V‘ T 1 1_ 'V§""*-_ -~_-.»-4-_'¢=_._«_(__.: T ‘_3.-J5" . _ lg-.. r W * _ . A 2 2 ’"1Tf':“‘T..;;:7'_\;_";,;.:j...+:...." ‘.17 :,g ~.-,_;.1_-._ H . :';, .. _ f.,.‘.“. ‘ "" _‘_. - ." 2'“ " M _, , 5! P ,.' . ‘ ;, 3,.:‘>:~‘;‘\,,‘.;.:-‘( °‘» _,' _‘ j’ -. _- . . 1.7"‘ -. p i ._V . ‘I V ‘ ll, :‘s .4‘ f_ ~. . . ' ‘v J . >) t X. H: F‘ . > { ' I .‘ el ' ' r‘ ' i A__ i‘ K ' - : ~ "*1 i. 1l;‘z_'_'iZt_-_-‘...1« .. .1- ‘. a.‘- » ~‘ 444. «I' ' ~ ‘ ‘ "i A " " ' ’ '~ ' ‘ il!9‘i|.ll8y‘lll>00lll’E:% . . ‘is new standard and isreganded to ‘1y‘;‘;_;,-w,i¢_.,l,_‘,, -A K | ,3. 5 ‘_’.,'§[ L.‘1{§‘,§{tl.1\ - r .jhe*oneo! ‘best in the ma. ,. 5 ‘ ~ .: - _a.— . _ , v - -. 4. .. _ . _ A ‘The isamuchhardei-one Graduate ~BiUd¢ct"flI.-re to Go to $5. 3 ., _ ' .-— 3*!!! Wills. ‘N080!!! QIIFILI» 4= ‘- ’. .:r‘ . . ‘ 1.. ' aedtohe," id.BobertL. Grand in _. ,- Q r . . .~.\ ._ l _ _ _ ‘t nitu sa _ y [ids Birhschool. Slxluarliuaz ;.,,w,,a 3. !lu._llollal|Il‘°*‘1.Wm » 4- - -— ~ , g » r . » , ‘Hill.n!nmni' er. "The so ammu, ._. “‘” ’ ‘ 5 i ii U vb’ fin ms‘ ' ' ' ‘ " V - ‘L « 2 ’ 6 ‘just Wednesday ‘ware.exaPl¢ionallyident now in ti.~.;.u:indn'.n 1:- . uiuurlt’ :...paaa' -“' iillluse on north side; ‘ I-‘our-noon: ’ flu‘ °f ll” 5°“ ' ' i ‘ii’: ‘:'<°““‘”': ‘i A: ‘I H Y$TmDAY,s REULT8 i Y" ‘W i ' Li. “A ~nd‘i'ame‘ » ;~ to _. and has for “I 1.10 *0 £or‘$1000 cash. uld min?! to the Wightman Cup " ’ ' ’ , ,' . 4 :'N.fi.m an e_ f 75¢ ‘°°"°' '° °"' 4 Mr. Barnard was director of ath. . -..«.---=-2 -« -.,......-=-~ um lo. nu. as nu. -«-we e»-um» PR St. ....... ., ¢..,:.r ._ '.*Filial e....*—f. us... .. ..-.....»:=w== « mu se»-«»» 3 1 .._’.- . . as well never: 5&0 cI‘c\‘cr Pcck'a.'. W. Br.-Palmtr uh tllt -Walker Golf Cup. the '- 1 Pitzthurgli Cincinnati 3. i v A ett ................. .. 7’ at 93;” Joplin last year. 2“ ’ c at . dthaAaaodIllIII. vor-to Realty Cotniany, 15a9_ Wixhtnan Cup is not defended n « ----'7‘ . New York--9 -Brook! 6 (12: ‘Played on Igngthened nuclear . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . , _ ,_ 4; 9; Joplin he coached two champion- ’ - -:3, % _mN'~-l&':;:_f: _ ; 25$ thebonie courts of the holding team. 'V Still llllinnm,.,)% ’ ' . _m 9 ‘ Course. wet .................. .. 42 4: :siahip football ‘teams. He p1.y..d - 4 p ‘ .9‘ ~.,«.m ,, ——+ ; but is played in the United State lp-»_\.tU~.' . After , Baum 84' phihddphi‘ 64. ‘ ‘Simpson ................. .. 4 ll“),-ee years on the Norurwuwm .,-. you Au/;_pfl‘_ .34 had ..1u_.,.m 1‘ 081 10!) . _ - .0»... ................... .. 4: 4i . - . , , _ at aoocty. 8 room house ‘Ens on tie rs. ln Ax”. Lu". PNL Thom‘ S Buck { m ‘cm “ “ ,0 University elescn. and he was con. _:” ‘. ° ‘ml 533113 2 VI!-‘alllli lots; on Wil- 1923» “"3 5"‘ Y“? “N! C“? V" Deg-on " St Low‘ 3. uni 1 ‘dc ' I {of 45 4s :3: one cf the most alrirres. mil-l.oYali=.'K'l' liania Street; only siaoo, wumm in competition. the American hieago 8. Cleveland 1' “ ’ ii 3“: "mil the lm 0 edjiruriuu ................. .. to o iao‘aivc, ends in the wmem co,.