. Phone 549. Kgéahron SALE-801:-room . makes f 111 Noun man. street. phono red. 3- ‘ 1 ran SALE--Miller Planing mug .ers, niverrlty tieststreetsin ’ Let a1e“show"yoo this, Weathers s j ..‘ ‘ans-uu1asnn°1. T aewngc IIACHINES - All ‘ ‘ _at the Singer Show 118’ i r 3 1 1 ‘Phi!!! 155' . - ; ’''j' FOQ 8ALE—Briek btllllrlfaw, 5’ rooms and! bath, modern in all: aspects at 1N5 Bass. Call W.‘ A.‘ Alb1eebt,.118'«_8. Williams, pborie, p p ,. 11294-299‘; 35500.- 829441. FOR SAL!-3—Beautiful. 8-room home on Rosemary Lanc.: only 9 FOB SALE‘-New 6‘-room ‘low. ‘good location. Price 54-oom hqmc, large lot on Here's; Blvd., " ' 1 ment. ll located. only I have 5 and 6 room hom'cI. well monthly payments will vbuy an 8-room house. ideal for room- 5-room home, 86 block from Uni- 'versity, only small payment; "dam ‘Weathers Realty Company, photm 272. ' 294_-299 ~ 0 Tel , have a1few “ ron SAL!-3—At oeee, aevenport, i, _ One of the best 7-room lI0m¢3. baths. double gent?! "1 _ 1 ‘Also large size McCray household ‘refrigerator {or sale. Piggly Wig- POR 8ALE—Pretty "new 5-‘om. gly Haynes Co. 11295-297 E *1 as 1 H ‘.- . 3 . ~ Fvs 'a APA1t1,‘1tl:N‘1' ran 1: -,-_-Ive: A left cements‘ .1-——m-——.._..j 205 ——-._....._._.__..:_. . ruagenruse run anus chairs. dining table. .dreaaer.§ 417 s. out Street. . K295-tf FOR 8ALE—-Student tables and bookeué. Phone 1109 green.- 0 11294-296 ; OB SALE—.Bed springs and: mattress; Phone 2173 red. 293-96 ‘ron SALE—Single beds. dress-I ers and. three burner gas sto Phone. 779 red. 17 Allen Place. 0 \ _-FOR SALE—-Detroit Jewel Gas. stove. Fourteen orry window shades 281.9 inches wide. Call $8: red. _ S292-297 FOR SALE-—Roo_ming house.fur-f niture; bed ‘springs, ma pillows, dressers. student tables, chairs, for 7 roonsrkitdien andl dining room furniture; oil range,; hall- rack. library table; ' taken at once. phone 1748. 1209‘ Paquin. 1 H . FOR SALE FOR SALE ‘OR REN’I‘—Modern~ 10-room house at 814 Conley. Phone 145. 1 3100 ‘wan buy a 5225 Nat:ior'1al' Cash Register if taken at once.1 brick house. fireplace, bath, gafase. gas and light.s.'T'I‘his is located on U Avenue, one of thepretf . Columbia. Owner mdit sell and is offering this at 5643. Very min payment down. Realty. 00.. phone 272. W2:I:299 ueneine. phone 14r22. pound. , .‘Baine.' phone 14132:. 1 FOR SALE-Cooking apples $1.50‘ per bushel. Riverview rds 29541’ FOR SALE—-Jelly grapes, 8c per" zliiverview Orchards. 295-11 FOB SAL!-3-1 have son1e beauti- _ Isl 5 and 6-room homes on South Side thtt will surely appeal to you, es y if you don't want Call Southerland, phone 223. FOR SAL!-}—C;' melody saso-; phone silver plates and gold bell. peciall C to make a payment down. You can FOB SALE-—Milk. fed frying. boy that on the monthly payment chickens. Phone 650 green. 43 West plgn. Wbyenot do this instead 3? Blvd. I @441 next; Prices range "" """" W brick Bouchelle; 661 off College Avenue. Phone‘ white. - 7 11274-iii ' block ; eh&mm house 111 ant floor. d_ bedrooms on second- ma on third fl complete baths: hardwood 11 sun parlor; P03 8ALE—7-room house near Jled Campus. Will trade for small- er house or 1%.. P110113 793. K270-tf.: --fl'DiT.Al.E—Pra1:’ticaIly new 6- *1 tn. bungalow, mod- frame house. ‘.1 "I1'sroa'ass'r ; 1 ¥ um ’ 0- -‘furnished . ltilllfide I 1 . l '. ‘Bil .