r» ..-i V » A mom‘ mass. 64 conmms corumm, msso"'”=: . 1925 ivU_ia.I2f;'Ii:;_2'g_‘5 ‘J The Way , World I -O .. p __, . ' [- .' , .. ‘z '- THB BATS 'NKW8—, ~lv.I¢ . ‘ffigenta of the Feed interests are ‘ . a site in Mexico Ghy for -gnestablishrnent of an assgrn L U .; ,5 Id. Baerlein pants amateur tennis 3' Rice. .. the flip estcrday by defeating C. N. . Dr. E. J. Pace. former cartoonist In; now an ordained minister. will open a series of Bible lectures in St. Louis. A De ' taly's airman, who is flying to Melbourne and Tokyo, has ruched Bender Abbas on the Per- treeen- has started in the liquid- ’ sting of her S-1.000.000 debt which ufi expects to entirely wipe out be- fce Aug, 1 A Sunday school class today paid due of a woman bootlcgger and ._oatained her release from a New Jaaey jail. Col. Theodore Roosevelt ant‘ . It brother Kermit have sailed for Bombay on their expedition to #1‘! Asia. 2A bill passed to provide a whip- Jig as a means of punish- " tit in llichigan was amended to eadude women. 0 +- begger. who was ar- rested recently for annoying pas- urs-by is said to own two houses and an automobile. A white monkey. three feet higl. aad I50 are old. has beer to the United States from the Colombian jungles. §Ro'lland. besides following Grerr h'llaiu's example and returning tv . the gold standard. also has lifter the bar on gold exports. 7 M,’ .5 °'9'9‘'QO‘ ‘ \ . .0-O-»o".o.'B? . t 1 {.7001 . ;.'r.‘.’:'.-: -' A G00?” “£399 1 ‘ rauttd the death sentence of Mrs" ’ ' 'nc Tho Leeds. 2‘) year» old. to life imprisonment. ’ Charles Paddock. world's fastest rnncr. was overtaken and tagged la a Chinese baseball player in :- garae yesterday in Shanghai. _ Two hundred boy students ct ‘Gladstone High School, llich. wen suspended for coming to <.-boo‘ with their collars uniwuttoncd. The volcano Omctcpec. situattc on an island in Lake l\'icarnguu ’ has been throwing out a rain 09 ‘ black ashes for the last two days. Louise Faacnda motion picture players. ' wreck en the Santa Fe The Illinois eight-hour bill for he order of third reading in tativcs. with its supporters confi- duxt that it will pass. Missouri orchard men who con formed to scientific methods ir raisivu: their last year's‘ crop mad: an average net. gain of~$3.l0 per -lira or $150 an acre. Th-i Greek patriarch. Constantin- os, who was expelled from Con ataninople by the Turks, consentei .tu abdicate after the signing of tht Grcco-Turkish agreement. —ANI) KRIS RUMOR . Little Mary another sobbing with ‘penitence. “Oh. mother.” she 'ed. “I-1 broke a brick in the fireplace." “Well. that isn't very .hard t . ‘ —l V. ‘V ' l- . v » . I I ' , :4 . . . ‘. ‘ .4f.- ‘ ~ » . .. i ‘.3 - I l . ‘- ,1, ;._.‘\,f._,_ ...n__ -A. A» -‘«.-v. _ ‘_4;_1 ..v- . .. ‘ U _., . X. _ _ , . ._._ _ . . . ,. o.;.‘ u _ ' ' '- .. 3‘.-‘-,_-' .'-‘._ _-.-.. _ ._ - I ' . . . air’??? I -.- remedy,” said mother. “but bov. \ .f._; dfl you do it. child?" . - ,_ _ “I pounded it‘ with father’: 4",‘. watch.” :':._“.':'.'.':tTT"‘__:_:":.‘:' ,"‘_".‘.’.'T':“‘_"' oounmvrs on I.ll-‘E- . ‘ The shots that count arc tht ‘ ‘ allots that hit.-Roosevelt. O .1 ‘.' I I'l' ; there hand on the s vibrations as i'- i ‘i -A 2:; Oliver Wendell Holmes. MEN CONCLUDE I - Work Continued All Last “R Pllfl. I Fifty floats and approached her Talking is like playing on tilt is as much in layinfl trings to stop FARMERS’ FAIR ARRANGEMENTS Night Under Lights ’ Placed Around the Pike. Panama FRIDAY MORNING Fifty Floats andThirty- Five Impersonations in Line of March a Mile Long. Arrangements for Farmers‘ Fair rts are nearly- complete. repo of committee chairmen showed at a meeting f the Agricultural Club night session of preparation for the annual event which