.-; 3.3.. '3. '} ' .- ="i. I. _ 11,- ._ .“;':!'.:‘- -‘.‘ --.». . .-.- .e’*~ - ... .- ‘ -‘ s . .- e.'«‘;,-|_,,.._.’,1E.‘_l-_o.,”:‘-,- 43.? _’. *.J»‘‘'':' "t " ‘L 7"" I ."' f." .‘ -3‘: ‘ "T, ‘D _ t ~ :.'— V’: v.“ 7‘ .3 “ “ _‘.-L . * _"‘ u -' ”'3"- '-'~:'', "5 . ’. «at ‘t is 0 i ~. ;. " o ‘ ‘ . ~' ‘ ~33 .. _ e. . ? _ * . A- ‘_ ' e ’ 2 V I, e H. ' gt .' .}..~. - i__ 1 .._ -- - I _ :! '0 e do, ‘ . . L =< ‘ *' ~ .*_e 33. ~.;6..o1925;- i s A . . to t ‘ : H e.-( , ll ‘ it A 1.1’ 3..-;-4 " _,g.".:'m‘:.:.~‘- -0 ‘7 . 0 _ ....."’f," °e.."...."°‘. "3. Sect» » et-t -e$ian as ' _ have unison to hold "3. -- 4 --’ ' 7 -« «M-Giana-is»In hish eIteein.Yet V " 3 ~. . ., nnduiodier ‘i‘ehedntedieai‘orr1-mi-arr-u A nuts’ " 7 .‘ .. .: . - ‘nun 300W-50% K Y “ , . , .. — f o X * , . aud"'lota otit." Dr. wood uoteh- mam! north-re -ficherwd in . 7' " . _ o _' - . D. W ,i V ‘ ‘V3004!’ ' ‘ as one of R“.3‘‘'''>h3'* 959! V e_.':_;j. .3‘. 7;; ' - .. . ~‘-~ ~- ‘ : _ ' _ A _‘ hm now on‘ . y;1.;;‘::lnx up theilmlden hoardro 3 ~'“'. .,:~ -’i ' I ! V. In . . . w . 0 3‘ 3 ' cannot’, nl . .mk' .,. .. . e ' .»;‘e-_. M.” ,;e.rrset an t-nan-e-‘Iron-l}3‘:_ .“It ’-was the best food evcr iu- The row and -flm'.iieve1s.’i3n°- ,I_ ~ A _ , . .§§¢,, . o . .- . "med; end the imfinete V ious stones and ‘rich ornaments o! . ‘"3" I u um‘ me‘ ‘he remind to eet it were the «former wealthy ._ e; e I” ~-A “.__I egeegn end flue,” not clsssesinltuasiaforrnedatrenieul. \‘ . _'_ _ _ ‘EA - ‘o - - 3 .m.;,, fin 3.3,. .gec.m.¢,,'."'hy e venue of efidenee in “pm” of my mass of treasure. The date 1 ~':z.::;.:::::;*:‘..‘:.‘::::., , , o *“~ .. t t,-. .-m€te:v:khfid.”'mn'“mwhol‘ win» but - on on one 'n_onume .n.ut meat be-'°°’(‘!fi:h°"‘°" may or these wome- . — . ‘ _ t ‘ . ~' thepart—o!ala:-¢eac’tlsp¢fe‘fi,egn‘3,ed¢e,.~¢hekidne’,e end for an eowuereesueeeededinauiugso. " ‘ ‘ “ t ""*“‘ """ ‘l°‘"'°"‘ tn" "°“lenhiie to put beion the"! P’ ruttetere from t. ° 1"" “hm th 1 ht‘ " .. .. .t «._.~ ~» .. ~~ . . uttt R “"83 e!*°.=r;. lute'5nkwhs\va the . . . _ . , .. L .. 0!‘ those !flIItatl:Ls.have'.M er” '0 “"0” when be en‘! nu. me the Ngnzuhnifaifit Bu: huge shores of levels and 3;, ofnu,e‘1ete°-p“,.y:,d “$31. hue: on his story, f'11ie_hlear-Jug- ...--__.- " « H °"'“°“‘°u’ A mteedllbit he could’ otfiiidvwoflll, ton. trallan. and cenedten. hed the-""°°‘°“" '“°"“ "9 0 “*1” 9"-’ was one atthe-richest men in nut. -. - t l ~ . ;_ «-4» ,;_-;_~—;__-______,_ . ., , . w°_.h"o .310"-f";¥v W“! m,.e mmeem He ‘me ‘fieken ‘ “Mae in the mmd —cnt-hrs wh re the owners buried ,- _ ‘ His petetldn states he wrote his Vt“."' ' t ~ :3‘ .“" m doeth when he rose in response to veretehies. or course. should ng-A “,”°".