‘ l‘ ‘ ‘ _ V 7 I...‘ " ’;i. no. ‘i : l _" V‘ ’ t '1‘ ' _ I ‘ ‘ - ‘ i , . _ . .. A. p.p $33.99 mssotntmn 'rHURsDAY.JUNgE 11 1925 ‘ ‘ .p . 1} y t ‘_ it my ‘_ hm . ‘, .’ -‘ ‘ . . .7 ,. ‘ . ‘ .11‘... I. ‘I . . . I - ' A it.‘ ~ ‘ ’ . _ : . . . -. . . .— . - ~- 6 ‘ . °P‘“‘°'‘ '“ "°‘ "'"°" "’ ‘“‘=’’'”°°"'''’ "' W ’ ' account. Tm-: OPEN COLUMN in: v-M Pr-~ , . iH=Wi9*'°""'°“'°" Big Salary NoteNeeded*to Save ~ 1.... ms. ............:. .... gs. «Muff-533,3,“ -'-°*_,,_,. ,,,,,,_ . 1 Di-=5 names. 1» me. "-7 ‘ -'‘&;jgfi':q_ggl.‘ writers‘ cramp . . , . V V ' , , . ‘ .g|;om pointed that a mans P888“; _ . m beam. —j _ , ‘ lDrake will entertain the Missour _. .‘= man the {hotel the Iliolrith. . . . F es salary may be so low t he re- est this means 350 3 ”°". ha . . The -Bed {AM 0‘ l’°¢¢‘’3'- {Valley indoor tnick meet next win- ; 80 W Gk Vhfllll $ $ , 9 quilt! 07017 3!“ Cf l to provide if he Ibezgd ‘£030 . mliorth. a“.ouri.n:_ r provided maker‘ new fidd house ; V ' ‘ - H — ' 1 If rid those d pendent on at £1181. 133% the‘. '08!» beautiful .8108 1 ""'7‘ d 1 use at that time. ac- ? 7"? -'::1d°I'i|mm ‘(What do you ccnsidr “'3 u."‘| “"""‘“m$n°n,d°n‘n' §?;.h . these e Five yous later the has: aceoug fiat swig: Wm, M‘ broum. w ’ lclorlgaxy tollrx L Wm”. “hmic ii 1 igrther-I’ ‘flay: June 21. But nociu: ‘succeed :3 it's eoovtll «to bee? fltllt '01: its that a man who needs in rfafhhis 111- is ready to leapiflgfn h Pu‘ an my renewed attention severa‘lk’l_1‘"“ i director at Drake. " " . ' ' ‘ 7 4 ' me for the necessities o 1 lw8l’l‘- W1”-'" . . . which 1 pass on to 901"‘ 1'“ - ‘ ..__.._—-o-—-——- ' will ever think 01' ‘imdlfll mm “°"' life" ‘ "udy wk‘ 6 P" am “min on 1d ’ th xce tion 350000 D°“3h- If u" man" "ever - :1’ little “Beautv."° 11- mg- I, - “new 1 ‘ ' - A .' er and hunt in a monthly my Ind 11“ l*°°'°l'° “. ° " l’ ' ' in #118950‘ .3 P°°"". _ - g If you want to bar or u .80 ' _: I‘ era.’ lzad wih be River. a. This Question. lgtoone 12- pegzk of $250 for the rest of his and not the rule. . _ !t'l;w’hofld be zmh contaim this charming line‘. _ - um)‘ “T 8 n‘”°uri‘n"mt ad. » Outside can: ‘ I wad‘ bbuduh:"il1 pmft 4"‘ mac zfmnot he can 5 life if he doesn't add another cent 6 Per out the hl!%l|‘“""- . ;‘;‘0o1g(',’o be‘, re hi. “five ya“ ‘re . “I have seen the lady Aim] 1171"! : _ -. *-.3: store!» 8'.“ WW“ ' 'P°"'.