-- ' W. iie 'HA_NGS PAPER, work and pride righ ‘ tn. '_‘-J-_ S 1!‘ v. ‘ - ., _ . .' .'-rv, - .-"_.:I‘.“';at“. r.-17"‘ ”.’T.''_- ._g. . .t * . e. - i ~ .., » 5,.-. .-._* . .‘ -‘ «e ;v ' n ' 7 " " ‘V . ‘ . A « 2’,-» .: .._ . - ~‘ - ,.~r.., . —,.:_ i g. . ,. u~;:_-.”’;... .7. 5' . i..*,."‘r:-. -. 73.. ,, ‘_. . .. ~ . A - ._ - : t ’ o’ . ‘ do ,' “". ' ‘ I ‘ I 3,‘ R o _."_. ‘Q ;-‘Rd ‘-_1". ‘D ..‘. O.-d-qr ‘‘ ... . .: '.V I 3 a « , 11,- I ‘I: "'.' _ V _f - _ _ 4 .' I _ T ’ ' -' - "' 0- v . _- "w ' ', .. ’.. 3 ye“ - 4'2’. L fir“ A " ‘ '7', . if i A "‘ . . _ .- . n ' > A 2 t . .‘ . - . » - V ‘ 'l"r'2‘ ' ' J‘ "3 ‘- ' I. . O . : ‘ ,, ,4 ' -‘ . -.Z * .-: ‘ _ ~. I ‘v N ‘ - ti’ 3 ' 2 ' " ~ '.: . . 7"’ ' I ‘. l ‘ — I - i . a . .. -e > «e - . . DA . .~ v ~ -. . -'. -' , W: ' ' ~' 7 —- t.«' ' " 1 ' "'4' 3 ‘1 ‘ - 'n_. d W V ' . NI‘-' — Y = ‘L " '. 2 § ", !, T: " F»..>D'-.,“~ . . . _ ' - I C - <- 7’ . » 7 n _»' 1+! ‘ ' -‘ .' ‘.‘ - r.-av rev 3 _ L , ‘_ ». we...‘ a_ _ .. -1, ~. / . _-, .— -, . Lg. , V-gr . ' ‘ F.‘ _ - ; 4~;Jy ‘ .¢.u-,ga_bylandfwiree_to1nidod la.I;nk.luI as new at of.t: ~ ‘‘5.-‘. ' . _ , ,..-5. “' k‘ 0 f ‘ A ' - ~ ' M [8 If W$»..n" an ' “H” nu‘ "' ' ' ~. " ,,.-It x > A: . ', ;. : fi ‘ - .. .- ifiiatbnecurie payment of aeertaiii .... . - ' i - 3 ' ‘ A . . ' I ' . i “ m'3”p°r.1 '.- of {nut de- . - ‘ . "“"“ . i . thereof. shores ooid John 5. Killer Te 55 ; .'., .» d t d ;y....,- 3,,‘ L” ,,_d, ,,i ‘Royalties Formerly Took country. ‘nu R-div Corponuonl-..a.. o... o... ..... n... .n.. .....:. . . o « e , ; A wan“ an |"""“"§ can of Come“ 31nt1It:aae.froinA'l‘&Tthewirea..-u-..d‘thce¢ac.his-or---eroflhol-"V ;'. . . . 4 d d _. d A_ ‘_ A e _ e . zouuieooeyoouinooa did i e . — ;.— _ e. - P ‘ - " Q "‘BAD888AI.8' ' ‘ BE T" A"'°"“"m°’h°“°‘m°°.**n“‘m - . ... sixlneerhonsforficawoidgf " . AKERS : i on l.B.itcu3ArLgA8Ilig'YTBAlL‘ €.§’1f°§.’"};h"i?.m"3;”?:°31?wY3i"-?;e§-71'«"$4‘3o3"J353' .a-i-nu iu--ri- ii - --- roe neimu-xi‘ odeui iuuoeioeeo.‘ ' F03‘ 8ALE—RxelIlait Whittier ° - ~ Wen Weeks» I ; . _g .. ...... ........ " ”‘}"""' rooinr hrfilo fix 806. ' mt Hams’ 1. uniuzu. L 35' Change‘ A vgfirggfi an: hfidliuzgm "gs 3 "“"“'_"~"""""‘ "“' ""' "" ’"'m‘""h.“;‘; “»flvU‘§$1%CIr with 3 o d d M o I _ ‘ '3 ~ 9 mm‘ F,” 3”,“ um” I . I: rang w 3 one ‘ at poise weave. in -a :1: ifloonhfit _ , d . . ‘:34. mm; yo.3&__,3dd hm“ "R; (grmvziidununabrgdz. ~ national will be‘hbl'oldctSt\t‘(b.l°e:‘:r.nf:‘r" ii» Soiilt;o::orc¢;f“ct.l;e -no-in --‘*~ ‘ : . room. ° . ' -—j. . vim ' e ..N-- ' - " to "’*“" " a 0-‘ **-°*"-* """"""°. *n"I.'.. modern in em‘: 31- non Si\LE—hniilier oak mi Reafilin, Varsity Pitcher, ,,,,- ''°,‘‘’'‘ '’‘.‘‘'° "" “""' °‘ "'9 NEW Y0RK—'I‘bere is one fe-- 3:: inec-°ti‘:"¢e:po.i:ai‘.’irou-"‘“°“" °" , . Iiihfhllco Tho Oil-' : .- Pb ’ 0%“. mg‘ m. E7 ‘hi ~. 4 o 0 J01. . “sue Penna“ fig ‘ad 1131'! Of the recent announcement M dj '1] be ed 5 gr, 1,. T“.‘”‘ ‘hm’ “‘ "'3' ae_ well an I-vC!':t.|: ;‘_'.'3E'.-.____93‘-,_..-.. . . . n 32:92“ Holds H1t1e55 0 3°.’ '31 xx "‘“°*; "t‘1’ud‘;h"m‘ lb’ tile worldnx arranceineni ‘between cegaulm nub’ y e co“. '£'°'.'...°'..L °dcn‘:dio:'t:5 ‘ . Aaaeahtioq. “Q . 5 _ . NIB! [1] ' . - . ' - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,,u.u trdhful want no and viii ‘ 300$! B03 3311'!‘ . Th;-gugb Fwe ship ‘awn '3 ° . ""‘”°"‘. the Victor Talkhig llachine Coui- Bmmfid‘ fim your 3 uthfrlaamoaid non. lateral and d 1...... aoviag iia atiuatinaoaiiue in - _ d Pox sAlE__Phn° Phone _ . V ' ' ' .pany and the Radio Corporation of , °°'” """“"' " """- mu” ., not eooiou-in. so you “mam” ‘or. ‘M. - e - , % mg-3_ At various times during the early{ ‘mu-ta, Gene"; glemdc ad The Bniimnclc Company one; the DOOR!‘-00UN1;Ym:;Rl;.;I: moon . ion Heist chill:-In at I-on-tr. dunnlwmfifi “um “New 5339-251 _____.__ fiegson (t;he New- York Giants had; Westinghouse Electric which pre- g'‘i’°°°’c'ld‘“'{l°'‘‘';i’':t‘'s’°” “; 9:" ii, 3. (:1 iiurrr. viee.p'neoidoai. Bupboyuaxr hind White‘ campuses; across from FOR 8ALE—‘lVro fully equipped HAMILTON-BROWNS SLUG: w;’”:nc£°l;‘:‘_’_"’;‘;:i§: 338620 :13 B01!!! especial iiiiterest to_ the radio‘ .n§su"'.°‘,n:r' p'::m_‘;m‘ '":e‘°h::"('f ‘n.mwn“o‘,8 don“ ' ’,Wonien'a Gym." 705 Hitt St:-eet,:iron beds. Simone melee. "I93 0111)’ . —-——-—~ . .m(he“ mu,‘ :0’ Such ‘um?’ ‘um ‘ “and m we re’ eaat aeveral weeks in advance of the "°""' " ""“”' """* Q." ""“"' "' —---— . ‘phone 1419 green. 229-242.6 monthn also one white on-me! Veterans Meet Junior ’ - - “ -" ‘"’‘“° ‘‘ "“““ °‘ W ‘P°“°""“' ‘°' W - “New-M - t*' me" e‘ 5- T- »DAY WORK WANTED-Jacks. , giant” bed 8”“ inch“ um“ _ reduction in playing strength might, Victor Company 11;“ 5‘ 1, .,mc;_ first announcement that Victoria,“ d,,_,d_ ,,,,, nu... ,, 9,, “dm ‘ '0 "2‘°°2‘2; l’-‘OR REIT!‘-o—'l‘wo front xoomineu. Phone aoss rod. .403 collate C. of C. Today at 5:30 j be °°''=t'°ed '8 8 bed breth b°‘:P0*»°d that payment will be made to "°“”t ‘"""*° *"""°°“"' "°‘"’ °‘.""'°" °' “’ “"' "" °‘ "” ""' "’ the players (‘ll the other clubs in-t um 3;-an, of 3,“ for music. At present. the Brunswick,‘-5' "'°"“' 0"" °‘ 3”" °°"'U- 3"‘ “Pm”? *1“-"“""'" ‘ °””“ - P M --Both Teams sisted that the National Lea ' cmmy h h b‘ ' be’ ted ‘ . I _ p _ 4 1 _. . gg¢_,_h.h. b d t p onograp ca melts. ingu to: u an . Nb. um‘ hian Cafe. C2354: for tvio in room. 310 for one in! Pan sALE_Thne .0“ V". . Undefeated dumpiom Rot may do such a fly‘: ‘nm:PPeI!‘InD¢ on 1'08 C“ PW‘ home the RCA recemng "L net; maxi: ‘mum to 0 1‘ ____:_ T0031. 609 TUTHCT, phone 1895"m‘“_n‘ sdart becaude they were at windcr .rusu of .n‘n‘emu* ‘hg vicfiof or-3333-113: BOBIIII INC? “I! ‘III of II WANTED--WOTK. by 30008 Kifli K1‘9¢3-- , 3235340 . - mm "mm ‘ ."""—"" all th hre k . ‘ ' "dd. iution providée for the combination L" "" ""’ "' ""“""" "°"' “" """"“ for room b°Ir¢l1lBcst 0‘ if ' FOR RENT La than: Vllnu;m°v:I‘Ii:}'niud!'€88¢l" s‘umIol!i: loD1:.