» , , - _ 9‘ 5 . - 1‘ -«u ' . t I ‘. t 1 -1 ‘ J l 1 . ~“‘ ‘ C - ;»S‘_- Q 1 ‘ "' ’~. "' S ‘ ‘ ' o \ -’_ F‘ o ’ 1 ’ 1 ‘ I ‘ ‘ . I ~ .' “f’:’.l;. -.‘;~ '21 .-3. ‘ ' ‘ . . 7 ’ . ‘l 1‘ L 1» ‘vs - . -. . ‘ A ; .1 0 P ’ . , F. f ' ) \ . a_ ‘Iv l - " * 0 E"“"§‘llllI0dhamthathaa u:l1.huut.u1euuca'unuao-.ua.1..;a..e¢.-iaualcaoh-':“’chaooo *?Ii0flU.‘!'”'U ~ flxhnuuuutqugwua ' .wm~h__‘ pl-yuio-aoinmneitt No .x-l-7 A. ioneruaa11.--r.-o---=e-r.--.ug.r..1..1._o...n.....m..s.1....u......a..e.. 1“ ' " A ~ GA ‘ 1.-=-a-u1.."‘§‘.?‘I?2§im,.,*‘:.'=°=~-v-uocive:=-- I-an ::.;"r".....°"‘...'°1'.";:'**°*'*°"'---~=t-1-~-s= --1» - ', " V.‘ "- A . 1 .- ' ~ " '_"~V°I*5'"|Dt-the iaxiatn-1 aal.-Uni -Ia-a.:1m".'.'t':'1""'1°'3"‘N|3!"'*-1-Aestuwartand' . "°'""“’~ °1 3° 1. T -— _ *1nrInu.u1aa man “’°' ‘:"°'l”‘ . =-rt-1-1-n-i-»rv-can — 1 1 mt acorr vaaununcauuaau. ‘ 5"'- F!-'||IIaI Nut. flaoksjfildg. -,' 1’ Y Qdocnticrry. c. '4 o o 12 2 1 rA'ra1o11c . coazm "-‘-II 5- OM 0-n-1-cum * 1-......{« W“ "" " " ' ' ""."-"' ""‘.‘ '1l.UU___317 all 344, ‘LM _ - Woltenng. ll. .. 8 0 0 0 0 1 "' -———-— 1 WASlllNG'lDN. July 6.--Roy A, --~%-——o:-—- ' "‘“‘* ""' ""' - "1' II-4 '- ‘ ah tar an. ah I: Iabry. 3b. .. 4 0 0 0 I Di Ft-och Pb! Colored lake Theta» llaynea. federal prohibition director, Yll?3'rIr;a mu: sir:-icz, ""'l "“ 5"‘-I in-a -do 1. :5. ,..,. ‘,.,,“-_"""""‘.:,""‘°_H._ L “3,a‘$lI, _ R‘ p L ' - Car-man. cf. -... I 1 I 0 0 (2 Appearance in New 11"; (or {our years director of national ‘"-'''-~ ‘*3 F» For--hiir --4 I-rm New ta-mm 1. .1 1., .. an .. ..., “I. "J; EN‘; _ __ _ _ _ _! ‘gens Pena. . . law enforcement. is slated to he I; em..usm. 11.. .11.». by ism mi... _, N; ha "tun:-2--‘ct 0; _ ‘ afiaa-oahIha.caI-uuula 5‘ . "°. "$593 1 --—-— _ 1-cub _ _ _ _ . . "33 J 7 n w ‘, W Y0I.K.—Patriot1c; frocks the major casualty in the new .. ""‘ "' "N 4-M tbr 1211- -1-: M J---‘at the irui was «I an nun 1 1 ‘want Itlrhanta he T B . . PP . 1- fiwfl _Ab ab! ulll Mt . Ollie cam unch H . _ . . . . . , , --7. 19:1. in: ruvrdol In my .41." .1 aavtaa bounds oiled up . l'&e 1831 ‘Ru, 3“ ma 3",‘ . , _ 5'-‘°'* 5! l||filfltI- 1 M °l_’°'-'« _ Vrhxte I ttloo reorganization. it la ind» the Juno». 0! 1-.4. of 11..." r...,..u “L?” -""'""‘ "“’ "" "" " 51:: must. 1. in Tentlrlnnmg to Wm Columbia ...... ..ooo ooo ooo 1.-o‘ ‘ "'"' '"""‘ ‘"9" P""“" ‘W’ “W ."""- '--W - --v==-rv 1--vi 1'» -= ---1 16 §1.1....°C'.L."''.'‘'« " """' "“" "" ‘ 1.3:": _""""'- . - 1 . * b Sea 1' uexico ........ ..ooo ooo ooo 1-1 °"'°"""‘.°°'°" "'“‘°'" thvmn. A d-Hm-at type or official. per- co--ma - :1. 1 . in cu m ..... .1 .1. t..JL3.'.I’1?