 3 ° .' . ‘ ,r. ~‘lhe shades of color among the [lint weapon MANY WANT A. To , hat a lot of people actually don't \ heads are varied indeed. ‘ran.-rem milk-whute _ESTIMATE'ANOTHERi'S WARE _ theirjewehv." a Cdnmhia watch- tips. «harm from the ‘clearest flint: deep-l>|’0"|| __.___‘_. n “Shine at them actually intimate , sndamb:rdonu,showmg&etncesnifir::::: uh,_m,thk'.h.,u°", “much” st::.t|heiswels':.ntot- , otherhn mehlsnom 8!‘ 9‘ Bahy'sswallowed mg." ' '!_._ people was security *’ W:-,.‘°"°, '‘'°'”'‘* .. .... “°‘m"" "“*"*'“'*°*'--==~=-- ‘..':.%°':.........°'**°':2....«'-°° '*':.:"':.'.' * . se ‘ stance 0 many curious demands mule on the .1 ' 'I.“¢‘aa?.°' 3-$3’ if-tea at the ends i.°'§i.°s§'i.: .3'i°:.°.'n' }""d'°°"' ‘° "“ "'°’ the art ¢fh:unu.nlu's'lns!: eflttlnghu ‘° 5'1‘;-'i.""J.¢."‘ 3 153 '° ' ¢ '5 8 wk of trades, . . . .° about eight inches tone and that at the duties i M ! fin: across at e ‘the hitbfilt Old“ ‘'1 ‘ “Peo in general have a q’n‘eer‘idea at just "la l“ ‘uh Cl‘ , flththgwasneces-rr pertic: whdatt;eomeailI&e€Il7C°"J’¢f’¢'§lf]hnshg;g these kmm. -ll-re. even «lees a co tionolour methods or operatic . “°"“ ’ unusually rare and valua _ Inc! In lb‘ is vague indeed,” loegl gag “named is told of a woman who believed collection isa “left-hand" skinning knife. It was unmy pawn‘ com: in“ kid” ‘mu ‘M. ha-flentm‘ 'i&?huoh“n. an ;' nadebyahflohandedlndsamasinduateflbi ringorawatchorsoaseotherarticleandask ' ' thatshewasgaiiangweighthnt thaalopeoItheht_I'e.lashecanI'nllycl||PP°‘l ustovaloejttorthem. Onranswes-m.n;,_ hefieveitanditwasonlywha theflxnttoitelteen .. , ‘ ‘lfyouhadenoughconfldenceto1,u,u,;.,,‘, to hepcuttromierfiagu-and A stone fisluns-hook is another we spec» should not come and ask us to value it. Apd ‘hit I50 been an dist. » -n;en.1Anamasingpstienceandskillwereneed_ed thenahoutbllpercerxtofthemgooftinahull.” Cllleinthtttoteeledsywitht toshapethecurvedlntof from flint "llanyperaonscallajeweluertotixacloekand whlehshewishoIltoIIveaolderId." ‘ tQDW¢l|0l|llIt0l;0ldlhb. ‘bud bu‘_anenotwillingto1I_aVeittakentehlsstose "Whenltoldhershejvbwonld areaeveralkimho were Jomlht mmttltstheeometotheirlionesansespsir -uh-ds , It» ll-worker-buns-unesheusxoaegewei. Iaee!h.elittllfith_ev'a1aeIlf .E.'l'.»Iart.in,pros&lestottheha_nk,inwhl::h ryatoreaadeapeettherepsirnsntoxugumn |..'¢1,...g,,a,.g.u,g.,§¢gt _ ‘ dink estimates that th another ‘ ' “ ~ I. an are R“ -,o . ‘,__$F°dl|J ¢|l!'I°¢I Illllhr peach‘ sash Q3, flue’, ta... an died totofirzhlr ownvnlebshdonethe; not mg-gwg guudgzr o‘