{.,- - 3 - 3”“? °°“"""’- l"“’"° 271 ‘°"" ""'°"°d "“ B'““" ‘°"“' 7 "° Contest’ Wuhinzton 5. ‘Philadelphia 3. acm":f‘§2 mtiie fourthowantinlastr "' """"""""" " " ’ °"’°“°“- ..~..i"x‘; ' ' “'°““’’‘. ‘° "““°i 254-255 °'.'’‘‘‘ ““ 9°” 9'.’ ‘’‘° °‘’“'” at ——__. A 5-43 Other clubs open date. came of the Intercity‘ Golf Tournavkomn """" '§i:iiitiLi'A" 5' 5° ""5 ‘3°“"°‘ °°“°""‘K "'0 mivr sports ‘ ' ' L-L‘ ll0m¢3 Pull‘ h°'“° “WU _ wimbkdom the Bnush ‘um won by FINAL SCORE WAS I ———- meat wednudu.‘ ‘flemoon The; Out in 'ro¢.|'ll Grand Rapids High School. Mr. . I- * ’ vasaillfl to P1‘¢—'Vell.l- FOR SALE—Vll‘£ll lluaick has ' 33”" °f 5 30 1- _ .._.____._ _ i STANDING OF THE Cl..‘..'.B8 - ' ‘T. lilciirnon . . . . . . . .. 4: cl s:'Barnard will ciich h" ' ‘ - ;. . , T , f h B . . . . , . _ game, won by the Columbia golfers . l P a5l¢ll lfillll .'-,;..r:».- . seekers. send-*10 cents authorized us to sell his 11-room "° ° ‘ '3 "mh “"""M"'°s Jerry Lewis Knocks 3 N'"°°‘l- y a margin of 153% points wasi "" """""""""""" -- "~' " “‘ llllr for boys and girls. He ex- -» sImPl¢3 I33 P‘l7tl¢01l1'3«:h°",”3 l°“l’°d fl 509 Tum” AV¢- Evdyn Colyer "id J03." r"_‘"’ Center on Lost Pct. playedin a driuling rain oil thcfund’ ' ' . ' > ' . I . ' . ' " ‘S “ ,2 9°C“ ‘° l‘-“W9 Colllmblll for 348- " V sc'ing snggm, 3“ 207 Living room, dining room,- kitchen. “”'° ‘° ulfacl attention in this Homerto New. York . . . . . . .. 89 24 .619 new ycnnhcned cw," of the C0_;;°:‘(';':_u‘. """"" """ " :3 lgibraska about Sept. 1. - l’ . h, N- 3. u 255 pantry. and two bedrooms on first °°‘_"“‘?"- 3"“ °°"’°’- °"’°°“‘”’ ‘” and Gives Team firittnburgla ..... .. 36 23 .610 lamb“ comm, c;.,g,_ mu... ..IIfILiiijiiiIIifII 4: ll so —~—+? * r ’ 5300?: four bedrooms and bath on “ ‘"3 °3l°l'ful and spectacular play- {Cincinnati . . . . . . .. 31 30 8 .1» Hut -3 ' ml...’ .................. .. as ml to: if 7°" VI"! lo ‘:9! or tell some- _|l!-ZAN WANTED—l“Ill-;'socond floor; two bedrooms on e" . 1' he; “,0. _ the Lead. ‘Bmouyn . . . ' . . O H 32 31 508 ." l fimn an Wdllwll» l?°"l °‘ slum. .................. .. 4:» to 9:. thing try a Missourian want ad. . j line Tam}: cigars; noon fun size concmw b'..e_ 535“ 0" ‘-119 90"“ that Pll0l»0K?8° ——--—‘-—— ‘ V59" long, _ . _ . . ‘ __ 30 3‘ J69 8°? l"'han °’ ’:°‘"‘ C9 in l°w‘Hurlr7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45 49 as ‘____T A A :. ‘ml “pen”; Ill!-iuygnt; ext“ 1.,“ lot; find “rm pliers e been barred from the -jsfilight League Standings. gchi . . . . . . . . H 29 35 ‘B3 in a fedora wit_ an 83. Hicker- Burke-r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. to lot __-_‘_ -~“ to - ; ‘end ‘mam-fifigfiim. home i‘ loawd on one of All-Elnglaiid club at Wimbledon. Won Lost Pct.iPhn.dc‘gd°pm‘ _ . . . H 28 3‘ J52 son tssco kthe highest number of !"Ul.