O "1.-.:.:" ..,r.-:~:.‘ 55;. ""9 ._ .:'-?'8"!.A " ..,..-.- " ~ , A _,, W -.___ _ ,_ .. . . , . g , ,___., >.~_.:~ »::fi;.é;_.;:-_ V ..~./.iv.:._.:;' . ‘H A . :9’? .7 33'-If-3,7‘. g Y‘ uh,’ ‘W. *7 “Ir .13A~.r‘;r- ‘_- A, -'e.v_._ =.:.-—‘,':T,.*‘”.''.'’* ‘ 2'27.-"ii.-:‘f’, 4-“ .~ A ' ‘T 1-" 2 -. T T’ 7? ii " 1’ l " l " ’ ‘ ' ~ ' . THE COLUMB "' ~".‘D Tr’ ' A rolnlfill STU“ A’ honor N BAN. 9 r ltlos OI vaeuloa - ‘ "”"”" ""0" B‘ _. ‘ '__ ‘ ..,» . ngrfiocs SELL STRONG ‘W_ 8 _ , . - - . - . -;*.."~; nub arcs!!!-3 " 7' " - 0 r - . -— c in rum. N‘. - .- “"8. °‘ W “W P°"°‘~‘ ‘Tin 1"‘-u.wn.[, '10 . 4.. -—"’ .. Plllllel’ xllfi 3'3"‘ ‘ii "° "9"'- force ls spendl a two-weeks’ va- ;. ‘ . _ ‘ 3*’. ~ . ‘ll. ' ‘ i . - t T - ’ tharislngeml "3" ._ G°°"° ' . .. miuduuh 1., gg . Local. _llsr|ts¢8-M . « 5%‘:-re ‘P “:33 yam 5&3,‘ ‘bout steady yesterday. Vll-h COIN kindlt sturgeon. was killed on July 5 Ill. mg,” gut .#n Two-Iglsalhfa Tear. Prevailing prices in _Colulnbla to-l. I} ’ " ‘ of hugs and sheelrhlther. 409075’, Baton, N. M., by John M. HCCO) . ' " ' '0 ’- ‘ ' - ' “id . °n‘ ing to the Consolidated Press. during an argument in a restaurant. 131% II-— -3P‘°°l"- '“* “"" ‘“‘ e ’= -to. ....r.. so o... report um an: «em» . » r I - . =ea ORSCHELN mrrorrrs ‘laitvqmmm "med. an " Limtock-‘Hon’ 50¢ nder st? me: hard winter wheat but . ’‘‘’‘‘.‘°” .'‘'°“‘ ‘° ‘ ‘'‘'“’‘:.‘°°°"””‘ "’ W ..,.’m rm” f i ll“ b-‘ll-""°-Wv°=*-1-'°°~*"-d 3:2: .t:’:.‘.:‘.‘.‘:°'.o use .1 «an we‘ we ....*'"*':.:':':.:.f:':.:: ':.::*'......:'°°........°'"';;:.*:.°;.:,. -. ' l ’ terest. poni “d“—'$ hystartof /h la 25 t 32 llllllel‘ ét 10”“ '0-°P° 0P9 "“'l‘°t 1“ “"5" -00" mg ul en‘: demand fro pic era. Top’ The men were seated at l; table ,w¢dn?9d3Y 31" F5“! 3',“ ulfiyhfldpgté tehuuk the ‘gt: 5”: 1;‘? F32‘... 6.3:- Ponltry—Heavy hens. gt: iltliltready to SUPP?‘ 0”?‘ “'31”: ‘$13: hogs sold at $14.36 light l.-.ltcliers' when the discussion arose,’ and as 1 3'85“ A .i ., , ‘ ; ",1. ad f hens, 15¢; heavy sprint!» ‘‘-5 ll! ‘fro. ,, W “ or 1 . q ‘kin’ an‘ more. Most good pack- the argument progressed McCoy - . A _l:O. Church of and NI‘ ' §: ‘M 3:“ in ,5‘: springS.'_l8c; turkey hens. 2lc_: olgslrlprncnt as bulls Exclaim.‘ Elséeg: :1“ My browht ‘1235 m ‘12_§o';u°” ‘mm the u e and struck . L . ‘, mu “'3' in Wcminecaon toms. IIC: ypungscduclits. (; ,pOOl awe best ‘t .nd bener’ Green on the The bio“. broke v i S’ “""""-’ ' . lzooboco CA ‘ P A and ricultural firs. ‘-"=k‘- 9°‘ ‘°°’°’ ‘ ° °°°' ' °"'°°““‘ ““_ " ‘ ° °' . were higher. some lots going at,'Green'a neck. * “ l ‘SCHUROH IS NEAR SPLIT .3533 ‘$3.13 B-ABE AxIItA1,3‘°o!irtyG. swag‘ mu dz” cow Elm. soc: butter 35c. itherc helng $156!... Mimnc de- ,1“,-,_ The man $99,,’ “poo arm. with his "mm, Mr. ‘M Central Missouri. ‘I ‘ ‘. _.'_——. swdéruhy 0‘ ' who‘ ' supewiaer of the G"i“"'wh°;‘8 5°‘ 2' “'55; 0“s' ““’‘d V“ ‘:3 3° keen gm! atninst 26.000 of a week azo. was Mrs -I-‘rank M Green moved from 2 mu“ an cf ;. - l - l ' ; . - . 