is called “tbr biggest student stunt in America." Th worked by means of lights been placed around th: --2 thirty-five im- personations a campus characters and take-offs on college institu tions will be in the parade which i:’ to open the program tomorrow morning. according to ll. ll. Craw- ford, chairman of the parade com- ‘nee. mi The University Cadet Band wili head the parade when it starts its .narch along the following, routes North from the college farm or College Avenue to Broadway. west on Broadway to Sixth. south or Sigtb to Elm. east on E1 to Ninth. south on Ninth to Conl y. east or. Conley to~liitt. south on llitt Rollins. Those in charge of the. parade zleclare it will start promptly at 10:45 a. m., They estimate that it will be well over a mile long. Forty trucks have been contributed by business men and a crew of deco- rators has been organized to go tt work on them tomorrow morning. Jerry Lewis has charge of thr police force which will maintain or tier on the pike. lie has fourteen rssistants. all more than 6 feet tall and weighing over 180 pounds, be free... ' - at the fair will be a potato race. open to all. with a desk lamp and n ur- ton of cigarettes as first and sec- ond prizes. Another free feature is novel. Contestants will drive flivvers while balancing an egg in a spoon in one ban . c car‘ which runs the slowest in high gear-'~\vill win. This contest is open to all Uni- versity students. .-\‘$7 hat is of- fend as first prize. with a box of unusually good this your. lies. a regular feature. is to be ar- rangedon the “Flu Ziegfeld plan." according to (‘.lifl’ord Meeker. chair man of the committee. Individual acts. rather than a plot. will char- acterize the show. “Tex's Tropical Tantaliu-rs" It will be given by a cast of twenty which has spent two months in re bearsa Special. with fairs. Orly sidcshnws , all will the tradition of form fairs called upon were present for short speeches. B resident- t of Boon;-’County. spoke. night, at which former Farmer. Fair managers w'ill‘spcak. - MANY l’RlZ$ WILI. BB . A % —AND sous vans: Given a I-‘oaataiu Pea-Best W a O the minstrel show'2-2 title this year. In addition to these two shows. the home economics and agricultur- al girl students will put on a two- act musical comedy called “Mizzou The Yellow Dog Cafe on the pike- will have barbs-med meat and other food of the type usually associated be manned’ by fr't-shmr-ti. according tr J. S. Williamson. vice-president if the Agricultural Club. who pre- sided at the meeting last night, several alumni who 31. (“Smoky”) Woods of lBr-aymer: -Dick Allen. county agent of St. Francois County and a former club . '3 ' . H. A. -llanser of -Ster- ling. Col.: and GJR. "Skinner. coun- ‘)' area A. final,rnce-ting is to be held to I WARIIEI) mi 5lERCilANTS ‘ Beat‘ "-spiae:7'o7_s7nson‘_ to Be \Vatch.' Workers on Farmers‘ Fair pro- iects and winners in some of the George tor and vice-president Louisville Evening Pout. Mr. Burbach is speak executive. For was with the St. He then became rnaniger e mittee. on the istawhowillappnronthis yur’a_ Jorrr-nalisra Week program are Bur-hach. manager of the St. Louis Post- 'I’)“ispateh, andIawisC.Bumphr-ey acheduld to at 9. o'clock Wednesday‘ morning. and hfr. Humphrey will work. be on the program Wednesday eve- ning. llr. Burbach has had an unusual- ly wide experience as a newspaper « thi rteen years he Louis Republic... 