-eo ‘ltlf ll‘-’ ‘Tow-9 .~¢¢ ' '4'“? b 4' 48 v A ,JULYl-L195 ;.' ,' liusAngeles theaveansecri . , I :nnd an edsnm totals 84.784.238.000. ant-,’ i the arnountper capits $4139- A radio station at Constantinople" it hard the station 5300 miles semis wqd that I It Ne ‘go ‘away. % At the Q L rri-no do ltivcru. Spain. has 0‘ wifli Fran?!’ ' with the 3* our Event University.- _ a -hc_sxhmhne,". a hcspitsl and a dental parlor. I00!!! Loa Aoseleeg btitutiorl in Portyahree deaths ma lthe ht}- repsrted III the outbreak hoaicplesueheve been goutlaaatltussiasince Uetoibas 3‘? A "statue pm - -ltnnrcrror _ odsbrated Barre-NI fsothllcoach who died last felt ‘he I: ‘-0 1'59 pines of,Va_les vlslbd Victo- !D0fllf t he ,gr.ng,cJpe1lown.surnis)' ’ impressed batten. ' Bhis were recently 1'1-‘¢°l_"°0 0‘ , upon, I): (1., .4’:-rwnn elevator . . ‘the pb_ce of the 100-foot a ‘ minute -car in FIG W:rsttil'|Kl»00 100"’ zumatu l talte Resist. a famous oceulist Buaalu. has invented oftenhgrnsl. adevitrbyme _ gained thrlllnd axehable to ms of which it is read . Jack lcbnson. former hesV’!"'¢*¢l}l - the world. arrested in clan . of sw- ‘wasfreedwhenhes that he had been assisting °“_l'-‘‘" ' 1,, ppgrobibition raid. ‘5 3 may , some riuaou ; ‘poo’ were talking at the club ' .‘!When I am telling a l‘1)oOit -a°~x'c. itlmaans that he isn't listen- be is thhndu ofthe . ing. because‘ one he to sell me.’ .—..o. - pnnrnlrrs on urn- 3'09 It ‘$.30 1' E ‘~ «Oh 0 , , , . ‘ '..._,:B.‘._:. . _ . Durzworld QBDAPBBIII-— hrm-pifuhauru-din. ‘runes’ tf l_.¢;.tanr-aiwa 'b:gi'madsoi’nCa:ho-S_ovn£’ Portytbunaand_civiliansare_at pccseatgattendtngmiiirary’tr-ahrnsv at.atisticsahuwtbat_ minalis:8y_sarao|Il' A snflfpfl-Cfld Oollege” ‘Of L080’!-‘ "uh '5 he nt-wed educatunal a resolution ldndoni convention. the passed tine of poison gas director of to co-opernu in '3 joint dfesrsive 1“. . which contains‘ makes edocatknnal in- empetkiou in .\lr'a'I'a! croctedat; and Colombia __... 4.-———p , J .mmoushe.hnheard ‘the .tdryh¢rm2°°ioqnindth°°°*- not the once that 33111. ‘U8 m of thee in mdst ‘uh ndiesaer. ~ . havfi:rIsht‘tobedi-ewe! 1 'wit:.iife.'unless you are sneeze 9.-_.h _inva1id.—nohertLrrIl- ceived this ' During the last twenty-four hours lscalthundehtorms ca-urred in Bis- cil Meeting Tonight 10 Select New A; Officers. T . Emmett llcbuaaell 2:80 o'clock today issued a call for ' ' of the apecia City Council tonight at 7:!) o'- élock for th purpose of ap- pointing a chief engineer and of the Columbia wa- dty election for extending the city limits westward will also ' be" brought up. Acting ‘upon a mandate from the Kansas City Court of Appeals re- of Circuit Clerk _Joaeph T. lizrrb. Claude Brown and E. Barnett took over shortly after noon today the aflcss of chief engineer and Accord ng Kansas City Court of Appeals. Brown and Barnett are to regain all that _ ' they lost by means of the ouster 1. Charles Cray Shaw judgment given by the Circuit Court here more than n spar ago. A. D. Donner. when shown the mandatc of the court this morning The order was served by Roy Creed at Donner’s home a fear minutes before noon. Brawn took over the keys and resumed the duties of chief engineer at once. The mandate w B. Gray at the water See at 2 o'clock tfla Brown and Barnett will hold their respective otfices until their succes- sors are appointed by the mayor and duly approved by the couadl. ey are serving as holdovcrs from a previous appointment. : 1'. 