‘een‘tllho'fulato!l‘f-5?2m ‘f:'(())‘l‘ll Thee accidznts suffered by the! i>l:I?Cc8t:tr ¢01l¢c¢:l-n of th‘ RCA 1925 'uper'h°ter°d’m° l:":::"&:‘::’:" .::'“".:'d'::.:5‘k “‘° -eneea. Phone 744w ‘te. 23 241. . -— rte 80“ ’ - . . - , « I . - i ‘th th V‘ to talking‘otlati-n. . _ mm; 1 mock, (mm white c.m.tboy. Oak seller: k_itel_i_eo cabinet. City Etiiployes In a slow. and _un- Giants which caused MeGraw to ulIy;!“'°"‘5°d bi th e0t'nonItione- t :‘°:h'';'‘'n’;_ '" ° .‘° ’ t ""’ """ "' ‘°",,"_f' """‘ . _.pol''colnln-top t8bI¢,tleI'nln0 neiitha interesting game on Rsllms Fu-Jd ii first baseman on second and use. 30'9"!» the!‘ W18 no fee of In!’ ' Atten: ii. A pus. Phone 2186 green. 207 Col , liege.’ ' H288-248 °' Al” wAit'r.nn...woiueee at Colum- for boys:' southern 3--. 'n . lli . Jud f Probate. “ant”: oonddfion. d !.e_ yeflerd‘). dftemoon It was the a veteran cgtchcr on ‘firs! base were’ kind plid to the artists. Rerniinera- C081 8!2‘l'l'l.8. :ARY 8E1’- Phone 502 green. S235-24¢ .. .. rfrigierator and. sewing niaelxine. first game of the third week of play minimized because the club has tion _was allered ‘to come throuth LEGAL NOTICES t FOR RI-ZN'I‘—-Quiet, cool front hone 1073 green. C286-241 in the .’lVi'illght League. 3:6}! 2 wefltih of reserve material gzlllllefi thl‘°I|8:1_mC1;¢8I¢da8Il_¢8 07 _ 5131, 93 woyux wanted to ‘mom to . coup“ 0,. Kirk; kucheg, "“" ’“ " ‘ """"” —— . ;g,,“.,,_ tome 355,03,-g v3,._.ig,> at t 0: missing stars could be ie- rec 3 few I-Int tom e inter . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . '05-; D mum, . . I ced. . . g i the ry g,,- 4' 'fIU8‘l'Bl‘8 sau: NOTICE . . in sinzer bewing Miichine priiilegcs. close in. no other room-7 _ __ ,_.‘.n...———-— .. _ Ditcher.__w:is on tdliemoutrlild fior the 9;“ luck aim t ck k ‘ th .»:m_e‘r':. ” ' " n '0. wm,;,u;As_ ,0,“ _o,_ ,,m,,_ ,, ..,,,.,,_z . sell ports and supplies to ers;.very reasonable. vPhor.~.- 2252: Lo""sT_G‘mm. Dd“ PM pm. Shoemaker: and tiring e tie in: Phvhdl h_ Amt; ‘ ii crac ii ‘ e‘ The mvélp of bro“ {_ t by I customers; answer telephone, etc.. blacL. 240~243 H 05080 “ill he “‘°l‘kPd hcld his OP ‘ ' '~'P 13 GU68 Just ‘then. 5 °‘"‘ ‘"3 ° hr of lurch. 192.1. I an have use of hernstitcher and ' ' 11.8. Ad-iiaisu-airlee-. T -iV~f!t-3 T —...-- .L.. -. .. . __ .. o 3 §'& 3'” rr rzwiiirsiis I ‘ d typewrgmn but km,“-],_.d¢¢ of these FOR-l'tF.'N’l'——'l‘wo double and one °" b‘°k' F"'d°" Via“ an 535' old high.school boy who throws; most promising team in the Ameri-.5"¢1’)’ \'i8°m°I 8139081 ‘-0 “Wee 09- °‘’‘"'‘’' ’"“°‘""' “‘ '°"""' R'°"" "°°k ' 33"..-5.9,; Q5... 531 -P’ . . . . . A W . _ ‘"9 3”‘ f’°"t P°"""- Ph°"° 1”‘ Ins-1~,_’,w-5;“ 1‘, 91,, get; 881110» 0"‘? the fourth iniimi!' first seven weeks of the playing sea-3 can '0‘ e 0! Sgt‘: :1 iiamsecutii , .. , . V ., white. 1010 Wllnut Street 235-243» . th didmnds. 3.“ sun, found Walden. City twirler in fine! mm It “Mot be denied mat Ruth; It is rumored that a number of 6. 64.65 chalm to the Nocthvu-t corner of I ' Ice C1'ean‘|—— 6 ‘°”"‘‘' “°"""‘ “""‘ °"°°°".‘° ‘“”‘ ‘‘°' . form and aided by good supnortflse .. vital men. on the team tneuhixh paced aim did not take t-- -*4 5-=“°-~ We -We " 1* **°*"'- - ‘I , etve 'enee in tovernmeot °f_‘!