\ . ‘fl ‘-I . f ' ._ . : . -'.DA U ‘ 1;‘ ‘ . V‘ ‘ ' _ ‘v\>:1'’_:‘ .: .13’ ' I . ‘.. _ _‘ .t«).w:1_-s_.‘A?-_».-£,...‘—l‘~.'.' , .V . _ e . }. .: ;: ~~ - ... -° . ._~:. g . ._ . '—,_--:--:.‘ ' ' ——-.- ._. H g _-,.. .. -—; ;ji...j"l‘l:iij7?f?'. *5: 4'. jf'“:, 0 » ; - _ '5 g . 2} e .- .2 '- ‘Heir t f4 ‘M — . ‘v’ '~ - ~‘- ' ‘ 31!! 37930‘ !“,3"'-Wfltlll’. "AB"l'fi! 1-‘ ' . I .. ‘i .. , ‘, .1 . .% .. . rfin‘To,l,HEB8$AY ’ .. Rum‘. m «J . . .- h 6 . .54,‘ i is l1lll~L,Y j coolldre, .! “V” was '-,‘n.won1 p_‘__ i in 0 ‘ * -. . «_ g - *_ , ~ , L , “s"""' '‘°”’°‘' ‘‘ °""” “"‘ or... .L''''' l""""" - °"" 3". saw and costs this moraine _bir; Phone us‘ an among‘ 4. I .__ mm ._ _ . onthelr waytosedalia, Lox”! ‘ ' , Natiohal_CI'_tIeOsnIlIdsn. JM‘ewD9nw’.“fl,p‘udm .: g ». 2.». l s V ,"° when they exp-ct tb afiendtbe "‘f‘f‘*°“°"".""' PP‘ " %3~T“‘fl E “”guu to ‘chart: of nest’ was canal Foraadllelvuaa. . . . s . .~ - .-'— "~ tiodnnllow tar! ‘rm 2” State Fair.‘ V Hiefiirlllllez -No'one knows why. Warrenalrifl a‘aonoftllelate8eaa- Mb? ' Po mg " ~ : """""lr- Ulmlfil ‘'3 "‘ Geotsenaruou andhia 1suilly‘“'*""’1 rs " totor 'Ii. of is " - 0 . . . . _' " ' 1 ‘ ‘. ~. ~ . _ - V“ -—-——-o———-— . _ . _,_ 3"’ . : ff -.‘ . e:‘?,"?'l“n'i,d‘::""'7;l‘°l I‘ '0: of V¢1‘e!'¢3IIfl|l!|l1!'0!!I Ellilgwlllo, ::"b:'°'l=l:.8 $210180. or is aboutlstate, is in New York to meet with _ in-,7 . muwrnn ‘mm "L . .' ,,*;‘,,~,.. 31.00 use .- M ‘ " i ‘V . A ~ ' filth“ V30!‘ 3-’? Dtover - _ °0hIltnInea_t of. elandq-s ,flIeinovementtoea- . s . ~ - ‘ LII‘ us - 7 - - u.-"“'“ dx‘“““" “u the oil fields at that place. They 10.000 tortoises in all re-’tablish a‘ National Crime Commis- .. ”" w“ ' *~-- l g"-" '. ‘ ougier. as! 14-30 ' . ’ .' . .- "‘*7"l'“"*,l" ‘::"‘.d left this morning for their home in P0“! nached London ,from_ llo-.s'lon. lie declacnd that judges “do - nrrlgn B303 ; . ‘ ,, ‘ ’ V ' . ‘ " g $'.'“--“‘ ""“‘u7 "T°°. . Paris. 111. - roeoo. Greece and other ' not kno how .' v - - - = A nu,‘ ~ °‘- " ‘°d°5“'“°' ‘°’ nanoaaroas i "5 f .~ ~ « ,-,‘,°h"m"",_c _,,______-,;..,‘ W3“?! .09 5' ‘d°“'“.."" 9'" in E. II. Johnson and his -family of ill! ‘sdlterranean. gclety," and that a “diain , ggauuisa I1 si....ia...ii.aiuu.. 0 ‘ .1nietitlio"hehjoolsto *5‘ ;‘“-""'°“‘-“"}[“‘f,‘du] Glenvood mm on their .-my to iris. Iotonlypeoplowi ‘"d,,,,;intelllgent."tt-nth-findiflt. t:"t.‘:*-ll w._ o.‘....ui nut cm-imam _g guano, tall‘ the phea Kore u:;:{":i°‘h'”th.“"'”mm'u in giston. 'I‘ex.. for a visit with rela- who buy tortoises and use thorn} in: crime com on s ikbzgumznr Patties‘. nouso—i.ci no u and Clrflatlsa ...... ..‘I8 gm! mu. iv 0:; ed”; nun ‘uh res. ‘ ~ or ggy-flu; dggoggfiom w; {hog ‘fffilll oficialdom}: ll needed ‘~14. ,"‘.