.,—- i go; that the pictures do not have a pride_ia the p_ its ancient ideiaoi-alialu — I2‘ ' ' ' n . -~-_.-- my :1“ w’. -. ‘ 3-, 4..-.-o;v,..«=..~:r ?“"".37"«“*. 7‘. ”--*.‘~‘_‘:o’.35£ - '’<..,‘ . :«~_. . ‘-'.-<‘:"' "" ..-". . ' V , - ' .4, ‘ _ _ .. ‘V ‘ i i ‘.3’ D a -5 - -w c . . . ‘ ‘o -:-c.~'r1 .-, .. I ‘ ,Jln¢37i‘31925_;‘ " y by p M Real ‘Estate Qqngzcotionz . g , -. t. .'l-i'.“v - ‘ ~.ie~.ii.a--‘1’°{*’53’°"5 ‘'“l‘_''‘‘:‘ ‘'33 T in naval armament isnecesssfy. 19 unable to get legislation that it on which the Mexican Government mu of 0“ hp“ ‘Put ‘Mia. in 0 ant" "mnuon ..E'm_Ope md the. oven, no long? ‘ “me 1776' they hfle run m 0 i I ‘‘“'u'" dwpped mm ant mm- needs and wants. is seekiiil’ a legal h“.'°t “db? Preudent an“ cg: °°mP°|5h2 P0‘-‘U1 395 Vkfln‘ the "Kissi another man's wife for lumuh mt win.” ‘P’ "kl" 0'" bufld hundreds. - h be t‘ imp; by the United States. for o - be hm: n _ dc ‘min plains by referring to an “W,” or pg,-(9,-min‘ the gutgly D8 ' a _- ing construction. city pp 3"ll!lltl'g an prwenuon of .,,c¢1d._mg is t e s i ference to reduce still fur- P’°°°"’ V" m’ ”°° made to ‘numerous Ameflclh 09*’ and elaborately simple tea cere- °310‘Pl¢- "0 W189!‘ 9008mm?‘ *5‘ community development. said M . sc. 3:. 3: navies of the world, would !"i"°i‘ "fd ‘ "9"“‘ ‘”"°° ulna" in New York when he _visil- many, mg jifg 1;“ been g happy V031-fie ¢"~'ld9fl¢¢'- Jufitlfl. 105“ F‘_"fd Straus. "America, which until re- be we] I To do this Cl!!!-‘I20 W00” 1”" l'° ed Ibo United Stats?! 8! P799390" one, whether colorful or not. for he “"4 ‘Wm ll19.l’¢0¢h "1 |‘1'Pl’0V|08 cently was a follower. has become ' _ H 0 procure the permission of the State elect, on that occasion he recounted wooed ‘mg won in ‘he d”, of M, a lawyer‘ during the Symlngton. n 1¢..d.,,- winch now dormnateg, both in ; lgnguiy speech in the oils __,.._4~~.._ - -- A .l.‘. .'-I H .‘ ..........lias “:""...“.3 8.."‘.'.¥:::::: ' 6.‘. Q:— E "5 st‘ E i E l l; E 3 2 on E E ii 5.‘ n. 3 .____.. threatened. _ -nu 3]-{fig}: statesman used this " 5 9 '4 F. O 3 5. v0 5 F’ -— O Q 0.}. 9 ‘Z T Q 1)a ' ceremonies, sponsored '13)’ lb?’ War Dcpartmcntbf the nation. oft‘. ted as fitting substitutes for g be gislature. assume the status of n thedistiess of his people, “the state yquu, . ,,,.;,,._-9,, of the 1,1,4. divorce trial. in methods of financing and methods % in, ..cxp1c5i.,.(,--_chn,.ac.,_., of the eel. of Commons on June 24. Chain r- territory. and be admitted into the of misery. economical and moral, of ms “mm, is one of we proudest “In these dws.-o “id Judge of en.¢um,‘ huge development pro- 3 uhmuon of. form“. days‘ lain declared: Union such . promdum '°u‘d be millions of Mexicans through the 'e-cts . in all Julian. Hany y 'I8o. Ford. “a young woman's course .1 - “EIIWP9 ‘¢°d3l'o’3* 3'5"‘ "“’°" ‘he revolutionary in nature and mlKhl~ ”"""'"'u° °b“"i°" ."