' l - ...o . ,_ . -‘--A ---vs - ~—b sass-may-. ' rs: -‘. ‘ .,.a . . - . _.-.-q—a.—_.. ..».-——..._.-._. _. ..—¢a.,... . . , _ -V -—q~uoo -9; an-. .._—-cosmos f A ....._ v .n -4- 4 wirw wwrw 1 V. ,1.‘ ‘ , . ' - : .vv.. ,I v'., ‘A; ‘H. .. .,~. I r - * s«,y..- crop‘? : a J’ awakened interest isnatural selec- . ._,. , -‘...-~»»..4..._.....A .-..... . v i j Spillville who let (lays slipout "*we‘a1-e worth while we wilfrnake W of . urn. usual. Weat- . _ town. with equal hrvor. A . . ic effect but it u . l 1 \ ‘ _. '». '. _r'l_. I ‘ V ,. -.°4v:‘*.\: .>.'l§'*‘flR-lC...a."’...>'. .. ; _o ’e ' . . . . . 1-? ~ - . e . . '_-v‘;r.: -_ ~ ,. ‘.,'E°".‘|'_3.'f1:‘!‘l , . - ‘v -. 1-,, A---n/*1‘; .. m . ‘V '. " I - .‘ “ %e5'se‘oes'6de”' V ‘Mitosis’ .5“-9‘. &lU_.,‘.b...‘»I.$ _. . ‘-0 1: ‘.-97'." .‘ . _ e. .. conservation is one. -in other wbrdn. that--reaches at ' A indirectly to every‘ individual. it‘ is ultimately the conservation of the famly purse. No one. class alone is benefited by \aVthoI'0II¢|l'¢°ll|8 con- servation program, though‘ some classermay benefit more than oth- ers. Assuredly it is the‘ duty of the present generation to safeguard the ' 1l:ia‘u‘»-ha: mm the result of this ':i‘ly-ateeinatttutioris oflearniugl is us -.,I 'safe tosaytha_tsuchw!lnot_ it fully. We-’,hsve been asked to accept the theory of 9 ' l D -&nnna9‘ n_I.i V’ 1 ._- . “mi : .‘.. «-03%; J ‘ y. .4 ‘ ggagga sag J A afiiiflas "E? . 5 some i 23-ii _ . 'ssued 3.9‘ n septem" b&' g. irito new birds the new Louis XV ,was born .E~...‘~.‘o g-w .7 8. nlng four- and though tbes‘ ' E. 15. E a l onshsnd. Z l in June,-; um’. . « lo! ' bonds were ;period. ‘ Th "‘ ‘he P°“”";:j;urmugmut "'5 l and speculate as to of th holder of this .1XVisqnotcdassayIng‘thatthep, . vernmentwouldlastaslongasm 9"” lire an and what up lthat did not seem to interest him Ifoi-he said. “Apres moi le deluge." -the- parchment After s in such -, " ’’;f? ‘T j'''_ . . . ~--.-J.\-5‘. -,--(:4-a..:.".A‘ Cho- ' . ,. ' .10 0» ex" ,. —...._ ,._¢. 3... ._._.._..—_.§. gn of K1ngLou1s XV to the throne in‘1?15. As’he1_nsofly»6ynr-asldaregent 5“ a to A the gov- t diiriru the king’s minority. ,N e of Orleans. first gr prince of the blood. was given ‘the ‘place. Under untry ;was. centinnall lvexae of run YUCQDC Ohd the the Scotcbraan, ‘John Law. These issued -‘lhriry hisrulethe vemmslfi 205 years c s -1- , . I 1.‘ 54'?" 1’; -2 ‘f _-9 "' I "cof CtVifiO¢ by ' v a . _ ‘\ V s 00 or bmusht to in’ by the folly of this is prevailed the reign of Louis XV ‘ went bank- _bond. Louis pened -after good~,'_“condition' that it V“. “"3" °“t‘bids fair to last many times that 3""? Illlength of time it‘ treated well. same is for thirty thousand livpes‘and' was issued jby Jean Dc Turineni as representative of the King. Th bond was the t985th one to issued. v evolution in order that we un- derstand something else contingent. onit. Bolnbwweasapeopleare -rcnlly going to understand what is meant lg the scientists when they tdllra that man came from a lower order of animals. ’ é‘ «There is really no cauaefor worry on the [art of either the evolution- ists or the anti-evolutionists. ‘l'he then:-yin beingputtotheacidtest. The layman who is interested in corn and hogs. in automobiles and baseball has started out to find out what evolution actually is. On his 3 findings" will probably rest