. i Q or V J '1. o ‘,‘ 1 «3 V._ >' _ .' '. _ ‘ " ‘ ' .3 ' ' ‘~ ‘ .. i ‘ ~ : . - . A... ’ . ‘V ” g‘ _;V r _' . _i: . E ‘ F .. . . 5 _ ‘ 2 ' THE COLUMBIA. OURIA N, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1925 , g _ g '~ ‘ ‘ A ’ J ‘J ‘8 NEW POULTEY CIDC-K8 women from all parts of the United‘ 9 tion diving I-fllllerr .73 N _ H’ W. .i..[ rnnsotm rr AWAITIKG cnimF.lca-nor! mu... ..... ii...“ ... expected ..,Story of Jesse James Death Is .. the Swimmim: .3 ht wd i J ' ' ' . i 5 ' ' ' ts in the dilzf Jig. mm m “we: Run or J. c. Dentnii. W. C. ma§.£:::vet:tl:onm:;::;:: Wi" indude Rgcalled by Rollins, SI-_ :e‘r‘mi'tq the pgitfddii J" i.- r: « ‘- i’ A y’ ' ‘ad R.E:¢.8w5'I'Ii‘r‘5l‘OI'Il5I- 5 }Dd.leC”‘iI.\irEc'Muo=lllr;e3i-aed-'S,, _.,,;',f,, ?:':;e:“:it°:;5a“S‘;j‘;“S::iwho killed him. ‘he 5“ "°“"”‘ 4”" ““"""“"‘ ‘W “ Soy Beana, bu. . . '2 '_ . 0 9 - - . J ‘v . _ 0 - . ‘ .. ‘ - ‘C Wales WI! In. June‘ Di“: ‘nd duutmer. "5 ‘A35-3°l|U'°fl-thTh¢ PT‘?-f1l‘1N3|"l'_preme Court bench; Dr. Elizabeth; “h”‘' ‘_“‘"’"d"‘3 U“ ‘”"":"“ "°",“ unarmed, and that he had always _ Mildred Janice. left yesterday for Nqmnmem “M ‘t the has ‘wt’ "Th9"b°“¢ 07 P°“€hk9¢'P-‘i9- N~ Ya . ".w.mormmg the.Bmu° .("'"u"‘” rried two guns in a holster around Cuwliafi 50- - - - o - -g . m°mh...'i’“ in Pub’ 1“. _ l-nday. Dean “alter V\ illizims told ' “‘hi>. ‘bolt. C;._n¢, fin, , _ _ _ , _ _ . _ . ~ , - -——‘-——- i ' —-——*-‘o---.-—— Hr. Ira Lthe _5wryld°'{‘.u"'t “mans as Mr. Rollins has a copy of the last ufllctv bu‘ ' - - - - 4 Q - o _.s;1bE Tom wu.t. now s m or mer at 3‘,_;';ff ",'jM,u'_'r" b’;’,‘:d’f,‘f,‘§",hj If picturg; mi made of Jesse James. Rape and Sudan, Ii. . - , POULTRY IEETINGS S(X)N_~weelt—end with relatives in .Slater. ” " " ’ it was taken after the bandit’.-< V ‘ ' age twenty-five egg! each 10!’ 5*‘ member of the Vassar College {ac N E Mcco ' four months’ period from Nov. t to'i,°,m.~ md othem - - 3- """' Mar. 1. If they meet this required . . boo] gtudentg, spent mm! uwv 1. .me 1 “db 3 Outstanding social features of the ’ ° are 0"“ °r "'¢~o.nvei$:'on will be a mammoth co 3' ‘D _'-,( ’ 4‘ . "“""""‘. , _ , _ inspection through the association d.mb‘ke Green e [nus Jesse . This revived old , . PM _Relates/b‘(.;_ 3, Wet pmpo.“ h K,” 3:2‘ who‘.~c headquarters are in Columbia: P9.“ ‘Shh?’ an exzrfon Gtf,rdOlnd':§i«JJ’ll'§ about the Jain:-.