. ..-..-.-. .. . ., « . ...- ......-..'.':£- . . : . ...4..... . A .-1 “ -0 ' u ‘at ‘G’ “.‘:.‘\Aq-' '|"‘, "V9. .»...- .‘ -. ——....._.--.... 3 -v v— T : ——v> — ‘- -4 79-»-'~IOo»:.«a:o¥--1'-Z Z"? I“t '43 " - L “L "Am;4; < ‘ l —ijuAfi - vs. .44 -4- -..~- —-~—-- a.v_.....,... _. o». o 1. if ‘I I t Q-IIAL n_no..I:" ,. l ‘ ' _ . - " = ‘"3 1‘... paelaid has - 3 » 1 ~ U""n"‘"m' u-use ‘areauza clalcl Q-acat::u":-'t:aaoii-use-zl 0113811 . ra-r.urauoovn« .,_¢,..........; ,,,,,,,,!.......i.ii.a..i.u.i....s-er--o-' - - . ‘ ‘ ' ‘ «cast-nrui "'“""""""""""‘ Sign-stun--.¢oaI-llhcfl-I-II A M-. . . V ”‘Vm&mm‘~‘-‘-4 , .‘."""'“" . ebId.PaalIa|el..Io&hoa:iaeaaaaa‘ 1 th TIUI731 CALI "5" "."' ”‘ cuter}; $5’ the none at "I!" 1 3? atA-ar|eaa’IeIdAd-&- y....,.a..-i...y..t.a-an-iaur....i.....¢et.....c..,...,,.1ua. nuuuaeuanauatut , trilaatuldeaaal. um‘m"“:.., i-tauaa-tutu-taut-to-oeuuItaoieiaauotlIay.isu.atuuiatu~ M87003-¥°333“"°‘ V. lieoutticienttoeaiiaellr-anoetose-‘,,°__.._‘,,_. _,,_,_, , iununpu-u..ua‘t’u‘:.unu~oua:uaoauv;hmsuu:..‘:eon.M-haunt“-‘l‘.mu‘n.1 r um-fine v .- _ was pupcty in and hatter on car O-I-I-I-in. 8--M I ' ‘kawib ’e.'u“"o'u.i' ‘wA8n‘uGToN‘ 8%.?‘:$fcCoo"I::IsdlooaeCoIataTruatdnidnotaanltheClrenlt&urt¢lhoureltsna’elneho.It.-dlltllhlie Jubldfflh. “_‘M'V'“h‘.4u.h‘p,.,,_,v|icharewaatlIIc uufiooverlaanxieoa theInaalan§°__"'. J'___'h_um‘,__'°_.”_.__'t__‘u_‘¢_1 . “"“":.'f..‘:‘..;“‘ "" ""°" "' "" ’°°"'..............‘° “'“"' ‘:.“..."°....i..""' “V - W" -*'.....-2.: .-.......*-.:.-'......~--:...-2:.-. yun &% Q ‘o'-i ‘”.;um‘-"‘..'i.W. "m_..tIItooI-llaoHrnld$!cI'lhIll'II|’ 1.1 gal ea-ope:-atlouou Thereareonly austrex-slorernuieutuvlllhetahenhythe.Wgsh-305"‘ ~ _’ - H , uu_'”n’d a‘ ‘mug to nialne to Van 8lndso- lngton govenuaant until even '” nfuv. v‘‘''‘°''°‘ "' C ts.-“ts;-ifi on ..u"'°.1..’ °'l'herehnaqaeatioaotreator- hug’: election. German! sian agent ot the American Belle13.3.5..1p..i Phlllb-.dacensod.aaJJ.[_c. «nu-autsoeotat thbngitzo:-I. ha ' an h7invalved«Inosthe oflfnonianothcr Adnililatrationtalaelyanieatedundvsca-as-.no¢eui..t.. Vb-v-n. all I-9 PI lo- ‘umt M "on" o - dud -on tho ahe snubs. intliepreacntaltuatlon.” ruby otthe Vet-aallha;..,,,-§.g,,.4¢g¢g5|.a..u;.§:hu-g¢_, I1u_~uar.raiii.pauAo-arau_- M‘ n ‘nut “Ulltyotallpanleswlthinthe Treaty or France , he guarair ¢( .,',;,,,,¢, in ,,,.,,,,,_;°,,_,,,u, max; ""I!a“‘|II;_t2 wwfl-._¢-I’-0"-d .0‘ ;"'“"'d mm n‘ “ tathedandlstheaolehqsed - toad-ocwity 15983508!