vw v-w—v new J11 I ;l ' I ‘-5 5'. . ' r" a‘~. ‘ . l -K 22:0!‘ ’: ‘ .,‘ -‘~~o-'1 ' . A _,apechve.offo1xner. 4 ’:-aye!‘ = -- 1' '-E:-:1 :- -- E - . I.‘ ‘J ‘if-jg 1 I set. ‘#9: 7:... -«T:-va-'— -. 4. -2- .1.-. -4 3 w r . . . '. -A‘..a'5$,‘ /‘.1 y "". 1 ‘v 7‘: — ’ '- ‘T ‘$ ‘VJ ' V‘: ‘V’ .9‘. ‘ “pl. ‘ N .“ l, l ‘ ' ‘N,’ "w . U’ .2. ) L. "!".a '. - J. ’. ' .'; " ‘_ — .':‘ ,' ‘ I , .1 - r1 . '-h ' . 4 .. s ‘ l 9 ”_; ,p ' by ' ' . racamnns A‘ "[7 . ‘ A ' - Eli:-a.C.‘ll.Oatnoad‘Ira.WarreaIartla.lu;ue,...o.,g,..¢, ‘ h 1 ,‘ ‘e 5 5%.: ;'-'.»«’,'.f..._.’ .T,: .‘ . ‘ ‘ ' . ‘ I N ll!-liar. .. ‘ 8’fl.'.‘ 3‘ ‘En ' l-'.ff.I »— t N-1'-Gay:--am Inddnal» . -n a» 4 ear Boone aunty ~ - 3..‘.':.1'.“7.J'.“'a?:.'£'."i'£}':'-§1":l..':.-:. N ~ ‘W . ,- . 2;; fi y_ - -liaeewnary ecu. an-,n_pa mains. on today ‘ o , . 51...... , ‘ .. ...;‘..‘.'i.f‘.'—'’.§’.z.'.'"n2'.‘.'.'I§é - "506¢¢W~2U¢9t8F ' ‘°’ "Outfit. N.C..to bexonetor DcerPark : “""- 1- 9- 1»"'i- 31"» li--"|-I'm= I-- I-rl ca-noise an. texts” "' "“' "" "“""' “""l" ""“"""“’- ~' 3 ' . .w .. .‘ , ’a ten-¢||!’l'oIItiII.‘; ‘R. . I."",m -.‘!“.3'- Qvlaaaherfy iiarrlialawand the Ibsen Donfixy Aie:aooa.l="~ “'3 3-*II---i 81- I-rr Gaol:-‘.15. 4. Cole-nan. 1.8- Oak--m --4 G: ,7 'OIIEIl ‘ ‘ _ Vlhafilliehols .’ “ll” ‘°“”- .Ia.r5a-lav ' ', mm’ 3'lI"¢I'¢hll»0rb!uo bus .-‘ oi _ -. ' &*” n"'PB.'b§""l§5-‘H-3l.E.._‘h“h“_ ""“'*"“"3 Ira.loille8llauawdIra.0lllrCoover:IeL'II. cu.-ouannn-cc. """""""""'“"""""”«"""- ‘ H” M‘ y _. _ isomer-vjlle, aon.Joe Some:-ville. -ad canon: visited Ir. and ! tor. Alice anus. were vlaitnra in Instr an». and . 1.9;; Ilases Vdma and area nu-in ""' °‘°"'~ ""’ """"- "'1' ""'*'°- I-finder ~ "" """‘ ""°'* W" ' 2. . lllllfllllarall-dlytlleetp wanttoscbouiatodaytouakea .55,” _ ' ""“""-‘0|'II|bIlaOIntralh!riIla.y- ' Graee‘I'luw-all. °~"" _-dun James Cooke! Vallo'8prlaq . lhxl"riday’atBendriaBall. abortviaitwl ‘ 'I"1vl'rilar-la!-L ; .audIr-s.lalIihaanoaarevisltlaxf é_llt-.u-rrwmno-(unotauu-I-may. . _ , th relatives. 3 . Luther Iattox of Iiuntadale w 1....-.i ?* maul!!!‘-it reQnestsdJ=o'b‘2'-int her fret.‘ Sam '1'. sum. will leave "o'3'.3.'. 7."’c':'..."'“"'...... "' """" "":.U '"§u".'. 'i'u'?...""'°" ”"""‘°‘ "“ ‘‘‘'’‘''*‘'‘-I- ~ " é°‘.‘I "' """" "‘ """" "'“"" u."a....""".“""~ "" “""“ "“' ""' ""‘ : aua1;.4ainue’soa» ‘Sunday for chime‘, where he will an ..a 3.. Frank x.,.. .. ',,..,_,‘ a... non .'.4'§" ""c'.’.n 3...... ....{t "'- '"" ‘W '°"-* Iwwu -- I-v-I 19- A--k no-er um-a "W" "‘ "‘ "‘ “ ‘ '"“ -T5'*°lIi¢!’ortheaft$1‘noo¢IPPo- tvendaeveralweeltadoinzraaearch uni-audio-cannnia-u.!*-fdiildr-Idtliur-aurortxn-.ou..,z°‘ ‘ :"°'C°l°-Worimfivh-5-nvl_-id-cg Ill-Ian!