0‘ *~'tg;.°,fr:1='. ‘Floyd of Kansas ca-._y. ‘ “"“'*.?"***"-A ' < - --——--you-u-—--—————-»——..--V--—-~ -——— ‘ ., . . - .._ .. - - ’ W . . - O I '1 .s - ~ . ': - . I ‘, .. _-, r 6 '. IO‘ . ,0 ‘u ,. - ' Guy L. Noyes. A relatives and close friends. ‘ < < . ‘. _ . - l‘ L K "L_...o.-§"“"“"' i of F l Day Luncheon ‘at Country Club ' .i:.A.1.ogan.andMiss u:dMiss Stella Strawmat ' Ladies’ Day lunclieon_ at the y . ’Country Club toda . _ 3": c, , entertained J1,-3, M. V. Powell, Mrs. John Kirk- rib:-lde and Mrs. Joe Estes. 1’ Mrs. Berry McAlester entertained ‘Mrs. .1. o. Hockadalf. -hrs. C. W- ’mue-. Mrs. J. P. Mcllaine. Mrs- ,E. S. Stephens. Mrs. Stanley Smith, ?.and Mrs. G. M. Mauzhs. ’ Mrs. H.-S. Bill had as her guests Lotta. and Mrs. Ellis. ' Mrs. Boyle Clarks' guests f or the iluncheon were lMra. Ralph Biclzley.‘ mg“ Mary Cauthorn. Mia-. Turner ‘cunkgcales, Miss Emma Crawford. uid Mrs. Vance Vandiver. 3,,’ _ . st-ling entertained the following: Mrs. D. D. Moss and ‘guest Mrs. Millard Faulkner, Mra. Sfiney Calvert. Miss Laura Mon. .Mrs. Otto Deston. ‘as Blur-or ‘Keeley and Miss Catherlne Calvert- ’ Miss Laura Stephens ‘(I as ‘her ' ‘guests Miss'Helen Houston of han- 333 City,‘ Miss Virginia Hunt. . Pita. Julia Lcfevre and 808“. ‘"33 l éubetii Jameson and Mrs. P. Jilynn. - ‘ Mrs. Dudley Conley hid 35 3°95“ I ’ Mrd. C. W. Furtne)’ ' Mr‘ H. A.’Larue. Mrs. James Cau- ' and Mrs. Mary Detweiler. Mrs. C. W. Digges entertained in nor of Mrs. C. W. Digges. Sr.. of loomington, Ill. The following guests were present: Mrs. Kate Con- ley. Mrs. Turner Gordon. 134 "T3- Nowell had as her Clarence Lightncr. MP8- ‘rt, and Miss Madeline Mrs. John 3'91" 1” Danton. . _ ' Mrs. E. B. Branson entertained ea. Sam T. Bratton. 1111- 3- E- Brown and Mrs. James Williams. 3 Reservations were Jlso made b)’ Mra.A.G.Spetic¢l‘ hndu her. . Mill! ; -Sabra Niedcrmeycr. Mil! Mir)‘ 5,12’ "Elites-tail ‘us in Honor‘ A ridge yesterda Miss Willie Faith of Cal- houn.wholsthe guest of Miss Edith _ Payne. The’, guests were Mines Mary Tandy, Vera Jordan, Edith Payne. Frances Stewart and Mics Willie Faith. V The guest prise was awarded to Miss I-hithand the high score prise to Miss Frames Stewart. llllargaret Fithian to =_ Wed Chas. Heite, Jr. ‘daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ;Fithianlof Kansas City. is to § married on Sept. 8 to Charles Heite, ~?Jr. ' *2 Miss Fithian is a graduate of *Chri;tian College and of the Uni- ! versita. She is a member of the P; iBeta Phi sorority. Mr. Heitc was ; also a stucknt here. and is a mem- I her of .the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. 0 SF’ Dr. and Mrs. Hu h P. Muir, 402A College Avenue. left y for motor trip to Sedalia and Kansas City.’ While in Sedalia ey will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Reeves. and in Kansas City they d will visit Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Muir. They expect to be gone about two weeks. Mr. Mrs. Grant Wyatt and and Mrs. Dean Wyatt, 411 Christian College Avenue. returned to “their home in St. Louis Sundayafternoon. Miss Helen Wyatt accompanied them home and will he the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wyatt. and Leslie. are accompanying Judge. and Mrs. James F. Green and son, Mrs. H. A. Doty, Miss Eleanor Ta)‘- ior. Mrs.’ O. M. Barnett, and Miss Pearle Mitchell. ‘ bliss Ida Pearson to Wed New Yorker ' ‘rhe,eng-agenient of Miss Ida Rhea Pearson of Mexico. Mo» 804 3391 Cochran of New York City was an- nounced recently at a breakfast giv- by a friend of the- bride in lluochester, N. Y. The weddint '5“ take place early in September at tunaet in St. Mark's Church in New York and will be attended only by . , s gradua_ Synodlcal College and the Uni- vcrsity of Missouri. is the daughte if the Rev. and Mrs. Pear- son. She is a-member of the Beta Sigma Omicron and Chi Omen 80- ioritiea. Miss Pearson was a stu- Denishawn School of p bride. will leave 'soon {or New York. . Nowell: to Leave an lllotor Trip Tomorrow * Mrs. W. B. Nowell and daughters, Louise and M 1111. W- _B. Nowell, Jr.. and small daughter Dorothy Ann. will leave tomorrow {or a two-weeks’ motor trip.« ' ._ They will visit Frank A. Icckel in Cleveland, 0., for a short time and then will 30 lo Buffalo. N. in Pagnlfl party wfll visit Niagara Falls before , home by way of Cleve- enter- : ofclock. trip through Wisconsin and Minne- sota. They expect to spend a few weeks at a lake resort near St. Paul. ‘ Members of the Columbia Ki- waais Club will entertain this eve- ning from 6 o'clock until 7:15 o'clock with ,a swimming party at the High- way swimming pool. After the party a picnic supper will be served to the members and their guests. Miss Helen Angel! and Miss Ro- mola Walters with J. P. Legett of ge. and W. Sherman Harder of New, York City motored this monies to Carthage. when they will be guests at the'Legett home for ten days. 'A. W. Selby and his daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. A-. B. Bullard, who motored to Canyon City. Pueblo and Colorado Springs, have returned home. Mrs.*B. A.’ Watson. accompanied by her grandson, Berry Allen Wat- son, returned home Saturday eve- ning from Manhattan. Kan., where she has been visiting for ‘several weeks with her son. Laws Watson. Miss Gertrude Wayland has re- turned from a month's or ington, Niagra Falls, Toronto, Mont- real and Quebec. . William Grinstead of Oakland City,‘ Ind.. arrived Sunday evening to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grinstead, 1621 Hinkson Ave- sue. I Mrs. A. J. Bass and her sons, Doi-sey.and A. J. Jr., accompanied by Miss Allie Crews left Sunday for Alexandria, Minn., where they will spend August. - The Margaret -Elwang Circle of the King's Daughters will meet with Mrs. J. S. Hubbard. l(l1'Bass Avenue, 'Ihuraday.afternoon at 3 . Chloe Jordan, Lucille Chevalier. I hour‘ of Detroit. . -Miss Margaret Elisabeth l-‘ithian; Mrs. Leslie Green and sons. James d Herbert, of St. Louis on a motor «in W. never iu-.1'uaaé: Atteaild Y. M. C.«A.,Osafereaceu up Gray, lflch. ms home 1 Glenn W.