‘:34 2.:"- .’ - ‘ . ’ .'—'. a: .-A . 3 7- » G.a'a 3-‘Ii ..g -. ' .‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. ' I _ . , . . . -.9 :- . "- 1 3 '-1'-svev‘ .’‘.I i- .5~.‘9" I;-4&3‘ 3 . fiat '-4-'-as-~' ._ " ‘ "- ’ 3‘. ' I.’ ’ B i" - r ‘-5 F1.‘ ~ "t' t ‘ .o ' . 9 _ — i '_ A I. ' _-~ , u l - 14 . _g'v— - ‘ ,. ~ . ‘ ; .--, -_. , ~i -_ ... , .‘ ‘,1 _ .- 1 ._~ -', — -_- ‘ _ I . , Orb‘, I ;?.‘-5 _-, ~ *1.‘ .:I _ '. v ‘ ‘l-_ - 2' , V ‘ - ' ‘ ‘ ‘., ' P V -' . ~, 3 _ ,.‘ a - _ - .".~ A ' ‘ ‘ 5', ‘fin "0 _ _ . ,.. - ; ' v —_ "- 4 a ‘ - . V. l “ V ‘i. ' ' «'_l.~‘.V‘ -3 V -' l‘. "‘ A, ' , . . ‘ . — ‘ ’ " . ‘ . "i ' ' ‘ ~ ' ' * ’ . ' -. ’ '- " - . ~. A '_ . ‘ .- ‘~_ . . - , i, _V ‘-_. ‘ .‘ . . 4 . A ~ 0. ‘ .‘ ‘ _ . ‘ . _ ‘: . - ' _ 7 , t , . . A ii» = - . A A e . . ran COLUMBIA mssoUmAii,' MONDAY, JULY 9, 1925 - . ,,.,i.,,,,_ 3:1-~ ~ - I 1 A I V" . . " ‘ . I . 1 ', . 5: ~ 3 — , - d tlal . ll al - . - » . ii i ‘ t ’ - FORMALITIES DUE f""" "' ”"-°°"°”“ °~,,"" ’ Iawit rather than Iiersalf wiiieii the All inn. sr. i.ot'iin~i. r. .. , i dlscouraxod military and us I ob-_ e0 0 ec e- r PRESIDENT MANY A - -- t ‘Y -on-r-rvi-i-to-u-min - —-—~~———- . 6 . 9 7 « _ . servaoces of his arrival and. at. one I !_ Wm *1‘ V‘. n‘ u \ l ' =— + AND coNr'Us11vG‘t*'-eh-*4 order: he -no-id.»-t be 1 3 '11 5 5 ' "'°°-*" ""- °-'-*- L a.t.....o....i.. '§‘.....':' " = ~ _ Dunner llh.s:ie nut, :4 lbs an. ..i.... the ......i ..i...... - 5 ti u ject of Argument» rm-e ii—-ut ., .,.._. ...__ * - : —- Columbia ntunanm "“—' " _ : ._ uiiiupi-ogieeeea ' 2 , . » ? P, ~30. ‘at 8‘ ha. xkhnvhnfiq .' ".2. Dau: :3‘)! clitvtar “ (W 37 J. W. T. Iasoii ‘ been called_ mecbaaical '(‘0@IllnI° cattle‘! centers of ail"; “ET IDUIS. Jul! (-00 m?J‘nd_‘n. o_._ ‘an the “n 9‘ '5 ’..k _ wAsalNPf-GT0” D 4*"-e--“C ha’ 6- AI, ‘ titten for UaittT“:r:aa)_ gen of aulueet and environaieut.,",u'.. fit‘. ”. "‘ua"“ni_"5"""';L_kl.'"c'i!uH'“yuan b. "uh . > , g a U. a ' | I ‘ ' _ ’ tiik tulciiiiiern '1 D.n."n" .w1_'“""‘. D‘""' . ‘ WW 0 involvinii the . . . -11859 iii.-epoeii auitiil: book. ofulTl:intl::1r)’ withmtliepflzlllalltleau‘-‘nu’ M’ """""“""' °""” mu """"' ‘h’ “"“ "'°""‘° ‘°‘ borne in einoi-i.t ° °’‘''- " "“- °tii an idea criminal ~ - J ii C't . . ’ °"" ° " ° "'""‘ "*3"! *° 9'0" W deiitit That i. to the ' ‘ ei A Hrnusell c nines!-+’Iiiu Dee 0.1. "' . ' V” ‘ '"" "°°°"° ‘° ‘ “"93 "1 *' °"°"_ ‘Y tnral Scledion." The first edition fact that evolution exists ""‘ ""‘“' 3”‘ "W 5*" "W '0' on 0 y hm" tori and Patterson Bali: wlil lea °°'’Pl*¢3l~°d 5}’ Wldlfiw P3104 00 'P"'“ "W “'°°k*‘“d "‘ C°“""l"‘i ‘of more than 1200 copies was sold 3 l tlon mpg... ' Mi. 5“ 0! lift. lnstead_ef refitting. number of shuttle air roltea which :{lc¢§,.'