. ...-- _..r, 75- - ‘ _. mo r -,.. , ‘ ;‘ .1 d 'o_ _ ‘ e ,, 1' -: . -; I 9 :_. ' "V. A‘? "W (3. ' ‘ti: ' L’ ")0: , :4;-.,~ 5 - ". A .2 'i "53 "* -.2-~'a’_ ’ 1 Q '.' ' ‘ I i ‘t “’ .1 if’ ‘_ " T. 4 K ' 3 ‘~. 3". ~ oi ‘C A ~ " ‘ ’ - 0' ’ 1 i i «“ -. =0 I ‘ T: y, F v . ‘L.,.f - . ' , g. - J A; ” L“ . puny"; ‘~13? * V.-if C . ii ‘Y Tea aioimd‘a‘.~,, . 4. g r . ~ C’ i 1“: 4% L" ""*f".‘ S"“:“:§' I TAAAA E » 5”‘. O no A. e 5 . . .::.-.';:.---air-e 1 "W5? . .....-A 0 1”’. .. .,. .1: .. . . this Aflntdallar . Ta 3., . rem -ro. aIo'IIa¥I1pa|Irf-rthetlllul new . i ‘ A’ 75'” ' ” 5“ Q 1-’. ‘ii '3' .U."" ~ ,‘-4 4 E fmpouifi go ‘ “R ‘ mi ' -' - - ., -- - -~ ' ' = ’ ' f ' nuImanorpioreuion.1..p;o.;. 9°" ""' ""6" ‘ ' -':'~r=‘ : _, .. V , - ~— ahhtsswhoha brnk , , “*3”? 0‘ .‘'‘'''*¥=‘ ma tdrffinlrh. to Harris chair. is. library; , ‘ ‘-3° In-uni siooris this rig T0 , _ . aiwo.1..,,.,.,-,,. mg g... pnonogiaua. hi; and other articles. ':,,’:,“,:;‘;:;";l°“h°*'”°'*" Cllhllcllflol. who put the shot, ' - ' > in . '~ ilfltimoados it W215-@:_wiast...Str-eet. cam: ,,,,,,,,,.,_. "" ""Y°'“’°'°"‘?° or feet 7-Briach: . mu. who lg Ill... V . ’ di an ___. R va;flts'1l2foo‘th-81-lincbes; 5 ‘ * ‘i ' ‘i "°°°, ‘°‘“'- 1'13"‘ id‘. ‘""J Fr roa sAur.—o ‘mead ; wod- cha an on... ' "°“ ‘ '—"-'-. ’ W» N!" °¢WW"' ‘9.‘- . —‘-———, _- ans Guitar ., -._- and garage for the QIlI|IE!‘.;n”d",,”.d mm ;’.hm__d.;yma-n or Game, Schfiulfi to ‘Go 7 seconds; and o . who high; Valley Meet wdl Brmg %._.g. y _ r _ e _ p ; I _~°m -6» he took over lladisoo linings, erminatedat 1,,” “ma ,0 ma ,,,,,,,,. ma, Together Galaxy of s r ‘' 703‘ SE Three nine-room 1'53 --I-Il'l% Ill‘! 5°¢Hb°d'h“" 3 bed ‘mm’ 3 mt’ sqm" G"d°“ "h"’ b°‘i"¢ ""‘ A Endof men to thellisaouri Valle! 01110001’? Nationgljv "now . . brick residences; run’ bassarultai '°°"" "“ "’°°"’"°"' wm°c""5~u.' ' '“"""' ""‘° ""‘ "“"‘ """""’ ‘'°’'‘ ‘N ‘ o i meet at Norman, Okla. All letter - ’“ _ n I ’ A . _ .15 “mph ‘mm unM__',dty_ s..n‘m,_, :07 con”, Ann”. Pb.“ chairs, boo and numerous. the recent date when the historic old I D8l'kIl888. “,3, ‘m,’ an ,,.,,,,g.,,, .,g 33:53.,-s Track Men. j. ; '1'; - v A _ ' ‘ j &Ua. ' D. Gn,,l2180 yuan. . _ 13. other articles of household and flfflttyre was turned over to a ' .........~...-..... e the u.ip_ ____ Q 3,. ~ ;- eiirtorimxr ‘ *3 ~ 1 iro. m?' :AWWwm4;§j§"d”9g;*m3”;:_9g w"“:o‘“n§ f"'hr°u-‘h7;hn:h”°:";:,"m° WAS H11‘-AND-RUN GAME .“l;he twrgnmgs men -3:1 0»; ffimr ALSO "l‘i-:N:~:is AND GOLF ' r Won l’-‘RA‘l‘ERNf’l‘Y--I ha 3 room; iv “mew tion in am time air! has reached "“_"’ f. 4 '° °” ' ' ° ‘” m ° ‘ °" A "‘ " . . _ mm mm’ '°_"’¢ pm, . mm 0, am“, am we 0” Burgess, Employers Pitch- wt To Be Sooners First ,---.._ in clodiing store. A ° stein's,‘ NI’ Bid: A WAl«lTED—'An uuwyouns mu? ‘ ' ' Addr-en.‘ mer term; 1066. - ___ room. WA3€TED—Chapcrori for sum-‘_ Call room rent ‘free. Phone. § N 813- thy-ge ztifnll tllatyoncanbnyoa anideal rtment for 2 or 8 months.‘ :3 ' Street B225tf FOR. RE.\l‘I'-=.l‘hrec-room apart- _ VACATION OPPORTUNITY ‘ Stxiddita everywhere easily make‘ ' 830 wcltly and more distributi remarkable photograph, eclipse gun; galls ax night. We grant you large ‘discounts from regular retail. price.