*o..; .- or unfur- -107 south black. C292-29'! '.,7« used ones masnu ;‘-’}__h‘g-hf.fi';‘§“;” tires away. We will make a liber- Lal allowance on new ' 615 ? .DON‘‘l‘ THROW YOUR used‘ tires. PIlOC'I‘OIt‘S GARAGE’ » Broadway . Phone 5831* ‘ ron ‘SALE--Ford coupe. 19251 model;\ 5 balloon tires; 1 oenipped. 1 102 Glenwood. fully Edwin Moss Williams, phone 809. USED CAR BARGAINS. Overland. 600 Ford coupe..1925 model. Ford Touring, 1925 ' Intematioml truck. John N. Taylor Sara 1 391'“ Hudson 7-passenger. sex-: -rmasr: usso cans‘ Baby Overland . . . . . . . . . . . .8125 5"? ‘south side, only $50. for 1925 Pbrd touring.‘ used a short me. Ford touring. starter and {de- . mountable _ rims .‘ . . . . . . . . .8115 ___~--1’!‘°‘.3'.1‘93_'T5_‘.‘.A*.‘-“_____‘3‘*3 -CD %.._.._~... ‘§ "—"' 'i'ousm.ros'nsN‘1“’“ FOR. RI-3N'I'—-5-room -1 furnished] bungalow Phone 1643 green or at 1616 Cnuthorn Avenue. ' $4-297 1=-on REN'I‘—F'our-roo’in ‘house,’ bath and lights, north side, 525. . Beautiful 6-room furnished home.i Six-_ in house and garage; - 2 Eight-room furnished home, $100.E Ten rooms, two baths, for 875.; I’!!! Weathers Realty co., phone zvzj tion in Columbia, modern in C\'CI'yidO!|d or trust dated February 5. 192:. and recorded 1-fibruary 10. 1928. in the oflee rages. ' J. A. gchsnse Bank Bldg. stucco house may be made into an a erect no one no cm -82% vs 1.“:r1'.:1'..'°:.:.“...*:*:=."::.‘€.:**..t.";.“..**..*'*.. ractlona uarter ‘ BOOKING HOUSE FOR RENT We have a very desirably located. FOR RENT-Furnished 13-room I l Pertinent house. 207 College Avc- , FOR RENT--Eight-room house‘ FOR BENT—:l unfurnished rooms“ 317 Vilrinln -'-Vonne: moderml for light housekeeping on firstE.V°“°"i°“ 5'~'Pt- 1- floor," oor; rooms on 'secoa furnished or unfurnished; hot wa-3 tc_r heatg; close in. Phone 668. ‘ H294-290 ‘room ‘floors; basement. garage. every.‘ Call 602 red. 3 293-93 1 FOR RENT—Fnrnished ‘ new 6- I UWISIIOV: .all hardwood I-‘OR ‘RENT--Nice room. tnreefilhinz modem; new furniture. see, windows, south exposure, next to'S- ‘G!-1"-5. phone 2173 red in after-i women; ‘ and dining privileges. Street. 1 Phone -2115 green. K284-tf 1 | . 1¢ood repair» rhts. water and} 1583-11. 325 per month. one‘ L*L21.s_‘1~._--_:_w _____;tg, COAL ' F'ORjREN’I‘—Rooms for business? womelror couples preferred. 289 green. T29 . FOR REN'I‘—One large frontlqhn Phone } I l ; suitable for couple or two§”°°“- '0. 'th . V1 0!‘ V1 0115 RE.hvI__S‘x_room hon“ in. 1267-tf q DAVIS GOAL CO. room at 1502 E. Broadway. Phone; 2291- E287-tf mi ass-F?’ OFFICE ROOMS FOR REN'I‘—§ ' C s’r.41rnsnr_n1- ron axin- F‘OR'REN'I‘—GsrI€e at 9 Allen Place, ;pbone 145. d°°°"‘ 5"‘ °°" ‘ °”t‘.drivewsy. 1217 E."l‘3l1"eo’adway heats well: splendidly located, also ' J296495 1 black or call 0 I at 517 8. Sixth Street.‘ @ WANTED -‘IO BUY. ' 1'03 RI-ZN'l‘—An llllrtinent. WANTED—Hou'sekeeping ' rooms Avenue. 