-uns--&a..o..m...v;. .' awn will .|'.°»' "sou-ind Where a work at the University of man ‘W ‘W-' . :'°' ' "'°" ""‘ '“* "'-“'-- ! °’'‘''‘‘ °‘‘‘'‘' "‘ "°''''’ °‘’“'‘' '‘'‘‘'‘'‘'3“ i':""' ’°"““ ' ."""“ "" """ "‘ "'- "" “" ""' w°|.l8||'.8 orkisNeverDone."lra. lira. ‘A. H. Scallrof San l'-‘ran- "" “" "" “""" ‘*"" "°‘ """"i In‘ U“. °"°"" """'°‘ "°""‘h" hum,‘ ‘ lanai!‘ c. x €‘u.»‘.’1""‘ n‘ M ‘E: Sufi." ’ lira.KateL.li' ' . . . . lei! Iolaéayfazr and-;.”'"‘" ""' °°""'“' '5'" '5' l--‘» ”"'='l"v*--r--In wvn S-tar»:-yrnmh " ‘ "‘°"""“°°"""': 3"-V-1 Inca---Ihoruuuoaueiu‘ . _orlneandlltaoLe-clacowbohaabeanvlaltlngin8a- boa Ian.anuca-uau ‘Howard """‘“"""“""'°°°- « » ‘°'.‘D|'°""l1l.l'l"° “WWW vannah.Ga..andin'Baltimom lid. ‘rm. '5“ l"‘d'"' 'm"""' All-rt Inna. -an hashes v:'1u:-can-'~ ..,;..c°m" . . - ’ "'- ”" ‘W ‘-‘"0-11hd0-I-hi-‘:'ua'l=u In’ M“ mu’ °' 5"? nbfect In-n.'Iaa c. Wise will lead’ ‘is vision: with Mr. and mu.’ ‘foul .z.»'."i.-.:'s..a...;"" "".:'.f ’""".:"'......'"°"7e c."'n'..:.'§i.°"”' """ "" “- hm": I-Ne... a.'.'...a‘.';7 """"" “""“ "'" ‘"-1'3"“ '§.'.‘u.°'§’.‘.'.'.i.5"""" "' ""' ""l "'* ""‘°‘ "3' °' '*'°"‘- W" "- ' . u'“"n°" '05 C°n°‘° A” - 0' '15 IN‘ IN» 3- V Fllllla If and ';t:-m.‘&r‘l°?s.ré'badd Jet! I" 8"“ °' B°"""l °°‘""‘Y "" 5'" 0": linen and limits. Banana 1:? Int wee-‘kin. cm“, “Wt” uh. I - . ~ H.-Vaughn and W 1:, In and Ira. .1 m and In. :4 cm : the wen-In-end -no Ira. c.f.T..;'.'3. “""‘"- Slum-a to am: home ucau.-u. a.¢.u:| I2. and Ira. ..‘.... Grin-um -4 ehllv an mm‘ Quit‘. wm 0; J hmtofi ‘ego?’ to, uh‘,-" pk” 81:0 .hI,n4o‘¢|a'IItKtr'. ‘.1! 'nfl;y‘i'hwe&nrmh J Ir and°lIr,:;.°n- cu .711. 1'“ ‘ of Howard County r:la(t:l.vuc.hIre. ‘B h-W ‘Cr’: art». wed:-end with Ir. q-A093 lfhmoon at the 3.335,, Sin "mm to 1' amt J 8: can. no. , .('c.;....u.: ‘c. P. auum of rmm: was here s...f '9'?! 8-mum in Columbia «ms in. an ‘lacuna-u cu}: 1.u.su.‘uxuo.u- an.’ dun?‘ Fink’ as south ’ an . a rs. . Paoley had as guatsivhitnd Ir. and Ira. Jobs: Hall Wedneaday.;Imlay on booing-.._ sop: mother. Ira. Iary 61:3’, the cream aappr at Rota’: paaturw 8;: x" _GaI§_b Avenue. lira. Boy (‘Er-ouch will ?,°"§,§h°,,,h,'“ 0‘ pumben They lam. :11 :2: 0. E can" and aadri.|.s::,,u.;_'d‘:‘: J:‘;:“’_-“mm 8"“ Ir.h;n¢8:In. .\'orrl- sun:-son went of . avg, “moo-luta is-u:,'......: u... ...g. 3 .’ _ discuss the study tome “Hiasion pad .3 ‘ha ha been vi” mlly. In. and an. wan. nu-an '-I c .2 were in ‘Columbia res-3 Ir. and 1‘:-‘.f“vl'}zrm-4 Snell visited rela-l Ltnden "4 '"" ml‘ '““’ ""‘ "" '‘'‘'‘‘V- A number of frlenoa met at the and_.Kra. Ned rdon will have £5 5; Q; g the 30;, Ltd,’ mo" ' 0' °""" "‘° "’ "" ‘°"M-- [am 5." hum’. 1 F ensued a use at ultalale. 