904- and was of that news- paper's Chicago advertising office: national advertising department _ the ldunsey newspapers, with head-ll-Ilec man of the com- newspaper depart-imlndi clubs. ' I ‘z I of the 3. ‘member . Whist, River Valley. and Salama- Kentucky and Journalists I I Will Address Meetings Wednesday Two more well-known journal-{mental program tion of tbc_Aaaoclald thd has 1 'e twenty-five years in newspaper isville, Ky.. in 1876. and attuified Center College. graduated In 1896. He married lknap of Louisville in He has Evening Post since 1896. fir. Humphrey was born in Lou- from which he with the Louisville "‘ Mr. Humphrey was a member of Jefferson County, Kentucky tion Board from 1904 to 1909. quarters in New York. Forgthellle is a trustee of Carl!‘ C01l¢8¢- 5°38! at the meeting last night in last twelve years he beenfille is a Democrat and is active in ._l-helauditoriurn of the East Agri- advertising manager and director; political life of the city. lie is a Clltllfll . P o endenais, Chess and . For ‘Columbia and orally fair and contrn night and Friday. or lower if sky is clear. For Missouri: Fair Lakes has a v east of the country last 24 hours. cool everywhere. It is clear from Kansas Rocky Mountains. Mississippi Valley drainage basin. Light tor. The weather is in Rocky otmtalns. is probable tonight if tinues ear.. six hours. llarris. this afternoon. Hillory Joy. pale an from the strain of a tria in the sire penitentiary Defense lawyers there was no evidence or that had the household and pointed of eman —_< R -4 Frost came ha his sihly unsettled south portion night and Friday: continued cool; frost tonight if sky is clear. ' The storm condition of the ward , , Much following an operation te ' gallstones. an the North Atlantic seaboard. west to Missouri‘ was under its influence during the weather overcast Sunday evening. and was Eiiiéfidifdcf FOUND GUILT Decision on New Joy Trial Next Week—Court L Motion for a new trial in Hillary Joy murlcr case was taken under advisement by Judge David! lle willfhusband. Robert T. Tandy; him a sentence of thii'ty-_fIv declared as indicative of the mental atti th Frost tonight: minimum temperature probably 38« north. pos-. to- lower to is‘ issouri 1 con-‘ -——--— «who, with six of the eirrbt Children. survive her. living at 1115 University Avenue. was sentenced t) thirtv days in the ;.o'.-nty jail and -I Tim of $100 atciation of N a«~...r. today. ‘law jury had beer. outlnumber of years. render a decision next wee . . d $l\8llt'l’0dlMrs. Roy Jacger; hath 0f St. 1 1113! ltbwiand Mary and Estelle Tandy, who I: )‘°l|l"5§are v "i "“Frank and E. B. Tandy. both of proof to to these tude o ———Qu——-1-2 FROST DAMAGE NOT SERIOUS: Ozark Region Suffered Slightly-— Anather Vin’! Tonight. THE WEATHER l MRS. R. T. TANDY nlceiziiyz ‘ m Was Ill Only Few Days-'- I lifelong resident 3? gpital at 10 o'clock this morning, with showers in Texas; generally an hos north to Canada and west over the 3,0,.“ g,,,¢.1ogi,g “.1 5.3,,‘ m. ‘tho: bf “Lewis and Kindred Fam- It is cold with serious frosts in flies,” was born in Boone County Kansas. Iowa, and in the upper on 1-‘¢_-1,, 11, 1358, She Ind . ”l8500!'iicated by private teacher, and frosts 0c- “waded ‘ curred in Missouri, brisk winds dur- wufi ing the night being a saving fac-the . °‘°",""8 "‘ then offered in the School of sun the western part ofithe Plains .andHauon_ she ‘Item.’ tn.“ . . . i ‘°"mm' in Boone, H cool lfl Missouri over Friday: frost fie‘ sky to suggest to the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition offi uh“ .was a member of the Virginia Adjourns, Historical Society, thc.State‘ lins- ’torical Society of ‘Missouri. _the (‘ircuit (Tourt adjourned at 2_LovIl I-Wis lesion. and un '1 her »'clock this afternoon until .\londa:.-.illncss had been on‘ in the :ncrr.ing. work of genealogical research and Charles l’r.-ltocl: w-9 I-umi guilty compilation of family svnealosws of selling intox.c:.f:.1g liquor and 553 “W94 '5 W-'iP!