£._‘hE toulorrow for a ten-day trip to it . t " °°°“i°"‘ “M955” P'°7- “~ F- um?’ °l_ll'_' ‘°ll“ out ontbe first day of publication Darzill. byptllls mcIl'tI.c(c)¥ ‘auud ‘'0 u “"1 “wk “'5' ‘in “.’"'°d u‘ ’ "'l" '”‘° were Ir. Boys "31. F'la. lfile W ‘hid’ ”° °" '‘”°‘'' ‘Ml f"p'rg3:i"t '“°'::df ' l"“"° 3°17 so r9|P¢I.sive were Darwin's con- selection and also because of sex-.:::¢”".,:run to ch.‘ ‘a co‘. '‘ "r ‘Pd’ ""i°" A"°"‘ lb?" ‘ f 5;. 19,-.’ 3.3;}... u. ‘—** to 6°‘ . n';g‘rk_ul':':r"e' °' Hm" wk” teniP.Orar'la to the of the ual selection Natural selection is ’ ‘O ivduhén’ ‘V: it‘ "oh", " "M 8" l‘‘’‘"'’Chl°‘‘° iss Rosemary Lucas “ ma ' ' 0 - - I ~ . ' . . dint" tself. . . . ' ""' '.'‘° 9 °- die" Lucas. children of I:na‘lItl int: ....i.s...'2".l...;".'.“'.’i§'.°"i»..‘5.‘.’3l‘l“.’...'ti‘.i Min Mndiire Bozartli and Hi” Erwin.“ "‘°‘.'° """ "'°"' ‘h°°"°’) d"-' "° "’° ,‘°'?"""" .°‘. ""."'"" obleciion to the 00:: reason 1': mail diabl ‘I - - i . and In J. B. Bola K 1-: Lu“, ‘en “BM. 1 N M The f the Miirrtiri-t Maxwell who are attend- "anion of "van “mm b5 “rm t" m“l‘° ‘belt m’ ""° ‘u °“’ Ovblution. Furthering t -W 3 ml ‘aw N’ u ma '5 ha Glam. " ‘a Y‘ 5' °’ ?' ‘V”""‘°°’° '°°"’“'V ° ', . _ ‘ _ . . ' . divine and lrrevokable fiat. vironmont; sexual selection - "' ' u.‘ L°'"' ""7 ”‘ ll" """“'¥- "°l"“‘°l- 4 r _ o ,_ Wu '5," we’. ‘in vb“ um, ,,.v,._ ‘bond lb, syipi, n,,,,,mK mi. tlii Chillicctlie Business College. , — . P" baseball player does not traasialt gm. 9.. , k 1- . . ul ll ‘M ’°“'* l"'3°dPll“flI1I- ‘ flqter. drew up from behind and‘ spent tli'e- week-end at their homes .1" hi‘ £"u:°d°cu°" ‘°. fin” 0'’ Fm.“ the ‘d"m“"°"' °h"‘°"°" his skill to his children. The trana- be in New?nrl: till‘ f.‘tllL.‘W"m ; i 1'1» Gk"! I "d ———.. V” Rub. mm” . in Columbia. lg“ :13‘ ‘9P°cIB." Darwin wrote: Wk‘ fill“! l° 9"’ '“"l l*M““mhalon of acquired c ' 5,,‘ 0 e ‘ 0”" mom , daagbhr. Mary lF’raatis: Hr.‘ _ r. a Ilrs. T. W. Whittle, T. of g 50'}, 5' , ’ t‘ i_,_ M M Cm‘ H ‘ “ lit recently the great aiajori " 1100- ' 10!. when N0 sun 1585?» which not uegtsoggd , ‘ .?__,_____ “2'‘'''' ‘‘’‘-'‘7- °— 9"“4"‘ "" ‘"4 “°.“"““3°- 5'» W! Dr W- 8» loss fsentoothe lzroili-rmob::.ii:e R('t'l:I.al\'e'\'. '3. \’i:ifi’fi¢ ‘i:o’l.“a:a °' ""“""“‘ ""“"'°" W“ 'P°°‘" “." "'3'" "“‘°' "" ‘‘'.°'‘‘'’ ““ i‘ "i nthrlsvei-cult‘. is now seenby D‘; NH» 1- 3- sou: ii-i-mine. l -i lie. 0. D. Elley. arid daiizhter. Whittle spent the weeli-end at f ‘h, - o,d- -i. be M ' o were immutable ‘ans and victorious and transmits his power “,3 i - 3 _ J 8 an t . a . u I P P, , , - _ o passing. lnlfl) w ii ra. la-cnard llaseiiian for a few bu " h. " . . Oily occasionally. or under 7' - - (ti. boil Turner ‘-13% ‘It: 3?. CD4 ~ 35"!’ -~ [Finns Inn in the Ozarks near 9,. man” of 15, n"vy pun, d.’.,_ “L “gym” is ‘ me-lb" _ it separately created. Dar- l°_ If 0 ‘Dmitri fcftifdlflk ‘-0 '-ll‘ laws not understood, if it '0,“ Avenue. who iraii operated on Fri- . Jlfloyaton a family; r. and Mrs. Via;-nesume. . ‘Mp of the “W the new i’ drum of ‘hp “why of the Unm.r‘m' 0‘ win nave Laiaai-ck the credit of be. principle of l)8l‘\v|nlfilIl. u .1], .1”. u 3,, 1,-,,ig.¢.,.,m. “mph, (M, ‘Wm ‘M llul’. M H ”:"—""" _ ' up .nd he i‘ the Ne‘.ad.- ‘M Con‘ M uu Clllllfl. vcvenheleu w . W3 rP"lim'd 7 ' w.u3°‘3 um Ed c"'l‘"3 (“tuna bfi “mu” for we I‘'d’" 1”” secretary‘: salute as a mark of‘ i-e- J W Burch _“ t 0‘ clusioiis had excited niucli atten- Sexual selection. liowever, no go.” to th, ' P "Q ob)?‘ M0771“! II imnrorinir. — 5~ finer: llrii. Iatilda ‘Jones: lilr. 43'1"‘?-‘5°°"0Hl"‘ (‘4'|lfll?)' Club , to Q, cg;-31;", ha‘; of am ‘ . ‘ ' ‘”“f' "‘ P’ 9"" tion. Lunarck. be said. "attributed longer is g!3h€T1lll' acce ted b ""0" ‘°'."°h”°“ ? ‘d U”. G.‘ L C”°n.“‘ “mi”; u,ut."o‘.' will be: um‘ Joe ant" mm‘ of amrrial husliandr). left t-¢-nerds)’, ,,',"_M‘‘ 0‘ the and “mm of uhmhu Them 3”‘. £0 mu‘! wlileh have developed since Dar- -—~ - El -~ .lim‘anl John IIPIWOH: It I54 n”‘ wm'i"‘ Rink’ u"' ‘L ‘'1 Secretary Solves Difleulty. ft.” .h-‘rt L“wn"°r"h. {M ll“ the Plllflical conditions of life. coiitradictorv artumt-nt in its way Wu” ‘by. the ‘fa 0‘ nolmhm u ' j . . l ad ‘Lawn R. .1.‘ 11,.mu,n_ ‘ad 3,; Owmc Bu_nnt‘ , , ‘ steel.» in tlif. rererw officers train- . . - t _Y- stated by Darwin relnalns acieati~ ¢_ , Hrs. John D691 I So _ of; » Upon this occasion. hows-ever. mx mt”. m which be hold‘ the ’°""a“Dl_ l0 3-50 "0313!!! Of 81- It too oft:-nflinppens that mating “any impxuw. , Ira. James Sinclair ; “N. w_ B_ H-,d’,uu,' lo“ Uni_ there was some doubt whether the‘ "mt of “ruin. :93‘! ulltlflt YOYMI. IN! much among animals is not in any appre- ~ : _ . Q a e -- - . _ . Ln ‘ N i . °"""~. , -———~ , ; , _ . ;;;;,';{,n*;'{';"g.;;'c*;",;j;'°dd;=ti - .'i’.‘..‘{ ."i.'.£‘i.i"‘.‘.’i..§2'I."'i'ii..‘l‘°..l’i';°if.’i.f Mr» '2 I~ "W 0!. .H=-mad-Ie elfeglr: .'.‘i""i.."tIs't‘T'°'i.‘."“.i.i.'. "($5 i2.‘i’i’.'.”. ?II.“".'2f.' i‘i‘.’.f.i.‘°..'°l'i'.°..‘.'.‘2'.' 31? ""' """" "°=“" "M """" """" """""“'°‘ . l l ' Wgddmg of M333 5311118 _ "mm" F" honor f ,4. WV.’ ‘fl’ There seemed be no precedent. "_"d h” "f"l"'- 3_l”- “"'"“"‘ _M‘"" a¢ency"he seems to attribute all purtunity 'l" ‘ Bwhh P‘°5"' ’ 3'75"‘ E’ R‘ BAUMGARTNER A - ' 0 l-" "fin" The dilficultf \‘as surmounted bar “"1" °{ ‘Sh L°""‘ "'“‘"’‘'d 5'u"' the beautiful ada tationa of a "" h°"° ‘F"ld‘7 "W" 50'» 0'0"!