1*. nanny ro own CABP -to Make Talk at Cameron. of boys and girls clubs. will leave De-Kal-Ton" of the week will be held. Ilr. lar- .tin will talk to the club members and their parents on “I-1! Club Program for \VorkasaBalanccd be on tomorrow's m. ainseott of Caklwell, and Nichols of Clinton County. has been at the camp two days. _?.——..-.—-—-I Wrench by round-trip fare will be 83.76. 4.- morning at.tbe oll'ice_ shear Leader of Boys and Girls Groups Theodore T. Iiartin. state leader tonight to attend for two daysthe at the camp and the main program Sam Jordan of Celum 'a will also W065 This camp is conducted for. the club boys and girls in good stand- . in; in Dr-Kalb, Caldwell. and Clin- a ton counties, and is under the man- ]: agesnent of the three county agents: V. V. Sheldon of Delialh, L F_.. W Fare to Iark Twain Park Is 83.75. A trip to Bark Twain Park will ' students of the Uni- alroady mentioned there was no rain of importance anywhere., and the temperatures have changed but lit-_ tlc. ’ is indicative of some moderitlon in The prusurc change. laawever. 3 h the heat wave, along with thunderstorms in the lower I Weather for the Week". By llulted Prwsa. WASHINGTON. July 14.-— Wcmthcr outlook for the period July 14 to 18 inclusive: Upper Ilissispippi and lower Ilisaouri valleys: Bricf period of scat- tered nwers at the Ir.-ginning and again about the middle of g§,.;hour day which has been in fill uri Valley. , Data for Columbia: Bighcst tcrn- ‘ per-store yesterday was 96; lowest lnri. night ‘ll: precipitation, 0.00.‘ ar agc highest. 8]; lowest. 62; precipitation, 0.31. a the week. Temperatures noi- mal and above most of the k. ‘ W99 .——?.:———. WORK BBS VISIT WELFARE TWO sure: INSTITLTIONS‘ lliaa shiap-"D Ifias stsasish and Spend Week-Bod in Carroll- _ ton and Chillieothc. . Miss Helen K. Shippa. secrets 3 1f the Public WeBare Society. and bliss Lorene Standish. visiting his nurse. visited state institutions at- at Cbillicothe for medical Ch ;tion Miss Shlpps and Ilsa Stand- l ish visited two Boone County girls, . - the ralmo ‘s Sheriff Good and J.E. Bsrnstttook ar and is, now monitor of her e;mll_ae of the Omee Immediately 701- cottage which means that she 1 ng. - given a great deal of responsibil-_ ity." said _hiiss Shlpps. Three Boone County boys were another, who is only 3 years old. ‘is not in good physical condition may re to be cared r a have a forty-acre rd of cows. house and grounds are attractive. g as home-like as possible.” -——.—2—Q————-—-9 The truck which was used as a conveyance for the l\'cw‘boys' Sun- B lLlfe." ' . _ . _ ‘gt. a J “wan ‘dim’ of the day School picnic wfas furnished by; ' ' ' . 