-2-no-...s , ‘Q exzvowiiouzz ‘ earn my expcn the resolution '1 one student. . a. c. ms... and nr. Booker Seek- New Disease Cu ial fraternities V ..."Know your buddy by band” is the‘ ' n hat will quite I will paradethe leglass and.”-unless, t’ hold sec. already-stores sell- those-wt. have suffered are i the bands report thit their sup- still suffering serious internal 1..- ply is running short and that the juires and many thousands of other bnvs are “Eating fem up like hot wounded and disabled World War cakes" heroes.’ The.hatband erase struck the East several ymrs ago but is just getting as the Iliddle West. b A “GOD ls AN EVO|.U'l'lONlST.°' S_A\'S NOTED IDOIDGIST Robert (‘us-hmsn Murphy Says ‘nut Evolution la Considered as God's lethal. r- mm Pro--. NE ’ YORK.-‘-One can be an evolutionist without having a mon- key in one‘s family tree, according to Robert Cushman _ltnrphy, noted soul nd in. director of 3 History 881 F. violating a new state law that pro- hibits the teaching of Darwinism. “Down there it is a question of whether human thought -is to stultified, whether scientific’ in- quiries are to be blocked by nar- row-minded curchmen who tulu Bryan seriously when he points to the orangoutang and asks. ‘Do you want that for an ancestor?‘ ’ ‘.‘Biologists never for one minute have contended int man was de- scended from the Anthropoid ape. and describing evolution as ‘the monkey theory’ is pure tommyrot. “It is not possible to trace the development of man in a straight line from the original cell to its present plane because of innumer- able off-shoots from themain stem. You can't draw a line between a man and mo y any more thar you can connect man with the "P2n8¢- "_One may be an evolutionist without being an atheist. The evo- lutionist does not discredit God ‘God is an evolutionist,' he says. I-3'.-olution is not designed to show that God had nothing to do with man's development. but rather it is c.:nsidered the method «used 2;- Goi" . J ., -- 5 100 8'l‘l7DEN'lS WILL BE SALESIEN ‘nus SUHMER -Expect to Visit 150.000 Persons in Effort to Earn Next Year‘: School Expenses. About 160,000 persons will be visited by an army of salesman from the University of Missouri this. .-umm . accordng to estimate the total number of homes M. U. student representatives of various ‘companies are expected to visit. Tw hundred students will begin a long summer campaign June 1 for‘ the school expenses of next year. Each student is hoping‘ to earn about $400. “I intend to work from eiuly morning till late at night to sea for next year,‘ is ll 0 ‘N cro last few weeks by training classes of the various companies, acco - ing to Fred Dixon, employment sec- reta ry. flairty-five nudenta from‘ the University will sell hosiery thi: summer. One of the students from the University of Missouri will be given 13 permanent position this car. y Ten University of Missouri stu- dents will books. Those en- gaged in this work will call only on farmers. They have been in training all spring under a veteran salesman. An aluminum colnlilllyl I bfmh ¢0mPlD¥.’Intl 8' magazine have all ggjiloyed an]:-ge number of men, do rmr CBEIIICAL ousr of the use of chemicals in the forlnofdustssa preventlonsnd cure fa‘ IP '3‘ 03*“ ' “'i.'t¢ . . A . the American 'I1K!lI"OI5_‘-Nl‘tl0nll~« *5?“ N '13 ¢"'Yl'mZ I W0!-Ylded ..__.__._¢.:_: ' Sllfl’ GOE OUT TO FIND th ;_merican Veterans, here, June 22 to Is. - ' Following the blinded veterans The division will be headed "by National Commander Frank J. Ir- win of New York City. wounded wearer of the Distinguished Service Cross, and past national command- ers and the national officers of the disabled men's society. Dr. George Calvert of Syracuse. N. Y.. national chief-of-staff. whose eyes were shot out at‘ Chateau Thierry in the spring of 1918. and Rabbi Aaron- nonal ehaplin of the D. A. V. of W. W,, whose eyes were destro in the Argonne offensive of 1918. comrade‘ to safety. will command in the parade. REAL HOME OF WBALE Falkland Islanders Want to Know Where These Mammals Go-in the Winter Time. ".' llnltad Pfegg. , L0!