4 M,“ of 3,. “,5 g,._w.3.,%g§gd,. of the devotion“ ha I no er a iuaon ado rum and Paul - The-Idle Hour Club met cm. In. can‘ 15. law. a. 1:. Walker returned mm‘ "°'°' ""'“ ‘Mud Lam Jacobs later» It. and an. my am. sad an.) ell. twelve mllea from Columbia. v{':l' ml6'“" bl‘ “me I” H . "',:f';‘u:’,;_f”:;":':_"s:;_';."‘"“*'" “"""‘“’- d.:za::::aL noun» 0! o.:...u. apaut an :3: at our. upsunwurt 3: 5 T snud",wha.e '.nio’.d_. h‘, fin‘ name“ ‘uh. 703 union“ thi 03'. _ _ C91‘ U10!!! Avenue. left “Having ‘Fun. D:.'fl.”. :m::elmJorbn ds..L:,eruoa City was in crook-end here. Ira. Jim Celt. Sr- u. y W L g.g aim‘;-, 11.. {W gm Avenue. has as be tneata Dr. ' m°;m"‘ °' ~s’°”°°’' 1‘ Wm h h m ’ . Ilsaa rum. Barret Roberts and surf Luther Van mammals’. of Kid: 1 ‘L ”‘ fin" 3‘ ‘aw’ "" E c°' h.’ '. '°°'”""'m' """ ' ““'V °' . ‘tr ‘1... Ax". m. P. ‘ad .0 reanme hi! dntiea Wlth _ "T" 0 a ,reae Brill. who have spent the last thrercrove he-re Baumla 0” um“. 8.um'”' "nu, "'h V” 5" “"|'5"'- '71-V, P3393‘-. .93‘ . V - n.G.P.. ‘he (mm d 3”“ Rob“ 8 ma Iaxene Aaatene was In Columblap—“h 'hmw “W _ . p r. llaldwln made a buabou my to Chair Coot i ll!!! 3113!’! 3”‘ 5"!’ '1'” d N‘"‘”'' “d: "5 '35 cm by :1 “nu” t tnwcl “°""’-. jfiulueer. rats:-ad Mme?‘ in c~m;.:.“...c¢,,°'m:f,°“q‘. ‘”" “‘“"""- lnri--;‘ca1a-aw . w. :1. Coleman ui fa-fly mm H ‘ lsa‘:dr‘§"'F;'§ :31; md G°°'“’u int throurh Iowa Hinneaota No‘:-cu; .33: “mm m in ma” 80””; Jo:eI.|-.;la::l'e"K"enp-er‘ am" whim’ ‘ill Mu mm ';‘m:"’é’ °' fi""""'”‘::!?': ham mm‘ “mm. a “W .l4.e‘aa‘.-”rka..'.'u:~ fwngyu ;' “-5 ’ _ e . o _ . _' ' ' "' V V 0 03" U (‘OID 501! u , V ‘ . 3 Ifllhflfi than I ‘Dd B‘me" flu. ______o and 5.0 ebraalta and ungzd Qrventer was in Columbia Friday i Iarlan or have attoadina the’ B. "Cato!-ell. :3: William Aogen'g,...,.r.g:;:h'Q‘ u"'l‘ WWW Vllll-I‘ cream supper at float-dale IIWMI! 08:5 1, W. 1). Baby W. 11. Bahm, Jr» "'5' (mac sup“ 201 N south WWW“. ' ' Ilsa lid: Bane; of Clark 1. am .u..‘Uxn- Jl.’ .L"'.'.'.'5 ”“é'..".£.’.i... Wed~' '3': M Sauna‘ mm‘ 1 Chm’ m"“’ “ ''°'‘' 1‘ l..——__’.-_- l ‘S Battle. Frances isa‘1~:mm Bihm, Gm” ‘Wine. will entertain . mu relatives. 3 up an ., 3,... c,,t,,I3,,,;',: _,',':'"" '""’ u:;:"’ °' 5""“’"' “'3'” °""' W "'°*'°"¢ ' ' C"°' ‘° ’‘.°'‘' 3”‘ ; ~ c an. at. A. Ballermflra. Harry Ae- infom-warty Saturday can - AT THE HOSPITALS ’“" “"“""" “W *- '*-*“- M-¢-'°".°°~ W -- om .- tor - -: x.. . . lienman .: u.......;. i ' “°""" ""‘ ‘“""" "“" "" 7-“ °'“' °‘ 3°"°'**- ml: l 9 tn‘, ‘L a ‘I’. M Pip.” N _ noon honoring nu. mph Bkklc , _ in Giulia at the Boone Coin!) Hospital. .were Saturday on business. l mnnpom “ 5. .e‘n“| cm“ &‘l¢r«&"‘°“ Cola“? 