3 Dot ‘Sappington o . ntra w“""’ K"“" 0"’ 5”’ ‘"0 Dairy instead of by the White Eagle Dairy as printed in the Missourian yesterday afternoon. Nelle Simpson to Florida Paper. Miss Nelle Simpson of Eldon. hio.. a former student in the School of Jotnnalism. has taken a position as society editor of the Sebring. Fla. White Way and Highlands American. . Dr. my on Speak Be-re ‘tau-day. Dr. Esuene I-‘air. president of th at Xinouri Statefheachers College at Kirksvill¢» will speak at Thursday morning‘: assembly. cording to Prof. J. D. Elliff, direc- tor of the summer aessiqi. F. C. Long Visits Bere. ‘ F. C. Long of Columbus, 0.. visit- ed in Columbia last week. He sup- plies books for the Ohio Sate Uni- versity, which was established in I870 and'now has 10,000 students. Mr. Long comes your to Co- he lumbia: While here he Broadway. Fireworks Plant Esplodes. reach It: Usual Pnaa. , PABIS. Jul ld.-Explosion ‘ad saw‘. nu. ha.‘ auo‘heavythatitcouldo{behe.ardin A.mala counsels wu,srrlpsed. BgldsCaka'andCandySale.. ellusiness Women's Philathea tonsespetoswatbi. _ . Bible Clea: heldacakeandscandy 1-’ 9 sale t then-ater and .’:."...."‘.:.":..P.'“"“»:-t‘.‘....:;..':*"°°"-°'***“'° . _ . . eran fiirhlklflllllvh ‘°0"‘baehd_nomgiri.tohig|acbool. pa-ouIa'uda»us-et9..tb ‘ . » _,g_,g-,c_1.,1t'g,1. finyiaso !Woalaadrilb (III! llas-ted.- . ‘fig ‘ A_ . ._ , ""d‘“. 51“ ;an wasburisdgyssterhy mornixatj ‘jag-;___y.: ".i.]tbeWaIadlGroseGureh._ 4 ’ I‘ . ,~' - -.1 ‘iv-1' 1"‘. 7 visited at the institution at Car-' trollton, placed there by the chfl-- th V was guest of Boyd Lucas, 301 West ' I l 0 i m By United Press. 3:, CBICAGO. July prices went up 1 can Standard stations in much? Indiana. Wiscon- sin. Michigan. . t i ‘the Standard Company said. 1 CONFERENCE E BOLLA. Jl.'LY l7-18; on Supervised by University; for Superintendents. Prlnci- l l . The educational conference for so-T lpcrintendcnts. principals and teach-';-I-he mg, supnm, cgug-g todgy; _inlcrs, under the direction of the Uni-?‘.‘m._.d cmogdom of ugnom-5 that; 'versity of Missouri summer session ‘ha, '5“ },“'u¢.pin‘ of jgill will be held at Rolls. Friday and.umem” 51%,, ,.|u¢1¢u bondg; July 17 and 18. | v Saturday. Prof. . The’ summer session. and "Mother" Reed. the superin-gun wurk tcndent. endeavor! to mil‘? 1"’¢T}’°3 there preparatory to the conference. tlriti 1 Taxes Err:-rr Tomorrow. Change HZs?’6T'1<. of John y D. Rockefeller, J r., but Standard Oil first well in the United States wll drilled sixty-six years ago will go out of bait _ replaced by an eight-hour day all r approval of John D. Rockefeller. Jr., but to have been made without his order. will be hired. ‘ ceivc only 82 less for an eight.-hour day than heretofore for a twelve- hour day. Drillers will receive $1.!‘ an hour aml tool handla hour. Fifty tandard recent meet.