°‘ .. la, 5:. - Another point of {igreenient was . 0 1,,‘ the d.m,d;|.," . 3.....- ._-..,.-.. ._ . 2 i —’Ic-her Andi! emu Oi:-edatioaa. 3 Q5. cxpeole of e florists on save any money. 4 Th . - at the wet in nnrd w the inure“ nu. usi‘ 9., , however, cares , In a volume by Rupert Brooke ,9: . . ' . - _, - o ___......_——«-—v- . an M gpenda Ill he earns.. and ; e lltllrea IGPNSG P0 . ‘U “at thou” be count, g-‘the: to may upon his saving; git. tbs mm. , I . . ‘ V l - V .E”"""i"‘ 5”" c'''' ‘m ‘M.’ Fuhgfl D”. . v - can't Wt any-57. I am convinced of consistent. RSV“? “"i"" ‘M P“ teat ‘S tli d’ t “Those 1 er his forlicl-ll Yul’ '0 °"-l°y mo" “STH . ters blown b)", S .~»»«..:-=._-v-—~....=..... ..*:-1.:-:..+-.:.;::*:::r::;*::":; u-H-9"-'°'=‘."°°§.':;‘.‘:°‘.:..i'.‘?.’:.‘.‘;:1”..°....'".:.‘:.:i".l'..‘i"§"“’°‘“"*“ ::..::;.:r.:: to... -:,:,::r=:: “‘‘'r' :*::..-=::::: mar: 1 1" 6 1 ~ ~ 1 2 fiira ...... that he should have his. He can u fit‘!!! “bu” °°,‘l‘,':'; d':ei‘?v::t::?'u.:sr:rtfe:iulci‘nge O6? $li0.w0 gytelleuiime he is f 'g°r§qu::_§8 ogegggdfit N l " ———- ............. N 'fmi¢ars,‘Pwuail‘tr thlitheneckabe The c"nnyboSc:.t ll; 1- See :2 mix; éll-.ll¢l‘|'8~ 70"“: the bulk p'“'d°m5 . WA an by -t be d -v ‘ reed , . "For the radiance! it makes is as’. 11087593, ,c?l“mhi3 - ' — nnowwmc‘ 0 er m y iiiuiiilrfiugi: fr‘-‘om laborer to can-3 man 20 year: old my be ex should not 918:’ ‘°' 7 ‘V .8 9" °°"‘ uansiikhiocias wag’. no? of in- wonderful 1“ d““‘-'' T 9*“ * "~ ‘ 1*-June 13 is h mer season. is here my or -—q—e—....—...'—-—v uiist and had reached more than to make 3100 I lwntll. or 31200 P" “mfl. ‘"3 1"‘ Ind exgirmfnce’ ‘nd ‘ sight into human nature during the “Broken and far-sway, a faint nii- ‘ II. 4:06 23- < 1’ i 2‘ mi“ °°"““‘ 2 7"" ‘m “E ‘“'‘'°'‘‘‘’ 17"'°' 5° N '1' W '72} ’p.rucuur’"' s°i”'s °ft§.°§“°:1';‘.ik° 513. :":ef3r:iZz'3°:::Lc.:; is g:ot§'~m" years he has looked at his patrons raculous dre-m-" ‘ I =--_--. , June 14 . . . » ‘ - - ~ » n : . '. .- 1 - .. - . . - . - . .1 V I Waugh“ of the «ow ‘mania hole. Swen dollars and twenty cents is known and frequently adieu ‘ ' mu‘: . t ' more. In uvrhe “fest ,m.e,u,,Fm m the through the window bars, .