$'_:: 13°" 9' 5’! ' :13 '3: FOR 3EN'l‘—I'urniahod a rt. y 8 A re 0 Sumlnar : Left on lxaaea-—Colmn.»"u' “' "II!!! of the amartest MP9 001‘ 0’ 9“! cx-Inuy afloat: for ""°"""' "’ """"' """‘ 3'‘ '‘°‘’''' ""“""- H-u-iv. In-«mu no 3.1-an . M-1' gpggg-EN-'1 Pl 1' , h . . . ., . .. 1. J 1: 1 1 ’ ' IIKII‘ ‘OI’ ’dY Ufa A3331!” §VBflI . 1 t0 0. - llll. 73 Icxicu. 8. Three-haae llllii . op‘ ‘a Ne‘ ‘wk. And pecuihr ‘bu-h Aging“ s°crM‘ry of’ ‘he Thru~.4dO Eu u.1 slid ‘Pit’-VI 1‘1T‘"vI ‘.5.’ w:;"h"'“.n “W km" M 9 "H." .‘ "' « h A . . I.r.I ‘O k we wc".¢..‘,d women 1"-cu.sur, Adrews .nuounc0d . K“rth -“' ‘G. "'4 U" E‘‘‘ ‘\u';.h:lI’;”l.h" and .1 qyfltti It to am I.“ III} fut lit » I 3‘ . ‘hill! 3. GT3 1 f u T ghgfl P.-nut‘ S‘ '6“ b“. A '‘’° ‘R ‘@3532 Ullllfllll frocks. l“fl““‘)'o ‘P"°b‘bl)' Will II|u‘e(.~d HI in (‘all Ail-I1-.u-n hr the ('11 of r... Wm". ‘J -'"”m' """' """‘: """""‘~ . ‘ . _ , F KHBIO . o °" C ELM GETS 7 Hl1'S ' C" "' ‘ h‘ ' flu { 1 1, . ’ '""’ °''‘ ‘' "rm!-an an. m..- t . . __ ‘b _’ u,.ny_ sand M ‘, ‘Oil! "0 awe,“ ',°n’en re. lfll"II'l ‘CK! (W Ullflllllll. 3!! ta. B-amt (our-.3. N. nun, in lilac} LA‘KKAN . > ‘ ’ WAITID TY ' " . , . '1 turned from Pa ' ' ‘“'u‘ lb‘ “°8N5¢‘Y|t)' of Andrew: “‘ """" W: |**‘''''“* --Y r- MU--n 1-v-mu ~ ‘ ""’“’ 7"""* , _ ‘ 5, b b 9 Co 1" l"n¢“-'7. 12. HID-0" m- n‘ '¢"nnK dT?83(‘-' . . -cry note in gun! l'~ 33 at ‘av-Iv’. ‘II‘'‘‘ ..,I n....., ',..,.,. %?A'-uuouno am” the inn’ pm‘ Phone -115 _ ‘[25,, um ta were the ouhtanding {on and one in the lower bracket. The dice‘ R be I ‘ff? the-_b. oitxca experts p mt out that friri ‘L umu‘ M hm“. mm‘: 1”“ Hinkso" at < , '1 turn of the game. A spectacular other match scheduled for the lower; "" “ml 3" Uirht Inch "-->"*’3 *9 "93" "°“ ‘"5 7"“ {M umm 11.1 1.1 .- 1 ., ' l _ 5. ‘ Cfllon. ‘I'll? man we want. lluat I-‘OR RENT—5-room apartment, backhand catch was made lay stock- Haclsct today was run 0!? I-‘ridgyg “WP 13901’ of red. J'0iM'd to this was 9"""‘"“‘T '5"! 9"‘ obi” P'imI|’5<"‘- them 1.. ..‘111.»'n.‘.~i. 1?. -.1..—. dill... v ' _ 7 filling to. do a renluiruble futnished or unfurnished, awgilgmc holm, Columbia short at(1|1.. Mm-- ll. E. Schemmcr defeating G, 0.‘ " ‘W97 0T Wllitv twice the depth'"""" " F9" 81131’ would he a politi. .., mo~I12h- .11.-1 ='~ duh --.' .11 1.«-:1-ri. . ' ' l . kl” l""_""‘/’;1‘.i~\1vflrt$1‘\l‘h vnck. Auk. ‘I or Scpt 1. Phone R25. Shall made :1 spectacular catch in Robinson. 0-4. 54- ‘o{’f:1’;mLw:1 and the do”) border WM any injmllicimm mm". "0 WW” wt 7 Hi” my M ‘lmww hum H” '""" :}’:P¥+a“.:."I.:“:.:”:.*q*4£”;‘*'£'*;'a+ new in I a uty to so. w 5 _2 (mm 5 M f u - _ . _ _ _ to r’ ue. The ml 1.1“, himself 0 from the but in-1-nuc '2-T ' " ---i .111 -n1 ’ 1.1. 111.... 1 . ~ ' ;-‘_ - 'i 0 m ‘ 2 l 66 0: rcorczof VCXICO ly darkcr tn!" ‘he ":1 !i5n“‘thc pgplici‘), he has‘ ‘nd barring m"n‘(__ (":!l11l!n'l“‘<-l.