__"nn.. ‘, ‘. h ’ _.;q_,.g:___ i - "CM m.nt‘h_t...‘3-- . .. ‘ .. The Rev. J. W.’ Neyinan ‘hi! dwellers also appreciate tho. ",5 1 if) every htltc iii the Union. 3ngn3._‘wxmca pg; ' —'=‘—‘=‘~' . ‘““'.' . - . . - lb “""“°’7 "l"‘l' ll ' "' family accompanied by Hugh Jones ha ' “ ' ‘ ' ' ' " s ' ' ‘ r. “ ° This is the Hg problem of the deramandateoftheleague. In e M 3' C L ‘M _ re a happy belief that the tor-, Swift and adequate punishment, ’ _ ___ -:,g_-. . "'—"* : ' as-iathiastata first place what is done in a man- 3 ;"K,' ' 18°“ W ‘M’ “"7 ““"‘=<| ‘nth 81"“ '° "‘“'-l‘ ‘"5 ‘ "‘°“’. ‘° " l-‘E. ' OUR Y§Al.|.Y B881‘ 0‘ “Ian. “ I‘-ut be .h.°.d. The and an’ 3 not do" in . earner. £1 <:’ n “£3-wk. It :11: carpet to crawl on and plan‘ of: the particular criminal deserves, or if. :1 . punk“.-of ‘flu of fa.“ _.d.®l u on u. Thin‘. ‘I’ not left’ ” they m.y be Thellwere u‘vel_ 7 in twoytwf Vl nd- lettuce to They also he love. What mi??? ll” Cl be shown lllmi . A" 935°’ W W" “"’°"‘1 51”" work and psrlii 7 with less lino lneeolonsunntil oonethins-happen! may ll ‘mg for ‘an ' "11 '’° °"" -"5 *H’“‘ . ‘h. '3” "°*"°“°” °‘ ’°°“”' -. l '- 0 . - st. Every summer "datum ".3 in ‘uni mp attention, such aaalrevolt, They :‘pe;q‘;PP:;p up aupvly of water ‘to ke his 0cca_. first in mind and with the purpose ML 0fi‘.%_minois ! the lieo'pleof1:heUnlted Statearead -t vim‘ orafamine. The mandates comni'is- am“ on their m 5 urrfint ‘bun mm‘ ‘hm’ .'-‘Y 3'’ ’‘'’5Y‘°f.p!“i'‘ ‘ d°.l""”t 59°" “be” , 0 ‘. if“ f ml - -V of 6 * El! iét 100010 INC! 91138!» '1 1 me . “nu i _ ‘ _ P 7 " for the summer h lidays, ,cr.minally inclined. is the best Clean. free of clinkcrs ; 11; about vast amount label‘ g y on a league is cone 5} Ii radio, which they assemble each link . . , method in damning crime» Judge . _ , {;-‘.7. 4 - tlnfis baht ‘around by 95-5" u'l'EI;A'Plli[k' annaraan "“:’:l‘ ““°:':h';?_‘° °‘ ‘h’ ‘‘‘“'‘:_‘c‘ eveninz in the various camps. “m:,:‘°":;:mi” 3:3" t’: ‘B: cockrell ideclsred ‘ ' 26° p" “Shel 53:‘ m . by 3“; ! . _ 3” ,3. ' ‘ s —-———4———--.-. D V fl L ' . :s_;.' =1 s ans: Nélinhéliu we to on 1: how’? peel ,I0. man! but as to their tax_ea, their schools, JA[NLg-TS OF IN A the cats in the neighborhood, 10,- ....--_- Clark Implement . 95*“ ‘ 7°"‘‘‘3°*'l’‘°‘a’°'1’‘°f‘''’m’'¢theirbealth.‘l‘heyareobaervednot thcynever metoanendofth' 2 — 1'‘'l'': “'9' was known only a few In the unruly by the union, but by co]- ‘HA VE FANAT AL speculations about this shell white‘): ANNOUNCEIIRNT - 1 ‘V.’ °"._d Dtfl lllllllell tl ti! priests VON Mine.‘ The llll. ‘ll be l‘ c ' I ' ' udaut d Isl.