‘ nrorkinthat relic! haaheenre-‘,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,'.,,,_,,..,_,,_.,_;,,,, ,.,.,.. .¢¢. t.,.i heldadnhl nan)’. Iaythehordgrantthat N t.heraneIerseeIIal1k¢l)'90|"3'l¢’,sleaaedfroni priaon a'ln'oug-hthaelrgz oi the Inuit! at DC‘: gin-—§:ub:a:mi;“au-uucdwi:“i:co.d:r‘: '“ 9"" '“"’d cod . h t '° "°“‘ ‘‘fl‘- .. we in N 76 unwind. -‘dug... co::::ati..ourL catered b are}-ants the tune? ‘'1 ant the non. '5 38" "W " 3""""' Ilr. Hoover deaounogl ¢h"'¢'i“rrosi C4-an-a' an .1 u..g,1...uu.4 came. the anemia-1. lilac; hclp.toenforcenyvriI." all!!!” g to‘ brought againatfliaaianaaa 1?: titioa::i:'tuuinaadto:¢.:..l‘.fcunt: T&u-:d¢'30‘-:'Ilf- am 2:: ‘ conference sinks ahado - -‘ Joanna ab" IIYLW T.‘AION ‘B ‘ugh an ‘alttaatfallathe fcunvy I». II-s-IueandStale’ntItI'tot.heh'Ir5O1 hflentaraah Ia‘ vain-n rm ibwtéaiu .6“ an '0“ 0‘ “undue: ‘inn Von II 00!‘ 5 £1“ -hm held lie-aurt. H K ‘ .:-ad. at thea:oiét:’fr:'otOIu' at the court. NEW YORK. A 30.-—_ - 08' 5|" - _ °""‘“" 3”" -f mu‘ racy“. . g Hindcnhurg by “R German PWF ‘flu. “id mu ‘heh.l:(”'..gc't....a (:'ts"‘l'.) "Q:u:1|gh:p m.glg¢:('ai.int1. IhuIII:L. J; ofGeruan)‘. 31"‘ Vrfdv . ~ .—.--- —o—--———-— 2 .~' "'“°"‘ ‘had ‘Ra ‘mm ‘Lima: and um um aura. also i I ll" _':’‘''fi’ '' ."" ','_"";‘_"',,.f' war. The n 0|! IBM”-,AlBRlCAN PIDGIIIIIAG ve aeve. in-I1 - .0" -‘W W’ W" -1 M I ~ ‘ " ""“ him: to Pfflifillfi! 03 ‘-50 “ME '10 HVSGLAKD HA8 BEXSUN helping raise and dlatr-ihu;h_ ,- 7338:: 1::te'rm'o “M tT‘.':hirt‘y-five-jlsuon at tutlo-y Io utbtrm“ “ fl.‘:-‘,3 0T¥h¢"’If‘°"d3 i3 “W” ‘°u’°, . ""h?'°"’f°'"'.«i:i'a-uuiniggiataeacvilak-asaim. in than 3 - _ x -- world that the men and women. I‘ 97'9"“! ” 5"" 3°’ lief of suflerinc IUD!!! 059 one I r-tour um aunt and ‘ " , ya; com;-n 1-gun con:-Amr, - _ - mm“: Rmmnuumndno {ore for lavaatoaol Sum gm: people. The Aniorioan agents;-‘ umwbmz-rwauaa -nu;-an to. ‘ .»__,,,,i u H fur world all]l'¢§C7- -6 Tathu '1.” w?“ ‘oh in! a Mont-cart auto to sail dead 5 that; "——-—°—""8' C. “Uh”. ‘N. :n‘u:or akin" ". . . ‘ h . The most disquieting (actor in l7&;;:""Do'"-‘NF-_1_he imuion 0,8"- this relidwer; gcuuhd Mtlyvoiie sm- ifiaerihtdz and f xacv1'nz_x's b M “M. m _,_,u ma ,5, M, ,, "ah: Ftfst Von Hindenhurfa retnm to power» d b I ..“m h” “mm The 81¢ !""'P°*—" _ - _ : man. ii» -and note ha , mm; Mateo in t t ten I-he J_ . tn the proof it afford: that the ," 7 - . ' “The work involved in this distn- Iltured and the in-.