. ., .41.. no.5 ,i ._..,_...-open-5.»... ~. - -. - M-‘l‘\1"‘:‘.i V-" — -., . w ' n V W - \.‘o‘’D4c_I\n .. . ..-.- — .. J. -.3. ..1t~&...i‘l-we a‘.- .. . ‘ . - - . - ’ . s ‘ 3' 1 o--av wt-‘*..‘t-9-, #0 =:i‘'' .»-W‘. _;-‘.-~ ‘;_ ._ . illll driiast iaio 0‘ . -vi-Isl-i , Tun» '3. vm~—" ls " I ' ' 5"”? "5.’-' o.'.l.$....'..‘....u..o-‘......‘f.”.fll— M . u M » -h .:.j #0 thatihoyeanadi_geosaanii!1io--i.¢ __ ‘ *- eauaoouthcstieaiacoogastiooin icnsed_ ii ‘ '''“'‘‘’‘“'‘‘'‘‘ """»” '°"'....."“'°...“:..t“""'... ':'...*°'""‘..; -3 « Farssei-aaiilnideriersilisebe» '~ ~ I IN « - The ’ » ‘i--_ I , V . reduced appropriation for . :1‘.-',‘ auuiieir .auaaal.1iSht -s-sh-%l*°°l"* '.""“"R.JCn-idrdob-F76-m-N’ iiieaiomi husbandry du1lartiuentu’"‘ “W” W‘ -“':*°° :'“‘_ sprlagaalnshringnotoalyeloastogthehusineaseeuté. “P ‘m.d.th.nk¢,tkhmb.n°,_.,,,tallen¢thof' mptoveineutd _V...; .- ,,.,,,.1q‘5autaadeorn.hutci-ops Coluaibishasesaaedtobeaone- daiia wlu-rc )0 _ ins 3373» lDl°|- _ T *9.» A V ' ‘fiaygm street town. ’ 1"’ ls‘ A ""*""“ llnltiple or Combination bids will . . -ofweeds. It saayliy . snitch y ,1 , 3'thatpartaufthe&iuntry'havebe- , ' 1 uiauto solve the The Y. W. C. A. ltlfl‘ “'3' tile .' et in last St 3‘-‘J-39|l°l'¢°T0|l‘lIlI| FIIlt0I- be ieeei ion fig icon‘ .'fluu. mad "ab" 9‘ the A POOR PLACE FOR ;A CIRCUS K g.oo‘t;%:§i_mw6lu'n“s§*m.m arlaes from. [tact that istered for next year wifl take roso 1&5‘ vflflbk mu“ ‘rm “M be ‘in sud!’ mum“. ‘hp ebinocu, 7. Sudan :2 ‘ad .3’. I . lo iiasi few nsulsihs--that every year Somrnirms make tools of __..-_ . flu “WV; fl 5*” 90:3" 1"“ ‘W "~"*"'"~‘* au'ardc3 "W3 €° °"°“ fl” _’""“'l ""l"l" he A toast on “HIDDY 987' W" 303' R. S. ld}'"”‘ ‘h’ "'‘',‘t t"° °'_a’"° wb°:.k" 310.: ,1. S. Simpson. iicld rcprcsen-'§ Road Route 7. Section 83. Boone 8.“fl.h'.... I.‘-. «"7 t teach every farmer: county agents was skidding his tires unnl the)‘ tile Lads and Liissies" .:'as‘ no Dania“ Sm“. 'Y;“$9"i">I°’;h:!“‘;,‘3i'ldt"lE"l""et:i’:‘ it": tflivt. for Producers’ ljvcsiocl:;County, ‘will be_ received by the .. _ ‘M the firmer; .zficulmnl expen‘ ll.imyu:i':'wked ‘mu three met from Mll<’$tHt“tl"llu!i{slli‘-‘sK:l‘i.¢iol“' ‘lliitoiiiani a Editor the hlissourinrr Terinislsbape for the sumin.er session. C°m~m‘u\‘;\()~n A—\”‘Cao.cliwln' fqfldsut Stlfiommlsthonfiudtld wf (hldock "em ‘ufi°m um “book of ‘pi. e C In‘. ‘I ' ha ‘ b t halt been 1'02!‘-rded as the ‘tame for’ Fred . f - u". ' ' ’ .