°'~’ liOUSl-ZKIZEPING nooiis-~ “'-'1?» 3°‘'‘.'-'7 5’? a ”°'w‘_ the fire chief sent the fast Shoe- f he is M. 0,”). ,, Rood ,,e,e,,5i,.;, 0",. 5 vorably to the idea of broadcasting f;'°“,";‘§‘ ‘§';_fif"’; "°“"f;f{,,"fi,,“,:',‘,;‘, 3 2 Vroiild like either full of Wm WM Furnished nnd «unfurnished: 2003 LOS‘l'—Bird dog‘ ulillle. ticked makers down in onion ‘fielder a smashing hitter and a‘their art gratis. even though the io°.:oa.' end Rlaekfoot Gravel Road: thence ‘ Th t denci 3 °"‘p‘°7m°"" Gm furnish the be“ ill’? moms: close in; !‘el5°“‘b1°- ‘with black‘ large 'h‘lack spot on The City's runs came in the sixth: meg; ‘influence oh the C1,‘, bu‘ he 5 lure of increased royalties was held with the center of said run! South 30'. But’ a Ions 9 ref 117996 0? P50”: 108 South 6th Street. 824 black. 13;; of name and address on inning, when Fenton and l-lulen sin-' is the big three: When ‘Run; is out for them. At any rate, with the 7‘."""‘:':“”c’,;":."'°“'k'f_;’;"’,‘~.°':h‘;:’,'l"': 1 3 ' ' I ’ ' ' .: _ ' _ ' V _ . $ IS ' I . ' -’L—‘ 8" °'‘'‘ °‘ "‘° "‘”°""’"" ’ ‘W’ ‘°“"= "'"“ ‘°' ’°'°"’"' ""°"" :§‘.:‘;.'.o“.’:L‘.'.f" .‘:.'.‘.‘§f.“° +‘..’2.‘3.."‘°..’.‘.:‘.".:. “F” "‘ "'9 *""°- °W'"= P“°*“" 0 :3'.‘ff.“.§Zf..§°I2".°.?:"Li3‘;.§“i’:.";?.‘Il.‘f :":'...“:*.‘..."*‘.;:*:rr‘ “*':.°'...;":°."‘: .*.:: Food de68ert- : 35173335 "§”°"'$".I.’;'§G CLEAN COOL FURNISHED r 9§—i"“-—‘—'-“——«,--—-——~——92-"‘1L° M um... ' ;‘,, ‘:,°di::,",k°§:u’:’fi,,"k°“5:§§ her of established (iirtiirts which the agree nut mi.»--in-: the-cc i'~'-mi ii F .- ' HA1 IRESS ENC A -—‘ . ' . . . -—‘ _ ' ‘ _ ‘ ‘ , ' _ _ ' , - ‘ . . _ ._. 1.: degrees Ea-i 7.29 chains; thence North " 5 ‘AND UPHOLS-rERnSQ__,By K E_ §g£::;5iTyT“°p'l';‘:::w515;‘lk {"21 USED CARS FOR ELLE This dIf;{'.Tf';:)fl at .i;.3(ihot~‘loc&: u1(:IR'llUl is in the gamenthe opposing "giro Iudtewe ml) be P!'1‘1‘¢K°d ”° :30“ ch:im:‘ ti» gum‘: isoenmdcurixieza: The Warm , ‘“““"-""" ‘°"“""' ""*”‘ P‘“k°' 406 rile: 235.246 1'-‘OR SALE-Ford touring car: W3 ‘ii: aim‘ uC‘l'im'tiec re (:re‘.‘-‘z1:1""°"°" "" °” ‘T ‘”‘'''-d.'?‘ "ink? The statement of the Victor Coni- s::m° aeamxi «Km sin: in 133- -no ~ . ' Fmlw" c°mp‘"y' .“~w° "M ‘"11" . model 1923' price 8185‘ good con- "1 '3 “mo? am r ° . ’ ,‘’‘°"‘ ‘°.” °fl°°m'° ‘"‘°m"” ea‘ t e u. did not make memiofl of the cum oslt ll’. inches in dmncm bean W h b “dud .0“, fur,‘ . , , . - _ ' meree, play. These teams are in a other ygnkee 53:19;-5_ P8 3 . soda‘ 5‘ H dqrm WM H mm; um“ Qgt er tfgat NCO??? “i ‘"5 °°“5 * RO0MS—Onc double and one dmw phone 351:5 30-242 . , f mew d, to be m , .ed m bmad_ _ ' " l 3 to chose . - . ‘ ° ' n tie for first place. The CM“-'9’ ° The loss of Babe Ruth was 8 .° . '3 p°’ I‘-mitt» clialzutothef‘.-Ivt«idt'0fI~I|d !~'orth- . lsfgssrififiizmp eguam Vlfllllc 3'00"‘: P’“3w home‘ { FOR SALE __OR TRADE__A Commerce gggm by; two victories financial Now to the entire lenxua casting their concerts. The three cat Quarter of'SQctIon c, Twp. 4!. Range ’ _ . _ , _ _ _ . . . .. .. ._,__ . z__ _D ._. . . "awe! Puker Furniture Co. KIN». Phone 15‘5- S23 ‘ co‘-we in 3 mndmonp and no defeats to its credit onu th- It is possible mu 8 M” mmwn companies with which it is affiliated 1. -thence Mflh ltllleh-to | the bet!