~ lioys and drum’ _______,-_______ ~ ._ J ._ as Glven to Hun . , Hang; Duty Daria; in“, weekend with “ink,” in Kam h VS. C}; bp;ir;:cun. wlith Whig: Leg-; onhmd Bach ‘M trips :0 phmw 3:r;kit;)elli’na.~;m:izi’sdr:1-ciiliml the story 10 En,“ mvin‘ T0,." “ poo|_ . -. “T ._ . _ . Sagan, - urns, as or scvcrz; ears ecn ol , ' ' ‘ ., ' , . - - . ‘-4 '5 l‘ - <-- - - ~ ' '. J . ‘ T 133115 G._R. Skinner, county agent. urges:“‘ui::y'nnd~d Rain of Spring ' the certlllrd list, nndy many timci ’}1f,:‘{f,',f,§' intern‘ in U“ “nu” , Sum mm). vmrs new ML Rum“ h “ “H {Um km" for “him -- — m; ' Boone County poultrymen to attendi ' . - has been 1-ither at the to or near ’ . was ottendin . to business c s - -‘ ‘, ‘i 28 $9 Illlllllltl’ Y€¢din‘ and the top in a\'cr:1L'(~ pl'()tJ‘:l>(‘.l.l0n I-3 in St, Joseph‘ and durmg hrj!:atg11gry 4:. F ‘ - H‘: ‘ Bgpwim mo“ 5"" Amflic“‘p’&n_rpaigns_to be co'nducted_thnoughlAp"_tments_ ¢1)nlp.'l?‘(-d with other breeders over “on he“ Sedan“ May 13 10 16 “to there Jc.§.~‘e James was shut and Learn $0 7” xx 1 Mi '5" ht 33°“ '3'” in db‘ baa‘ °f ‘J cnflmon ‘mince dam‘: Jmyi Harold Christman Auntin Wilkin~ l we saw’ choose the state song. ' killed by Bub Fwd‘ 9 bwdit wh" 3 * - Cenn‘5..f°u‘m_ in thuaurnoon 0‘ Ahuguat. A series of these meet-,8” and Herschel Sc-£00]-2}: student‘, 1)". new ,m.m1,..,_, an. 34,5 J’ C, _______,________ had been n!iSug-illq-(I with Jumps for . « _ 4 u 27. of the 33x3 W. 1399" 5Ch¢d|IJ¢d 111 Various?’ in ' Uni'ers“y ‘ nt {he w‘_(_k‘_E Dtlltun of (‘clllrfilllilo R. “.t‘iKht‘ T0 .q'&:lAL DA" .3 number of .\"'3*r’- A‘ “ll” l‘3”“ ' l y f Boom ‘Count’, Hhwrin‘ society. grtfhof the county. The 5:: do iwd in Chiugo ' P9 of H:tll.1\'llit‘, and W. C. Winn of W [ ~——~—_— culzir tinic, ’I‘..'I‘. (:l'lll.t'llt.lt‘ll war‘ ) \x - ‘F: gvhggg ‘in i; to bong ‘pd pg-gggg-v'e 3’: °§h‘b'“"P5 “Tm .59 Pub" M. J Y n f C D"l"(‘XltTZtll11... Mrs. l)enton hi.-.5 Rhode~ " )°P‘{_'"“°"‘ D°°fl°‘‘ 101)’ 4 1‘ Irovcrnor of Mi.s.-aouri and had of— printe ta”... by ‘P, / ’ T '2 an the put“ of yinodbfl hum“ ti ‘may _u!'.beSkinnle‘rb1infa sllliortg Alenlf M2,‘: :‘5°ad::&w ‘(’S‘” the; Island ll hitcs which averaged 55.01 "’ Uni“ E3: -‘PP'°PfllN'- i lt'l‘{‘d xx rcward of $lii,iMiU fut‘ ‘lllv _. /(‘-1 ‘=9 ‘ in 300“ C°m,,_y_ we“ M cum..