‘l‘0N 0 ' T ' y - 9 , ’ . quick. Gulf‘Cizar‘tlie beat-streets on south aide of 5"?" °"°” ”‘°"’i““”*' °“ 5" ‘°°‘ Hamilton-3'0"" ‘ Boston .... 24 33 .337 ' m mg m M” ""1 “; ~.. .................... .. ii” 4; Mi:-« Renew Your 2 3 ‘ ’ ‘Broadway to keep students. House suume , I‘°"3l°”' bl" °{ 50050? G‘3ml’°" 3 1 Cvsoé 5...;-inn. ' . . . , {Atkinson . . . . . . . . . . .. 4:. 44 so _ 1-’ -‘is in good condition. For further course. she hasnt the strokes or the ponofficc ;. _ _ , , , , , H 2 1 p I won Lou pd. Sfialiae points from p!’€Vl0l15‘3;5o| _ , _ _ , _ _ . _ _ > . _ A _ _ _ . , . _, 4, .7 9.4 Motor mformnion we 6”‘ ma Frnifl steadiness of the French star. V M _ _ _ . . _ _ , _ _ _, 2 2 jmlphmddphia _ . ‘ . “ ‘3 20 .683‘ ma e; W01; the intercity 'l‘oiirna- min:-‘chrgfrzr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4: 4: :1: A yc”.3 um sum” a mom‘, é on:;Raalty company. rum... 1 ...a 2. ,,;"",;,;"‘;;f,-,,',',‘e°.,';“’(§,§‘,;,_;’,fc,‘,"° W’; rush school I 13 -g’lw..l.....u... ..... .. 42 22 .ss’;"__§:f,, °;,,‘u,;’“;,,in, ,:;’_,,,,' ;:f;j,’;....-......’:‘"..::;::§::::::;:: .. 1. .2 - block ensure. so out at is 1 Miller Building, phone 519 or 692 the be’; l__ n in E" h;‘d"“'~;"<:‘. Qty gmployes . . . . .. 0 4 . -ago _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 33 29 .532‘_C;ty 5,',unh_ ' i ‘:-am . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. in as 97 4» throng}, ‘vaming (mm 5,,“-,._ black. 54.259 . . ""3" . " ' ‘ Alum l. outliit by the City l-:m- Dc .31 33 4 . win... .................. .. ~ (9 96 - 1 v , - -. ._____________’_:c:_:_‘_’_Tf:_:._‘— _ Mus Knthkm. Mchnne, the former U2 wed on‘ they . . . . . . . . . . .. . Dr A. ‘V. K‘m,pu_hmmt of C0- nu“. A _ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ . . ' _ 5: ‘7 M. In strains. B; that time the ‘ APAWEN1” '03 BENT tg‘-5'hop girl, ‘who dcspjscs to by l’l°5'c‘o thf] Xdebeulng ‘:0 ‘ in "mist. L01!!! . . . . . . . .. 30 36 .455;‘nmb5J phyed. on the Jca-erfion Cit’. ;uy,,,,,,,, ‘ _ _ ‘ _ ' _ , _ ’ ‘ _ M . ‘ _ _ __ 5; [,0 ma’: : ceaseless friction ,- ll!!! WOTD ‘: called gm,-, lffltuff ll” 95:“, wed; i thegcleveland . . . . . . . .. 27 35 .(35§te‘m. ac mmedqn the high,“ J!Z!’Fl>2RS()N CITY 1» it out of tnn and numerous r I-‘OI! RENT-Two furnished The heavy burden of the Ameri- “"51, 3"” °f c ‘ rd‘ .N'w Ymk ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ 26 37 ‘"3 modll score of the day with an H8.‘ r in Oi” “ Tum “ooh!” dcvdop‘ A "ground ‘: n_ apartments‘ for light housekeeping... CID l=lll_1l€n£€. Of _l=0U!'8e. Will 1111 T'"h3hl" 1&9“? yes” yéd i3°'l~°" « - - - - ~ - - ~ -- 22 ‘2 '3“ Fulton. who was able to gain third;cL,,,';f::‘j_:;'::'f":::: ‘; :1 motor is better than now. 3 Phone 1331 green. 1 ' Street. “P00 "135 hell?