_ . , . . -. A I \‘-I — ,. ,' - u .- . . - . .. _' <7 " o:‘- .:~oZ.,‘. . ' .1 «V. '17,; -w re, -y«nv-r-; . _. -I , _. . .' \ - ; ’ -.. - "'.'>'.'.9V,-*--‘$425 , ‘ ' ‘ ‘ " . ' ‘ ' , _- . . ..,.q-r\rupu-1-r-(v*'v'.'-ra-«¢f-ar¢- it ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ _ L ‘ . . w ‘ - - 1‘. .~.. . .' ‘W ‘V ‘ “ ‘ . “ _ . u _'v ' ._ 1. 686:1-fhre‘WmTE. EAGLE Id ry‘ on aid 5 .. ,‘.-_ 1 mean anytmu ¢oTym»-*-nT _ a.. '3 I, I - . ‘-5-’ ._ ~'. - . 5 . ~ -ua»45~p~..k.4.uo§oo\a'.—J\.o'v:.Q'¢"!a‘\’.v*-fin -.—‘;:—-vn.~—,-1!v'p-¢1,st ‘at ‘in, ‘lgpoo a, bun! to_ you do7nd,.u1e and read the .3115.‘ 5'31"! W’ P" °“"~ ‘‘‘‘.’''‘’‘.'“.l the Dayton mlufi “°“‘ ""°""" ’°"" ‘u‘5°@u‘2““‘ “"“""- ~ ' the yreuurc. Intense ht: menu. day. trade is in road shape. Choice “°“"‘” w‘"‘ M‘ Euifidfi-_ Rt‘; 1191‘? t°dlY.‘°'' ' ‘u@u;- mm ‘13'65@“'m'M 5“? 0‘ 31*-W03 11“ Ylddfld ¢!cel- ‘ed 3,” the ~ ye“, ‘ad native lambs sold at $l4.75@15 {—‘— , ' . ti‘ conference witlu_.‘Federal J _ to_ PE. ewe,‘ ‘@‘."."k‘7:'_.lent profits in the last year to o-“mum, duaionaon i, “inc 0,,‘ and prime western_s__p_ ' at 815 V ‘ _ _ W, wt ' . ‘ Iiieka. regarding 1 date for ;nun‘°‘d7- u‘d'f°c‘ut2‘n' fl@‘. flolték _!1n;iUnlhte‘d N“ C_ “nmy aumm; Q,‘ C.“ @1625. Light wfatern ewes made 3 l J ' . _ .__ -' avelgteof :l-:_“:"::' on kg mun” t°,d$.l1IIIlI$.' $130“-75 :year1p;oro t(e’ly¢l',5.(:);‘.‘(;‘00 Bound; ‘gain aopvgii 83;1.2ooo§:° 00: “his: “'60. .—.__...+_...._' 1 T‘ T‘? ' _ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ 1 :3 onnenvvthn .- L. "4 '”°‘. o ‘-—— . : ‘ = - WM, ' -_ r . - , VEIERANBT '2 . - b .-an we an iv ‘”“*'.“““°” - 4 at w- c-- <==-- ::;.‘?.:°:..“°;,...“°,;:*:'.:.::‘.:"f °°“ mm 11- «um» »- bguu-tth -n ._.——*“.‘ “°"""“°s T Y 011 Pa F01‘ P0 1’ i “A The petition filt: Eitihtedthe Uiso arsgoh-£0 Au‘ 6 e m~No.: so buy be 55 000 000 View of the anticipated crop_ of 350 WllI'A_tt.:npt to Gray‘ 35”” V .. . . ‘E trIdrC°9rt do " “Eu ms, N ‘-2 ;‘°°me no7,:md m"'°"mmo °‘'°U { « - 4oo.oooooo bushels. 3 BeeIII1Wyoni1[Alk1ll,So|l. , . ; "w‘m‘lu’es.sreu.-inclnttsnoora 9 ‘P1 " °- ' .' '; ' "°‘"' °""'”"""’ Exporter: gave further‘ c‘ncaur-3vU-“-H’:-« - ' . . A the name at Johnfl‘. Scopes. Day- 8091-. 81.00»: Dec» lie. inc‘: trad 01;“ to thtfaae tables each day ‘nmcm to bulk one Mm-e “M vs-1-33534, wyor worm W“ ‘ O _ 1‘? : _ ‘ . Tggguggr wu’ea- ton teacher O ‘of’ .08 X Nth!”-'. “C. No. 8i;°dP mI:”o¢:)!(Ix;>mI;:eIt and lard ex- 0! ‘oopoo babe!