wk-..... 1 V A at. ‘VI »~ ‘ e -I ' . . « .. V. e . .~~;. .c ’ V. 5- I «A.» . ..- e, < - *2 . . V _ ' ~'. .1 2‘ ._=.‘-v‘i'%."~T.I,. ;- .. ‘f'Yl_'v_'~_,-".‘9L*:'-_.{ J:___ _.‘\»a:_. '._' 1’; 5:. ._ _ .e‘_,a. . ' . '3." : « 1 - ’I. - -. - . ‘ . - ..".'!¢'.‘.?" '1! 24.25:" 7* .I 7" ~‘ " E55" 7 ffi‘ . '§£ . e . . ‘V: 4 9*; _. . ‘V .7 A 1 ‘~_ f__ _ . ' V . . . , V ' ' V J‘ .'_, l'.&_.. = ‘ _‘ '-o'.”9--I-Hr '_‘«o"g|¢-D'»i"«9~f..-.o';JQ -¢-mag..- .- _ ‘ _ " ‘-b. I _ , I *. , ~‘ » » I » -I-r‘-'~«*-=~xi:-~?&9~§e1-¥5*'1x-snub-lm-.-»s*r-aa§r:4~=r--’r¥: - -- men I ‘ ‘ I f ‘I '_ I ‘I -‘ 1 A ._-._is_ - ' ; . . - __,;, [A _. _ .I 1 e ‘ " I " I-‘I ' ‘ - I ‘" 9 I "I I - ‘ ’ -‘"5 " ’ ' ‘ ‘~ A e--«- . .~. .. . .. . I « ll€.‘l!lI‘Ilol.lhcIvm I-mot-rear-nu.n.t-noon: xnncnons A88 rololtnoiv I ° 'A31l|lrl$;ll«IlUu,hO'4tfi$,“ , Dtlarrot I ......<.._. L-._._¢,,,,,~ e M . V _ I‘: ._‘“__ . ' _ ‘ . _ _ at Sggoé unflIht‘~in§ 2 _ = ‘ " " 0|! lac-nthu-t la IIiatIIid_deInA&ul. Ibuhdty an wm Wonea to ‘Oman _ _ l I > O ttan egeanditarlutn;hyIhepI- r .. -- l Punthewerll Cant,‘ . &oIHhe:§JueniWn;ea." Iorcontngtpu. V : .%*sw ’ Mfrs. Hose and Dean ml: of Hrs. Alan Ftonan at the : “rte Pan-not cue. _u»Inter- The community not new... g., ...g..-. d... .m. ,- -‘ Ir, . L. - - , vutcedqartzneutpceonve Y ’._ natlanlJnlt.icc"vaa.theIn&ctofwillgi1ea§nd|l enteuainnentgegrgroxaueominggehoglyuruin . H ea. . I wenby Entertatn of the vtol.in.departnent.’and‘ Sq. I I talk given by nu. tr. ll. '!‘ren- in the Aahbnd community Hall: teheta ext o'clock tomorrow .n.,. :y;_c_c,n.fi..;g;,.|gfuugu,* 1|;-;,L_w_sg_c;.;,. you ‘,5 ryH.l.o_ud;enhaekdtheapiano.de-_ l|°l'”_“lh¢0|fl5ll3lG°n¢0€°3-.'3ItII!iI!I 61$. —Al'flit!lI\¢II!-Ilnoon. Freshman womenwill mu.-t eatcrutnwttuatnneuon ’and;DeanRoeeL.l4isenhyofChriatian.“‘""‘5"3‘l1‘°P'“FT""mb°’ I '°°“'°" S‘‘‘"‘‘‘’' “"5" "“"'ll*¢"l=°¢n'*9'lH°'°°°'°*l*“'m*In Room228of-lme Ball.» In on 'l‘lW='5IlIIr- lcolleee entertained today with a "°"““‘,_,“"“'"q,,_'_'_Y"","',-,-_-_-.-;_-- °"" : “* ‘WIN, 0‘ the -lumor lac-mi! oi the ‘tcovered Watson.” to ,more women In Room 314. and The iollonring Bplnnthia wo:nen¥tuneheonin'honorofIra.A1-lie Ha-innu-at ........... ' “women ‘°u"' . . . "h°""“‘u"d°"°"l‘°li!'0:ram.i5uni~'>r ‘mm!!! in Room 230 ‘wit go to llcxleoto be among the; sen Carter of Hollywood, CaL 9 ‘(due to the Baron. urn ...... .. nut-r um T"°h°l‘“‘ “‘““¢‘“‘h'd P9‘-' “I0 C0|'D|l“|!