-ng at which the new Sschcdulc was agreed to unnimsus-it . -5? Standard Oil Co. Gives increase in soon, Dakota. ; BDUCATIONAI. ' AT lThurada)'. where. he w of the summer sessionislom of inn“, cm._ 66 Years Ago. Was Made Without His Order. l.'niiad Press. NEW YORK. July l4.—A twelvw Jed industries controlled by 3 Company since existence tomorrow. higher wage scale. 5 The change‘ is said to have the Hundreds of new in The workers will re‘ 81 an * 1 delegates from a. tb Oil ernplofia attended S . V I GASOLINE PBICB Cl’ BEBE » Price of Crude as Resort. All filling stations and ga- rages in V Co mbia tcdny raised the price of gasoline 1 cent over yo.-su-nlay's figure of 23.2 cents a gallon. u.—cmun£ . Oil Company of lows. linnesota. His- and North and South Tank wagon prices also moved pria ' ' 1.-orne’.-g,(, lo -,, up ulncent. in §‘lltnois,2?;._. J lllamnear the scene of 10¢: market‘ to some eatrarit. ‘e_ KM‘-SAS C,-n.’ July “‘__,S.m_ Jud" Rub"); uizrtcc‘ In to consumer now cents age can ercntaa over can “.1 K, flgwiflumy {emu ‘assist. statement that be hell red in ' L.‘ gallon. and in othpgo fi) . to be paid 2. this district at the .,,, 43...... ,...,,,,,,., ,,,.,, ,0 1,. er and um h. mania dsvsniemsi. up. priaarars horn ‘l to 2 cents agreement willpquuuomd ‘aunt, i . . ' ed for the murder of Louis Panel- 'a companion in a stolen bile. - p h . mm “fie. ....——-—————.... ARRE'|_"]_‘ AND ' . ‘ c ‘ 0 ”..3ns1NEss PROGRAM ' ° ° 7 t ,. .4 . y | Tnuwnarnnn ‘,8-HOUR DAY IS ‘ OF BANK INSTITUTE Nebraska University Professor l[[‘H1R1) SESSIQN. .l;r3e°_g,auw mmwésgggn. APPROVED BY ‘uneasy mm CHEER Talks to Kiwanians About Bi rds? TR] AL Qpp V3’ ii‘. A 0 "z A 0 ' 0 in runs. ' o ' ex on m as n t I 0' 40 0 T0 W. AND L. :.:°'...**'''‘‘''**'-.....,......:“ ..-'.*''"...°‘;: STANDARD OIL ".‘i;‘."..". crrr. ..., .."'.:.'~ .2 “- .'Z..‘°°.:.:-..:":‘."“.:". -.:*....‘...'.':::‘~..::’.‘,*'..*.‘:§ WITH DISPUTES _ ___.__-. temperature. _ :0; tie‘ {shell I Atf”nIaa‘:;lniver{ldtwmof‘:ebn¢&b"talk&d ‘ii: bird has in its body a cooling.‘ . J _ . ' I900?! ,0I'Ina y meta system. conaisti of air I ces. ---—--———- “*.':‘.‘.‘?.‘:..‘;‘.;’E.‘;‘“.°.‘:‘.i‘ °‘ .:::: «='~“"-=3=‘--‘-‘~°°=‘« ‘=='-'3-‘=1 ‘’::‘.‘.:’..‘:’.E.’:.’ s’::‘.: ‘iii.’ ::°.:*:°.:.'r:r °' "°° “....'~*- ‘:2 ..-;: Dams objects w - ”' Payment of Back in i am W811 was Drilled ' azkga. in :3 : £'atteutio:'' z»...“."w.".‘;’.T'.. “"00" mo 0'“ 0' mm’ er m Scopes Cue; Ir. "olcott told several stories “Title. 1 think. is due in-part at of bird ohm’-tiom he had Sud.» np tag; m 15¢ agyfiopgeng d th¢IlBOIlIell|dlliU'tOfi¢ld. Boy Scout and Camp Fire-Gi Bled: of Bone Birds. Is Overruled by Raulston. «fir “Is COURT, N01‘ Cmvggume Wlflt no forged or feigrud Q|xfin.*EOVC|I|CliN and their great in'.er- "0 ll” ‘W35’! Nth my conten- sinus and prepared {gr an at in natural life. 0°“-" 5' “lilo "918! the most in-"‘ 0 -———~.—. gm 5...... “,5” 5, nu," . “mm mm . pom at .‘_on_ tereating study about ha.-.1-. is not Judge Cannot Rule About gogumunay g.‘ n 9 ‘L “ft b“'"n pnqm. ‘M “Mr that of lflllng to identify n_ Quzrhin d.‘ President Edwin V. Brick of-chlldr-en—-a mutual interest This lire" '“'.mb".