‘ "‘ "" .“"‘ "W" °‘ “'9 3°?’ The ‘whole treasure has been ‘W’ "' °‘°9"‘‘’°’!9"-‘°' ‘“‘". i“ 3‘ ' q;a.4p@“oI in“. ‘.“U_ _.1V%h‘o_ _ , 805'“; . ‘‘!_'''« in u the speaker‘: call. At last. how» we in a common-sense diet. A.°hmh'1°"' h°p;‘"‘ t:M_"m? handed over to the P Com.:':u"';l°"(’;;1i19fi1’fd‘hi:”::'ha'?"‘¥ei:m‘D°; l-» _ failed. lllnbtelllllhu. ~‘ ~ = . .~ . .:.t upwen ‘ssou . . ie. v - .¢ndan 1 - in in GI ’. that the Red field u1.the Pitt. .“WliIt'" "an be man.‘ to adfllm dad" ‘Mum guano” hm “hem Lecome more-‘settled. e. m"‘mt"M it k..m'°—°M«{ ‘ht corporation for Drbsllectlvr Fur- o qegtilniion uiruuaviaver ... 0 . _ _, must be the etreet of this griev- ust long enough to find out what . the ettieier which poueu artisticv L .' .. 4.. u ' F2350‘! “i” u” .‘h°°k°d 'md'T'"t °I ‘I’ auce on those who suffer {mm it he liked to eat. and—th~n he should The r°°°m'd‘°°°“°”" °f"“°"“’°‘ and antiquarianvalueirill be sir A moan m" u” m""’" ~'=*'~'- -" - e - '3' u there *°*§~1°wn¢..¢uda--u‘.ito.eboI- 7'“ ‘‘”° W“ °?"‘P'" “'4 3”‘ when I. who am merely the spokes. en. it to him proof. who meal ““‘°'~’f’ “ ‘2-5°“-°°° "' “*° ”°'°°"i to the appropriate at 0 -:32: ‘""" '” ’°“‘"‘°"‘ *""‘°“ ' “"°' .‘.','_‘.“'l"'§‘-'§'.‘:....«,' mhtctin is 9?“ U ' ah“ en‘ fihgwh Deflhlflgr nu. am too Isitsted to present on diet mainly composed or m°"’.'°".‘,’,f u-'° f°'""’.' P"i"°°.Y°"" finnnce Oommi-er. Hr. Sokolnl- .5°°~t°d‘” . " i it . "-F. .. ..... '.'.'I"'.Z ...-. .-.. ‘fiNv73“ 5&5’! . '.!i'l!Iliia ct. ~ . ~ in.” it to the House!” -33 sat down cereals had lust about the melwpc" “ 0. '3-"°.w m Amefic." $5‘ komtlvearewandof’ 2S0tocach~ w.°’t‘"‘—°“““-" id." dd°.”d'“§“' ‘ ’{‘¢‘“- ‘ ‘nsiuuuvlv-I-V’ _—--—_ - 'u‘m_' ~ l ._SheIIrvnthVtbe -1 . , » vmcrcly an indication of what is in; ,- . Ewhflg feuining his mghugcdpt, cm. _ . an ‘had, . . DNVNN bod value. .. ‘do he amid tremendous applause; and car. resisting power to dusesse as cows 1 1. _ . . . of the . . . , . , _ . « ., 3"!" 3”" t ' because d ~ ' i ’ ” °'—'-‘~"o“’ < ‘ ' ‘°“°°""’"° ricd e orhir e rabbits. ahn re ' °”‘ ‘°’ ’“°“’. "’ ""'.""‘“°"'. - — I - — a'P"’°¢ *°=‘°v"V¢ *"mhflIiI.r!rl'.t' -- - .r . wk“, $339 1315013 ieeeet til (18! 3 l“9.l°¢t- That lid d it wanted not k A airnlltrxdiocdvery of smaller « 1 .0 i‘:dth:°".Ldn.:h’,,,,'vmh'5 5;: mun unconsciously enonch brand and butter. but butter —and f,',,"’'"°'’°° "8 '" W Sm“ U"i'7propornone reeentiytooit piece in °‘'“°"'“‘’ 9" A’ . 3"-‘° ver .0, ed,“ )¢ng.:aa.suua -‘country ‘does ‘odd M" heen°u’”fl__ straight to ‘heir; ladfifligt of the bral. and most intelligent: 'l'bc Younsupov memion is new 3? the Moecdw home of the former °w“ "” 5"‘ W4". lllot NM aép: _ _ nogepngsagr igj..gfiQ-gffi. . .. most critics a ence n Vvurld. 