1 sleeping rooms. 914 .green. 703 Ilissouri BosA.A.Az.care‘ 4 garage. Priée.l"-‘our rooms now occupied by Lar-’{ «‘more Beauty Shoppe. Apply gt_ ’ M29541: , "5 Investigate , 9”" Esaring-s and Loan i S I O or apartment near University for? ‘instructor a her mother. Docrihel fully stating loca and Ad- His-' lieibefs Pharmacy. 12 S. 9th St; .13; gm. on dqnnment Eh. kn the Boone National Association llortsase 208 Guitar Bldg. W. S. St. Gal: 1 noussssspmo iaoous 9 . — . e! . _ . ,- » I _ N03?!” REPAIII 880? 4 3 .1 ..'.‘.°'.'.’’‘'‘''‘"''’’‘'’ ’‘°’‘‘’'‘ Rishtaloiitwitli K Phone 2447:-ed . mono,-,.,~s,_; M3,“, an M, g'*',-._,'::: E‘ the joy of the same Pb 817 ' ‘V 7“ - BL LAWN ow:-ms ruimtrunz-2&8:-‘e.’ . were ......e o..'.. iaetllerofreahinrt - °''‘ . - N3 “,4 mg 5 ;a-r-in-a on on !1st.¢lr of July. issa ,iluendeof_D_e1aw.are . 4 12.2. '::z.':. .. ru-o~-m-own- * mm‘ No," 4.... e.£.4. ... "1. ....o..“" ( ' < r F : - ' A. 333‘ tor allow“-.nc:!u tzeiznnomtrtx ‘A (cw-sips. and p _ ,. 1“ L n o A- I-2 a ; :'..t.:.‘:..f:‘',.....‘=__‘.]'.‘._:.‘.‘.'.''‘...:‘'... .. . - .; and mu 21-PASSENGER nussm 4 sum cmmwaaou. WNW.“ W _, ,_,'."'*m‘_- ""*"- Gig: 701' 0|‘ 31 . Lr. Cnhnhia Ly. Jefferson Gt! Tuesday evening. Aug. 4, ' ' l.AUl.sc.s‘roNl. ma afiauhu, 1 8 a. I. 8 a. I. ..g.g;m,,,,m, 3. -1 Ad-ialstr-atria. _. 1. , 1p... 1p._n. ._ A Au-its A. ' litre Punch 1 - I -n' °°u'm' I can'tpi-event : 5'3‘ 33"” . “°“"'- ' " . . 1 .nut1 : ‘ 1 3» Walnut. on In g..,,.,.... ....‘. .~.... g A Learn -men. and ‘ ; ‘ wan‘ wismiranomma , hneIaniealpartn¢aent.nndI|ofie_jlflfIItlII~; .51‘ _ strsau__ofwatnrmlI:nd.wi_theo!§Ip¢nsnsldr- '2 oss_1a1i_o qn.s._§t § ‘ .,_,.. , I _‘f‘..'1".E;"., I‘. 3 -. o_. "5 2‘ go ; I;;' Lost central Illinois ooal 478. Opposite Wabash Station‘ Franklin County Coal _ WedaeadayWhsaBlg‘huck' the running board. Ohio. 1924. 3these schools. They are conveyed to and from school by 263 school 'trucks or motor "still remain in Karmus about 7500 one-teacher schools. Of these, 1600 have an enrollment often or less. Small ‘schools in the open coun- try. are being abandoned at a rapid rate. according _to the report from The number was rediced from'9489 to 5222 from 1914 to The Ohio State Department of Educationvbelieves that nearly half of the remaining one-teacher schools can be abandoned. County ‘superintendents Ohio are qdoted as saying that children advance more rapidly in I h be h ;school work in consolidated or cen- ave a num r of ot cr houses:u.an,_e‘ school,’ . .l 2‘ I~ siowmo A ' 2 "urns nlraovnllmtr ‘. v"~- ..,A J I 1 AUGUST’ 14, 1025 , . O - - - »»..._e._. 1 get a foothold on ‘Ibe truck was vehicles. ‘There of education ‘in LEGAL NOTICES non 294.tflNational -as City cswpora F03 at-:N'r_1=*it-cg-oom fa,-,,;,h_.ro11ow1eg described mi estate situated in ed bungalow at 1616 Cauthorn. Calll 3-96 to-w‘ : it The West half of the Northwest frac- tional quartcr (Wk; NW I-‘r.