|l3Y 3|" MI 59911. hlembtra of the council of the ' rguub: In. H, 11. white, ' yr“ 11,, man ‘we. Pm‘. w_; H_;cn Beth nan. auumpnm ’ tween the old court of arbitration‘ or a. rebuilt church. It is- Women’; sen Government Associl-V ~ F. nests. In. J. R. '.l‘ltonas.‘ Ponuner. Dun'J. '1'. Qnu-lea, Pro! 5 ""'tt'.'.;.‘:;.'."ct.r:"’i"=.'..'.L":'-i.'.n't'.“”°"" °?"""""' " 1"‘ 3”?" W’ W «unwed ‘nth I -we and four sets tiun will have charge of the elec- ‘ 3~ 3- Th°flll»¢||I. Ills: E! e Eegbgft V531}, up; ; (3 Jane‘; Ah 1:-dun lltttnoel ............ .. 1 ""' °°‘"'l- °2_“““°l'll5' €336‘-l_ “T:l1¢,Io{ scenery. It is one of the best tionx. Grahlm, ,Mra.,Fnnnbe G. Hernphill, ‘mi nag; uni”. saw.“ " ° Pruh 0.3,, c..g,.p., -World Court. Th: llllile 3!. 850: community houses in Missouri, ac- . ----1*‘ ‘ , - an gum V. w.“‘.”d. H r __ ° Snuah la 1-: under ............ .. Srarlattl . the seat of the Permanent Luurtl cordinz to G. R. Skinner. count)’ TIT.‘ 90? 5" I'll 7“ “““""“ I : _s_ mu ‘L I . . - -~ _ . pane In 0 an -user ..... .. Chspla she said. which is independeht or; ,,,,_ gt,-..,.g7.' p,..u-,- Shop, A v. ‘:8 H1: "3. Park-I. Ira.‘ Eugene F¢e[d P_-T_ A_ 1 umu smeue. Pnnlate at ha“, of Nukgm, month .3); ‘‘ ___._ ,,____ . ____,_+.__.-- I 5IPote“'et. Inn "rune" '"3‘n§'3&'.‘.i'" Readina Circle Meets lg? 33-aw """"""""""" "keil'.?::.' i *"°“‘ 53' W‘ ml"? ll’ °°‘°l’°'“'l S‘""“‘" E““""' 7°‘ “°m"" D°W°'” F'"“’'‘ T“ “mm- - ’ u - I - - """"""""" " * ' ' ' dc. Ad\'.‘Streng'a Pastry Shop. Adv. ‘ah’ E1“"‘b°‘h 3‘3‘¢3- The reading circle of the l’-‘ugene lCar.aon:tr;:u" nu“ ""°'°"'i°..t...t. mm mm —-v-——-oh "ft the but nmflim nu " ' 9-. . Field pg;-_ A be“, ,, macaw, um! ce...-veg.-{e":s';'..'.§n.'.[;'.'g'..'.',"y3t‘..’;g.;... y_ w, C. A, (“V35 5-g0(;“RA;1 . - ~--—I-I ~I--~---I — ~—--- II n,. Entertain‘ nfternocn at the home if ‘(rs F T 3"“ 8'""" """"‘ “"‘”"' -~--~- 3 I ~‘ ‘ A “'“I*‘:M '1’ lie: Egwa C. Le b . k .. .’ ‘ ‘ - -Ir». wand ;. Pullof mg Clouxbobeizhtet ; &ttertalnaIWith Music and annle : " * .. > ~. , . C . 