‘1'8'-‘hi-“NW f0" 4 she been a member of the Christian . I the courtroom today to listen to hisiqfiorton, Kan.: one brother. Walter attorneys make a last stand for hrs.“-_ Baum," of -I-‘coma’ wuhq ‘mg f"°°d°m- I M. {-2. Fountain "ill I. and Mrs. l I convict a man of that kind of rail; crime and that public opinion was‘ shocked at the -excess sentence. shocked at the excess sentence. The-‘ prosecution stated that everything been said previous to the! crime had indicated that Joy was; i I l ’ X afiflfl." I-Ilfl CIVIL ' me ‘..h.«__: ___t mu. ‘M am’. “or the body arfid girut here where acr-Pollard: idea. ma Drag ' sun:-s-4 worker. nus. bras ‘Robinson was born Ill Rene; Voila; Dix Bra.‘ an ac ‘u rune. -a caarpaay: ' aw Iarbet. from high school here. Construction: apt . sweater. fie ' mag ear lhnh; aaeuad. hos eaads. Ounce aa. 1‘k§u;5.g..rg,,. ...§-3|, IfIl)flUfl‘l|f.hwelf.0lIftlIfl|P uat-s-.r-‘: best freab—_a worker. Din. Vlr- 3 . tbaalaxhbita: beat _ baao an at fruit. Us I-‘rultoa-aaay: U.‘ , as Latin: hot educa- tional fiat. aanaa char-utte-. C aunt Ilsaaarraa cam. abouts. iPAREl\‘TS HEAR I Lifelong Resident of Boone County. Mrs. Robert Thomas Tandy. a ne Coun- Parker Memorial Hos- . died at rday afternoon for gangrenous Sue was 67 years c . Mrs. Tandy became suddenly ill taken to pital yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Tandy. who was a weJ- was edu- ‘S’ olt and Nodaway c5un- She was married on Marclf C, 1885, to omas Tandy. The family has been Mrs Tandy was the first person cials the cele- bration of ‘s Day" and served on the executive committee for Lewis Day, Sept. 23, 1904. She Missouri of the Genealogical Assn’- cw York. City for a Her genealogy work is widely known. She had Church since September, 1892. Mrs. Tandy is survived by her four daughters. Mrs. I living at home; two sons. three sisters. Mrs. C B. Williarr J. Prosscr of 6 F5 Ccntralia. and Mrs. ansas City OF SON’S DEATH Francis Robinson Is Re- ported Drowned _in Montana. Francis Robinson, 23 years old. was drowned in Columbia Falls. 3Ilont., yesterdax accordi to a cerved ' his parents. JR. FARMERS “" Miss Buchanan of Talking Worucsnor PLAY Tomcrrr C. L. Brewer Invites Guests . and farmerettes school s . . ernoon at 2:30 o'clock in Room 133. Robinson is survived by his par- ’ and t”t'° two 4 iam TOLD OF FOLK SONG LEGENDS Machine Co. Illustrates Talk With Phono- Zraph Records. to Attend Missouri In- terscholastic Meet Saturday. hundred, Junior farmers luru ‘ o the history of natirfi American folk ldiss Fanny Buchanan of the edu- cational partment of a A E II‘! the development of many years of_cumulations and additions," she “Indian -ours. originally rather I’lth0Ilt or tug"-' when adapted to music. tell tuneful stories of woods. and field, and ‘ m- Caro songs. songs of a ripe that naturally sings in my NW)‘. are always full of rhythm and And the cowboy songs. which are skctchier. were 1 favorites on night bends. They though rhythm er and quieted the herd." Miss Bu- chanan illustrated her talk with phonographlc records. Movies Are Shown. .u_°50fl pictures of the Home- coming game. of the California trip made by football team. and of various campus scenes. were also shown to the visiting juniors. _ Sherman -Dickinson of the agricul- tural extension service of the Uni- - rector of athletlm. those remaining unti would be guests o University pt the Interscholastic- Ilect. ‘ The boy spent yesterday in stock .ladgb%nbesta ‘compared their own ratings with of the department D-Q re 5’ 0 the Stock Judging Pavilion. This afternoon the artillery branch of the R. O. T. C. wen through some special maneuvers on Rollins Field for the visiting boys and girls. The visitors were also taken to the artillery range to watch practice shooting. The program tonight will be given in Latbrop Hall at 8 o'clock. A dramatic program. staged by the Missouri Workshop. and a moving picture program. will be given. 