‘,$l of Sec- Three (SI. erect’! Five (5) acre. or lens. in the and except Nine tlon Section Four (41, land Thirty (80) feet wide oil the . a princixnl indobtulnv-as of Seven Thou- sand Dollars ($7000.00). trust to secure cesain in (5) 130! in ' default has' been the on for you son of which default th said note: has declared the entire unpaio indebtedness doeribed in _ said deed of trust to be due and -‘payable. F 733 DRUG SHOP ‘ A’ . at reeves of the of tmifiioa urfia. :h'r'l _11d of said notes. the unders ed. ’ 1°, oflqva, No ‘Fidelity National Bank and Trust Company " ° 'ofmKansa.s City, a corpora . tee. mfi 80’ «w on ‘roads Sent 8. 1 be : ~tween the hours of nine ocloek A. I and éfive o'eloc I’. I. .of that day. sell the real es_tatq bereinh-efore daucribod bit: 295-“ int 8 a. rs. out at 6 p. m. ":";';n:°d°‘: "“:';" ““"'c:' ““‘ ;' e e n on THE DRUG SHOP lliouae in’ the City of Columbia. Boom Conn‘ lasou..far purpuseofnatis LOAN ASSOCIATION into: said luootesee-. interest and costs rznnnrrv N rnusr CO! I crrr. Trustee. ‘ a heater w. llall. President. §Au:. 6. ll. 20. 27-sent. 8. . , . or rausrsrrs BALI. large rooming house. tne best 1oca.: ,,_ A,,,,,,,1 .,,,, u. sure rd. Bank and Trust . I promissory nets in said in! trust described. and Whereas. default has been and husband. by their 157. at mun 477-670 of Company of Kall- as Trustee. ‘the Boone. State of Ilssour Northeast part Hundred (900) (El-; the payment of their are deed mode in payment oi re 1925 and 1924. by res bolder o and red by ATIONAL BANK AND PAN!’ OF KANSAS ‘_.._z_ W TkeNé.ws‘zn the ziviiid ofspoyt . — 'NIt|aI'inl'lnnsne. ‘-Floydwillgcttbe noel-.”no Chkasn. 3: St. Loon. 6. i“: told ‘him and . New York. 5: Pittslmrsh. 1. 1 the plume that I mood Fitad Open dates for other teams. fmons’ proposition. 1 urged Pa: fto_‘get in touch with Wills and q 1.. no n°~ or we on ' 0 ‘ n’ ., ¢ . ~. . 1 new-to-2. - ».....“.".::*:.*.::.:':."*..:;" °"°'°° n ' _ n.ra1a. 5 Chicago at New York, rain. . plum, ,‘ ,,.ukinx_,, o seem. to the 3T*"'§"‘G OFSB Cl-UB8 ajrrrrsriunon 1-nurrzs nan? “W11 too ' I sA'rn1vo_s1o1u; nun ; loaded to itsicapaeity‘ and .it is ‘Club Won Lost Pct.i _. thought that about 4000 poumla Rt 1. ....... .. 64- 41 .s10*RcIarkabIe Record Accounts gtoc passed over his body. ills pelvic New York ....... .. 61 47 .565‘ ' Their Lead in the Natlou- § bone was brpken in four places and 1 . . . . . . . .. 57 50 : al League. 5!, his right hi bone was fractured. Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . 51 52 .495 °"""'U" "3" '17 Giotto Do“! Noi- 1 . " 5; ;,,.,- new ro1uL—=n.e ' A mnbr ope;-. I n fig; pf! . . . . . . . . . . N .‘9I Pirntes on bl W" W" the mm“ 0 muelphn """ " ii 23 ":6 necord :$f.'.?’..‘ contribute: - - _..__.._..__. o ......... .. 5 .4 4 g - 1 oounrnv scnoons caowmc Boston .......... .. 45 as .4o91l:t=1r to éheir use in the idhstiorog ~ 1 ' . —-——-——-1. Amcn 1”“. - axue. very aye i Bureau of Education Reports Kalb CM) “h Wu‘ ‘t‘“ N‘ join in an. every’: dlyr p!lIgyc:...:f':i;. ' 7 saagand Ohio Ptilfellllllo phggugelphu _____ H 70 36 . 360 does not include the pitchers of Consolidation of rural schools is w. ~ _ . ‘ _ . g . 39 39 .539 course—-is batting better than lprocreaains in Kansas and Ohio. no- Chicago .......... .. 