'._..:f¢,_-_i,,,>,Aa,, .,.9 5,. ....'.~. . -¢." , --runo-V 2 E. 19. I 1 , .‘ 1%.” . '} I [r ‘I 5 ', it. ~ L i ‘ll . .1 . '- . 1 I .. ~_ 2. 1 I ,. ;. g I’ r .~ .‘~_.\> 315- 3'.‘ ; :}-_ 4. ‘ -up a , » I hufdvwuuni. .0-'....n— . . .. - . - ' i . . . ._ _ . an ;._.._ _o¢4nAe-um -_ _ women‘: clubs and alumni aa.ioci.-i- .. tiona. « Kansas City; Miss Laura Scliinitz at Chilliwthe; liurh F. Grinstead of’ Columbia; llrs. Frances Jacobi- 0'lleara of llartinaburg; and Mrs. Ruby Frendenberger ol’St. Louis. Those whose signatures appear on the articles of incorporation are: Jain-:5 W. Earp of Kansas City: Mr: llyrtle Janleson Trachaell of St. lioiepii; iiiu Laura sciimirz of . Cliillicothe; _Iisa llaebelle McCal- aiet at‘ Kansas City; . re.-ken ridge Ellis of Plattahurg: Hugh F. Grinatead of Columbia; Dean “’8l- t-er Williams; P. Casper Harvey of .I.il.t~rty;—Mra. Velma Wcfi Sykes of Kansas City; Calvin Johnson of lfunsais City; and Mrs. Ruby heu- -ltfiiberge: of St. Louis. ....__.—..._.._._— FINANCIAL CAIPAIGN IS _ 8‘l'All'l’BD FOR Y. W. C. A. Local Branch Will Apply for Paid Secretary for Next Year. A ‘financial campaign was atartrd an early appllation to the national association for its help..ln obtain- ... ing a paid secretary for the Co- lumbia aasociataon next Brie!’ talks were made at‘ the meeting Tneathy by'Ilrs. J. a paid secretary for the local asso- elation. The camvlitrll here will be under thedinectiono(theY. . . A NBWSBOYB ‘r0 HAVE louiss suuiaysci.-Si’ tan. ll. Planned hy si-nun‘ aellxlona Goaacil. CUT DOWN ___._ A-....... .....;-- wwv -4444 _ IN pm: NEW sous- . HADEN E Mris. Orton. phone H53 3: ‘ . 44--.. .‘ r—'.... ‘Our AERO«GAS and our quality LEO-O0 oils do decraise carbon and ' LEONARD OIL COMPANY ' 6th and Broadway. ORTON-RICE BUSINESS SCHOOL O Rooms 18. 19, 21. and 22 Olflce phone 821 THE CARBON engine overhauling. BUILDING lira. Rice. phone 1354 vv-v--v -u-q no.5. i"B&:-édin F0"9.$ 3 295 ‘54£€ ‘56!§ =9 ,... Round Trip From up-an oa arcIIi¢Tecrof!htW .... union PnaciePanlaal.Ifir flue: ogeu O :'-iw-an-cl-7. ;: Cflbfllill UNION PACIFIC Columbid ii".‘.':"'i;i..' °°‘°"“”"*"" West Yeflovuoar(ralo.. iuuay.-..mui$'i:".iT."p".'}u.°' tionaathoda Cedar ' '35.. (Id Nllcbiatu ‘Four-day DOW’ Plficllar who I —. . ‘ . ,_ L ' , Ow?-V _ lJ.**»%.‘!,-'.s£‘.'rr ....-..~. ; 1’ WITH PEAK LA PELS ROYAL PARK IS syomv [NJ DOUBLE mas spasm m nus WEEK'S 3.4 TURDJY EVENING POST mr£.arur£Ls . . ; ; . . . ‘45 NE’ K0711. PIX‘ STTLE DE7EI.0I’3lENT3' PEIK AND N SUISTJNTIIL VALUES TJILORED AT IJSHION JBLUB oxickxrsvzr ; . ‘50 IN GOOD T167’ E. NE!’ BLUES AND . ‘GRIT!’ IN ROYJL Pill’ MODELS. 'OFCHOlC_£R I-‘JBRICS . ~. . . . ‘S5 roouwr mm rm: Norzroxmr ii 114' BOTH uitrr OFHIE . 3 '’‘V%- .‘:~.-..' '. " _..-—.-—.—j—-—. _{.i .’ Tllwliblf scour ; nzr €t!6'fl)l!,S£Rl'l E . ,e_. : , p -"O;-._'e-;€.£'.‘5IE=:'.4-is . - "‘ Y: Mara a-.———u~._q...-p .- . 