“f '0" 'p"i"""“' 0”‘ 0 .g 0 n “Uncut 8.‘ the fiuan‘ aim ‘coounu. {or much “My d. is the intensive study of the ‘life Un[1| H9 Studies » , “'6 “ 9:30 .. nu ‘M’ ‘u “L A _ and habits of the common birds’ ’ O l hem. ' ‘ -9311 one finds near his own home." rec special vocal numbers were given at the meeting by Hrs. 8-»; Shower of the School of Fine Arzs Ar-gbudments. ll! United l'rr~aa-. _ ' mvrox. Tr~nn.. Jul,-'1: —~\\'ith the heat and humidity of a t'f(:I‘de-J Ian Basics Birds “Birds are the only animals that man has ever envied to any great New Orleans. vice-gesident of extent." 'Ilr. Wolcott pointed out. l3'5¢l|l¢- - “The psalmist of old sighed for S0; 0" courtroom augmented by a mu" - ‘ 0' . bird‘ 2'.“ ‘us * P‘ ) ll 0'“ - dispute at the very out.-ct. the _T0‘ 001009; 0' “*0 43)’ Wm ll! "0' An announcement was made of 3 Scopi-s trial entered its third session given tal comlalways envied them their passes. K - ,- - _ _‘ _ fauna; 39¢‘-gm gpuwgjc d,..,,'sion of the air. ,i:_::,m:,_ '.:;m:‘i;::':';nS"fitn°m,:; amidst a fluny of nrgumen,._ ms. b-Ir . smokera. and prune “In birds we find that adjust- poo] gm... 3 .0 7,15 ,_ ,,,, Au, ._ C“'°““’ 0‘"°‘‘‘- '‘°‘*"-*«' wuml ment to particular envirorvrz.-mt has This win be {allowed by . pimgc :{h:f°l';_::?':"::;:;""':"°': '0 10°00" ' ' - Kiln "rrigioun I City reached its highest point For or. G V by,’ g - . _., , Athletic Club last night. the bank- ample, the bird has an internal “.5033 ..:§‘.'...,. ;,,"Ii,'.."°f;°,,'i.,‘,'f :ff"'? °"“‘.““ ' "'"""*°" 5'9""- ing. rs in lntad a cmlim system. The temp’.-mtnre gity, wgg introduced u ma”. hi‘ ‘i“ 00"" ‘M '0°""p"'0“" *0‘ program of_ good business with of the bir1l's bod). is covzmlerable meetin n " ,,,,m1,,, of "1 ‘Dun. Owed. ‘O "n," loud humor and optimism. -—j_.§._:..._._ PLANE ‘I0. DBIH’ PBOTIB ‘I0 AID BUNT I-‘OB KNAPP Statewide Search for “lbrill Slay- er" Don _ g as a higher than that of mammals. The Columbia liiwani Club, - 1,u,.,uw objfiud W ‘Wain!-uw seyaiuns with prayvr. lie made his objection in formal one. and it was overruled by Judge Raulston. who I’-lid that prayer I. the opening of French "uh of July” Today. Today is Bastille Day. it is the French °'l-‘nuruh cf July" or NO CHANCE FDR STRIKE OF IIINHIS IN 5 STATES . — s 5].. any 3. 3,. Are Working l'nder Agreement the. l d dc _ ll court session was not out of place, ,..,.... 1~.g.,, Which Does .\'ot sum l.'ntil h ,"i"‘m"’_’n"' :1" .""§ '0“ , ~x dun’! ..i.,-.., .;, ,,,,,..,,, in ,.._ 3' l’''“''‘ N‘ ‘ ' ulffll. 1917- ' ) ' 0 on 0 m "M0 2 F301.‘ but i do obit-ct to turnint! a historybecause it witrn-seed the demolition by the populace in 1789 of the grim fortress identi- N'E" By United I'M-. DU QUOIN. l|l.—'l'bt-re is little of chance of a strike of coal miners in " this distoict before 1927. local offi- n cialsfof the United hline Workers of courtroom into a mot-tihg house," j A the famou.- Chicago lg;-ya» ‘gut ‘ ‘ Argument (nsuvd and all the ccunnel participated, wi:h the entire courtroom standing.) as rgquoggug P o >49 onx. July N.