.a.t.. -a.- ...... _. _...-.*..._.__...... .-.a.——.,—»g-. _...,. ........¢-pavaofi .__ . t , 9" . ‘ ' ‘U. ‘ r s..‘.' ....-.....e .. _ _ _ V’ _ . . . . .' . ' ,. ‘ 1 _ . . _ . -can-aoweoomoeooa-0a.;-.‘.,g. - v - . .- ,... , ‘ I A ~ 1 ——«—a——_a.:—.an—-g.~.u-—4—§oq~.o—a-:2-up.»-an-—u.u~¢~a-uafiooa-.. 47¢——:og¢ 2ao2— , ', V . |— r- a -4- l i‘: ".n‘FV."‘y.|L~ ._.4- r..‘._; ‘r... ._ . _ ,, j.‘ 5:; s . V I H I. “ I 5. I‘-;_ ' .._';;.-‘;r-.»,-. ,1; --_r.-, a :_ ..,_. ,y_T‘: ...'-3-‘, __-.v_—-_‘.;:_--: t.:. . . ._,x. v ‘.‘:;".‘—A‘—_‘¢-U -,7. 7 a,_ ,.a‘.~,.’ . .’,.-., . i.. goo": 1-: —.4.‘._.-_,. - _ v , _ ‘V, ’ _'_ ‘ I‘ 5 ,_ :4 J M ‘Q’ _‘’g''_. '-,1-. "i '_ . v ‘. z...‘ ‘, ,_,‘___,~- ‘- . ‘S }_ érzfi, .—"- ‘:' .‘ t u .' "‘ _.‘ . . " ‘st \._/ —J '‘ ' .‘ ‘ e.‘ .- ' l . ~.v_-::‘ 5 V I ?,_‘,- ‘ I ‘.. I "!.>, ‘.?:‘. 5 ‘ ' If‘. , ; .« . ‘a .' . r ’ . . — , . ~ J __ . :- .‘ T .,o , ‘, . 4 1 . , Q, ' . 0 ‘ l \_ ' Ii ’ .. ' 1 - _ ' ‘ ~‘ s ; ‘. ' a J ' ‘ 4 - - _ I o 7 V ‘ ‘ ‘ ,_ I / . _ ‘ . ’ ‘ UMBIA' MISSOURIKN IDAY r ., _ ,..t- COL . . UGUSTI 19% I A A 1 g ' . ‘ a :.__-:.__i5 00 J - ‘. T in éionsxvis NEWS good deniand-for. es was due to the « -cu oa.?_Oo 00,0 swanaiva NAVY véiu. nova iaourdeleiisewhichllanssonah iu1~ivsuniiaauUcnssaaa:ai¢na it." am this . “it in: DONDO V V journal 2 . :iupoi_1_ant - that the coniiniasiongintredieiit in what is to town A Felix locational " l Uillvfllli iitong ""‘.“fl“°, 8 ‘watt modefll; O . ‘t ." 5.3,’... ~ on -,.‘ \. . \ ' »..4 1' .- ‘ . . " ’ ' f" ‘-.: . . . ~ . - an- , _ ;~a;ttoico1umbia.aswmtiiio convenient '[ .t‘a..;o: ‘ the same e decision of Germany mpoae a A‘ - . W190“ duty. and 0: re it that‘ 9'99" W3 W5‘ 8”‘ nt antici-iearliest recipe for hit a . 0 Po 0 4 §‘l3,50 With Dlitlbdflffl paying ‘Id Rand; hu 1 room 8 “O ht reg!“ ‘Dd '“h®t union “cord. -1 ungm-,3.-Koga, 50: under Stfifor ii {cf ulufted ones. _ for 7,500,000 iusheis of wheat. Wm .39. of defense defining hia;“wi1d rose 1“ ‘Louis top: . 50¢ under 1 ‘Delay in arrival of trains of west- Bros 1 figure; that nun. gym STOCKBOLI.-—'l‘he, recent an-icfitlufim-5 in uhfice. omy .0‘, Hume"; flu, W-” _‘nnh-um ‘ha’ ‘,5 “mun tofern lambs heldup-‘trade. Native export 14,000,000’ bush in the nouncensent .o£_ Delease Minister as. 3 ‘uh "sad ,0 ‘"1, no .2 3. Louis top. ' ' ‘ rehehlathigher Plifla on next two months and the Balkan 333330“ ‘*9 .S'°.di3,h gum] reorganization. be velous fashion. Punk" *‘_-_g“,,y hm,’ 19¢; Light, account .01 8 in re- States 11.000300: This will bring tnent due! 3'3 P1!!! 0 ln!,.'om,d‘-v - _ _ ends “ashes of ,,‘,,,, 14¢, 5...