‘ religious leaders at this conference: were: David R. Porter,-Miss Bruce Knight, social worker of England. Dr. Richard Roberts of Mont:-eal,. Bruce Curry. and Rinehardt Neigh-' Mrs. Hovey and her son, Robert, remained at Storm ‘Lake, and will be there during August. PERSONAL ITEMS Shannon Louis tod'ay. Dean F. M. Tisdel went to St. Louis today. Miss Helen Challis left yesterday ‘for St. Louis.‘ Henry Luke went to New London this morning. Miss Margaret Scheqrich went to St. Louis today. Wayne Sharp left this for New Orleans. Robert Acuff went to St. Louis today on business. Mrs. Rebecca Riggs was here to- day from Sturgeon. Morton Pruitt. of Centralia spent yesterday in Columbia. Ii. W.~Wilder of .Chica8° “'33 here today on business. W. F. Gilman returned home at Vvheaton todav. George C. Motley. left for l home at Bowling Green this morn- in . ‘Mrs. J. F. Flowerree and daugh- ter Ruth went to Kansas City 90- Mountjoy went to St. morning ‘to his 37- . Miss Blanche Drew and Adeline ‘Hoke went to Sumner. 350.. today to 'sit. _ . Mrs. N. Givens - of Gallatin went to Kansas City today to visit her son. Mi Luthcra Woodburiv‘ “'88 5979 yesterday from Kansas City on bnsintfit ' Miss Opal Baughn returned yes- terday from a two-weeks‘ vacation in St. Louis. _ _ Frank Hunt is constructing a five- room brick-veneered bon88l0W- 0" Sexton Road. Miss Freda M. Crews. bookkeeper at the Conley Myer! 38113. 13 0" her vacation. - _ Jerry Thorn has left for St. Louis i ' tudy Miss Virginia Harris, 605 West Broadway. went to St. Joseph this morning to spend a few days- Mrs. C. E. Stephens of St. Louis went to visit relatives in Moberly after spendinz the summer here. Prof. M. F. Miller of the soils de- partment has gone to Central Lake. Mich.. to join his family for a va- cation. ' is; Frances Heathman of the Extension Division of the Universi- ty is visiting her parents at Arm- strong. ‘Miss Mary Boothe. 201 Sexton Road. accompanied her niece. Miss Virginia Boothe, to East St. Louis today. ‘Miss Claiabelle Rubottom re- turned to her home in St. Louis . ‘ v ’ ' ‘ ' - . ' ' 1. ‘ I . . . . (.31 - . . .. - ' - — “- ‘."” ‘.2 = -“'-‘c.’ * ~-:~--’ 7.. - . - .' -"‘ .- '9 "A. -' I. .‘ ~‘-‘ . ‘ - .-‘I .’ - " . . .. . 7 : . . -- ' "Li " ' A '.* ' . "3-‘V " I '1 N ' " 7:!‘ ’-“‘ T ":’l' \‘-:' 1" - ". ‘ .' 4955‘ ‘.,9' ' “~ 2 :;-.- '?..'.~ 4. ‘-.-.3» '4" -'-Ta‘. ' 2.-I-."; '3-.t".‘--'.-“‘?;"‘.*' » ‘.3 *‘ ‘t ‘ ~ '3. " ’ ..~: ‘ -' "--‘” - 3;‘. J i’ ' l "‘i 3"" .- .. . .. _ - . ‘i Q P- . _ . 40-, ‘- . ~ , - .C-.---«. --q.,------- ‘I’ ‘ \ "- ..‘- . . .- - ‘n. . up r - .. ~..' ' ‘ "g s .. K“ ‘ Y‘ .. . -_‘ .’ .- . av‘ 70 a‘ ,‘. . ‘ 3, —_.‘_ *3. - ; .. . r ,‘ _ ,- 7 __ , H" '-T - _ g 1 "- ‘~ g ...‘ Q. .' , . . ‘ 77 ' xi“ " T‘ . Q . ‘W )3 .).“‘-I 9-. u'.‘. t: ' '1. I l‘ s .._‘ "j * ‘I ‘ _ e”. K I l ' H.‘ ‘C: ‘ “$7 — -' " .- 5- Z. ‘.7’. \ ‘ .‘ ‘ \ I :‘V . l " ‘ . ‘. ... . ‘ ' v ' _ _ - . I_. ‘ H‘ ’ . - ). 3 , ‘ ’. "1 ' I | . a . . .. ' -- T _ ~ . _ . ‘ 5 .1 ' - , - , ‘ . , . ‘ _ ‘ . l 9‘. ' .. ~ ‘t , . ‘ ' .é' ‘ t V— » -' _ , ‘ . . _ . - ' . . 