1 " ' ' t w re s - ,‘ ' ' ' crwant No Alteration Of 1. A...‘ gn-1‘-.1._3,g-our exhibition, and John T Stlnson, 3oc. Corn. $ l‘:m:ofo!r l;Ant.Wlll(§al':n true’ ‘in naponslblebfghtbre a't::::8ce.were in‘ gturgeon to Raton some years ago. -~_~* "M n % 4 ~,-~- ' ----omal -——.r—.-V... -—~—-V ._. . - 0 {—..,. g . . l e . ‘*7 . ‘I V . . C ‘ , . - -sa3.oasuaaa1Iu&ra-.v~.,.¢.u-e..~,4_,__¢ ,. , _, i r 1 . .. : . Say . 0 l . .. ,. H "'“ tion from the Protestant‘-Episcopal 39 Articles of Time Opponents. A Dr Ram loam i lllnltad Paras Sta! Corrfltflfiéfllll _' _l,.:ll~:l>oN.— roonoacgl. "‘ltbe_rall- — -ration" of the thirtr-nlne~ Articles of Faith of the Church of England . has precipitated cu’ intense ' - 4 ~.'Adt-oeotet of the chance 94-cl-re 3 ‘that thc' alarlnins decrees: 3!! ll"? number of young men seeking to become clergymen and the OPP!"-'3‘ ,_ .. waning interest of the )'0l1l18 CHIC!’- ally in formal religion illustrate the for ibe ' tion. ‘ _ opponents, especially ‘-59 Anglo-Catholic wing of the church which is already considering separa- aoction, are obiecting vigor-ously_t0 any alterhtion in the time trl . of Controrers)‘. O bit of at-. ofiicial the ministry this question of the re- - -- ' ice of Faith" twe tury enlightenment has sprung into a prominent place in public discussion. , , While acceptance of the “Thirty Nine Articles" is required for ordi- nation of the clergy only, and not required by the laity as a condition of admission to the church ‘of the ' ' revision is never- pretation the Bible permitted th Ialy at lute. * The following points in the arch- blshops' report are attracting the most extensive comment: A rt. ‘ “We believe that it would bring relief" (that is to the dearth of can- didaua for the lninisu-y)—“if it were decided that the ‘Thirty Nine Articles’ are no longer a satisfac , tor)’ statement for the purpose of . assent. however valuable they may be as a document which sets forth in-thelanguage of its day the prin- ciple followed by the Church of - nd. In our opinion a restate"- " ment of these principles is required. “We are agreed in rejecting the suggestion which has sometimes. .beon ,made that the Church’ of Eng- land attempt to re-write the creeds. We arc. however, of the opinion that great would baafiordod ifthe y_ 'etion made-by the bishops in 3 1922 could be followed lop by a state-. ilaaut from the 4-Iplseopate as a iwhole to the effect that. recognis-‘ lag. theiutellectual dimcuities -which , arise out of some of the clauses in the croeda. yiwéuld not look up-1 - I 0n"l>hl'Dl!xltr or {Och pdllltl-as in all cases a barrier '4 O :1 - ‘"39" °‘. Klplllllo W110 33905033 ll partment of the Missouri College R frightened ia~his new surro f - med_ On] ,‘entists have not yet decided was a 0:‘; :;w.: gneenpnunuzlt mastodo or prehistoric toothed toutogft Lhovrnah groups which have? 