‘ of on bu‘ with veterans bomesteadmg government i 3. ,~ K . ‘ad in the the 1.... Angtm peuuan from white. 42_ O03. ,1 Eu . A. '. pounds annu1l- mu “ Bdfimon being .30”. A‘ land xn Goahen County. Wyoming, . . 0 ‘ ‘ _ ' Tbreater Rbhert Wilson. 1 * 1.126 Wheat (future)-_——ll1y. $1.606; 165 h meflfln C818 In IVWIIGI New York “id Rush ‘gas have set themselves 1 tax]: requir- ' ,‘ 4 :- éititea in 91370.33 W“ 59“ ‘"61 "' sew" ‘1‘m1’“' Dec” ‘L623 'A“.3";° It wan?‘ of me“ ‘ yen’ or selling wheat much below no. This ‘"3 mm’ 1"“ Nun“ an" “(T 9 - . - l 1 ‘ g av cam mounts-ffid-Wu from 81.621 gun a poo per person per day. i‘ . am’ in Limp”! and we service overseas. : Thats the blg th1ng——always. get 1: I inmoatotl» four additional . . when (1-.,g)_No, 1’ 31,72; yon Beef cattle at 815 1 hundred mun why out m”,kct|did not Theae settlers of Cherry Creel: » . . T. % -~ .5 - T . mm 1.0 I. S 2, -31.'m@1.72; No. 3. $1.68@1.e9V..; trends are in the, cezgter or spa» mmd M,’ to W “W.” ~V1lley are faced with the 50:. of « what you pay for whether It Is mer- ; = , Punk out-in N°°‘*‘- um” 8”" ' ‘ What (hard)-No. 1. 81.62%; "8"“°'1’*°'!"‘ “"‘°"’ "° """"' mus were u the an/wheat “‘*"‘°"""“ '""“"°""’d ’°" W’ ' 11 di ' l'n Wh % ou 3 1 " single agency with 1. Rent Found In No. 2. 81.62; No. 3. 8l.61@1.e1;g, '11:...» cettlx; ransfdnu been ‘long in mp “gem man‘ “may for‘; the productive neceaen for C an se 01 gaso 1 e. en yy 3.. aé , - - __ .. egr u an. e resaxon at . ' . - be¢u.- ' ° -' ‘ =~::*.:...~=*..a.H* ‘:.r:.; .., :,=.-.::.-.....L- *2 1*"-°~'-v’ ;?°;,.;; .%:::2*= to .....:: ... :2; ;:-W ~.°°*'°:~ W °°"u :‘;*::.;.., ...... .......:"='°,..=".‘.':.:-r:..,=.:::‘? have the tank fined up. you expect = 3 r without nolun.-:'.—-‘nae body o!..:8a'lntChris- ______ ondmon 0! the My my f°r 9* f.',".,'§.-"""°" '°.,°,,,°,”, ’;,,o.,..," f°;.°'.f,f» 8“ in W °°","t¥ -'°'_'¢- , to get a certain number of miles from ‘; ;- “‘° °°“"“"°‘ifi‘,‘ “" “""° “"c,,,.,“""",_,,,, g‘,"“""",,,,,,,,‘°. M a: u-no-ft?-=-L §:1‘:ll:tn.;.;rci:.nll£t.,:1zltoPEhen’d¢1:3rt:n.R°:.s "' ““""‘" m"‘°‘- 3°°°‘P‘*! W "Mme “Mm M N" that gasoline ‘ I 3 I ma an the I ‘ T. -. ca r ‘or ST. mum. An‘. __E‘“__ 736 P“ can of mnul‘ “though were extremely _lizht at winter ' . - j G‘ I .: gogxthegumog Anus“ ' * v 51* WW"! 5‘ 3°C ‘the yield is placed at 1.28 tons an "hut mint‘ bun‘ °“"”“°d ‘t V 7 . ~. hfi: and equlpunnt 1-5. 