“,. nu . “wig! ahvri e_ or t ose.Unive."i‘ lg“ egerd‘ (‘fur "is-| eggs per hm far 11»; {our-month wASHl_NG'T0N ‘Nb, ,‘,__.nm tad; Pf Jesse Jlmi-5 d(.:ttl or alive. potntment. “"" """' mi. . i an I - ‘aernoon ‘O next“! P0“ T5’ T3 839 In . . ‘tin r‘l‘J"tvive' hyere J p91'ru,d_ or mnpc double the r(._ “var Departmentt intends £0 ‘Sk Th(- fofd brothers, Bub éllld (:l'l8flI,'.'~', MRS. .| , lot undo“ the". I , ,_ . A well~fed hen ever): dgy m an M3” Alice Po ‘ho has been vi: qul!'t'm(-xii.’ Mr. \\ right has Barred Charm” ‘O designate a ‘pociai Na‘ ' nil‘-h(‘.d {~\»¢'!'}' chtincc and tried s(~\'- l . The members led by E.. w. {::'h:f“”a7:,n"°":: “(inf ‘ "‘:.’fi,f iting her dauchi:-. Mrs. out Wndc.l “ms ““’"éh d2\':1rn:¢'g..3'.'12 ‘,"‘F" tional Defense may for ‘the iuium.'§”‘1J"'"°’.‘ ‘T.’ .k’“.”""' "’”"“"'"‘“ ’ ’ ' ' ' - “ Stepbeis. Aorexidem of the aociety. mm ukin°’.‘vu'fw.°n 8'; left for the East to spend the sum-i{I°'_,,l“'."7. fr”-l 'irr{i .""”‘ “""‘* Maj. Gen. John 1.. Hines, chief of Hf.‘ _,‘]"““”‘ ‘E35 ’”““’ F"“"”‘f“’.,“;“‘ Phone 2048 : ' '~" 1'“ u” D”'i°l B°°”‘ ‘mum i" time oftbe gear” 3a.’: 3! Slii u mer in Toledo and Buflalo. ‘M 5 ‘.“”:““( ' " “ms P.” hm‘ Stall. has announced. ‘ ( ( 8”“ l ""1 come mm W - l 0U1-D-\''T3'°"“kU0PI|l ,' mg. 1,... .g 4 .,°.,-10¢ I-‘fldgy gftcr- ., _ 3’ ' 5 'f- ’"’°"- . Aprillmtlim-' arr nfiw he-mi: re-i Th -, . ____g __ g _ _ *_ m , , . ' ';°°“ "*1 "em diflct “ Q‘ ‘am v:t}i:nL‘aetr?t:iah‘t.i‘m¢-'.d(f!nt£")::p I[DI:letrn:hEI£":2k-Sltld Cdwd by 0' R‘ Skm"""mum)" rt-sol: (:fcnt(h':.= ll?nll.t(l’!!'1(tel!(]1p1§;t::1}r::\":«l< 3 . . . . - . . . - - - . . C. iii." A hioue ‘my-0 ‘X s . , ;- . - , ,;' .,- . V ‘ ' w c aearnin a. . ‘f .. J of we cemnh‘ bud.’ ‘bout three mum‘ d°w" °" he’ “ed ‘mi m"i“ Gum!” Sim," {nt"nity' Mr‘ Lemhlof:-iuiiii“:-’ii)u:it;'ht.. [.'l(;lll.i4tr(Jeltl::;l(;::1e'l’: defame W“ to measure up K” we I - . . .% . -$ . I .I. . , - .% - . . . lecgeducation will do flab tn « M , miles southeast of Centrilia. .h—_. 7-. in; her on g { ee [-3 t - was a student in the University last ; , . . , ,_ . Smlldilfd -'91 3‘ W11? Ilt0- The de- . , " "39 " "0 me" ‘Lon flirm fil)°J\ (ul'll?!5l.. M..n_\ of '”t muorny of as“. Sn , . — After spending an hour near the 1,. ,.,_.,m,‘_ I0, he, Khan. vim" ye". . H ‘I 13 f 1 ' partmuit is convinced that summcr' ,_ _ .‘. ‘ old battlefield the party: drove into '07}. bu; ;, “king” .d‘,.nu‘_e of In M_ Chile‘. pmfeuor of edu_l ”".