‘ N ‘g E’ a"“'” 9”” "no ‘ Davault I8 Announced ‘(*‘""'T "T ”¢mt***t‘)' 113- . mun‘, ‘mm the syiph “king 3;, day morning from Louisiana. at,“ ‘UN _, P n - I Darwin I 1h¢'°Y}‘ 07 MN?!‘ Wk?‘ J.. where are has been _.i_; , The Her. and Up. W, A. Dauiultl Mi" “berm Smith ‘nd “in the "me of the ,a.,,u_,.’. .{ the where the-y gm-ride-d the-‘fungal of - mnin Dinah‘. lltltt. ‘too, b(ijis_ 1-nc;;unti~red iaucli gumh In hid: ‘chad '0' Run! ~ — .. . cf Marble Kill annount-e tlie-_iriar-iii Loni” "Owen (J Ommom c- navy the presiden’s Permission to ‘ °“‘“'”‘~ um E‘-l‘”“5 5""“- Dnwin uh; t w. "' "7"" 3" " "’ " ""'""' f°' yfara, Ilsa Peeliarn received her I ' rinse of their id-ushwo 3*"-0 ‘° ‘-ed Q. . "V "' pass. . -iii. and Mrs. D. R. (‘owah were . °° "°‘ '9“? *5 ‘“**'“"' -'k'°"'°"‘- “'0'”-5 301- A. B. and B. s. deems min the DR. R F BIRD ' ‘ a'‘'l“ 1* Wfigm °{ 3‘ Louis’ 1 loll‘ “rd” to be me ‘nuts of ‘Pb’ but I tan f the in turn this week-e-nl t hip their c°ndm"°"' ‘ad oflemd h" °"" 9" "'5" “'5” d°f”"d°d n"""'lf"‘ p'l"°l’ Univ:-rs"? and her I A . . -‘ _ .. isii . " no ns cc 0 ' ' " " ' , - . . . -- - - . . l 5 son of Hrs. Joe Sl\l'l\'t;* of \irde_n.‘: MT A‘_;I"f_n‘"t "?“*“’"- ms Tu,‘ nun.” ugtiom 50,, whgd, the d..{er.i furniture to (‘hit-aim. wlii-re Mr. al,::tt'°:;w:_::a trhee“3:“wh: :1‘; "."~‘ loffiwlliumon agugsl "ccl“m!' {'°"‘ C°l“”"bl3 U’'l‘'¢"ll)'- ' s l ‘ f Ill. The ceremony wh i '5'!“ P97’! ' -d, ‘ o - ‘ - d Cuwan is ('lll|IlU)'(‘(.l by Swift & Cum- . '3 pa S “c‘‘ “ “_' ' “fig Um‘ " lo llcfepl ____..j_ r ~ ‘°"'°S‘J>r an rm. will ,i. .,.. ..---... .. ..-. 3.. ..,..:.*'i.:*.;.:.:,..;f "1': *'»':::.. »-as »~- °‘ "'“".°°"*° W ="-*=»~- "':' 4-W "“.‘"'“' »--~m- st... in i 3"“-' '*“-“°' ‘W ‘° declared in effect. that the to \ ll be ii dlaeaasa of woaiea and call . flu! in Iarble Hill, June 16. ' “est Broadway, em"-uimd with . “(dad mad of um “um” he is sitiuii of assistant prtfe-iisor of mar- d , ' . . . " ' “'u"' "-‘fl "l ‘‘ °'' "W07? Of About thin’ numb." of an ° 9 Ira. Wright is a fortaer student, pg‘-nit ,mm,,., a ‘beg, hon, n g utgd the militar and l1.'a\" “"11!!! her!‘ June I. "M5 "l M9 if l°_lI\'¢: and the “supe-i-rat-n much was heard dur-i P w . . _ . ' ‘ rid be if-‘ '. . ~ . - n‘ , _ 3' . . . . reason why species differ from one in the W ld W ' ted - ." “flu” Smdfln‘ A”°°“’°' II in the University a a risen: r . 4 otlotl: baturday evening. ham," ,.h,c5 m ‘ noun‘, de Miss Jennie larrell and niece. . 8 OT 87. H‘J¢'<' "8 mhd w Rom“ S . . Rx ‘ ‘ " Gamma Phi Beta sorority. .\lr.{ _ '01" upon mnky W“ ,.ru,W, Alu_mdt,,_ 8 North another is because eaeli represents tural !lQ'l(‘("lluYl as the cause or evo- tum“ when 9"“: F"'d‘7 ‘L “*5 5 Elfin Bl‘!- .