59 51 .536 The greatest of outfits in the ‘ ‘cording to reports from those out". Detroit .......... .. 54 55 .495'ncvcr could boast batting like t, to the Bureau of Education of the St. Louis 53 56 .4ss‘some of them 1...: me.-.1 M... ' Delllrtment of the Interior. Clcvelan . . . . . . . . . . 51 62 .451.were doing considerably better than ? ere are now 140 consolidated New York . . . . . . . .. 48 61 .430 .300. some of them could snap . schools distributed throughout tlfty- Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 33 75 .306 batting average for the club of five counties in Kansas. There are -;————-- _ .300 or better. But none of the nearly 18.000 children enrolled 10 ”3”P§f:'L&‘}§"F1':R"3‘;£,L“Gm‘eoo1a show eighty .300 batters. _______ ho old Chicago champions, iwith WllI’Fig|It for Any Promoter But their outfields which could hit‘ the win Not Put on the Gloves ball squarely on the head, aouid ltl New York. ’hsre maybe tI'o soxncniherg 3!‘ United Prus. n th 3 ’ ‘.1, h d to "ix: f 10$ ANGEu:s.—-"1 will fight ie keip 'i.‘.i‘.‘...... ‘I'hestGismlse. or any promoter who can arrange m the filmy an.‘ of their “up antee me at least $1,000,000 for my 1 - » - end of the match." Jack Dempsey .§;:§,m:.§,,"'3'h,j‘;“h“' whltmgfig reiterated in an interview of the b‘,,,,,,,. wu ,,,,_.c,. n 300 “um, h°“'y'°l3hl flu’ ‘i""fi°“' In later days the Giants hvere. ‘'1 am not partial to any promo- obliged to meet the same condition ter." Dem said. "But now that in other positions. They Ne, I'm handling my own business af- Gum. mhlen’ Se*ym°m._ Dfimm fairs. I'm looking at things from Bmnahm ",4 me" similar in prom a purely lnsineos point of view. “I. to slug for them, but they It's the money that counts most—l,],o had um, wak hitters ‘Com. my next match must not me _at least , p,‘mm.,_.1’, . spawn‘ ' . a cool million." I -———_...._.__... Damp“), denied npons that he‘ PARTS AND SUPPLIES for all nukes of sewing machines can he would not fight for Tex Rickard. ‘That's not true," he said. ‘‘I Md Pl ti” Sim?" Sh°P- ‘P8118 for never said I would not fight for off-or-nd machines. not kept Tex Rickard. I regard him just stock can be supplied within three the same as the others." darn 111 North 91:11 St-. phone Dempsey declared emphatically he "8 ma‘ 295 §'EF.="a3L.._ a match with Barry Wills and guar- ‘ring gum, ($1383 and 18891. h‘d~ for hoary"-weight title. new has become‘. 3:‘ ‘gen Two promoters. And when? is Mr. tient Paddy Mullins. has been burning the cables up for two weeks trying to locate th ° Brown Panther and get him to come «home where the big doings are. But so far as any answer concerned, Paddy is shooting his eablegrams into thin air. The latest development Wills situation was the alanine Of an agreement by Gene Tunney Tucs- dsy to fight Wills for Tex Rickard. or on Oct. 3 or been reached. Padchr there is nothing he can do toward closing the match ntil he hears something fronftrimnt Harry. Meanwhile Floyd has arrived from the meet simmons offered him one would sign Wills for that long-l here in the metropolis yelling