“ “ilk: 930 Y0!"-llll-ll Tl"? C"? E"‘l’l°3'°‘ -‘tan pm. l__""..':"‘___'_‘.:i'.‘.;- ;."‘:;: _j--:“.-_"._";* .place through Dr. Kampschlnidt's Ltncilcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46 so as Avm i , 4; 5.250 national champion, andalllrs. atolls cecdinxt as though “WY "‘°‘““ ‘°! . , I . 'iIcore,‘pr¢3en{.cd'him win. a can mu wan. .. . so u m 0 ~ « - - - 5 ‘ Mallory, the former champion, who win their first game 0‘ l-he ‘f"'°“'i .of bottle calls as a token of sP~ R"'"" ' it “' ‘G 9" ' i ‘E . ' FOR REl\"I'—-Furnished apart- _is said to be in the best condition In the second inninl “V0 Sllltlll" " ‘ « ‘ iprgcigtjon, ilk" ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ' ' ‘ " ‘: , 9" 4. 3 [ ° ment for July and August; between of her career. ~ in a row. by Fenton. Cllflfillmo, ’ 1 ti. Pfggqngd 1~mpy,i¢._ !:::}',',:"d " ‘ “ if‘ ‘:3 4 Red and White Cnmpus. Address it is too early to speculate on the Heath. Adltinson. and Fowler. u % Atl6:80 olchck , dinnc, W, g;‘.,;r-..... ..'f.'_‘f.'.I'ff'T.‘T'f.'f.' u to lo.‘ 4 CYLINDER GRINDING Box R. R. cure of Missourian for other players that will be named on abated a trio of runs and trove. . . ‘ . E" . ‘ “‘ ‘ 6: to Us 3157101; _ _ en by the Columbia Country Club_ appointment. 255-260 the team by the United States Lawn them a lead that was held for three ICentralia League Lead- A V RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE BPAIRING ers to Meet Shoe- makers Here. r‘ 4 ‘ With our Simplicity Cylinder- Grindcr we renew auto. truck . 4 and bus motors factory per- Tcnnis Association. Mrs. Wixhtman. if she is in competition. no doubt will be named captain of the team, ns she would make a formidable in honor of the golfers. Sedaliii was} prescn with the trophies. The’ first was a large silver combination-;. fruit and flower bowl, presented byi innings. , For the first three innings the; Vets were easy for Fcnton. V'll°; of the first nine‘ FOR REN'I‘—Furnlsheo three- m apartment for 2 or 3 months. ll! yoImlz_ , .m = II‘ ='l""‘°= "°"" ‘° "“""“ 2;: Call at ‘nos Paquin Street. ” 5041» . B .. t this fall. Phone 744 225“ d mm b. ‘,0 __'.h M.“ struck out six I CoL J. C. Fennell. one time presi-l PHONE 530-905 Asa 1061: do it in quick time._ . h . _ pg “$518. 90"‘ ‘Ml ll “I '- men to ace himd ax: five Commbh ;,:Jl‘;n"“"eet the Cemmfia d.ent'o§‘hthet£isaourihGolf Anslocln-I glut '3; ,{ w.buh Sufi” ‘ and at very reasonable cost. : I . ‘_ , , FOR REN'r..Unfm-nuhed ‘put. . in the second an 1 Ir lnnlnlrllo 1] l d - h Cc 1 M- _ ll_0ll- 0 0 9? l»l’0P )' W85 8 H29 any .aeuti A bet us examineyour motor. . g r? “WW8” ..§§.’.""°r»r's‘§."-“"’...;.’.’-'iZl*==°°‘- 2 MM v'*"*° l-ll» -l°.°l* "" "°"“"" 7”" M an i In the mm the v°‘°'*"”i""“"“.5.'.‘.‘§.‘~"’~ %'.'u§I'. ‘..'......'.'.‘..".r.3- “'“§.”..."“”"’ °""' ‘MI.’ "V ’°*"* Etliincton & Gibbs it "nu my ‘reminding <2 3 .. -. Phone 793. ‘ 252-2823 ‘"3 p°"3h' “"5 ld°‘1 l°°‘t‘°“- 9! U-il-'4 Prwn mt‘ l:,°‘"v"'L:nd 8:38 Ema lnoon at the fairgrourLds. at‘ H: NB’ six mShu°“E‘::;f‘r{ *‘ pi whether you, have it done or f ~ **°""“~ ° 52:; .:.:::.'~°::;. .3; ...,.. ...:. cm. a. 2.... 2. 5: 3 3 = - , » V . z ~ 5100146 woman with exizcligve _FOR RENT-June 1 to Sept. 1 fumided -quite H“ problem l;“wc' um. Jem, -3. on we moqnd sfic;i:n:metu'3e,:nm0e :01?" 5 sun: er. qirectot of “med” 3‘ we Lr,,;_‘ Phone 523 white ALL WORK Gl..A‘RAl§'l‘E!’:D : ‘ Ti‘ . ‘ll. elht1hcr‘?lrlll.no.re’]:lrt°fi!‘ricIc! g’"'°.'°°'",,3'°d°;" ‘ggmmggttmt CAN May jlil Officials ‘vV'l'l9ll l>0¢l- ‘°" “"3 v°"°"“3' hug‘ thfih czgclearlier in the season at Céntralia. :a‘?},y':,o "§:§:1.,."i? pr°5°"um°"; S. K. MURRAY & ROBINSON 1: ‘ -:_'§»..a‘_ » 3 C." ‘math the but R°e:f.‘nl“! yi unit 11.‘. Pg: time arrived after he was held as after tit.el'|dein8:f':‘:Dsi.‘uTUinning dnvelthc league leaders took the long end Daze '(’o._umb,u' (Country Clubv chug“; “,3 ?fm‘ ;‘_ Phone 2355 615 Bdw.“ 1: .'=..-v "“' . _ ' - . ' score ' . ‘ v '." ’ _ : - ' ‘ 3 '~_:- 4.. ..... Address or. ph0!l¢ 1618 t! :o,_:'“:.:.: ',::,:ngml;:,$,rghm:f,' 5:‘: a long home run to left center to sgifsit :ihJ1:rw;=';:nt::.1i:;d'na course. since it has been lengthened} Ladies Work a Specialty _ “A. _~“* it . hf ‘ fl‘_:_tEf_:xM’”°i-,£n__‘_"_'__ "“““"—""FoR REN.l._uodm;n 2_m°m port 1.;dmond,__ but Om. was rein. give his tea.:idmta!t;esfli;t;-3rulnea:l;mr view”. . A . ~ “AA A _ J ‘EAL ETA!‘ lap”-‘men: "at 9m ‘Dd Univ". forced ‘nth bnci“ piled under ‘L li:'l8ics:r°ent to ;ll'8t on an erhoriil mm! ‘teak’ m.““8" °{ than FORD REP XIRING A - -m‘-4 ‘1 . sity streets. Phone 2048. ' “ml "l " “"3 P719009!’ Slept» ‘V l‘ d “wed we db Ilalnilton-Browns. will put a much. I‘ _ ; DR R F BIRDSONG -.; . 1 3“-9’3"°“ “’“"“"‘°"‘ J252-tf stole second. anrafon stronger team into the field than slii7:iai:rY 1 '0 th 1. -~ ‘ mu Md bath: in tr°°d r --r 2’ "T A ' ” ” W“ °“ ll“ °"° ’°“'° .-racial th -Ceutraliaitea earlier this; - 8 pa 4 ii at 1605 all at above wanna m RENT with sleeping porch. too. Also The City Employes tried hard to.,m_ [fan S,,o,o,d wm ,,,o,,,b,_y; w[NN's GARAGE ; . E For that Sunday . 5 . aaaimmicate with W. A. Al- ' _ ‘WW3 ¢°°d l'°“‘°' ‘“"""‘° "°" tie the score in the “M °‘ '~"°;appear in tin. line-up at second base. pins. 21;; 7 luau. 3; Special attention giren to ‘_ ’ ‘ . - isurhtioio green A35-257 “ANTED To RI-3NT—'I‘wo cr keepllllr momem F'l§'“" Ram’ seventh inning. but fell °'l° “m;atidl8tock~holm will be a new face» ’/ I ,d of women and c 11- ~» D - rec Vfurnishcd rooms. for light Company, 203-05 Guitar Bld.g., ‘hart. with on “L. p",;,, .3“... ‘btmn an the Shmmflfl tum. i 4 -1 area. _ Q_s3ert_. . : , -"’.u%'s‘u"""s“”"'!"