I ‘u. M , e O A .4 n n I am. Reid is editor-oi the Fayette niece of Ur; W. I. Grant entertained informally lira. E. C. Clinltacalea. ‘Stewart Road. is visiting llr. and lira. Garth Ann’: Clinkacalen at New Franklin. Advertiser. 834 5| ‘ A .Woods. 508 ‘hsrner .__._j - uni. Johnston is an instfldof 1* llta. I-1. Sydney Stephens returned alver Iilitary Academy. ‘Thursday from Baltimore. lid., , ‘where shespentabe last man ‘ n b ; . .._——— Dam? 1‘ I’ V lira. H. ‘J. Waters, Jr.. returned Merrill Grif in 7'I‘bursday from a visit in Kansas uenin ct-win entertained last I City and St. Louis. geging wtthiatdance attheho . B. ~o-d - . Ira.B. Balter. Th an .. ,5... E2 4’ . —fia anflra G. W las. anor Casebdt. The were: ueameter. Hallene se 4 . Princes and liars’ (‘WWW- Viviaa Vaughan. Iti- Dans.‘ ‘,1-lather . Eve! nay liarti nrston. lloeozhr G Fania, liary-,and Iodelle Gnnnd Jaanitachristiamlico this morning. where she and Ienlo lolatson. Ir. and lira. ' visit a short time with her brother. Phili _Iiss Bub! _'l'ille)' of 1.1L weed-us of I H. prrefjndalou end .I"sth relatives. Elisabet Morgan. , _ Riechmann. I-‘lora Sixth Street. went to Warrenton this m.d¢ Otto Aufranc. PERSONAL ITEMS ‘ O 5 Dr. Florence L 598 IE!!! $0 . Griffin of Dal- Haiku-ille this morning on humness. 1 liaurice lioulder went to Kansas pm}, City yesterday to spend the week- _llary Chevalier left this morning Lyth. Eliza- ‘ for Denver when she will teach in 1; ‘O'Brien; the Byer's Junior High School this Anne r f_lll. Verse‘ Miss Helen’ Barnes. 105 South morning to visit her aunt, Mrs. R. riflin. aseuei 1. taker. lias Frances Miller went to lies- Lestlr Miller. Paul. W. C. Gibbs of the Migsoud ‘rt, lager. J T!IY- Bible College went to Salisbury this ner. Gafesne Riechmann, Philip morning to preach at the Christian Dawson. Stanton Case Will Church tomorrow. Miss Nannie Kemper, a student in the University this summer. is spending the weekend with h visiting «home folks at liéBaine this week. went to lioberly this morning. Joe Barton of Kansas City who spent the week here i visiting graldmother, lira. W. W. Barton, and ,bis aunt. lira. B.’P. Phillips, 0 V M ."n h ‘h- ’? 4'1"‘ 3 3- 3* "' *3‘ "' 1”‘ Hls.t°'l:>cian §"..;'.‘.'i'.."“5.z lpberly. -' '4" W ‘ ‘°""‘." wloihas been visiting her brother. "““““u"U ‘7°.n"7 "m J. 1'. Robinson. of Jeflerson City. 5" "" "fill °" ll’ w°°d‘ was in Columbia a short time this "'5" ' morning on her way in e. mi-.01. L Watts of liobaly is visiting at the home of Mr. and ,wm~ m_._»,,_ u_ 3",,’ ,,,,,g,,,, 1 Mrs.‘ Fletcher. «:24 North Seventh mu Iary 1). Jesse. who 5'~m*~ Mr- I-‘leteher is a brake- ‘Iron A. . “union”, ‘n "P". You the Wabash Rat Ber join in &lorado.' . . Iargaret ‘.Elnea. Dumas A has as guests. Hrs. E.J. Home of White- nnd Ir. and lira. Garth son. Garth. Jr.. oi Quin- ..D. E. Thomas and lira. Thomas lat-ll rs. S. li. Bryson‘ and daughter. mt F°n:'in: : lira.’ Etta Hoflman, who have been prtwant a picnic supper “.5\'ilitln8 at the home of lirs. Bry- .son‘a daughter. lira. liarion Groves ioi near Columbia, returned this . E. Dsosnas left. Wednes-I mos-nim: to their home in Centralia. ‘ AT THE HOSPITALS Boone County. llrs. Carrol H. Sapp was admit- ted yesterday. liiss Winona charged ys-steeds . University. libs Jean Bruner waa__,admitted he’ I-‘ranklin was dis- S'- __ - today. an, r. 1»; icr.-.--,-.e, Jr_,i liiss Mary Rose Harrison was ad- miztod yesterday. —_ Ilrning Home by Auto. and . SERVICE _ ALWAYS C Jimmie ’s- College Inn . W H ,i .and rs. R. L. Reid ' , daughter. of Keokuk. Ia., who have ‘ , been visiting Mr. and Ira. William Reid, 1400 Paris Road. for the last few days. left yederday for a motor trip to Kansas City. Joplin and the Ozarks before ' to their home in Keokuk. .__.j.——:— ‘ha’ a Hissourian want ad. lira. ‘Ihrner Clinkaeabs and Hrs. sarunnar JULY 25,1925 ,, s ' sfisos 'seeseest:etgeste-e.eatnn- w 3, ,,,,, ,,,,...,.,...,.,,..' .. ,, ,INH£lIGll'lCAl..l..b¢'g.wboelaitasteb'eadsagHu' Atthechurches . g,,',‘_',,,,,.;;,,,,,,,,,,,_,,.,,,., w -an-stone we: lost "o',f',,,,°°"""""‘,, , mu. ,, .e. . 3“ ‘“v"°-‘N ‘ ° ";"““"“§' Jliascrsbtroetolobn .'|v-Iluu-I. , ~ sues-eelseesesat. n°"'““"”'°" 'btlag8Iastlss. 11-vs-I-ntseae-.t.etseew.iey 1-seesmseeteei-su5eu.:teteeJ’°"-""‘3“"‘l‘l .1 ' _ @mm*wr'M,1"..'lll9O¢IchthOI8Xn|tthe3I'II-‘chur¢hnII§lOo.h. ' 33! I'll‘! 80- “R Beard VII hswenateet 10:0 «meet su-cue The uumun service wlllnot be heldeif or 3175747; on." . ‘’''‘'‘'‘'‘'''‘'' lntrsdnoedbyHrs.Blankanbergto°iii--moi-sssesvsee I .....I...... ...‘°‘ ' 'i‘ “"”°" IDNIDN, July 2b.—«Endand's~m" Ii-“ha u‘pu_t ,,_,_,_.__,,m__”,- u,:;;';';'_m ‘_mm_L"-u-"W"-“ jtrlbutors tothe standings! nlillionanda pswe- at ‘he , u.d‘l"w°'bo0 ea.“ eeseteeeoetssseeteet. -‘ t a The intermediate and .ee5ee'npeeeu.I““¢ "1 ‘GNU! IHIIIGIII 9.‘,-;,,‘g.,..u.§g.¢5,..dd¢5. u‘3""t’ “mu” ’;:fi‘h-talbt.iilAl.“'wlllbethesub- ltId’usnwillbehe|dat1'p.m. ‘passeugeroarsandgraia. neetaoeewm gust-euyxe "“"' °""n_‘ ° "’°°"' ,._1f_“;',*,‘"~1;',§.;’¢;_:- ‘_‘*_°';-'"-§'_-_"-°;"*;~'*"*;*;':.;;: Thetanlsadlngsoatasin gardadasavietof! 7'50! oundlauwuuu'md'i‘-asesvu:-atteeaees.ueauettees.£’r...:¢e.ii::t. vuldfeeeeaei-e-""°Y“|'5|‘il9°l"-1&9 theyobtainedths miuowncfmnuan‘ n I ' Ill-sac-cues-iuesseeeetaeree-:ree..ie. ‘quarter were:-1'etas.liowY '°""'.',‘f,::°',,“,".'.' ' “"“"‘ '°“ “‘ eaten’ Illlnst sue‘: Q-sbt:-ee's ior- "" °"' “ "" """“ *0 .»..........i I. §""“'C""m“"". 2 0? - 3 _ _ ' 1 Q1. oflll, I, khkll. c. out lord at an &",,,,,,,,,,,_,"'°"d'" n, “fin ,, mhitrw :..