‘ The Eclipse Photo Art Com- pany. 15 East 40th Street, New view at em-tic apartment, for June 1. 228-230 ;' I-‘OR SALF‘.—l‘-‘our-room cotta ' ; centrally located. 113 of‘ 20. rncnt: fdclightfully cool. l’50ne.1880 7041- Walker-7 Realty Company, R223-228 1914 gut-en. W225-230 «none, 1705 University’ Phone nose I L J l merit; _ Phone 1296 black. Uniycrsity. Phone 757 red. FOR ' Rl-I.\"l‘—Furnishcd apart- phone flrstgof . its-‘dress Box ll. 31., care of Ilia- J214t17nourlan. 228-23 groceries and store building. Ad- noa ‘sALr~;—rord light delivery ht Jiousekeeping rooms or apartment. for Septem- jber, near Univ-erstiy, by instructor and her rnotha , includ-: ing location arid price. Address Box ‘I. in care of’ Ifissourian. A" furnished house, 5 .f, ' WANTED- I-‘OR RI-2N'l'—'l‘hrec-rnorn apart-Ito 7 room; fifth ‘page from 3.,” first floor; private borne.” to Aug, 4 Adam. s, C, 224-229fl!lackwater llo.. I-‘air, Fzldif ,for’ at least a year,‘ two or three‘ - 225,2311roolns unfurnished and located with- ‘la one mile of University. Colonel ac:-u ROOIB FOIIBNT WANTED—If you want 3 800d FORiRl'-IN'l'—-‘Unfurnished apat- loan on your prop!-'71)’: ‘Gt me figure meat. 2 rooms, private bath, sleep- with you. Weatheu Realty Cum-1 ing poi’-ch, garage, " ' 256-228 819 Rollins. FOR SALE-—Slx-room tile and WANFED-Four or five-room stucco bungalow, $3800. B€8ulll'tlll)’;flJflllSl|ed apartment for summer decorated. tinted walls, oak floor:-., term. For professors. Address - hand decorated light fixtures, close Box J. -.I., care of Missourian. ward school. Telephone 136-IT ' parry, phone 212. - to for appointment. FOR SALE—Nine:room Omar D. Gran)’. 53118!-‘On. 340- jfurnidiod: special rate summer 213-230 term. Phone 1817 green. 605 South 5“! Street. . 711 _ ’°5i’.room apartment, private bath, hall, deuce; corner lot in Westmount. enmncg, I-‘OB. SALE-Five-room rm dern I ' near White mP|13: $4500: 111125‘ trade for vacant lot. Phone white; . X2221! wAi~rrEo—ro borrow noon at is per cent 'fora3 or 5 years on lunibia property. Vlllwd 8*- . -. . .ud]y..,. roe; ris§'r—rurni.iied a 3 ;1a%v°°£-Iments. fi'17.Missouri Avenue, phone‘ "3 "61 ' Box 0. 3., care of lfissouriaiu ‘ -V 227-tf ideal location. ' . G rlao garage. Phone 1923 red. 226 FOR RENT-‘l‘wo rooms room and study. adjoining bath. First floor. ‘Single beds; no other roomera; two blocks from campus; -231 3 FOR‘ RENT—Exccllent three- gas; rooms comfotrably FOR A‘ iii:.vr—riiror.room mod- 2223:'r-rn apartment; private bath, gasp;-ed ;?can furnish; two blocks’ from campus; 1-; business district; aP'hone 1893 black. K part ' 2286 : housekeeping I white. FOR RI-ZN’l‘—Rooms for girls for summer term; across from Jesse Hall. 2295 black. 604 Conley Avenue, phone 228-244 ‘ 503 liltt Street. FOR RI-ZN'l'—'l'wo unfurnished rooms. Phone 1523. W2‘.‘.ltf I-‘OR RI-ZNT—Large cool er-noon-. Rughcs PSI)’-A *_____y T g l V 337'”-9‘--LOST:Ph'i_'l'heta Kappa pin, 8- cornered shape, set with pearls Phone ...___ Losr AND non; " 2274 green. Reward. L227-228 ? LOST--On Hitt or Rollins Street. I I fstripod ‘ Fokf REN.].__.1.wO_mom km_h_. wgyj-ED To 31.;;q'p,___[mmpd;,g,_._ scarf. Finder return to hlissourian xcu. ly and at reasonable rate, probably ‘-‘mi?!’ light blue and yellow silk and receive reward. 