the out- ; come of the battle between the fun- ! dnmcntalists and the evolution_ists._ ' , w-9-3--cs--am - ? SUCCESS IN A Ll'l'l‘l.E TOWN lnalittletown,sosmallthatEt does not appear even” in'the railway . guide. was written some ‘ of the inter-exits of future generations and it is the duty'of the government to see that the “best minds’ are con- stantly studying how conservation of the Nation"s'natural resources may best be accomplished. Pulses! Pansfaolm lf _.ga.sollnsé ‘prices A and gasoline taxes hecp on going up, the traffic probbm will ‘adjust itself.-—Sioux 0 Any.froe.ci.u'sen can do asbe PIGIIII. except _ for his conscience. his wife, his landlord andthe neigh- Europe calls Uncle Sam a Shy- lock. but willing to wait sixtyyears he might have obtained hii pound without argu- ”W 5”‘ Iuuaousmlliel animus ' DREAM Oi-' lt!'.'V0l.U'l"l0N C053")! W-'es%erh—___-looking for a Fi- ,.aal Show-Data. Despite _°'Dvora worked on his famous . ;_ u_ ‘,‘F'rorn The New World” ‘symphtry. '\nv.‘:orn¢‘aur."rnen s- V , Q ‘ull&.PY'C ’ It "‘ um’ am 5'’ "°" hi‘ 3" (Combat ins. huh: ctamo may re.-. rnorweaoue.” He has said that the wind rolling in the’ prairie graces inspired him to write. fiowtmany there are in towns like Company.) ' lJONDON.—lrtdications of the In- tility of tb'study- ing economics. i believe that mem- .-olving these ma intelligent minds. 1 ability. I the cus'e bacco G gressofthe Since tors. the World War. properties val owned by been -paid for by the gro arrow s The burden of preparing at Dayton fell upon Judge :11 and one or two of his local ates. ' rs’ Association are get- ting ready for another "sign-up" of contract.’ There will be sage minox- lun {changes In the contract. but the pro- pool‘has satisfied the zrowersd-uring four years of ope;-. , atjon in the pool. 1921 the price totaling 0 . . Should education he national or 111'.’ ' ny problems with of tobacco has increased from almost nothing to an average of 20 cents per pound, according to'“r'-eports of the direc. General business ’ conditions are better than at any time since 50138 Warehouse M at $3.0_l'.I).000 are 00139811!’ and have won. 115.000.1900 pounds. have been made to the R. :. 1;, 'l';>"bacco Company since the the schemes .. nt the es i..&‘. ;.}It§‘§'C I ‘O - . .. . _ .. , w4g?il3§9PEo1ME1iS K (1 tric _ cry-‘as a‘ chicken. were among YINIPQC1 hereontheS.S.A searchin port wha ‘ W “an almost unparalleled collection of deep sea fish Beebe creditforthesucwssof '11 . ing through which most.oi' ‘the he tofore unknown specimens were ob- tained. ' serious handicap to the diving op-‘ stations. and Beebe po fact Mrs. Charles Fish. and Mrs. T. Van took their lives hands when they assisted the drv- al ers Becbe's cabin. marshmallow; P the majority will be turned over to, the museums. - ed" fish has 500 minrat phoresccnt bulbs, and in darknessitiy United has the appearance of an electric. s’ l is about one hundned miles southeast‘¢0!'!'98P0fld€!lt. of Coney Island where he stoppcdffrom R31)’. so lonlz 13 for several days on the return trip.f1lali8n 8051- Twentieth Century Pioneer Returns 1"‘ ll rtfi Pita. Bill" Hurray. pioneer, is‘back' but not beaten.‘ psnsc of land in Bolivia.‘ c .. falfa Bill" is enjoying ‘a breathing’ THOURTI Olficiflls C8" Press spell dufing which he is J ' ' ‘ new colo ists. ,ljl and harder sp rits for the adven- - -7 . . t ‘ _ ...