“‘-' Ml" ”‘“"" . "t_ ‘H “E” weather and the holiday significance D . ' , t 5 t about that college men onfiaveh B‘ 1 V . Centralia where firmer’, had been he, 0'59, by pmlonginz he, ,1”- cation in Central Wesleyan College: u";'m_‘ Y";1l_”:'_"'$ mtmhdrfi. beau”: of July 4 make it an inappropriate" S a 1 ‘N’ in i~. ‘ them in the Globe . W S d ’ h Jun .t\(ir..1i.( ma wr con 1l0_nS an Jr for how ‘.0 __ - qe earn 8 . a )car more: n h < 1 E W non. She ofmn sun; to wdrk at arrenton. spent on a) er:-., law hutch": cm dmm _he m._enx(_ 3 rip a nai n teat. . “bu D r_ 2 ‘O ' l’ 0%. ter t e mfi « - again only after the price of eggs He was formerly a student in thci ‘ ‘_ _{__ fl _‘ _' "‘_""_'_°_‘“f— H h t H 3 1390- U "‘ Y9" 0 tr ; . "su-pie-s introduced D6-n M’-lter has dropped in the late on Kl’ early U ‘vanity. 673,‘. :fI,,',?3,'},,,f.f"§,,,,‘.’§‘ ,",f‘,;‘,,‘{‘,,§{'”,f, F"; °"Ff';"" '*“"!""‘“ ‘,"P- _ 10 en» y09xl ea at 07718 butane-Iireshiwiilmean unto .,, rr }. Williams, Who told the ‘D?’ of ‘at? fiintg;-_ _, Y. and HTS. H. King, Cunlt‘_\'l ‘ _ . ~ ‘_ " “ '4‘ enoni “‘ T’ ("°“k'-‘- . - 1 -’-i it , . . . ’- "t\Nt'l1l\ -in . 1--7': per hcn. 1 — . . ~ . lhextruenrnirgs. The Lquttnblzi ,- ' mt.” it W.‘ told twen‘y_ up ' k _ 8 r « . A‘enu¢’ returned Saturd‘). ‘arr . t rL _ nnt J09 Crtas} left bunda) fur. I , ;. ""'«V °° "‘ °°"' W”! l Tm flm~k.< will be inspected by a Miami. l-‘la., on business. Miami apecial szdumiionui Fund pollryu hi I . ‘ t‘ I-‘rank James. ‘- . di t ' lt "th h ' 5 . _ . :fi”«’3.‘?c3:?.aZ’m madam ::::.'“.:°..':'*;.‘:‘3 *’* $322."? 2:. :°:.':..."t. .:?:.“;?*..t.:;. .:.:':.;;:: .... At an the of the cum,‘ depends “ion ‘he.;my5me in Wu]; n_ lpartim-ii: of the ghillegc 0{HA[(l"lC'l..lbl(:‘ interview ‘with James, Wi.l- flock is huwed; ‘mi. ,0’, nut rah Miss Nannie Wright who has lure and the ll(‘!lb.lh!1t"Dll!-h wil L liams was editor of the Columbia son. pram, flwing find eficiem charge of the Co-operative Store l—3'_“5¢‘d in, UN’ ‘fin: “Ill! 8 mete N0-ncg . . “_Qa'§¢e_ spent Sn“,-day and strip bearing: the name of the Uni- D”. "id Nu." Tum!" mofin‘ DON'T MISS IT will asaurc 5 cdii.-go educatio ,5 ,-, your boy, %'ll'llIt'l’ _\uIl live or ‘ Style, quality and i1tmosphe1'e—— L B. JACKSON W ' these go with good service at ll: - every place they paaaefl t . “A hhnwd T t. . _ I= nu: ' ‘by t , *'°""!“’.“”"’.snd~ ‘iii ii‘ t d. ht-;. ,. ,~ F - S I 1 hem u::m’;‘lu§; :::km;‘ etc-“T3: and tstttbcflnbbe mad:-ooby mixnigg 201; Afioatr J:uzhte;5wh:‘:m5 ‘l:’:_n‘\,:_ .\le;‘.. :1» Ztftll lt‘{,’:tlil' the B(tll5ltl))e:hI- a e ‘ ,, . . ' "i ~.