101 331139 Lilli‘. V l nhcc new ' e n. . ‘ ; ‘. -1.‘, u ,3“, -nu. suhjcte for dhcussion W‘, J N¢\“:T¢'t!f. W’ .,‘ con“, 1”“,-Pt" E ‘ . 1 ‘ IQII I3o'~x:—-Muse _ VI. . Berkebilt and Mrs. A. who CHM His Nam“, and His . Dorothy Wyatt. Phuitc I i The 3. V. C. A. gave an informal é , V ';”‘.h4 ‘;m°,W_,,_.g Hardy _ of A, nah,‘ um ‘ct a human to ' ”. . _ . : .9; meat . . . . . . . . .......... .. lijcrultz program Sunday arternoon at the i 8 25 . f f p ‘ .v&taD5u‘_':—(.‘ltJ: Pref. Herbert Wall. "*3 ll-uzuet Bun: Circle of "r‘:_':‘i"‘,‘;,d :f"t“,;c";,,’;'t§i‘”"..'}',',";_,“"‘°l:‘r‘;~5‘“' ';‘)f_*9,_°_c*';;*,"':,'_n-Q--~,“_i_»_;_-‘_5-r~_-_; "oh-.I count)’ iurirmary. ms was utu: at .2‘ . 1 to 7 y 9315 0 age or 3 . I " -.3liV~u~<=t 21-=14-=06-.=-nd Pr»!-."”¢" ”'°¢l'*=fl llrursd-9' afte“- ” “' ‘Ballade. I . 2: ........ ‘’ in ’ mm rim there. % PERMAIVENT POSITIONS IN ~ teen members were sent. - ” ‘~‘°Pl" - - M _ .!c,'1~_ 53.‘,-, ‘I I :13? at the home of Mrs. Millard. . ______j_’:‘ ; Jotnhinc Henry. meme 5 ever)‘ Sunday under _ the auspices . I ;5:,tpfim'nGnhTa‘:‘;;.:°Lo‘i:dJ.::§; ‘A fling Annigf 3§,;,-oughs will give e§3ic Circle ' '1 Church Delezatn Goto Joplin. “anti: gin-;'n.t\‘lie!eu\1\l’€a‘::‘tl>st.t l .‘ ‘ '. ll :3. Fred Brand. Hrs. 3 lulu 0!! "womien of the Bible." W1” Meet Fnday » Mrs. (2. H. Robinson. 1403 Anth- ‘ filfllllll 80‘ fill!!!‘ 0113-131!!!‘ 80028 I D W "ff Kin . Hrs.L.B.Stevinaon, 353 Roberta I_loweil will lead the M”. A_ F‘ Na“: win entemin ony Street. wenttoeloplin yesterday. ‘"-‘''° ‘“W- Fl” 30“"“'_ "3"l°" ' I j _ -I It-(fiat). liorlnt, «Ira. F. D. -81- "°"°*5°“‘3 w""°l~’~- the Jessie Thomas Circle of the l0 “mid 9'9 “-190 ¢0'“‘¢ml°n Ofi ''1‘’'“' "‘‘’'’’’°“'‘' “d m” ""”'3" -' CONDITIONS I - . . . - . . x - . - . . - ‘d’ ‘n’ w‘ B‘ ‘* "'3 . . f Ch» First Baptist Church at her home-,? ll"-’ Ch"“‘l“"‘ Chunk ‘ “'9 39“? 1'“: Pu“ rad ' B'b1° "wt" Al: . -“Z 8- Cmvs. Mines Gladys Brand. up “dm’m ed. _ ;“Cm;’d ,1" 5“ Con,“ A,.,_.,m' Friday ,m.,_ w. M. Knuahalter of the Chriatianl_ _, _ Apply M135 Potter, 2d floor fiance“ Beaming’ starin. ' If-J‘-.0 L‘ e’ noon at 3 ddock Church, D. of‘ o ‘ “““ “"° “"‘ ' ‘ l. - 4 ~ - - I - "4 M“- “II “ilk-ms Ward of ' l I - - I - "M 2 Telephone Bldg. 14 S. 9th St. ‘~"‘* "“"' "- ”"'"’°' "“"’°”° *” the Knnsa A ti‘ ' Cl I) Mr: 1) r Luclr will lead the‘ “""““" C""“‘°' D‘’‘“ G‘ D‘ 5‘ cu Vi - v ’ ‘ I ’ tan. Httcicl 3l:Grcgor and Willie , ‘ “ -°“ " - We .