“but it Like an early owning star when. Tickets :00‘ on‘ in 1;, ‘hwy month“ they are to most not mucln And yet to many a Boy Scotch thrift to aid him, aridhe was man) flea who“ Country is Umted Sm“, takes more grit and gumpttgon thtan the gig; is pale green. A B $3.00 or ch“: in , - . -,, . - - i ." — . . ~ coaches - it ‘ “man” ‘"6 m.p“fl,t, .3‘ 1, but scout it is a little fortune. an. Bow "ONE? Gkows [F CAREFULLY -I-ENDED bonds. “H? 3 cu},,,_:,. m'a,,oa,,,_.,. _some young men o _.u-_ and N “auction for em]. . we )0 found am»; are usually worse still. the joy of being at sum 3.33 1,"; The) may pa) only 4 or 5 Uwnygasn-Y DEPOSITORY """’—‘ ‘ Bo o _ I f - 4 rm,-dy:o sadnessat some time dur- mer camp will .be missed unless 1.3 . J I at t A t per cent. but-they are sum and Tim 3 _ _ b _ h “led snisimsraarons NOTICI mp dun N, 5.33.3. ad, gmuuier by the death of those who hsven’t the sum can earn 26:‘-’ sgkoow 353%?’ svrinfl ‘"239 ‘ “Loo readily marketable." k $2160 prafoifie " i3°'°be" ::e°i’;e‘d“b‘y an “lhizemiao. " “urea um ‘l;tterAs. of cheetah ‘arm at ' ' i i i _ e ' . So oung Citizen. ma ing - to the nder- Gooa turning _ K j ‘ il:m$‘o'i:lfl::1:i1‘iiin'tbl:ole:'?mn- u n Lfivery Colurnbian who has a job 31 130° ‘3333 ‘mg ,s year? in his first job at 20. sin’;-s ‘;:::"£6‘"°§,2;'““lfr;’;°"‘n‘;;‘ amnesia theollthofdar at my ":8. M Long, 1:“-re midnight June 14 I _ '3 . V _ . 9 I . :5. {Q gr‘ ,~ 1 Accordint ‘lo a report compiled’ oicn to do—may. he cleani. n: :13 hill: 13:11: 3 mm.“ 1”.“ 2201.23 ilzesclgze of the 331' th: fignpfizgonér .i:J§.¢:‘adt:il1, b;>’r“‘etrruisIt1. :m 2.31:. p:::oo'I"h;Linawel:;=. ".332 Man)’ smuse:;n1t places now , New York "mi, at:-ix 13050!!! can diiiga glad turnibymoffering some 2‘ 190° 83333 asst“ 170'” _d°‘° °f u'°d”°§§ "cl: 2: gaadssfgo‘ Columbia. or Boone County at de- ff’ ;“°’:uu ‘flu? 5:‘ d‘.‘:¢"':_';"‘:‘°' Excursion fares also in effect L la” nl;“t:ol:m5?“:' °w° °”°°''m'd 3”” W“ i’ fihy". °n “pink ' 25 2100 700.00 gt‘: 4957:52 ‘annttlr:§i1's‘t:e $.d24sto‘his savings for “'9” l‘° b° “lea”! “ ‘ dd¢:’°‘lt°u?e' orxthfl 1 be over! «I from our _ cm from nelfllb’ POW”- ' mm . » " ' .‘ ' ’ 1 t0 : 50 1 , . . ’ “T “"5 ‘°“‘l "umber hem‘ Cu“? to Ian ‘ htuaigmm d’ 3'61’ 23(5)?) 575752 345.45 6102.97 that year.‘ m'l;_l;IIef18w|;‘:°bi:ll1 fifnitfczajgnggfi .‘;‘¢l,;¢,dun¢nd§n‘ on 3;.i.’.§i§'..: a::ht'E’in .£u:e':::;u:hr:::t:i i'or ParticRl‘a:Lr.ee Ticket ‘ ‘~'*"‘ "‘ "‘° "“‘""' "°' “C"i“"‘ “ C°'""'b*' "‘°‘" "° 23' 25oo sass: 6936.22 418.17 7352.39 Iavinirs o ,, ' . the first Monday in Jul)’. 