'h“e' h” ‘°°""°d °" 35,4, !nd‘dd_ . rector or! agriculturlgl W H), P ment of the lllssourl ac lc .1- §.eA‘snd -GTON. A ‘mpmfitlngf way Company, through workmz "W ,0," . 5‘ before out a dltision of expenses among - those nterested in dairy and poul- uk development, are responsible ‘;u for the “special." l‘n‘u]" or y gf. This exhibition will be shown in India. This ‘ll of the most two larse “”“‘~ A 590531 °l°¢t"l° intelligent and highly developed of. llzhting system will be - pm of the mo 5;,-_ “nun. jugvequipment. ‘fire special express below an .33; um 3n,;,on_ Am¢g;¢;ears and a palace arms car for the Hindoos it ll sacred to the god the exhibition cattle an: -bejnc {ur- uummm ",5 . may, will not nishod free by the Missouri Paclflc touch one of, them under ‘ any'38ilWIi'- circumstances. Consequently _ The objects of this campaign are Itrcel and markets ‘of Indian townsto eliminate the scrub and unprofi- are overrun with the creatures and table cow and hen and to encour- they do .a great deal of damage. age proper care, housing and feed- Thcy range farthest north of any ing of herds and flocks. Missouri of the monkey family. Some of citizens will also be made-acquaint them live in the snow in the great ed with the virtucs"and merits of ine fomsts on the slopes of the milk. butter. and eggs. m°“."“l“.' |l°"‘h 0‘ Slmlt “*9! Twelve purebred Holstein cattle "*0"-' ill fer?“ "'°°P3- and pitched and twelve purebred to- B 93- rnrking a total of thirty head. com- battles foneht with a cleverneq prise the exhibition herd. Elaborate and skill winch is almost human. exhibit, from Q“. N‘fi0n&] D.i,.,. Th‘. l‘ *9“ km“ W Council of Chicago, the dairy de- freqnently in his now}: and starlet or Agriculture. the State Marketing Tlgey the very. delicate _outside Bureau division, and the State thler native habltat. and on only 3,0,,-d of Ag,.iw1m,e' hm‘. been few instances have they’ mmumd. ‘ ““’I"""":’ ‘" S“‘°‘°, 2 A sass electric lighting plant. likens and ve ugexn-I-‘Saki? ‘ ‘I25 feed grindmg mm’ a "5 . . ry . cream separator and other prizes in His wrinkled face ls sur- have . rounded entirely by a mantle of firms- W we ‘Pi,’ ‘hid’, look’ “l'f'°’t °"‘farrner visitors to the dniry-poultry y like the white bearskln head- mm‘ An ‘griwlwnl play «How The langura arrived recently\aft- ' . .’ ‘ , or weeks aboard ship. He warlfigison by Pumm Mali’ °f bi‘ ——-:0-——— , GE PE'l‘Rli-‘IBD SIiE1.E‘l‘0N .i-‘OUND ON PACIFIC COAST §Tusks‘)leasurc l5 Feet in Length. ’ sndutll of Body Except H£Ill'“'I3 Buried. homesick and as pathetic an .ap-‘RU pear-ing little creature as could be‘ iie actually secured to e 'ng real tears as he watched through the bars the strange face.-l,! ‘v 3891']. ~ luy United run, , -SANTA BARBARA, Cul.—A gi- gantic petrified skeleton, which sci- ultimate of abject rn ery Bis arrival nearly completes the‘ monkey collection at the zoo. s01 any ch‘ars':e of survival . and; .’