0 - 5 ’ s~ '- . ‘$3 I " -4 " ’ ' E H v Q »- -' -; ~ - - ~ ' THE COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN ' 'f°'3P‘*ll|e.W_ash..tolivewithhar my ~.Elisa_beth mm. of c.-..—.—..i: varsity.- Miss Maxine Smith will leave to- night for her home. in Kansas City after visiting with the family of C. D. Sprague. 805 North Garth ' Avenue. Harry L. Klutz, who received a B. S. in Ag. degree in 1924, via- ited friends here over the week-end. Mr. Klutz is traveling for the Coda- hay Packing Company. . Mrs. Ralph T. Taylor of Long View, Wash.. went to Bowling She has been viaitirc her husband's mother, Mrs. Mary Taylor. Mrs. H. H. Myers and Mrs. C. E. Myers returned to their home at Center. Mo., this morning after spending the week-end with their brother, C. W. Tipton, 1200 Paris Road Miss Mary E. Stebbings of the College of Agriculture extension division went to Higginaville this morning to do some health work in economics agent. Over holser has returned ' after teaching anatomy summer session at the University of Colorado Medical School. e will be here until Aug. 20, when he will go to teach in the new Bellevue Medical School of New York_ City. Mrs. W. B. Clark arrived this aft- ernoon from Schenectady. N. Y.. to vis.'t her mother. Mrs. Maude Hig- ginbottom at the Boone Apart- gineering and is now in the employ of the General Electric Company at Schenectady. Mr. Clark is being transferred to Denver. however, and he will join Mrs. Clark here the middle of August. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will then leave, for Denver about Sept. 1. AT THE HOSPITALS v Green today to visit her mother.‘ . .» . 9.3’... .;,~_.-__ ._ =_ .4 co-operation with the county home to V is a graduate of the Coll'ege- of En- ‘in Boone County. Mrs. H. L. Shrader and baby were ‘admitted this morning. ' Mrs. E. C. Scott. Mrs. W. Foreman discharged this morning. Universiy Hospital. W876 mitted yesterday. {ant son were disc ged this morn- ng. V Miss Nancy Robinson was ad- mitted. . ___..___Q_.___._ WILL SPEAK AT CONVENTION H. Paul Beater. Banker. to Talk for Missouri Farmers’ Assn. H. Paul Beator, president of the Federal Land Bank of St. Louis and also president of the Intermediate Credit Bank which was established by the government two years ago. will speak at the Annual Convention Associa- tion at Sedalia, Aug. 24. 25 and 26. Mr. Béstor will discuss the ques- tion of fdmishing credit to co-opera- tive marketing associations. During the two'years of its existence the Intermediate Credit Bank has lent millions ‘of dollars to co-operative marketing associations. - -—_.—’-¢—.— > 1 1'1 .. Stone of Boonville. and Miss Lola Mrs. Emma Armstrong was ad- . r Mrs. Louise Armstrong and in- W PUESDAY! AUGUST 4. lSl25 .-5' «_ . ‘ 0 ~ ‘ j‘.‘._{«_iL-‘€;.,>':'3&:«:f.".§ A . (i.r~ 5.. L ,~ In and Near County‘ ‘ iCentra1i'a 3- A. Chance neat to Kansas City Satin. ‘for a medical examination. rs. Raaeha. on Sunday afternoon at 0 o'clock. at Truth Center Church. Miss Stldelnaa is ll Oluahtc of Mn. Julia Mantel. an aunt dMra.H|la'cdlck ndafornsarrs-silent hen. ‘B-army-mioimdissi.i.ouI-up ' Miss Ethel Meyer. of .09.