°' W Mp” ” °n 9 . " "V 0 - ‘Y’ .1 . ‘N " ' ' culture are fkhting all the time; such anions .3 these 3;, gt}-gng mm‘ “h‘m’y M" ‘T can ‘pm we ‘emu. ‘mi dinified ‘Parkman, 10 _m m r:°g;_t:°‘t';°?',y °h 9”‘ sentaiivc for A.mcrii-an siiortiiorn the office of the. Commission‘ COLE‘ i . Y _ in ed 639- . .P_>_ 9 v P a M N *°- Breeders Association of the Mn. In the Capitol at Jefferson Cit)’: “"3 WW9 “V3931 Iarmers plow’. hoe. and bl-"I “¢‘°d5~ nrkumfmfi {W 3 ‘“"“" ‘u"d"“l Erwin Elting bade the students to It may be true anyemere else. but_¢fl\.ed many letters “an: fo, 5”, :3‘ Ci“ qtockvard‘ Co" a _ K and nut ti wm b bud '1 Dr“. dun... r‘... But still theweeds grow and mul- for drivers. think back to their college life be certainly not in Columbia. An)‘ Per-y formation loymen i 5” Chi. ‘Mo . '1; w‘.:::,";,"d 5.1130 3 "Id W13 in the pgmui etc. canton. 3.] filaahau ....I¢ ‘ ,tiply. pub. , if “,5, 1,0 . we” in we fore they leave their Alma Hater. son him has had a few ‘games of; ,-oom,;_ and gm u,,;,,e,,m. go,-wt, _ ' _ " ' ' _ -_ -‘ -t 9°" 9 . .' . , be cn",mi_ P , ’ ..,_.‘.u we humble‘. can 3,. m,mo,1 “hm, on the Un“,e,.s"_y counslwmmer % 4TIl‘Il)Cl'l8ht of the hational Stock Chamber of the Ca itol. ‘In! V3550‘ _ Z;.d’bu'tufhe':m"pread can be some perm" injured by ‘ holhndy of‘ life" he said andurzeii them to will know that he has to be a gym-i ' —-———o——— -"""d’ ‘" """°l‘- l The P’°P°"°d “'°"l‘ l"°'“d°5‘ '3 5"‘ “7 J 35 - 1 3 on f i, -1'1}. 1;! ' - ' . h _ ‘ ——-—o———— - Gradin ntruct'n lrts| ‘ thuhd “ ms’ at “km more 9011!: “jog: ::*;':)1:D: 11’; l:°:lr l!'I:lk\'e9l“8lll.)‘nl'::ll1?ll:fh(:l"l1(Prl§:$?‘;Il)ll M-l-i..:nd:.ri?.:e:0 of '31:? tcoeur€:mlia CAMP PAM-—_.__PaLET I8 ISSUED FINDS JOB IN HALF-HOUR and a l:'idg.e(,, logetllef Wicltlll "any :%—I *‘-"‘ ‘ ‘H . 037300-ll? ll? ill!‘ farmers. gardcn- t ct mam‘ b li'b't' Sb ll P ll. chnplaln at HoIrard- failed to study the law of motion in! Clffllllr Prepared by Btate Club —‘—"" :lMid€nlll WOPR On the Still? mid? ; 9'8. and everyone who comes in _,?“n?”,_ ma y “me ex ‘ Hp" P8)e'llQ eceutral colicxes nddreflsnell Physics. "He had lo mire: 3”“ "'3 3P°_¢ll"“- _ ‘J:-g::.u:° :il:n:3oP’“,.°udo,.T‘n:,,t_oE{'°m Hmm" "°"l~l'_“*'lTdlY. the 10-? LEVY‘ 8803 "gum contact yrith them. We have al- ..._.—._._—.--—— the students on “Conservation. fence built on the top of a 8lOpln2' he extension service of the lfis- J..Howu.d. from Ta“ ‘ad inuflglll lenstb of the improvement be- pg... gg ~ .*.g'., was’: hit! Wt-‘ed! Ind V! I1‘!!! W3" Honesty is the best policy. except 517- 90'0" said that 800101 I9|'Vl¢‘° embankment. But he failed to real- ‘ souri_ College of Agriculture has meant, pom“ with ‘him " mg mg 4.1.41 miles. ‘ _ r . I g h n .' “,3. gm - - x is the noblest calling open to tho” ise that any hall with some. Just’ issued a thirty-six page pani- “mm d - - - . Multiple or Combination bids vi-ii Work Called For and h" then’ ‘"3 fly mo 0 m ‘nuance’ bout to enter vllllllt‘ W9 “G 33*“ speed will hit the embankment and‘ phlet entitled “S tions on Con- - -fig unmn°n' dun t hne ‘ be ‘red d ‘d ed ‘ ' think of that extra acre