3‘ - ~ ,-«4.__ - * : ." g’. — to‘ ‘’7‘- ~ '37: .5 uv-3:- ~ ~ - ~=‘=*r;.- ~ f*' -,«--‘»‘z ?o-ow" qeeeo.r¢*"’f*;-so ...o ..,.-.; . t o . T . '5 <:.a'gT.?Tf.¢ ‘.0:-’ ‘sag? In--_-IQ‘ Tv at’? A o T T T, T T ‘ T ‘ ‘R ‘ T . ‘ T . 0. 3 T at T T,‘ I:-' ~-— , _. A TT‘ T’ T T ‘ fir T_.g-“Q; ~jTTT T T. ‘ mg’: T__- _ - ‘C < :T‘ .1 ,' -T . . Y.‘mYT M T 0. _- T . T ,. x ; -- -. 3.‘ . ‘I’ V T "C-4. .. "54’ ....‘ -' ; 1-- ~ ‘ . V T T - ; ‘ -- J V O I :13. T 7.1:- '..,_o'.- O ' "“ F lg‘ ‘.7 'T:9‘ .V. - r ' V . - 1 ~ 7 A ‘ l.‘. T. I ' ‘flfielikwst 0 PM : r I =‘ -: gj. 7;.-' Tux T 1-.,‘gxgy(-.~ . . T’ U , - "I ’ ~,. ; T . ' ' _ ’ - T ‘ Q ~ , o.po.o-9.9?» = oo.;o.o.a«o.o»«.-IKiE.WP[ESHAND 2 ~ ='~ o a ,,;taan7flnla!'lIlI'-MI0°'."I‘°"'- « 1, ‘°" ' ._ o v ' ~. 7 -'0 , gopta.they'IIIlhI!_'c0rt¢lIltt! ‘bu _ -, mo. ~_ ‘ ' v -r ‘ ‘on-c-coo-ofi--1-!-.H:e||-"*'* 6 1w¢m ~r~ a-an-coon e an by puchw: :0 . r. _ 9°’ - ~ t 2*‘a.;1*a?**:.*$"‘-.....," 'm?...“'.‘: CT -no ---'- or or -o .,.,.,... ',‘.“"'.*::... ‘.1.-.......*”"'*;:':.:‘°"-¥°"*= ~ .- v. T‘ T T n.r.:‘ . .- T “GRID” ' ‘g IN 7'2 VI 0RYp‘‘'''I‘;b , W, I... ,5, M ,, ,5, Welt. rUIIlIlna—~IeCahe. tuootnp .‘ ego-uy amt. vym .1!-3» —. l ’. - \ 15;‘!-ya;-0'-1-191300-'|"'-="o ’____ lveelnthellallllten-BI~owlnwlll0P"“ ““"“" ‘I1-:;=;|;v mm of g c,. ‘ _———-—'_ dug" ogdaallhalqphvcll ' _ - ‘ ""-""""’ school uratioo [9 I t1onsBelngllade-‘ aaothoooo:oruoooooas“mme.8 Zmms gum "°"""°“’I""°""' "‘°'atssoUa:'uusnaa-rm __,,m,,,,,,,,,,a,,,_,.,o.,,,c..- : ~ - "l"‘P""'i" to:-ytotthefiheenahtalaaaear “"31. A . mcetu inorfim maoounooutouotus lm1nFaceofI-hgh m’“u*d_“.w,,_,“_._., a;x.rr.tav11u\ T,,,,,,A,,,,,,,3,,,,.,,.;..,.... en '°‘‘'''“'‘ '’° ‘f’ B""'} S¢h00l'8 Early game next week in a tie with thl Twelve (&pcle—Atthar d “'5”, " ‘.°.‘h.¢ °.°".' In for Early Fall __ ‘ o‘p:l:aiatle‘;Ief the no; Advmtage ,m,, c.,.,;,,; ,., 5,". ,5... 1-... B.‘ nu“, .,__ Totunooo at aonm Pteld. _ ,p T T practice_ ». Jada or cot; 'Iaaa0fl-“.‘un: Tcity Elaployea are tune to apaet ‘..,g.gc.,, -_ _ T_ T H ‘T,__, ‘T T ' . ' ’ _..__—— vdky” .0 ‘ . .6d‘¢.l”‘ Var‘ ‘h,".”P‘°"' "d "7 Iiaouri wonthetraclt meet laatlT“ V , ‘ . n'- . POI IENl"—-fiept. 7 ‘"°"‘.’“‘‘‘' “um, -"$’SH0guAKm's PIA‘ ClT‘:8F1'fl¥aau!'F'l'." . sllflllly at Camp Knox acorlnz. 1‘, we phabl ‘Phat T S!