‘-;:nbia. Mr. and Mrs. ‘A. C. Si-.a and.‘ Mr. and Mrs. III! at ‘u.’ o! '"’itsu-lfth anal [ u Carl Seal and faailiy of Tulsa. O|ila..'3'M:-.d:‘.u‘P. kgounse. fan’ 1’ . “um”. motored to Centralla. where they will visit! The fly, ‘.3 3,, on, 5",; (750311 Society. a community or- Min Jon" cad”-ud hfllganiaation. presented an interesting pro- eleventh birthday -to . part)‘ at her; "" 7‘ - hone Tuoday afternoon. I Doaotlly Rowland last "week. 5”‘, WE to f r. and Mn. . W. Pa f K ' ‘V P ""9973 0 Cm‘. were the I" o new }"""’ '“~- 8"? I talk on “Evolution. in guest: of Mr. and Mrs., out Conan“, chunk” M “R ‘ A see Parr! this last week. Miss Ruth Hunt m and last I-‘id "'1' from Parsons. Ks an ri..:l''‘‘‘''.‘ " we Enudhl C"""" "m‘ ‘P’ LOT RADIO TESTED IN ARCTIC )4.-., 3;... go“ ;MacMillan Party Tries Brosdcading ‘I! at the Pinnacles Saturday. | Tlllflllxll F0‘. ”""‘ """'...:**‘...:‘.';;..“°°:*.:'.° P--- M ' D e .0” “Q _ hm" "fly ” an {cm 0'; ‘ \VASl*lIl\CT0l\. Aug. 4.—The .‘ C. in honor of Mrs. Earl Grimulflrn lo“ at b7°‘d“3l-lnfi the bu’ he Girardcau. and ii-.. Charles Alfliah man voice through the fog and icy “ ""°*""‘e ***- zairdbeyond the Arctic Circle. was ima e by the Mi\cMillan part' t Hartsburg ’ " 16880 received from the expedition Mr. and Mrs. George Oyra as-icky ofibv the Nafional Ge h. g . P315538. arrived Thursday for a Visit. .' ograp 13 t 0 "R5 5"‘ “filer. Mrs. H. Gungoll. and other uflel-53 NO TCPOTLS 85 to U73 suc- "‘:“'°' 5'9 cess of the test have been received. "~ 3“ "use"-L ~*-> h-- ‘M -- The test was said to be prelirni ned _ ’ w a" MP3’ ‘to the test of sending through the air over a 49-meter wave length of Mr. andill complete radio program, inclgd. . Fred Buescher. entertained a nombenjng native songs of ‘he. Roddy and: ad children spec: the ‘socnrrv rnfas rxlmon FOR A 31313! IN K..C.!Vienneaecol "' exposition as an opportunity to dis-5 . have already applied for exhibit‘ icspe Atholl. according to a mes- 8 ram: 'l‘HRE.'. ;nsnpinunxi. and his distiriguished league, Hugo von Hoff- “""* maansthal. Plans to Hold oasis: .‘ _, unfit,“ not Both wriers have obtained judg- . - ;. ments against several companies for A petition ‘ c rviolating copyrights. . The counsels’ { “I cum.“ 8"”. H . plea that broadcasting does not " ° °"““::“"’; co? within the “public display" ‘oh i K‘ Ci 1, _' un er the copyright act was rejected y n . um ty yfmnxmw the court. I: was pointed out lby the plaintiffs’ representzitivees {that the company levied monthly The “um purpo“ of an °’_tufi-* ac‘? and must reimburse the au- tion, as set forth in the petition: or charter. is to hold very l , ‘ e two} great my amongst the. lesser lights ,of the literary profession who are nomstock. n fit 4 looking forward to a substantial ml- onpm - " "i‘“'i°n—, dition to their revenue. .\loreover. late" is ‘ nominu munbenhl 'Pp"‘'; : steps have been taken to ‘protect Ta. or =2 «ch ---w --ea. ;:::::::::*:::": | 10 l e y,de?'t';wr"!:etw”c°p°'ri‘ir"":it° b°,g°l:e°f".‘ siteurs dramatiques dc France in 9° °" V‘ "l; Paris as well as the affilimed Span- ‘na- ca-"vcnth" Mn’ D°" 8' 9 ‘Pd 10-? ish organization have been up- _ Commercial‘ firms handling . - ' _ ;'!