228-229 Frasier, 209 ‘Philly Avenue, phone ;*’'"l- u, green. 226-228 '5" LOST-—A black and whitewfox terrier, male; 2 months old; re- hlrs. M. V. Powell, 814 Con- - P227-tf ‘ LOS"l"-—I.aundry box Conley, and Broadway. Dorothy Limerick. 403 Conley. phone 1115., Reward.” _.___ ‘2__ ‘.1..- A.—__.— .._,_....~.—..._.,... 22s._23o ROOIIIIATE WA.V‘I'l2D YOUNG lady at 1504 Rosemary‘ 'Lane wants roommate’ for summer : ter_m./ Phone“ 1508. _—r.—.:—...— P227-tf iiiscin.i.Ai~'i-nous \\'l'ILDL‘\lG—Bring your tvclding to Higday the welder at Columbia FOR RENT-Room and cause. Machine Shop, 16 rd. Street. 3227 work guaranteed. Phone 1223. All 224-229 For: site on TRADE--Stockt made when place 44 W pnesti trons house Kfllll 3i c ncnt, life. IAWN MO“'ERS GROUND-—~ roogn Fumtiure and screen work. in Dumas Apartment, phone 985‘N°|’u1'~lP Rfliaif Shop. 100 D0139)’. I-‘OR REN'I'—Two furnished light rooms. Phone 464 1208 Paquin. . cw-g . q FOR‘ RENT-—First-floor ,.-on s,u_E_,,;,; '3,,,,,,,,, ,,,.,d-‘i.ioci;r [ram White Campus. 207: 2371 wood,_lot 200 by 270; larzc l>°“°h°"3 ,1 beautiful shade trees; price $11,600; "' " ifurnishd 5-room apartment: residence (and garairc) west-icollece. ern 6-room on us for full information. Broadway. _' ROB ‘8AI..l3—Very desirable mod- bungal Hamilton Cdmigj June is. hire. 1:. ‘Insurance & Rental Agency,.v90sE ‘ 9"’-""5; rbiz Rl-Z!\"I'--I-‘ive-room first-. rzzs-ais ; near University. ‘p‘r£‘l 404 green. stncu: and oousuzg iioons, Reasonable. Phone 1 S227.tf phone 769 red. N 226-231 WANT E D-Your tornado insur- ance, on your house, furniture and _23 car. Weathers Realty 227 2 phone 272. ‘1 Company, ‘l 226- “'07? by an feet. 310319 A for For '3 W11 Essex ad! I a £03‘ 0 . Linea-oor'n h?us'é, 2 baths, well located, for a small merit; ' two or three roonia; 1%: P03 8 A13 farm. close to Columbia. Weathers ' Realty Company, phone 272. P130 0 2133 8093- . 1 F0 SALE-—Go-cart in excellent . . /p [ I32l3'23°§condition. Phone 1915. s223.22s Soiffhwgfh ‘§m,_L'"' p"homne’°9'.::¢n:£ I FOR ‘RENT—An attractive mi» ' ""- I I l 7 ‘Fred. l ‘Dumas .jApar-trnerit: 4 rooms and. islecpinc‘ porch; will be available; ‘wie red. I i * FOR ' SALE--Beautiful eight-room ouja Lane- on . rooms. den and toilet on first fl and rec 1 ea °°r7 1 Phone ond _ FOR I SALE—Beautiful FOR SALE-7-room house: mod-fpany ms Guitar.Bldg,. phone 1620 with commercial body. Ford chas- -ern except heat; newly paperedgor 1103. ' and painted, inside and out; can two spar-unents:: FOR RENT turn will sell onibome fa‘ June, July and August.‘_ See Garey & I-‘rasier:'l’wo mihutes’ walk from campus.-table; mission oak living room 3?‘ arranged‘ for ,1517 Windsor Street: 3500 down. }613 green. house; suitably arranged and 0- ' ‘ ‘ or -.S0l‘0l'll.}' y Corn- room house. pony, Rooms 1_ and 2. llillcr Bids:-, ’-phone 519 or 692 block. 224-229 A. 0 ck. - - - ' , N R 6 72232303 For RI-INT-—Bouae stain and ran a 511 West - jstreet, June 1;’ portable garage and g 7. H.«'l‘. Andrews, phone F0 9' 5 - bfickifurrtitnre for sale. ‘ Phones’:-598 - £4-229 r . ~ gblaelt. '. ‘“ i i - 50”“ *9. I In-‘"§°*°°v; . “" ron SALE-—Llfht Ford truck ? 3 1:3 1- W. *h¢g1,F0Rod2l-BIN?