-alhouae, Um vhxinlas porch IS OPTIMISTIC elite . T_____ . “R b“ “gt t'a"4Th"e nu . M" pom“ TM“ T T T _ 3 , —" V um, and bundle . with 81"" """‘”" "°°"' Benet Th; t on in {he hlatory of. the .choo1.sM“3t. W111 FY0111 381181‘: 3.193 9°3°°u RT 5 0 A E tneetvaa between ms. oruuory ...d I "“'Ammf-F ensued 214-:79 "' ""°""'-"‘ "“"“T' “' ""' "'» Expresses - 3 than is a hard aeaaon ahead of! ' iies to Go Into Tie . - an ' 1 6 6 1‘ 6 """“”"‘ “" ''’"°''‘''' “''"°"‘ « A wealth : r’."""""" "".".'1°_‘..-+——‘-——=— r = N ' "°‘°“‘“‘u the Tigers Will Have ....... a o the r...t.r....r.....: * . . <=-Swom°o- * 0 tie: . colktfli A ——o«»- or . 3-4*--""' none ma (327641 e . "'. ° " Wxth Jumors "Roberta 15- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘>’ doe Culur. Amea. oh... sou, and » . » ~ 1 T: ‘O33 WAN'l'lZD--Dy . 4 — ' _ ; Sung antes wtll take their: thr0tItll’l°_ ' . "'l'homaa. c. 4 2 3 l0 0 0 'I Ii mt.hu,’.__x hm ; s _ 1: , ‘*1 augemd. B276~fl1; 'o "' 5; A l - ‘xma fhuvhailp’ "'““‘ * for Fu'3t~ Stockholm. as. .. 4 2 8 8 2 9 tuck! énlvet. no PIIIW4 P‘hiaon-A l o '7 ' .T . moon bflfllllovz ‘u "dyed ‘ Thmseason. The department 4:! phyalcal ed!» ___._. fleliaxx. lf. 4 l 1 0 1 0 wu'T‘vh_'.hh' ‘ad Ah,“ — In r -. : -' ————— ' umotrivetorudatl-rec tu-n-8:--Iiu-. in..." at 200411 I’ . «r ‘ " auijm bfiir fllflflllt. fl IIOVIIKO anon ‘khan’ .5-.x¢.p;d;I "on Lon P1-t."‘°°£n.’h:””.‘ 0 1 1 o . "U0I‘lnl'lI¢0l'fit3%P°!l|u-A1999 I: “l '&°‘””)‘.aPd-:&h¢ A ‘R. laalbrnou. 'IaattetotweeltaheIorethe‘"up. ’ mi thetnoatltw ‘ Chatahe 8 1 .388 ' r{”“.40l 00013-‘ll 35-D'P‘''’“° '* ti , uh...‘ '-....‘d,u,g»;1S.Garth,phu!el589 _ -133”? u «by oelehrauona ot _ Jumoc. r __ .'l'urner,T . du 11* ca ‘Juana: 3.03",‘ 1, ._.T _T “at ‘uh'-J“ b_ T 1874! first call to: footr::;l.‘:e';;an on! Ptrtant taaIea_altkhocuaTe. Theollle-0 gTfimlton-Btiown . 4‘ :’ ,T-u_ s.pp,ngw,,. 1g_ 2 9 0 .0 9 g saw BT . w vhfini .7 up ‘ T and : _ T°""'“"7 POE R£N‘l'—Pive-roou 3015!" 3.: pnoniaea to he the beat {oot- r“‘"utx' Y“mW“:u inf: 3 5 Tot“, -E E E -7 1 worijill be avaededothe wTP~ _ '; ‘ ; I-»-‘T fut. Write lkleal Plath! and W $80; aix-room htmtalov hull aeaaon in the annala of the mug of the community. An 14- veceraaa 2 6 .250} POSTOFHCE Atthut Bond of the UBIVCFIIUTI ; _ 00'1"“ w ’ - 8-room brick on ' '-. . ...a luncheon‘ - Bml .... .. 2 6 250' ' _ «. 1 «- ~--2 ‘ 3% E2’.-.. ...?7".__..’" ol:ar¥|:md=~ 'P“""""‘ °"rL'f§.'