of corn """""""“"""""’ . " . '_ t. re ; . u‘‘“ g signed contract nor all of the de-,' "°f_°‘ , ‘" °‘”“‘ °'' °“ ., « . The ‘ch ‘ f r- n - me‘; that three kinds of conaefla WI 8 bound over the fence. ducting 4-H Club Camps in Mis- nu‘ “tended to in 1 ;Route 4, Sections 32 and 33, Boone M , . " ‘Ml 3°“, 1’°"°"h“ “"3” M" . .00 0 one ‘C 3 "L " net-essarr for service: the 0006"’ There is not a single game played souri." which been sent to all -- ° ‘ County 1 - - — ~- ' been la\‘¢1t-rcur;lst.:t(llcl?)€etsh:';i4:cMp¢:lil:lli3> afingt hfifltth ma mg?“-1:’ ‘"0’: v-— ~ mm: HAND beenoeredasasouono e ' " - ' .. V i cape:-on“mrya V‘. - * “am of we county 0 niuj pointed minister to Finland. He lows: . Church at hinth and Locust streets., Emergency Measures for mob . Mule by Greek “fine. { 3"”. "‘ my 1,. .11 hi‘h.h.tu_id .55“: 3;, rs. iuiiomauu-i-—r...iii. Becker. that the, C ,, DORN-CLONEY Igmflfy .31 1 _ g “on »I.id‘r M --r——I-—!—--D wink” A ‘lull’ inn‘ b00893 l‘! !‘€l!lOVbd by June 15, and. ‘mp8. . j Df’ C.’ 5 H» "°°“‘ 5"‘ “" """' “"""‘“'°' Sciencehu doné wonder: in mn1- i[""" §1'l§‘&..°°"‘i"i.fC."‘"” ‘'°’‘‘ ‘W’ P"’"'P‘ W’-"" “ °"°°°' You are missing opportunities it pg... :16 ‘us Cleaning and 5 MRS WAL‘ TER . C l = "J 3°“ Vim’ tut lb’ 9“, mu” tiplylug the sound of the human ‘°"""" "'*"“‘“""‘ 7"“ bialwefl Opened by the com’ you do not read and use Missourian ’ u I ' o_ ‘ MEIER .- ‘T.’ ‘and in“ for ha] ornnh Wine. but very little in subtracting lion Eici.':.'i'iaia...i «limo mm” “ 2 P‘ m’ ' IWN“ '55 ‘flu’ -1” 8' m " “ 1515 Wm“ ~ 0 It Gav from - . flag’ I: '.__‘‘__~_ _ E A V‘ By the county manager plan as _ .- - The setting for act one is to be a AT STEPHENS COLLEGE 1 v 3 ., L _ :~~.v. E}! ~ 0-Mined hr Dean web the centrali- There are about as many telc- '*“’°“ ‘“‘“°"-. 75' ’‘E‘’:‘"¢ ‘°’ ; EXPERT rrrswurrnto a ‘ - a--- _ o _,L_ A_,__,,_ _. nation of power would be in the 1“, mo 5.1 ‘ am. the second act willbe n llYlng room M_ .1 d_ 11,, A3.” V . _ _ V emu co-ma-sea «ow -em mm’ "°'. ”...'o..”:.‘.t; :*:..‘*:.“:'.:.:“:..":.*‘..'.';°'.';*.';':-£2: ‘:‘..-£3. niggt-;:,-;~ W -=--- , ,, «some, ; YOUNG WOMEN *- . who in turn would comm.’ tad, hue the”. umad ant evening Jenkins at Slater. f ‘ 9' .' 01' III! . . . -J ‘ t all othereount fficer i -- - e - ‘ - Miss Allalie Wii '11 dth T113818 W035 8 8. 9th St. Phone 709 1 ~. - - ‘- nun cumin.“ “ugh zxpm; hogs. Admission ‘Will be charged. weekend with uisgisn wIihlgenJ‘n:? ‘ ff 1 T I t0 years of age for ;; «-..a ...:_..i... "of .i...i...., _...a wow ,0, o,,,m,,,,,_,,, M 0,, Joan cinnou. uowinonmrr Beg;-t Gag:-lag“ of Baden; —~. ~——~-— ~-a—~- *f~~ .—~—. i ' PERMANENT ‘POSITIONS 2?; f.‘£"".......i.' ""3. °°'°"”‘..........‘.’iT.'i .‘.'.°..°'l'2Z‘J.'.I.’I..°‘.f’°.Z‘Z’.§.”i..’.‘};".‘.’i’;i ""°.