1.-— (.1 .'1.> .‘.i.‘.£.\“,:'. . .. ‘.- . - _. -. _ 2: - , - ‘ .' _ _K‘‘. ,' . IV ‘ \ -"‘ . 1 ~ CV, ' . n ' . I 0 . . . - - 4 ”£.¢ \- “K E To OTUI LJPIEI. COJTS. PINK. ILL! ROUII. PJRK C SHOP! ’. .2. -_ H‘. . * -' . .f _ eoainiontty’ to feature. ‘A Juhgmgg ' ' L "'3' 1 ‘ _ , _ , ‘L “ __ E . mi.‘ : « ewjgflfihfofiluogggfia ‘Hal d‘lhefiii$;b}5£oft1n ;“§P -_~“ _ » ,. . ‘ , - canon onae. eoaitnonevuyo eencr coin in gig;--hifi I 3 2 ‘ . _ 5‘ - ‘ ' ll O dayhoneaty In dealing with’ loeahiin «the I89-|N~'.t'in_r. ‘tn 8.. bu: ‘practicjag for a program tel W9 3'“ 3' 0””, “‘° 5‘‘°' 1 , ; is — H - A . - _ Itfi, and qtional questions, itihalidlix and distributing the news in my“, ‘g an Oahu“. huge‘ : ~ .. --—- — L"‘....""°"‘......","‘..‘:.f"‘1.l":...."”"“‘..... z.‘ 2:‘ "'° ":31; ‘‘';‘-..‘.'.‘’..':E :.f'‘..::.‘’:: :.;=.:.*:.:.:".:."*:,.:‘ "".'..”°...-,*"..°°'.,:? - - ._. May Nowown 1 E. i_L Bskerssys Compar-. wad ,,, _ hm _,, W,,,,_ MW, 0, mp comm ,0 ,,,,_,,, am 0, an d_p_g:_;,_._, mg: Additional Shipments or IUVC .Am0ll_llt.Of Such circulation. m an of NEW‘!!! far-{caching im- ma eighth grades. ‘Final exaniina- ._ ’ . t . man Wm map a t newiPlP¢1" movements in many nee are on tions will beheld lay 20. 21. and; _ Y M A. J 18 S. zildnot diacriniinxtef between newsggifi way. We alcctepted flialftone 2g_ 15,“ mi] be g,-om to 130. , K I S ; 5 ‘O The i ‘A 4'3"‘ °‘ “'0 P"'“°‘“°" °‘ or )1: Baher’a.whea asked to de-'illusi.'t'a‘ti"t€‘:1.u:w.li)eili '.‘.’i‘I..‘3. 3.::p:upi°o. {:"°"-‘I, ‘$63,335.13 f,',' :u,' t" “ - -- ° ‘. ' . 3 i . r '1 . ' I v. i bratod gaueleventh a” ‘a ‘crime news. an exposition of nIoll- cide elf hand as to whether 8fltg.!‘8\'hl‘€ and now comes tI‘ln'.’5ml8- aminafion‘. I . ‘ I Su0 O '3‘ “ma: l‘ 1'" 1811! tendencies in Journalism. the ;Ir::l.e w;is news or“ad:ertiai:sg re.—'sion of pictures by tclegrgih. M B. R.“ 0“ ‘__ I S s .n""'"’ - ' various phafi " K9385 1 GP“ °“ The extending of membership in ‘I I - - 1’ - -_ ; tusineu held zeonntry daily in NI . . - - 1 - . _ . '9 . I E. mminz It 0» D-RN 3000* 9% '°’'‘‘' ‘“ ’°‘“""“"'” ""‘ :irbe%io3?'u “M It rammed MI::;.:.“«7'§::ihP“i:n::sc;h° 3:‘. B’\i3X‘§iii's5o“rox Hay 7.——TlIe 3 ‘ll :— i!‘ .lt..'s incorporat eouieo!tlieinaaypointadweltup- .."J.;thN". pfuuuuom ‘. . . .. g . ' w «e ‘ . : . - , good thing. in his opinion. as it has Chicago, Rock and 8: Sou ern . , 5 grLIrce 1: r v _ ‘ _ _ -gram. < - n 0 our news. mus conzinen. miission 0 pure use e cap: ,—, ' “""' “"" "" “'“""“ °‘ ‘‘’‘‘'"°"'‘ ' Eiii-ri E Baker ‘dc t of in: truthful it "M1 be -bis‘ Wittcn ‘ “Th r th ld t-ration stock of the %‘t Louis 1; souui.‘-‘- . * v . v‘ . kc ‘ u : o . n . ‘ . 9 ' . ’ U C Fr. ‘ . 0. ' ‘ ‘ - . ‘ _. ' . T_ _ .:.:... .. ...... .........':;:°°... ::;;,:,;=*:~:'.,.';*:,*;...*’°-*='........~ — “’.’.i“.‘..".: *’~'.:;:::“‘*.~.:’°::*..:::::; “:::::°*:*::..".:‘.:.:'*:’.:;“‘.‘.:.