‘, gpflnga, isand 20c:‘ ceipt: to 38.090 conipas-ed with a down requirements irom North more battleships lint ‘gill rely upon, . —-——-o———, trim the hairs _‘ “flu min‘, 13¢; tug,’ hem, z1¢;y waekago. Prices paid. though were‘ America to 3 little over 5,000,000 an adequate force of gibniarine de-j Iac|lIi.aLAN _IIPfl;‘)tl)'§1x0NPLAcB Roses figured p E: old tout. 17¢; young ducks, 11:; old? bet“! 335135 3t¢£_d;’- beg“ *.1;IIh8“bushels weekl)’ and cause Europtan bl: ‘tt.n::d ?7“_'tid°?u° ~ nuns LA _G~ tain old-tinie K duh ac; ‘.”e_ ac; om cock, 94;; ms w i we rns, consumers to draw 82,000,000 bush- 1 ll 0!! ,1"-'. 13 g0 l 0 ‘ll, ‘ fi.o_ P. , as rosa solis. w . Ed. :3 ¢¢unt.r'y.butter, 35:. 1 held_ at $15.50 and above. vy :18 {Tom WPPIW3 03 P888829. leuvwurifavonble nature. i1!iIr;duBadbn.h.I$aG"d.hge.‘. R‘. r to“ wuer mind 0 G 3“ 2’ '155@1.57;;feedlDg lambs weighing scvcnty- ing about 28,000,000 on the ocean The §WnIh D¢8¢“_1|lf 535793, ‘ “ind Baud,‘ d flavored with --. we: «on» ::::*:::..'*:::=::..:.:.1::.: °"..°'..-'~'*.:.".2:: -:.-2-=°‘,...':'.': ..'..‘"*:.‘.=»v~»-»- 5.;-.v.:.':.*.~...W~... ..... n ‘--. -- -’ - ,, hi . r - —-—-- . A _ I W an em . . , W_As.lIING‘PQhl.——‘ 'three in.‘ in toy guns ~ g “‘,d,.;un 3.30,...‘ g)1¢;.¢,.%%n! catch of pbjecta and apecily thrf‘ 8‘ kw u‘' .815. _ _~ - ‘this market to ‘hold up, but there 1‘ “£89553 .919 ‘ii’, "1 puny, gf an 3 mm ¢xp¢-§to— 7083"‘-he’-:lII0lli“flllJO out oi as: 3 in U. have passed resolutions pro- that the are to cover the cost mt-nonsi. srocx YARDS. _iu.. .c|uCAGC- WHEAT‘ 3si.i':s~- :;' d’.‘°.'.”'“°°‘ ,"’"°"’° °‘ '"“,"“ P°?"“"f,_°°‘th.‘ 1,» t. . f°';h ‘° ' ditlon in their 200-mile dash across -moody bnin; , 2 .. taasting°a.g::in'st the so " t ‘to 0! builiiias culverts 51*} Aug. 14.—Catt.le—-'-Receipts. isoo; INCREASED Nnsmanav. " ‘°‘"“‘ ‘W ‘5’“‘°“ ‘"’ ”°“"‘F- ‘.""'° "1 ° “ ".’° ° . ° “£1? ,- Ellsniere Land {ounda suitable land-l ' U 1 ‘~ 1.: . tho directorate of the nev'P1'°hm' A alinilar nlroi-k"will be done in mung no gum-' mu-lat; native ——-—-——- - — 'Mn.l°" .'”° Influx 59°‘ whe" "‘ " ‘ ' "Me °, ing iiliee which they 3008313. 89-; " l’? ‘T’ 2 B: .. ‘iv dhtfict be" of J A_ Lhhin, in county. Bid‘ no adv”, bed no “lg; yarn“: ‘mu, Ileavy_Buying Causes Nervouinessl $35; t-‘:.°k‘i‘¢’d;5" """'h_ "R19 1:: H"“f°“h'u“"°‘“"" ‘:°""hu“t um; cording to a garbled radio received? G: . r-nan vnnnnon commas-W new we «an-«=n~»«= or we we even. no «In cow» we "' l'.'::.'‘...'i'.:.....‘’°°'''‘*n ...,....1~...:.:*.::: "A ...... :::::.;. in or v +* "°°” r.:.*:°é“.:.':.it.°:‘""°"‘ ‘°“" "°"‘+ 0-’ --' "W M» --v'-- :5. - -‘Orcsom W!“ “"°h°“- °.'