‘\..viltlt. S-(‘LIB 11-»v‘n“tl.. A ago 4‘ Iubteo-:|";;r:::‘:cmo-firth 1m.‘p:‘0nfimR£nt;';r'_—:::dc‘r:& 5-room Ac‘:1u'111;1A /11;. 1:. 11. 0. A. 1:. tested. two ttoinz to three .1-1.. .1..“‘:‘ "’,:,':“,,;’,",i""';°’;:d, }‘“‘j_':ic,';"‘t"' , ,°.,“"' "‘ "‘ "‘ 1‘”"" J“ V" 'i"i':::; 553 and PC’ 3: ' K - " 33° ; I'll - I'll 01".", . . . . . -I ll 2 I 1 . ,, th ' H ' ' 7 ' 3 3‘ ' " "'- ‘ ' narrwl ii .‘, ' .~' ‘ ‘ ioeptioaal ‘future .. possfiiilitiea, j lily streets. Phone 2048. wt (3. lawn, lib. .... 4 0 0 l ‘I. ll l1’:):w{rItlr ttilite :-lilrllgr-l’i‘tiionmO counnttry e¢:ldl:‘-:2 rufr,::|:,nT°:‘u:(:a: -.i[-Eht of him. 1:m‘1~1 A;1.v-y 71:1 ‘\l!‘l! 1.11 V 3: ‘our d «‘§‘;:_"u‘g° ":2: “Q ‘_':d"‘ 370 12524! 5t<*§:h1Lm.es. .- 4 0 0 2 3 -.1 Sellers and Schcmmer in {Mwns o__f spam desiitn. 11 11.5 11 111'. (‘Hy co;-‘:11 ;le:la Tonight. ‘W"“‘ ""'-‘Y ‘-'1~‘~1=’~-1 ,§_ ‘ 1:: .:;‘..1.:.'..:.¢:;'...: .1(.:“:;»: { , P9!‘ ~ . ‘am Inca V _ ' __ - "1 II!'t.C. 4 0 U 4 O 0 lower bracket and Charlton of the W3 hip-length jncquettc of bright - - ‘ M’-we H A «‘m1.11.1:_ . 5. (11:11 n‘.n1n 1. I 1 53''“, _“'l)' CW1)’ in ncteat anti. ApARTMl"r‘TS PU“ “ENT r°"- ‘L ‘ - - ‘ - - -- 3 " 1 1 0 ( Upper bracket are favored as t‘1nnl- red velvetteen which was we The” M"..b¢.a refill” m“'t,'_"“ ’ ...1;--» --1 1-1».-.-.. [‘uur'._ A my... .11.... mmnnu . O-1-(toe l. ~- ,denee. Addreaa .11 tera to.‘ . . umh. 21.. .... .. 4 11 1 5 -1 o m. 1* d - 9.1 ‘ -' d‘ 1 - » "' “’“'i~""~ “ * °°“’°'* "‘ "*0 ‘M’ 1-“ 11- -M: 2'11» . “=1 ‘"1 *~“'-H~-1-'-*- --<1 mu: '1‘ - .- , We _ have some very dcstrable . ‘- *- “ ‘S “W »-11°75 Pl_|)"lR ‘’l’‘'" '59 INN! 11 white crepe (~ -1 d J 1, q B‘ .1 ‘min 17,1 ljvlng 11 at... .0. . .1» J. G. IIARWOOD Amt. Manager ! Pru1tt.~lb. 4 0 .2 11 (1 (1 a 1'»;-,=g..-vm. 1 d { ‘ 1 d . ,. u - °‘"“"' J“ V‘ ° " ‘- ‘°“"“ 1111.-1~"r1;1;'1-1 851!‘ \'m1r1. ' ‘ 3- ‘- . '1 nfir. Bu‘ columb. flwliittncnts. notll furdiahed and un- O snub I . . 1ran o. ennui. oan- iouac whteh was attached 3354 were 5,, nothing of impuruncc . . . " ‘ . ‘r ’ Agunfiu‘ ‘ _ ., 33,. 3;‘ , gt‘ r{__ 4 (1 0 1 0 “ ‘ 80 he ha r ‘-_. b _ ‘ “horn. J. (. \nung 11111! l.11r) H . K O _ . _ furnished, for mm, mngnuy 10. nt: uc r n 15'. 1-1. 1.1. to a [tie crtpe skirt. u e u the mafln ,. ,, , 4 3 _ , , 1 tr Ig____:-' ' : ___‘;.‘ _______ _ _ '~"‘_1_-3'16 eated for both ochanl and town. ‘°".""‘- P- ‘ " ‘ ‘ " 1*’ If: ‘-"2"! :<;°<_i- 6: sun another model utilizing the Mom 0“ K. ':u:"5-~":'--‘:1 1.1:-i<1v:54ai'«.='-1|-$7-tmliii 5: E i ll 3' »; ’ ’ ” "“‘“’ Some open at pr!-sent. other Sept. ", — —_.“', “ “ ' F - ~ ' °°-_ .- ° vm * <‘ {lag 14¢. ' ,1, I . _ ‘ data! we '.