TEE UHBIK HISSOURIAN. TUESDAY. JUNE 30. 1925 _ - . pl _ ‘ , -09- - ‘ " “ ~ .~- ‘fl. . ‘ W ' l l S ' : . ‘ ':‘ p;t.-‘ . i r: fl;;;..*.:.::.-:;t:;%:.;f.;:.'=l':::~;::::'r.*.':::"7 -: 1‘ ‘ _~. _-' .'*'« - ,-- «‘ .-, 3: t - ‘ o - " " ' . raports of field crops and soils pro- 's,,.fl.,_ J_ 5‘ mad,’ paw tun". ‘in “ms?! dog“; “L Fm, phone 2256 black. , 257-252. “ t:Sl%2g32a_nOd‘§’1.5}0‘l&VasltisWaists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:55 ‘ vutad an a fa‘ emonstration an ——~ -~ — »- Too 0 O .0 as 315 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . il‘3i-'.'i‘{"' i‘i'.."\‘3.‘I‘.."i.-‘.'.‘.’l.»’2'§‘.‘..'..?.l ' "“”"°‘°' “M” New models of mi] 1.’ MUS: ALLd G0 b 1 lot of $2.50 Wash Waists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..s1.s9 stration shows decidedly the value ~_And repaired, twelve years‘ . . ' 95, "TENS, T3 IDBS an COITI inations ill gl‘(’8t ‘ &:5,L:'},q,a1};;,‘ :2 ;1$u:.ph)::._ ..-n-,“. to (;o]umbn,,5_ l'€(lllCl.lOllS. and 34 values at . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’. . . . . J mm, W “mu 3,“ Nu’, m m_ pi, E. BLASER , Wash Dresses--Sold regularly for $18 to $25 at . . . . . . . . . .513 75 $5.00 and $6 values at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$. .50 c . taller. much. thicker and more one 2256 black. Wash Dresses--Sold regularl for $13 50 to $16 '30 at -$9.7? . . _ > . . . . . . . . . .. . ,——--— 7 2457.50 Bathing Suits at .' ..... .. 53,95 ‘JUL!’ "5". SIX Covxnss LOT 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. _ .. _.____ _ -_ p _ LOT 2 50c and $1 Caps at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c to y es... Linens’: vanes, Ratines, em Linens, vanes, Ginghams’ etc. $l slgaténng Bags at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..50c , .m.. 1.... :ifim':;.kg.isun: state Sold originally at $10 to $25_ Sold regular’), for $6 to $13.50 3 . athmg Shoes at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..75c - v°.:‘,,,,,"u*'{,,""co,;,, ,,,,f_,’,f_,°”’.‘,’,"e" Ngw ‘ NOW ALL SILK SCARFS AT 1-3 OFF THE REGULAR {RICE I. . st county agent in checking _ . _ ‘ i , menu» reports 1.. 5.. past win- You will now find SW13 A'[/‘Ens. ‘_:.f""" "‘°"~' ’*‘?T“"‘" 2° to C-Id- Boone County Mflling ' ‘ Dozens of Sweaters 'th 9/‘ik ‘ 1 ' ° 0 .,,,,, 30,, mm,” ,0 min dew I . FOR U] K ‘ ' ti - ,_ei er 8) or woo , at fraction of their 'lfil:I?.l;|;1'.I&(l)n"I.'§;Tlytl;e.c*;')e|3n‘:'¥l'gy!g)¢e] Companyrs Q C CLOSE OUT Cos . ‘ g 3 ‘,0 mm W ALL RAINCOATS MUST GO NOW LOT 1 at . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.95 LOT 2 at . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3.95 :3; n c ng up recon] Th - ' ' . . . _ l_‘ ‘- .i.§.i"'"’..’2.‘$.”i..“".‘?'..”‘.".“.’?‘.’.’.i‘.‘.‘i‘?.‘f’.ii'.5‘i’$3.50 "°S'““‘ S”"’C""*S ' ' . -rv q -r r wr-u-up‘: V7 ffflirf V v‘ - vg-‘('3 _ "_"_ T \ -vx_g'.“'~i.“ C 1- '--‘ . . . . . . ‘the preaent For-d fleet of two. will be made with a rota chassis. run. will he diaembarlced on the fad and immediately assembled. 5 a -*--0:--.- o6llBPllERD I8 EXONHIATED vi! :._..____. .. qetion of lary Ahaols-as Elm I-‘rom .. All Murder Charges. lbs United Pit. ‘ "CRlCA®. Jane 30.