.,mI1eI of co ° 5.50; cannon and cutters, s2.5o@, Chm“ when M, ,,,,,,,_. m ,; fooapoiio miller figures that there is “The minister expressed atlhigh-' . 11,’ mm ;,,,,,ch "3 mwmdi ’° lhfliwl caudally . ' gflfivmr n the “ml?” “at uwyivided into ‘a "°’ecu"‘§ folk“: 3'50‘ aka’ u2'7—5@l8; “och”: from the to us a remit I C you ‘ not more than 110,000,000 bushels 1)’ 0PUmisi.ic view) of’ the Russian ld 21:4 with 5.5; rt‘ J Jul’ l& 1&9 sfiutv P595- ”? 3°‘ 3°“! P"°mbm°" °"‘°"°" 31”‘ °{ and‘ th ‘:'’;’2 and foedcflr D0 333- Jim, “in .£,,,,,,,,,,_. m'g,¢°c:,‘,51?9o{’milling wheat available from the danger” it continues "and des itch fiaud 1,, put. mu" ° p° °“ ! Plsolso 1180 or 2084 Mack th . . = . e 0 er . In ' (,‘.._3¢¢¢j 6500; mark , " . .' ' - _ » ' With liquor not being sinuggledilong Eh“: ‘nurvasse cree bridtflo. 5130,”. 1n3_35@13;5t.';dated Press. Closinir prices. )'ester- “°‘‘' “W ‘P the “°'’‘h‘’'‘~'’‘-- 0* f‘“"" °_f 191" 5"“ .” - “N0-- -507! like 200 ""193 ‘TOW M -8-": of ,‘ , . ‘ '," ' '. - . -_ " ' -_.,i 1551-3 L55. D eastern houses most of the session. ment will be able to foresee any’ ' h M. [g ’ \ J- / gnd mu; mug Igor en- 3.655, and 3.974 miles, west of Hc- “£5. hem lam.’ m3_5o@u 15; t rut-r S to S , ocember _ . . _ _ ,landuig place—-was on north s are _ ‘ 0 ioroement in isolated seaport tows.“ . - - 0 ckiilx sows"$i1I$0ib12.16- pies’ 3'53 5‘8 ‘° 1'2‘ 1”’ “L65 34 ‘° Stung”, m "heft “med buying R"'”‘"- p°“°" °f ‘“r°”'°" “Y °‘ 3""-l°"" in ""P’°“i"“‘° '°"‘i‘ " t l / . ‘b& we wnd norumu‘ coast’ em whewer the bridge um“ can 52.256“. {mug .n_3‘75@1,‘.16. .:1_2_ . « at intervals but demand was not such an early state Is to enablef rode 86. Returned to search for D ~ :3 ,‘”°em,,m Oman re h“-he thchfic k 5 to be ‘ put of ‘ Boom - B’ . moo, "ht! Cr-2-n closed 1-2 to 1 cent lower. “°‘,"]y b’°‘d °"°“9h F° 35°75 °f° 05 $0 like *5? i'°lf{lDECtl(‘);I1: itiffrafi on {ing. 5 sit ‘tvl: €;1lIIl¢lpl- R‘ I éhlusfer-red"to a schooner late cap-’ ' '1, d -“ed god, Q, t 1,, a. 1] cents lower Shippers bought lights W !C_ Um‘ "I U05 3 to 100 8)’ PICNIC 811' _0 as been - Q tug-.4 he cuudju, Ponce "rd in_“':; sogmintend toy kn.‘ Meeuorit, y and under&¢ight5’ incguding pigs, previousclosc. Bull leaders checked confined to.fl'ie University Hospital ’_ _ . . ' u .' itmded for uh“! aw in Bfifisk A unity rhufing. is the only at the minimum decline w.thin ii, the declilne. since that time, was discharged this . . "_ ,-c,;nmb;._ “vwdhubem nut hem’ _ , hm‘. th 1 k range of $13.25 to $18.90, while. e sowness of the Liverpool morning. « - - - M ‘; rt.liat‘the Chris flung; 1; now lyifig W” m .w . e "V “n c butchers of substantial weights . +,—-——~ A 1 . any action against Reenie, police . 