1927. Each ° -1-..i.";':'i. do ' 1 ii To?" ' tinder Yell‘! old c°n‘t“'ut' ~ the that CV6?’ BO)’ SCOIN {'18 R1009)’ bl! Ellfied Kl'°“'l“K- ‘ “st bu .cc°m ' 3 chxk :‘ . ’ o‘ lo -'7’ 6. of P &' _ 1 * »-===--~» -: =°:.===+-= mu» WABASH . ' " 214 t {the tota mini r ent 1 th Scout ecuti . “It - ' ‘ “ Ii! °"‘"‘ ‘ .. if 'th th rto ’ rt ° °'- . ‘ 6 .4 / we w m...».. 3:... t,.i.r. .. ....::...,. ::«..... mo ;;2,;g-;: 32;; ;;§§2§.f’ .1... um . ......a - .1... V ' of from drowning in the 5,5335," ' 32 290° 966"; 55 8.1:“ 15392 95 "ltfifd 0111- ' Tl“? _5i‘“'i l° ","°' bond as r ‘red hy law. The right ‘ A A , A A _ A i ' , ‘ ‘ h - ' . t g I - don t up. mg is Nd‘. A‘: ...._ A v 1 i United States eac ire Painiesa is it watch‘.-grd of the 00000 1539295 93359 1737554 » “bit and has to be developed 3,; Amt; 7 ‘~ ' 1 ' Kivem but flmouncemmu ' Boy Scout’: "°“bulu'y' The “me 3‘ i000-00 18376.64 ' 1102.60 19479 24 :3‘: guy other habit. A young man K ' Bo.”-d of 9-ungoifiie, l i . dim‘ mwnnpen kid in to when cup knikhind bean” he could :2 "100 1033.33 20612.57 1230 75 21743 32 should invest in sornethiriil that re- ”" ’ Adv 5 I , __ -e _ 4 . -- that the 3005*’ i3 ""° 1 not get funds would hardly feel he ‘’ ' ,97 1:368:60 24178.59 quires monthl) payments. 85 3 N009 i 3 ' ' . 1 > i‘ No one is likely 10 dl’°‘"‘ l’:!“_" VII irettlrit a fair deal. And it mm, .1515;-2 _ 25795 31 of real estflte. Ofd-hbefl Of fillo 3 —"-" 2 ""“ ' ” " ‘ ' B‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ , I 1|‘ - ' rnirig pool where 1- w ld 't bet ' t th ‘t ' t ° ' » home—so that he’ axe to save un a_ - r 5, i 4 fsisiiuiiif are on duty. The :im.'¢§$:,‘°s0e 2 39 340° "3333 27928“ 1:32": §?,§‘,’;;§ til the habit is built up." . YEE SING LAUNDRY ; TONIGHT ONLY 1 _ 0 accidents usually °°°‘" ‘mi in 5" lot these <11;-3‘ to those future citi- ‘lo 3500 1166'“ 3077132 I .32 V ' 1098 This ovinion-was Shred bi‘ BVCTY Good Service t i‘; ' green; or the river where boys con gem of coiumbm ‘ 41 3500» 1155-63 202"“ 358 bank official interviewed. _ ’ .. ‘ i gregate for a swim with no one who . --——-,——-—-.-—- 42 3500 1166.66 36977.64 2218.66 39195 E0 The results of saving one-third phone 745 705 Cherry St. ’ . ? - an swim we“ in the ‘_,m',p_ '0, _ mm 5.3;. hgird ume, ain't sleep 43 3500 1166.66 one's income‘begin to stand out ef- « h p "hon: yum‘ mu, who uh unnec- -when the mornings are hot and has 44 3500 1166.66 4-788.