“ _ You always inachiné it not essential; poaition 5l"¢i'-' 7007"! £0!‘ (H8 ' ponente hitlesa. Easley. a 1'.’-year-e they were speeding glong 3; ¢,}u_-‘unseen miliona undoubtedly had a oaiee or the recorder or deed. of Bowel L D_ aobauu dd. ‘ 0 I0 n’ permanent. Phone 148 red. 240 "Va Ph°"° 1203 buck 302 091; __m7 ' lege. S238-tf. Gladyb Hendrick, or latte at His» fmmlum port 3-‘dc. followed Rg3g3nJ can League. Sam Grgy_ who h.d;eratic and concert stars who made ‘::;_d"."':,'n_”" °“"""" '° ‘u ‘fig’ no {ice and reeaivo new; on the mound for the H.mmon,' won eight straight games withouutheirq-adlo debuts last winter. Hown val -tau lriniz. bqiig end atom 1: F , 3285*‘ Browne. and although two runs; it Event outdof thelgme weigh t-’V8!'.b!:0:’::tea) dip“?! 03' and ‘it ‘°;:"‘; W “O u. I A ' - _ -'*"'*"j . wen" oped ngainst him. he vi,-;s‘a ' n nger an cripp gpi .;ml)' 2 it r Company is ‘('73- °'. F‘ 0 e " ‘>4 * “r . i::,:‘.",Epl:.§;,Pf;_m”fi§,,‘§ §¢f;.:$d FOR‘ REl\"l‘—-_Two furnished ‘.*°5""'“"‘“‘ 3°”, °’°:,',_,'f; eeeeuqii in the pinches. . fine no 0 o-.. the ‘best looking‘ nntieipatinir demands to be niafde -....n3...n.. of gen... 5. -M. ut.n..eo; mm ‘°“ '‘ b3 '0‘ "8 Pl‘°P‘"’“’°M °’ the Nos-uu—.i Quarter of section I. ‘r-pm II VI 3 . ;. th 1 breakfast sets made out of old ta- ’°°"‘5"'°“° “P‘“-""- °"° d°‘"l-' N . : nrd’ Phone Scorinz three runs in the dfirstw In 9 . _ , _ _ . . . ‘ rid chairs. Price reasonable. 93¢“ '"~‘’“ *0 Nu“ 3°”°mb‘¢- t e u ' ‘at R N2w_2¢2 the Hamilton-Brown teain continuedf The Yank huge ;w$dfOtr’r::’pigixnifiifinbgdadiisixiii-iugramm‘gm. l1tInin:"nt"th:m:lo‘::::r‘h‘a‘:e:l:in‘oi:af’r.t‘i'er%‘ Centra‘ Dalry f 0 s Object . "1' "’° ' ‘ . ..A.. ‘a u oaoo-»a-o~eO- E. Telephone 1364 red. '1‘-tr D°“‘"W"" T901“ 11” °°“‘d° °P¢"' 1”‘ n‘ this slusxinz attack throughout tlteu when they lost -Rd Dodge _ _ __ _ _ _ ‘ ' ‘ _ - - iiing. cont:-ining in I 131.2‘: err:-. more 10 N. 10th Street. Phone 905 red. FOR R!-Il\'T—Two rooms fur- p,-“tinny new up“; would gg-gag Ve"°“v“” h“° “‘*“'u"°”' ‘’“‘3‘ g‘”"‘' dollars were lost in business in New'::':;‘:‘:u;;J;°fi§’dw$§‘Y1’§::i°‘;%;:‘f yr lcudo‘ '2»; Stheml:fmeb’lu::dm’:- 6-250 nished; close in; suitable for light for pong coupe_ 5.1] gt 5 Done, H‘A_'MlLT0Y_\i-p18“I'{-'.\'u O A ‘‘ ’YorkBnnd in cities on P08? when7wRC “.ashingwn, “.82 Syria? 3 ‘—""':-7; housekeeping. 200 West Broad- 51 t h ‘-"2054 bite, E ' “ ' ' ‘ U16 lb? “'38 5"“ W "l “, ' v ' - '. ' --——~~ - - ~ ‘EAL 357573 i“'*W- ‘ ' 238-250 M or P one V YH237-240 ““'"’°"" ‘I’ .1 '1: (1) ii 1 N“ ‘wk h°“”"‘l‘ If it “"1 '"‘ §eel:tl}’di:t‘:bi1I“i(tii.“i;fl(-:.hig-“l:’).(.Kl¥I)ast- +4 . . ' . t'le d. ‘""+:‘-'“""""”:"'—"““ um‘ 3" """ J .. » 1*"~‘°". ‘°' ‘hf’ "““.°"" ."‘“.'° b" inirs. Neim: wot’. Schenectady’: "GNEY FOUND "5 Heapmg dlsh FOR SALE-—Stx room i _ an . TWO LARGE. ROOMS. one sleep- udscmmygous ' ‘I’. Barnhitrt, c.. ...i 1 .. . U 0; tween ph,;,de1py,,,, v.