¥ t ‘’'‘F'’‘ “ ‘ "“’°“‘ "l 5‘ ‘'°‘’‘'‘3 3"” E'‘"’’‘‘‘’‘ “l"- ""° W 5°?" Recent residents iiiive dealt First -‘Wm-1. retunvd Saturday from '" ""°" ‘°. “""‘. '"°" "‘°." “' ‘““""- W‘ -ubstituird "will to i>ow- Volley-ball izrtiiiii 34'“ 3”’: Om“ Illiooe 23l5 ‘ I l u“l""u7 ‘ml ‘‘ P'°"°l l” '“‘’"J; the “"0” C‘ Mi“ R°""’h w°l“” with these ceremonial di-niiiiids in. “‘'"'‘l‘'"- ‘TN. Wlwrt‘ they had vis- "°"m" t° m,’ °"v"°nmPm' m Or. "H M the Wagon. ltamu mi} Dlayrd "1 Realdeiie Phone 2l3C red 1. _i ney for Lynton-Block’ lrisuranqe. T0? ill‘ Mitt I-‘('98. left yesterday‘ mu-5°“, w”.,_ p,“;d,.m (gooiidge is iti-d tliroo wt~ok.~ with the latter‘s _d"' f‘“‘°'“‘''’°'"Y- “’ “‘f°¥‘““'d ""'b*'l1 SW'"F*‘l'- who-‘C’ 50011 7 » C"up"'). in St. Loni’. /‘ _ for her lll me'in Kansas Cit)‘. nth”, Pum.tmu3_ He b‘,1~ww,’ hon- l sj,u.,. M,.,_ L M_ I)Ur:‘,r. TM.’ '1“, ll! ¢‘Xl3l*~‘"¢_‘9- I” "W _ ‘_"'"-' d¢P!l‘r‘ .-first Pri it-iplt-.-" was publiiilted l Ur. and Hrs. Wright are at llflfll‘. “. ~-‘'—--—- 0 the president). “hmnd ix. t-igiu-d a ,.}..,r«,_ um, ‘ cglwggon, 3'9"‘ _0f ll“: 310"? lwlfllf 0001975 two years after “Tlit- Origin of ________ A '. .1 Q3 Kingxbtlfy Boulevard in St. L('ui‘:“i‘ f;°"“°°t. Bfmfiki Ii‘ 51 pnd‘”d_ Ew_.n- time h. 503,3; The trip was made by motor, mm‘ "‘l»0Al’¢|D£ ;l:dlD can be st;p« Species." created the phrase “sur- H" "' - -- ----:CZ3Z 2.322213.‘ 1:: Z;‘::: ’ Louis. ‘ ' ,' ' ' '~' l"’f5 ° Vl 0458 “R. "3 .30 f r . p1(.”u". cruise‘ ~— — ;- o ~'— — P0 ti)’ t exit)! to dif er vival of the fittest" to explain r j: .1 Ira. C. H. W'illiams.;Gl3 Southt 31. llulett on West Broadway. the i:e:1n(;.n up m an ,.,n_ F”R3"‘«R (-3491 ATE HE": 1:012‘ log.” however what Darwin meant by evolution- F - :9 , , ..l ‘Full! 30¢‘. 35894‘? 07 ll" ‘"355 ""1 ' - . A the ‘do t’ f! i run up to ~ ' *- ‘ '3 v ' ll NUFOVGI 051909 ary iidjuiitmt-nt to environment. ‘[ " l' ‘ ~ 1: wedding. ‘Her ..m 'i ""' 9”“ R""°""‘ .°' “"" maatllratl ll: knife. stiiirpretsai-n- ""‘ "' "' S""" 9"" ‘° 8"‘ 0' NW5"-1» V“! outlive 18- |dlP' But this definition does not fit ‘4 1: f l - . . -. Orlezuis is the guest of Miss Flor- ' . . llsuxliter to Aliaa Mater. bi - 1 . . , . i. - . ‘ dllllliltfi "P1911 1'o""L"- “"3 fl°“"" . - - . tial nlute, the national llnl.l'l('m IF‘ _ . ll 9 TWI tendtncies. and will be into many observed factii of life. It ; i. l I p . _ _(llt‘1»‘ smith. ' , he . . Mt!‘ Mar) zllrmerlyi enera d _ l ' h h ’ a 1! l ‘ ' """ “TALK 8HElK" :Il).ll’“('>'utf'ldhefiPY::2.£::t‘;Tr£ng"w'bmmed to Te-x.. was here yoste-rduy to ace ifV‘“_5d;u] ::;ui.M ‘T ugftlmhi ".::m:u_;{’_":f1d‘s it E; '3$h:;:ir::_ 3 . have been held todgy has been Cloum; 3,, 3;. Lug. B,,’_ ‘H form“ honors he ‘us ‘old WU-e :(f'l‘Z|l‘|K“m('flL\ could made for - _ . i: I ' Ilfltil next ‘own The‘ 37 l'Y"l':'l‘ P":“- -’ due ‘O the president, during the hlr (‘l.