~r-2 honor of me -»u;'‘'' '7 °: n - ' Cor. Broadway and Wough St. women of are not for to-‘ h",“”“" °’°"d.°d "° "P‘°"' "2 button was so vast t American u;”'ij “f” L, "1 :"'”,,,°,'"7-i on a...''.'..,' - 3 _ 3 _ tore Von Hlndenhurfo 910- h°‘""““‘ "° ‘rm’? ‘t Bmhh 9"“ agents could not manage it without _‘ MM _ ’ "' ” ' ,; i-mam Court at - Colllmbil. 33303“ """' “‘"“‘ "°"' "" "°""" 3"!‘ 9“ tttllubelgtis i3nm:tcor:w::cof§°W~ “"""’°" n’‘’ ” "am W’ " ‘- '-‘ "*"""'*' *" W 0*’-".“.'.'.".?'l'..5.'a'.'.‘.T‘..5":'t'a?."ts"'.§."" " ~ : Ltrneii WESLEY siarm Minister they re tad the var load at, "'5 ‘ '3' ‘d {services of Rusaians. The reportaéruit co-in of Vi...v.. County. It-court, 5.5"". ‘O — ; ' _ Sunday‘; eloctions. uillltarlani would; London is prepared» C35“ "3 circulated throughout Rusaia that ' 0‘ .;:»;;u:n* -""-:'“:*"'m:;"' m_.:m ta. an o( aaid ution. or thu any . _ ' W kl‘-T . M The; W 10’ rxm hyvc mu wry m in -. ‘ON! Inf‘! 0! I) d V‘!!! Ilfl * rt‘; “ "o_ I : J0. - Irons of the {I Q '~"‘-'d°;’“df’° ‘:37! "‘ e:°"§“;uk_ie:; campaign of caploltll‘ UP°"viR°““ nlirertinr a ..i¢ ..r the alias? dc-crthd load-' ' “mu on ,,:,"¢ To the l’ubliC. - hnvr shown that tint)’ still mics‘ o wohei!-.3125 bag‘. I was no lbfllf‘: that gins: net :3; dzt: -“=1-d mm ,i..ei-ti-ma.t't'hc mu: “ co1umi,;._ yi.,_ “' ’ '°d- 0'“ my’ ~ - i.""’"”°' °°° "9 '~’m~- -»"~** 9-‘ “Mam suuut 1.. wisxgn Iiaeeutrta. «+ The rent Baptist Church tishu publicly to thank" him Worhhlp oonttnoes to he the Bars and catering establishments. ,5 fact do not belie" Cmmz m__mm. M We M‘ ‘u 0' ”m_ _ B A 00 "L __._- --- - ._ _ _ _ p _ A gcpal of iernian womanhood. 'are making unusual preparations.‘ «The attitude of the soviet offi- i ma, ., 0,, mu... M,“ u... ;.¢:,_ or. Att:-J" Q huh” “I _ :.::... 15 friends outside its own oietnbcrship who haxc so go .. .:_ so 3!‘: election thus demon-{The biggest catering organization ¢;.i,. in .1-rating and iinprisoning «am your: I» in dn-roe only more: in tin‘ ..__._...__.... . if " 3; I: subscribed to the Building Campaign. pirates that the World ‘War defeat in London. for exainplenhas estab- j 3 number of our Russian assistants ‘_*_“= "::““‘:;" 'p‘m'n"“"""m. “ml? 0" """*i:-““m’:;‘f:"::‘n_ .. j Amwugh no draw, (0, fund; u"; gggd.» gmung the M has brought no change of heart in; lubed a same and griddle cake; goon gftef rnencan relief mm“ M “d ‘M 0, Mn‘ “_“:""'°'i_mm W _z_m' 0' 3; :3 , M” men of the city. a number of bum.” firms ‘.