° wmd‘ mg’. more than three hundrcli. Keicion of conduct alone is not sufficient “ e are not onl)‘ developing 00" signature 07 P9509. 3'3“ "“"’d‘ not meet with popular approval but ‘"9"’ °°"d°";";' :“';"‘o'é°:t":1°;‘ry of his line had saved the life of to establish evidence for a divorce own types of buildings and immovo. s . . - , _ _ n V ' . . . _ - l ’ ""3"! in "0 "med wm.ps' hosme 3" m°"‘ way‘ than ‘me a “mu be ll?'ll"smliee 'c!(‘incei‘\:red0it8t.o be his first Hmeiyoshhhof L]fiiedT:)‘:°£8flv!Ehfe0fir:-l.lI: llfttoonactout will (tlfe ?is‘:":‘tfha'lm¢filstt:il‘i: rdfgntbbbrdstwzfnlhelewxgllg ilimtjhlefliltr-rtis g in 3plflt,.mlltllIl_l)- susPlcious justifled. . dutygs head of the Mexican govern- ‘hzent of we Tokay“ Shoo MW dunged... ‘md sciences of building. in com_ _ W _, -‘ .. apprehension, with suspicions (Titles are and have been notori- merit to relieve that distress. gum“ um who “mud the warring The question no“ dating the mun-M. planniug md civic develop, "'_"""‘ Y u”°"°d but deepeuld by the pass. °""" “"“'pr°‘°m°d in W’ l°msla' “lflke we rule” °{ p°v.°"" ‘ml provinces of Old Japan into a na- closing stage of the trial of merit. The enterprise and vision of ill! of time. and with the dams?" turcs. In some cases a law that no ignorance. to smash tyrannical caste If the unexpected does i_inpp<'n Md re is ii wound by accidental ex-_ plosion, don't take an unexpected chance with death. Your Pl1)‘$l“”“‘ F‘ 3‘ ‘D ‘.4 ' _ , . , . . . tion. As the Tuiko lay sleeping in Thomas H. Syrifingtorfs suit for America's real estate men. lier air» Good sen“, - ‘ of a new strussle lJ!'9Il“"8 °“'-_ "‘ city or count)’ shall have more than which bound his p‘¢;Pl° ::‘$r;'l":":‘::’_ his Kyoto palace one night. a politl- divorce from his wife. Ida Hay .¢'h"¢°l5 “id hf’ l’“‘ld“"-‘ h-'"‘‘ r l i the futur:mrtio::cr:’:;::,: Rig: film? a (]‘9l'l.alll small Percentiihge otf grotto. :ioh:V:n¢:iI'¢e!:‘!('m;!;fic‘l9r¢el:!empfim for cal 'a’i‘isassint Ifiltljttlowtlge agsaoh; age‘; Syflgintgon. auctsiti-1: lvitichthliasadbtigi :1‘!-':}i1li["lIl about this transfer of lead- Phone 745 70.: Cherry St. . . _ ‘ _ goes on _ - u, entgtjon i e 3 a g- _ rrieri crap ren e sen o a y - « _ _ ‘ The “emu”. mud um; “geculh g,1“:,:r:,, been ,,,,';o,,,,d, 9” ¢3'{°‘;;:“”“i“n‘n‘::‘i%n’:’1'i:';_ the M‘ cast his spell ‘of sleep over the re- sion of misconduct with the‘de(end- ' CW“ M0“ R'~'lN“ld- , _ .._g_._... , -_ - pt _ ‘ i it 1. g necessary preliminary.'’