°°“, “°"“'~‘“’E- 55359“ POW W‘ Dr. Mm", em“ to obtain one ofihlytorlc SCH I3lCndo than "on. lmlles from Santa Barbara's shore- Another Indian arrival was the: line‘ _ rnsngoose or cobra killer. a mem-: 5"‘ Milli?‘ 131804 "ill-'3 badly her of the weasel family. whlcll"°°“°d dlm'°¢ “*8 ment euth- quake, and many of its tall cliffs also ls mentioned frequently by , Kipling. This creature abounds m “"“"'°d "*0 “'9 89* [nan gpd pg-ggticgfly live, on poi- The slceleton's tusks measure tif- son snakes. lt is especially fond ‘:2 feet 1!! M1815. Ind th of the deadly cobra. According to e Innmrnal's skull were found the natives. it eats a m rious l”'°i-"lam! 850% (Found at t e herb after being bitten by a cobra, which nukes it the earth's surface, but the entire skeleton was virtually intact. ' if the find proves to be a mas- on. it will disrupt the entire se- quence of geology as worked out by '18 is its only safe- Two cassowarics from Queens andostrieh-like birds. with feathers like hair. among the. most primi- tive of all birds, were among the ‘ffiv‘h_ _ ! Wl‘l0l€, ll! dllCOVefy will be an equa]- cording to D. 8. Rogers, Smithson- ian excavator; If -it‘ is a toothed were and feeders, 3&7. 12.40; pigs, sl2.75@l4; bulk, $13.85.‘ 35 standards, 41‘.-ic; ‘firsts, 37c; sec- pounds of rough cured seed on 7143 onds, 34c. _.acrcs. as compared with 450,000 Poultr-y—Hens. 15¢; turkeys, 28¢; ounds in 1924. according to E. A. on uggr sive buying by local bulls, scientists on the Pacific coast. ac- ‘ ‘ Hay—Tirnothy, $13, clover, $15. "—"'."" iet. Pncssu:-e was East St. IAQIII Livestock. _ J9:n enmmh moving samuhud by ‘ fwheat’s advance to maintain Pl'l°¢-5 Tabout steady. Locals 8016 Oll tll¢ Dry weather complaints av South Dakota and jhfissouri. Country offbrings of corn to arrive are more frc-: with 200.0(1) sold yesterday ‘and more -offered today at a slight advance. Oats trade also was quiet with prices a shade higher for September- and May but hard to,maintnin on December. Offerings to arrive were lirrited to a few cars. Provisions were firm after an rregular start. ' y United Prov. NATIONAL srocx rAlu>s. —n 50: calves, 811.75 early. later bid lower; stock- llogs--Receipts, 11.000; market. lc.- to 15¢ lower: heavy. $13-60@ 14.05; medium. $l3.80@l4.25; light, s13.75@l4.-lo; light lights. $1325» @1-1.4,; packing sows. Cll.75@l c a market.‘ ‘clrnners. mhs, ’ ,’Prices Range From $1 to 82.25 a* ‘ J Bushel-7 Counties Lead i in Production. 5.-l~Iggs—1 ,_ Missouri bll.c-grass seed procre- I-‘irat country candied. 29@30c. .'tion for 1925, from ll 75 per cent But'ter—Creamery extra, 43¢; 4000; @735; $l@~l; wool - ———-—o——- R°°°’P‘;-5 MISSOURI BLUEGRASS SEED c BOP IS 400.000 l’0L'Nl)Si condition, is estimated at 400,000 springs, 23l,,7@25I,-fie; ducks. l4@; gun of ‘the United States Bureau 13¢; goose, 3@12¢; ¢o¢l;5, 12¢ of’ Agricultlrtal Economics’ and. Che.