—William D. pherd was today exoneratd of a char-geaof murder. The coun Y 5* _ q in: the death of Mrs. Emma I (‘I ntoclti and coed “no . e action means that Shepherd irentirely absolved from any con- tion with the death of Mrs. Mc- 'ntock sixteen years ago. Shep- was acquitted by a jury on rges that he had murdered Billy IeClinotck. butiit was up to the find jury to the out the accusa- tgqn concerning the death of Billy's mother. " ¢— : jcuiss 1'/ism I-‘IELD TRIP &..agutcraft Students Learn flow to work in connection with the outly- :' Select Camp Site. i.l’rof. 0. R. Johnson of the depart- mom of fans inanaitement of the Qdlcgc of Agriculture. took his class in scoutcraft on a field trip day afternoon to Gordon Spring. purpose of thé trip was to work as; the problem of selecting a camp s . -The course in scoutcraft is otfered [rnarily to train scoutmastcrs. campfire leaders and those interest- 'in similar work. The first pro - 1,03-r_R,.d Sh“ { - - _ , - , . ,- — m in ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,_.,, M .n 4" an 1859 wggm 3333 . , Lot i includes Skirts sold regularly up to $13.7.) at . s5.7§ , Johnson. is to get acquainted with K257-259 i Lot 2 includes Skirts sold regularly up to S9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.9:) tbg country. or t’o be able to find one’: way in strange surroundings. second problem is that of choos. . mt» leclintock. mother of anti; Me-“north.” m, m,,,,_,,,, end, 2, ,3: hm House to Trenton and Annapolis; but tin- ally returned to New York on W Street because of the better build- ings. _ ' awhile in New York President Washington trim the aid of other officials decitkd upon the present site as'the plan; for a permanent capital. were completed in 1859. New granite buildings. in the immediate vicinity. cost approximately‘ $8. .- 000 while the total value of bui - inn and grounds is estimated at s25.ooo.ooo. ' -mm? E. 8. Powell ta‘Do Buearch Work. E. 8. Powell, who receiveda mas- ter‘s degree from the Universitythis year. left Columbia Sunday for St. Louis where he will do research ing farms cf the Purim Mills Com- pany in Texas. Louisiana and other southern states. I l :, . Round Table Has Two Guests. F. W. Nicdermeyer and E. R. Dinwlddle were guests of the Round "Table Club at luncheon today. ‘TOOLATETOCLASSIFY FOR REl\"I‘—Unfurnlshed. 2 rocms. private bath, sleeping porch. D .1 ;, 1 ' ' ' I 0.. _ 9 , no 3:’ r '6‘ ;;‘.,‘ If} ‘I USE. . " ,_ J‘ _ . . I lete Clearance ‘ .; '4, Womenisl and Summer In Our ~A1u1ual Sale, July 1st to 11th, Inclusive .- :'w-r'ar-?.°..**‘*j~"‘ r-rs-_;‘ f ' _x1;‘u ;.".m“.;7:.. .« ....~,‘1-‘.. ‘Lt. -.. ' E ’ 1 No Approvals N. Exchanges All Dlreslsesl, Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Sweaters, Rain Coats, Bathing Apparel, Scalrfs, ' ' Khaki Wear, Etc. . Will be grouped and priced to your liking, and surprise. Assortments are greater than ordinary during July and prices aremuch lower than you would expect on quality mercahndise such as this we are offering. a 1:‘. ‘ Dresses Crepes, Prints, Tubs, Georgettes, Laces, Voiles, Etc. Just received today -36 New Printed Cre1)e'I)i'esscs (Many will be on sale tomorrow only) _ Dark and light colors—Sizes 16 to 46 Very specially priced at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All printed crepes, 'I‘ul Silks, Printed Chiffons, I’a.