1 +4 — — ~ —— — ; ~—~ - -—L# be - zsosliewhere along the Amcmcgn . . . were ofl’ 25 cents. ‘Packing hogs -- 4 mm A — 1 A 1 _ Eabore, well outside the 12-mile liqi-laud‘ . - ‘V903 it “L50 to $12-35. . -t, ' - 51:, ' ,3-‘ 1 ' ‘ ‘ - imlesjm, conwce, IN I-‘ALL e to: ngaoge ofnclhoice cattle _ V ' , ._ mica.‘ gum ‘Dd m_°mbmon._.om_, ' ..-___._.-._. ‘ anion: e 11, arri s was small . i ’ ’ ‘- 1 ‘ , ‘fin ‘,3 "yin: m and "en, loop_:5 of 106 Graduates ol Mexico. M0-.1 and heavy ones at ‘$16 with me- ‘ _' st 350]; an-oath w ' ht], ""3 _t _ Sditlle M. ._ ‘uni weights averaging 1192' - - ' 1 ' * " iii up mgxhtfinukgiu 33:0. ‘zlvéfi, “I,-‘divefot tie laitifieliitsh grgdul; ploulnds age $161.10 Kg!-ebo‘te“dy, Sim-' Old 1 ])l'lCe ._. ~ O . he ° 5 » _ a torn c 1 lg iery at r casses a v 14 yrere ’ . ' :' ‘ A 3133 .nn?:n,cea, ;:$ &b;:SQool._ Mexico. will attend the unchanged. Common artid inferior P5 until 0 F .33.;-303.1, coiumhu ‘in compe5fidn‘UniV_ersity fills fall.‘ They are Lan- yearlings and a large portion of the C O O “K: B R O S .- ' ea‘. 3 with tovernment -torea loos Mclntic. Jforest Noel, Roth- ordinary steers sold weal: to 25¢ . o _ .- 1:3 . , 3 « _____._-____ 1 ,:well shittuor, A. ciwidte, .ir;, and lower. cow trade was dull and Q Ph 778 - , , - 1'. 0 L _ 880018 FAMILY TREK 331,1: fhlnrlcn Dry. steady with ‘bulls selling ‘slowly. X one N‘ ." ‘or B-an wo"r Km. Huh“ ‘nd;wmD:n!:; so {:2 Scagliezgiiecs Reed. Calves went to packers at $13 to.’ V R j “I ; 7.? i--Old naoriuer = ' — - — » ~ - . Be ,;,n,_nnh‘;:_. - ' E Th 25 c a was the largest " .. - _ 3 ms-pox. fin” Au‘. “’__A“_i'ev.er gmduated from the llcliflan H T? fif_ M , ,‘ 7 5*. °"’¢f“u)' 118 out a notice. ‘ugh schoca’ ‘ma mfny of the nu’ I ‘ W 5". . ‘ ‘hid. rad: ul this to le.vegdC.flt5 IT?’ l‘l!ld¢Cldd0 they ‘ ‘ ! ' _ _ _ _ _ H , ' 5,5 .11 5,, peg”. ‘um George Iuwill do his winter. 0 A S E , - . . en . 44 of West Roxbury, i~? “"“‘*“"- . , I A I {*3 ., at , Juterday idiiod lierhiisband whilfhiei todsf §,?‘°,;,’,’°‘,?,,°;’ ,T“'f-” °‘°'°°. ‘ ‘ ‘ —. . l E E 5‘ N - ‘GM in bed i. don two of her: y ‘ we mu‘ - ’ ' ‘ ' _ -; v. " II ‘T , Jr.’ m’ ‘Dd mar,‘ ———~——-&v~ ~———-r-.—- ' V' ' ‘ _' ' ‘t I M .1 . 7. aiidhothen eoinniitted suicide. ‘§ 1 ' " ’ ' " ' ' ' ; Q. ' , w wasdsyears id. d; ‘ . ' L ., 3.01 the former Bostoii Terminal. ‘ . . . ' ' 0 '=.,.= 1 .. _; fzcoinpaay, waa instantly killed. ,' C- W-. VANATTA ‘ * ' _ r . *4 .. e 5’ 5 cu , ‘Hts-, Cub ‘s. partially an i val‘ ‘ E t n=*‘*°“‘°* ‘"-‘W ~ " ' l 7“ °”""’ 5"” Hundreds of Women Will B t Sa ° "9 “ 1'" . gp aged 1‘ - - T \ u a a S 3-'3, _ 3 ,. tn”, W ._ . . E_ _ . terin‘Bonon City, Phone 1474. . ,;;;;v/3,/,., , Na . 