°M"' '*“° ‘"1 l‘°“"°l‘°‘-‘Pinfii "W" 59 ‘V1333-3 Ph°“°‘ 183° °’ um" H '2‘9‘25‘: gled, but was forc'ed Ill" Bl-‘C0115. bl’; o'ehu..1§. too i, in mgdaeawni ' i if A 1 it i '4': 4, l A . _’ ' . xiii;-‘ii’ ...lu.3.“t"§.',2‘,'{ m1'i.‘n.Write Box X, cgsre of F0‘ RENT_Eight_mom md_ Lester Hopper Sllllfirlid to tmlfom. u5t'Su,,;m. the mm M} at gin-mm B305, ‘ Room 4 and 5 Elvira Bldg. M y _ _ -. gj light fixtures,-close” ern residence at 511 'I‘urner; first ‘M L°’l'°" weft. ‘rial’ wail; ‘F 31-0. pitcher's battle with ‘Mexico.’ 'l;BuCu0:l.A“1‘0‘l8 Office phone- 2315 -I ‘ ool.- Telephone 1364 rod WANTED—Five 6-room claaa condition; possession August “ha” B"'“?r °;:“ ‘:5 p ":which checkeda winning streak that‘ we ‘mam ,0” GI__Mmh"._ Rama” phone 2134 red 33 _ A I ‘ 1 ., — n J T-ti. house on Hinkson or Windsor or in 1 or‘ Sept. 1. For information l‘lo\1‘iptc1l1- golngging sf‘: 8“ _ second find nuhod wt gum; :;e}.t,;|,,- ‘tad. "W W1 ,0"; P_um._ Bm_.__L,._ ,1, 1 H , A P '* ' ‘ . th t 'hhorhood; rl $3500 ll '33. . 'l ‘ ' ’; I‘ oppose etc 0 er vi decor-tr row ';: » .,-.._.......... so is ' v °'= °r as A --s~N-'i—51.:* ........ ......uu uu u»~...,,.. .. as ,...l...-. .... rsrxlwramrs -3- Z .— A ce ream . ,. ., ,1ess. Vleathers Realty Company, 1 p ...r,,._-.. lv‘ ‘.good condition; {oar roomyphom 272. 25‘_255 FOR RENT galnc was over. _ ; _ » BU!”-_. 8lIAD28—AWNlNG8 _, 1‘ U "hill buement: fllfnltel ¢l°¢'».-—1—'—'——‘—::‘—““———T:‘::‘:."::f.* Mack Kflble filmed ‘"5 ‘“l_‘l° Tmms COURTS 8”‘ G . ' _. _ _. -.-.s:: 2- ; sd Beach '1 F]. > ’ ; ' “‘- tier and sewer" nice cor- 30035 303 uggf FOR RENT—'0n° "gore ' cross’ the plate in the fourth in- ——-—-— . B" K9‘ an out '- ' , ‘:':""" A 1;, fire plug; fireman‘ ' t roof.E V °°"’°' °{ mike’ ‘md w°b"°"‘ 5'“ ning "End had to retire from the‘ will Be ‘Finished on‘ §°'_'"'"I w_:J_ pflamg Ihnk Fun I l , ‘ - A 3 ‘ I .-I , - for aid‘ 31; 51;‘ FOR R1’-Zl\T—Ideal rooms for 22 by; 60 I081: concrete basement; mm ToBeo as. ' n . ' Ifi from fol. , pflce ll Wall Paper and Palnta ‘- p ' -_ ; . 2 _g55‘girls for winter t~;-rm; splendid lo- Wortll $40 per month; for a few ,1, gong“-5; New tennis courts tliat_are bemlz; . ; _ 4 [ : , . Avenue. 250 - Tl” 5°‘ ’°° - We contract your work. Le esflm ta . . . 3:; s_?r_;a ' gufiom 1117 Uni‘.c!.5"_),' phone dfw gt ;25_ Particulars _phonc CITY EMPLOYES gconstru _on the athletic grounds: mm“ 8“ l t I18 I your 6‘ lowing. “art br‘ck8 , l A v v r and to l ! . ‘ 8ALE—l3ll-'Vfll-T0013 3tl'l¢tlY.1292 black. P255-260 la‘0Aor_seci\\. lsovfcll. N234-259 M,_ R_ n_ 0_A.[-3, of the University are expec Co an ‘I! W“ m p rk A . i i ’"''‘'t . houae° overlooking campumi —" » - ' ''L''‘'——‘‘: -4 —- ,9 3b 4' 0 -2 1 1 1. be completed before the end of the n” “ l W0 “ ‘ + I "fbcatioii for roo A a RENT'''Tv° . '0‘ SALE II:-fernlb . . . . 