-siona UHIQDS . U 0 °nb°"de‘°"'pt °n."'h° “C3 ‘lured Sigrms aond l:(!)1'p0unds ggutadkagf mug her ‘randm0‘her°-Mrs: Joe‘ tlliic l1:"ll’98!’-;l’¢"l$h° '“‘°“‘°"‘* "‘ 2”“ Local (‘Iuh at (‘om-union. ~ lb 4 394 meat l0 89 W919 and . ', _ , ‘ 1 ‘ - ' ‘ . , . . F 7 _ . , _ . . 1 9. =l ’ 'i.§'."1‘t'i’.T.’I.f's°'ii.‘f."°.-C7.i‘m,,‘“"f{t°;.t'a'.?’g ',2§i’...‘?’°"‘ '”"‘" "“‘ “ “ ‘°°" $11? .41“. i....;'; 3'33“ 53 ’I.’fI.‘§L-'.” ”:’rff_;.;';"';‘f“,‘f;‘;;§f,‘$;,“;,“;;“‘§,;j.’ g,."*'”“‘“””’”” ” “'*"*"’ 611303’ the» food, so deliciously °‘’’“”‘'"*" N“ . . .s. on d Clint’ . . , ' - .. —-. T ‘ " '3’ ’°‘’' ‘° °“ "3 ...~ im-,..p tonight for lortland._-.;: cooked and sened. . . * . 52 ,It's cool at Har- ris‘ all day long. Stop in with your friends to enjoy a delightfully cooling drink. HARRIS’ Millard and Simon . 1“!-*H+9! wounded. There is nowhere in the - .w‘y.o u gthl wberethe down a number of so - a,.R’c.pL‘Bg. Anderson Coolidge Sada to Poland ‘ning to enter the University when tun ‘ ' I-‘inland. -lives, while of the ' ‘Ila: two only were killed and one moi-tall)‘ history of the world a record more tn:-tive than that matle on this 5’ 5 5' 25‘ .§ ii E 5.-. (hptarea ‘hall in Chtralia. of the light Anderson’ took about ‘rty or his men into;Centrali;i. y’ a ltrain and carried 08 a lot of stuff and shot _'‘In the afternoon,‘?, Jame: said. to go out and recannoitu." It had , the Polish post. - _ Agricultural Students Have Picnic. , the home of Miss E55" )1. Heyle.£ ‘I71 . , and Pearson to 8: United Pm». “ LYNN. I(aas., July 7. —-The change of llmerican ministers to Pu ‘ land and Finland was completed C yesterday with the announcement by President Coolidge of the appoint- merit 'of‘Jolm B. Stetson. of Penn- s)'l\v'llll_I8 minister to Poland. tsol was recently appolntedjo Finland. but the transfer to War- saw war decided upon in order to send H. J. Pearson of Iowa, former she has completed her high school Katherine Park. -301 Waugh Sti-«ct. John _S. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goodrich were guests of Mrs. Park ‘Sunday. Miss Ruth Hornback of Hannibal visited Miss Nada Flynn, a student in the University. last week-end. Miss Hornbaclt was graduated from Ward-Belmont College last spring and is intending to enter the Univer- sity this fall. ihe ncirmnal expense connected wit Thirty member of the agricultu- ral extenaion service held a picnic supper St:turday_on the law. of COMPLETE LINE TRUSSES Crutcliea rented at 25¢ a week PECK DRUG 00. other places -if interest. i More than two thousand business; Taylor Garage ‘I-3+-F2-i»!