-. ... ..' ,.-,4-.. r"' ' . .. .. ~ — .. ‘ '7 -9 O _'f ‘o a‘ :‘.;:a_ ' , 1 r—v v" . :7 ..\-_ ‘ _s . ‘-1- A . ..-9 -'-;s--as-. M ~ -I _ _~-.~~«r_,-~'»’ ( V . i. . \- ' l '. ' .7: 4 6 I . .-. . - t _. _; pg _'- -~ . - I ' . . ~ - _ _ _.: new-'=-s Yr,-AUGUST cases.-or issue» or BE-‘E81? INCLUDE T ILLUIQINAIED. FISH E... 4. -2.. New voruL—A ‘bobbed-hair» W“; llluminatulwltb“ - ' lights,” and a third as fcsth- LON T ‘ . A ‘mom that have ar'r'ived:?.t.o slander a _ rug or an by the public. is partrcnlady Zoologi Returning from five months’ re.; ’ " regions of the‘, t scientists described uI3¢’”‘,l‘h'l' Publication of attributed much of theproduccd a pretty quarrel. the cape-‘out its comic sidelights. to four shoulder to shoulder Wrifht 5? L0?‘ 313533099» ll"? in the doc -sen b div- nrous statesman's vertra lo rlously published in .England. Man-eating sharks ‘proved a’ l“'°" inbed to the Lillian Segal, ‘ John in their fin‘ Ruth Row’ -_ a dead man. you are also a c .vB(-cause you the swallow such inventions, you ' so 1' ." the letter family sent - r ~ Th As die Arcturus slid into its dock, w,;gf,,_ Ihdut in ‘N89; made a public apology in reccn or lay in preserved; pe,.S_ n the exhibiti n ‘tables in? The There was a ° Ollé W88 daniing rays formed; Not the least comic sidelight probably is right. ‘ 1 ream‘ b . th ,!- . lOSY:rll'1c {:1 bersonnl edcxnlnin§ti(d:1.:li' 5' ASKs"T'u“ To PROTECT CORRES talivc Ordered Expelled by Mussolini. The so-called “electrically light sen ' o urc. ph s- P WASH ign. Beebe said several of his rare.K0\‘€!'Y1W-‘Ht ala- slarukr auybndi the’ is a serious matter infilltllfldu ' statesman. 7‘8V€1‘¢3 ‘ dan- % so¢i¢ty';§ gerous, as Capt. Peter Wfighf. lit- oceanographic expedition. feral)’ man. has just fully drscov-“gm cred. _ In his recent book “l’cltI’aILs and Atlantic and Pacific oceans. wnriamv Criticisms” Wriiht seemed G184- Beebe. explorer. brought to1,8lv°D¢ beins ca hYr-°¢Y'l¢’ ‘"3 3 ‘ this statement re- fverberated through 5381335 find not with- The first young women who step was pléen in I letter to $1’. ‘o so 1-,»- The letter probably was the hot- test document of its kind every se- S . “Your garbage about Mr. Glad- stone has come to my knowledge. lYou are a liar. Because you,slsnder award. public will are hoping he would open suit. 3"» it Pm’-‘°““‘d “"3 g'’"'’'?1 ‘P’; But Wright is standing pat and re- p¢8l'IllCé,Of 811 aquarium.’ Of’ {uses to make any "Q every conceivable shape, size and, tuck down. am,“ color either swam glass _ in e and gh his publishers t pu- Gladstones are now talking of “running Wright out of Eng- 88 U'8!l!3P8!'°Dl 88 81885? Niothfrl land." The press cannot quite make 'closely resembling a long toastedzup its mind whether the aflcir is 700311)’; worthy of serious notice, but still is mouth. another mostly tail; :1 jell)’-Egiving its columns to the story. fish whose a corona; a butterfly fish: 8 trill-ithc whole afinir is the be ger porcupine -fish; and one whichgconceded knowledge that ’could not live outside the sea. generally Wright ll. to of . d rorzorzxr g , Chicago Tribune Fear» for Rcpre-i fan‘. f.\'GTON.—The State Dc-I .partment has asked the ltalinnih to accord protection? pecimens were obtained at a pointlto George Seldes, Chicago Tribune, ordered -—°--—-~ _ _ i.ment. “ALl"Al..FA,BlLL” KFTQURSS llrletchcr at Rome. was m ‘by an appeal from the Tribune .pressing fear for its .