4 l i 4 1 2 summer session ; ii Fruit Salad ; will sacrifice if 1oldrin,~3°l' lllrllt ll0l13°k°9Pl"¢- 103 Pfl“ . Hopper, ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 These new courts are be lo-‘: 2 t F. T. l r X.X Vanilla 1 ‘ aims. Beautiful 6-room brici::“*"°’l°°- Pll°ll° 2325- 52214‘ F°’}(.zf5l*:'d-lE*‘°:Od 4 ‘(‘;T’t‘:'"‘*' ooclizcr c 4 o o 10 o 0 rated just West 0‘ 9”‘ “;e'“'‘“;‘‘‘t°h‘‘;d RANDOLPR SPRINGS fig vgmb ' . .. ; eatw ;f’‘*'’"‘‘''‘‘‘''“‘’’.‘ ,0": -' m 0: conno: ' l . h’ to se is . . . . 2 .3“-:_1_ 1 bumnhw ood ' FOR RENT-awn. for girl.’ real bargain. Add:-ss A cane Sf F°"l°'l' P 2 1 I 0 1 0 mum T E are,“ but 3;" M5,; Mineral waters: .SulPl’°'s'l'" ' Hinkson gl'% } Tutti Fruit) ’ ‘en *0 “U by Jul’ 1' ““ mtialeepin accommodations - - - ' Christian. lf. .. 3 l 1 0 0 0‘ season as c y con D . ad s."_Num_e.‘ But‘ i A , . 92;} "' "‘ "°“" h°t'suinmer rates 1104 raquln s '””'”°"““"' 255 Gilleland. rf. 3 0 o o o o-"ably be _lt-ltd-w"'°°“ ““”' “"2 ' 1 "3" F'‘‘'' S“'‘'‘‘''’'''"’' r__ _ heat; lot 85 by 200 feet: 2 bone 2221 white P2214! . Heath gb 3 1 1 2 1 0‘ level is higher than that of the old: 32 9,, can of 12 |u|{-‘.u.. _.s . — .__A_—A._._; H I ‘l ‘ I . . . . 2-" ;. 1,1,... .,.mpu.- ro'ur-:" ' FOR SALE—Radio, 4 tubes; Dc- . ' ‘ " 0 n 1 1 0 0' clay courts and lower thin 0*“ of bottles. aealed—-Phone 531 . 1 .‘ Co Mn - ( - . -3 - ;—————— , . Adkinson. cf. .. . .,-h, ,,m ._,» in aliens o .4,’ -3 house; hot water heat;; FOR RENT—First floor rooms; Forest Reflex Ml|8.'ll8\0X loll Hue cf; _ _ ‘ . __ 1 0 0 0 0 1 the hard—surfaccd ones. it. I: _: , . from campus; 4 ‘blocks light housekeeping, as rooms; speaker; storage battery. Cheap. ' _ _ _ _ _ ._.malte about twenty cows "*""°‘° -——~———r-~~ o~ - -—-——-— MILIERS 3;; Sti-awbcrry and Vanilla ’ ‘town: Priced to sell or willreduced rates. Phone white. Phone-_ 2077 red. 2553257 5 _ . _ _ H 30 4 3 13 4 for the use of University s‘tl!l;lden:!;;d CALL 576 peach ‘Ml yank '"' i‘»..-.' . .‘‘°' .*'"“°’ P’°l’°""" A 252'”? FOR SAL!-}—At less than lull. VETERANS Ab. R. ii. 0. A. 12.: At vmenhtht; $50‘: cgwmt- 3”.“ Grape lee-and -Vanilla ’ « ‘‘°’’‘‘ ?’‘‘''‘°‘‘'‘ ’5°°‘ HOUSEKEEPING nOOllS—~ rice fournew olf clubs and hair Johnson. of 8 0 0 1 0 °~’°"°’°" ‘"4 ‘ ° ° ’ P » TAYLOR GARAGE , -. . oi-angrlce an! vanlla ‘f-_ “”°”d';';:‘ bn!?:a:i:Purniahed and‘ unfui-niahed;' good ghonc 1272. E 256 Keeble. lb 2 1' 1 4 0 (1’.»°"- - m You Wm _lll!l{ llllll "VII"! .~r~;:"' ' “°° ' . ‘airy rooms; close in; reasonable . . ""““- 1*’ "" " ° ° ° 2 ° «rive, DEAD IN NEW mm: at Pezclrand Vane .‘ » ' . “‘°"°"‘ .""°“:ios South 6th Street. 324 black. 1'03‘ 5-“”5—"'.“‘""'8 " F- "- Nichols. 3!: 3 1 1 3 ‘.0’ new JERSEY sionll Tire Service p chowme and vmmn » K re. ‘:0 Azflcultnral I ' Phning M11], p_ . . _ . H 3 1 1 1 1 0 Shxs ma . 3. ymellt dam 59¢ "8 if: 1 _ ' 1,, , _ _ , ..3 2 1 1 3 0 1. 1 ixves in Trolley Ac-3 -——- ' r‘ ?- ' , . ' ‘_ a home, whh.