‘u‘hter' C‘the'"*' ‘°_ cn‘:‘ A "“ ' ‘“" ““*""" ‘ . - l. i , . ' ' club will iaeet in die iioaie ofglozi-‘ot"‘(_'Ao3:};\A5 flat not looks 5,“ ‘mm 0, his mm bu. he rap‘ int’ ~:f‘::<;)|uc;fh::t:rpi;:;l:x:i; tgiiariait --. .-.-...----.---....-.::‘:'::::: . . .. . it :“:::":i:: :: st: :*.:’:::‘ - ; I . A ‘ Stephen Iianxiiiaid. Stewart _ es. in is per cent . - - d . 1 1 ' ' ', ‘I ‘ .3 . ’ an inch Avenue at 2&0 °'d°°k:‘*'S‘,1‘- . §'.'..’..,‘~’°i.'i"'{"i.L'.'.’.‘.”"i'§'.1‘i'i'Ioii‘Zi.‘IIi"'t§2:g'"mTm*. ‘«°"°=° ‘°' “°"'°" “ Stylg and 2: 1 - GRAY AND ARUSS 3 Ira. J'W. lludson wil talk onj °"' ‘ h“ H” °{ “u‘ ‘M Ila flower salutes. for exam le. In‘ (A 0"’ . . - “Money Tallts" ' . Y P : ‘as ,. .. ishoot it faster than they do" as the . . _ . Mrs. Small. who is a daughter of .. I '9 Y 719095 5333903: "id '5 5- ' - . . . ' man‘ less ostentatious ways. l10“' Black and Tan - .’ . ., sad;-my to ,hak-mdmed u, b . 5 the late Judge J. M. Angell of Cen- ‘:’ ‘ . ?, nuaiiei» will talk on “Guelph. -;_Jmph "mm Sh um ”°" ' 5 ever. lie insisted 0lI_ll|e iori;ia_l ,,,,i,_ W, ,,,,,_ ,,,m,,, 36, . . p 712 0 ; 1’ . . I” ~. p 5. ‘ad I”; find, gu.’h,n,on,! phmip, 5, in 5:“ he}. ch”‘ed :“’lg.c°{ ’°:il3:ndL‘"d"’°" h" m 9° Chamberlain. assistant dean of )1 V ' _ r _ j C0. ‘ wil leave Wednesday for Poi-tlaad,?witli stealing an automobile. ‘He is ac ' P" " ‘ ' -' mm“ “'1 had °‘ R“d "'"' '9" . ' :‘,!"""“"’ In Whlte Pumps ‘5 ‘ ' 2 Gifl"—'3 Me" ‘: , - President Wilson paid the slight In x t th d . f . <2 . ,, __ 0re.. the former will attendialso said to have two I'lVl‘.!--Kits‘ at uumion m an mm of ‘nah c atijniii-s. era uatiiiiz rom -~ 4‘ ._ ‘Iii Harmony Land ; I V colIV$i0lI. on: .B¢.no 19. ‘Nd Geno‘ 60“. when he '0‘, entemined in the ‘n“Fr’“’ '.n Mr‘. ti 1 l l I l i ' 13* *° 09'“ l‘ ”"’l"“ "‘..“J”."‘ “"‘““'¥m- 13- 5°“ °‘ ‘"3" the White House he conducted liim- ,‘:'°”‘ ‘° "'"“""’ “’°"‘ 5°" "‘ ""“‘ s. - E ; ..... -- - ‘ --- ‘ --::::---: 2 ° 100 Am“ "#4 °“**‘ 5”" "‘ 0”‘ ' iioc ii’ ‘ " '"°"‘"’ 3 DI \' ' f0 5 ' 1 " e .u “o ‘O - i or] fin.‘ h it I . . elf as a privau_- .t. ispensin! ‘+....__ .- A. A 55,9, . . . _ . ’ c‘m‘"‘l‘°v “*7 V‘ ‘ ' P m M ' ° ‘"“‘ 9°‘ 3" with all the formal requirements of» Try a lilissourian want ad. ‘E - ' - ’ Denver and be the cg Dfiiiooklsmdor ii: elothes." Phillipa re- ' 3: Yes. comfort and stvle go liand-‘n-hand Fverv ; ' ' ll -- Staplienacifs sistar. ts. - ' ml? . “ at I've ¢"ot'a fast lirie— ""' ~—--‘‘- ~--- ~ — - ——-—- P . t - - ’- . _ ,‘ .' ‘ l ‘ ' , ' Bi-uieii. 1 g t's all there is to this muting : ::--:::: 1’ 3.0mm.-B"h° ‘S ‘pp"’°w‘° °{ ”“"~‘. b""‘"‘f"' {°°1’ .5 » CLAIRE WINDSOR 1.... . 