-on. an (.1 1|.-. 19:1. ml 1-- .‘§. ' ~. ‘ i ! ‘ILL §'I'A'I'§ 1. an “d “C M. J. A; SUN‘ 'l"<;t:la 0‘ 1 2.! 6 I .-4-cono round. and winntnz from '6. true in ‘l:‘d:!‘“nuo ;::_.";lf:::,. mom '1'. 11... ..11.~ ~.: 1,». ltcr-1:4»? ",1 3-: G ‘-1 '5: you sALE_3m'mom uh _.n‘ a and San. Exchange Nat. Bank 'm".d.U out en winning run mm. 3. Ro(t:1':u1o‘n. 6-4. 8-4..}:n She third! ‘K. R”. {an b,n,,,n .n,;,., of ".3 _______§ h'_';A";_':' r"“:";:'- é. Cylinder Grinding % ‘mm "mw‘&‘°&“n’ §—‘|d¥‘.g‘"])‘l?ll?Vv:lll. ‘V '.%59-‘%‘ ' (J A 1., “_g:!; ‘rota’ 2‘: ,_OPo_"’n. ‘Nd While llll"lp(‘d floorgcttc and Cl-'AIDlAK‘S Nnflrt 0' I.ETTtRS. ’-‘A the t.1t'.".rrI;"ra1a tv.1:~w- [ht .'--lhnsm, 33 8'’..'‘.’n . ,_ tinted walla, oak a 11. " 1‘ "" "' ”'*" * -~ 1 ‘ 7” Co“, 2b .,‘ 1‘ “ _1 W1, " "' "°' m they gather into a navy wg-i5u,.,,d_ "W" ‘‘ '"'*""’ "“"‘- ‘N’ “"' '""‘"' ""““"" --'1“ '=~~ 1 » ' . 3-I»--m. 1 (. H“, ‘4 . , . I ‘ fix‘ mu M an . . . . . . . . .. 1 ] ( out ) contested g.;n'1e. - The under!“ . h. '_ -inn-at Ila, on the 21rd day of Jane. 1923., to-an Tnr with 2111’. an». or the um. i v 1.r‘t‘€r«11 .1-1: 5. an ‘in;-.r.ant tn ,'. _ . “r03. 4 ?_L; uIr$hI“, ff. .. .. 4 0 2 I O 0 Th? Tl'8|IlU( Of tllt‘ Infltchcg Fndu P L‘ w no ‘uh 3 npnmnllil xuardun of the [Irv-or. and on hall 13! the 1 -- .~..' 11’_',u'r' uf ' n Y’ .1. " "mm " M. " M” " "'l 3' l- 1. dc’ M i R Rm f . r aYwm0('n are .§ 10 . G y rfd “.u. "f ".u|i“f fig-ur|_ -n [»n..y"- "-fan“ {Q-g-n{’u-f.,uy |'_'(.; ‘,.:‘f;_!““: f,.,y‘g\."”,,l"‘;“‘u'n ‘n (7 "V CVO‘!!! (‘If K i - -“-‘1..;'1a..‘.,.a... 'i»1....'."'mZ' 13c. and will plem V011‘ Price :°o “’°" ‘""“ ""“‘*P'i- 7-5. 1-45. 641- "V11 1111ssoL'111Wc}_1ii§ —i7\'i1‘11~'c1»:1u‘i1ll~.‘3..J"Il Z1..f"i.;"'?lI "1i...CI'1".'dc'IL."..1".'.} .'.'.'1".‘1.' .‘.'”,'1"'1'.'§"‘ *‘.","'.f"'“' '; ‘ i 13*»-inn-“ 13-7 -1'-T-'3-.3’.1'.u'I"T..'.,‘ §; J 1, 1 PROpgR1'" “'A_\v1-ED . . . n258_2-I-0 Box 5‘. Sturgeon. bftanky 1);]: J. Fleming defeated A. N. Stunt. , , , '-' ‘_~ ~— - ‘ ‘ Ila-me (‘minty luv-on hearing a 1' use nortbvr-t uuar1a~r 1? ‘n-:...n‘ I’-lrlrgylltll. tor. ' . 51! out of town elicit haalaent . . . me, ‘ £60.26! S-6.‘6.—4 ll.-ll-. Clnorlton defeated S.p5I¢l'lI1I3l ll! Field Crops Plan to 13'-1 day or June. 19:: A111-or-vm twin: '-0"o~io1= l--ft)-r.:nr 11:1-. us 1.1..» mm-1 "‘ A“ “'?l‘ G“"3l“'Nl s. ' 1-. that m ch“ ‘ d¢‘l ‘V FOR .,RE,\"]'_.]'-‘or ‘-13.13; team B. Shirk}-_ .-:1. 7:5; L, IL ‘fink ‘.pn- C1581 lnfeatation of [{o(_ ::'-laiilhl l{‘a:1l:ntr :11». use to... ‘llltt’ d- rriz--d tun. run g: t. in a close in rcsidcncclthlt "la ""9 .07 rooms, suitable for _l"0l! SALE—-A beautiful canary {mm ‘hid R‘ ““‘‘h.' 6'3‘ 6'2‘ in n°P°”“ ("°"' "“5*~i""iPPl (‘OI-"P lo--‘vim In-.':::'thv I‘.