=~d°°t= “rd in the horticultural? l'L"'.};§'.'f'f ill.’ a.‘.'§§l§....(.§f.f.'f"’2...}£'.‘I "nanny hum ’°°°‘“i‘°d all‘ "9" ence is planned for the autuiim in Madrid where particulars of the pro- Pl" “"3" P’°‘°°“- "*0 um-ll posed alliance will be discussed, —-———o——-—~’ . ' See the used car bargains ofieri-d today in the want ad section. space in the exposition. The officers of the Central States Horticultural Exposition are: T. J. Talbert. president. Qolumbis: C. C. vice-president. Lincoln. . Catts. secre; ty. LT? ‘ AIJTHOR8 DEMAN ROYALTIES Rebel Agalilt Broadcasting Sta- tions That Refuae to Pay. y Unltad Pres. Bl-ZRLlN.—An authors‘ rebellion has broken out here against the I broadcasting companies who re- fused to pay royalties for literary gems circulated through the ether.’ The revolt is headed by Germany's most famous playwright, Ger-hart; friends at a party W1-dne-da f - . noon in honor of her eighth l’ilrt.hdl:;'.land 3 um‘ by L‘''’"“'"‘'"‘ C°""“‘*"d' Sandwiches. cake. and lemonade were served 1°’ Donald 3- Mllcmiullh - ‘D 359 toasts - -——o-%_. Robert Mahon of Lina and inter. Mi. ‘ Effie Mahon of Jefferson City. :i-ere gueat:| If you ‘wt to buy or ‘en ‘awe’ of their brother. L. E. Mahon and family.i thing try a Missourian want ad. lul week-cod. Mr. Makon is editor of the , , _ A Ilartdiurg Truth. ‘M ‘nit Ree. Don P. Hawklna, 7754!! for Fulton on business. He begins revival at Palrvis-v Church Sun- day. Walter Boer-gr and Joye Nichol. u. ¢I-Willlhicd him to Fulton. Arm" Pro-mu. In Dorsey Walker and mo (fier- L ‘ Pictures of Children Never Grow Up D. D.. left Make an appointment at your home if you pre- fer. Tiger Studio to ‘iii , ,5. .,,.,,',§‘§,,; Phone 2214 of Miss La Voala Stlefelsaan to run; 6 Suits and Dresses Cleaned, pressed and delivered in a _ way that satisfies. We do dyeing V A L E T , Sanitary Cleaners and Presscrs R. E. “Shorty” Robinson Phone 649 44.12.‘ Phone 649 :: “CHAMPION or LOST CAUSES” ‘ D . COLUMBIA THEATER . TONIGHT ONLY T I VA UDE VILLE 1 HARRY LA TOY “The Juggling Humorist” CREIGHTON and BYRON “Aint She Dumb” , Comedy Singing Talking Dancing 5 ,2 s- 0 Ana. 0-‘ -r-o- -0-on-o-u-o -I -s .. ...; -| vC4>O"O-CU-I lO-IO- f EDMUNDLOWE _ l . 1 ' m | An amazing tale of mystery and love—a modern masterpiece worthy of an Edgar Ale , Ian Poe. v-v-v——v 20¢-30c C‘!-IWKO-IX‘ 9...... 7:15-9:00 ‘ ‘A :4 AA 44.; ..;+ .._...-.g-ma: er. R. C. Rubottom. yesterday, after visiting her broth- _ Miss Betty Graves returned to l V V v her home in Lexinttofl Y8! University this fall. J. Columbia Monday inspecting loans of the Farm and Home Savings and Loan Association of Missouri. Dean G D Edwards of the Bible College. wards. went to Caldwell County to Miss Grace Gcisendorfer returned to herl home at Lewistoflm today after sec ' ' ' ‘ An. I '=°.:;:*.°=*.a-m e:.~°°°.;. —— »- v net .14 ‘ ma ne. ' ’ v E ‘M =.-;;;-;~,,.,'j,,;,- -°;;;=; 352?’. "'1" i.‘3l°‘ .5 ii...’ ..i‘.‘.?‘...‘a°'i.‘:'.$‘.i‘§';.‘:‘.;..‘'.‘}°..‘:'..