4-}! Section Bears A. A. Jeffrey. The 4-H Club section of the Junior Farmers’ Week met this aft. f$ West Agricultural Building. The first part of the program was com- posed of songs and music for club eetings This lecture will be ' 3 A. A. Jeffrey. agricultural editor of the College of Agriculture, gave a discussion of the club reporters’ work. The subfirct of his talk was "What Is From lub Angle.” briefly the elements story. and showed the boys girls how to write stories for their local papers of their experiences this wee At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning group pictures will be taken on the East Campus. The awards and prizes will be given out at this time by Dean F. B. Mumford. There will be 222 ribbons and’25 trophy cups awarded. At 10:30 o'clock the entire group will be dismissed to attend the F arruers' Fair parade. wornroiv srsarunsr Bacon Streets. aadAah New Type Being Built by Boppc on Sixth V Columbia north of B yesterday. : The apartment will be built in tea units. 90 by 82. fee: and 27 no recently bought by the animal husbandry this morning at M lustrated by‘hliss Fanny Buchanan. . Electric Pipe Organ of Sacred Heart Church Is Being Installed The electric direct action’ pipe or-- Sacred of at least five sections. The pipe that is joined together and has the 5 water. and a small pantry. The Scherrnerhorns are making a year's trip over the States. From New Jersey they went to Florida where they spent most of the winter. ‘ro here they will go to the coast. stopping at Yellowstone and Glacier na- tional parks. ‘ A third and important member of the Schermerhorn party is Balda. a German police dog. Bslda finds the trip very interesting. R00IE"I§E1’\*QuI3I‘ TICKETS ISSUE] Last Year's Journalism Week Guests Supplied First. Tickets for the Journalism Week are being issued to banquet who After to- No application will ticket issued unless the application is acccmpa ed by the price of the ticket. 92.50. and the name of the person for whom the ticket is desired. All appli- cations should be made to H’ Cannie R. Quinn. secretary of banquet committee. Jay R. Neff Ball. plication. considered or '0 :r3 -9'» This year's Journalism Week banquet is a k Banquet. The 1 United; the police revealed that Country Club. at which the ban-' Thc report “Bolshoi-ist" document iful woman has been assisting reds fin the Italian capital. ne- ttratcs into the highest society and -has made use of a dictaphone to f gather information. 1 Europe to .Take Precautions. '|ly Unltasl Pre-. . { DONDON. April 30.-Faring .that the arrival of May Day might lbe a signal for concerted Corn- .munist outrages. the polic of .France. Italy. Bulgaria, Esthonia. and Hungary today took action. “- -Special precautions been _taken in gcountrics 0 he authori- ies claiming evidence of a wide- pread international plot to foster outbreaks tomorrow. 1 Communists were ar- ‘rested in Paris with automatic pis- .tols and ammunition in their pos- gsession. Raids conducted for the flast three days throughout the 1French capital have disclosed stores '-of high explosives. fuse of an infernal rnachinr railroad tion near Riga. fapparently tended to wreck the special trpin carrying the I-Zsthonian president and many er governurc of- ctala ft l ‘a Ire l E o 5% O F(i)R'I‘Y-TWO To JOIN SIGMA X] Scientific Fraternity to f science during ha Great Britain‘ and other u,‘ f Euro , 70 MANU ALITES ARRIVE FROM . KC. FOR MEET Heart Church from the