-—While .2. P from Plattabarg along r the state-wide man-hunt Cl 50 - .0 "F0 L;-the judg.._ 0013800 03d‘ “'03! ‘O SY|’ll'U|¢. l-ll! "'i0°''‘ 0'‘ ‘M’ ‘W900 “'0 .13". B".t‘il.:° 0" in” “We are dealing with a conflict missing man's home mwn. and Long WW3"?! l|flJd¢!'k|" ll:lT¢¢‘m°“l 3010"“ 3;: 1:‘ “:3 Of";,h‘.‘:l’;.S K0 0'1"": between science and religion," Dar -- ' " 0 again: A ; . . , , - hum!’ ” me ‘C “M” Q agmemem Burgundians. lt laurbocamc n W“ M“ m mlmm“ l0“ 0"‘ 005' which does not expire until liarch. 1927. Miners of five states composing what is known as the Central Competitive District all ‘wk “D4,, “,5, ‘L 11,, or secret warrants in the name fire states are Illinois. Indiana. 0‘ “'0 kink- - , --———-0-——._. g::’n'”';"" .""“ °‘ K"0“°“’ ‘"0 s|evm.t.uns on-:s11o2~'r.-zn Althgu‘h were flu not be m&ny ABOVT SALE OF BOSIB large concerns switch their for- "‘“‘ "’ ‘ nsces from hard coal burners to soft coal boners. it is felt that a 0‘ strike in the East will open up the 3, um,‘ ,.,,___ ly invocation zs propnggna. {M the prosecution. Attorney-General Sides With Judge. _ Aturncy-General rhewart argued *0 {0"0’ 0! ‘hf .llIdte°I position. l "Th? 0b.l¢€150lI by agnostic coun- ‘. scl for the defense--." said Attor- 0 n'5"G"0“"l SVVIYL when he was interrupted by Ilalonc. "As of the members of the Autborities were endenvoring to check reports that Cornell grad- uate army deserter who is want- chamber or horrors. notorious for imprisonment of innocent persons by “lettrea de cachet." % 5‘ C la. July 1. had returned to Syracuse after the crime. later fleeing with automo- had a mysterious longl _ 1,...‘ Former Assistant District Attorney rrested ' After Disposing School Bonla. - €04 01 9'9 P7930‘ further yesterday re- da 19 start earls‘ in 27~ 0Pmt°;* ganding the sale of on ssoo school t c claim the)’ will seek to have M, W “ ‘ * C “W-"nr.va-tarot the Alubuhnff mfl.n pals and Teachers. J D. Elliif. director of the will go. to S1 Dr C. E. Gcrmanc and Dean ltlwhen be “(fled . "2000 bond for ?c. !\:ealc of the school of Educa- l Elliif will address ‘on “Some Observations of a High ; School lnspector.” how on “hloral F.ducation.". an address by Teacher and Ber Future." Gerraanc will address the confer- ence on “Bow To Study." Dea prove Saturday morning. ferences on school probbms w: the Prof. Ellif. and Dr. Gcrmane will morninr. closing the conference. -----0 Hra. G. W. Lawhorn to Be Delegate. lected 9°‘ 3-PP"'¢‘°" *‘°"'l*l“l ""'°“- ltion will go to Bolla Friday to take apart in the program of the ‘ fcrcnce COI- Friday morning at 9 o'clock Prof. the conference at 2:45 o'clock. :1 address on the upcrvision of High School in- tr-union." Friday afternoon ill kc a At 7:30 o'clock Friday evening.‘ r.’ Gerrnane will make an address De n thine. Saturday morning at 9 o'c‘.ock ‘Dr. will speak on How o - Your Teaching" at 10 o'clock Individual and small group con- 'th o'clock . Saturday :an opinion handed down by Judge Rolls .6 E; B, . ' i U-, in, , ",0. sin st-mm mu. 3:... 