°...".".t"i..."'i'."'§:..1.:.'i:I .7: 8"” " """' " "°:ouo, and Virginia. The total (fie ‘duh-‘h’.'h“ ng“ ‘m Conn“, ‘t u" um.’.‘e b :‘;:‘U?hat&B Y l’.U.a.erviee .IOVIlII worship will taheDlIeeat'l0:d-'-1.”?-1 of the Unjgfi I-WI the -“-9” -M MW": -n. n...... .’n."I'£'.' .'.°.'...."' “ 7 °‘.....““".'Z’..1'°'..i;...f“I..J'i.'l".i".7§l.-".I..fZ'.f.IIIT"l"’f""‘!E"""¢ ”“".° ’.“°°- *‘“‘"*- 3" °i leged together long enough to got this cum" concession, whidt was viewed in‘ 0 Eu!" .??Q_.——-.— ...n.. quu-ten .. ,..a..,.. ... ....{naA1-u smernaca Nnm.nc'ran tering wdege for an improvement, in the situation. 9 leantitae the trade union con!er- L, once which opened here yesterday: hard Daysetisrkaeeatlsa. Uailnd Pr‘: . OKLAHOIA CITY. Okla.- flble ur-9-wlori-eat crisis. the h‘!t?eath cell at steaieetex. and John- l>°’¢1"| "°“1d- ‘say, who. the state said. must die Delegates represented 6,0lIl,000 June 19, still is alive. skilled trade workers. They were Jghmy mg.“ 5", “W4 mug- Ctllfid M39312!’ 57 A. B. 8'*.NAnlt.ly had not Jackson county real- presldent of the Trades Union Con- 5.3;. heating; 5;. my neat. to discuss the (T390 Imem- asked Gov. ‘IV-app‘if Jobnnyhad been Pl°Y|Mfli Iimltiol “TN ° executed and Gov. Trapp did not is unprecedented," said Swsles. know a opening the meeting, “but the con- ditions of the workers also is um and ‘ham the Cu. 5“ M ‘Wu; was on file there. The penitentiary was 3°_ _ . “Sure, Johnny still is here.” the “limit to the endurancevaod ior: "mm" of v vd_ °1 '1" '°’k'“' Vhn‘ “° Court: will pass on the question of H""“"“'°"' lad" °.’ '3‘ “°”“‘i whetheniohnny can now be electro- ployed, suggested that a great na-—cut,d_ tional march the unemplqyed be‘ --———e———-— on Lo on. coinciding with n: win Be School Superintendent. 24-hour stoppage of work. ' ' The 431159? P!!!'P0se of the conven- , work in the University last winter. tion was to demand that the British; 5;; been gig.-ad gap“-inundeng of government make an immediate so-j school; at I-‘open City, lution of the grave unemploymenti situation. The latest oficial figures; 4 show more than 1.800.000 out of ' work. I liormal ‘unemployment runs be- tween 3 and 4 per cent but mem-; bers of the conference said today; that it had never been less than 10: -- __..3 S UNDA Y Four-Course Chicken A_4_4A_-.._‘_-A‘4......4_ I l S Ie-8ol1h»D8"‘'°l“"*'- ""1 “"°“' 1 r cent since 1921 whil it now’ ,; . _hv rclyde Gilbert. and in Hallxfllseési‘ Quiunba. Band‘ “ 12 pg. “,',L e E 3 Dinner . . em. ———.-—— r)’. a student in the University. wm‘ °”""pl‘f7“~°“‘ P“ 3°“ ‘p .77‘ ' ' -‘ firs. W. C. fiifenden. 