0 Om W011 iclt the butter off . A * nobleman P suklf , 'h lyi ' 4 . ’ . thathla‘arn‘vill«formI"¢"“""l°' of pipes,-. _ ,, ._. ‘Y “' ‘''°' °‘ ”‘° 1 have put down 33¢:-nerd sh w the liread." - .r’?oli::dmn .325 .§ft§,.'°....§‘{','t‘,,’.‘,',’§,':,’,'. children ai::‘id‘é’iim ‘ m N 1'15,‘ DH“ ‘"93"’ .‘P°f:2°fl'1i:gd1“?§ ‘thigh V -“ T- syuggynemge 05'," .u...e~ e eh!" I as: a hlc r. I t 00k! as if every man must ‘ . .3 - ~_ collecti f peed‘ " ects, in-; . D.’ "' "' H” t 9' l W7‘-‘° “"° d°"' ""3 In Europe 6:”: Ice: and tie term dllilertze anyone who onion Shaw's be ' _‘“' ‘° *”'“’‘°"- Some vf 0: ;:?;ic)dooo:.hcufisoflfitzrtizfegznnlilo’dudincoilwgtadbna zeuilt gowmembers : °-'“‘.‘”~‘..“"" "‘° ‘'’°"‘‘’ .‘'‘‘''”'°..?.’ , -atcuenhte». busier met. to eee “math he an» 0‘ 8”” b m me me, rim to K0 and hear mm me . mama" do very wen mm i3.wztll yielded and the ...ret..rr-orthe P-zukwn I-mny by «terms? »““’°°' ‘?"' ""°.. "-"’ °""“’°."; iiism-e't-'*\'in-ht these rules violmd gush abd A " ' limited.’ Rolliy -mach and not find has spoken Mn B’-‘mud Shaw. for 1-xémpie. found themselves in a steel veuitmd Turin” ever since the days of»."°'.' 0"’ “"°’°l' ""““““"".‘ ‘time -an e,,,,,t,;.~. “".,...°'§'.’.’ .uwords. fluency and‘ "°"“' °"°“ mm .‘”¢m8Unir than who seems a model of‘heulth and which W35 ‘lulled high with diam ‘Catherine ll . "'.h=¢h shed °°P&’fi8ht¢4 “id "thick - ‘ o . I tlfllflfillt . , o . '8 ' - J . " . - . ‘ ' “Th ’ ‘ - fig] '1)eve' rpheard such 1089- fieee-e“e.ee'' ‘. .e "e in eeme euenem ‘em we written ones There is the well- ll“ "03! tf>00h9d_ meat, for rift) cnds, sapphires, pt-arls._ neckleecs, ' One sometimes encounters people m e s“m"'d‘y Evvm I A Then.‘ to. there ~ xa endebe ‘home De ya‘, nan‘. It “Pun, now um known mg ‘Bid and“-3,-, but eh,’ gears. wish he had teken a hand brooches. platinum chains. silver in Russia who are living by surrep- _ ‘ - - . . ‘ ""fill§ 1hatthevc- ' ’ ' ¢' "~”-”"tib"h “fin ‘met flu“ em“ "ere salted «’ with a nignity of ii‘ "Ply to Dr. Hutchinson. dishes. and gold and silver bric-u- titiously selling their secret hoards watzam d°m‘"d' ‘wmo d‘""‘ ' E the right-has the b’ . » at‘. ‘.“.';°f and A put 29:3? net. in if ousness and linIPld- "—“““— I » rac. Tot valuables: but there must be “ms for we phi‘ ‘M “"5 “moon ‘ : °" 9939?‘ in .EIn'ope. ~ . "mp ‘" . "ncss which n the effect of ' 3 Among tho features of the collec-*' many more cases in which the own- ' {" 1°” °t ad" “ “ ‘“u''°''- "5 "‘ aw.‘ ‘ . . ‘Hiis lilnethc Oulflfe-1‘w“2ot« «_- . oteounmtheythenhave theiref . , . ‘ _ . v;50000,_.,,,mp1, dun .. _ . m he_d_ . firopean re-Ce The” exeenuh ‘, W is ucridit) None of the old xtion were mo:-e.thnn two hundred ers of the caches are dead or In ’ '7 . _9°‘- . 