~‘i‘.¢"i'.’.....""'."i‘.‘l. i‘.."1.'..S.°""' }'."3:’£‘ii.°°-}~'..°l‘.?..“.3°..'fl"’.E °-‘$.‘§‘T’f “NT ‘ .."l”’”'"‘"'““ e I. 3 J Telephone "Opera ’ L’3=- 7°03 5° WW5“ “'3 Ml!’ “*9 Brlthain Young and his doctrines John Carroll Hour Wu N1 Miss 3110» Prichlrd will spend? THE SUNSHINE AGENCY . ‘BUY ‘SEEDS NOW ' " 5‘ ' -- :"-~=:~- .- dt;e‘_couiitye:;rt would .._.,., , M, _,w., ‘hm, D, the maze»; ll.I;i‘ivei!-‘siizt:tiIo‘s‘;3‘tal‘ ;heen‘:leeek-tnilh wgiimatii; - H siiggtst. Soy Beans, ha. GOOD WAGES AND WORKING elgctfi,‘ ’ a e u r .‘ gs-en it-ghh— w - '- .., V 599;"; “gm 41¢ ‘:'i?y.w1fi. “in “V .., Q bruised nose and several teeth Blue Miss Mary Emory ‘Kerl:ric'l?.«!a'nd .”- go'pa" bib‘ H . ” ' " 75* _ . .' p. . mu Ink. for ‘ mo" “won-fin!“ “‘ a result of l dive in the Chris- her sister, Elizabeth. will spend: (hag, it °°°'°°"L75 1 fl " /,0 e’-‘uiuhu‘uu boa‘ “I “W” ‘ad THE CALENDAR tian College swi'inniinz.poo1. He was the week—end with Mrs. Ed. . wk‘. b‘. '9' "9 -"'.”.75 P y % rs 001‘ ‘ e 1: 5 gum” . attelnding a swimming party at the Harte in Boonville. ; B. 1). Poster Plamflag Os. RIF¢ I3. Slldquh. Yb" °' 10: >9 Telephone _Bldg‘., ;., '~'3l’¢'“¢‘° . Miss Lauraleen I-‘arnham and‘ P. H ""1 - . .... ‘ . _ . This form ofgfiernmeut worked Nut V-It ‘ Last year Mr. Howard received Miss hi Barnes will spend'the? “I u _ i -, - , _ ‘ ” ~ - ,;».( ggnjg th in fin‘. ‘:;“""’° “. '‘';::' ”"""”‘“’ 3‘? ten medals in swimming re. weekend with Miss Emily John- A complete stdch at all tli. ' e .=. . .,,,,,,,,,,u,,,,,,.,, ~"“"“ "'ceiveda ld edaiix Cl so uni. iii d ' 88 DSTORE ‘ ~ .- i , anebtbcaasisoesaaiotlauiop 1. - I0 n_ ansas ty na e ome 0 rs. Clye lg-;)q_gu, 15.3.1134 , __ g__ - ,_ r -.. ._ ‘Hut muam on the ‘.I:.rull..; = 34-.1‘! unzagm forufnriézniiiviiigf El-leisafreslifmtzrei Shepard. 405 south Garth Avenue. .. . .. . .1. W‘... “W” ‘ V K- H - p ‘ - T H - °""' "°"" in e Gteo nzineeringo ‘ __ , ,— ~— - "’..;_'. ‘_,_ " W.-.. I _ g p L M ‘II aha isohooooooonoaonnooooooonnnhonmioo MISSOURI STORE ;: WM 56”" - .o . ; .*‘r-;:'._,s. ,' ~' _; _ .P 1iP“Hll.‘|1a9|llll|ll|¢ ‘ W.’ - ounfijn ens ’ 1; F " ... . . ._ That .lB ‘.':‘°"‘a°l'°l'Oel'Vl¢e-’- '—tlieeinhleinofsei-rice ‘ I Q l J g l_. -‘. Don’t Need FIXIN’ ;, “ i ' e and ‘ ” g g D _‘ . . , ‘ ‘ ' “ II 3 ‘ ' ' . . ‘ F“? The {P0, 4 n - . ,3 s ' ‘C t ’ , . . , - " '. ,5. 3 ' . . F - . ' U . . : ._._ _ _ .._ -1:- c‘ I’ I‘:,V.‘-:_l‘.-V’. .,‘ . _ .-‘s . .._ .;‘_V. V V A; ' . S. ‘ Q A; ' . , 3-; ,, I on . - . “""°"t'°, ..;n_- . ngservscee 1- g; ilisie 1 E’~‘. “'~ ’ w *3 '52:" ' -9 « .. 9 ’ h .. ol‘ ‘ ‘A 5"; .‘ .7.‘ ‘..‘. I‘ ~ i ernl l C. ‘l _£‘(_‘ Q.‘ ,‘. I .._«' !I!.'.."§’9. 1??! 2.3’ E’. I§‘.E‘QiN?l'! I ..I4QsI-a- I bu.‘ I this As- ll Ea: :.* lion: .nfifi.E?E’Q‘\ stiles-in Irina‘ l'a'§O