-tiw.-'s physical safety. 0ltla.—“Alfslfs 2 twentieth .cenmry‘¢i0I) 0T_ lht‘ J order, allowing Seldes gm. with 5ome.llmO to arrange for departure. for New Bolivia Recruits. H TISHOMINGO. year ago he 1 sixty venturesome followers to."°P0rt on the merits of the case . spend two years experimentingihave been received from Hetcher. with agriculture in south A;-may-j¢a_ but there is no informat_ion”at the The plan was to colonize an cx- 513“ Depflflmfm W 5'-lbstlmilu-" -- :charges of the Mussolini govern- A . Nogr he is back 58!“. out Hilfi- olonists are also heré——and “A7-‘lfildifiz di5Pll¢h¢8- recruiting ‘ OP! is 29097311)’ 3 other American corres pondents Action by the depart- talrcn througll Ambassador I-‘letcher also has secured mitiga- immcdintc expulsion g ‘I sufficient ’ believed e 5991;; new moodfin Washington that the action of med . ex- represcnta- i No in ‘ad gafltséfgth igwt °’~‘° ‘° ‘if hlghlii Cg!-rt-s_ also tum. tilome in protesting the expulsion _ ° ° , 333 “P011 is s on c . Judge with 3 ve,,',, upcriencse 3,, t},e.as unjustified, indicates that the coa.o:u.'l:a R::..mTsp:u§'g:}l:..m.sm:l:e°?‘ll:£o°‘ ' "3: "“"' 1”“ " ‘5 “id profession of colonitation. “Col -, _ 4 ,4__ _ _-_ __ .,__ 1 1. rats: ll. me ‘ me pan °{."h° d°' Murray, as he is known to the Bo.‘ WASHINGTON.—The death of‘ ten” “pen” “may ‘mi “'11 h""‘ livian government. is determined HATION BROS- William Jennings Bryan will have 2 gm 5333:? °°n'”d'f3"b'ydm°E°d°s to make a success of it this time ‘ 99303-57033 no effect on? the appeal plans of‘ . "‘°"°‘ °"“"’ - 0 Fl‘ '1' - month. ' John’ T. Scopes. of Dayton Tcnn.,l1\“l.meE“°“. himself 3'8 m.u°h “ his “band relurlrid disillusioned,‘ He'll... air A your 3 fol‘ Vlolltlllg Tear‘ pD°'5sl Q gut!!!‘ the prmlngs at homesick. broke. ‘C Fllfil nesseo.-‘s anti-evolution act. Mtg» ”°“'_ ‘ll 0909 more he is the kmwkdgc of how to cope with com. want. r-Araa.—r-Anurrs Brynn’: untimely ukinz 0!! maxi m.“m:,’ “Pd 'f “'°'° " ‘° "" “." ditions existing there wrought hav-l- "“"“"’m‘°‘ rob the further proceedings in the; f.‘°”tl‘; _ °‘°”‘“'"l_“3 9‘ "'9 '-‘V°1“‘ oc with the pioneers. Mn y i -.-- :' -::-~-*::_- case of some of their national in-31:.” “- the cud“ mu be lurch. and his familv were left ere‘: te Hit it was never intended: ls‘ - ‘.1039 with . gm“ {rug 0; had? COMPLETE LINE that he should be active ‘for the‘ TOBACCO GROWERS ‘#8 and no one to “.o,.k R.‘ 3-:l;}nh;1rPh0ld!h8 the conwcuon In. To sjcx NEW C0,,-WA-Cm Th e who know him say “Al- Crntchea rested at 25¢ a ° W _ °°°'“- ' _ _ Bu_ —-———— falfa nir1"‘!ixmy.is_oxe man for A week ':..-::;"‘.:*.;:b*.::.°:.w::;l ""*::.:..:'°. 1:: .°:.. °°°= .: PM ‘W °°- - 0 9 I l_ 9 ric Oka ma land owner. e “Weld Elm will treat fmheq The A 1:“ -6017. staked his "pare" on Bolivia. Speal:- , --_ __;;:i,:_ .g.___‘: the defense. Their e rs of the Barley To- er of an fig-gt mu hw” of "p. . V . is ,knpwn here ' ornhgo." He gained distinction as a lawyer and a politician and was one of the first settlers of Oklahoma in .its V \‘fl' wild six-gun days. , . - NOTICE ‘no r-Amons 74 I will not be inony between the dates of Au. 3 and Aug. l0_._ Please transact business according- ly. this Ill ‘J. . « 5 AGAIN .rournArs; 1'35 "0"" ': mmnu Janus Oliver Carwsoil Till , Pruen An‘ old‘ roa¢l,_"down which ‘ s. eaplo . lovers, is the “highway novel. Beca wdod than for 0 its scented ern‘fo!'ests. _ ' As for the story. it is swift and. pic J _ romantic old Quebec.