2 ibtlslllcsl." ‘ ear -“.1 be eqizer to see the stunning new models «: BERT Ln.“ ad CULLBN LAND” ".‘- 5- 4- "°““"' S°";"; . “."",r‘--e--—— . _ t at Reid s——especiiilly at these low prices. ‘I «- Fourth Street. returned at nix t, ‘I each at Stet. Ilo. H G - ~ riuai a {we weeks‘ -visit ii ClC'9flc°’1ll'ec- R;ibXuo_m.la student in the r0 n 0 ers 1 ’ ‘\ .s " “ in ‘ . laal sad Wooster. thRe- IR 0 ‘ zricu tare. -pent sat. . . Ever’ air is assign- _ children. Frances. Wil :1 and at SE2; Hcgemakuix plans F0!’ all 0%38l0ll8. ‘, 3 p‘ 3 {.0 : Katharine. chore to New orence *3 "0? or com nit year. 9: - . . -. 3 3 -—- ‘.7 ,0 “amp” he, ,,,,,,;i _ _ iii-._Rubotto_t. .111 “mi, .,..,,u-om, 0 ;_ irulslwd bl 9-‘alum?’ 1. They went the mad and merry pan of their L 5 . .t._._._ :. v A -Ixru-_ultim in the Stet Coiiiioliditt- ‘; - jg f ultra-fashionable set—a pace that grew faster s. . . Ilsa Lucille Stewart. dnfiut 97‘; ed Hiirli School. The school district is ’ ; ness of design and ii ‘ and faster until th d’ h'rl ded . . . . _ e izzy w I en in a . _ Ali-a. Ilary Stewart, 115 ikrttli Sixth, lobated in Ray and Carroll counties. Phone 366 Gl‘€$l‘|0llIeI 3 é CRASI“ ‘ '4 ‘ leftqfriday for DCi\'¢l’._C°l--; and is made tip of eight rural dip- ; honmt workmanshi - - she will spend tbe 1f'inter.‘tricts. Although Mr. Rubottorn is — — - If ‘ P‘ 7,1 " Ilsa Stewart lilsafen li!‘;|9Yu<:;¢!1mll¢d in the University for the ‘W ' ' " ~ ' ‘ ' ’ «'- THRILL $5.95 " ° 5-’ 0 1 i the Iinottri Store mpqiy or isummer term. his duties as voca- ’_“ A A’ ' A “ '“ I u . . . n I ‘ himnn ' . ‘ !fiom1u_‘dm_kgmJu"_ L H V ”””“”._:::‘“_: 2: A Stet! From Broadvia.‘ Saies Dollars :; W — - - _:- ._ V nnvwwvi Ilsa Helen Clinton and Miss*';____ - T 43 A Bllsmess Ed“¢3l‘°n gill - L? " Z J. ““‘*' "' ii" ‘ ji”_' B"'°° Gilda‘ m°mr°d ha.’ -y"wr'l ‘ r‘ *''**‘i ; And the Place to " ' Eleven North Tenth 1"‘ V ' V . ' ‘ '7‘ "“"'.' .iiqri~oiiist.Lo‘uietoppuidtiu- ,5» » 1: via |‘. i f - enak-end iii the guests nth 15;‘: An-. ~ 1 ROSENTHAL - ~ A A T . ' — }-‘I-*.‘-r‘l-(¢-l-§--l-'l‘-!*E‘I* ,; «; [Id H . . o 4 L . " "3 ” W W ' i’ W" —-— 4.. Sc‘-oolof Commerce . ~ t to ; Our Complete Clearance v \ .________ _ § _'_j ‘ 7 . All work supervised { _ . , ‘ : ,_ Illflelen Clinton and _Iiss Grace: 5 ‘ . V 4 P 1 ~ .- _ moto here iyQIlil'fdI}‘1i I E t V [ E, i . lnaai St. Louis :9 spend the i.-¢-eke; . "*“"‘ ‘s . 3 ; _ K I ' -. i ' and as the (nest of mu Alina Kath-:' b ‘ t " t .- 1 I ‘ if?! Sykes and Miss Marian Cling _ ‘j ‘ ' _ ~- — » i 2 s A 1 .—— ... . , . ummer re . . Iia..Aana Ilarzaret Barton of” . . _ y P l ‘ . Healco. Io...'a;;_iit UIQFWOIQK-(Ilia 1: Founder of accredited commercial education in Boone County. ‘5 E ; . , II-It ; {wt ""0 '1; i i ; . Two 8eboo|s: E1.VlRA- BUILDING V is ; CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK ._ . . ; 1 N in.