504’ mu" ‘u Buuer—-‘C:;:x:exyfir:txstn3,7cd2':e: ‘ acre asgompaned with 1.6 ton! last ::ii:3‘1:d{¢;;oCf1;If‘§‘:n::8§ for St. 0 mg i In X011 get all DOW’ ' amendment; taken to y “L - - - Leggér m:::s::;u:e1:::f s mraceuzg WWW cm hem “my fim __ 1: er and mlles you pay for. It 1s: sold \, ; ..a ...*. mm is..°” :""""; ' l .‘ ‘ml .5.’ -Troul'ny—nm, 15¢; turkeys, 23..-;_ 28 per tcentdhri‘¢h¢;. lxalain cattle § fiumwuzftzfinxwgffifg Chzldrene ‘i with a guarantee that We Wlll re- 2 flgqgpgmuopaam" T _ _ ‘ qlrhga. 21v.@23c;dncks. H@l8c;‘ per ten an in per cent," - . __ , __ __ .2 . ~ ‘ u I . iomw B . Sc 3...,’ .,@,,9 WE” sE§;,EACnEs waayresanm on ‘lzlcember by com. “Never Gmwwup :’ fund your money fol 2} s.;nglefifrop 3:: ma mu .,w,"".,,."” ...,,,,-. 5..., .g.,,¢..... Cheese‘-Northern twins. zlysc. té man PRICES H mm f;f:°nm am cu’__"°‘n:"9P ‘ that does not prove ent1re y satls ac- : firtfl hm‘ lad mwemmauyd ' uh?“ 5ebsT:5m' ‘225@z75;’C1naed b 1275‘;-3.“. 8,1, lulhn: was due to showersi waath- wk‘ “ "‘”°""“"‘“ ‘ wry t°y°u-. o 1: - "°°..'.§‘£.';§‘* S.-sumo: ‘me Boeateheot flue C11? 8- —-3-——— ' inxya-d B-u;in: by I: 3' ° at’ ‘M 1"” :t war hue if you me. " I i " ' 2 T u . . ' ‘swan-xnsnaw suusmc . Illinois points -old °*'- ' « 1 1T “T? " 1 1 1 b . ' "0 ‘ ' ' , 4 ' . .‘ ..'-«:14; 0 3 ‘ ya with 133% mg‘, armors WOOL mucus‘ mgmt mm of the m‘m..ié:. ‘_ .a...-u-r-n._-ag were of{er- ‘ > . T o W . . r __ 4 . T. T 1... m..»zu»m. r..,a.»T« Leo d 011 C0 < 1 D0119 V515! bainesa ‘thanks Snaller Fara: Ilut lncreale Pro-;C:i¢8t8°h;;0:*:°“;":!Y ""d“ 'm weremhalf ant above thatoof the _ ‘ 1 any m_u’g91l‘h°P Il’_'9£’;|:-:¢‘ll7l||;I; dedionif ‘£1: Demand :'°r?ng't° Eh’ 0:: egg” “° buyers. ’ x . . .~ -;, A . . r ' 1 A t . r A r V ' j [ ..;. M... ««-°"«»'°“"“ou-on-53-. or --he :13: in T u a c. m sew» A at up a'‘’“‘‘’» «-m’»u’°“- .,.:’..:*.:..‘.:'f‘:;t;t:‘"'i;'- ‘T ":1 T999? SW 1'? 6th and Broadway V u.. wlrrwml ‘ad nl: glgvderxlsteenu :1 “NEW YoRK.‘:A-ltimnxh t;n19:;;..‘:guu3nfi bzulfitniutbz; to ho: market. far eastern de- Phone 2214 .' _ ;_ T ’ A‘ Onlyaixperoent com,cm_.- .-,._r ._ . ‘ingofaheoplu-.xbeen‘aneatabliahed; H “N mu,’ .!d1‘.3'»“d{°1’9‘§ °"'°"‘°5-' T ' __ ‘ ‘ ‘V _. ’ ‘F’, ’ .- ' _ Z J; 3,, will be Attivity in nearly every part of the mo“ cf the 1“: “anal ‘ '_ __ . _ _, V V _ _ ‘M -1 ‘ A _ _ ' .- _ ' ‘ll . . in 30‘ M globeaince history began, it on Chan‘ W61 . ‘ - ‘ ' ‘ A “ A A o »: ~ ‘o -is_ 1.1 behind the the '" x u ‘" ' ' ‘ T . T‘T' '7 V 'T“*'* » T .