‘_'lth their rm-; sioncte tion to are dark-haired‘dantht¢Y3 0‘ the‘ old seigniors, and gallant woodsmen who love honor can a good fight- 'l'herc' arc lndian princesses mysterious strangers and m lieved dead mula. used rs only he knows how to use shows him to have gained in tech- nique and Highway" own the world-old trail of romance1 nd who can resist that call? i cient " lia WAS equipment finds a market the world over. oven the Far East and Africa purchasing more than 1! million dol-§ :11: Worth a year. according to De-. partmentof Commerce reports. m."°.¢u-a-any * It iathe “"'+ ;ucau1lr;,;s;;osniI°3 '3'“ °‘ sovu!l8\llI°'g¢"-"'”'“‘ “° ‘x’ S book, it is or "The Ancient Highway" ' e bal 'v { . ’ . § pm-to how. u ' W tciriime.‘ inferirr rim-n mama other south l o - ‘lime ll"-‘ ts “Ancient Highway. J hflun‘ homeseekers. of life" inl it is in Cm'-_ stations with P0“! use needless to ad ha background th . sam- dcpths of the great nortb- "aim: -0 {cl its ernment. Man) ‘"83 ‘ha lntcl ‘mi dew). are known to -be in épera their forest. country. There‘ dfo merchants cf ;Frcnch, German, and . ceivers share the field about it. but in a fashion that versatility. “The lures the reader - World Radio Market. I lil.\'GTOl\'.—-American radio‘ ..m nit R. A. WALTERS. ‘C _. .._- s ..¢_—-.,. 1 "We still hares largeistods. of _th "kc. » . Q‘ 0 vi er. . . r m. ,. vsnaonisu-«want so " T‘ 1 . theissal.vir‘tossn'aso::'s:a‘ ?"°"’{7 .. -«cw f-»:...v, . . . . s.- ‘ “i ““‘ A ‘C’ . . : ‘ I i- J 1.; ' -' . , ale‘ Y A to. ‘ ‘ =7’ kg" sAsn>.'oarr an _ ’ ' any by.-'nms'w‘.'.? ~ ,~ ' .;J 4 1. '_ ' ' 7' ‘-_ ‘ ueeogtlrsglinish. A ‘ V J --in . ' ., ” s 33 run _ 1 $7.!!! for one per ‘w ‘ ' ; . led.” Sch"? 1 Kansas City, Mo. convenient to the business district. andup son; .-néévlwm-T- and details 719 Walnut St. — -..g.._.._.__ _. - ‘7;’.\-.. A ‘V. . M E’V:4NSH1 In Most §VAN&'E)_h[ ‘W ‘S oriaucsz: : :":4°tI!.Y0Iiwillfizrditmlsasazire: and is rt _ ‘ e Chicago at theivanshirc ‘ ~ on..- J. J. Mnirinan at Rio3De-Jane mm; for the future. howslver. tter prolrrams more strinxéllt xovernment.reR- . tilatibns recently have been lifted. ‘ ' static as the ‘most—‘scrrous . iobstacle'in_ the radirprorreis Four in equallr tsr 3"u_‘mdf' RADIO ‘-.._ .. of 9"‘ ""“’: sane ls lost'.,9¢"‘°" °"'.‘9"° V“ dives.-,': - c ~ ,se;ovcr_eo e - 3, ‘c.....um-1"rm- A» -=- ¢~"»=~.rv*r*t : ‘ OD’.-HOV’ an . restrictions on *t'¢-,‘°'"."F‘ rm f ave combined to C81”? &.":g_t’° more are now o}IE?fl§1°P f''’.'1 f’’‘ d_ others are on the aid in Brazil with ‘power less than 503 WI“! s‘Puulista Radio Eduaora Sociclif 55 f pk. 500-watt ,plant with n station using one 3310- ‘watt and built of American mate- rial. ’ ' ' 1-‘ Receiving stations numbered only‘ 2998 oliicislly licensed by I30?‘ “bootleg receivers" _ tion and the estimate made gpnernlly ‘bill’ the sets ‘in use 5.5 ‘approximately five thousand. Geo. W. I-lagenbuch Div. Passenger Agt. ’\ .4 I . .l. .. .P a,- . . ‘ , l , .1 . ‘ . ‘ “ . ' _ ...a..;- -.‘o-...__,_ 1, _ -....#._... .,- .. V A. .. ‘ - 4' ' .. "' : , _ . \s '- - . _ 3‘ - « _ .4 ' . I lro -and The