-ml-tr" Cow: «.cx:"1m:1-.-fl. :1‘:-rt‘l:v-1'" -i"m‘..i1' :3: ‘ ‘ 4. . i’ A F)’ Kfllld intencst or :t.lI¢ gr y“""h.n‘°n“: "n‘;ft:' Inquhr at 16"‘ M§7}'l3nd :.}r‘?"°‘l‘0“'rr bra(‘k§::c'h‘¥;' '_l)' llldifili‘ I 8t'l'l0u!l lnft‘-‘Kilian of (‘minty within nnr year tron-1 the date at 1"-l.§.aA1|1.rr u,’ -n-:..‘.r,' E_‘v.v.r.n':;‘-flour! night‘, it Pk." 235‘ "5 M.’ u __ to dc‘! direct’ ‘nth! C 31! Ssfflllll POTC , Q 0? one 2,Q[_ Qchnnlc . w - f ‘V ore '6‘: C0!'I'| T001. Slllk. and car FOL Sp(.ci_ the '1v11l1|urat'1vvn"¢-: lhll notu-e «it they -lxali twrwnahip (~11!)-nine N91, of rarmr tudvr ~;.§+§q§§{,}?}§V E... If '1” °“*.“''' ‘"5 d0 71°‘ ‘PP’? |*|'<'b8'b° °m Mon’ ml‘ R°3°m"y-’ ph°"° [1 . " . 5 °" mm ' - "- f“’- men; have been l\‘Cl'i"9d by ‘hi’ ltttbtilvlt-l:"('(l'l,'r'T‘i' NAT ow -' ‘L -—o M . Fl Vlnt to tell. J.‘ A. 8"'°¢"- D?-58-261 qt‘ thug‘ 0:‘ N13.’ ';3"”;, \,. Lh “E from "' gt’ Dwcl; l'°“"1)' dfllnrtmt-nt of the UnivL-r- ' ' I ' M‘('.‘uA_’:d':n ‘ ‘.0 id Sons. Exchange Nat. k r‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' 0- _ . .1n - '- i P600-F03 NW1 - sity and tentative glans or b‘ Ola»! 1 1' .1 2 211 ‘ ' . be '3‘. '50” 31.... z$_261l 1:03 33511-._3.°.,. 1,, ‘k1,; Street, 1. E. Blascr. plano tune,‘ O. Roh1n1-‘on. 8-6. 6-1. _ considered for . "'1" ‘i n c ems: . nuer-non ta)’. __ _ p ‘F 1 . 4 . fleqfin‘ - ; phone black. 1 357-251 The pmrinzs for the third round “mid: . d P K bow of \.’‘"nc.z 0' nhu‘ 3'T"“'m"' . P ..,;m1t SALE-—Twelvc-room anugfsummer ratea.. am Paquln street. ’ ' .03}. Em mum’. to this afternoon are Sellers V5. {in ‘hi: ';’('_m{‘:f":,'}f{a";:"‘i‘n“;::3“° ""“' " """” ""‘ "“‘ “' .; ‘¢ mQjtyhn3,_on¢ bu},-og. mpbutg ‘mu, p221.u St-hoole)‘. Grant vs. Fleming. and . . .‘ . “ ‘_ ’ _ firat floor. 4 be-it-ooms on second ————-—-eon RI_:N,r_Co°L Nmam we L031-_Sheu Yimmcd chum‘ ‘Mt Chfilton \-.4. 1.. H. Turk. :'s:(,:n;..',{,).n,:.;:::: i::“"::: :3 9 lid ' ' . 0 ' v‘ ' . W .- - ‘ -'6 l xfl "ll , 1 CV '1 90°?‘ F3 Womf on tfurd ,floorA.'mmo°, mm to ‘M’; bmtmm a’. 1:111; plane. l.L-turn to 111.5- 13.03 f_‘"“ "‘} ’°" “' "° lrof. ldc l’.T1uttt-r,t-xtension :1pt-- 44 Vlpeolnpletc baths, hardwood floons. he‘. Pb 632 hi mum" ammo “ark” r 3 rnorrov» afternoon on the chug in {Md _‘ K S __ , u i .” floor ‘nd mm mrlor: thiu1WIfl 0310 1 W to. 602 . 1 t : - north tier of courts just west of m . ‘rm’ ‘mwd ""5 1 h’ ideal place for frntcrnitj or} '_ . .uTC247§3 1.os'r—1:.'«1 Shaffer fountain ltothwell Gymnasium, and the finals‘ ‘;,r::;.“'Irl T “C “ f H’ b ' 0 ’ ' ' - , - 7 _ . . .