°°i"*$°‘l' ' I-'l* 'l~'l“l“l“l"lf°i“i- 4°‘l"3i Ouroftluehorrorand girls and women of America this know his easily doanddreamed herPi-incechannmg time when ,-¢ inherliecrtblaryaendato the ‘ I‘ . message-—“Before you ', ' family In’: reputation, Ma ante- p ‘ /a-/ have r'orc'r.’BecauaeeIietoo 5 U 0 a J “I love you” die underwent * ’ ‘ a terrible ordeal that no girl should be called upon to face. ,- ARY dreamed ofloveaaallgirla _ ofthe‘ You will find her amazing true story in the August issue of True Story ' under the title “Know Your J T .'a'a.a'a'a'a'a-I'a'a.a'a -a'a'a'a_A"a Blindfolde 16:,‘-‘:.‘~ >3‘ .~.<~ at A9 >o '4 E2" ‘F ind water fun in a jantzen! “HIGH as the aky—, deep asthc aea"ia _~3=..‘-::=.i‘ "F 50¢!‘ WI”fl‘°dlvh‘t _‘t”‘_'°" “""' an venue -mutt In it 6-at wh Husband." Tdd in TE’ OWD words, . . , , ' t mm» in W "°'{f}°"'°°‘- “‘,'~;’. ‘g ‘ Calvin dmzammmmguudf ever7deui1.incident.eviaodereoounted "‘° ‘W Wm"?! M in -, . : .,i ya-eunlindoutlfi ermwerea)‘ mg.weetpmmise"whi'pu_in‘wnder ju“”it.cmanyhappcfled(e‘°e“‘-M, wateraportatliiaaumnltrl ~(~ *' .2-.:=::* :35. 3:3; «mm mm mm mu m. we m ~ ~ necessity:-a so I» V ...ti.= -*="==d.'-m..=:..b°~.— “ Q p088! , ’ . . u p v C13 18 ' 3 l w'n_d out “ml! : , i captivated, her head KDOW YOU!’ HOBKDG 18 wrinkle. patented non-rig.) E ‘ E The 'oc‘fion 0, 3,, I-‘gdgg-3] {ones so that when he asked her ifahe would h V °‘h¢Tuzl°TY 900 W9? ~ , crotch.b0I't1tga:al_ non-breakable , 1 was found and the mbps under e _ gh re-dnlthouit mnnya -faced cg; wbber u onumprov about ,_ ., V .1. 0“ ‘doped “my ., 3; surprised she hardly knew turn. could tell a similar tale if ahe only had . {M mdlonzfl 21;: 133 . l to see them. The Federal: roiid-at-d.i Blindfolded she took the vital atep “*9 Mm! com‘-ce to bare her heart as ,,,, W, W, I .'. "I have never found t;"!P°“5' rt; that to every Ktrlistbegraatest eventin "WWW" 1*" ‘°"b°fi"* time . “=4 W! Pwfegt-Igmjxrx sad i ' how cm were 0 or i :.‘:°..‘.‘3.“¥~.... 333.. ..... .. :,*:,:.:=:,:.:':.;*:::.:‘*‘.°**'.......°'=-**:'*-'*°‘''"***' “°;‘.;.:'*°;t....." *°:::.‘z.*;:'°“.....*° :-..:i= ‘’’'‘1'‘.'.:.’ ' """°""‘3°”“‘” whichxnafewahartweabtnrnadber andboglad domthave Kid ' 1: - 1 Central l 9°“ . , 3: -they ‘:73: hiatonesmsa). from a carefree girl into a gray hired, to pay for A 1nd _Gctthe nu-it ofwatc upon-up " °"' ‘buck mg n .,,, aorrowatridzenwolnan. topay. g""n;“"""“‘°"“*HhIU-9 ’ _ '- . 0 . ‘ W V youf i ~ :.':'.'..‘.’'’'‘.*i‘:’ :..?.‘:.‘.2‘.. 15?: .2.°“..:‘:..: Read these other Gripping True Stories ;.f.'.'.;i".'°‘ ‘ °:...°“:* *' ' r ~ that followed. N0. V?’ 1133 “U “H5 . '3“ » av. had .. u... .. .. .... and no in the.Angnst issue ....... W... .,..,..,,, ,..,.,-,..,,,,, ,. ¢“"‘°‘ "° “"7 n K V‘ Md one ‘fig fiflfgg-gnu what it ia—tho moat powerful and concave "uh u:,,,e:b;v"°;dcfl“2s cab‘ “ it A The YahnukleeaBIl&PPf‘;‘1 350? lb; ?u‘1‘i' ..... .. . - . . . vaapcaginuvicadnanderlnuthatfiwnan A“ me; ha dwh,‘ I lnthe ' o aieavere ""'”"""’° - ~ - ' IIacfaddan.aaataar'oaaa.tlg'hrtngcha:apiond . l ' A View of each other. 3501811 99"]? :ta”rd?;°g1‘elr“ba‘llndaommen gr; °°"l FY00!!!» hi! 0'0! 5°!-19¢ 'u‘k“‘- , and I mile distant. no Yankees -- . .. .. .. . - “M m 9,, ,, ,0 tn'gotngwitt§hlxritocaha:'o'ta.abova.danc"; andonlongeounuydrlva. Raadvba bap- 8tiuryIorAugnatunnowbohadatany nawaannd copy . dz. . . , , '¢hu-geo{adetailofmeaandP!'¢° 3 I a ' l ! All .Set For That 4 u L . L , . paned. azndiunguuouunundva, Getyoar _, ~ _ ’ i -John‘ Rom. - fvm’J="°' .‘" ~ ‘ 7 ~ “riien.-stotawonu" . . . _ .; , .u;_ gattfibierd ;:i:.:’::‘l:ies:;:- ; . '2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;,;,_,,,,,,,,,°,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Other Startling True Scones / I ; I00! _. E ' tl « . ' jj band. wanttoknowl—and6o ’ o ' . my u..;«»».. so "P : V acatlon Tour? « u=w-mu ‘ --=~fi== "' ""’"°°- ~ -, ~ _ on foot,’ And then be adchd tn serI- . i 2 i -and yet remain abaoluu ti-no ‘Hid’: Dualaha" a can Ttfla” ' A i onsnesa. ‘G66 M1? ‘"3 ' ‘ ' A ' L ‘z 0;! ?o?l.ldthia aaldby -it and :.'l:ll--..t‘::-tr“ A "‘ '-..cl't.:Iuih” . - - - , _ . ever 1: a one a 0 “ .j , dtshsmglnwd :2‘ ‘t'::;“:‘ 3: Pet ever) thing? Better check up, Mr. Motorist *9 uvaalingo ”°:i‘:udon-a “law's tunuil" "Ian-Ithaca" l , belts oi 4-‘ °''“ 0 you “give her the gas" and any uGo0d_ jj womanwaaavercallodoatnlaoa. Dcoitnbttl "itCil'akault" “'b'acI¢IfiIr?" L ‘ ;'°'d-~d “mmnd ‘mud on ted 1: bye" ito our v'llng f th t l l ‘ " Afinataadlllllifir :;""'“" """""""""""""""". ‘ . i charge, Eor a inomcnt in min ,;_ , _ . l e or a . ong- ooked-forwa_rd- Tm 0'3 . ‘_1rInouhirlla_r'_ “Tb.e3edfl0leal:" .' .1 . 