“ 2887:” 506553:-79 _ ._ 1 .; 1 L easarig riot?! in glfdclf 10 35°" “*9 ::°:;P;‘;d““d ‘he f“"W~'¢ ‘"19" 45 3500 12°°'°° 4‘ ' 2 M C ' ‘_,_ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ - _- «-3-» ; . and W , ’ . - «bane ‘v ir ear essness. _ ' ’ . _ I indmuhl orgufiuuon the fin‘ three ya" r. mun.‘ : p 3 . “ _ ” M F ' -lI15lWl|)'| PIT?!“ ‘Vin ‘“°"‘ 5°’ Tens ,3 being de‘.;s,_.d by 9“. fincicgilriiagement. But without the salary has increased $100} s’€8T-_B>' ‘’ _ .1 '3 Twin Troubles 4: ' ‘ P to go swimming I'ith0\lisfhl:li know]. Bun“: of! 3 to show hm, ability to save money as ‘well! 38:0 I ogmethgowhezi rlrlicakilrig m:k2’¢30n:. “ 3 Comedy Singing _Dancing_ _ . 1 1 i_ that some responsi 9 person . . . ’ gk ‘t, ‘t is doub u ' - : a _ . _ _ ,. g is ‘ ' . ‘ , ic:!‘.1fmon8 the group. or wb)’ any ;$;§};v:i::,°°:,i:,{, kzfkm .“~h9£ "tom iilesi: éoultl hive 1834 “'9 5”“ “V . 0“ ‘he ‘"5" °i ““"'5’ ':““’°‘ ‘°" Lv. Columbia Lv. Jefferson Cit." : 2 ' 1 I ‘°°’ ‘""’ ‘’'““‘° "'‘°.; “’3:“ '31" °' mm a wash man 333:3’ °“ "“‘».:a“‘...“"‘.‘.‘."...:’;‘.i...’:.“ .;'“."§: ::‘.3.':°:';.‘:::: ‘5.;”°...“‘.';. ? "' "" ‘s 3‘ 2‘: : DAIsi and DUFFY ~ 5 - - ' to ows ' ssi e e , ' ' , ._ . m. - - - 4 2 . . . . ‘ - 1 hliuriiii-.a°1 jiuis inoreowthsne we can Semen’ “"159 P°l’“° m"‘fi°' mddfl‘ $000’ ‘M n ‘O I ' gm '9 ‘ One vviiv $1.50 Round (I'll). $2.50 7 <2 C’0me(l.V Bicycle and Unlcychsts .31 ""’ WHAT OTHERS say that bear m- me» New could we new We gm" W ‘=12 2 -’ 2 : .: 0 g» '. _ ’ th ld with h‘ are. say. until he is 4 . . Co rteo drivers, clean coaches « ., .J:;.'..:.: :: :.: : z. . . 1 —"'" - ‘ ‘ “Z; " 1 N” dcfihs ‘hm dwmung 1”" ‘ friticliwfrfigiiisblrzt coiifioarny wealth: Average Citizen's plan is to save " protects patrms I. j'_. also 3 ; 3 been reporttd in or around Colum- Mimi“; coouuv 3&5“ ' lial to be - rd hi “He 0 lit to :3 , ~ ' " 1-1 . . , ge. man hate the wherewit one thi s salary . I18’ » H 1 . : ". bis this summer. They’ cw be lL!‘¢- ‘mm the New York 1-:-mains root. 1; hilanthropist. save one-half until he is married." I ; § vented if everyone will take a few we-:kl80°d_G;l;l°0l W”.-"?,.°,‘;‘ ‘fh°‘l:° now: isfiniepeconomic laws that declared the president of one "of - ‘ CO’! ‘~,g=- 1 precautions and avoid Imn 3’ 9"? °p‘ ‘@ ° ‘if . 9, ccgmujguon of gr-eat7lumbia's banks. “and one-thi is _ one 3 * _ _ ‘T dancers. - 3:. 