‘ ' V , . , ., (1 .3 ' - -'''’''“V3 V” '°‘‘’'3 ‘°' 1 ‘l’ 4: FOR RENT-—‘l'we unfurnished» pm’ find" can 18”’ “Hui” .mZ‘f'"d‘ much Huh? -waged on wed.”dJ" department and l("rol' Trotter )lt1:'l~ ‘ I 3:" all-71""-'»'¢i.m‘"‘°sf:§» gldm '°°""’ mm’ "'3' 1 W22“ ’‘2‘’‘’'‘‘’’' NEW T1112 or SIIOIJLDEII studied the 111111.111... ‘and have out """" ‘P fl! , .. Ill ., ‘ V - . _- , . ° "oh: 776' "20 Orr T 35:67 _ u LObT—Cold lI:l.~'Ll‘ll)llll, fmdc, IAD FOR l’00T‘BAl.L TEAM lined a plan of procedure for com- 9‘ .- ’~'“'°“ 1 1\P0R RENT 30013 03 "0003 please return to \\nl|a¢-- I-‘n Ikh '—'—— balms: the dtaeaew u..;....na.g. 2' I tit!‘ Ph0.e phonc 2291 or bring to‘ . l".d".r C- In Br...’ . '—'?-O-.-———— ” . .7‘, - 3;‘ ' ‘ , , l'l'ab1e board. 602 Conley. W249-t1 pm gm” 1,, ‘P’: ' and Coach Carina Henry ;('J°ty Enployns um. II. S. Tonight l. 1 R k : ‘ ,'“"fll.‘26" l The r"“ ‘I. ‘, _, la _ h. h. good V-room house, Amodcrn, hot‘ FOR REN'l‘—Large cod rooma “-1 Iludfifln will talk on ~ . °. - ' '. ' ’'''‘ .“.' P 5 ‘ " to- ; 1 1 — .. 911:!) new shoulder pad» com. lllzh §chool in n T '1: h I VP“? ‘h°I‘=. Ir‘-"=89: “"0 10¢-1i°n1f°r.8°mmer: $5 per pcrson- Phone ¥“v,.u‘.,~-1,-i,’.;{,’.,.o Rm. ' 1 [lying @1111 the new int;-rcnllccinle hm-hall! 1mm- 1.: r. tan"-1”.“-".0 - - 3" _ . ”y"M°':;° c“h‘"'“, hr‘; — —- ..— ..;B_g3.9'.“ w ‘ T xule cnlllni! for increased paddint! on‘ ninit lit Rollins Field. Thiia. laud Du," D9] ICIOIIS and :1: , . WV!” - 3 ”“ " ' ‘ ”'”““"’ AN'l'HD—\" » 1 .- 11 111 .‘1-. 1 1, d - . , . 1 - . , “ , - . IN .ms+.5;.. x.mf1........ ‘mctler-n.. "W8-8 run one 1.... .0, 1,...;..;,:°‘...;‘:.’f:..f;‘;":‘...‘:{t,*i r:L.1..::.‘ ‘.2, ':.,3;.€1,.I.‘:‘1c ..’1i',.‘..°,..i.‘;i.': ”.‘;T""-}'I.“,:’...'i',‘..":.‘1 ‘.’;::f. ;;;*;;;';= 23:3,‘? R9{I‘€§l11 119 M w tradeorsnaa arm . d . P.0. .'.,, ,_ ...»f 5,. ._ . _ ‘ _ _ mcn new I V .... ,..,,,.,,,.,; C... 1., can .,i,_' “got; RF~\T—_coms:e. 4 rooms —£°—1“__.~:_—,—’}°:‘_."e.e’_i._» -;.‘¥‘-’1';Z:’ ,§m,,§"‘,‘,;_’ ‘,3,-1, WW an ‘;‘;‘,,;;}";; ",_-;*3"';;‘ :1? W ‘W1 15.»... surelv does «.1. ‘Good ttoclt of xfneral merdhan-" . an "°‘m‘ '"d"‘' “O I118-CELLAVISOUS ~ . ' ' ‘) ' " I P ’ 3° ‘'‘‘'’‘‘”5- "" “lIIdora6o—a-r hot. Iudcndot '. . _ t 9:3. . . ;Pncc, Phum 803 "d. l_ . more men lune been lnjuffo in Wednesday. Hamilton-Browns -.1-in Jiaat think it a tahtd laad at deqCr1b(. 1‘ -_ , -diae In amall town of mo pq-sula--. \ {Donn}; d g f 1 . . . - . eueuidnao on--nuoooe ~~ . . U- i . . - «"———-—-1*» WAl\'TEDa—l:os sihle - "° ° ‘"9’ '.““’ """ *'-‘ "'35 9" "W" 5"*'°“'- and Thur» ' on-at--on-2--ac . ' am e ' ‘two hflk 3'35 M" 531 /7031 Rl'3l\T--S¢ . 1. 7-room l‘°Y'!‘°"5 anv other uiusc &L8tl5l.lC1- show and day the J 11' (‘ha he ‘ India at dstaflotat .‘ , . ._ . __. , . . . . ‘to take care of ho :0 mid garden ' ‘. , ' _ " "" "T ‘T 0f ("'71- ..' dc. . atom, is on ho. 2 ll: 5. house. 