-5e.._)\'onhcm tw.'n,c., 21:4“, Jewell Mayer. of the Missouri State Cfilcaco “WA? ETHL Board of Agriculture. ‘ , , ‘ ‘ _ , , More salutes were stri d and SR0“? Pu(’“T AD‘ Ai‘CE more strlippcrl-2 were operazprfg this Traditll ls ostlf in‘-I-‘ulurts. Cash ye" 7‘:a"edf°:"”l5" bf"ll‘°’° yiflds - A are re uc eccuse o c ose 5 ur- 0 L"s_ r ing and dry weather preceding hnr-V , vest. The average yield is 56 pounds per acre, ranging from 35 to 80 pounds. The average yearly 0 u Ctmsolidmed Pm” yield is. 110 to l20 pounds. on the nowmce mam,“-A Lelrdlng Missouri producers are longs uok pmfits. Closing priccs‘G“'"“'5'- N°d_‘“"“3'- C‘*ld“'_‘-‘"- C1333 w.-re 2"t4@4‘Alc higher. Septembe~r_l.C1lnton,.Davless. and Dclullb coun- $l.60l-5@l.60‘.’.; December, ‘l.60§‘fll('S, wlth ‘scattering farmers in @-1'61; $L64@,1.64%_ ' iother C(.llllll(’S strlpplng seed. Com closczd rg@:,*.¢ higher; 3.39.? Seed prices ranglng from $1 to tember. $1.053: Deceznber. 8'.f7,',@l$‘.’.2:'l per bushel, with good and 33¢; May, 9ox.5@9o5‘c_ . ' lest seed bringing Pound Oatg were z,,@:~c hgghen Sew} rates to farmers art-‘reported as tcmber. 43c; December. 4535c; Maya; 4&6 ?“‘5:9:725°°“i$-t.Jt;I;‘h°l i"‘¢'~'8illll8l 43%‘, -prlce ls .. per e , Lard closed unchanged to 5.3; Stripping was earlier than usual higher; nibs 125cc to 20¢ hig-h'eg._. gthis year. beginning June 5 to 19, Local ccs sales were 71,000: °°mBfil‘.?d .l.‘?...-.I_“.n¢ 10.10 15 T0!’ the bushels wheat, including 55,000,t_.o"; “5_l1_“l )'98l'- 3508! Of the seed was well are nd tap prlces for the day ' down. 010398 ixteen years ago to the lit)‘. Jul)’ good demand and values were steady, 5_ 19o9_ Geo,“-5 b,.ou,e,._ Mug, W 3tT°'l8- 393713033 ‘m3d°'sva5 killed at Raton when a ‘race ‘15..25 the be‘: hl‘hCrr' ho,-3e the t]-‘ck and plunged P1130?’ 8" ' ’° °"°h”’3°d' i into a crowd of Spectators. Cows and heifers were in good de- mand. with sellers finding it easy] to hold values. Good bologna bulls- sold a went most at 812.50 to $13. on 8 stc:-.d_v trade. The fresh supply was 10,000. Fat lambs were strong to 25c higher. Choice native lambs were . taken by shippers at $15.40 and "‘ prime westerns were quotable to $15.50. Aged lnuttons held steady. with light ewes placed at 38-26 and 4 The run was 10.000. ___.j "T"'°'_"'—' lglias Helen Barnes to Teach. t as, to $5.40 while calves will“ “Bic” 3“ afternoon for Fayette. After visit- ing there,-she will return to her home in St. Louis. Miss Barnes will teach in the Wellston High School St; Louis County next winter. ‘......4. n - A4‘ I- I I I- [Tl] «.3-Q1...-'8 l‘iles Two Change-of-Venue Sultan} o suits on changes of venue 1 been,filed in F’ :r a B’ r: :1. ‘1 E‘; :1 O o c a :1 P. '4 9 3 c: 3 §-.3 :1 by Prosecuting Attorney George S. ‘ Starrett. suits are against‘ Clarence Parish and Leslie Par-1 is-zh. These cases wil be tried in « the Audrain Circuit Court‘ at the.