“},mgu,n , 1 , , semng OM 13 It°°°° b°N?*‘°"- *33°°- B°““‘“'“"5'»inir porch. modern. one house keep- * r , ‘ix. - ------- —- 0 1. 0 0 0:.‘nn Cleueland. that sustained in- $3.-roflihlfg ‘ii?-lunM)iAiC‘ " ° - 9 . - . v ' . swc‘ ‘ — \ ° ° ti . Valle, oak fln‘nr*‘o-V mg apartment. 403 College, phone “Ahl'I‘ED—Your ‘npplicition for 0. Barnhart, If. ..2 I I 0 0 0? unrest, the effects of Ruth: absence, Hour of Music bmddcut “ch Tue’ KLASS COM, C0, . Of our dehcjous hand decanted llzhl flX“"'°5v ‘5 °"°,2t_3’8 green. ’ " G236-241, loan this week. My inspector will Barnes, ‘If. . . . . ..‘2. Q 0__ 0 0 0 would h",_. been go." mom 3"; .. _ v _ phone 392 Wm . .. .- V ‘° ""5 §‘h°°1-. T°’°’’’‘°”° 13“ ’°d . . be here in a few days . .We..athen. 3. Laws. ‘zh. -.‘..-d._1 o. o -3 o§7,,¢gy' in the parks, but the books in 1 $§C°"°$.g§. “';‘.B°z""§dm"("{ “J3 A "“E«Ph’:3f"205:3;F°'*¢h€**°°';V*g'2“3-neon» Company. ‘i>h'bne“2iz A.»-H-ran. ‘st or-.—»:~-3 is f) 3.1.. club ofiices show the decreue.KY_w'_ ,,.M'vm'o,-m"cm,' ,1” to ___g_ Ice cream. ‘ WILL ‘TRADE! $73210 3;:5d¢"°_°. RENT I‘ f Md ' 238-243 "gin p. 2 2 1 5 ~ in busmcss; ___._ ' broadcast from the studios of St1.a- [ SAVE oxggrnngn , ' ' I ad in Hoberir. 110- or 0"‘ "-‘‘°T .-‘lee “"139 : IF YOU h ti -o r'i'- 1 -' . .......l i 1 0 2 ozrisns A NEW .1522 CULPRI1‘ tion WEAR the Amt-‘View 7"’ ' ’ ” ism * denoe. Omar D. Gray. Sturgeon. room and sleeping porch on R008-‘meat for ,.e.::’ ‘unougd I. run“ Bum’ p « __ _ __ _ __ _-g .._._.._ phone. & Telegraph Company, New ‘Nob! lflling shoes direct from n t 9 : Mo.‘ ‘ 239'?“ mar)’: 11180 t8rI¢_€- Phone 1171 bong you 3; -an; ewugge,-, Total, _ . _ _ _ _ H33 15 15 13 12 :.IBlaInc£ Kitcheflfllt A98}1"¢°‘ ‘Wt- _ _h_ _+_g i _g __ um ”"""'°"""‘ 8"’ ‘""' ,‘ O ———- black or 1797 white. C239-Zlbnuny Compdny’ Pb°ne‘272_ C1-fy EmpLQ)'[.jS , Saxophone‘; Viaila. anti.-ed Walker Shoeo and alille - From pure . SALE-—Pl11ctlcnli)' . flc“’_ ‘ _ ‘ R‘ I‘. 0. ‘A. E. R), ‘7n‘",d prd,“ W W M ICU brick b"*'8"°“‘= -5 ’°°““- “’°. 0 mm!‘ .“°°”‘S“T"° —"°‘-‘-b’°' Hulen. 2b ..... ..3 1 1 2 2 1;‘ CHIC-‘-G0» -lime 1°--318"“ for J. A. nonizirrs , screened-in porches. modem inffind 0119 $0819: Glimmer flflflig FOB F°“.ld',.' bf. _ . _ _ _ _ .3 o 0 4 0 0 jazz music found a new rating ‘ fltlu Q cream. every we)‘: close in Ph°"° 1012 "“° ¢"“°' "17 U“"°“"’ ' ¢ Estes. c.‘ ....... ..2 o 0 5 o 2 place today. DAN 105 N. out st. ' I'll“! 10!‘ IPP°inlm°"‘- C2394‘, A"'°’“‘°v Ph°"° 1292 bud.“ FOR REl\"f'—Garage; ‘good loan» Wa.lden.~p. . . . . . ..3 0 0 2 1 0; --It-5 the kitcheneue gpuunem, , I .. r . t P939 -' . n , b. .... ..3 0 0 ' 1 0‘- .- . - ' r *~-r--v-we .’ . “ ron ‘SAL!-J—Beautifu1 new 6- . . 1%‘: 120? Wdm Smet'x;4hoT¢)§‘ ’6§‘.‘§.i,..i.. 3b. ...3 0 0 § 4 i~,m,:,h.°’ ';c:°:.';::fib,,'f .i,{:“,3',dEf,:, Private lessons by up , . V . : ’°°m' imd‘ h°°’°' 1”“ lot’ wen‘ RENT-Good "W moms‘ ' ’Hal'€" es. ...3 O 0 1 2 0’ "- ' f M sic Merchants llllllellt. é '°°"°‘= °"'*' "°°°- ”°° “°“'“‘;‘°' “"”‘ “"“‘° "°"“ ?