0|’ “'0 °°"° ::L°f fig: §':';‘:h:*p"“i';‘; spyil; to the accumulation of4l1l°°"‘*-"T9" W‘ t"'” ‘."‘°" :9“ ' * 3‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “* ' Matt Moore’ Davld Butler 7 4 ‘ i_ . . _ ’ _ _A ' 3 0. ' f‘ 1 ? °°*"'"%,,-*'°*: °:,,“‘;,,""_, 3.3.3 it um no man an or :=:r'= ";°:,:=‘ .,,.§‘:;? -— W —--*+= -4. » — e — m .: * ; s":,;:;,,;'*;,:,,,,,,° in:-.wr-ere -w. or us took . ,,:,;:,:; ,.,,:.,.';;. ,,..,, .,...,,........ .. ~ 1:. - - ~ + : 1,. e 2 . , i .1’. ._—-_'~_-._-;- 1‘;-tJ:y tin shocking the good dominie ‘mile mmewh“ ‘t ‘he "in man] 4 . . '2 ”' - o . ~ . . . ' ; ; o o « - : "El" r-3 sermon w W Of Old BCIUIHIID Fllllklln. 3 :5 :. 1: The ‘international Arms Corifer- . . This versatile man was too much. ' nu Wm on‘ ‘E 1. 7 D l. . ] r h 1-0 ; ' t ' ‘ 1, m '_. . . d_ “uh mm M‘ a med gush;-d through so that flataiid the wdking embodiment of virtue , 1. , V 3 , C ICIOUS) 111110 11., ll‘) l‘1g'l.1ll'lg'} mys 1'1 4 , ‘. 0110!‘. £8 C8 0C is riend could have an afternoon ~ - i‘ We have the lost uvlplda ‘5 ‘; .; -I us a alin 1 , . mant' " _ to "outlaw" the use of bacteria in off. The preacher found some typo- “em "me of 1"‘ hie’ Inn “,1 ’“k.’ 1 and 7 2 O 9 ppe g 3 10 1c‘ 1"‘ 1 warfare. "Splendid." I370?! ¢V¢l')'° ZTIPUCII errors in the proof‘ of his °°um'r"m°" But event. I “ah”: “N, h Cam; .]-.‘,-| .: ‘ Y r. . . ' 1 * -- one who abliors lmiiility and aav- discollflei so it had to be reset and “T”; ‘:d °"°T’ fumtimxn tong: 3 5 Ou “ en-icy this sh0“’° .,. 1 , ' ~ V S - '9 .' .- 2 3 nxc'r3- in the cOl1:ll1ct ¢k!fedW8:h:ig1W' gfirfifiurigm ‘igdwgfs sp°:led' :0 triith ii! iiisfliniaxims on thrift! K LAWN G h at i. ;; ; 15-9 %C—-30¢ { ever. it ‘might as er ,_ 1 re Sage y . , C ; sata¢yBlao ran. .. j ,1 ;. -3‘ « ‘ _ there is any real use tooutlaw any- 33;‘. “'54!” Mi‘? '3 "L “*9 ~ 1:" A'nc"""e 'uC‘:‘""' put in White Clover, lb. l: "; A wide range of the \‘Pl'_\' latest styles, all rcu- ;§ ’ ‘ : . ‘ “'*I';I=.:l’t"’:: if s‘;:’n*""u’; ’of an 9 5; mu,“ in 3:f°5:,.,:::: .o,,,Zi§ and 8,b,,1,,y{.,m 1,, ..,y 5'8"‘ 37% uh ; ;; sonably priced. We have What you Want. __r_ _ _ U H _ _ , y _ ___ _ _ _' t , i sincclibc woridfiw “$6” if ‘H chustiilng all afternoon over the person who understands ’ “'3'” c°"'‘''8°°dw ‘: 5; 1 ii. - sorts of sscrai agreements. NOV’ firead ‘fro‘riietl‘i:mprooi“ei' inmtiined riiilieili iicdefiiditteheplhiictbliipsfigiiing is 1l1us- (goal, We would 8elr.1‘|—" : I ' : _ i .