§’... being out to m. :;'3,,'i;",.:.u1 and C5}... g.",;,”§“.r...,. triumphed ‘over . B. 9. H. o. A. 1:. -T - - ‘ 3 P '3 ; - 7. ‘KAL Qvlth Il¢¢Pi||¢ P055‘ h°“ ‘ml ‘fin U~tht'~e¢ P°"3'“33| V0031)’ 957"“ clubs'of businessmen. 'I'heI(iwanla'the Pmtofiiee in the cleanest cut? B}‘”°h"' ‘L "‘ ‘ 1 1 ° 1 g No“ - .... . ’ 1 ' _ ._ .’.......—- . -7--—-— Jumiahcd. 555: foulteen-room l|W'°v .339 ‘up from the remaining last Gab Pk” to old . wagon“ ugh- ; um OT; the P“; “,0 week. )'e§.£:e“‘, aghp. 1 2 3 g 9-1’ 1 Day andhllcht Trallalet I0Vl‘I‘l TT _ H . , t: R SALE—-Xillem 5-100!!! 5”’ 890: III!!!‘-70031! h°0l¢o P075)’ 7"" year‘: letter Inen..auhatxtu1t-1. d:om¢'|erh1g here that day and it is planned {Tterday tn the Twalizht League con-|TéW‘l!1v - - - » -- 2 0 ‘ 2 2 1 VIPUNN 3“ “"“°°k '9'“ 7 :1 in ', ~-‘~- { - 4* to University; latte niahed. $80: t“°-70°!!! CM klkhtl|- up, “on, 43,. Q]-gghmgn squad, and ‘ ‘huh. ggme be one of the features 3:4,-gt by a 7-to-2 mu-gln. r 1 ""5 P" “' " 0 0 1005 C Jahe Sublett. l’l’O98- ,4 . A - .. - T ‘ix 3‘; M Tuna. Bheoe 2223 ctte apartment. 385; also otheg uqmggn who ahowad especial of the ggwum Pro‘;-am. 1 The Kewpiea opened the ¢antel3§1¢kl£":‘v R ‘L: g 2’ 2 0 0 PEG!-J1“ 0? 3”‘ ““3 5}: . I {*1 I ‘ H271-tf houses anltlfltnll ' 71!“ 1., gt spring practice. toxins: ofl_ 31' ‘-311 5.; ‘with a four-run attack an the open-o Rttte ua . . .. T _ 4#___ 4 , - . T ‘ - ‘ ' ”—‘—’ Realty 00093133. 33-‘. Guitar 3:: 1, start getting in condition U‘ni‘.,n5u. D‘, in; inning and wee never headed. Jones. 15- - - - - -- 1 0 0 2 0 0 o‘ * ' ‘ ' “ : , 1; ’ Tl .ro‘ . o ibmofl, brick and B1d‘_.‘P!,To?¢ 1620 or 1l$Tfl§@ ‘ml nquufin‘ ‘bu ‘" pl”.|.,_,‘ 2“ 3:00;.‘ D'yT swknu of me: fig-ry Sappington held the Tp0TCl1l'T;\’1l:hols. "cf. 3 2 g (1) g g “‘ ‘.‘.u- 0" ‘ &‘”_ o : of .: . .. 51 #3” °" B°“d'¢u°: h V-“""—~""-—"""’ " "°"""" hack to school ronIPt|)' 35°-?‘|d°)3 - - t: invite Dine |¢°*'¢‘°” ‘mm 9* 5"‘! "‘""‘3' yer‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' " 3", ,...,‘ 5‘... ,5... 5. . T, s - - - at phone (3% ix)‘ SAL‘ - . p - “G i University 3315' ""'d ,~‘.b¢n, with uu. gum well tn hand,~ Boocher, c. l 0 0 7 l l 7"" -. .. ‘"3" ‘M 1 R2-,-”'¢ “-539 - :3‘ km ‘;‘;°°':.:_,‘,"§'w.',,,: «heir Fm“ "“ -"“,""" ‘° -3: he was scored on twice '}lot.eton. so. 3 1 2 2 2 o ,_,__ ,,,, ,,, W“ > 5 . p 1 ’ _ r ev ~ - gh, ion or a V1 , . . ‘ . , - _ _ _ _ _ _ __ "““'_ """ ' ‘[ "" _:__é T . 1-‘Q3. tootiflt tar: firstptacfiee ’l‘ueaday.