-.9. Pi-$300!? :f°"“"' "“ ’°-""" "' W ‘h"""°' industrial ling? no net onnd:ub;»:,',; ‘"2’, ,§3.:g12o‘?h"‘ s°’t;':' > ' T . ’ 3' " 1 1 T*‘~ ‘$...____T"'?"‘ .'."‘“""“ l mu: 1-» um was em on we :..aow:Ze:- n.‘ ' s1.e49s@1.a? GOODRICH ‘TIRES . -T * - . * 1 ‘ i fj ~ "£"'“”"- “GL3 "L ‘"3 'l°°1;;;:*°§*"**;"‘j:vf;{';;;f;—’ Corn closed ac mm to as; F ~ ' . * ' 1 ‘ Ialaatson gxsc. A ’ “hon the‘ can of _ "‘_ ;____A N June ‘ ,‘on_"‘#;w°”"Mk“"”* ‘:3 William To mu. J:-., ésfii» 2?” ‘°' "°‘“’ ‘uh """‘ ‘’°°'« * W J P i. until exhausted. '" l - ' «- er»-«ea-«ow» -=3 :°'*“—;*":.'°"...°?"....."°" 3*" 1» we w M M W W-I’?-w’ --m--- I ‘ C 0 0 K B R 0 s ' ‘ (Ileana with layer T m ’ of the Armour Livestock Bureau, ‘ 3“ f h 778 _ ,. v N »_ l E." " ‘ acheine in the’: they‘ Bum '” Cheap production has decreased 89.‘ '33..‘ W l /1) one ' ° if - " " ~_ _ 9 cast C¢!l¢*"7' in Heattribntea thi to the _ 1 ‘ A‘ ' " ‘ ' ' . .- . .‘ ~':”;ly?Qd::‘tsh&Ummdé ‘A i 5 I A - :_T,_ “-T‘”" 2-~.. - . 1 .. = _ e V ' . _ u -A,T-,A' __,- - -. * - ~ T" —- ‘ g_- ., Txff 1 T“"""" “£3 :u'.‘l'-ifs’-:_':;n=q:;‘-‘a,:o",'u-:.Tan;g..,-was 7 u T . 1 ' ':"5, V 1’ _ * ~. , W % 3% - '1T 1"‘ “' “‘ ififiuhdn‘ of Eh 0% V! and 1; J2’; l - . ‘ H ' ~ ' 3 ‘T ': . 3’ : = I. " " “ “V "7" an “E was 1 Indabw I-‘arm 3- a l ET’ " A f: " 'A F ,..,.,?'.g1°a.u;. kn‘ .‘. ’ g'-‘ ‘:5 '. ‘ r . .. (atleastasnearaswecaneolnetoasale) _: ‘i 931*.» ‘ ac‘ u".~ . - A ‘ T Dunng the month of August. .T u 1 u1t::,.:*.-:.*r;:.‘--=~v..,.., viz» T z: r T wewnlsen ~ r W . A .. that 4.363!» Paylelaltlrhsaflenstreh. " ‘¢ 4 . ‘1 2 ° ' ‘ =;‘-V " . . '.; 1 . h,:&‘. “,0 mm “M T 3 % at the T; 1900 Letterheads-—Pnnted one color , . “."d__‘.I““ m:“m.w“,.;J. —l__ ' _t to cabin. . . l --o..~..--u n' an ' _ T, - T -«T 3 .. t ;; - _ _ , we ‘a sun . ~' . 5 1000En,V&p’es7,Pnnted oneoolor _, r . T W-.....--..; . MlSS0lll'I ~ ~ no . 1 4 1-’3v;:”iI»‘~. ~ ’ -‘ ;_ 1 “ T. *. T.-_-; _ _ ’ ; e, . '5'" .- ._, r t I; _5Q0rLette1:heaxds—Pnntedvone color T’; I ‘ State =1 . 2 1 . 1 - _T§ . .500 Envele M ‘nnled one color . 1; .I_ ! ~ 1 ;“ ._ . ... , _ ‘ L *T~ ' -: ' . , ,. ., ‘~ 5 4 u .1 T 260 Enve10P‘es--Printed:-tfiiie «color T- 7 ‘ ’ L ‘ wow I. .1 » .‘ .:_- ‘I:r’4‘..«‘_-V-f'xt","7‘tqe'_,?"‘ f’_.:‘..“V 9'.-,-.-\;';,\-"r§;: ; ‘ ‘ ‘ iv.‘ - . -1: '. ‘ )1 x . ‘.' ' .. ., is ‘. n q-,-’.'.‘\. ‘ . ' . s. ‘2wc‘;“. - .- -— "' 1"} . 5 “mm. “min . . ; %- T_;:-f-.~’2j?~-.-’~ ' l ' * '- .i~;£: —\CbttageuCheese : " ' '- T. 3; =5“ ' ca 4 To 1 T; .‘ - if i .o 4