--New 5-room shield 25 . 5.3,, pong ch... ..lown.‘ Beautiful riewhsick tool . 0 i "'"' "NW0-anon A be no , , , wh . huiltaln r.« “rocker, white - - “'33 oak library ta '-he-e. umsranoez bowry "3? . . 322011 was ! T4303 A .5 lfloor apartment, in 1, with privilege of. leasing for furnished or unfurnished. 2289, 5 Knhlman Court. W225- i ron .m=:.~:'r—4une 1 to _Sept. 1‘ Wmr'"i__— FOR ‘R!-3l\'T—Nine-room house, ‘850; five-room house, 830; 1 322.50; . §apdr-tmcnt, furnished or nnfur-;~ I-‘OR {R'EN'I‘-My apartment inlm G.‘ Deal, pl) ' I;-OR ' dresser, June 1 to Sc t. C ‘vbasltets at 50¢ each; 230 1335, 517 S001}! 5th Street. FOR SALE-—Go-cart in good con-_ block fmm White Campus. i>u::3‘““°"‘ """‘" ‘’'‘’°' W‘ ‘‘°‘’‘‘- C ‘ 6218-232 107 8. Sixth. 225-tf FOR SALE-Bicycle‘, practically ew. Reasonable price. Phone 1553. ' 226-231 SALE-Davenport. $25; $25; dressers, 38; bed and springs. 87; wash stan $1.50; FOR SALE-‘.—Remington No. 10 1406 East FOR SALE-—Piano. Phone 307. IF” G227-232, -nished. 325; other apartments and ‘rooming houses. Flynn Realty Com-Q 225-228 , I -—My cool iron SAL!)--Light Ford truck sis and -490 parts. Phone 1341 black. 227- CXDAL noia con-4-is Drpooiio Wabash DAVIS GOAL 00. Station Franklin Gnnnhv Coal LODGE NOTICES ACACIA LODGE, No. 602 A. F. & A Special communication Monday, May’ 25. at " p. in. First degree work. ROY R. WRIGHT. W. M. crowd Carri The cars. The nttrac cars i l FOR SAL!-3—Feather bed, pin: "'°¢'“*' 3°‘- Zlows, springs, bedstead. | isroodo-oy, phone (:02 red. D228-230 Phonozzls PEARHACISTB "Xu'r"o?i'cTuI£i:' woes pr-eacrlptionsersl THE DRUG’ SHOP ee. No chart! for delivery. Phone I .o O All‘lta AITIDIOBILB TRIIIING ' ' la y Branches ron 8 oot library 9 3 T1307 lfikon Avenue. B. Wade Hib-g suite; oak sideboard. Phone 1865. ' ' _ _/B2%-tf . , . o ° - I W226-228 . .Burr. «C13 E. mo Phone“! 0 9 I . I A 7 . 1 l An A8805ClA'l'lON ID Irrvestlgate the lloone National Savings and Loan Alsiociation - Mortgage Plan 206 Guitar Bldg. W. S. St. flair, ' ‘ Sefletlr)‘. 227-229' 1- 51- LONG. 50¢l€‘1"'}'- In this way it can be determined if ‘ he brakes bring the cars to com- PRINTING ‘ - .. kl. . me. four-room modern apartnent: first typewm" m “main: owe, - 91°“ ‘mp’ "3 q“’° 3’ “S 3 T‘-°°’: Fm‘? f“"*l*"°d= b°“"'»'°'*'1.en‘ school‘ :29. Pho e 1458 3- GUY MGQUHTY ’h°"'d‘ ...__._.___ 3°‘ and ‘Wile C‘""P°*~ ;2"2‘:t‘;lzree‘:i,.1g ' "22-.-.223 “Quick Printer’ MAN SCRRENDERS HIMSELF lly Uni ST. Garden in its last three years of life first time and made possible the fi- nancing of a new $3,000,000 Garden for his operations. hen . York,” - Wop, was such a novelty to see fir-st-class citisens at the ringsida that the re. porters used to make mention of all the cod names that they could pick out of the crowd. Many prominent ' men told me they liked to watch -a boxing boot. but they couldn't take the risk of losing business or social e were afraid to'a printed as a witness. Adora, of course, and Broadway characters who liked to have their names in the paper were good pa- and they tried to make themselves prominent so that they would be noticed. Those who didn't want any public mention of their presence bought seats in the back had been turned down. “The change first noticed when Miss Anne Mor- promoted a match between Ben- ny Leonard and Richie Mitchell for thc lightweight championship of the the fund for Devastated France and ' was attended by the most promi- believe that I saw a ..._%_.._Q____.