‘S¢-pt. 15. .rh:c“:)u‘h0,u 'u,,,_ 1;; the opemng aeaaton. atngles bTyT T “I 27 T, 9 ‘T1 9 3 L corg Asuuocx 1: T . ‘T . . fol! RI'Z}~"I'-—'l‘a~elx-e-taotn house 1922 model mth starter: Rood con- shoe, gnd Ioothalla are being lust NW 1‘ ‘flu be Ahmni D.” gugstoekholm and hlcllatx. nth a tn-I o s .. .. ’% 8'.“ Nut‘ 8‘. H 4; T -' ’ Lam. one bedroom oo'.m;...; may pglat. W. P. llaya. insure .‘ - um’ pie by Thomas and two infield er-‘ Score by tnnintff '5, 3... am.‘ g. 1'; ,_ r ‘r ‘_ a the backfield prwvtfl-3 turn of old (rad _ ant hou- Qu floor. 4 helroana on aoeonllgum fiaaetnary Lane. plane‘ 964. ‘kg; helm thoroughly adept at -:12?“ dag formed’. kn,“ ., rota, can-ed {our _rTum ncsfl Hlln::~High School . . . . . . . . .100 3:’ o T TT r 4: --o = W" °°*'*'° 3°“ -———-——-._._....-...-o '“ -o'o=o='-1'-od amm ":....° ‘:6 mo" -6 Sa o " : .: $T_@lIplOC¢ lI’d'.’°d T °°’."_, opening of the season. .rh(,-1-in, gum willbe built about! P1 .5 C . « Summary. St_o n In - P’ Bdmu "nflhh H , on that floonaol '00 °'r 9"’ ~ "‘°“s"m is director of .:mr~.. - onion ~ L~—. - A AY—— ~- . ' -r 3. ma plus’ for 1 My or ——-—— -C‘ ‘;,‘wr"°'.:,""t’,u,_ o,,,L.d,, .0, ,, the fourteen Ml" "’°" ‘{";“.M",‘n"“'; Wells held the High School acoreo - o mauve wanna . - .. N -. ~- . o nownroodhab ‘mm w P’ - Ca sn ' "‘-1 - . . ' ~ . ' '~= -"-“o ="“..‘"“° :23.‘ r*°:f.‘”*‘-....,..‘*.......r.,.,.. ........: ‘ms-on -—-on -" 3:» o o oo : :.°..+:...::‘‘*;r;c’*.:..:*.:;*; :::::;. “;;::;':. 1 -omwnn o--v -- rod; ‘.'.'o'i;:sc.. = I . ' u ' - ' . ~ . * ' ‘ ' . 4 5 Guitar Bldg..,135.'3 red. 3273-u t-gloat‘!-‘}Vi:°:§-m,“‘°.p*'°",‘t’ 11$“ “Tc Iraaomtcenter: Lnho.de“omf){;::';‘;';:p‘::I§wnd pitch scored a pair of run. Dry Geaaha Ca. _ P“. ‘Ta, .0.“ M ‘M A“ : » -ms. 100 men or 1‘-'76§ "fro .S“T,.‘__chm°,,-,,,, :3; have no for mm." and Mr.T 7°‘ °5“‘“_"‘“;ed °s,_;,,m_ Mk; our SaPPxnxftonnai00T€12ml5¢.f‘f'::1‘d:’.'; -Piano m or me. Oaaalaa ad _: made of : ‘L--g‘dtr'-91' F‘ kiwi” “NW *5? 3’'‘'‘'° "‘ ""“‘i”‘"" ‘"°".;-if ‘"7’ amen Qthber hocki Lloyd Th°m- ‘,3 ,;,,:;',,'':y g,,,cu,,,1,,, ad precise. in 8. Ith it A ~ ‘ ";.«i H ‘ . ‘ --' ' " laeaao 'ftball. ercts .' ' k;fl -1 ‘. . ___ ,; ‘ : FOB modem‘;-gtxgg desk, $3. Call at organ hsagdlwmufid ‘Tim :2? Sbve.<:.fk{;¢>ciA.nbacC“‘i::TTT1'|T;.o:ua. whgitdctxivnnnets attack ‘__?_ _____T____ _ ‘ J. B. : Tpurc ‘: d 5 I :\ we butt“ me" in "an mmpflmg end- Ra)’ w¢lk¢" “cm” Pd‘ 1"» The iiigh School. turned in two 2 ! ° » .’'