“. . *°"v°*“"' 3° “guests andMra.FOAndcr- . ‘i " Iitchdl; Ira Bo ~ - um’ ' .._.~ “-" *f;:“‘ °“°" 3°" Ending-..cho‘ld§°;}in¢seuu‘d°' M ‘ii noun or near an 7- ‘m to 1,“ , ———- ~ A war orsaesor _ ames Young. Fulton Grav- _ A" “r ‘ ‘*8 u . _ Ilsa lsMltchellandMiasFraacea flu asherguests . Mrs. 1"“! n . L. Young and Mrs. Herman ~ - . Hale and son, He:-nun, Jr of Ste- L" ‘-u 3"” . . . ltsaidesaudda h- W . " 4 ..‘,’'€«..'..'’.'..;''.':.... 3...... ..;":.. "M M V . . . ‘ romotripthroogIitheWeat.‘niey Mra.8.H.Ridings,o1waah1ng..J' ~ ‘ _ -as the guests scar. and ms. too. is visiting ”°""n-"°" LB-‘:::°'.'lI.|;Redlanda!,n%MAl;s :!a;_Iaiw.J.WinudBiliuI.andum- ‘ri-i-:3 sssangswu _.-11,.’ nun-nga‘ "um. 5,-pg, jg“: T and Ddvssaar ;'Sa:n!t-aaciscoaIId‘(hIlIn..Uhl|-‘ . ' ' 2 l .’ -‘ ‘‘''i saw‘; * ‘ -~ n"lw'u""'°“"""d"'“"m‘wackIn'8epts.uber T °- F h'thfsta'lp.senalacdlnLoaAogs-V ‘ '4 wtpuxg .!l-§' - , l.Mr.‘aadMsa.II.B.Baahaand ' ~ ‘ y _ Cu‘. . . ilalrqsi-aa_l.P& Am‘. ml in E J‘ D.‘ 1Vsssauaety::snrt. ' and Mr. and Ira. . . v . ' r L.‘ -1. no-1. moan diiiiduu. of . A ~ 47--Ir0_IhI-IWII-Ir * Io. are visiting‘ . Mr.’ Ins-'1mdud.‘no-sii.‘1cs:‘..4.. i "" E MII.G.‘F:"lronaI.l$!.4.-‘ ' 1-stauisdflaadayuj . r V , Bstoreastamlsa %*"_..'._‘l"-.'whw~‘sfdshas,* T is .«- -.' ?lr-sni..Iln- I-2 .-":’i*1’~.I*ItI.r.,Mt=I.!l'._-S; _ T Wall Papa- v'N‘“i!;,,,‘9~,,*-ism;--‘gviat —»,,,,,,---*--.,,,-- g,,..,,_ . , . iiua-tjsi:°aaasu.aun'o.i3. A-—‘.. £- '4 5 . : . , . ...7.__.......:.‘.- . ‘ >:_.j S“ k -= "’ ll *-.--:-—.- ~ ' ' '._ ' at ' pi 7 . “ ' .1 4 ’ ‘I She docsnot intend to return to the j W. Gallaher of Mexico was in ' { IQE CREAM Illd Mr. and Mrs. c. 1). Ed- ¢ day to spend a week with relatives. ‘' uring a teaching position in the Huntldale schools for next r . . ,‘ ‘ . SATISFIED g USERS or , CENTRAL DAIRY THAT ; THE NEGRO E BoYs‘UsEn ‘ 3 GOOD JUDG- , MENT IN . ATTEMPTINGTO ‘I STEAL CENTRAL [ DAIRY ICE Ir T’ 9-." ’._. -' ’ v i 1‘? 3?‘ ‘-4- T —'.~ Q i‘ :3 -$ ‘Kin’! — ". -._- .1 ~ - ' :4. — I —v-v-wvv A LA; .4 - Iiicreased Service for % Gas Consumers i ° of Columbia A new 4-inch main is being laid on Hinkson Avenue, between North William Street and Moss Avenue. This will serve the Berry McA1ester Addition ‘(Country Club_ residence district). .‘ A ‘new 6-inch main is being laid on West Broadway from McBaine Avenue to beyond West Boulevard. This will replace a 2-inch main for - some distance. but mostly represents new mains. , The Missouri; Utilities Co. always endeavors to aliticiDate.,tlie needs of . Laue city of.Coli'imb1a.- L_ a--- one sise Reduction in our ll Rug Cleaning --;A--.-.4 I7I~II-l-U-‘I‘«UV'>II I I \ ‘A I-O1’. Service‘ a.‘ - c o own 0‘ «mac. on. v. p...-.. . .1, .1r.x.. _. ...._,. .. ,....._... V _ $2.10 L75 1.05. l I II 5x7 . C‘ &FootRi185 -42 4 T wilhbeffor two weeks, ef- fective;-August3 to 15. 8x10 -.- A I‘ ‘. -c%‘:'5'‘ _. y‘ .4 ' .~ .h - ' ~-3, .- A I Phones 114 end 116' T « l A i. int‘ :3 l" ‘ last... i‘. ,"rT_«I' ,9- .. .-. ‘A Abifcd. v ‘'3. Nll-Ufalll’. the decision has caused a A . also _ l .A ‘r I v-vvv-O9-C'1'U"9-9-v ‘ . -__ ..A_ A4