30'“ , uouland Wallace Pipes, Iir.and lira. °f l,’l“‘l’mfl|. Pa..an¢l Ira. wa,-.-en - 095::-‘ct; h Wm“ ‘M’ -——°T— !l“_'- W‘ ‘"3 \'. it been and ¢....m.-.-,;.p..,,.'. ;, g,,_.,,,_ M”. "' pu administrator of that ooun-'3 Homer Claxton. Lillian; Margaret “Wt! of 3Dr5ndield._!Il. - _ Parker Xemorial. us. rm 1...... .,.... u.. .,........-t McBame : ';,':'j'_‘',;'';'_ ;,5;‘,‘,‘;'; f,";,§;“"g!"- M 4"" “"""'* “"17 *0‘-‘ ‘*' "- "° "'°"' ‘° °°‘°m°l _ pp ‘ad non.“ qua”. nr_.‘nd an , , Eh”;-———-—“ flex.’ Gum Frances Shirky and Edwin Ham. witl5.KleIR!_¢adene mu. run J R m .0, P . gm‘. 4.. cows.‘-u. nun: a},d',,.l$a:y. 1.4 "‘}l=n"oiin_:;m n:.u::“s...a.m .y. M’ ‘m bla this summer. Hr. Crane has two‘; . Gun,‘ sfiuui op“ sud”, um an ‘M Sufi“ ‘ . ht fr mond were admltctid today, 4"‘ swam»: la lloebtpol-t:"" 0'". '5; 3;“ prov-deuce vi-Ind: I; and It; 1:11: lialne aratl: Drlghhls week via: ll. 1'. entry and at 1am» ?tiym?h”u";l:'il‘l" 9”” U"l"‘"° '» “"1” G'°b°'' 1"’ ‘M Cu‘ turned from New Y rl: Cl - ° ~ ‘ ' ‘ | W” ‘MM llouanlhase‘: at Columbia EH1. Jack. and Joan Bradley tomb H1’ and ‘tr. Ar Cam 3“ ‘ u ‘L ‘ " ' l Gruber, Ada and Ora Bell Graham’. ,1“ 5,, M . . . ° *9» when Vnrzima Robnett of stephengand ‘meat the -«ma 1.... I was on rec» cm. 38 mil: 4: :3." ..'“ 'T'"Z"‘" "f.’.'_: """ °"° '-""°"’ °‘ °°"“""“ "" ‘* — —» - . ’ . at «=4 an ac xx. may ."*$.":.”".““:;‘:"?' "’*.i; °~ ‘.‘““‘"' W -°'=-“°<*‘..*:.::.~°..'~:.*“~ ° W -- - co» ..'.;.-'*:.:".:.:°'=**....... ....; .. : "--’ '3-“S mt “ "" "..'?’.’?:.:... :,':..:-~ --* °°-''- "* '- L-. : A A - Ben c‘phu.' Eh“ ‘ad con Wm N.‘ York on buimufi 5‘ t n Ya . ’ _ o l ‘bu c.y"v‘:tn.r':h;e.l:utiv:;' O" h ‘ob; T"‘.m‘M ‘an ‘O I,‘-!|;'no!a‘Xlu Franc-E130 . ofllunudale. Sunday. ‘ Glen Douala-. Jacob. and Br-aa.; V" r? him’ ,3’ me J‘pen°n , _ ; liias Jessie Claypool of Aahlnnd },,,, "n h mu-W pr“-M. v . C“, “M” M . mm W“ ‘M Mmvfi: . . emu-no min-a ber,danghters..»ry Powell um Sunday morning 1» . on.‘ , « _ ;g_ ‘ad mu‘ my. wag’ Pm.’ Dr. ‘ad Mr’. H. n. ‘:1!!! DI’. J0hD WC?! d|8- Igycn “g of ‘gojcnyh h Vidal.‘ and friend-. J ‘I t . »I tt, Sliced i 11. Paul Wen- their. sons. Armiatead and Harry, hut“ y"t‘erd'y° :"“u“'"£; "ml" 3°"""* R3“ w,:::;k".°' P3’? “Jug? 3 ’ 5 niger. Edward um. Ernest Gmber,. and Miss Mary Allen left Tue-any RETAIL uzncnaxrs T0 -.9 In Eiwunéa "" "' "".§’"‘"“ "" B-new " ' " ' "' ' 3 3 ' Nelaonwllhlte. g>5lCent!-:1 Lake, Mich. where they non) CORVEN-"ON {N K. C‘_;lun'.‘ J. n. gzwley in man her niece. an- Iattle Arnold ma lir. and Inf ? - ‘ ’ 2 (1. n _ . lira. 8. Elkins and liiss Nita mmngfn a” ""‘”“‘l°" °‘ “'9 Wham’ Dnuh‘ mmmmwn wunvtf-us. and w$’.'