1 _ _ i3"°"d' ‘ . I0 _¢§O§1b_,{_Ql|o'lng their need in the own.” nndetegungg mbe about Shsw—l can see . lpicces of antique bric.'s-brac, nisdei-exile. Digging up the buried trens- Missouian want A3, 933"’ ”'°f""t’::n' 0. th of la a’ to “rad ee 0‘ we medium forj in shudder at u;e_ thouzht._"u5g_ by l-‘rc c English. and Dutch ure or the former wealthy classes : the idea‘ way tn ecu ave-e'd—em_ jlitsthe Ind‘ 3¢l_1W3- " civilisation. , ' -influencing Jlndiences Now the 7' rad“ “ft “"3"” ‘"5 3 Studied , , —-—y—-—— - -masters in the seventeenth and promises to be an interesting di- M __ ;_ . . - gflgjt; ‘ ‘ ’ ' “ ‘t - re. The wgy to ‘gun-it’ ",5 pace ‘.wnny -"0 vim 'comm°nphc§i'cssunlnes5 to drive home the an “"1331 Jefllllflts Brytnhn foretold; eighteenth centuries; huge silver. version for many years to come. ; '*~+~-t~++--~o _ :-j ' A - 2 - - ’ more n v ». . s . ‘ e. calzzot cc 0‘ ‘n 33.30; 990.31, 1.,“ u-mg“, .5355 umueht end inefleet, Evenrer bitterly humorous comments of his dual: bgrélcroreizheg ti.) x;i;1;:‘r;t'-‘re _._.e-__:,_;.ee:::_:;,7:e W e _. .-:___. L New Power J hpouallie fir V e o rvan‘ er through the voluntary, in the ow wee“ Peri“. simvuciefifonwiiet an krneInn}elrs'.rh ' now {dead r . N. ._ EATS mxs OF BUTTER other phees. the amount of butter I and Pe~ . “U9 “ nu" ' ' ‘ to make‘ m. as ° ' °mu'*.'p°" ‘ ‘ ‘actually consumed in the New York "'9 “’° or compulsory but an, aged lathe ofghlatiuns ‘through her intellieun per-oun‘ei,‘s'et_an ex- ~ . mole of toodfilloevsh fl- aor m.set pu . ‘P _m, “V” ‘attributes or . I upon»: h World frifllltl-ii».-u the Jason . Lticians of all parties. i of the 'any«n. securing it accident. voice, ‘al- oecret? I have 5 B’ I‘ re . . of a zlthcring ‘Mstimulnte Dominion represe- rt which hie ‘iudiee lflillh keel It ll very st:-an ‘r. “V arejuat 5. iii? A 0 tthc better of the two. "5 r ”w'illl‘liever ame argument .1 lest Eating and Long of a-—Pi~oIn t_hri.ondon-en:-‘ere. fin” glgiiqnsto be_curbed_ even “eh hpeuebefint pf‘- - . “pub-eebn with mmfifin‘ wd_.’er as a speaker in the House 3-pdlico’.10|'¢0 Nu‘ *3 1““"5°“ for ‘world ' ' ip-.-a aysten§- 'o.:'ill tions duri‘nglC°mm".n” "d E out ilalahiued by a city much atiaed program or eduéa the last century are John nngherl‘“°"“““°’ °’“‘°’ °‘ "‘° a V ' P‘ a He is devoid of those *'spellbindinx" common to t e cheaper tub-thumping poli- lie has no use at all for-those sweepin¢,,gran- 'diloquent phrases beloved of old, and still not quite extinct. What is seen and hold the House of Com- gsilence, secure the intense intere ‘ of business men. Ariles of Occupation "ill Leave ists in a roar of ‘ no sides to the secret. He is utterly ‘unconventional in the things that novelty Hehassrnindatqnce ' lively and coneen ted. There is aiian, -‘ !always soinethingin what he says, ...,e ,'and yet curiouslyenough in semen “YA __ ‘thre s ‘ powcrhehas Vlflt’ ‘nu gift of phrase. He‘ has in a its place the apt tliought—per_haps hf um I-‘ar be it from me. to‘ t “ya; -"aw? ;we have not a_ host of tiresome ll . 1!‘ ll 8 legion. {But the very fact that the field ‘:0! supply is so ivide, that the_..,,. $portunity for speaking is so"'g'¢g- tolitht talent which in days gone by would have been efunavoidahle. We need not fear coin- parison with bygone centuries. De- " - - phnu. ‘;ll‘::U|en:8, werehhaherle. would be ' ~ pu to ms in is place_ in an tum” the face of modern competition. Ufa. of most sought-for time? in “tilt is not his culture. He still pre- jsarves his aitchlessness-—perha J. Macon to Kirks will lie down eternal sleep. It 87 United Pres. ..-n uzvr-s suos tumult won DCC. Phone 817 AL; 0 "D _ “°“."i .°" “rim... ' ' i ' ' Jvorhceiiedrerudueuve 0 " ; -o H to ~ - .‘_ 3 V _ - . . _. , s .. . 0 -,.. . . Phone 649 _ ‘-iiaarhIi.fiuu_t ear 2 ._ re. ;A_.,; ‘Me. ' - - and estimates 0 ' ‘fee ‘given. . Cleaned, pr‘ ‘ we ville to make speech at the Macon County, fair. On the train with him were Dr. A. G Hildreth, Albert Skinner. William R. Baker, I-‘rank Briggs. B. R. Wil- liams. and the Rev. C. A. Westbrook. Asked the condition of his health by Dr. iiildrcth, Mr. Bryan is said; to have replied: “Well. my heart has not been treating me just right here lately. Some time after a big meet- ing, or an occasion where I have been engaged in ii sharp contest. I to_rest. and sleep the MORE airman cmizs. . ARE 10 an EVACUATED Duisher: .and . rort. . We still haven -large stock of tires fit the old FUNK BROS. Mr. Bryan was on his way from 11 0 cute the evacuation of Dusseldorf. Duisberg, cud Ruhrort. occupied in- dependently of the Ruhr by the al-‘ also provide huge quantities. Withp lies in March, 1921. ‘ ' The occupation of these three im- portant Gernian towns followed the ..... _'-. -v I r l A « 4 t V 4 refusal of the former German min- NOTICE _. ister, Simon, to accept the De . . , y and Night Transfer moving :*.‘::*.::.',:':.’ ‘:;‘.:;." .*;.*?..‘.*;.°.::‘;":‘.:'; won ---a "'°F*°=* -wt-Iv been the occupation headquarters ‘nab & Jib‘ Snbektnegl Ennis‘ for the French. » 0 PM”. um ‘ '_" _ "7 "7 '- ."4”“" _—Na _ . __4_ -Suits and Dresses eséed’ anddelivered in a y that satisfies. ' We do ayemg ‘ VAL E 1‘ 0 Sanitary: Cleaners A 3 0 8.8. ‘‘Shoriy’’Robinsou . rhooesis : ,i"Mm~sUMMr.R. Product Procured From Many Home and Foreign Markets. NEW YORK.