- that the boat of the World War has on sunduz ‘X P A young mu; 20 years d ‘ A I I i -- passed, it will be admitted that both _Admira1 Coontz got more from begins saving one-third his income. ~NOWEIL’S ~ : "°=T“T“‘ 1 e. l»iflt's. in the lat: conflict violated his father thariediieation in human and places his savings to draw, 6 ‘ Pu" 7‘ Na“ ‘d '.h.‘ ' :3 *1 - /wedge, not .9 {Main in 3,. .0- nature. He is. at about 60, blsck- per crnt. By the time he as 45 he , 1 . - ; ’_ ‘A i fill V}: b‘; . accouflt ‘hove :':" '4’ A“ .. ..... ..... .. .. .. ..... .. . , _ _ ‘ ‘W. A A - ‘ ~ - to--O-J:-:~-It g _ .] rglcg of '3;-fgg-g, NQ; an!’ ‘gt-3;, 0‘ 40- Thu vitality , . _ - _ _, _... ___ _._ _ -- .. . - T - . .... “ t_ ‘ . poison gas and dumlum bullets -eée ghsfo‘ his hu‘e’__s fir‘ ‘ ‘ ““"""“ ‘ ““ ‘ -_' _ :7‘ T‘ _ H ; .‘ “'°d' balm °‘ “Vb” from business 1' when he 1.-..:°.1.o';'i l r 2 . l: ‘L’ 1 — i T: '*"*'"'°°°"“""°"°°'"‘*°° "“°‘ 2 y<=°«‘»'~t=»»c»«~»-e ° = 6 " COLUMBIA TMATER l:= - ~ °*-"-~~=~*~*= we Mevvm-«-cm-in *0 nm nnoimcement *: ‘C. 'iea and villains bombed by of money. He decided he could . ’ Z ‘ ' _‘ b01l||l¢l¢3- . : ' 8 _ and fixedan 8Ill0I1l'l‘.1 ‘ , 1" L . __» lteallsation of these facts raises for' of his remaining years. H4 Sllllfil Eighth Street 5 < _, the question whethc‘ any. nation. he flit to be 65 he saw‘.’ 4 III‘ - '7"- ] -3' - even the Uni Stat“. would not '~ '0“ Pfobfvli reach 75. ‘ . _ 4 “‘ _ ' .,<\ , . »; . 7 _‘ violat’ the rules of diam if *° be M d5'~'n°°l-n 3'-.r.li' allow . 1 Sudden Service Cleaners Campus Barber Shop . , _ . C . \~ 9 - . \ -_@_@_g;§;_4- -. -'-—-__..:‘3-" 3 . ‘ ii" ’°i'"'. °f 5”" wonlduc“in‘;mhi,1iin‘t: ihiiegiti: 1: (Formerly Central 5 1 i ' ~ V e i :',-.-‘U. j _ , °"‘*‘°“ "V '“ °" ‘°"°°'-~ 3“"°f mum. When he became 70 he could ‘I For ten days we will b : '-‘ . _ _ V ‘ » V I I .5 . than ‘ ov by an enemy um ,, , 4,‘, mm mm ,0 he 4 f th f. t Barber S op) 5 . . .‘ _ , . . " ' “'9” ‘"3’ "'°‘’‘ °i "'33 “'4' had still further to reduce his rate ' ‘press rye‘ e ‘F8 7 ' .-(Ire... 4 ‘ E N ‘ - . * J. "° ""°"""‘ "’ ‘ “"'°“°“°‘:>if,expte::d‘Lnxes.-lan:11oohe ended by two suits (one to, a For the first ten .2 ‘ "" if ‘ ‘i. - ~ E .