‘ 305 Many attempts have been made rm‘ 0 . . “me” murdmg their 1°"! there‘ “M by ' "“'"°°"" T"“’°l' W‘ Ch3m' _“e hum .en.wr?,d 3 sweeplng "'_""—"'_—"-_'_——'_—-—_:~ . y - he . . . The humanitari n necessit of cenuy gnd scarcely breathing. the 1,"; . cycle of rebuilding, Straus Culllllh ~ ~- . . » addtd 9133 ‘'9 l’9“°‘’°,d :1“ if‘ ‘ 5)’ °“"’''‘ “'9” 1”‘ ha"'°°mf"5' L‘; élllfllllflg that high mission. he felt. assassin stevved over the Prostratr: When Young spoke of having "°d' “Every cm’ i" “"3 “““°" ‘°' REAIQY MILLS Th *un.g Ce. powers with la?!’-'_!' arm —— rancc get away from the domination W“ mo Obvious w "quire abbot” bodies. Nan? ‘M nu," be ‘p_ _ ' . day is conimmed by the fad mu e yo . V ‘ —werew'¢ °* '°°"'“5' “W ""°““ ""sYmP!”W° rm‘ ‘°¢""“"“‘- ation. Nevertheless. he reslitsd 1'? pmached the chamber where the g‘:_’f’.“'°°°"|n b::":‘;;‘;fd 13$’; it must practically rebuild itself. .-.......... ruidesit m........u.._ today Sta.-t and maintain initiate measures themselws ‘°' "°° .Ml§souri led the my in 1875 by in- was talking to foreigners who raid Taiko lay. But soft as wcre,':his Fifi enwmed: ' ' They are already doing it as raiiidly E R BAUMGARTNER an account here willorfmd ' duction of armanxiients. I Commons :li'tc)£|,lac‘lnhg°'nfle'll::‘el8ink:l!(|)eWl.l‘aIt8e i}i‘o:xf;t:p:£gi: £ieu‘:r;>'t,Ie¢:k; dig {;)0tf:1l(l)3t,io1’l‘19Yt::l? tzlilifclfgllt 3:; nmaing, xmiug. why may ::“l.;leCr_to0ls implements of the 1520 E. Broadway phone 1070 it Opens the door to better 0.‘ ,t5";;p':v": 3: n:::e;mm),«.\’“, smuuon (0,. .3 cm” of “,3” than nor share the intensity of his 983- gnu...-, .,f . chsdori, of . mug in. :’3:'llm‘;,‘n’ £‘;:"‘m:'t° of the 320 5 non dong]-3 of wegiu. “""-'_'_'—————_-—'_ days in the future. / ,,'h;ch 1",.” 1-‘um-¢'; danger of 100,000 population. a But even “°33”? d9“”'m"‘“-*°““° "Km 9‘°‘° cense burner in the shape of an al- 3 in the United tates, 155 billions.” we wekome ‘any ac- Stack from across the Rhine Chain “home rule" does not mean much in ""'°“3‘° M°"'°°'°"- M5 ‘“‘“‘~'"°° V" batross. The golden feathers iinlled the” dam mung’ even mm M. 0? 09814)’ 0n9- all. is represented Building Materials :: v ' , . . made up Of P''3¢l-i¢'‘l ""30 °f ‘fl‘i"‘ one against the other. and the Tallto °u.""' mm” mm’ " "0 d"l9-rce in land and i built-up iniprove- NATIVE LUMBER COl1l'li., 110 matter »how b¢l’l1l" d°°l”'°d in" ‘i l’ "° ]°".‘" M’”°‘m' from whose mental processes the V,“ d;,m,i,,_.d in bi, deep. and he °"'}d°"°°'~ _ ments, accordirt to Straus and. al- in all sizes it is. S0519 of the I ¢l||¢“l°0 °f ‘m‘‘ ’"‘‘‘’d ‘9""““ F““‘"‘° ‘° 39‘ d'»"l"bl° l°3i3l" ml?-09!‘ 0f'b03i3¢“ ll 09*" "M"? called dnowsily to his faithful re- ‘N°' 9”" “.°' 1‘ ‘ ymmg though'there may be no apparent JOHN HOERSCH 1 est accounts in tllyfi Germany as in the P331. but 3 9”?‘ tion is the reason for Chicago's de- excluded. Calles recognised that nine,’ to the “mm.‘;_.,.,,_.e,to, of W01!!!“ Wei’? 89931 In the P1838 80d homing 1, “age. the demand of Phone 2329 can “h ‘M Ad’ arg tion of _mutual pledges “among the site to break.’ away from the state point of view and frankly submitted 3“ um,“ , 41:50! 1:1; 916); df>edt°d;)'t. . powers whose past differences have of m;,,o;,. 5,9,5. 1”‘, city 1,” the ‘question of redebmptioii of the The an of ms lord ‘M mu“ shfirwogot ‘luv: ‘!,l”O8 racis . u provoked war. to m it PEN‘; "1 its special problems, which must be .M°_“°‘“‘ Pwpl‘ ” ‘ ‘“"‘”' pmpo’ was stronger‘ than the spell oi .the.l ‘. no ' America Jot modern homes, as _ W0l'1d ha"? Own 1 '-well as business buildings. porbends‘ —-—___ g , few pennies, saved A ' ' ull . - l nstruc f ' ' ‘ 0 i _ r - the future and to avoid recourse to handled in a different manner in ’m""'' B? d°°1"°d.:h°Mr°n?::lgn:°‘ mcsmerist bent on taking life. The Afi')31‘)"1{"c gLm'1"|ox bllelldlellg mg Witl1it!lmtlheolaset‘lirf)- DRESSMAIUNG y A . .4 I! e _ o e ' v . . - _ mu... He “,0 pmmind that ,f ‘ dmemm cm“. ‘mm problem‘ we :2 o:;gdanic tau“; wcompmbed samurai spramz to his feet. saw the __.__.__ to twent)-five years. . Come m today and get, , new naval disarmament conferenct fame; chfangirig aid becoming ms thafmsmflon the Indus of’ intruder and grappled with him. For 31- U. Student lilllrlll After Bond The?! mly beenough roofs today‘ W, .,,d,u,. 1,, kale.’ and ' . . . ° ted. If we caniieip _ . _ _ _ _ i nu, “,4 ti, "flu buy [an is Approved. - to cover every citinen of ur t , . 3cq“_a1n «, . 1.. is called he could practically luar more and more complicated with -American industry. as a matter of :1; tofu?” hum‘ id“ ‘meld "in J. A, Roseson, principal of the 8nd 6001185 0001’ ON! 5'? Wlllghmso men. dunuou ‘ad "put ‘you In any W3)’ W1l.ll.fl_l33Il- ‘““‘° ‘ '°d“°"’°" l” 1”"! “re” ‘L “‘l‘ l"3’'*“’° “’ p°P“l“‘°“' 3"”! 3°05 b“3l“'-'"- 'l‘°P‘d b° ‘"‘°'"l‘d acfoss the. bodie; of thou still un. Longfellow School in Kansas City. transact all the business of the coun- ‘wk’ V ia] advice consider ‘(:3 ‘at so. legislators too frequently look upon in a truly free hlexico; that the d" the m‘kim,' ‘pen’ “mu In rammed to Column‘ .w.¢ne‘d‘y1u,’.’.. he “M. ..bm building on no Cb“ «wad ‘nan.’ ‘C 9 . T _ . . all - - ° 2 . .. It is now up to Washington. It the aversze cit)’ as a spoiled and American business rnannoughltu ti: [cu-we ‘oyvuty 0! the “muni tr-L "eMn‘_ He Md been “gm” from 1".“ "fie will ‘O on just the Same. flu. um dupe‘. nafiuhiu. your immediate S2l’Vl%. will to inlelfillinl 10 '89 Whflhe’ “.3“3l“Y ‘bud “N90 “ll” 5° “?p°Th“":{°;°;unng:e:p‘e° 3’ we umphed over the evil of the assassin, the University here working for the “The question is not the United States will seek a new fpanked. "“° '3 ° . l - “‘*'°’~’"‘—'~ Plestia and ‘Quilt Work Out 0 " 1 dignity onibefly ma to the grate, who lay. spent and panting as his 85.000900 v:cdh<;ol lgondaiessue fwéiich télgrc ifireh enough “buildings. and Mn... ‘ y L _. - \ ‘g c, u the British foreign Chicago's pro se secession, ' , V victor triumpliantbv bound him with W83 OPP” 5‘ 1 G V T3 0 311' WK Omes. _ _ e question is ; ‘ _e ' A_ v , suggests. If assured that though it most likely will be defmt- ::_rel:::, “mch “Sh ‘ “flu. ‘mum 90*” 90703 30ll«¢ll€-_*‘;;;;°° ,';"‘,,1,‘,1‘~,,, the no. o. n....;.