‘ September term. .. may -'u..‘.x.v g.. ,' That’s the big 4.‘..- "C‘~O~J q~-s._ New Power and Pep For Your Motor I are now equipped with the cele- . bl-ated Simplicity Cylinder Grinder that gasoline. . is s~s- I‘ I ‘I Ill-ll»! -we-I lUlIl1I-lI ls rncs, a student in_‘ School of Educntioil, left this You Pay For Power r Do You Get It? what you pay for whether it is mere? 5 ‘ ‘e chandise or gasoline. have the tank filled up, you expect to get a certain number of miles from SEED WHEAT For ten days I will sell seed at the farm for $1.65 per bushel. It is unusually good. clean of any foreign matter what ever. 8aII- ' 5' ple at my office in the I-Zxdlanga - 5 Bank Building. Terms cssh. J. A. STEWART 1 -0 . . .0’:-‘. . , ;?.. w-v-o-cnuz l -a n . - .- -5 -‘.4-.—¢6s-pa - .-...........r-...,-d __ ;A.nA4.._. —v' 1 thing——always get When you “A..- . ow. exporters. 118.000 bushels earn. 52,; . stripped by huxer-2. altllouel--4 few ooo oats, 6090 of rye and 3000; farmers own stripping machines and barley. The seaboard reported 300.-{S0109 8tl’lPP93 011 5ll8l‘I*;-‘l- . 000 bushels of wheat taken for Kentucky production of 125,000 to export. f 150,000 pounds‘ia the smallest for The sharp bulge in wheat prices, 25 years, as the Kentucky average a er a lower opening, was. ‘g- around 388,000 pt-ands. Bluegrass tributed to public participation in 590d Pmdl-¢'il°l'l lll K1’}‘lt1lCk)' ‘l5 the market and to ll professional Collfllled 1373933‘ 10 ldlkhl 09'-miles bull drive. Conservatives hnd ex- in the central sectisn, of which pected some reaction following the 303750" ‘mil Chill‘ Pl‘0dll¢‘9 more than half. , recent steady advance, but selling pressure failed to develop. ' Li l's advance of 4 to use since last Friday, thahmarket l-lav-, ins: been closed Saturday and Mon-' rlXh'os rlmun And repaired, twelve years‘ service to Colurnbians. J. E. BLASER Phone 2256 black. back. After the opening offerings fps-ogs-am spells short-haul trucking, the spread of motor-bus‘ routes and the vital national need to Ofdlllltlon, and t would Among the M‘, ",.;"1, V” ,1ly valuable contribution to science W91‘? meager with little wheat for DRESSMAKING M for bringin fann produce (in ‘consideration to all such ditli- P‘ we! -1‘ ‘f {and history. ' sale until S pt mbe t 1] .ho- ' ' ,‘°",.,""*,C°.-9&7 . g olluu” t before them indivi- .5. °:.-$1,,‘ (fittfifl “If it it a whale," Rogers said. $1.59 as : eresblrtx:tw:top.lo: ‘[0 Ivedsllso 1- bulbs’ and (o:.....tcr‘_._._§~‘-£:;§._'3i_ km t°ll8m8fltetSm0fl'-‘SP°°d5lY _ deal; 3 .._,wfimu w; n eel-"lo the "Canal Zone. It wg; “ifttiied about the time the bottom buying Moot looolt are long on "0’: l"“'“l°flI -ll nod: °“m..“‘:'.;:£a” andatleasoost—these fac- 3 9 W TC 0 “ ' ’ - ' _ ' . ck"‘1 . ‘lg ' 5.. . " - B 0 '°“‘ 2”‘ 7*? fltnnum °‘.‘.