- - - . 3 . , wards of the Bible College the. , ,0. Km“, 3 ,_ ,9, aa- : 0 ‘: 2 . G“; lu_neh.cn guests at the Alpha Dela. devotional at-n'nce,“Mrs. \\. R. Shae-1 Re“ L H. om, "C “twain um, of the St. Louis News Serv- . “ _ 1 be T 1 h 1. _, Tn’ Mphu_-Mine‘ ‘hm Pi house )‘esterdg_‘-, for. mu speak on. Aspectsnnd lle- ' convenfion. Kg ‘-5., "wk, uh .fl,noon h ‘ : .3 :: ‘ e . . P j 3”‘ _, . . . D. ,. , V lzmons of_ Race. ‘Rte d{scIg'ssI<_>n __._,___, 1., n, wen Anditofigl .. «M- .. .. U ___ _U____Q__“. :. Ia‘! l°1“’° Lpp“"" Ed” "m" “""““‘ "" eh" 5°13 Tl” on “'I'lxo.- bense of Immortality will . - ,-¢.fl;.' . at or » ~- ~I~-~-~-I~- ‘ ‘7 - .- mi’; of kansas_Lity, Mildred and Alpha house Sunday W218: Miss he led by Mi“ gnum. Ifimmom P"; 5- (*‘’f''“' I‘ 3”‘ m‘ "_. : Next to postofficc Z" ""’”’"""' -_ Hatchtr. Edna Horace, Mia; I-‘cling 1-jpp- _ ,, A T The Cll_\' council of the Parent-, r__ , _ _—_:z--: .‘;-_—__e—..__. _ .. ‘* ‘ ‘ . V. * O _ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ _ ‘ ‘hm’. *_V-V_ ‘ ‘T. _H_*_ -__mu ;g I . ~— -- : -; . stein. and hliss Jane Glcaso of H’omcIn Voters to 939597 5-‘5°¢lIl»5°l| Will me“ 81 j j; A3'333’33‘33777:'°1**“ ' ””‘°‘“‘”"“""‘“"“ ‘ . .EI€L’("ll RC337't'0ll01l3 Kansas Cit)‘. Miss Helen- Hatxdher “I I Tomorr u :2:30C¢;'clock Thursday afternoon in 323- Nggtllfuttghluih ‘Intros-d. , ; . _ _ I l‘ . and )fi'I_ 5 . 1 R my, . . cc 0 ' ‘the mraercial Club rooms for the 18- Ire! . «'0?! cult. Wife : '° _ r l at Bridge-Luncheon "‘ "_'.°, ‘ -" The Law. 0, “-o,,,t.,-, \~.,.,,,.s lost semen of -the sdtool yeah, of Superintendent Noxthcutt. was 4 I- I New Iwzdslunml/77.’ Alzuuwry Ilentben of the Country Club en~ rule I-'l‘E¢l8¢S_0f the Alllllfl Delta “.311 how 3,5 ',.l.‘u1,,- "19-‘ating mg Plans for next year will be taken up 8519 10 ll! 0015003‘! $048)‘ for the ff ‘g . «Q guugnd 01.,“ .,_ the Dunes. Day l_x sorority will entertain the ac- momm. noon in Mc_,wi§m,~s Can“ t at this meeting I first time since her recent illness. 