‘ii ., E‘ E7 a = is irigiaii E. E 0 0 .,, J 2.; of _ -_ I u .i . ». - i. t V -. I 1 , I -' 4 s mar “ii E3? . 52%; iii? 3 5 2.! ii iii. 9. s ' ..ii“4 if 5 5'5‘ 532%: 2% 3”’ in ‘E 3 if is 3;;-ii; 3 §c§?ri'i i :3 E3 . at .5 gig if 5.7 gs 5. g‘ F iii: 2 .§ E?‘ iii? ii? Eigglg; %‘§°§l ii is i a. .3 last {our months at the signed. He will _ ph\vlrereh:willtakeaposi- tion at the Robidoux Hotel. V1191‘? llexioo ledger. there 4 been a te his summer. ill the north and ea .part'of tlm country the ccrn is suf- fering from lack of moisture. _ Stark Named Director .: niiiuert‘ Imzvnitel Press. 3 Ksn.— Airthur .1.Awarm‘cs. Stark. Kansas A ‘t i E 2 S srruxnes nnsxncn names ————--1' Page in Ibis-rless at-rm Osb- ‘ A bed Ice in Wales. 3 U ltsd 55$. , l N, July 30.—8ands_ of coal miners in local strrlccs went forth early tofiy and — numerous collicries in the ° Arnrnansford Valley. 1 4 In six hours sitter midnight. eitlll word from Cardiff. Before the clu armed men the police Inf! P°'l"¢f° less. ---Z-O-1"'—" To Take Position in St. Joseph. George R. Northcutt,‘ who for the ands has been day clerk ne Tavern. has re- leave today for St. _ l formerly with the Hotel Densthbfel there. will take 5 place. Mr. ‘ _ rrheniu!or1ned‘by the United Puss — the mm Bays Aadrain Os. Corn Needs Rain. The Aadrain County corn crop will be seriously injured up some rain in the near 1 cording td a statement made in the South of Alietiro Valley half in 1923- » .. iii ‘in? crsto '8 93.8 E :_;fi§s 8 an risiigs N market. naflve steer! steady; D15‘?! 15. $558.10; yoarlins are of wheat .50@3-50:.signrnctIts are holding up i iii? E 3% crop n tor wired a local shi had canvassed most of New ' , 1.07; Se 1.03%; Dec..- ‘lru ‘ pt‘ ’ ‘corn. buyers low the M Oats were under pr-euure fro hedgcrs and they had diflicurty a 154 taining last night’s closing in-cl on Wheat (r_ed)—No. 1. $l.63@l.6-I; Later was sr. LOU! ‘July 3o.—F-ems-— First country candied. 28@30c. Butter—Creamery extra, 43’,~&c; , 34c. Poultry-—l!ens, 16¢; turkeys, 28c; sprints. 26:; ducks, 18¢; geese, 12c; , 1 Chcese—Northern twins, 2l¥éc. I sunusn wnnxr AND come 01‘ The temptation to take profits lower and a rally followed and sup. ceived a week I80- port was uncovered on the breaks. (‘F8 801d at 314 TN!!! 919 3381"- A week ago today best hogs went con, over at 314.10. Sellers had about 03;. 194130 hogs held over from the Congestion in July Wheat and followed the trend of wheat. had an easy tone. Provlsiqns received no . lxCount's rneslltt llinx 05 3”‘ &atcbewan wheat being ready to ut in ten days hd local export- worry over Canadian com- fpotition. They said that new Harri- gobg wheat, if hpn-est starts that early. can be laid do“! in M03331 rumoxsz. srocx YARDS. 111. for export Sept. 80 or will ttle—§ceipt-I. 2000: clearance from the Gulf by St?‘- The country sold only a few to arrive but eon- as indi- um.’ ;4,5o@5.5o; eanners and cut- ester] 15- estimated reeelph of 276 tens, 82.50@3.50; wmi 31l~35@‘c;is. -Sentiment in ti: mar-ketat‘ . 11.50; stockers-and fdcders. 