3 . E ;]owly.b’(.)|:nl.l:mglIuR!lI;ll’m!uc: -’ to bl‘ trip.’ ~_ . afltow Ingadnelapuhhbedlotaaaetly Fbldltl Tqtylbas” ‘I M.’ ‘h..".'~b.“ .5‘ 1' i§3”u'- _ l , * n tidal au:upbuu;.g¢—g.g m C .9 6°99’-. ‘M "'9 ‘an 1”” loo ‘ “W about Tools for mlkmx emctzency repairs. * AUGUST i :4-u...:i'.r....£t’.‘l;7;. ""L’.°"..........."'.:':"": . ‘"52’-{kg Sikid-Chains. Extra Inner Tubes, Tires, Spot- $.‘;':..,,;_ 1""‘°"' W-4"‘; ;z_ ’‘ gm; em-‘flrlt and only time. They i llflhts. etc? Lot of bargains here you should 3 ’ . “"","' ' """*"-4',‘ 5rn°'V:e°\II' 116-4!» Only‘ considering now. Like-— ' .“ m “M .3 0 - 4 ‘ " J! ; 3 into» -. .. 2 Keney-Springfield Tires. Through Windshield - . - ' - - i !‘i:: . ‘ ""d‘1_{fu:*°A,‘,‘h‘f,,‘,'°,,‘:‘h';‘,’,;°,'_}§‘,,;";§ .. Snot Lights. Trouble Lamps, 14.3.3. c..,.g..,._ ; - , "gr? Cw!‘-fylf Y°I,I‘C-.-loot Gd ' .1 V 3 . i ' : i ' ' I . _ . W i, ‘ 7 ;, Hi ”.?zm‘g.u*:n" ‘Nixie: l}3taergen_ cy Tanks. J“l\t¢.Iltl||tl¢ Tube Vulcanizer. T S . , ha.“ “ha ‘ _ _ . V _ ' “DOVE.” ‘nu! stjmk °""d h . ~‘%.‘,,,,.,,;.,3.., an or the .« 1, Getgone or our good used Cars for your vswao ' me t°n¢3 men will be found in our mgésne, Denim _ | ,,,“_'5§;",""""_';,"_'_'."*|,°~| ‘WWI ~fi'll,:‘tlle:l:I0‘|:-ndu'°‘d’‘M ; .|_$ggu»ip_ _ _ ; ""1 , _ WORLD,;pobliatiadcntbe:l5thofoachinouth,10 dayaafte:-Trnestory. ':1"0;=f;‘I':IsY:.¢.h...‘1_e;.tu‘m.7’aamaoa..r.outndha¢£4 1 l. ' ‘ . 3"" ~ ‘ ‘ ’ ’ .- ’ A ‘ l ' ' ’ . _ tnaautiuaaubar ‘ i is ‘and. _ ”- « . L . . ‘._ True storig eaacdylibedaoaeiniruestolyllapnnecanbeaecnned V U, flu“ a___._‘_ _ 3 , v «Q by Demardcwél; . . . am pm,” . in ‘rap: no as. pufliabed on the 23:11, 18 - :‘.;_‘_;..::;:_5s_.... ....a.... ....'''‘'°''‘''‘''....,,.. , » i » . I . ha.‘ ‘ um’ I 4 I. 3 mg 1 I i . . , 3 ‘ I . ' : - I .n0t‘t0nH 1; I ' . l nno A 7 ‘ ' f. l l‘ r‘vw E. . sIi:Pl’°"’ 1; '1"-uestori$‘oteadlhuadvaaureatntheworIdofdetectivaainmr In . V 2*‘ . .; ,, - J’ . : ' ,. . _ . nnqalna, ‘mun ntmcrrvn dn mm , ___. ‘W _ -}_, pnhlhhedontbalithdtbainaah. . - _ . _ la. n r ,,_., ’ - 4 ‘ . g .. at ' ' " "" " % , t i - U ':-_f_----— ~ - -- - - 7 - « ~ .~ * -- i :..:..__,'—-'-i “The Hurt «by C0l{u‘”bL-do» pi . ,7 -.- A p Y “ 1.‘ .%‘:’fi _ _ ..Z'1.‘....-_,‘i;....‘I1iii ""'--f ;- - « ~--. ‘~ - — ‘.£.'.-..“:.;..;‘...._.‘.-g_,.,,:.,'4_4’— I“ A" " ' ~-'7 “‘ pi :‘-.is‘Zsl alt’ .. i- ‘bu - 3 -1‘¥i«l~c~ 5 " A " ' "‘ . i' M A A - — ' 2 E’ J.