1018 Bar‘ went to her home in Hallsville this "“,“’ d°‘’‘“° "' "”°‘"" ‘'7 '‘3°‘_‘. . . e. an“. - y mom"! to ‘pend the ',eek_end paid. In 1920. the annual wage bill” withadinaerinhonor other nwt.h- H Guitar. Jr.. of St. Louis ‘,"-' "°'°°°'°w'°°° 'hn‘ M‘ l‘ l"" ¢r-U.l‘3-’- l’~ ""l’l“-""° ""°‘1' """“" "“"“"' ‘° ‘l’°"“ ’*"°‘ ma. °v"—-o:—-“'o°o'ooo'°oo' On the corner—on Your . emu; lur slit!-fifth llifflllly weeks-end .wtth his mother, lirs J . '; “K: Ur.andHrs.W.C H mm. Apgftmeng; (X.AB’I'R§ “Y dunk. ; am 3’. m ‘TI. J. P. “Elle G_. n, ‘on. fay ’ “"::‘ ’ Dr. c. L. '3-rm. Home N the Wabash Railway. who has been *"°¢°‘ “'''l‘'“'" °“'''- ‘° 3° L’! Us ‘ BOSTON. July 25.—'l'he basis oI.< ‘t claims of a Tuba. kla.. woman!‘ ‘ 6 ‘C ’ """" "‘ that she is the daughter er'tne;+ ~ - ’ V '- lateLottaCrabtreelstobesuh-. The 3 I I 5 5 i 6 I 5 I. r s D i l I l r > i O I r I 5 I acted to chemical analysis. A chemist has been summoned to? j BrOad”IOre' Cafe analyse ink on the flyleai of a Bi-lj; ble to have been handed ' 4 44¢.” v We Frankly P ? Admit, —that no meal iscomplete unless you get the proper courteous service that every lady and gentleman expects- no matter how delicious the meal may be. That is why we say eat at the Col- lege Inn because courtesy is the first requisite we stress on the part of our waitresses. In addition, we strive to give you the best.of service, and the “.5 C“. best of foods. It PRANIH-Y , Chicken Dinn r at Jimmie‘: tomor- SAY — row will be y enjoyable and you Coujrrgoug won't regret it. » ORCHESTRA PLAYS DAILY CutDownYourGralnFeed And Increase. I p .’the I'- J . '. ,tokeepyouriloclroi,.lIyinslt'ensattlIcI|Ua'kof . in-ndncuonom-tngttae sumniermonthsandln, i0oI_lcondit'ia1ts'£all|I7in¢},Sl . 3 liootbwmashwillldllaflltsswllstor Awhidslad-RhgIuhiaaoweI'knowI.__‘l"0.’h;Il! conditioned. teea,1tan.nnia.ne,eh._ _ é ‘ an}. ,4 ‘V ‘\' , hold threw th-t if the sown-: Somebody forgot all about Johnny 1 I001‘ The criminal court of appeals was‘ A. W. Hayes. who did graduath " . . "- ~ — ‘ t—r--—-A-4-e--4:-e-oestesaeJ..L¢§ - .—gq-g,-yr—-wnv-vw'- e ,. .. _ . ., . ‘ ' 4 .‘ . 1'50 evening services will be held in 7 p with '1-nun! oi the union rs-rvies-1 at the rhautatr nd Price Au-sue. uua trot STAT!-2 'l'RAl)E‘lSVila4.42l.845 ‘ oven y . ins bubs at 0 o'clock. The Sunday school. : ioruodn ands-rt|.heltasatI:80a.n:. flit rudiag room. at 21! taebange Na- ‘mallank Bolldllltbqs-ssirolnltso 3 o'clock daily. aaoevt Sundays and legal holidays. “"'“"" aouri led thirty other states and >Bibls srhool will be at 9:30 a. m.: morn- llc hjeet BEST HAMBURGERS in town at the. Square Deal Lunch Room I Phone 1537 602 Bdwy. s o'clock. Batten meetings of the omen‘- Couneil will be held Friday afternoon at 8o'e The chance is that she’ll HARRlS’.” so many others who come here, knows the delights of a HARRIS’ Sunday Dinner. I a-waiting for her and you at l-lAR- 313'. llilardandsison 's«a booth , -_ .