."'.'I'.'?u.... were X’.‘.‘."s.f7.T.‘l’,‘." 0‘ N" hum" ” “"7 ' ‘ l akhur 5.“ _c°]}e'e Av . _____j to Pam" 1"‘: D.’ llINC0l:D‘h& Thanday _ bealneus. Those who shipped etoelr from here lion-: 3 '_ gig.‘ ‘in 13.7‘ S‘hn-d.y by mow, mi‘, He)“, Bram‘ ‘ad Mi,‘ Sudan. y E ;' H‘ ;:5;:?xk':|l‘1:: NI filial. Ira. dauyl 1.. William-on. W. T. Crane‘ 4 3 for Tarpon Springs, Fla. where Thelma Atwood of Kansas City gA);SAS CITY M Re“.1* an ' slim and mum. n::.opon re- . Ira. sun liarmro: near Columbia ~.. , they will spend the'iall and winter were in Columbia yesterday mako mmhuu of the “lat °E—sw"‘ ' "’°‘ WI” "VII “-51- . - the scat of her niece Ir-. J. 8. Reed. - " i“ ‘l;'h3“°‘l"_n:’f ‘ml n"'- H21‘ lllll Pllm *0 031334 Stephens C0l- weat will meet in Kansasuéity Aug. in nu. r...u°':'a'.'X:i', vltfilahtweehbn ant dull“ :Ihs”lla:e*:::n is uda 1 5 n ' :‘ ' 'n._ ey ‘top in L etc next - - . . . ll 7 or I we ' ‘ & ‘he . ___j_. — :§x,ni1.[ng:‘dl 12 go ‘?end the “co ‘v‘:'ulIkc,‘:‘?D‘:lI czrglmblas "f‘"a:l‘l-y’ vlslted u and In. . L. l.lm- V meats of Dir. and lira. E J Wm- M“! 39"! Dudley of Auxvaue w t R’e‘u.l°;”'3“°" °“‘l'° ,s°““" -an an. aw in were «mu . Ira. nmm inhale and !am- 4 Q 2: kglnggygg-."5d in n.mp1,;._ Tan” arrived yesterday morning to spend “ ’ 9 Council. . in Columbia. Tuesday -no mlati lly are vmou are now. lather. s-mm P ' .. ‘hen the’, vinwhfi um cluehnd week .1 the mm, of he, . t_ _ Membership in this organization ‘on twfi ::~uior.r‘e fin lIdle1r‘.I and their asnnlnxtoo at llartsbutx. s ; am » ...::.. ==-.:..~=~...:-n.;:..;» e um. .. ...A.:.»=;»».«.:.;;...«.».: . Central ' V ___________ ‘ _ A n. ' _ use .- o .7 "Hr-a. J. E. Thornton and lifts Ba- ' —— l _ homa. Texas, Colorado. Nebraska fimhmfwm {an$ are vialt- ‘I; mm“: 1.... 5.... ..' \ *' 3 ael Hoffman will love tonight for "'3 -7- W- Klllffman. Miss Eliaa- and Iowa. and the purpone of the “I 5"‘ Gm" "'3 “I “N17 N- ‘min by at an 3Ivtlst‘Churc‘:. ‘flue Rev. 1:. "", o 5. 1 9 Tulsa, Okla. Ira. Thornton will 5°’-ll Kfllfllnlll. and lfiaa Rosetta meeting iatodi asproblems of in- h‘“_“'' 'f‘’‘‘‘‘‘'' *"’ ‘“" 1-""'° 5" C-Ma i~ cofimht ‘-50 "I" ‘ "' 3'. -. A I ""*‘ “'- ""‘ "'-‘L *“""" ""°"" §°"‘.’.2 3?" "‘S...““‘ .1“; "°"‘ "“” “"“ ‘° "“”T°*°'m- - 57 7'." n -..-""""».. ‘.112... '.:"..:°‘:‘.'.: .:".:;.“:.°.';‘"'.*°.:.'*.‘..‘.%.**'.::°*::.§":.‘:.** ° - ~. ton and J. E. ornton, Jr. liisa V» I 5- ¢ tulle. 1409 can] 3, cu Cl Than I on ' ' - ' ' ': t t I 7' Hothnl! will be the (nest of lira. Windsor Street. 9,. .,..,,°,.'.;;, of w§;;t;1d’:’uix.dnel_‘th:§ ,"‘ “"" ‘Cs?’ “°1”::’.‘:’Kl:-h: Junk "6 ‘-r‘."1ois:‘etahr‘: mn m er) now, ‘ 30”” E. au..pu."'h° '” formefi Mk’ Ad '——.