°'''.., ., r....;,om===-3"‘ “' ° ‘ “ . '°"’. rr..“'..""'s. . .9...“ otatlcolt “CK D;-“*"‘,,,,sE, ,,.m;..r am noes rgr ;mBr;°-goorgg-mot” '“"°"‘__d 8;"“",,_,,_,_,,°""""“"""., M 1 DR. FLORENCE . 3 sun: n=r_bn‘* .“‘° """’§ FOR SAL!-1-0:-ed bicycle. new for track and the lbaseballhteam. gt-n,1.m;a'r unaav Wll.l.S:g‘£"°’b‘;"in 3”T_'_m;d mm‘. who ‘rm mu “ u w*,_‘_“_. : FREMBES . .. fllfli °'"'°°‘.3 nan‘, ; ‘ll aell ehca . Ph 1198 h’ 5 ct’ 1 ° a aop omore '_._.._.... ‘°d‘h° . - T 7_ _ ' L. Five-loom nei. 5I'l¢lI’'°‘l‘'°'‘'‘'‘‘gS.' 1" P “$269-t1 tic; ttTl::-:3. 3:0 ’l"'""‘l’‘“ *0 5° N. Y. Bo "l :l'i”t;wth‘: —;°u'"’ "dd-hm “7 Osteopathic Physicians j. «E “ "mg .‘gqge' ;a8500, .; _v- ' 111.. t ' r 1" .. . ' A % ., ,.. .7 ~ 1 “" ."';:?,,,,5.. brick and ‘tile: FOR SALE-10:12 wall tent; ' “b°d °"° ' we" 3 ;,,,,...1, LP 'Match.la State. 1. txnellafnfl ‘“"!"" .”“‘.' "‘°.b“"___‘_ Exchange Nat'l. Bank Bldg. ‘ E ,..1 ‘ ‘J’ l " Broad ‘co cots.‘ Phone -1452 black. "°°“"" 3"'“""" ' - mr m~.mn- 1- mumu- lhxalnl-on tho third mmnx. btoolw ‘ . Room. 308 3" r. Phone . ': "id . _ 3 W 271-ti TheJ:.’°u;'g United Prom tit-um Iwton ‘‘ gholnt «taunted Houagton «fan HI: haflaet Ask. QIGDAY ‘ — . .. . " r - l - . . . _. V‘ '1 --u‘ MIL 3 '3. . . .. A ~' M 3°°d “ ‘ ' "W , ' ‘W YORK--;34'1‘.°.P" '“.£;“i.JilIe-ad-threw to rat or a on To . 307- ' office '50., (93. . ‘ c ueiwroam rttifiow. °" 3"‘; 1-‘on snu-2 xr Oh'Cl»‘.-A-1 mil- with {out times ‘at home ‘Pd ‘°“{mo and aaaertiona from the vhaininu GI a grounder on soouoers, All nu-I: nomad. : 1 < ‘ ‘L ‘ on . ‘ _ ' The 6111- . - ' he hf. 1 , '. ., ‘I gag #681! {aid 3% 5” 9“ Janey shop, complete equipment. on foretzn fields. 1 370,-}; nouns: Commuu-ton T te “L T . OOLUHBI‘ uAcam3 ‘app _T 1 ipltioué has 11*-1 large clientele; excellent locatioti; ' I €399? 0‘ lb’ '3"! nished almost conclusivt‘ ¢“|d°”°" '*°' The Uncle Salami" 30*"? 1; 3,.“ 7;; 5;, Phone 12:) -___ ““ ““‘:“; Ingqnqee fill Beatalggu-3,3, ugh to; immediate he at.-houtc. “ll-1’! A'""’T‘- 9*‘ suppott the belief that Jack Dem?’ ‘ a harmless pair of counter: tn thm v ' _ ~ '_~ T T T‘ __ _,. E " cos Brchdway." :ae.:ao_,;.,,, Address box I. Y. can: and Nehu-aka. P?0bIN)_ -N‘ "‘- 5.’. “,4 may with navel’, ‘"11 .77“ c_c______T_,.-o ._ .4—~q ::—T. __ , ,_ _ ._::t " ' --- ' , __.___..__..1 - . - tea I the con» 0 .~ -3.‘-¢i'|;:’ *- ' "‘ "' . ' z————_ 7* ISA]-E.