‘ .I. ' i ‘um M . ° I 0 " ‘ ' ' O ' '. is it not then, best to outlaw war ‘Hie admiral is {all Ind lean with P950“) carned tn the days we give -free 1 - . In aica’0’b‘auB:.afids ‘ _ itself’, pm an end to war and tootsie‘: .l_:ealr~cf -mo-e. no is , shop, ‘ the first hair cut, the i EVANSTON ~‘ ‘ ‘ “"3" '1“ 5° 9° WW0‘ ‘Wm! ‘c'o“'nf;‘:":‘_:‘:}"H’.':l‘fig:1°“" “’ 3°’ ’ first shave, and the 3 '_« . r o 0 8) , . . ‘ a o o = 6 . . . ' . " S-Cgtnon ‘ivilian we mm 0, wet ¢,d,,.,,,. ma . Cleaning, Pressing and first ladies hair cut. ' ; for a brief visit -? an 5. 1 «ma «« mm » «e» «M :2: ..:".....« 1 . Altering . ~ 1 tended 822- row! Mn mm . 1 : up can befirfio eertalntoy "wk." in 33,51 apzity xgmuu Propr1etor— « L ht: benearChicagoarrh_e!;‘.vgn5m,e , , T ’. ’“‘”". ' "3" ton ows mbest._ rW ngton 1 _ , _A . ' ghgnm in ' man -_ ' ‘ E3 ‘ lea . v knows little about the capacity of E Phone 1433 ‘ ‘ ’ - ‘ * ‘ .th e yhad-‘ ‘ -1 _ . - .. _inlralsat‘na._ r _ ~~’; » - * ~~ ;» Ch! North, 3 . f" ,._, 1“ -3 » When his.turn of duty- at the AA - A -- A —- __— .-- A - -- ’ » 1 A s When June 21 rolls around Fsth- navy departriient ended he received .___h 4 . - C1 . ., It will he the recipient of may 0 his .1» .aasl:mnent of co1n-- ____M ‘ M p A M“ A A A_A___ r’ g ~{; necktie norergwaar. many a niandes-in-ehlefof the tlantie and e » 51,-. cigar-hewilIncv¢ggfi;ok.,gn|ggg’ ?l¢U¢300tI. Aa heilitsabout ';3’~_f;,’ sbookuuthowm. not lII1I.It¢I}llI8r..Iklnd°fIr-cins -We ;!*oo:oidnea21iooaeevcwax."°"‘°“*W'“¢l""Un4 1 ’Iiiaeiil1nyntal'everlIlnorwrltei°"°""""."" “"““d"' "h“ ' _2 n. the.cou_nniandlnc iraldnhalrited O 1 Saunas ha of .c1aaas use filth. ‘— w|‘*,‘.§‘ -; - 4,. _' ‘ f ‘ V ‘V I‘. ‘ -+, -6» '1 -t.':“‘v~;' *1."-_'_‘;'-.'_"4_~_-_‘_~ ,_ ", ...;~ s_¢ ,.‘.. '1. -*.‘>.x'o ‘~’~' .- I *’: .a-,-r ‘. - 1 - . ,.. .r .« ,..- r 4': _u. ,...t‘..~,.‘ . :¢' ' -. ‘ . e-- ‘u lfiflflfiby ,_ aatsretoiadaaeusihoaswllneusy. A , ‘ itthelfiiihiaeoflicsitlai . Nilfltlrafi Jsaetlh. thefalephoaefiirectory ;or"csi-raetisas nasty lie" is the tilt :|.. ..Ii-In fig.“ Q as THE story of a ,1 ‘ drift, and the man who saved her when . she drifted too A . With a big allfiltar cast. , . ‘ . .. .-.a.~....n.,:.v-. I71 7|. v .' . ;,-. :_?_ «. ‘-~-.':- «'32:... iv w... .; - — - ’ ‘ ‘ " is ’l _ , . -.1. '4 _. .1 T 1 9 ~\ V.. _..A.....n— laO&o>a4-Q-A-‘D - --- ,_ . ‘,o.._.-...i. 9.. '..A,»...‘.. v-- ....a-.. nan-on obit-