Wicks Pipe}smallest air hole in one of it 07!" COGPNIY 07 Hixhland. Illntsums is valuclcss for a place in ---—-~-——- has been received and it is I Faculty members Bring that ’ will be installed by the? After these tubes are made. the ’ - mm 0; my, -1-... am“ ,, ,,,,_.;m,.m ..,m.. m mum on _ Students. on a Special only one in Columbia equipped with aching known as {he “voicing T1-ain..Hiss Schroeder the electric direct action control by» machine." rson known as a which the tone response to the or-. Jvoicer" then makes the pipes M- U3 ganidfs touch is almost instan-‘“speak" with the same of ---—--- l-ll|¢0|15- ' jpower from the lowest notes to the TO ENTER MUSIC CONTEST !F‘:YI.h¢Bl’.};f0hl!l{ P. Lyutch and Samu-‘ highest and with the same quality .;._.___ e . 1 r. anus .itv reprcsen-"of tone whether it be that of flute, ' ‘ tative of the company. selected string. or reed. The company rnak- Elght Represent ohr’g_an. fr. Bihr was in thecniusiciing the Sacred Heart organ has as- Hlgll smeqs or many years in cum-.sured the church of a leasi tone ? bvia where the Cary Theater is novnquality in the instrumi.-,nt. M Paper Aflnuals |0¢IU-‘d- He arrived -alum-. The console. pipes and rnrchan- the lsautilus. bia today to superintend the instal-I ism of the organ will be in the bal- ...___._ lation. loony of the church. The choir will The Manual Training High There are said to be 80 per centgoccu the space between the con- School of Kansas City brought fewer moving and delicate parts-sole which will be close to the bal- seventy students today. ~ accom- in the mechanism of the Wicks or- copy rail. and the organ proper. panied by four faculty members. gan than in other types. Parts of, In this manner the organist" may di- on a special train to enter the cur- the organ are made more sturdily rect the choir from his place at the ricular cantata re . than ‘in. other type; ' n in this? organ if he wishes do so. 11.9,, n, Gig)“ 5¢,m-M11.m‘gm. was It is made practically trouble‘ The only connection between the am” who '5" ,q,n,,,m the -we proo The Instrumen - 567:'consolc and the organ will be a pubuuuon, of we h°og_ the pipes ranging in size from one thelcable about one inch in diamete u.,,u.1;t,_ . weekly m_.,,.p‘pfl._ size of a lead pencil, weighing a‘ If necessary, it wo ld be possible ",4 we N..mm an y ‘ book few ounces. to one nine feet lonx. to move the console from its pcsi- -nu, uuiuuu “' Np“,“,nk,d by: weighing sou.-nty-five pounds. ‘tion at the time the organist was and Noni‘, editor ‘N, M"), E treme care must be used iniplaying. without affecting s ef- Muoubrif ‘uh, Bend’ and punk the construction of organ pipes flirts. operations of the or- Sh“, “'wci.u, “Mo” -rho” which are made of wood. shot-t~gan are performed through mag- fwm'uw Nuumm an. '1,-"Dd. zinc and a specially cast metal. nets and no wind connection be- Schneider. eduor;'Hm,ry'Gowb"‘. e pipes are made in parts and tween the console and the pipes is bumw” mum“... nd F|o".m.e glued together. Each pipe consists ‘required. Studna, associate editor. Miss Mary “"" ::““ "“ "::::_—_"'—- Elizabeth Lomax. president of the Junior i.-um"... Cu." out Missouri Interscholastic Pncss Bofi here from Lemma ‘ad ! _. soczation. ‘IA managing editor ‘of Appleton (‘ity for grain and ' _ both publications. ' stock judging contests are Slillfllll 51 “Ill?” C03 - camped at the tourist camping * Th? OUR! 313501118 8?? ¢'fll»¢!'!'d park. They are cooking army - in the musical contests. represent- style and are succeeding in ing Manual Training High School making themselves cnmfort- ‘ ‘ ' ‘ in the contrasts for girl:a'.gle¢ club. able in spite of the cold weath- -—4-— boys‘ rice club. mixed chorus. boys’ er. They will return home by Report From Rome Says Qulllflrt. girls‘ Qllllflrl-d l-*')'7"'*\'°iC¢. way of Jeflgg-30“ City when . ’ gir s’ voice, vio in an orc stra. they .