°mm&,d._ Ccrrnany. "Der Tag"hasonly been‘ counter. And its branches haw. ggcnfy left Russia shows meat in- 2...». .r..m..a and {none and dccrvvd mi um, ',g,;,, .4. -in bake out 4- 1- 3 ‘0 aim to the flmpflgn {amt The dmkh wish“ to am‘. . pmtponml to aerve as the same oldrroeeivod orders to remain open I": gratitude. There no need for the mm "4 0' "W Settle-oat at in. adieu to ‘ma said - ‘- ‘g 3 _ ‘_ _ . . . W‘. ‘ { . ‘ l ‘ban amen!“ M k “fin”. ; I 1“ “led ‘V.’ in should ldsrrttur and an the above 6:» ,,u ., “cg .¢...kmu.y at the next . 3 public‘) its appreciation to the following firms and meatx. : "°"'”" ‘'3' mm ‘ ‘ w 4 pom" n f "'“"-" _ 9*‘ 'r d the Prohnu 2 flow» . men other than Baptist!» and those having ifirt-ct Baptist con: are Ti C59! '01’! ll‘ 19“ ‘ Meanwhile throughout the Long my personal documents In er V . mmum. 0! me dead at trust U. .;.....¢i, to he holder: at Ootunhta. In-. .~«- . _ _ _ ‘M .1 n ._ Germany is tvrloe as powerful as. 60,, an Amman grapefruit about :1: n the ....i that nut or th mama. .r'.._a... in-i _ “,4 c....;,, on the 10th day or In A. 0.‘; f .; Ylcyftlolls for their xoluntar) generous ppo . y?‘ In llllflpofifl‘. llfl m m‘dc it‘ ‘W cl-yyhcg-¢.,r MW ‘offlfllmfit T“. 8;“ re‘ «nu ma“ 1 13:5. ' D mcuson “‘hh"'br ‘q 9' : (sggngd) J. P0 F . m-n*°M'n*tvNh¢1rmM°'**°"* Street havltera aell them at from en, The Russians apparently dc-Mi, , n _____m, mt . . . . pg :_ ; Chm“ _. it. i 10 to go gnu oyed their accumulated inlorma-é incurred by said Boone comm-: e . - -.. — -~* .- 3 1: W. 8. GUITAR - ‘-n'‘'“ 9'‘ "°"“" °‘ ‘ ,'““°'' ‘'°''‘' Tequila, a liquor distilled from tum during the revolutions?!’ 8362- Trim Co-w--It -- W4" in 0* - 3 500 3; . Mug‘ 7_ 5, c A1305 10 MIN‘ 111%‘ M5011’! 093011.505 in ‘ fthe cactus plant hailing from Tia gle. We kept ours." f 1; 3mg_ A_ p_ OVRA1-1.; hiiids of VII’ mlkitl. 1h¢.!tl€tl’Ju’na, has appeared. A hundred 1 Jaw ""'-"'F, Wu‘ Vida"! tn... 4... .3 ...i4 5...; ..¢ ‘_ ._; “y. C_ KNIGHT cai..:ot lag hChifld« Peumum were sent from the Mextcatr ' . . ,i.rusue on “ " . - - '3'“ . ~ 3 B Wade. instructor in voca-:,,, $,- '43 See -- " Joflh .\. TAYLOR acrora the Rhino has voted thlslbardfl. M Ncwyoflt ‘mac, Rd wd: ‘ . . ' at th“ Center _ W - hi __ 4, JAHEC M WOOD _. wurgin‘ to ‘he kg’ A‘ ‘”.‘.'n 587% T93Ch9d E“‘hnd* “O,”-1 ‘tncuuurc ' ] b 1, ’:»‘u-. the halanre at the pro:-ct-do d odd! .1-. “ ’ ’ ‘ .. . . ~ “Mr W W W- M me ~ t Am-ni=-* :‘"'::;° *s‘::;.‘:t.'; ;:..:.':..€? ‘:4-*;.;:' ~. :4: .:.