-cult f w , ‘-7’ Pl! destruction they carry with them. for {he ma“ gm wan‘ The ant the mfiudmmu ::":s:"bi_ IDEAS OF . RELIGION ;::'d';'“::g:“;"£l?p..?:p:£: nah i have utabllahal 'myw.elf ‘:3. E Phme 891 8”‘ 3'“! L09") ' - 1 .1 Perhaps some of that day! '59“ large rollslof skins and papyrus on Idminiltered tccordinz to stlmdl-Ids nr iumav c; i:i.i.i:ii f°|’ flifly quick movemerit. They W “"0 nu“ 0." " 3"“ Tm“ ***‘* fig gyoruge citizen who goes tour- ‘wmch .,,-mug, um "coded V”, f’ H by the common demands of in Consolidated rm. (Copyright lilfl-.l tire inselves out asking cache J,;nC.' 7‘ " 191 »»=~+~~~d-i=====m-*° 0 -M -r-~-on-«»":.°"’-t ..:°.%..:.:*.s.':.‘;*=.:;,C‘;—G.~r‘:2: °“:;~'; M fr“ - M ' ‘- " ‘ n ving coon s mu.-i aop. ' ‘s m are an ' - ° o,l‘yhlsr°:ai}ti.ritt: 1!i5ewspa°ent';;e£r"’rli.e th“'m lo pone" ‘ tandards. Some day all col- to the IV-‘Brute laymaintiut to R:dc- ee w not~—-H nu. I“-T‘ ‘ * ' " 7 ‘g .23 ‘-65’ ."*.'*"°" mush *0 re-w-*3" Wiuieas the-change today! How °,.."“.,.L ‘.'.°"f.’.'.‘..”'§,f;'.‘.‘.,,.“{‘;'.}...."°. ".'I.‘,'ii_‘.‘l.’I Zffwlwéirtfié '.i‘2?§§‘Zi ...’i..f.',‘-"'a'..I‘iI'.I “mm C‘‘‘___'‘ “C”? """"‘8~ mun-cuoirxr built! and ‘ . 0 ‘ iopniooiim camp fire or to cum» mm W _.m-, med to . 1' am two m M am to et r Yuan‘ pm‘ 8‘ 8"" _1 p Gem" C._ Let- us give 'our ,_; _ '°‘ Knish his cigarette stub before he wfi m d ’ ‘mp’ d {r 2 be u ‘u A" U“ n" K ~ Ph te t l (writ; _ its cause im e ect. I e to Locate C , ', ' . - ,- - _ __ throws it away. Perhaps he win to 8 ,,_o:t'm:’,y, w»:’n:::,’;°n is 5'1‘: his :‘;;§;'bn:°f‘i"n’§3 Mr. Whmon has "med hm; in a. (mud in... " 1 Phone us or me. ciosni-is ans . Odfllx “ 0'1‘ the Q1131 1 lWP"“'°u °‘.'°“‘l‘ “’ d° ‘" um’ extreme minorilrin America who tions that must confront the nations poor health following: several years Ca1.—Yosemite's 1.0-! ''*h‘‘ "7 8‘ 0“ 3‘ lty Jt .de391'\'CS. .l‘°’ Ellllfltlllg the citizens of the Unit- cgnnog wfim fi.ir awn fim“. ‘ad. with colonieg. goon or lute, Mr, of hard work in the Far East, and “kl dale‘ d'5c°‘:e7y- ~ . l ‘A ‘SI ed staid to conserve Whit Mfllrc if our overworked editor; on to in Bullard gives one.intercsting illus- fl1UlO_Ui!h 8 <‘}(:Y!l.l1-'ll;=‘|l'-'!\’¢'1)'. lyounx w:_2l‘°’}§‘n;‘§“":'}:‘8 Tf"‘;m W210?-’ “"’"l"“‘” ’ l"' ’ ‘ ’ . ,3-'; 1 .has given them is a task that seems , an... ‘gm, 1," not , tration of the close - scrutiny with man in year}. c is o wor dly cx- "1 e no came an- it - -t_ Blw hopolgg goruetirues, A well-known u-nmud to ob, ‘uni, °;‘book’c::d ghichi tthhat bOd‘)1'a:e:1dles theAprac- :r_i(ii'cc. ‘that few llillgs he has rc- : e‘ve:’l-"3f'll¢ ‘Pd S TO '_Z'-‘.