-....‘."'.§. of. ..‘.‘.'...‘.’,, I LEGAL NOTICES ‘ 3 Every N eed , .« -- AAAA.-Aa~.--eo~s—e Q4414. ..g.g_¢...a-ova-4~o—a-0--0-6-t~o~o-CsC~e--a-a0eel o-as I0-I00 - 4.4”‘- -C<~Q‘>O-vv WI-U-m vr I‘-O- - v w -04- -- ImIIIi11l«ltl0l3~-l*“¢h“- 5'" "*5 city lscomposed oi persons just as “Md, an uknowledguwnt, ,,,,.iup,_ has borne in his y the mark of __________ “R m6"'i°" The 1”“ m°"u°"°d i’ WW3“ 05 i0¢"““°l"'~’3v 300 3*“ “*9” that some American business inter- “*9 °“"’° °f “"3 5'l“8 "‘‘n' S0559 N0'l‘fCE or FINAL 8t1"rLnlzN'r. MI’ 11"! D0“ P090151‘ “Tm °l persons have tar diflerent problems cats have grievances. But let us not hf“? b‘-'9" hm“ “id ’°'”‘° h“"’ 5”“ "‘°“°' " "‘""’ '‘i‘'''‘ am, '3; , /» ““‘“':"m°“l’ '°fld °""'- ‘“‘l i‘ to combat'than "the average small mistakenly conclude that the hostile 51"“ ‘ml “"09 0"? 50031 <38!‘ Md ;"""" "”:"i:"';’:k:”;n’;““s'c"3m'“':'., W p : ‘ the 000 lll_&l’l|Il»l0l'|Il medlvm 0’ towh or rural commnyfity, M criticism of the Kellogg 330$: ll jlllw mnus but flw‘y' pne wu nwccd tn ' - 1 _ a it -at -I commnntuubm .—_.-.—.-.........._ tificd. American upgujku of 3005 pay for the lifethat went out so . tor at the nest TfI'fl|.Ol the rebate Court . . . . ‘ Th. ‘mu.’ “ Diem,‘ M.‘ JOB! d’§'a1it:ie;i'i:oat‘tnda.s‘8;l1ered, are zfildcothmi y::r-euigaflaec é‘l4iilour:‘,L(.3oui!:‘l!;.‘:ia(;:’n'-’i‘,"\Oon"';§¢ ion: The classified ads make interesting read- films has become one our grea are n mi es o me C“”‘’‘ ' A l iiidustries.hercirithe United sum. contfuiciion is under way in Min. Protection of Mexican laws. i W" "" “" ,"'-" ‘M ‘ii its wild. ‘" °‘ ““'“’“ "' D" ‘moi: :11 U ~ ‘"3 °"'°"5'..d33' 3 they appeal *0 3 multlmde l l -.-- - - .... c~eaIJIoa~e--a One of the leading ooipoi-ation. has souri during-tin meant year. run. Such is the ore of ‘iiexioo:‘.,rn 1:: h“““M‘:;.",}';j‘°°* ‘P W 0” r. of prospective buyers, and ‘you can safely ' , so *"°°"'* 9‘ W "“.“°“" ‘"°'~'*‘- °.4‘W°" t° hishvsvs already built. f:d"'u_""f,?e ’;[‘m‘,’§’c‘f’n" 'pe°"p,e by ded~to~a prlneessiof the ‘land. 5. to _1'IrUs:'ssc'a ‘sits n ; advertised in the classified columns with a ‘l'hc.ind"usti-y is becoming so im- means that Missouri has crept from H 1 . at --‘1_ build a retreat there for his poor ~ W"""'- - ' °‘"‘: ' _‘ §. ° ' , - , portant as to enlist theattention of a lowly posit_i&_ fxmong the other 3 if; figgfibfrnduc? nudm.*y.ma:.d can not wall: by'herscIf :”‘:""" '“":_":: :;‘,,':'_,-' 2 8°”. 