———. umounoed amt . ex” “mun i - City nailed Ir. and In. I‘. C. Tucker thla Columbia (neat: Sunday of Urn ‘ .~ . . a wmmem Jack 703 . " P Y " '~*- ulna’ rents. Mr. and u... w. L. -r...= . . ly Hm Frances Corlew at this city. w mi Avenue i. vi .ng {dais teruhng program has been ex. Virgil cans. of span the was. .. M . .‘ cit)‘. ‘ - .. . ‘“-. I x ‘ad at’. nu‘. ...“On. ‘in be held ,:.:';na his parents. It. and Ira. Ia:-um x'u;:lea,Bn-adahaw. Bollla ‘Thornton and A _ b . ‘lira.’ Tom "1'aylot",‘ 405 "Stewart ‘"3 33983“ *0 be cones month. ‘t lb‘ B‘m"'°" H ' l Ira. Robert Cool: went u» Kn... cm construction work nea";l'n‘!.-‘ra nu” ma‘ . ‘ Roadgwill entertain with two tables 1!” Phi“ WT“ Ben . Two special features ofeach_ ds geineaday tn vialt’her e-mam. Ira. mu .9... 5... g.,...;.,, ' " n n’ "" . . , . , .4. “°“‘"::.:=*°...~.'c.'°:*.."#.:°*-.... um... " .....';t.. ..:°::; :3: i'..':'..':°..‘.::':°m:.‘—*:.:".:: c-1». M.-«W... -as..=~..':::-mi:-:.:; with only one. Inmates boiling \ ' . W ‘luau 1-‘flu. um Bang; 7"“ Parent!» lir. and lira. Humphrey at which questions submitted by $$..:M 5'' huam’ "" °'""' """""“h"’;:°h 5"“ '“'°‘“"! . . _ . . _. l wflh, 1512 3“. Shut th . . , Inga tern of ho ltu puresatxaiactzon now Jellyxngpropertyntgrawalg » M. hm" m John 9 082 In ‘mm k d.8- Chlflfi C. Ibd iamlly Ill‘ hm) U Vllllvlllf hf!’ aunt. M‘ fi-an ' l Rhoda. um mum Gk”, xn_ um Wm“-lTflTh° ¢u,.,¢ -pm, ,p,d.1 ‘QM, window, Ira. any race were shoDvl_n_a in Col_um- Ira. A. .. Ilsa on sun ' en _ . npen. Ch" . W has been ue hm‘ bum in we Fund‘ I on Friday. returned from Pilot Grove when .5. win. 3 Ymllnflb .‘/011855 C¢fU°mflk€|l11YffilltldlP¢!" , "°‘ u3'l"'°"- "'2 , 3°l‘ Che aunt of Kiss Edith Payne ma. non}. Aastene. who has been ooo- ma her eonaln. an. and Ira. r. u. are 1 Cerboeverybatchnaboundto fectlyeverytime. gm, .3‘ 31“ gm", gouml “,9 we“ Ema“ 2 Room of the Baltimore Hotel where ‘fined to her bed the last two weeks. is , : - . - s - - - -' —---—r y’ldtTm"h"l-llfilllefitillttwillbebeldforthei-vrvvinr 'l\eRev0PNlson 3°n"t'wmt°b°d onlnecd boil 'nr"»o“°_D..mn h hiubeenfox 1,“. home in Cdhonn. wind _ . lr““-unnofium an. . . .. e .nearo Baptlst_ you y. W ,, be t 1 her son: l.ilaa D ' which°" ' dnum‘ dcmonstlnnon “’ ‘iii: are here rumor 1:" I: Iona! é.mts?Im1la:l'h:fl'l:.rlw.:'an°a:.:‘u‘et:l Fannot fan you be. your amt one i‘ 309:’ o r . A ura f 33,, 5,," menu, 1.“ ye“: y will be conducted ‘by window um, "um ' _M_,_ In M hm "um our 5:auae_xt 18 the very element nut ‘ht ‘ , WWW“ or Tarpon Sp]-11;‘-5. .p;._ ‘,1, R drcaaera: representing retail stores J. c. Jones and on non. J. C. Jones. Jr- can church for over twenty y...