— moon .- ~-*.-r-oz:-5:‘ troorumun-"tori-I held ";'§, §:’ns§§,,'°"“ M" l Md " 73$‘ ,.,m- 1 am.uun.e AUTOIOBILB 1: If ,'Cd?uI'nI T T ‘orWeat1!r°8d",- I-‘L'llNl‘l'l.'IlE FOR SALE our {tom last aeaaon. The 0376!‘ C Tbp ,;¢.- York commiaaiogcan“ A eervtce to Colulnhlana. I REPAIRING _ . — r gpdcrn conveniencctv _ T in; game with Tulane Oct. 3. three T e ‘T ‘ho an ad” ‘"1 ‘hot ‘T E 355553 ' PHONE 68-O05 A8! . . M 4 T, . T.‘ fhge he; only $9000: eaey terms. E FOR SAtI’..E-—:)a°n:nf‘ Eblfc. Cliltfllgv weeks after the opening: Tclfhtge tiff 10% ‘SM in- New York but most: “mm :3“ nu; l 310:; g Q [of Static W £11 t 012 1 T . .. T E7 N‘-"" "":;”' "'i§:,,,b°nnl°'; :hiea1n1dsa3. at m 0 ;'1‘:11ut: hi: :33. of any one familiar *i‘h';**‘°‘"'bl;°“:;'}.—— —:»_ - A r l " E "' & Gm Fm“ Y°“' rkaa we M _2 clean i ; on .3300 « ' r '- v , , . . b-11' at t would ve o - T a , , i T: :N'e'I 2.9m-g brick house: 2 blocks. ron sAIT.r:—cood Emerson piano £1“-casein‘ ‘::c;::(§r°'::::T:..o;.nr amt; nnuatécds by-M promnter :oc;or;‘T W J_ PALMER _ TT, T T T VULC:TlgNl§bT T1 3 ‘V’ “" U.'"""“"‘ my ' “‘ ‘ b.""""' Ph°"" 82° "hm (antes. The Tulane mime vr°"""°-”‘ ob‘? _".““"‘ k"°7'1um' tam wcrldi Wm 9"" ml ht: I"-7 ' '“’ SERVICE ON Mala HAKE3 1 i t ‘ ‘ M In M‘ fun ‘ 27”!" .40 be as interestlnk an the other C’-lg) I5:h;_:,’;'3m3r’ M" ‘my: We V T I L3VY’8 8803 33113 WORK ‘ -or ’A‘.Tmu T T Tl ,, F", Wu n” w ' . . . f t n‘. (-3- W ere T 0” ‘ . T ' T 4 é a-moot; hour. -locmnx 7°“ 5”"-""“"‘“"' “”‘°"3,d""' ~"m,.¢n1,°"".a?o:'°a;.r: aI"§:‘s.:::sr?-. um chance to our the volt?" mm » Caner so aad Wahat r Phone at on Broadway K 4. . , . g ' ° :l;nerbcd,¢.uchraan.m' :33‘ ‘‘'‘''''‘°'. with‘ ' ‘anthem “W01. f“tl$‘a‘:Peu"‘l;l'l<:lr‘l.f,n‘m“t?I‘r,r:,i'ae'i'o:.1. er!-'—? __———' Work Caled Pet aal Dellval-Ia. T Pine 8" _ Tl ‘ . '“'~ ‘’‘‘’’°’' °'’‘’ ““‘°‘ - “fir wm- be weds“ 1uc'm.::: (rzressedlthc opi'rurfo Jororoinx tho?._.;;‘i“ ’ " - o W ' " . pk”, 3” .fi;._.g7;._g_g tralnrilltnnznr from .t. mm Q wh nufiji an‘ ,u mu“ con”. E13 T 7*"? _ '-. “"T.“"" “T.._.—-"' Columbia to Neworleaoa and - W3 L m !*'j T” ‘ "' A - ‘-' "" 1037459‘ vmizyatuuoi of the soon. are beheld. ~ '11! a . Q . a I" .t. T ._———-— phnuin‘ . N fgfly. . T _ _Huldoon ll OR“)! OPU" “ " «T rad fit 25¢ I 4 fie Dosrbdtveen-‘P‘h g,oll¢::.2VeIIrti:mu: Nehraaka and Ame: are P705833‘ Y'Inf'~"“‘-"“’od‘fi ‘u’ W - Wall PM hm ’°"° ‘mu’ ‘W’ 8' Pb°':2ss.t1au $ -ionaffioozonmwrwt um then-"ts no? Tl PECK 9339 09- . "f '. ‘ H lC"°°"-I R""d‘ V 3:!" hes. rena standi "hatvfioultl be lat‘!!!