9 . j: usage luncheon today. live ‘He-reréwben nag; dance ‘at the , - i 1: ‘I 1: - M. B. A. M75. c ‘P ousei ' °‘e’n‘ry Lane: D“, P’ _ 1' ‘ l , f (Vhristian _ _.'_._._‘ ______; A I 9 9 4 e ‘: cine Shepherd, Mrs. Clyde Stewart. . I ~-~---— . . ""‘ _:*"“‘ f?“‘” " ' , , e - T t 3:; ; ’v‘''~.....‘‘°°"=° “em -w are D» er;:'°:...:’:~..‘:;‘::?;,,*’.',‘::'°:;::..:f §t:.’.‘£°:‘:2'::? ;; : ell OW ; : ,c.- ” ‘ * ml . - sits. via: a [meat at the home of discussion on the studs‘ sublet-1.," H G § ‘3 5 ., I‘ 1: — nu“ if R‘ thud?“ had ‘5 he, Mr. and Mrs. R, 1,, fliu Suadg)°_ "(‘ommunit_\' Government." ‘ ‘The La“' of the ‘3 '0.) ~ ~3ln.=ta Ilia. Percy Hogan, lira. . . __._____ _____,_____ . . 3. « ” g . l 3. , ' H. Klein of Chicago. and Mrs. Hub "The Kate Thompson Circle of MORE 'I'HA.\: 60 (;RAl~'l‘ ' . ;r '3 \‘‘x :: all Newman. ,5...“ n....;.t... me: .; 10 o'clock Fm: “Alt 0.\ mm mm: . Thousands of beddmg plants are now ; - Is \. me. nzv (2. Manly entertained -was ....,,,,;.., 5; the home of M”, _ W —w~—-- _ . . _ . _I~3w;r.v seat and all stan¢l- ‘; _ -,,l 3 3; lbs. Dud1-;.- Robnett, Mrs. Joe cu, L 303...‘; Mm Tom 55,,‘ ,,,.as l‘led._ lurh _lnclII¢lt‘t Rtwnnt. - . , . ; mg» room sold last night. 3 - -- u Edtta. Mu. Kenneth Sears and Mrs. judo,-. Luttcra. Gwen Otdtts to ; . leady. 9 handle OVCT 200 Sp€Cl€S Of . COME EARLY! . . jg LIWIBIIOE D0 - --.-—**‘Z—' "‘ 00 § ‘. . ‘ I .. - um Wm gfgmim had. as her lfliiii. ll3.(‘|i'nli;,‘.:;.(y)-l,:..._\. " “RV Salxrmcd plants etc at our establishment Adults 35¢ Children 10¢ ‘ I ‘ ‘nests “:5 Pu"! B°‘uch‘mp' Mrs‘: ' . 0 0 u . manned and ‘rd!-Ii" ‘d .3: ‘for \I.-nr. ; , .’ . 4 ‘ ‘ "UH" M‘ ' . ' ‘I l I I I Cl‘“d'~‘ A1¢§‘“d°’> um Bumh P“' mm Week‘ ‘ more than eixtv 3-3:: are in rcadi: I -— 2 - —4 1 I 1: V Inenlliss Harriet Palmer. Mrs. Ella -3-he Commggffifih gin catch M” at ,'m.“m'a__.t but: be“. for ‘R; 0 ‘ "* AM" ‘I. ........l. M ‘ - " I» I ""£$.‘¥~f ’é"c.’§:e‘...l.."° "“:‘.2§“...... :;;:,;;';,,“;.*;,‘f,:§d;‘;?*;~:“:;:*;,:,::,*; ',‘::;;',.,;;‘ °“""'*'"“*'"" =*=W I C0llllIlbl3 Floral I "" " 1.: ; ‘. . . . ' c “ . , 9 ‘ ' ' I o " ',f.