-., “,1 an fruit that makes a 3el1y— .“'°“" 7°“ “*3 * ‘ill 391" F558! 10? Pawlfllltl. counties. she win be ‘age ‘ in Kansas ; ’ vlaitad Carter Owen and fatally In colour the paatorahlp of the am;-z; the fruita them- In” ‘an .' much in a ‘la’ ' Okla. lira. Deaton was formerly three weeks. Complimentary luncbeona will be “' s“"""" ‘ °'“'""‘ " 3‘"'°"°"- “ aclvesinwluchitisabundant. {mm your {fat ad 8 “dag. liiaa cum coma of Colombia. _;_. N ed each of the three am and "l “"“ ""‘- ""° "“ """ '*"“"‘ ——"— ‘ gm, gm; - °°‘°“.‘- '.""°'"°“ “'0 "W ‘ - Dnmdu W - frlendahere.retoruedIoherhomeatflln- .R ; tsncvcrhavethis Certossho:-tboilasveatime.— ; m nu‘ sumwmhm rs. . J. Robbins. so-: at the Monday noonl Rnb- ton awn... . ocheport . _m,mitMa_._mnd ‘ ‘ n*’ “ Vllfinl-I_ 5781100. have at their er!» 8. Scbretfler of Chicago. will 3'" 834 Ir» Ralph Tucker and their - 5 ’ _ Oder 4 ' 9' slam? “'3 tueata Dr. and Ira. F. W Robbins talk on “Increasing Your Volume '°"' ”°"""' ' 3- ml“ 3 7" P‘‘'' m‘‘‘‘‘ "" ""’ ""' 5"" 3‘“"“"2 ~ ° - Calhoun” Stauuton Calvert will leave the lat- of w;m.m,po,.t_ P‘ ' b co ' "etch. . ,, an on. week. Ira. llllcr Horn viahed here s.mo.y.: -; youruooer. r & F“ 0’ $3 or“ _ ~ 0: un'0Ct Ddlllnfl Methods. mu 3,“, gfidn .5; 3.,,5,u 5”" In. Clara Dodson ls vislth: In. Lula; Pectin Corp" & , 2. _'ba‘t~-"m.”nd month. uh Vivi“ Wren“ _ i!l'ldIy0VBnlnklll0f1heVls-avuttbeweek-¢ndwithIlasesliaaeland8h"‘ in .1i.Y. ’ _ . olnllll. ‘(on 'm be ‘nut. ‘t the mimtuw no _ . Ira. Okle Splllman vlalurd here Saturo One min- . “hey will make the trip by motor Nels; was in Colo la yesterday guhgon .50,‘ ‘M on -mud.’ "e_ “Ir. aad':n- cm. m.¢..,, ad 9..., dud. M H mum“ in ; utdeboilhall lnlk _ _ , ' . r. was tow ‘- Ira. "Ruaell Hon-oe and son, Cong: nphmut‘ to ‘ M st‘l’l’"" nlne.ata complimentary dxnner,fol- wing, °' 8" Jufi m why. . n 1 ,".";';',' ‘$2.2: (3.933, who My. 5.," 3,, "3, _ lcgwed by a ready4o-wear fashion lr.!a:l Ira. c. 1'. Bathe:-ton and their 8:“ W’ 3'» Ewen Dr-kt vkiud 5'" when you add 4 -otlr.andIra. ._C.Ballenger. Dr-.L.N.Spsld f 'aga¢1df'°"7' _ . , '°'° “""“"""‘*.'p!"*"°"'“¥ ' ‘ . Hapilton Way. yesterday for lo. I: visiting hlian‘rn:thf¢-p,nflr;_ cf 3*“ "mmd 5"” "ill be in "iu'.M.:"i? 3:"-runs. ..a mu “m A-hm M mm W‘ ml 1 7 ‘ Tipton where tbeywlll visit lit. and E. Spalding. 815 Hitt Street. ¢U0_ct_from all parts the dauxlun.‘ labia. oi Centralla mum um? ""° "° "1 """' ""“"“"“ """ ' i ‘ I .5-In-a..Wal; Iotwae.‘ ' —¥ . méorz; {go and a half for thg 8al'lla; I352. g...,.¢.,, fibrils: party may alternoon. Ber cue-u . . ' ---< ‘t p ' ~ ' bee . r. ra.'l'old8edsworthoiIlll --——-—— ' ' ‘ 7 n.. ...a u... :. n. 1...... u... I PERSONAL Imus 3Il"'..p..