\"DO.\'.-—-Op supreme impor- tance to the Falkland islands gov- ernment. is, Where do whales go in the winter time? solving this question, it is financing an expedition to the Antarctic for the sole, purpose of -chasing whales. and tracking them, no matter where they go. By far the greater portion of the revenue of the Falklands is derived from whaling during the summer season. and the exchequer would benefit to a much greater extent if the mammals could be traced to their haunts. The preliminaries have mcnced. e Discovery-—the 800- ton bark of Scott fame-—is being reconditioned for a two-and-a-halt rear cruise. "Her destination will be anywhere on the ocean, and it is ‘expected she will cover more than 50,000 miles during the trip. cial whaling gear is being far- nished. while m prominent scientists will be on board. rel on nown portions of the Antanctic Ocean, along the west coast Africa, to south Georgia, Graham’: Land, and practically to the Great lee Barrier. NAVY HAS SMALL AIRPLANES ___.__.——._.———. Engines Develop 80 Horsepower- Weigh 208 Pounds. llnlll‘ Pre-M. WASHINGTON.-As the first step in producing small airplanes which can be practically employed on ships of war, the navy has de- veloped a new design, _air-cooled engine. ' The new motor in its block tests developed 80 horsepower at 1800 revolutions a minute. It weighs only 208 pounds. or 2.6 pounds for each horsepower. In ord b- tain a small engine of such light weight it was necessary to intro- zioce a number of novel features of construction. ' 1' uzvr°s snoa karma wonx . Phone 825 806 Broadway I Work Called For and Delivered. BUY SEEDS NOW . 2.50 CCOJOOCCCU u. ..........$2.75 Rape and Sudan. lb. ....10c KLASS SEED STORE .¢5HANGE ‘Wabash V _ ' l.‘’~;M3Y.31 A Phone,call or write Wa- ’ .. 5. .‘ .‘ ‘ ~_ ‘ l u ' J’ .' v. bash Tidret Agent for full information before start- -5n8:9“ "'9 :- Q5 H,-E..WatIl.N 0. ‘Vane’ filmt 'BAS "Kr. ’ ‘.2 ,-1. ‘ 3 . ~ ,g .1.-. 3-‘ ,‘;_-;'.~t*;._- sohn of Cincinnati. the blinded na- an the unit of ‘blind veterans munching ‘ With a view to ~ ,.¢.¢..g .0 p :2” I 5 .9. barred _ sport news consists of accounts of l pirate ships captured or merely pursued. the papers: . hm "" I” " ' L, ,5! ’ i The most popular suggestions for of brk riders. a to I . theulnedIOO0.aad't’heIrthaakI.la! giesaunaéguoroigzmla: summer vacation arethe na- tcdl sonar entertain 5.93‘ ' ' ' ' - ‘_':’."‘ °°‘‘‘''''‘ ‘‘ ""“‘:: ‘ wil d !oldeif“:’o8the _s::-a_ oll’''nlYell’::'?tomTh"l:latidnb'lurl‘b:!lf. ,; g,,_ .,, 5;. ,.,..,.. u, 3,. o,g...._t lner Sllsslon students at_ regnstra-,2 Wind Cave National Park. Glacier angina: one also voted saoo to the, tion tune, calling attention to all; National Park. Yosemite National crew at the Belvldne. dently included as it came in. 9 ‘lie of ma worth 3 1! a single ten consisted of one a stable. and a blacksmith: shop. If Noah! Webster would publish his dictionary There is an item about an inven-' tion, with the reckless claims of the: inventor safely inclosed in quota- tion mar s. De! Calcite ha.-.‘ propelling steam ; coni- 3.. gt. i ..-a the history of navigation, «ill be marked with some distinguished ad-% in the same issue there is a quo-7 tation from the London Courier up- on this subject. “On Thursday last the public were much ed and astonished at the exhibition s I l a .mall draft of water in lost will leave London in ‘arts. the Int instance of A direct com-5 muaiv.