‘;': ;; W ‘mm mm W the mm,,,,, .. purpoaesreinaintheaanie,hutthe ,‘ , . . . 1“- Ln 5d”.B‘k. O _ I _ _. . g + 188011. = pm . ,,m,«,:=_,«;2,a,«- :...."°‘“°"...';::"..:':‘...,"‘:°:.*;:“..:: .::;:,.‘:‘:....;'.....:.....°:..u.. '.::::"*‘.';°.?.‘:::..:;O.,3..t*°...':.‘:‘..:"::: :23: ‘:.‘...:.'.:° :: A €||ll’8!|10¢’“'i“| mm mm. , 110* la! "'9 v‘ Q ' ' h ' da' e is i-. greater edi rial 1 "en ' --..- - ' 1;’. ‘ 9 _: . . ~ ‘h of the news space in t e an _ coming newspaper min am no 1' _ ' ' ‘: ';:“:::;iiipw:{lcl: lcooltalubh°u”t0WlNunnm§ was devoted to the p_ublica- 5:8! nail ‘l..:lt¢;;n:!'¢":P9CtIllI:.c!'~‘ will keep the faith and 5; their T A \(:lfff:l'€nt stflavor in El'l‘fi‘l(l‘!t.h ‘? T ° 3. ngmg. 533.1. .h;-.« 8:: :;*;:,.:; °::::°,:::"* “"" “;,'; ‘:2’ ..:".'.,..".. .,.. ..m .'”...."". ...... "°”’“"""_1E‘T‘L“£f'_:*‘1- k “* — " "*°" "-‘"‘*' ‘° 5; GENUINE BROADCLOTH ° 5, , ’ - ‘ of newspapers and. better. that we Butter and 022* "13 '0 our ca 95 --~ ‘- “O” 7 O .‘ ~ that zusinesfioot 11;; rmld 5: :°‘:mu’p'.'“°d=! hy.,;.a' of will learn to think more in world exceptional—StrenR's. Adv. -- --; .::*:“~:; 1- SHIRTS uiana ' a director . . . . - -, ._.--_ ". 9.2 j: in which iii). dean of the School or I00‘; "I: 3}“ ‘:‘,"‘;",,.°f,,:",,.' §'f.‘;'.’,’.§.§"' not "I mm of our own‘ Fresh tornornow—hickoI‘)‘ nut 33 -- ”°"‘Y °‘ “°"‘ Journalian: of the University of ' . f¢°‘“‘ ' _ *3” . A , ' _ g _ ' _ __~ -. . :3 0 ° fj mwmfi ‘hm d‘_.”.h°w ‘ pl“! Janteawlhonu Wtlllaias. .lr..nedi-;a_w,gea go mm, air. Baker cite: :Th(‘ newspaper causes us all to lu)er cakes btreng 5. Ads. ‘H. ;‘.H_‘_ or m ~. us. in M « ::::.°.. ..:°-*-.....:::°.:::-=:.::..::: °:..='°*“.... °’.§"° ~:=:.W..:t W": . ~ in week i~ __ « . _ - .pays a tax 0 . a 3 iine, an_ crys .i_ ice: is mass 0 , j: - . .3: U b:;w:;):l:: he:;t?£°£e-the PNITIIL :40 per cent of ‘I! spent in tlgolllltzlldt lnétl action. The pgivilege C AR .2 Nothing Rgscnicd ’ ’_ adoption of an initiation fee of ;°°“""“““ ‘”“T‘ ’, °".°"' ’ _° .°’.‘ '” '.",‘7"“°"‘. "‘°. .“"'.° . Your car deserves the scr.V- - ;. _ 33 -'- . $5.50. which includes the first Oil Promoter Gets Two Years. ; “"3 P“5“¢ *3 “‘“.’ ‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘° 9-‘ :’“‘‘‘‘l''’‘'’‘9 ‘h‘* "‘”"'° °"""”" "" ices that only experienced .2 «,1 37?? :13 . yd‘... does and a pin; the establish. 8; Untied ‘Press. the newtslpeapu‘ {all gm tli'i':e S: 0 Ifiilaio A“. Vcw new mechanics can give. Phone .. e 9, g: » ' f ‘t z I rd k- -GREAT FALLS. M t.. M ".-— "5' 3. MI Y ° ’ “ . ‘ - '. v P .3 _ . . .. -~ ‘E’ in; (:Ind'cl'c°m:“ he 0 zgndirzlhn Gordon Campbell. llloiiizina xiii’ ;iro- I lilexiznin their {ivorite _PIP¢Yo °u’‘‘.'' 1" dtiiils race ‘J . i g Mg“ '1‘: é::‘l’llml:}l:1eeSl.Fred Cale’, 100 '2 (ha Sh”? 705 M‘95°“n .‘ "; ‘ _ . ‘ ‘ V_ .-H. ‘ “mg” . . ‘ ‘ w 11'.“ __ __A ‘‘ ;: _ which may hold contests among the meter. was yestenlay sentenced on'whu are vocal in ir condenina- are 8 (ms partmul 0 ell" ' g,§Q._3_§_a,3+§._a,;‘,__3+5_;‘,,,§,,3_;.,;,;..3,;,;c;.