€; * much compn’. pfim, ‘ ' 8. i “uh” ...the he cea n e mail linens. p:r- 1:111! it c snow w it‘. ‘ ' - ew inin- . . . In, about fire's“1u.a small card-hoard g'Z;.,t‘n::.' mm: iu_f::g”: fectly innocent, though perhaps on- ‘Just attempt to‘ teach ®rlSll- fl" S°"‘° {W5 “*9 N." F°0llAUi.°——1.oui. W Hill. Jr WRITE . Y ' V " Rome suffered? 0 _.t—.._._ ° of hand towels and drinking cups &_ f the 1“ J ' J_ 7‘ The coming era will by necessity Gold one found on the peak of and envelopes in the office of the $,':,';,i,',_.°'{,;’nd,, 0, °,,,,",’,‘§:.,,,,e,;_» l FOR COMDLETE INFOQMATION , -I he go ooouorulo om, our pong,-o. _3§0llll - moon in the Ozark president. There was. if memory i, probably the youngest director N0 SLURRING OVER : Ulfdllfi 9!/7' E ‘:1 been char-acteriied 1 leagrom Emlnencmlserves. a plan for consenxibg ink of a large ha the United _ _ _ 3 sMlTl-l,SECRE@flx . E 1,, ‘ flaunt.‘ “nth 1 nod-’ y government erasure to the very last . Yet sums’ A recent man,“ 0; y.1e_ of air radiator. repair work at l hfijvifigugmy. Them '3, plant, of "°°'hu' , ‘bu! lmpbfllflfi 91008}! W18“ 08- young Hill is taking his place in thisahop. We go at it on the l - . ' ‘ I . B . mug fir it. ‘Q $ age), A buck 1%‘. of 276 p°‘u‘d. dld not bluld the eye’ of Of‘ the business world at.the side of principle that you wgnt, 3 rgdig- 9_ ‘ ~ - " ‘ "‘ '” L . , Cl och.” tutu." ma flew‘ Fmmem’ ‘u an“ ‘mm ‘ flmin‘ bu“ Wugingwtonbetot the that his father. Louis W. Hill. chairman ‘V tor as good as when you bought 3 - ‘ - ' ‘ _ uh‘ ‘Mug.’ k heomin‘ .,“,_ go", an‘, “aim Jan. by . Md» in bee ,e£ii u s 61:81: ‘h of the board of the Great liorthcm it with your car. and we clind 5 . ‘ gt 0 ...... .. ..... .. ..... «w rm. « mu -«en :2. ,—:.:.....:.:"‘ "= M * ° ::~:,m..::.:..::**.°:‘:==..:: i "W an ex mi. am». : . . turning from an._extreme lndi- 0"“ u".h”‘ °°‘- 0 It i‘ memo; 3ome‘_h” A:_M__ 8 ’ " °“" dents, leaks, clogs,and all i-s- ;- , ‘ i ‘ ' . -i .8 .'*¢""im *0 ortlniu 11- . Liabilltieaofnearly s1,ooo,ooo gr. cm,-,,,_ dghongh ,,;,, ,,,,p,.is};',; “’ “wr-* “ “'~--- MW trwbles absolutely re- ; FR-IDA} AND SA DAY . .’ " 11- i-inwdi-it vwblem h to NM listed in - nation or voiuni-rs to through . Washington ‘RANDOLPH srnmos "‘°"""' ‘ ‘ 3 - " ""‘ " c c " hpafeeliagofwo togethe ptcyfiled atcape G -dimogch ting the am of v » 2 . : : ' ' 0' ’ob. : 0-8” ‘I ’ - 75*"? ll“ U0!!! court la! John B holders. instead of decileasing, is "3: 8:]:_‘::uu:l:'*'B.‘_ H. J. Z - _ l"“u“"3""..'“ “plnufi °f actually on the upgrade. On June . Phone 249 24 N. 9th St. = . \ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘CM lllutl life of one ilillllfll 5335'“ Of grapes.‘ 30. 1923. two months before Mr.‘ ‘2 ' .0 _ ' ' - - ~ - . . .. .. . d tl-It Nation.