—__... -_._ Sunday at 004 nnealIla.ni.1'nes\fi.ieetoithe|es- ,0.-([.[-‘|o.g_ 7 will be ‘Tenth. . , th fl t 1‘ ' D. litssouria exports {or 1' fl l ‘Doe cimetun nnaeeeoe will be held at 3 ‘filo . It. iamou ted to 81.250.769.000 as com- red with! for the ‘tint three months or 1924. 1 ————¢——-—-—- lll be no evening worship on as-- ‘ P. Booaville Girl Vidts Here. I — ll’ V rgna H ' I Boon A: (‘osers 8' liontll l‘eriod—liiaaostri'aj i, U‘: are“ of :22” 0 Largest zstrtet of W. A. NORRIS. X. D. F. B. llober ccht. 401 South Fifth Street. City Health Com. ,.a_:_... _ Buick for Sale Six-cylinder Buick touring car. ent mechanical condition. ce IE. 8350. 'n- uer leaving town. ‘Call 1016 white. 0 e '0 h “nu, u "m N _ “ regions for the period state-d,.uit I d the ‘av. I. HI filters , _ ‘The Pbe oi Doctrine la the Christian Be- ’ X L$““‘$$“.l“‘.I‘%-;.I.l.I'l.l.IH L‘ Whisper “Sunday Dinner?” to Her B ITIUIOI say, “Yes, if you take me to- And she’ll have just rea-;: son for asking it, for she, like? quarter of 1925 were 814,424,345, asf: _ compared to 814,613,291 for the last’ - three months of 1924, and 813.697,-, 165 for the first quarter of 1924. ac-| cording to statistics given out by‘: ’ the Department of Commerce. llis-I ‘P TIRES » Weatillhavealargeslockoitlresattheold FUNK BROS. |_ Phone 817 an “I'D 0"7U!av— vv lwvvvvv ._—_—gw-r .. 4 FOR SALE TRIS BEAUTIFUL HOME ON STEWART ROAD A real home. beautiful trees, hardwood floors. four ‘ rooms. fireplace. kitchen. large pantry on first floor. 4 Four rooms and study on 2d floor. two rooms on 3d. bathroom and shower bath. , Splendid terms-—ior particulars see .,I H. R. WALKER REALTY CO. 1: 1 Phone 1917 green ' TII{i‘I;3WSm 704 Cherry St. wvv-vvw--o I‘! I‘-C’U U*'.'9‘U‘ Nowell Bldg. ~o 'e'u"e'L'e'lu'|n'e%'e'e'e'e's'|-1n'e1n'e'e'e'e"s'e'e% ‘duct Vwwwvww THE SIGN SUG- GESPS ‘[0 YOU asyourideh,-thatPfl’lIlPl'll" radiator of your ear is not in the best oi shape and that pg stop by our place and have your ra- diator put in perfect conditlon._ It will be best if you do not want your ;s_ngine' to overheat and give (out trouble. H. J. GRIBBLE' Plsntvldi -24H. 0th St. Bven “Grand-Daddy” Finds Delight In- , FROZEN GOIZMDWW both old and young. Tryit, either at your favorite fountain in quart carton or two tonight. ‘ / Verily, the creamy richness and wholegome purity of Frozen to happily satisfy many tasty specials, or take home a Specials For Tonight and Sunday: ' , " BRICK Vanilla \ Vanilla-Chocolate V Vanilla Orange Ice * > ° Vanilla Pineapple Ice Vanilla Cherry Ice Peach Banana ‘ — 4 Tutti Frutti BULK (in Sealtizhts) Vanilla Chocolate Peach ‘ ” ‘ A _ ‘-4- A 4 vv Wt‘q..e.aseesee.~‘. " O‘ o