“';°':';“*h‘:"°;‘:;‘“’::‘;::‘du”’§' Boone Tavern. With orders t) “shoot to kill," ‘_j mm 366 , i «P21 o ' -_ < i ‘ .. ‘I ' ' vfizbirf. G?nt1'yClark. Mrs? Earl J. “' truest of his :3i:e::°3‘mi2;':;di';§ne£'°w;°"°"‘(fill ne 13 Greamouses ‘I F t Tm “me white I‘ “ Bfixm “'1 uni‘ A’ H‘ Shep’ ?"I:“‘' Mr’ ‘ma Mraf J’ M‘ “.”d' jave, were txpetited to ‘leave ll1('§‘:? _-1 ‘ **‘ ‘* ft-tits and kids. now ‘ [ hid. ' _ m _waon. ‘ -.tb_ d . ,_ b h 3 ‘ ; =31: . . 45 Gene 1-, Swim his ‘-8 be M, McL,;;;,;;,-g; gedw, w_ ‘H31. 3.l°s$§’ 33.3st§3:"c'r.Z§ ‘o:°:'l'£'e'* *1 g l : ; LIGHTEN THE DIET so vovulan can be : ml! Hrs. “'. be Stone. Man. '1.‘ .cmpet’ Jr.’ 0! x‘ns‘8 City. and coggt, . . i‘; ‘ . ,. _ . ‘ f“und here in I Punk L u‘mn‘."‘ “'3' C’ 7"? Houston M‘ St. Louis are_ ’_r' - . 21;. . __ __ lil - Allow us to name Just I :' - l _ , ; ‘rs B Bowl”. mm A I_.nd_«xuestts ntthe Delta Theta yo:-‘IV: Inf; muzzxtxdwhrltfinmesfflzlz : a few that will he”) _ 2 mgny chic d1ffcrent , _v.A . . ._ . ____,____ V _ » 0 re: an use tssourtaxv ;. .1‘ § . . ; ‘ : _ , ’ cllilllt N5» T593” “"53”? "“l' Zeta Tau Alpha will entertain ‘mm ads - 3 you ,‘an. ‘the menu _,’ styles. , l 378- 5- 13- Em“ 330 Md‘ ‘"3"’ with a spring dance at the chapter ° "’ ‘ 2- Cans 1“ er.’ sweet’ - ” l‘ " trlfions. Thou”, yradgy, my 15, --- . _, _ at I » _* 322 . 3 breads. brains. bed _5 .- -.-~-_~-;——— . . ‘ -.. _ - ---A-— .9 _ -1; j ; heart, Brookfleld pork s‘ 3 °i.’°‘.‘.‘a ‘i r°”iii‘§“'iner»°”"”f§:i-'53 ....‘i“"'t.”‘."..‘°“t "f“‘;’..': ‘i‘:.f§‘1i' THE ‘SAILOR TIE ' 3 “‘“”‘°' °’‘’‘’“ .3" " 3 I + wee-2 0 —- tan ’2 gueso _. .- *‘j .2; C ,‘ . _ ‘ - _ , Meet I'C2’C2 M35 Ann: F‘&f'l)Qs)!Gi1~ “V. B. uid’,e“c' 1014 Universny ‘ . -1 : . crepflb, : °.f:‘l‘.§’.';’.'i‘.f......‘.'.‘.a tbllzsge, ‘“'°”"°‘ i.._._.. i 2,23 deli\‘0!'9d- Eslabliflll and Straw combinations. And doift forget the ‘ ‘nag, ‘of Miss Isabella Smllry; Members of the Alpha Gamma an account with I18 I: if 4 Jan Ileredith Groom not 332°: Dcl"nf'°*°*':‘3(;n*“‘ S°:t‘°r":‘;“ n‘;';;’: 3:‘? -T f 1 833 ' i? popular black transparent hat. amine?! and , uvod,ute guest eof is: t :1. an i orma nee u a 3;‘; - 3 " -: ' Dlereneee: Maze Elizabeth wright. at the chapter hpnst , _ l : quite the vogue. I a« . mgngt 033.1135 Enuaa {I;:u.Afl'- Strung.‘ Emush Tu Muffin‘ 9 - 240 ,;.-A 1, « ; :15 3088!. 8963. — . _.‘ .’ I; '. at ’ 7 or me’. siottseincm; mu Sarah an the best muffins md=- Ad‘ 3:; e _ For Better Meats % ; 3; [ _ > -. . » . ¥ . . ; H . 