“ I-:5 "m*"'- ’°“,. ; 3; iiivmiiy Btadeut iimieii iii sinus COLLEGE :3 ; ; ‘it i, _ . ."“‘_ ‘ll’. ___'__. , ,i , Made of f. «l ___ .T'° Telephones: 1095 and 1214 green 1: ll Offer-lag Super Values In Al1.|iiea '\ ii i-‘nick _<:une.~y«-i:‘to imgi ; -A - : 3; -v---~—-~~-—~-—- -em--------- 1’ _. . ‘ ;~ : . :'....°'* Pure sweet 12 em ~ ~————- 3; 3" Pm‘-"g‘,<=~v=-. N», 313* -ad grow cm i; _ ~ :T.E{‘”.m¢wtfipm&,rhg&.ld_‘ Cr . - ,: ; rieases I Originally a 825, OI.....‘l3.75‘ ; p l . I I l I O V ‘ i ‘:. ‘ 9 ' - .————— I ' a; 4; 4! Another Special Lot of Printed Di-eases. i , _ .' . " 35“ V“*“'‘'' Gem? ‘.0’. M00‘-;« Is Healthful ‘_ ; Etc. (12 More Dresses added to t line today) * i 3 - "}'°"""lm« °“" "’?',‘C‘h_;"°.?f"ffi';;‘ ‘ A °‘ “: «; Extra Special Values et............,....siii.7s. .. . , - ~ . ‘ 0 d ‘ E ‘, _ ‘ v ‘ j’ I 4 ‘ 4 1:0 ' . 1 ‘ . -l _ -1*’“,"°'*°°* t . .~. ii: _ ; Aiispigingcmtsumimdi-zuiy spiiignieela ;, _i l at. e . 1 . Ag Delicious 1:; . riowpricedat 1-Stol-2 offtlieorkinal . <; l N i, '1 B « » , ; WasliDresaea'l‘oa)liistAllGONOW ‘. I : cw lesior it "9 : . ~ : A } g l’ . . - . i ( _ ; _* All Volles, Linens Ratlnes and Combinations-— ..'. ° “l”MlllSumer* . :: : Ne-mode!-» % :; *’ -i a ‘ Ill 3 Centralflairy : soiiineguiai-iyat8is.ootos25.oo.—rzosi..sii.7s A : ‘V 1 ' 4 At . Ii ~ , ' - . . ; Sold Regularly at 818.60 to 816.60-Now” 9.75 I! ‘ P mfireursjo to m Ice Cred," : Sold Regularly at 810.00 and $l2.00—Now 6.75 1; |,. _ Eu ’ D l‘ ‘ l O * » iiiioee as ; 1 Another speeiiii Lot Another special Lot; _f ‘ ' H. $6 5 9 -'---Always “ “'5' ' “*3” J" 1! ' . ‘ I ‘ I 1 1 I Q ..‘ -' . .. . i, - ' ' r Vcmmmm: hrokeh hm p ; hunt on All Rain Cosh. Wool Skirts. Sllt Skirts. Wool ‘: C . E . L 8weatera,Washand8llkWalstsaridmariyotli- i :l-::‘:' , ,1’. i thefieat erlteinsalaoforQiticliOoaeO_iit—and~Piilced H j. . .8933‘! h.'°°‘ , ° at laaiifaetiirei-"s Cost and below..a It wll pay I ' 3 ' youtolookberebefoie purcliasliix daewlicre. _ 5 See our Windows :- off 3- ..____._‘ " "i l" ' . . _: I I ‘ , f- _fl. , L . A l . . L /V ' ‘ I ‘ ‘ - V ll>"l'l i _ .9» It . J‘... '5 ' I“: . ._, - 1 ', ' ,4, . .1 .;i L I .t-t ~/—’e’ 1 ~ £541 * ‘ .,..:,..—.g‘.Es,-,:% i ...t.."!!t' '- ' - ‘ t ~ ..; V’ F ' -'7' ' .V‘W: 1 '2' ' .'-- E. .° "°~- U -- "'*“' V35 - "7‘?;"" - T _ i'*._.-.-v'.“—.‘-.t~~"i'i . . t ‘ r -' V A. ‘A . -i 3 . ’ .: ' ) Q]- ' ‘ ;::,""} '0 l .' . E 3'' K]: ‘'6 ‘th '-s':";,I. 'V.‘:~ f"... l..‘{5.'_r‘-< I ‘Q1; . Kg." ‘ ‘ "l .__ l . l ‘ VJ '. ‘l Ts’ ' l I", 4:" ‘"1. . V - ‘ ' .9. 3 ‘A-1. I _ . l '— "‘ ‘ ' ~ " '. ‘ ‘ . 1‘ ,, I;