800 Virginia. sieepung porch - w- , . ' 1 the Rule Committee on 1nu-11-olle- mercc mil play the Cxty rmplo .0“ can never rated it. 5 w hvolfl 810,000; will care nirclinclos-ed with glass: servants room ‘gm ";:}'1"‘::"‘l8;)’f‘t')l' -TF1.“ 5. ho; giate football passed a rule call- ’ °~~--' ‘ , 3 " 1*‘ . t m 1 aotxl 8 or H11-acne 1-rm incariin basement; modern in every re. 2. °A_._t_ ‘ "° -_ 251353 in: for a new md to ye .» .- 1,. ‘ 1"‘ ~ - ~ 1 .~ ' .1 ‘T. ; . - ’ ~ ,_c0hI‘ll~" _ ' 1 .. 7spct't; out front und a beautiful POITLTRY-ECZIGSI H “ “H ‘Mm-‘* during t 1925 scaiioil. )1 ' {___ . 1-Good ‘krona: house in fine in-s1-llocation. Phone 1181 G259-t! Sporting goods ompanicii (mm: deuce dilrlrict; modern except he-at:1 FOR SAI.E—E;:g 1;)-inc strain allover the United Stata suhmittcaf . . I _h Ianhll. Mo; will excljngef 703 ‘EN?-31!-1'00!!! lluntaltgj yearling Anqnn. h¢n,._3|_25 if up, t'm-ir samples to the University d’ uh; 1-,_ !or good Columbia prop;-1-g,_: .,,d'8l.0. 'FC1f-I003 anode en at once, H. P. Fajon, sg.,v¢,' after examining all these thr ;; _- py diffaunoe. W. B. 1ner.|""-5 3339353! P0965. A180 0. 251--2¢;1_ pnrtrnent purchased tiny of the: N“. on, 1569. 2p ,2,-,1.aeveral good houaea amiable for ;_—~;; - —w -__ - -. .1 ._ l1('.\'t. ‘ . 3 *'~'°!>in¢ women Finn Realty USED cuts mu BALE T B ‘d ’ 1 ' I .. . . ' e.~1 o wearing a new do ' 3' FOR 1 3Alal“I,-5;Pl¢l‘|d|d 0 Company, 203-05 Guitar Bldg, lshuulder pads the Varsity bgi . nh gihue, :1‘ M1‘ block £01: Red m-jphooe 1520 or 1103.: 1 249-264 ‘ W3 SAT-E-‘Good used I-‘or‘ds1"u.u1pp¢-.1 with :1 new headgear. de-l ‘ 2 5 W ' «'";:..''3.,....''".::... .;.:.'::';..,.t.. 1: ma mmumtm ma. G°.;.f..t“ “ “°"« .:::.";;: :1;,.$;. “+‘.’.'°“‘°' ".:“‘ 0"d5 ' ~ it _‘ ' - ~ - . « ' crn residence : 611 Turn" ;{'m . - ~- ~~-"'~7—- — ' ° “°" " ‘'‘'’'‘ . . . ' 9'‘‘‘'»‘'‘’''‘ U.'"'‘”'‘’' I 1,1... "diam? - -"A ' uulu. ' '""“‘ '5 M40 of 11 betur struck at Go via the Wabash-Union Pacific through Kansas "' .1 ._ ‘lien-coon brick house on one: . - P°”"¥*0|I “tuft 1..,.u,.. 1, . . . . - ‘ey, . _ 1 a, . . r t an most headgear: and G d ht h 1'7 um: "3 "rm" . ‘ ‘sen’ 1' F” ‘n'f°"n.”°" DAVIS COAL 00. has in the inside a large rubber W an . Va an VOL! quay I "Ea t .c ' a W ' ‘ Ln‘ ‘ffifiuq-uog; house with furmg'. N251-U 5“; M.‘ nun“. cal tpmwt. ‘nu. new beadtean .1” ‘R1 [hl'0U SCYVICC dlfCCI ftOITI . ‘.0015 alp- . ~ 1 . t‘ 1;-03 BEN-I-__sk_m°m ‘den Call I78. -Opposite Wahaah station longer than the-style that Iliuouri! C!) Los Angela an San Frandxo. Two finetnb! ' ' ""- zflllw-I‘o0fl house; only 5’0;'hfick b¢‘”‘°': 'omha.t fir‘ 0' Franklin County Coal ltrnms have been y,-,_..rinR ‘n we. 1 -—-é_....