°"’“—"“°" ooiu. . . on...;o.... 'n.”'....2 0 o o o o;:"i§°°I.“‘.‘."......" ° .. “o... ..........~..; "° BUY SEEDS NOW T A New 6-l‘0O!l‘l brick; only $5000;}f.P‘0ll\ CIWPIISF hot BIN! ice W836!’ Ill’. "' Gilliam. If. _ ‘ . ’ N] 0 0 0 0 “H ‘; h c“ ic Trades of Americ‘ in m 1 i ; mmcnt down. \ S('\'L'n-l‘00mgt"me3 meals ‘I Bum‘ Coo rt. . . . _ . _1 0 0 0 0 0.0 t_ e bus may 0 0 0000 02050 t . . hone, large grounds, shruhbei-y,"'ll»883 3 1119818 3 Week f0!’ 33 P91} Illlnoll Goal Hath 2b _o 0 0 2 1 otsession ere. _ H , - .. Virginia. bu. ....... .3350 H 3 flowers and all kinds 0‘ em“:“'°°“‘ 2 '"°"1" ‘°' 55' ‘B°ARDi°‘” "3' °PP°"“ w“"“' 3,““°' Fenton, p. .':.:.f..1‘ 1 1 2 0 of '.“°“,.°l“'." d°'"‘ ’“;:'na1h:':£’. Phone 2048 Cowpeaii. be. .......84.75 i“ . - ; we we v~~=r=*e»:2: .3’.‘.'.°.:**.....%~t ‘me We °°~ ————— A —e:;:,::... .22. °.:*:..."*..... .. .; fit on-.e. '.’:'° °~°-°~*"‘°"‘ 0 profeaaor;_ owner leaving towns} 5‘ ° 4 . . ‘ !‘o‘tals’ . . . . . . ..27 2 21811 413. 1‘, rt - ._.- _.. -- .. e jMlllet, u. 2.75 . 1: priced to call. New 6-room briokai 4 ' 828$“! LODGE 807% ~ Score‘ by innings: ' 5}‘"'° cnette ‘pf _me,;:’ “shed . ' me ‘nd sud“, [b_ . _ _ .1“ ' 2 2430l7. “hut 3559: 01115’ 33509-3 Rgoms 1:103 “EN ' - " H ilto -Brown ...-....324034x-—lGithe" "9 3° um’ W .p . 1 one 3 ‘ ‘ - I "$1°¢P1R¢. ACACIA LODGE. No. 602 ‘m " galon the sale of a small iau in- rid and Fr , F°'1‘?T°°m h°“5¢ “"31 55913 32500:. )1. mock M an, ph : , City Employee . . . . . . .:0000200—- 2, 3 . .1. h B 30' “It H d ‘ J our terms. gzowen Reatlt;£3(83;':(;' 1l2r£cl,'1305 Wilson. ms . .. 4° ’° if ‘L Su:in;thry!:)m Sznuscek :3’ . B I F was SEED STORE 1 . .3 N; SALE4 hr C 8 W 3 ROOhlS—Als'o bond if desired? ‘ 'snd‘P°“*" f°'“'“§,"‘°:f°'.}“ neon; e’. by ‘Fenton 2. in woiden;oe-w muiieel serooojfthe in: school Le _ fim te _W_ . ~—~ _ _d____ -__ :* _ did oo o. ..... .&.?..‘:.".':‘. .E...;;;;§; M°“‘:°" seeee vt~o;;3;g ..°... .'-:...~ ; .i..... 3 :;;;,,;,>;*;;::*:f*“‘.‘.:‘;:‘;‘::i:'.:ffi’$‘.n.. ......... ..c;.5.Ko._:§.:. * "3 *3 ‘ "°‘“' e - ' - , : -3, A ’c°uP”'7' Ph°n° 272‘ 238'2‘o: - A i Sewnd dun! '0’ Llmpires—Roberte and Ensley. 25°" D"°l!film CONTN“ _ en 5'. ' ' _, RENT;_Four room‘; bot, Re .W. H. .l : T—r4 i Ei'lOW('—Rl’,' declaring til! )IlZ fllllfilé . CITY . AITIENTU 33?” -and cad running ‘rue, in med. )1. IDNG. $eeretal'y. e ,Tq “or in us. _!nli-eady is on the down grade an F T —’LEE . ' . Ed. Shannon, who was griiduatt-u.'_h(, chain In mm,-nmz_ . . . ~ A .. Iroolml. Sumner T818. Phone 988. NOR-I-HUP .R‘EpAIR SHOP . . , , , . _ . . . . FOR RENT—Furnitthed 813871; é-“mo Bldg n23d_‘fl from the University this spring. lifts; -—‘——d—+————— _ , _ .’uient;_ 1% block from White Cam-f _ ' . 'Ph00¢'759 Red 100 D030)’ 5?‘ ‘one (,0 st, Louis to work for Swift: if you wantvto buy or sell some. Wu 81-Q‘ Legves Dgnjd me Tavern » 207 College, phone 2136; FOR l1EN'l‘--Robina for girla}LAW" uowsns FURN’ITURE ma Company. ‘thing try a Ildisaoin-iaa wantdad._ : ? 