~,Ij: *4 H * O°"'°*‘ ‘ * ”+** r ~ ~ ~ ~ A“ A gmgmur writer; of the state to up one count of the six indictment tion of all pipe“. Ind ‘nu W59“ ~ -. - ——~ — 4 courage them and to gcqnaint the charges of using the mails to-de-‘who merely tolerate 31¢ ‘ OO O ‘ ' "'“‘ ‘ ' "M “ ‘‘.'O O‘ ‘ O ‘ *-- - ~ ; people of the state" with the posiii. fraud. to two yarn in a federal they happue: go buy Criticism ls ""'—"“ v . V V - ‘ Zlities of native authorship; the pcnitcntia ' at hard labor and a good for . neWIP|P°7- ~ ?, ‘ V‘ wwcr ‘i'enbt:‘h‘he bow of {inc of ‘B1 clout‘ costsll w m Pm. 4 ' _._ % 5 on to repu ' at any time c benator urtoii .' eezr was re». - 3 _ Baku. ms gm. . A iuouri writes," cently gcqllltied of the charsrcs : phat; $32; thfit the advertiser ‘S; ( » ‘ I E first published in 1923. m-adc axlinst ‘hint “in connection‘ does not mug, an ,,e,.,,,,,,,,_. /__-o.~ e a 0 e O 5 The board of directors for the “th C‘“}Pb‘n‘ ‘°“"m”‘ i'I'lie facts are. that the 6'93‘ d9‘ ’ — f - wmins Mr W "*0" ""~"*"°"’ Dean is-as to )ladiaon. Wis pm-ne-it store i- “W” i""““"‘ 1 - I D“‘” w‘"'°' Wm”; M” “"3 Dean F .1! Tisdel left for Madi- pi'.~ssi.re each and every 685’ ‘° " """‘ O ' . ‘ Bub w°°d'°“ °f bum pit)‘ son Wis . Tiiesday to attend ii use to the full extent tht N-"°'5' ' o- ‘- O ‘I mama‘; J’ !B”°k’u'.id‘° 81.1: 3’ medting 2! deans of schools of PIP?” 33“ ‘in “wt '“’°"'m.° I Platte . irst vice-pruien; . h3d-_"u,,n¢';p;periii “ . : Hrs. Myrtle Jameson Trachaell of Am '"d_.s°'°°c°' ."’"c n L” W_ J - 5 ahuia secondfvice-nnsiient: P- __ - v ~--—A -- -- ”"----- “In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to — ; - per arvr o 7.. aecre- . . . . ; ; tary-treaa :23 Calvin Johnson of thoughts of love.’ I a: Kansas City; Janie: W. Earp of Maiden’:-3 thoughts (so-called) are just about one fliousand miles above. . Mother dreams of spring housecle:ining—how slit revels in the muss. Fzithcr digs doivn in his jeans to overhaul the faniily bus. ((Fix)er Up” iii the largest and most dependable automotive service station in mbia, where quality service about: 1 Missouri Motor CO. . HUDSON-ESSEX 09- A v 9 . .- * ..7 o 2'... ’ a._ _. 0' I v , .l, , Graham Brothers impressive advance to first position in the 1% ton truckfield, and second in the 1 ton and the 1% ton fields combiiied— during the first quarter of l925—is explained by four vital reasons: 1 2. Distinct price advantage. Pronounced quality advantage. 1 Dodge Brothers engine. Substantial character g Dodge Brothers dealer A organization. 0 in Ordinary logi (1 ds '‘ receive your .i m you have any need whnteverOfo"r "Q lihone 576 ‘ TAYLOR G_.ARAG_E¢_o.5.7'3.-;.p.g..,. A ‘l-ton Graliaai truck wlthoutliody oiauis-1-ti: ‘ bk . IV-ton Graham truck Iithou ' an an -euvma'»”rie'le’—" °""*':"”' 3. 4. "I-