--nd of irreterviw aoo‘ loads—will he ° Coolidre took office. there were‘ 7 . ‘ ' . ' . grouse: at-initiative gsui »,...°?' .. o..;,,.,..g,,.¢..i”“;,,‘§5 548.531 federal jobholders. In De- -- _n, _ i _ _ , \ ~ " g 0 0 2 ‘~70-wriri-e upon til anion: glon in southwest Iiaaourl. aeeoI-d- °rmb°'- 1923- ‘her. 6 been re- 4“ ‘ __ n . L’. been founded. V 4 « isgto the Stain ltsriiouog numu. to 544.671. But on Feb. 28. DRESSMAKING --——~ ‘ __ _ . - 4,. 3:‘ - 3.’.,.§".....,,.,_.,,,,‘°""”‘7‘;'..',',;";'{‘;,°',,,,.°‘* ‘.74’. “N I!“ for er-nu lilac: .‘§“o'3‘?3‘s‘£‘." M °"°° mm We cpocisiiu la and and 9 "-33 -1 ut°,‘bu_ "'."'|3*000°*'l3l-1-‘¢lffl1’t.0IthV~ Under the circumstances. there -"" ‘"‘“3°" ll‘ Nllllr A N .. CES F0 3'. 1:. 9 u ‘I.’ d "|,l~9°;*::‘ 05°“ lhkfihfllilllliia something almost prophetic in 7015- V . F. We have some very desirable apartments nu; rpgdoueog i T: ‘- .. = gig‘-p'uuq._ ya at 3“-;.¢| ‘.9 %:_‘£ul’;m°m'°f.su“°r sm°°"' °f Cloth‘ cancel button. all “t "at “ mhuu’ - 0 pa . i : p A F_h°%‘“muN _ _4 mm b: efn inta moment of.aban- aw ml mm nu‘. One sports-at at -the Butler's ow} Anthony Street. a »~'l'l_8 is '._. .. .. .. ,; . L? "'1 '9‘! ‘k ‘*9 It H n ‘ ‘Ii «Inn, w.:“"° apartmeatat '8aupaea‘o in ma sin,-¢_ 1: 1, fifljoa can for apples will ..n*n “main t‘ A,-_.. t 0" Two apartments at: the Gr-ihIile‘s on College Avenue. '.- El I *5! ' 5°fl°'l0‘f:':ll| llolllb in southwest “me ‘ht mm (me b°’;' . OI! Inlet duplex on Anthony Street. 5‘ ' “-'i"”m""' ‘°°"°m"‘ tliisfallliytlili.wlBailisiad.Arh”a‘c-0 Wm"-4°11-r Conn») wbenftha A""’“n°"""‘°"||¢| °"‘ ''''’.‘'’l‘‘‘' 5”‘ °"°°". 0 9: V a ajicuiiaectedlwig haseaeaped. u. . co‘ _'wemu“m us not b_ 188. llth 8t. fig.-ggg Oneds-tooui nederareaiiIawceaaduprage.eloaelaatt5I.- —f- ,, =‘’‘— ‘l‘‘‘''. nioeoriuisatsppioauo ‘ wil ,. -‘ 1 .: onthh W I do noteare what part _ °‘ v-——~ hf-.-—~ ’ r ' .' . W. I ~ a u n _ Porauchglftaofpnopliecy liow- f . ‘ ~ ' - ' New Pow 00?. senator from Utah.do- =. 3' « ’ ' . and u 3 I ‘ _ ' f‘ - ‘ ,,;_m. ‘Attractive use... ; 3': mctrriuc ; s' .' 15,3“... .35”. “CW1 -’ . 0; TlGERS—- - in... ”" ‘’‘“ ““,°'F win mu -n-e-u-oi-cu-per w.u...ua ,. s — 0' l .-_—.——-o-—.._u;}'_.~.- ‘semen’! sefifiéc -§ . “ ---- ' o.u_-’'d‘ 8"“ 8:; 51:‘ I __ scsiisriinroa-inc .~ ‘ 'u¢ai.m. man goes... « ~ ‘ “ “"=-"'0' *-4 .1: g . arrnnmuumecliiir ‘elstfllll. ~ s. i .."“2'“"'.“""l"“‘i :’.“';n:'3‘”*'£'f'" ‘ . I ' V ' .' a _ F. ' -. , .1 Ii . ‘ _ .‘ 7 - ‘ : ‘ ~ ‘ . ._ 25¢ " lxfirw“ With “. 9 ' {J30 1"‘ woman's perflly. , -_‘ ‘ . ~i2»"g:«e'&3_ 7 ' V I ‘ ' F1‘!!!-*”’=‘fi?l5i?€‘.x . . .. ' .'_‘ '..‘-fir 3.-is . ... 7 l . I c P , ‘— . . ’ mum’ ‘ ’ ” 0 f .L 3 ‘ 2-;‘.f'_.