__ p ’ ‘ A St. _ 1% jcliilkfllfl. ;, g p _dt).. R. G°‘d‘ben_y' ‘ion. KODAK Pnusnlxc Ipaat as the back of the helmet _ ‘ Thats lt Wlll %St tn n’ ‘ L; L New Grlfiolllli k btiigalo o .2. FIB. * i ' ' 256,251 _ 1cxtI:nda well down upo11.tlu- neclt. &' ' d ° ' h,’ .s. pu‘n&._fl,m. Uni .01 ‘$00 :1 _ . _ 1: our own Films left: 1" speaking of the new equity} 3 your ll0USe for .“l:. ‘ "vlndaoltadelorunalldrh . I1-'o1t1t1-:11'r—1¢cwa.a-oéuitnick; '~"* '. P"“- e. - “ - - - i ‘ - ««--~«=»=-no--=~ a~..1~-W» mm- -~» .412 W W e 1 ~::1.:12;,::“:.;, if t; (ounce; -8800 Six-room ' lnnxdtw. $40. u)Ay; Ag30c[A-flog ' 5 "‘ "V ,. p , to”. ‘m Fin. , ne . ataonal . 8 y . C 8581 I,‘ 1-’ ‘ : - . '°gh°"“' - "005 hrfi and Loan Aaaaciation ~ S 1 , rt‘ 1: ‘ M“ ' ‘M 1_. _ I 1 z ' ,, ‘ , ' V _ 1' a o . 7 ‘1‘= ‘It!-acveitli‘-‘alt: with’ oraialotc» 1” 256-283 *5 aw” mu" 8' 8‘ our’ ‘ad \ nan W1“ cost 37°!‘ only 10 3 “'3- .....1.;.,_..311, asootlg 1 _ I - * 3°°'°“"’°: . CRAWFISH word a day, or 61days for 5c ~ *° p Q” it can ' _ .7‘ A .' ‘ _ ' ' -i ‘S -. l ‘ I I Ir1w~,11m A :1 P“ H . f. 3. '°"""""fi',,,"""°',,_,° "°"""' ronsaul i ‘f,_' ‘ "‘-"'2'-‘--* --attafxda. raoneaao ' I-an-.au' *onIuabIa Minnow, 1 "‘.“ “ . -~ . Station ' '9?- ;,,,»1w.,;11.‘n '1 1 - ’ 3*”; noarnupaxpzua 830? ’ 9o7Aaastaet' i °"" ‘. 2 T N 2 P02 BALE--Good S-:1 lbo\1'ai‘Pl1ona ‘bled 100 Doraey SLY‘ ‘ ' km’ n" '~-"""a-o ...t..1- -1 ‘ umzno 1- «mu ’ ~ ‘ l""‘ Y1 u; v-- “n J ‘ N h '1 _' ‘ s ' ' tr-" -v « o - -. ‘ _ Q d .3‘: 3" 1=""lIo3!l .A§Ie._!'u1 particular-a_-call our an : _ 3°333.N8Iul etc. , . I ' . . . 1 1 M. t 1 hooauln‘ s-"er-u 11-1:-11-on. noche.nrt.1,lo. , «A _1 ‘Pin and Furnace Work And an rienoed 1: °''‘' V‘ con ‘‘ - ‘I. 253” ~—- , - ~ I BXDB - 1 N "'3' ' ' ’ » l»0Dtn1!¢o‘n5E -. . =11 . "" -L 1 1.. ..H“""‘:."t .1. 1 "'0" --I (;.“‘“"'....,...'°"fi;"__...o'“. """" 3“ take’ “"9 “"""° ”°“' 3“ “' ‘ In"--e lei:-uni on 14-i"‘=“"""",M.,m'|'°',‘_'_"""."'- ':""" >’- a.r.a A. at. - ' ‘t mmlm wt" to obtain best results. 1. Mrcliauldu ail ll. u'’' an “'h‘ ' ' ' - 3%‘ ' . . aaadaiae-anal Weatieiame ehetrle ~ * ‘ ..1Illl5|‘ll.°|’!‘!l*" ‘ 5 fifitated - - ' titan Iuionlmi ll ‘ "'*"""_ 1 """ ”°$”_.n'“'° ' ‘Manley. Joly ‘I.-at 7:30 C. W.‘VA1¢1‘l'l'A ~i11u1.1epa1xt-ou=11-aim 1 - gun. ~ - . - . - . 1 705 Ch Street lbome-«ram-tw :1>omrsa1rt1ps—1wpa ' .. 7 e . 5 '-""7. .~ 31 ..-ihooiiv «fa dapeagtm nelall pa 3. II; mNd.78-actirr. 9 Phone 1424- ~ " Manuals.-2-mu; — ’ is aora.wa1curwa. 1 9- i _- ~ *1" I‘ .1 .1. 7 ;."l "* . - 4‘ - “.~‘1*—*--5 i "=11 " l?- 1?’ ‘i - - :.~. 1..-. .. rfr - .. .--1; 1 . ._ _; ..; - - , »;.:~.=._-10-_-t. ‘J 3: 4i"‘i~l ‘.:ii l; '.'l I mi -3"°1':‘.7é; 5.13.5 4', A ‘, -. - '-SE3 1 1 ' .= , 1 ' ' ; ,‘ a ' ' '