__. BRAKES TETBD A NEW WAY giving Columbia motorists novel service in the testing of brakes on of the company's building and are Spaces are marked off on the street ‘ and the brakes are applied to the cars are going at a speed of ap- proximately twenty miles an hour. Claims Be l; Slayer of Dr. W. A. Dillon. claiming to be the slayer of D!’- William A. Dillon. surreridercd to authorities yesterday in Pefl')'Vl“¢. accord by local authorities. John Carey is the name: given by the man. ' money for its owners for the Rickard had to find a new boxing came back to New Rickard sayp. “prominent ttend. ge by having their names for the higher-priced seats of the and came in after the lights in sentiment was The match was staged for people in society and public lt was one of the best matches rd staged in‘ New York. There was a knockout. but there was nothing of the bnital or unsightly about the- contest. Those who had any knowl- edge of the sport or knew the sig- nificance of a change in the title N thrilled when Leonard was ‘ floored and was almost knocked out opponent who was out on his‘ « In all my experience I don't more matic nt. From that time on we began to notice a great change in x the class of patrons who wrote in to " the offioefor ticket . transforms nonnocdfiiat in porters ceased to use the names of spectators, because there was no longer a news value to them. It bcmme no longer a novelty to see pthc most prominent and the most highlv reservations. tion 15' a short time the re- table men in the I’ o Brought to a Stop Between Markings on Street. Missouri Motor Company is tests are being held in front ting quite.a bit of attention. aside these spaces while the ted Press. LOUIS. May 27.—A man. ing to advices received here He said the slaying er, Pounded for 16 safeties Before Be- . ing Replaced. In the opening game of the Twi- light Baseball League yesterday the Postolice nine batted its way to 8; ll-to-I‘ victory over the City Ern- ployea. The game, which was scheduled. to go ‘seven innings, was calle d at the end of the sixth on account of darkness. Burgess started on the mound for the City Ernployes and was poundei hard by the Postofflce batters, wln gathered sixteen hits and eleven runs oil‘ his delivery innings he worked. Walden finished the game was touched for ill ill? fall! and rec hit: and ii like number of runs in two innings The losers played aaggedly in tin field, making eight errors. Castle and Nichols led the attack of the Postoffice team, each count- ing in double and three singles ir. four trips to the. plate. Ellermar. hit a double and two singles it three times up. Newman pitched a good game for the winners. ‘ts. three of which were bunched in the (0 urtb. He allowed but fivi The Postolf ice cres- played good ball in the field, allow- a Total: _ , _ . . . . . ..'.’3 4 3 ‘Walden went in for Barre“ in Score by innings: ’ ‘ 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..lIl 008-14 100 O0 Poatoflic - n . . . . . o . e ...o. i.... .o. V . . . . . . o -. Illlv . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . City Fariployn . ..o ..o ... mg only three errors. ‘ Q .' e--cafe-e-e-” Ier.-oog--.-.—ee2w5o.iAae--5---em: '5 V 1 “I - eQo.ng-one--O_Wa-» o-to-.-not--.—.ao.,. IO uuursveu--ca I eo-2-nevece IO! onoasneéldl-D3">'C I never-to---v 6:) 00 ll 1 :- thefourth. 3-I Sumrnar . Stolen >cs—Bue-ichcr. lief! no-r. Ca-tie. Nichol cwrnan. Fowler Hart. 2; Walden. 2 Sacrifice hlta—Balwe ac hit-~—F‘ic'e. Cast] Nlebolt. Three-ha-.e lut —llardacker. Fir-Urn Double plays (2 tie to Well: in flawe Ficltlia to lngles. Struck out-lly Newman 6. by Bur- res-.l lntlcs 3. -City Erriploye-. Hopper and Iillc . In n. I. Newman 2. off Walden l. or Base: on balls-—Ofi Poised ballv on bau~—l'oatofljce. 4. '1'ime—l:.’o0. UBpirs-- r. 103 ATHLETIC AWARDS MADE . - ‘slump. . _c 37 Varsity Letters, Gfoi the visitors Sport Emblems, 60 Numerals Given. Thirty-seven Varsity sport emblems. and sixty freshman numerals were awarded by , Committee on Intercollegiate Ath- the lctics at the regular spring meeting last night. Sixteen baseball. letters we:-(ll "Q" Mr sweet voice Ias'ins.! W “'0 "am Im°"¢ 0"‘ awarded to the following men: Bishop, Swolford. Waters. Reagan. Lippman, Greathouse, Schweiger. Lewis, and Jo in track the twenty-one letters wasrover a drug prescription given ,5" him by Dr. Dillon. AT THE HOSPITALS )'0li I v 5 . bed. em»- 5“ lbw g—_ IQAK 3” -'g-ls$-¢.«v3»'II- nauc;_g‘___ ____ 1--‘ this '21‘! Madeline Rulfin was 3- . discharged were Arthur . Davis, Lawrence Braun, and llar- ' P! V terda Those County. Vincent Schreon was discliafltdu yesterday. adrnittod yesterday. ‘ I -9----0'-‘—'-' ' 3'‘ Barred lllller win or West Point. of Xdi . I i.-nrydiroi New York no in.’ anon $1.189 1 Parker Memorial. admitted q C morning. Paul Fung. and ion. Pearl Budricll ~ ‘today. Stewartwas West to 1811. » 1, Fergason. Fitch. Fla- is vaclnt in our home which never; question to be Mt-0-d hr the m'-‘-“''! monk, Gill, Grantsll0..GriiIia..1aa- can be '2 ;°°’°‘"‘°d: ’ V b N '_n M ' ad’ -gm G“ h W. r Th‘. ‘I ‘ I)?! W! . dowski. Ilahoriey. Nleold . fin you 35, 3,“ .,,d_ in: to help. however. in such -i 8§oc_ .1 WIilli_l8.' -Yolk?» {bury 3;,‘ .,}¢.,§g-. bu-Q:II)'.lI ‘will not involve It in. 3“ ":’n‘F“” ‘G-“W the soul ia,“nfe in heaven. lfiaropean .quv.-stions. the Vhwtltl." l'a!r;,f'l'ate, Ihn-yp ,‘nnd v‘ p T IOTBBR. spakesnian said. ‘ I13 M’? ‘ ‘ ; V I008 WAHTBD‘ .123‘§'fi mag De.co- .‘-"""'."'-i ‘W iiouoo is um»; and out use ratiai Day and ailegal holiday, all . ~ Boone axon no-pin: trnsteescolumbla boniringi-ooalowiiiro. will reset flilda iosozrdsb soft closed on this date. Patrons ‘ matter the aatyliospitalfforshe will arrangetotnuuetthclr year. ‘_ EJalyt.‘.192S. _ ‘billsarast geliyaedtotheucrye-5 ‘Columbia Serbs! hlxflu an 10a.,ra.fPiidaa.“ BoooeOcn1M;‘_l‘I'|II1 00038380!- Jim! .5, 10I§.oA hand for on ,'fliaa'drd s wllfho required or. Boone county N.-“U-I Bust. 3.30 A ‘ ‘ Kanstciner. og9—ooann-Clfiu : some brilliant form in the second letters. six wonder P” pure in the pg. shines and it we are riiinrul unio‘aecuriti' pm- For the first time in the history» match «mi Time as Host tprthe.