‘i.. .'.§.“‘.,,...",,“’°m,,‘,,,,, 3; ...... ......... .. ..... ..... ....., .3. ~ » ~- e— 1 —— 5 ‘ ’‘“‘°'' “'93 '1“ 30'» lflllwr 1?» ._____ ‘ the “certificate nceivt"'p ' 1lI:.‘:;::‘:nT::'7a her son. am: ' ‘ aadlrmorvillenarnetwnerethe Lpsh-Pb. - ,“ Alargenumberofugeg-¢hmuu¢noo.axu.s.cm.namvum.¢ac' - ' ‘l ' call of Kl; at wkyénl I M "”t lhnwme Planning to attend according to ad- "'°I“"”' "“ 3*‘ *“"“"'- U '. ' " Roan . ~ ' n- China lay-. In. act I ‘ i V “'9 15°“ 1.11. -ma was in Jefferson City ""‘°‘ ““""‘°“‘- _ ma non. wm. mu u..........., 9? , S°"“l3°'“l ONE BIG LOT - . -ineu. Inn. in to 3; -'7.” ca. __ __ R _. - _ on». one lira. w. L Nelaon and Dr. X. D Hooker is mu... nla- 3,1... {Sam 3, ,, s,,,,.,,°,’‘'°''' -—y—————_—__ V‘l“°3 ‘W’ or 033$];-s i *1 oonyw. Lu-la. leeonnanied by 11:. fives in calm c..,.._ will be the new chaperone at the n‘‘“'“‘3 ‘”m"°3"'3 171-54. and ~f andIra.WlJ.r of ‘ _ Boycneodwasinchillp Y. Ii. C. A. Building this fall. ae- RIPAEING . y ' A cod - v _,ton, left toQy“foa‘_a_ Inotorl p to. “l¢~¥0|l¢l'¢lI!‘ II business. cording to Glenn W. lioyey gen- 1'3 ‘”‘.“ Satan]. . " ' i " A l ' ‘ “nu '. A. _.~Iberla‘and otlnaa-‘bolus ~1a‘mn Ni-J-uePnceha-ronelot.-. em...-nmy.-un.m.,..;i;m,.‘ macaw-uuwauaauua y g ‘. ‘ °“l*°'4---- ’ 'Iilsaonrl. . ', ; lllolfimtovlsitherparants. upherworkaachape:-on. .50“. la b Iaatt ' ' ' ‘ = p a’ "Id In N T 5“ “Hal; Hat! Hlllia Stewart went Sept I. lit. Hovey'sald. ' T) whiff & Glul ' T ‘T 910.91‘-'91“ W ' . _ aai_Nadlae.leftt1odayfotatw_o-wenttocentnllatadayonbnainesa. . ’ , \ - week’ trip to North Qrollm. ‘Huey "mud ‘ ‘ * , » wlllvlsit_at Naahville and Ion-tromIexieo.Io..wherehevlaited o o . ; v-L» Appees ‘ o V '1 ' ~ ‘ E. C. Anderson - ‘ . - , - ; 7 . l ' -‘ ~ ' ' C.E.Glvens, unujsrpxu Glv- 83*? 2 ~- .- - .. , -,. ' _.anaandl_ln‘hla&'y’Pmaaw..who&.I°"“l”l‘33°!BIhu!inautI1vt° . l /S ” ‘yr 7 \ . "' l‘ @ . "'. "°"""'“""""-‘.“"~"‘* VI-rncuns. . GTOW V = i‘ " ‘X “J”: up ‘ -‘ r - °'° t'u,m:"°nh'.sl";'l'l'“.IJnIya|-sity.ret:I1nedtohlshanein *3‘ 0 ' l O: ‘ ' = u——-s—.&: - . . ' _ I‘ _ _ .0 q". ‘ I E.‘1.‘%'I'I‘I‘_‘l‘U&§_‘l'I» Ra» 3l1barateln_and In. F ° ‘\ L. ,r ‘ l\ ° ‘.. 4 I ‘ . l. . . . ‘ ”‘ ‘ -‘. .. tharfllaetbm-n.o!.IaIapI.l:.1:a=._ftlaaon. towuugm. \ ‘I. / I‘ h I ‘ I am.’ e 5 ' ‘V 2 ' ; «. ~ New Fall-, rocks : wonml \ T +5, .Excepted, , . Q. I 'r.‘.- . . ~. . g. . 0’ V " ‘L. ;‘ .Tlns means you » 5 _‘ rhave unrestricted chojqe , { p , . of anysumrner * ’ ‘ . V. .. . V * an: 19-5’. 5: y ; in A stock, -; , v “ as e , ' ‘ . ~o _~ '_ _ ' -I 9 V ' 1 .’ I ~ ‘,2: . ~- ~ . . - As '.‘a“ w. I - ‘ ‘ ' it ,2. »