85506, the rnoent favors_.a Dd” 6.50. ' ?tion. Weather was cool vlfi lkit‘ 11 9000; !narket,lshowe'rs over parts at the North 10: higher; heavy, sx3.so@u.1s; American spring wheat belt. ‘ medium. 813.9s@u.:s: lizht. 818.8%!‘ @1435; light lights. 813.50@l4-30:1.-a.rly. but appeared to be std-ins g sows. 811.T5@12.60; plxtgselllng at the top. 1435- T houses bought September early rig sales caused a setback‘ ' late. Beneficial showers over Ne- braska led to selling of the new . 1. Cornalsowasclioppyululyactad eastern outs in cornpetitiye territory. Ship- 'ng sales are of moderate value. Provisions were higher because of early buying by packers and use ———+ STEADY VALUES ON HOGS 'l'Il0l'GH SUPPLY LARGE Best Steers 5c Hidner at other top on the m year I'll!!! 93)’ '9'“ ‘° “"99 F°“' lets as examples of work for the sood . kct. Cows and heifers sold fairly one hock was "The Pied Piper." well were stead and bulls also held I! U"€l“"‘8°d Missouri" with illustrations cut from price levels. Fresh supply Of C31‘ rotogravure sections of newspapers. B1 tle was posted at 8000. P°i"“- 75° lul-i"¢f l°""‘b" V9.79 The class in l’rirnar'y Ilandiwork steady of these 801"! ll‘ 315-5“ made many dolls and toys. Stock- Qudllty WIS plIlY|- Ffidlflfi llmbfi five-pointed tree tu'igs.\\'cr‘dressed were £17003. 861110 205“: if) $15-135 to represent Santos. clowns, mam- and aged sheep wcntto killer: at rnies. tlappers, an artist. a bride, steady to strong. and other characters. ,.\lost of the ..__.....__Q.—._——.—. To Market Lambs Aug. l:'r. ' —— ———-— -— ~ Commission will bqin to move to market about Aug. 15 and runs will continue un- winter ranges in Nnvcmlic-r. Br» ‘ cause of excellent range conditions. an unusually large perc('ntag't- of ‘true lambs will be in prime condi- - .tion averaging around 78'to I-1.’- pounds each.’ . pper that he being reluctant to fol- vance. pled with the latest government < chop report have sent spot cotttm .. prices up. Picking is well under ts’-l;ac)'b¢i;IL the .<()t.Ll’ltl'Yl di:%l.rl('la or Tiger Studio today in the want ad section. up‘. some reaction with gram ed. ea ‘.5. no a. 9, ,. .rv.v"Yv'V (‘His-non ‘ is they were to pay pteady. three hugdfgd pieces to show lorits sw"_ ad .0, . some I003 h?“ ‘an’ “ summer‘: work. including sewinli mpyigj were also made this term. 812.70 and choice P18‘ 3°“ l'° flower-hanging. and waste baskets: ‘rbetotal enrollment was NF. ml!"- . e’. . -V ‘ s ’_e.:r.,'_L;.r ..:;:~':-fig: ' ' ‘ M M e '1 , - . .‘ O‘ we flu wag, “gym .A1L5®D EXHIBIT ’ suitedtodelililt c‘lhL‘l:l!:;:f 111?. . , U -_ _ .4.»-H w‘; were forwarded to hit‘ l‘-“rm gm, 5... pug to mil“, ,0, ha. 3;-esserpgthe other 1925 {all st_yles~.d°..- . _ , 1 ~ - from other trading points- . fig; . 099,- ‘ sprite flaked withtlorm .-,m'. f .l ' 3&1"-l"fi"""'°"'d""°u‘°°d Aconti' nuous'laI!‘ecr-owdattulll‘aotuuslldsnolronapowderbof.ltlll-t0‘tlIel*0llo\!tliestoeklC~’v g, acted an-s-N were issue sure. our ed a... industrial artaexhlbit inthe, ,, .g..., . yea and uaeximp an: . - ~-- ifsioffi pr-imelithtllill!