3 ,5’ ill check overlgg‘? “flung: "2",-0,‘ mm, w_ 3_ vision for} Increasing the my of tcrest on a New lleaioo oil lease. Name of Son Broaghtegio Louis police, new sewer system in ““"“"“"“ at “who! Pm- 9w-illserveas ,, ‘John A. Boss. 22 rem old» 01 5‘ “U ian Q . WARNS CROOKS """_""' “Eli: miners be" “We”! month‘ ‘to’ He.‘ Supreme Court Judge Says 3 already have let it be known they .ft‘.:.:..;‘n: h:,‘;m‘,°r;r:d' thseflfizg Too Many valudess _lg:ea!;:‘ intend to stand for a dc-ft‘; fink. . Bonds Given. . ' ———.——— W 103, go - ‘.‘."¥’°’ who or 5 . . . . NC“lllll!nS to sell, : .\E\\ STATE LABS l.\ _£FF.F.CT ‘win pmhflfly . be ‘m. l on 14,... US Acts Passed by the General As- Charges of disposing of stolen ’ sembly Go into Force. One hundred and ‘ fifteen laws said that Lone passed by the last session of the lsked him to°Iell the bonds for Missouri General Assembly at Jef- him. Ind added llllt he knew noth- City have just gone into ‘ing of their history. Lane said cg they were given to him by an Some of the legislation makcs pro. Oklahoma man .3 pgymgnt of in- Chill’!-‘ll. at the Judge’: side. then spoke the prayer. - 1°48! Baulston then said tlix he : had been unable to make a ruling on the motion to quash‘ the indict- ;_ zjjqjj E, um‘ P’... lilrhta last nlihotolgirrwenu-d him from JEFFERSON CITY. July 0 reading ‘law , "9 Idlourncd court until I o'clock so he could complete his study of “*9 lrlfllmtflll on the dismissal of the motion. was contained in‘ ‘°"°" FAILS 'rq.snAiir. rurrrstoxr ’ The warni 0 as -s a St. Louis County; establishment ti txlpouu DRESS 5'07 55505" ‘’““.‘”°‘ .100"! _by mynicipflitiesél Mr. Baushalter Says Deeds 11 [iv- M registration 0 oggtcrs inlcities Iod d.’ L". "uh “rah”. bond Sloth declared he was the more Wm6o‘°- _ W33.’ ‘‘‘°;‘ ?' . The Rev. w. Ii. Baushalter ofthe sole owner of certain real estate '0” ".0‘"1‘d.'00%'o”t°g'.ng ° ‘gr: Christian Church preached ‘Sun- and ' n-encumbered. g r‘:';g5’°‘n:’“&::i ‘(ff day morning on “The Value of Be-‘ When he was tried the state proved, ' ' — . 0 ing ised as a Christian." that the real estate in reality was *1“ ‘° ‘““° "5-°°°:°°° 9‘ “' ‘$0-1 Mr. Baushalter told of various nwngd by Sloan and was 000000 7°‘ ’pcculiar dresses worn by diffcreni heavily mor%¢|l°d- 0‘ _ _ t _____.__.____ ,reliuioI;s I¢t’l»I..%I'I‘ fgtvlltb 01:1 139)‘ In llllldlllfl d0Wl'l 9 0P""°n 0' mv ~_W(‘f‘c 0 I Ctflllll ll , ill O.‘ S l- Ju Blair said: "The prac- __ ed that an adopted style of dress fly an acculed 07 CF10?! ‘"0 Fred W.‘ Coon Succeeda Thomas B. is not necessary to he a Christian. ' 0 Buckner in Circuit Court. ; nown. Be said that there should! Jr Unm-I t'r~- ‘be. “something in his face. his con-E -g3Fl'“'ER&90N CITY. J|ll)'k14-— vorsation. and in his everyday life Fr '. oon. P70305000‘ .3053 that will int him out as a man City attorney. today was appointed of (;od_'' 00 circuit judge in the Jackson County ———o———— Circuit Court to succeed Judge 1. C. C. to Take Up Bate increase. Thomas B. Buckner. Coon is a Be-_ 1!! U-It-I Fr-e pubnan. ; WASHINGTON. July l4.