-ther it hei 1:-03 R33;-I-_coo1' p},_.u‘,,g_ uc. F103 SA‘Ll»"r—L- C- Smih ”'l’°' 3:3, 23;. 3 0 1 2 0 0 T c"iedent—lla:i and Woman Are “"388 ;i: Bola like new. even the " 3: _ _ ._4 ', A ~ -"4l";% 31‘;:°’l;"::el’;°:‘“Y good-floor room to girls; boarders :,",‘;:‘:e"1o§‘,°‘mfc‘k ""°‘°"R25,_;:'5' Blnger, rf .... .. 3 o o 1 0 0 Killed in Motor Wrecks. N "1 U.“ ‘um’. ;; bevel of the new,ehoo B ._ 2. ‘ . .. . , ', ‘ _ » 3 at =-“'”-me z:::.:f ""°"* 1°” '§‘.'-‘r%..“.°.§ 3. ' 2-"::;.: ,. »»»» ~-: 3- 2 2 3 2 ..... W-. 3' .......... « mad «or .2 Central . s i . G undfiaaier 3 L081 ANDFOUND 'l’° ' ' ' . O _ _ _ ._._v—-gaonraredeadandtwoscorcs ape [_p_Rg_ba-taoaat‘fl .. workmen_are GIDOHI. ,3 £45‘ ;. .-‘.< , -(‘fllI'|P‘"y' Room’ 1 ‘nd 2i FOR RENT--TWO lllnfllflllflletl __w u:h_ L‘! with ]d . "25 5 6 21 5 Ilhcwlfinja-.the result of 8 ~ NI. 3 snutbfi. -3.— _ I . . ' _ . ... _ -. _ . ' —~ Building. corner of Bill anda-oonia. Phone 1623., W22lt1 .1081‘ beg. cryém Agnouc T°ud’ °. _ lgtorm including a solid wall of flllli -- . _44 A‘ -' - 7 . 3, ' i ' 1 Phone 519 or 692 -‘ nm ‘the ’ on We . Score by mam“. l—'47 whiclrfell fortfifive lllllllltefi "1 NW ‘ - ' '+-W9!-.k - ed for ma do. 3 i ' .3. 2.62:.‘ *:.:l::e “.22.: $‘.‘.’.;..’.‘.I.""‘°"‘ 2:3 :32... u... «gm. rm: 3 321;. « ..r—— in-u -an our -mum , A I: ' . .2 . . . . . .. ‘ ' min an a - , , ' ’ .~, s;u,p,_;;5,,i.i-.o...., ipuge,;'I‘able board. 602 Coukiy. w249.ti i>l_gue —pl-onem12§0g_*;L5_z_§l K si‘i):nm1a“,r-iri‘;,‘lSst°lIf:lws"”:;:n’l“r‘:l°,:';;ncc;d... ;.,‘;.r.., City in whicbthnee‘. Ila. hr!-llrl-tI*°"""°‘“"" '°"‘°°‘ F ' of Red Campus; fiwly ""'*""“"f__ COAL 99 9; ° ' ' -Q! t um . ' the nu _ - ’ - f M‘ “u" bat‘ '“d°m‘ifoi"oaummerR REr°"$‘5 pL;l’nperam.. 1°”! Rom’ it . “‘lJ°"""3- S_"'“°l‘ °““’By Esuonl “In sepldrate motor car -rcidfihl-I.‘ antoed Wlfit Bhlulnd alllo '2‘... .". P to quick buyer Ten-rootn.553. ' , ‘DAVIS GOAL ‘G0. 10. by ' H,‘ b °".t¢her__" dug :4; akidding on wet roads. in man 2 : modem; one block of g.-‘!£edi;__._____. -7-«J--—-——— ‘Shit llllnola Goal oer. Lewis 1 I Y 9' L‘nd . woman were killed. 3_ A. gogmra . 3 _ ;i -goon Ann goggu Call 4'3. Oppoalta Wabash station Parka. Passed bail—-Lane. gait‘ _ : A 3. ‘ i . '.‘l‘t-anklln Count! 0063 , on basea—City 'EmPl°”° 5' ‘"3--’..n-,»on_ -go buy or sell some-; 1“ 1‘ u‘ at ' i ' l 1300!! Mill) BOABDa+One cool.‘ ODAK “magma erans 2. Uniplrea—-hleeker andimmg tr’. ~ - nd‘%('m-1‘ “L p ‘ . __ ‘ ’ .; ‘aantary aid jllflllntgll 4 ‘Dykeman. , ' ‘. "‘ l L‘ “' ‘ ‘ . In our ‘Va dc eat. 7 , _—_—-—at 1 at 8 I.i'Il. out at 6-1:. - NOTICE ‘ ’ D G SHOP My inspector will be horel3lA0§-!'- day noon. If.you wan your . . LD ABSOCIATI N ~ e hofnie out Weathers M . RBI} 1' '7" ty 75"‘ .2“.z“* ;‘ *-u'.mI:.T‘a.:*;.l*..'*"*i..’ “Winn: ‘. ;=.'l‘;*'<' .— 5. -v wr ‘ vv -yovl-qnpaua u-. - — capui. IDDGE.»tim a._r.aa..at.‘ ; 4