-.-.* be a feat! of the meet. Oklaho- ma and l ouri will play an exhi- Conference - bition match. Thomas Putnam,‘ Tealns. The greatest athletic carnival of members of the team are Thomaspthe year in tha- Keithley. Gayel (‘.arncs..number ol1c;C0'nfcrenrc will be ‘held at Norman men; Harold Baker. number twozf Friday and Saturday when contest- and C. B. Williams. number three: ants from Valley schools will coni- mui, . petc in track, golf and tennis. Haj. Carl Baehr and Capt. Ar-5 For the first time in the history thur Wilson. who have been coach- of Valle)’ ¢‘''|l.“<‘l5U‘'D 15? 019"‘ lag the polo team. will rnaltc the; will be held in me .¢(illlht‘!'!I corner trip with the team. Other schools: of the confircm-.‘. and it seen». that of the conference having R. O. T. C. the Sooncrc haw chcscn an aux- unlts wil have polo teams next picious moment for making their -mr ‘ccoy-ding to pffgpnf vhfis. flfld u CUnrC'f('ni'l' ‘hf? polo matches will ‘nu-cornc part or never before has such an outstand- 'hc Valley contests in the near fu- ink KWUP ‘ll 3l-hl'i‘35 599" 33”“ ture er-ed together for Valley competi- tion as wi meet at Ow:-n Field this week-end. _ ' Nebraska him two men nationally prominent in track in lioclu-, Valley champion in the sprint 1-\'em.<, anal Weir. crack hurdlcr. KAN§i§‘TT«:T&iNIs i TEAM WINS 2-1 ‘ g ” Mindlin Stars as Tigers: GmW'"'§ "um-man tram.” Tay- , lor, Olympic star and holder of the Lose. to J9-Nhawks ;«_world'i= recon ' 400-meter ' ' yhurdlcs, was both hurdles in ¢0meback° around w‘rlvl':i record time. ‘ind as ~ ' . he Pioneer rt.-lav The Jaylmwk tennis tcanrfstam-Ii. "d"“',mm_1_ "7 l’ ‘_ . - om, of we mks”, “pm,” Jf me. train. is (.r‘(1ltli-fl r\tll‘l}l‘cXI ‘l:l;l.l"a:§ season when they emerged from it “ "‘ " ’ losing streak which had plan-d them . low in the Valley ranking and won it 2-to-l victory over the dash. Poor ' and one of ill? g:-cutest jumpers in ill 'fi;;i~r net , , . , ~ ., - l r !‘ft‘\rn‘”,n In “ dlbdl" “ ills: Rollins Field courts. The trndl-' ."'‘‘'p ‘tr. '3‘m'h m " "K tionalrixalry In tuien ‘ill uurl and mu”) “mun hammny‘ P0” '0“ W ' ' 1 '- i .~.'. ' . . . R .f d. .' h h . lat um-s l°':I’.'h°f Ffwamgrs for gm ",L;::n:;m.g three year;-. of ccillcgiatc competi- " ‘nun .". i O 3‘ " lion AK:‘.flS.’lS will enter four other play was ill?’bl'l.lllalllihh¢Tf0l':1lll‘l(‘§ mm M. MW,“ "in! "mow" in 07 _C3l‘1- MlD\9lllll ‘ R‘ 01 00 ‘gate their res-pr-:-tivc fields. Fisher, M.u" Rggcniu. 31 $.53 “m.§u(:(:_ 3:1: Kansas sprinter. ranks nail to ion, -. .2. 1-. 1‘. --1 _ - __ ‘ ~ , 7’ . f H >l.oi kc in the d..slus. and ‘Graham is Y.u":i“‘b m min ‘mm! 04”“ one of the best broad Jumpers in h’ ‘ ‘a “V M‘ ‘M '6‘ '2' the Vallev n-: well or ii hurdlcr and ::h°'kd°'fb3°’6‘;I‘“,'. ;"""t to “W Jay‘ _high jurnpcr. Pratt and Grady. flgafitol-giinalgnl-$1.. pain“ mxh Kan.-ins distance r'ur;ni-rs. are strong‘: ' I ' _ “’ ' - -ntr' fr m the Mount Oneal ‘in steadiness since the first of thin: 0);’: 0 {season and his cool placements and ximpnr, and 8.1,” of we x‘n_ ‘smashing 'serve enabled him to (ie-_ as Aggie, ‘H, prohm’. um an," I?“ the k.”'”" "'0' T"'"' ‘fa’ of the distance runners. with His- time the Tiger leader passed Rogers: ‘Dari’ Kn!