—New Yorkers rank high among the butter eaters of America, while Americans are known to be among the greatest butter eaters of the W0 . dcr. too. and en f Dutch slid Danish butters are held. in high esteem. and, when production is low, Australia, New Zenland and the Argentine. having opposite seasons, are ready sauce: or supply. But theirs is an insignifi- I PARIS, Aug. 6.—'1'he Council of shipments from the Middle West. . Ambassadors today instructed the Allied Military Committee to ext--;. Minnesota, lllinois_ and Ncbruska,- metropolitan district estimated‘ ‘at more thpn 500,000 pounds a day.‘ The clutter that New York used ' ‘fifty years ego was all churned farms near by. That which reaches‘ the metropolis now goes through vs. , ried adventures. A Michigan furm- } pm. creamer). butter New yew is» er may have brought it on one of his’ the leading market of America. t“'°“’d‘Y "593 ‘° “"3 “'h°1°'mm" More than one-fifth of all the but-_ °"°“m"5' tcr prcduced in this country is ‘he’? 3"’ ‘"93"’ “'35 5_°P”8 shipped here. comm‘ from et lent machinery and made into buttery‘ mm). sunese New York em bub the leftovers were inostlikely sold. tcr from across the Canldian bar-s zzcdksrine or perk.” . “rm in, . .. er ' rom overseas. xebe heme self and shipped it 500 miles to a‘ central manufacturing point. Per-; fhsps it ‘went to Omaha.'one ‘of the st huttenrnanufacturing cities 4 lin the world. where a single plant I i . cont contribution compared with; '“'5' mm 0”‘ five °‘”'1°"d‘ in “ ‘"5" : Try a Missourian want ad. of his the farmer separated V on- neighborbood. 4 A by t a . . j,,, - e for hi‘ POUR’) . 5 Cylinder grinding is an iipatllt to ‘1 Iourauto. lruckorrnourhusaaoil _ the cream himw _ 1114 Cylinders resolve Phone I 5 oyunder G_ri_u_fl “Station + 2366. ‘test «unit: you w r . All Work I For Your qotor We are 110!‘ eqitlppal J-ah [Lg cc-lo. -: ing._‘ ea 'i'_<._LI . MURRAY & nouinsoir’ 8150 lldvy. ‘ -wuv AA ‘.1 __1_ évéé-f‘ I -14:; D 1 Michigan and Indiana 3 due allowance for rcshipping to! no-o-—¢ocom .—-.-—.--a. o i E‘ .o.qv>,~ 00.; INC. ZLPASSENGER an L7. Colujlibla ' 8 a. ni. . S% . .09-e-—--3-4 I -14’ Ly. Jefferson. City w-véw gran « —~ 704 Cherry St. 1 , . - EXCURSION uoo¢:ano¢¢-— ' - .......‘...‘ ..f. . .. . . ~ in 7 : 35??“ 4;‘ .l~:..'- .A .; A.’ K i ' v . any l. ,. _ if familyisen- .' > for ‘#1 t it continnex I it one 5.‘._e j _e t’ A e.-.-‘ :3’ jo ‘D ‘~_it._».._»¥ou?ive..providing‘ all and .4 . I -I 'O‘-C'-O"O¢~O-- ,-v -V‘-v-v not ‘IVC-I I .— '~_.4‘,’.,.v-,_..- ; g . ' ‘ I II...‘-Unlflaongg l|Z§‘", ' deal!!! this pr the Univei j l a - e e v»