5. Hospital from the effects of a .32~ ' . " . ’ ‘ . . :3 .’-<~ 8...... /--'-" —__._ oi _ ; gainer 1.01.; 5. 5,,-;,,,d_ ,~ Guarantee first-class work 0 - ;?;,f; -, . ' , ~ - » * __ . M: -1» “ mm W SAIE vow GOING N ~ ~- . iisaiv,-in only a fighting chance (or. Repair work of all kinds. .4 1. - — I~ . ' re‘ »"Nt~lil¢-‘ 1'. I . , 2.3.3 - ,5‘; . Aim ha .‘. -- I. ‘ , A _ . , ;.x: 4 _ ':;:n ' i. V. - ._ 7 . . . . ‘:1: _‘ A‘ ,. . ...v - - ~ . s Q‘ T 0 0 o ‘ ‘."!} I - ’ ' . . A - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ar - Towels and Towelmg—Extra Special Prices :3: . 8 . , , . in Q» ~ 1 . . . en . 18c Birdseye Towelmg, snow white, red border, yd. .11c gar; We Arelvow Reservanons 3" the °' 20c Unbleached 18-inch Hemp Crash, extra special, .. 8 1” ‘ ‘,5 A . A 8' ’" ii: — : at .e , yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1: 25c Huck Towels, colored border, 18x30 . . . . . . . . . . . .19c 8--:3 - » 1 e ~ ‘‘ w ,' ‘ . ,‘. . ' .' . . [hi g 390 Turkish Towels, double thread, 19x32 . . . . . . . . .25c :1; cccopumbtars Mast Moder" Apartmeflt Buddmgn JD -i:— - ,;;r; = ’ 1 W 0 v . ‘ __ :. Table Damask Specials. , 3.; n H .0 p , d ,th 1 hi I} iii; ,, 2 . -- r. ~ . . i - 1 3 _ 0, apartment is equippe wi gas range, tchen..ca - ' . 64 ‘.“°h S‘3°‘” Wh‘FeT3b1-91?? “$19. . .“§1'tY-Yd-49¢ .. . ' china ineta hrooni closet..refri erator ironiii' g "' 72-inch Fine uality Mercerized T e‘ amaak, (1 79¢‘ - ' “ 0 ‘ ' ° ' ' ° g ' "‘ .g . ‘ , Q , _ {3 0 0 ,3.’ , . ard, two 1’ ' _ built.-m beds, hghting fixtures, shad I; . ‘ - , Napkins, mercerized. 18x18, hemmed ready for use, curtain rods and screens, all of high class ‘workmanship and ,, '1 I . I‘ 0 aguéa‘. o - o o a a a a o I o o o a a o c 0 0.0.-.0"I"O‘;O o o o o a a‘a o o$ O \ A l ' ‘ ’ . ' A V V" " F] -‘ Napkins mercerized 20x2‘) fin :1’ ll °' ' 0 ' I “ ” 1 ‘ ' ‘ - " ,. ., e ua ty specia, , A . , i . ,- ,,, , , doze , ’ ’ A ’ .. . ; The b will the heated by the vapor system and oil - ‘ "'°°"0OO0OoeooooaaoO.ooo‘a-oooaaoa-go ' ' '1 0 ' 0 - . - _a‘ A r. - . a . . . .- « ~ —- wiliheiuaed for 0 el_.,_'l‘he buildingisweather strip . _- 0 8‘ ii out. Awater aoftaiierhaseheeninstalledand tgwaterwill, - ‘N W: _ _ be sunpiied to allfaparunents and to'the laundry. Refuseis , ir hi ,, , Bs8_ea_ ‘. »§ed;ii:.hoppers mi eaehfloor and dropped to incinerator in 3‘ . specia1.ea._82i.9::‘ ' . '0 z ‘ - ' .02 e ,1. - ,_'-"31. s 33-. :---;- - . 8 Ellliliparunent be provided with large private locker’ . 1,, rig * extrappeciai, ‘ - . .. .. . . _ £15’ 53!.