-tel Shades A Georgettes and Sport Dresses, sold regularly for $18 to now All Spring.Coatp 1-3 to 1-2,0ff Good variety to select from, all newlsltyles. Sold regularly at $12 to $29.50 and $35 to $85 SPRING SKlRTS—LESS THAN COST Both Silk and Wool at Less than Mfgs. Cost SPRING SHORT JACKET ‘SUITS Some at Less Than 1-2 Their-Cost Price 3:; Igiktalgll; locthnfiionwifilfuttemlfi garage. ideal location. 819 Rollins. at $13 3 as. '0‘ a “ a ._ 3,1,, ,».,;,, 1., .1. purpose of work. __ G 2“ ‘L ~ _ _ _ Lot «.1—-Sold regularly for $37.50 to $49.50, now at . . . . . . . . . .$l5 ron SAL!-Z—I-lg: laying strain A“ 931'1Y5Pl'm8 dl'€SS9S. dark and light Shades, models suit- Lot 2--Sold regularly for $25 to $35, now at $10 in;/out some troblem in nature study. wfisdcraft-or watercraft. I-‘REAR BACK FROM TRIP Allalfa Demonatfation Shows Val- - Ie o Phoa ;D.lW. Fr-ear of the field crops dvpartment of the College of Agri- c ure. tip to Platte and Harrison coun- ths. In Platte County he conferred fifh the county agent on making Saturday from a 2115 yearling Ancona hens--$1.25 if tak- ¢'“ 8‘ CW9. P. Fnjen. Stover. Mu. 257-261. FOR RI-INT——Six room modern * use on Bouchelle Ave.. available ho S¢Pl- 1. Also three furnished apartment on Ross Street. phone KIND. H257-ti. (‘ad or New ‘pin... See them at No. 20 N. Ninth tit to train demonstration gums, --4-——¢-——_._ _ ‘N luvs new man SCHOOL 6?‘ ‘uh’ ‘I slltaker at Laying of Cornerstone in Capital, 13'‘ ¢°fI¢!'l for a new 3300,. W Nth sch huildinl was laid ". 393030" City $:'esterdsi'. Gov. 8" A°'B'‘‘‘’' ‘35 Ruth Stephens V.‘ 9* liflncipsl speakers. across aid’ H5 feet deep, will b.. three stories high with a sub-base. Milt. It will be constructed of ' -b"_ bficlt Ulmlflbd in native Mis- soki stone and teira cotta. a v "-‘-‘*.‘——-4 a Broadway a Oae-Way Street Jgly 4, NEW . -in he . oneaay street July 4, according to L.’ ‘ E .i-me: of police ‘frat w . on‘loss Avenue and one Broad- way. No parking _srill be allowed on :loss Avenue or Walnut Street. gm ‘ * H-P. FLOUR on Piggly ‘Wiggly’s Flour'."Rack’ Q and ‘ Properly Priced ; lCome Help Your Self “and-Save. - ' = ’ .4- 9 A00‘ able for fall wear. SOLD REGULARLY FOR $37.50 to $79.50 at 40 per cent less SOLUREGULARLY FOR $18.00 to $32.50 at 30 per cent less One lot of last spring's summer silks sold regularly at $18 up, to close out at $5. Wash Dresses ALL KHAKI WEAR FORQ‘I'lICK ‘CLOSE our a a a a s a - n a a n o a o . o a a To Close Out at Ridiculous Prices One Lot of Silk Waists (judge values for yourself) at‘$l.95 $2.50 and $3 Hose—-$1.95‘ °' 32 Hose-ll‘-'-31.6.5" ‘ $1.50 I-Iose...$1,35 l‘VE"CEUSE AT 5 pfm. JULY 1 io SEPT. 1.. Bl‘°8dW8¥ at Tenth } 1 9 T-3.-can %,4——‘ Lot 1, $1.50 All Summer Milliiiéry FOR QUICK CLOSEOUT ‘ 0 Lot 2, $3.00’ ‘ }VE CLOSE AT ' 5 pi m. JULY 1' to SEPT. 1. ¢ 1 o l o ._ ' I 5_. 5, . parel We 4- .!'~I§I=v'3I-l-rs”-oi, -on. It . . “Th9H0use «if Best Qué1'fieé'and.RéaI Vaiugsit 5‘ C‘, ~ '1': "F. - -Co j I " a * I --4. mi -hoq—§..oa.;Ih.~ fa ‘ - ‘ 0 ...&.Po§}—-pa» 0- -. ‘