-atlas: between can ll of France a Tlllddvertiaemdnta are more sig- - The nificaut of the life 0 the time than} 3 ‘wiqhd for the comparati ymthe. anewa. ._ _ V ' numerously sought for._,._$even,-sue,-.,. -3 . on: are advert: in one issue. All are of\"l-Elegant Furniture!“ tare advised to call to see the h an“ .'.~'tiaer. I they would learn something‘ ‘up.’ ) to their advantage. - iton. , C. today to serve on the ' ‘ad we dneucotton crop reporting board of the tculturd. which will meet June 2 to Here is a quotation from one of‘a':”g:;€'°S£tfu°' ‘°f.°°n°" 2 l n th ‘lbsqlsoulaiana State ln‘snunnee Compnnsizhich , ‘the church services and giving a ' Park, llount Ranier. Crater Lake. N’-"3 ‘Wm ""311 l°‘"“ '3‘ °"‘°‘ short llescription of the work of ‘ Haunt ll ' ‘ « . . q ’ . less 'a . a fun days for: :5 summer vaca- United Sta . a continuation of the onsinthe is To on Cotton Crop Logan went to lected «I60 pamphlets and nuinerous United state: Department of Agrl- posters on European tnvet are -general rtingboard.’m°_Y¢ “II! In G "3, ;uc:p9_"p° ‘ggained from book cfiinley, Grand Canyon. Verde, Rocky Mountains, and A each oigaaisation of S. R. C. I -.s—-- '- ‘!Keeps out damp! chillare kept out of every ufilind building that you line with Shectrock. the lite- board. broad, high the lasts or studding. Saws and nails like lumber. Takes any --w pa- Beingmadelrom puregypsum P°"~P‘-““vP‘3d‘~°’T l'0Ck‘Sh£¢ITOCki88!l8I\1l’illl!.‘|' sulasor against heat. cold and _‘{Jnjg¢dsgga(;ypg;gcqnp.ny, moisture. and it will not warp. -Ask your lumber or buildi buckieof '1<- inater-ialdealerloraaampleaxlzld comesallreadyforipriom. nmren STATES cvesuu COMPANY 205 West Monroe Chicago. Illinois II.B.a.Pm.m. NO Testing and Filling Service on all makes of batteries. O Real Willard Service ,CHARGE for . This means um Various _ _ railroad Ines, and chambers of commerce of s. ‘file Fe Railroad has given .7 ‘-._ _.. ...... - ._ .-. 1 . . » 4 ‘ . ' I -._...... . . __ .__._ . . .._ -. _.,_, } t o 77.. High‘-Grade Gasoline / Sflandard S If you have been noticing a falling off of power in your car, Without being able to trace the decline to a definite cause——fill up with Red ’ Crown. You will be amazed at the . increased surge of motor life. I L If you have ‘said to yourself,. “My . next car is going to have a more powerful engine,” don’t wait! Fill up with Red Crown and receive now all the power your present motor is capable of developing. Red Crown will give you greatly in- - ‘ creased impetus, and more "mileage A per gallon. Hundreds of thousands of motor- ists feel that they can’t afford not to use Red Crowni*~Standard Oil not merely water-squirting. Our service includes test- ing each cell, repla ing evaporation with distilled wa- ter, tightening hold owns, tightening and greasing ter- minals and Battery care advice. - SPECIAL PRICES For a limited time only. New‘ genuine Willard bat- teries for Ford, \ Chevrolet, Overland, Star. $fl350 . t on large type 6000 M. A. H. We are oversflilced , thread rubber ins tion rechargeable '3-volt Willard “B” radio batteries. for limited time W price—96 volts-—$45, special only—-: - . 0 c 96 volts $27 ° Thisstoblrwill go—Comeearly ‘. ;Will,ardSgervioe- .1. - ‘ ;§.'_‘. .;~'-r:'; 4:’ *1 '. (‘4 .>" J ‘ . ..‘t-‘_, 5.: Q W. u‘ ,.‘-C "-. “ " 1 < r ' 4’. . :4 ;-“u”-as -_--. . .__ ..1 V ‘H . Columbia,,Mo. . -._ 3 . . CX 3120-. h r‘- ms" . - a 3 q 5" .P ‘3.'.¢.£"¢ :'-_.‘ ‘ fa--,1 I“ ..g' ‘N ' -4- ,""\-"- ", ‘i ‘ '1 “t (\ _r., g .. . ‘-3 L Company (Indiana) methods of manufacture have created in this gasoline an uniquely powerful motor fuel, with an unbroken chain of boiling point fractions, which , guarantee its dependable economy and efficiency. i‘ -At the following some on Station: AndatthefollosvingFilliIigStat,ionIan¢H‘fl-VP-51¢“ L.C.I udfarlalad llnlatt IstarCo..lI8.'I'nnlh3t. lam-pl sadleoad »;: E :9 FF;r;- PP gr ii 6 -.«.1=9-..!3g ev°°,;~~'“ ~ ‘* Red Crown