—A pf- The Kansas cum will be com- tition of seventy-tour western m_l- ‘ missioned today and this will make roads for an immediate Increase In the Jackson County Court Bepubli- rite! I?!" 50 U381‘! IP ll “R 091"!‘ an 5 w 4_ ‘ing of general rate revision hear- ings in Chicago’ Sept. 1. the Inter- BOCK ISLAND. llL. July 14... Sflflmifll filth take when the name ‘of his slain son. John Connor Loon. 1')‘. was rought into his trial as an. acannplice in collecting gambling Wwffli. -l0hn.lao«-ncy. Sr.. on trial for vice cpnspiracy. yesterday failed (0 shake CM filbllllolly of kw to. state's star witness. . Young Looney collected the per. Rule!!! on garnbiiru slot machines .and punch boards {gr the eldgof 1000?)‘. Pctito. former henchrnan of third‘-alleged vice lord of Rock island. an out was convicted of perjuf)' iBert Myers of Kansas Cit)’- 1" “*0 John Conner Looney was killed ‘ in an inter-vice ring war in Octo- . her. 1922. ‘mm: Chair Iaaufactarera I-‘lad 80000. llnltall Prhn. ' Oiicago. Jul)‘ l4.—Three her too ' the affirmation of Sloan! M03031“ a “warning for the future." Belen Bennett to was Jain Rese- Jo . and Belen Bobnstt. 20 731" old. of Stephens. Callaway Count)’. ived a mars-isle license at the recordr.-r's office today. Written con- sent was given l!! 1'00!!! 30509“- Boss was a stu- n were fined a total of 89000 Judge Adam C. Cllffe. The fines J today brought the total declared by the government since it opened its drive on the “furniture trust” to 3481.000. 1 -—--4--- New Pnfusor in Dr. _ Wis. has been appointed assistant professor of farm marketing to B. Con-an. Dr. Thom- - Prof. old to Dis-ct _Beetinl Prof. Richard Bradlleld of the mung“ wd. _ «nu ¢°,,,,,g,,5,,,,‘ soils department of the Collette 0‘ declined to take up the petitiahi? Afflgnlml‘ ‘'2: 0° 0‘ :0‘u‘:°fi;‘:_’i‘ “immediately" as the railroads had‘ a e sympo ums a . - mg g can_Society of Agronomy meeting "0"" o—---—— which will be held in Chicago. Nov.-A 3 g_ 35"]. V5,“, ['31.-.,.u,_ Prat 8666214‘! '05-; 8. 1|. Sipple, superintendent of 53 'achods a Burlington. la. a gradu- ate of the University receiving a anused D. visiting thcsen will be and Miss from Christian college in June. The wdding will take 913% Tl||3|'3¢|Y morning. The titer. Walter H. Bauahalter will perform eel’!- rnony. ' Jnnlsr C. of C. Bolds fleeting. Obliga ltyllnllsd rvas p . - 9 SWAIPSOOTT. Bass-. July 14. to —-President Coolidge is trying to, promote an international accord un-‘ der al .a.___...__.——_ _ ‘.4, go Fdton Sheri! “Invited” to Banghg. ..n l---1-0°--"' a. Two Final in Police Court. -‘ ,, 5.4 ‘mi, iamJeron-iewaafinedtland rorr‘ntoaaifor}flI'I,lPl‘°¢.i"0‘° . p, . e.“ ‘-0 . --———-' .ery County. The hanging will take . Set at_ 8fl.IU- iplnce Friday morning at 8,o'clor-k u u . I , 'rsrm-r1=;. no. July u.—n is *0 ’'°''‘‘°'‘'''’ C0’ heratodayl.hatspontaaeor.s- emedgthosnuhus; _ the same amount on a- 0 charge of driving a car with the cot-_. cut open. ' . E “. ‘H. WV L.