8 ‘. m._._l p. m.__5 p_ m. green. ‘ .Il238—243.foi- summer. at 1106 ‘Paquin. phone? SCREENS. - ' * . . , , . - - -~-«—~ e 1 7 297. ' B229-241! 339*‘ - ' - A — 5: i 1 _ ron REN'1‘—Furnished ; ' : wwv 2‘ nnee a1.— 0 ‘ -and - - royia apartment for 2 or 8 inontha.;I FOR RI-JN'l'-—-Two unfurnished; _L(_)AN ASSOCIATION ‘ n L? _ _ P1, , ullnnywhere City Call at 1108 Paquln Street. fiooms. Phone 1523 wzziiig Invmkm am noon. “mm .. R , goo.“ d _ ._ __ _ _ _ A A B225?!‘ . . ociuti ' I " . ~u ’ . I “’*"TE°-F°' ‘"8: 1- ‘"e*=;s“"““ '"‘,‘} “°"',,"" °” C U « . » - 2 0: wed C and rriday 1:-on KEN;-__R,,°m, . go, gu13_double room, near University, _byi-as Gmhrdatlflliu‘ ‘ aw .8. .L d. . e .‘ . i ‘B . A for e berm-across from Jessa ‘W0 3'00“! "OW-'11 ¢°nD°°l~°¢l V ~ -~—— ’ - ' ‘ ' ' ’ 1 .- 1* ' um ' - = - - t TONIGHT .AND THURSDAY . - i . . ‘- Hun‘ 30‘ 009”? A"9““°o Ph°"°Igm"';:ky;F I x."mt‘. Ad'i 3 . - , 4 . - * -A 1 — ‘:29? black. 1 228-244. "=88 . CIR '0 l"°“"ln,- .' pno-po snnvxcg 2 ~ -_ . . - . ed ; ‘ C232-iii V ‘. .» by the best hl‘)l'¢h$'f.'Ll'l8‘Ifl , REN‘lf—Unfurnish apart-; . 0 ‘ 393‘ ' 33 - . ‘ l — Central leeoii nent.2rooina.prlvate‘bath.sle€P- FOR‘ Rl'.'NT—Large cool rooms ;pn,‘..;.gg 3 ‘mes east of ) ' to 35 i ' "2 ins G 2i'i.ii.. - " "" " an >1 . ‘in __ -lng porch, garage. ideal location.‘ for summer; 35 per person. .Pbo‘ui.g 4"‘ ..~A w-‘M WOLFE and WARDL “Twin Troubles” roll RENT-June 1 to Sept 1: smicu: AND DOUBLE nooiaz‘ io........-..... ....__.. ..,.....o.—-—— — .-—t -r . our-mom modern apartment: firsts’)-‘or boys at 1204 Wilson, phoneme, ”.cflpfiu N; ch“. : , oo*...”’%%'o.£“'2i‘:'.°.fi;. “$212213”-~ . . §’'“‘°& or t i comedy ‘singing. Dancing 3318 green. 0 R228tfi 3 » noon tum dim . n u ‘ ‘ “ER llEN'l‘--'l'hree-room .UNW53u'1 _ ; and . I.‘-I-ii: private noun: ens rtnirezi ”°““’» 57"’ ‘‘°°. ‘ Neueet.-here ‘ . - - ci (1 Unicygligts _ 33,, M am. .330. h§on1,81°°l'il\I gnu. ., Comedy Bioy e an ‘:25.’ Ph 01393‘ b £""°" ’'’°'"’ 2 ‘ I ‘ I . ;'-. - _ 7 . dd J" one 1123941; ‘ . sis:-eis:::....., V A d .4 _ _. ‘looses roa um‘: l3o‘:2,‘:_’f_"I’i?m,"°‘3D’bhff_ 1” eo of , TONIGHT ONLY . Pick an “L Coloni:iab.orBooIiaConnt!.that _, - d _ d . _ for summer; located d A ‘é;_tzu,_ _ _ ~ . V I _ and White eanipuau: rates «rt ., ~ ;. - , 1 . -. g‘. ,n ‘it Phone -:22. J2£9t£f “'0 _ .;';g 0 ‘ ;..-_;,’ e 3:; . me. ;; .. A ‘V . ““‘» _r.~. .-—" :" .». - _ - .-7%» ‘ " - -,- é__ L; ' 3, an ’ . .. ' 1 -. ”.g so-eec._rnoneiiisi:ioei:.;‘§'.:'s.,‘d‘..j:: d e ‘ ii llUST ‘_ . _’ V’ " ~ 1 ,0, >- r uqi 5...: .0‘ A .:. "- mi," 3- ' - man f thatworld be— ‘ ‘i?""“~,."..:""°,.I,"t"'§:,,’°°"’,.,,=, 7i>hou'oso. -niioiis ~ i w ' t "x.“An ;m 1‘!-zfi-Him N d 0 it i 9 '1. a dc . _ . .; . a do >_ . , A v ' ' ' , ; fl’ ' .- A ~ -=‘ _‘d‘ w" H ;- :‘_ ~. . . I'.__ z _' ' 1:, ;',. . ‘m ct ' ‘d W . ‘. _‘ ’ ' d .. ' A ' I " ‘ - I ' .- if s .-°~ .. ‘I ' ' ’ 9-‘ .~ , ,. A ‘ 2-"*0 + ’ ' i . Z . . ....r. , .. . ' "' A ’ 'a"I"aass+—|-oawoesooeoao-oowne- .. I ' A. A7‘ -v - - “‘..'~o'-..;.--» ’ ‘~ .'i-....~.-'\-