-=4 ' _____ . 1». brain has prospects for “W _ W‘ qt city nub“: __ _ . V-~«--« ..... o L08'l'—-«Small purse. containing “.3 ‘ the histort of that lnstrTtu- cn0Tt1Kh- '_n“‘-‘"''‘'’'’ A .A T ‘T -rm on-- no =:::"~ iiooo ~=.:o°~ °°;~*'*= ::*;':*;..‘=,:';L;‘:.*::.—,:.°.;*.':.°.,::;::.*.:‘::: ; A\lT..7“~ .,.,....,“°" 3.1%] to o "o" °' '°" '°"“ !_,.”deT “ 1551 an ,4 g me Cornhua er amp. Tmt-sT T . . k, T T.T «..._£4~§ - l 8 _ . . EM . BL-—-73"" gm“ ""'°“ M‘ ‘°"" hm mm ‘menu’ °‘Z.”‘§'°.""r ‘sixth: :.r::s~.‘ I I '5} - ' . - - ’ " o --——-“‘‘=—'''"‘*:',,.,''”"’“'‘‘' W ';,,"° ‘‘'°” "“° '°"'°"“~"” "°£I‘...i‘ ;‘§"rf°..’:o.‘:. om-a mi -’ ' .....“"":.... Glass Decorating 00- --—--———-——' wANTEn 10 at th‘c.-hl:asJt\?fNt‘he rurmin: IWIY "'°"' Wm" ‘nd i‘ A I.l.IeaIuarta-I Pan‘ ,5‘ u N’ .‘ 8‘. N" « wanton —’FunI§***“' "°°"‘ expect a D0VCfflll_1@lllT am you. reel 1"" kt‘-"° m";;‘{b“‘fh",‘f,,“pio,,§ 5,, mo ‘ _ for vnntet. Phone “.9 3.”... Aggie: wall lurmah ought be a 01 and ‘ad, __ ::._ —- —- -- __ WT l857¢reentnaftet-noooa. 275-276 wnfimaebrdfl-m'¢°,uu.1-,_ hudoggm ngcf e_ Wm’: _T__rT~ TT T T . T T T . . T T ——i - ¢.—_T.. gera0ct.8lat Ianhattan. The Ag- thatheha!b¢¢_fiN*dY"°“3h‘ Tg”'-ow "f " ...———-—— Lrvgmnquowg 7 .wAxT£D-1"" or now . ' ‘ nteam last year but for two 793"- o on -so -=- W -= no msnowonus . pow;-rful, fighting team at that. Dempsey axzned an 81'!"-'m°“ ' T , ththesoonerteam. Tggm Willa two yrraaleto anotherbonchof voun¢aurs.areex- offers were made 0? "“* - 2 to-make thine: hot {or con- was sencallv IIDd"“°°d ‘“"“ “V _ __ Kanaaa R9011-I word was around to all co?“ ‘ood'prospolcta for a aucceaaful aea- cerned that it would be l0“ 5' "n Egg 5% , . ' . son‘ and aa the Jayhaarlu have had w forget all al'>‘Tout the‘ parchoi [T % -T bad Qaeona for last two Icarus. meIt'thtca!I‘Ia*le§T°rk[:°:m‘uu;n ml Cduna. “kg. TTTTN-T ,.,.- . t - 4 . use nanoaaor. l i'§;”§§"?va7l-hu"t§."°¢cl?.'c:§: ¢§§u..."_'C§ e *7 4" 9"” d all ' noonswaxn-zn_n-oo:-thrupuputyuaurua. NaeiI1'l|'gerwhenitpermlttedRickal'd_l»°§TA __ —'f * ; 3- —— ,,,;,;.¢ ‘gun; 5, Aug.1.Phoue at deltvuy. more case the Demvaer-799° . . apfikurfi-A)-' ' a I t ~ ‘ , 1 ~ -‘ivy r v I‘I4: v :4 ’“r. K. TTT d n -.‘a‘-5 "';“O E _ .o; -:.*..o :t. \& -- ': y en’ . O . > ; . I - Jackal! -