3 9 6 ' 1 '::;= °.:,.:*,,:"=.='=;-...**';..*.'*t...*;*:;‘..:‘ I— «I «—~—- I » : mack ram: ; I .- - . ; I I I 7 Kiss \'it"an Jackson of Stkeaton _ ' Tan Ca" ‘_ .. O , 3 S I I -the guest of Miss Sara hlalonc: thr Bride's Hats . * e .7: * Ilene: Patricia and Margaret . I _- . . . 1:’: 4 _ " ' emu. guest.-. of Miss Marion, , Bridal Party Hats ‘ '”"‘°°"°"‘ "“"“’ “ ""' 9"“ -I ; ‘. ‘ MAQKET :- ; Take Elevator to Second floor E Bald: Kits Frances ‘firmer. _ll|f _ Gard H ts 4 7°" '3'“ '0 Pl}. ‘If . P ' . ,2‘ e A__A_ p ,; ' than of me: Hilda-ed Stobblefhilgz ell 8 ‘ 3;‘; A A ‘MM, __,.::....,.......e.... — e«--- 3% T - Q. ’ Hi_lr;vda‘B;';.-It. gfidtrzgitsfubhb‘ Made to Order at f “A Step From Broadway . . . . j**i'A' J. _ ‘ A_W j _ V W _ ,. 3:5 I f I I - ‘-- - “"' sh" ' - - ~‘ Saves Dollars” “"‘ ‘ b ' ’ l -1 ' the -Nines ‘»°'*"° ¥‘°“"“'"° :10 to $50 : ' ' lSll'l llt Ill 0 um 13 7- T Hutchigton. sfillllf .5‘; Iii I . By ~'.. . . . . ’ and Edna ay ten M P« . . ’ . 15" 3 4 ' Z, .4’ ,2 g - § . lite:-1:. tlteeta of“ gelen_Els:n: Kinloch Hat Shop - Re"! B09‘: Sh0P 3:3; PI LY LY ‘ ‘ .IitIPaltit.lIlal€3'. 3553114 .. Elena 1\'o11hTenth' 2"; ‘ ’ ' -gheat of His.-. Lucille Paar-aall;Iia.-s Ekvw N931“ .T¢llll|_ » .4“; A, 3 5 N J ogter of mar-ahail. thexties’. ____. ---...:- .---- ‘A A v fig; Elizabeth-I-Iaynie. ~~~ __..., _, , ,, w_ _ _A_ _,__ V_,__‘__,_____ ”_,7 ,.,,- _____ %‘..:_—_:: ‘? ‘L l- go. and llrs. cm: -Starla of St. . » _ * '"".*"*}*l‘%*=_ _ , I arrived todaytohethe-gue } « ‘ - . j ~ e I. . . rs. Sta:-It’: pa-mus. lit.’ ‘and 4 ; . ' Prank Harrie. $11993’ Will‘:-. . . oclcadny-B} ett - 4 I I r ‘ ‘I .. I ht.-not th‘e...l”hi-iyxappa. Pail. ‘' ‘ 5 . .l H .'r : I ..,. ........3.u_,i.-.__.g -$ee-°°; barge; t A . _ ~ 5 ._. ‘l ’ ‘ ‘ a I ..' 1' . ’I ': ’ -I i ‘ F: I ’. 3 1. ' ;_- i .venirom8tnttil8o'cl0¢k.90l° ' 0 I 3 " . ‘gin; :5‘ ~' 5 1 n It- the chaphr 1 . . ' ' - , _ ~ ‘I I . in mm «It» -M I f n 6111 8 ' C I Clfl » , - ‘ of II:-a."I)ra M Green. 4 I - lwmlfin.-‘DC frat‘. GEMS‘ ‘ F W sd . ‘ em, no meat: at 8« Or. e ne _ «ay 9 NA: 1]. .. (1)113--1 ‘ _ . _ .. ' V .. I I 1'. ., ' ~ ' . ‘ , i . 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