- “mm! C--iv--sh coma‘-no . . . - -. . - i 6 4- ‘ = ‘nun’ nuufion the “tug” "‘ 1‘°“d°“ h” ‘muwqud flu‘ -we‘ ‘ th: glissouri lute:-scholastic Meet ‘ The Grease Man '- " Parlter Furniture Co. . . .8500 lisisouri Storm . . . . . . .5100 ‘m 5' ""7 an " Fun” i’ cial feature to insure its American; . .- 1! «- ‘f . hunkr ’ to hold the . ~ fh ,:Thrcc students. Kenneth ; » ,;1_ t at -- ‘Z 5. (‘ Hunt . . . . . . . . .. 500 S. W. Hillel: - - - - - ~ - --N! wan‘ - t’ "“m“ ‘M fedmz 0 om ' d Be hnieder and Item ;‘- '9 ' - . - 1” mm“, an ",4 gm, coudmon .k M . (“fiber mu,‘ of Edwar rgsc . I _ . ‘“ M0, 4. -. S. I-. Conley . . . . . . .. 250 Peek Drag Co, ‘K M” ‘ ” i, Q are reprcnenttntt -. .a 4- « . cannot goon forever. the ‘hd,h.,,d “Mon 3. pup; "fit -““"“°“ 3 W dc.’ I2. ‘:_ .. Ernest Rowland . . . . . . .. 250 It. ll. Hi‘ . . . . . . . . . . .. I00 ., Von llindenbin-ghas offensive to Ki" its Mum” cousins um thus school. year sock‘; Z W. J. hm" ' ‘ ‘ ’ - . . ‘ N no . . T _ . _ _ - I _ . N so ‘i. war machinery for the niornent. *_’“3’5_ P1“°°d u“ "‘ g :5 N 33 - N. D. Evans . . . . . . . . . . .. too h'oivrll'i- .13:-ocrry . . . . .. so I. but his We *8 his f°|'m¢- C°"“"- ‘mm ——-—-~~ . J . ""“' ‘"°"”'“7 Kama‘ gR°b:3:3 'v- ‘ 2 Victor Barth ctouiiag Co. in A. Y Slate ........ .. . so uing to glare at fiance from the; St. l'at's Board Meets TORI!-ht.’ trill take part in’ the . trot d“ Phone j; i. _ prealdental chair in Berlin. the St. Pat’: Board will intact at 1310 .SaturdI)'. Mr. W3“ '_5 ‘ 3"‘ "3 ; I:-Mn.-.” A _A_.___ _ _ LA ___,_ Germans hopehls phyIiogllJnirvil!§o'clock tonisit I ‘ - v “ *" " ' ' ' ' ' ‘ "" ' '.,f the C093‘: of Agriculture. ! , A .__-14 _..¢-._._ .—..—— —-O-"" 'i“7" __ — ,, ,___ __ —....—j-—a.. 3:-.. -.- ~-'- -‘-' --- 4...}..- ;_ ouuuuouuuouuuu §i”r“§5§?’-’:i‘r" .4 Mobile L *f:u£&i‘AM}4§l‘i}%.§Uiii3'i300 0UOOUUGVVQQQQGUQUUUUOUQQ009009009 — J }¢touoououoooouuuonu; .+— _. V- . , ,- .7! I . sshunt-’o— 430?‘- ‘mn A The Cow College Fun Frolic Minstrels ‘ "Stupendous Side Shows Crazy House Novelty Spud Race N Lots of Iood, drink and thrills‘ - await you on -the PIKE. = Early! : 4 SEE EVERYBODY AT FARMERS’ FAIR N cs4 Big Parade at 10:30 Tomorrow Will Start the Day ; ’ l —i. F fivoldftis V Follies jflw’ r 7’ l , SlowFlivver “ . / it “ ‘ 3’ . . r _ ’ ‘= 5 //////2'-'I‘~"" i. /» , c ; ~ A ] '- Contest . Noah’s Ark cooing i Co-ed Show Entrance to , i f the PIKE is zit ‘ College and Hudson p..m. to Midnight 7, _' _ * _ . ‘3."’.‘ 343??