“ ‘nd Am” pushing id?‘ 3'- ‘““'°“f"5' "‘ mid"°_“r§' them closely. Baltar set a new .with accurate drives down the Sid?-" (.:,,,f,,,.,..m.,. ,,.,.,;,d in ".4. ,‘.0_mm. . ' lines or brilliant crosscourt chops. mm in ,, dun] mu.‘ wm, um 13”...‘ e an.-ias champion displziyed‘h,,m -h,(.mu).' . Cox. the Oklahoma javclin throw- .set. which he captured 0-3. but on_e,.' i, fink“, n, the 1,0,, 5,, "u. %the whole his Pins’ was (‘mm ,'fL'niu~d slam. cor has hurled the V ‘ Turner was emphatically off his, ,p,.,, be“... than 200 {wt 0,, “V. ‘form. In the singles the tall Jay-_‘g.,,1oc“_.;on,_ lhawk. lloag. had the first match all 11",, 3", sum,‘ gm,’ L5“; lhis way from the first service. Tur--, 1'53". ,.,m-;,_.,- of prominence up Mr came back stronircr in the I-003. numerous this year. Walton, ‘rigor ond 89! but Bllrlfid 055 Thu)’ l°"iquarter-miler.irtI'1e only confer- ’ late and loll 4-5» gr-rice runner to run the «M0 in less l TM 4005305 P115’ ‘'03 lflffifislr 10‘ than 50 seconds so for this spring: }the brand that has been presented, mghgg-mg, uoig-ht mm, ‘is in. n :3" mild‘ P18)‘ heretofore. both}:-lass by himself in the shot and item‘: seemingly rm-ing-,' taken’ ydirour; Bransford. high jumper. more accurate retUI'M~defcsted Poor in the Missouri-Ran- 00!! their frond IN-'1;Aas dual meet Saturday: Poage. play finally enabled them to take: two-mller. won that event against flhe lead in the second set and win Kansas in 9248.9, t second‘ best :33. 6-4, 7-5. :time in " the Valley this year: Per- » dew’: time of l:.'v’i'.0 for the half- ,mile is the fastest conference time A tribute to the memory of my for that event this reason; Keeblc beloved son, J. L.’ Ashcroft, who,ond Cunningham rank among the took his happy heavenly fligbti»best»hurdlcrs of the‘ confercaca-, l.”-9,, ya" ‘go on guy 5_ 191s,;‘and Lancaster not only is one of_thc_ Ilt acorns to me but yesterday the com’ ., best pole-vnultcrs in «uou,.._ do”-t ,,.,.,_.p for me; I am. best brood jumpers in the Valley. A -.4o_.. _-O - .—..—¢..o C-pt. Anthony. Kearney. Meow.-en. wins to lime" WW3 =it‘*"°" '3"? COOIJDGE sArs six?’var1'v Sanderwirth. Windle, Whitenian,’tronble never come.’ -- - . _ - . rAc'r is 3:07 ma. U. 3. Oh, dear son, how I miss your ' kind and loving voice, your sweet smiling fan that always greeted Our home is so-gaq mod; my mum ‘_'__ '°""Y "jg" ff",‘°"' ‘:5: WABRDIGTON. any 27.—l’rc.¢- ’hW_nm‘ of ’mc ‘scald; idcnt Coolidge does not be taken from as by dea .' 5""-’ '°P="“‘ ‘mmim ' We subniitito our loving Master's‘ G"""" “"1 T"”‘h “""'"'“"“"‘ ,m_ n,_,'do‘h ‘n-tmnt. ',“_ No, that the lfinitcd States participate cloud is so dark but the sun run‘ in the prorated western Enron?!" wooid ninoppfiiréhsfaggraird Par- ticipation in Western Enro- ' mother. “*- that we will-‘see him again in ohrl ‘Bic president told callers yester- Fatkefa «mansion fair. l day he had no direct information of “A preciousone from us has gone? 11* PYOPOIIL but 9911 9“? ‘M 94“ avoice we loved is stillal. a plaEcl'~""“7 7 .1‘ -. a‘ Missouri \":tlli-y ‘ of Kim.-.:i-. an Olympic‘ star ' ......;,,.».r...;...- — 0% 1% .5 l ;l .—./' -0- c-- -vi: nu‘: ».—- pa -. -we v? .-Lop r--Q» .. .-. -on r-..‘ ..