-'-5"""""°’ Ge Buildiagfr-era3to50'-‘thegormofarsooden ancn¢t0i'- . A trade Iesderth-t urine good pectin: I-on sold in 1, yafternoolliandfrom 1,, compleuly furnished _doll- noun-014012;‘?-Ir; - netor-icty‘eeI'l!.2l' 8122531150. Bk '3" "°““E 7 to 9 o'clock last night. houses made of packing boxes, at ._ 9., Q, I m ' . Pbsas urn rm. _ m a. so st. dIvv'0V(f*1F* f -‘-‘."' '. o 4:-4' br.dzc. 18bl¢. floor» lml l>°“d°l" ly persons who expect to teach pr? 1. . . 13.50. Cattle trade was strong 10 15° lamps: sandwich trayfi I 39"“? msry grades. higher for the best SW9“ "bile sand, and a clothes hamper. Man! I oghgf W!!! ‘b°“l~ ‘““l"' were woven with bright-colored raf- fia in original patterns. The hand-printed and‘ bound book- ii ii. is yearlings were on the mar- higher grades attracted attention. and steady values and feeders which was illustrated ivith original to stronrr. CHM?” sketches. Another was “Scenes in Other work by the class in Inter- "I always enjoy working with the ,teachers, for 1.1;)’ I;‘en50"nlt;)l.'l'Ibbll'l .:rnest." slld l3?‘ 4 3 - O 3' o e ‘ industrial -"1: db“.- a plis .7" bed a 2rcat.de'al this 0.“ an,“ and have dofine It in in Her) -8 ¢- .“ i.‘ 3 factory or y. ...___—4-———-—— “firolutiou Coat" Now Out. United Prom. CHICAGO, July 30.-—'I‘hc “ci'olt-- About 12.000 sheep and lamb! af- rncdiatr Handiwork included post- lion coat." a smart wrap for b0ulc— 18 8. lfi ‘C- rived st the local yards §'BSwrd$)' ens. cardboard boxes. balancing toys. vardprornensdes, made of monkey and of these the biz lilllerfi hid mechanical toys. three-ply animals, less than~l000 trom other tradimr and is puppet show. V0506’!!! WW0 W981‘ W 25C 0"-' ing dolls. and tn-ii! dolls. mode from a a.g_a;L..A-.4.A.4_.. Western Colorado and Utah larnbs Pictures of ' - - o~s..a.a..o. - I~s s s s-s s s~'. o »F-LO!-I rs. A . Never "Grow Up 0 Make an appointment ._-..,.._. - _. - . , . Spot Cotto: Prices rp. . :"-‘'°‘" ''°'''° " 3°" ‘"'°’ Heavy rains in the southeast (‘nu- See the uflcrorl Phage 2214 #4 I I -- -,.--_-,,,,,,....- 'C"DC‘.‘ C‘. ‘.‘v ‘VT .*r V Yards-—Few Good Year- ’ on Market. It gs While the supply of hosts was a little off from the high point of the week. however; but sellers were able to stop -‘ the ,values. Fresh supply was posted at 5,000 against loss than 13.000 st Wednesday. says the Con- ket and this accounted for the 5°l‘d‘u"‘l P"°”' frequent reactions from bulges in Th9 ‘-0181 ll» Dfimlpll ml!'l!‘1‘l5 out above the number re- Choiee hitch- s/u-vs-s.v rvv 2'/‘ dccline- in . I T- '. .- D .- strong. 4 _ Bullish feeling’ in wheat today was not strong cnough_ to buy wheat on the bulges and in this lay the cause of the choppy price trend. On its support r I livestock specialty Joab & Jahe Su 1180 or 2034 801' I named director of physical ed- ucation at Haslmll Institute. Stark was all-Missouri We still have a large stock of tires at the old W 1§UNK BROS. 704 Cherry St. Milk _ Production 5‘ . .l'C"..‘ . . yusg i“"White4 Wé1y'°Feed” When ho weather. scant grass and flies cut down D I O-|'|O C O I O«O1