2:; certainty that you! ad W1“ be read- v the Departrfiat of Oinmerce. which states in y to the front pride, of humimy ",3 ‘ugh ,e,o1.¢_ Ind Wl)0lIl8_n9V£l' Wlllted since the 4...; .5. god: day of lay. iszi. and re- recelves repart'a!nai'uents allover rank. ' '0 ‘ ‘ it bespeaks our forbcu-ance and as. d_3¥L°fli¢f l>_|l’l-hwffl&JWlI&0¢V0ff zglr a-vivid!-82:. 03.20:” I _ t R ‘M: t the world. . _ In every county in the. state, a aistance and sincerely) fi£‘lr‘?SEl!btl‘.“£!- ~duuL*"“ 4"‘ 9 Y 0 . u'°"". H ' “'°"' N; O of censorship of report of the Kit: Commission re- in as worth) of we Ends 19- _ . to is. .-user-send u-mi-ciao ioianrtss ’ moving picture: has been much dis- veals, there is and work under way. less C'>C-V‘ v ‘I*'I U . _ . A ' - ' - . ‘_ ’.v' 9 p Q -s . , . . ‘ ' __ oq::ja a ‘ ' ' u ,‘ a g ' s‘ e . o. - . . If you have a car to sell; work to find; 4 3 furniture to dispose of ; fruit for sale; a; o rooms to rent; a lot to sell or a thousand . 5_ and one other things that could be named, . , try the classified columns next week‘, ' 5 4 .. ~«~p . Onto! I-"-Baatcrafiketch-Ecol This is surely ail thergetic program r.-,.,_ ,,.,.;.,..:r M....u... 01!: . nu-flax an-tar of ac ‘rue big problem. of course. is to and the‘ entire state should tahc The tei-rscc:oIi'the,lI'igh‘iiill.!ii-ls V Th‘ tn" ‘d°'*‘i“" ‘find’ ‘°’ mi. unable-torts-stunt rogjzam. trees an ‘ stone em- V‘: ”"‘‘°“ W“ final’ '“ ‘°'u‘ “'3' “"":‘ ‘ ‘u.."_. -elect nponaio union. riie-use siiooia so am- hanltments and-its deep well are not g, '3 *°t¢'§’*¢' is 9'' gd“"§si'é’°9** 33:3” "" ‘ tare enter-up:-_d ....;.'g,,. 3,. angry {or hint. the 0&3!!! 89¢!‘ V10!!!‘ 0‘;:hfh. 7"‘ '3“ - ow to‘ ac- ' ‘ r U 3. 9 §- 9' 5. 5 § .»~. w 0 i ‘i’ 5 LL4.-A v'U-UTD‘ C ‘U The _cost is economical’ in the Missouri- an-— o’ ‘ ‘ . u ~‘ Icve thereahulpeforhisaippledsister. 96- the-i---I!!! -idlflsflybsic E T9 l .3; 2 gas I .. ..........3.__l._§..._-...._. .: . .¢¢oa-jut: no-9 . ‘ .. ,. - L at ,. v _ .- V w o ' ' ‘. v ~Q .. ‘ ‘, - s . _ -—__..._.....-.. —.._...o.....-...—__..—..a-¢...-ma. a.-9-_—.—a-c——_... ‘ proneunced_by‘°'nI¢!It u! 3-g.a;u..g§g,,..¢,, figfiinglipsontiiegreattamilyand lkndltnayroma __ la. thedesceadantamorethanreadingotthlsdntai-view 3 23 E ii: iii‘ gigl f’:EE '3 s ‘M’ 1¢ lo \ , .6 Days 191: at '.v~ ‘.7 Q - -g._aa'_a_:‘..4..i-‘-4.. , lid“ v. 4...; .. . . 9 L’. ~, 0 n ._ .-w ‘- ,vv~ wow- V s . s 'I~'Vlwwvw Plio,ng55.... , 1 . I? ‘.‘.".‘T" ~~ I l .s -L A aalflhssall’ . . . . . , . J . . ‘ - I . .-' . _ ‘ _ L _.‘ . - g - .. _-3 ;- ' C .. - V1 \ ‘,‘_.-, “ i _,‘, .‘ ‘. 5 -_ . L . - - ‘ -___ _ 7 E. , . v_ — g , ._V . ,.‘ , .,i.. . , “I , ‘ ' . A g '_ . . ., ., . . is | . . . '4' ._ ..........——_-s e .. I u -a ... . ‘ " 1 ‘ . " is-e_ ' g ‘V. ._’ ‘ -‘ ~‘,.‘:‘-.".1‘ ,‘.. -.'."..-' ' . ,,... . 9 ‘ I-">3 .. 2. i "3?