-an -I... the .m. cm- WOWW U395 D1593‘ The -oim-u win he Mary Pat- txil and the prison. J. ‘. Min- phone in ton. soprano and winner in the nis, who is in charge of the . Kansas Cit soprano conu-st; twelve boys from Appleton B0lSheV15t5- Helen Grabhorn, soprano: Irene City, was graduated from the ———_——— Oliver. soprano: Charles Cheshire. University in 1921. PRECAUTIONS ARE TAKEN bus: ‘Allen Snoddy. It-nor: lltguan --'--'0---— ________ . loo.-ac . baritone; and An ony TRAVELERS SEE (‘OFNTIKY ' ' ‘ Guen-erg, tenor. ‘ FRO“ THE .17‘ 5' 0l:TlD(’K”. Ralds- Conducted In P‘nS The boys‘ quartet will consist‘of: "_-"_ - ‘ Durmg Last Few Days Allen Snodd' first tr-nor‘ l\'oonr Tloarist Carap Vkitoru Make Trip . . . 5‘ ' ‘ . 0",, Nnim in C..'ku Dgsclose Sun-es Badaglialacqua. second tr-nor: l-rod . . . Waldner. baritone; and Charlc.-« "“"""" ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘0f“Explos1ves ~ - “U. s. Outlook"; is the inscripr‘. ' ”"""’:;,,:?';',;m“ Wm mum, 0,. Lion in large gol letters on thrgu, u,,...., 1-,... ‘ immense car driven by Capt. and, 11)N[x)N, April 3o__p[.M for M?” P‘“‘°“' fir“ ‘°p"”°‘,"'°,"° 115. . . Schcrfnerhorn of -let-?a bomb outrage in Rome, similar to Oliver’ "and, Myrna’. "me 59)‘ Cltiu N~ J» ‘W0 5i°PP'-‘d 81 the one that cost more than 200 Rose’ fir“ ‘"0’ ‘nd B"-moo "uni- the tourist camp here last night.‘ lives in the cathedral at Sofia, have Mm’ Tum‘ ‘ho’ . The car is completely fitted out as u‘ been frustrated by officials, it is “W f‘°“u)' l°¢_°mP{"‘3'".“ ' lb” home on w ls. has a stove. believed, according ; Cam-g] 5md9"lv' "'93 11- - 59"‘ 5°35 ‘If a bed that folds up in the daytime,i N.-9.-.. dggpm-h, the music department. Miss Sara Bennett. of the musical department; bliss hlildrral Schroeder. of the pub- lic speaking department, and who received her B. J. from this Univer- sity in 1928; and George A. blunt- gomcr)’. faculty supervisor of the Mauualite and Nautilus. — 375 in Curricular Contests. Three hundred and seventy-five lar contests of the Interscholastic ‘Meet. By counting each student. each time he enters a contest the total numlxr of entrants is morn ' Fifty-five high schools are represented From Columbia High School more than a hundred students are ing part in curricular contest.-. Forty-nine ' ' ‘ contests in English. essay writing. spelling. stenography. biology, l.s- tin. Frwnc . foods and clothing. European history. ‘and American history. The remaining fifty or more are members 0 the-boys‘ and gir1s' glee clubs which adll be entered in the contests. C. K. Sxwill also enberthe track Bol- ably neproent Columbia Saturday ' Dnailnh. Loomis, -Pcarman. Nebel. Shyrock. Hopper. Rodgers Olmsteadt; Switaer. and lfusgrsve. Six {in Albany (Erna - A high-school group rum Al- rbany. headed by Carl Gillespie. is staying at the {Colombian Hotel. .quet will be held Friday evening. . . . n the “e not e n HI!‘ 3. will feature books in (‘V211 Inltlatlon on (_‘_h,,‘‘, 1:‘. CH0 Ihvifl. ghiph. P°“"‘bl‘ "3' 11“ “"°"‘ "in 5° May 12. Harris. ad Hrs. Carlclillespie. ~ 5°03‘-'°I"=h tum - ._._...__.v ‘ A‘ teamifrom the Salem in‘ 5“ °f “*9 “V” '_°l‘”“" hm?‘ 5)’ Sigma Xi. hénorary acientflc‘ fra- School is ' he at the Colombian A"'"'°"‘ 9“ uh?“ ‘ terltlti. c _, td Inc!!! for" Hotel. A. Book is in charge 03 Pulllflhtfl "39 “'3 -three persons for‘- their work in, I in the banquet are: ‘ 0 " Q,‘ . ‘ . _ .': l"\>9—'r-.-‘ ' ‘ \ ‘ I ',‘ ’, - u H are. Cattle. Newton. J. Turner. Gilbert. ‘ .~-' ‘ I ‘, w Ii-i v I--—~vw<-w-—u-vv ' l .-I 4 Co ‘: I « A P: l I‘