‘hmpe1:“il:, flosedetdefhzozir dilr'i:lgh.tlleb:ler'rdc::s :resent~‘f'le\'Ie)lnczfrid :3“ lortlfozs gag ° . """"°‘* totshavellnanunknusand M-......**-r.::: W *-.2":-. l»-”-""v= M-‘=l-::‘..::::**:::.**::.-.:.:d*;.'~m';.::- :.;.'r.“.::*°* -~ as .. ...°°"'°‘....... .';:*~....‘°*'*......".‘¥ ...'”:.‘°'..°‘. !""°“"""°"'°“"‘°":‘°““ mall U " "'-s'?~" lfledhe thth :te.l"beli - p” ‘i 1 t, E Plottlnrnd"Quslllr Workout °°' . Industrywhlchcsmotessen . " - ’ “ W*'°"‘ gilt‘ F'hofdE.incS‘.§ 'onl:Ib:§s:o 'slllid ondeiirid n.=wf;<:e g(i.-tscal!e~ss':ae:li “"3. ' V MG .,,T:':,u until every state is a net- u o . . .~l A . ' - - . » ma‘ ' “'55” ,, on (mun o spommens we hate ln the days recelpts here were estlmsted A170 Tuna *""“‘ ' wakofhard trunk ‘" d¢e‘0l'I§-'L1uI«Ull Tb f l"“““"'-" t to , no 1. '’~ "@0335 ‘.5555?-lfah. . . . ‘instlfi i. E. ps 0 9' Capt. Bti): 2;-d, vetedrantfiantd. Bab :m°_‘n,cait:dic‘a;n;X thy ifufiglefirlgg 18 8. 10th St. Pblla IN highways Of ‘ h " ' _ vi), 5 TI flat? I . ma e e iseov- : ‘ t " ‘ t ' ‘ 0:; a "tbs-illiaiat'erl'. and reported ‘t find to scien- _J . paved ‘feeders reaclungou iislllrr our ‘the tillck investigators. Except for the ,. ’ '33“ in“? 00131 81118113? 090931’- . .— :_ _ ._tus of a sabre-toothed tiger f d 4'' ~.~. . ' ' g . .. . e "If sumo Bur.-n Clones‘ then: ten years -go. no mammcloliiid ‘ ‘ l A ‘ COLUMBIAJEFFERSON CITY i «frhe corollary In this is that alsowed nct trend . t The United States Veterans ah. ever been found on the quake-heaved 21.11 ASSENGER BUsS§ T . lax!-var oft!-e real: is ' ,.clnsed_ todhy. acoord- islandhefore. ' r A . H10 Y0l1ll8' 011813188!’ Who A Bell! the Bishop of Willudoil. “l ingto ' " . _ : Lv.~ Colulabia Lv. Jefferson City ‘toga. go‘,,c;.§n h ‘ ltldpkitwouldbsrwellifit were Noo ‘finite’ V_ ' P’ - ' ’8a.._’m. 8&n_ , _- _ p‘‘’’ :i_ Thirty Nine.Ar- butlfl‘ _..j_wllowill_bcststionedain’l*"bulll| to tb. slab‘ . . ’LVE“.IN'l'I‘ ax“,-"f.h%l’Ill¢lC'IOIfifl¢@ _"‘mf"‘.a!F'..-““'l°°- _ ' .' ’ = I ' 5 ~ ” ‘ll _.._‘ A‘ ‘T. H __ W V _ _T _ _ M-"........’.‘ ll."-ll..."-°*:*-* ......‘-‘.2: * do ' "L .’ ~: A V ~ - "W A”“‘*‘-’''‘‘ ‘ififiiivm . , -3 WHAT t G DOE FOR C. 6‘ 2 ’ um“ » _ _ I slap _ . ', ~ - we II up you»: _ haotlatosbadabaaafie .;._ - ~ g , _ _p!QIKa£Inlld'fQ.“Iflhh¢dam. "fit “ll-‘ii’! _ ~ . --tell-.4sIl'l,'-:3,--NI! ,_,:; '09 Of 10!! 6,? ‘-90 1.1- . ~’f~* -P t n. J f M-'— 80 ll; N: 8% It- s._ .:..e; f4 lP~_._;=.;.., -e_.‘; :..1,‘,._’ :§'...£_.1-. i 3.3- ;_ ; , . 1 .-... :3, _ . N ‘ __ _ “ “A ..l _ " > : ; .._, 3», ;’r N J‘ ‘ -‘l._.' " ‘~31 “~.-;'I‘~.:,, -. pf‘ .3. ’-:g,l.,* ‘ ‘ ‘-.4.?:, J 2 ' g. Q _ - - -‘l“"‘-’~ .-3-'-'-"»-‘cl : r ' ~ t«r.".'xet‘v ‘fl «Vi» - - - ' " "5 ‘I3.-*~ pm 5 ‘xx.-.~'.J_345'-r~L’£ 9 V X - ‘iv;-% ’ -- =..~.§_ - or l l .‘ : , _ . ; I '. ' ' - ‘ - s _ . . .. ' . ' , 1 V H g ‘ \rf\;)f?_. A y . _ _ __ . ‘M 4 - ' §=-lg’? Av-H l~«-bleri--4 -=0-Hr . In AER.O-GAS you get all the."'p0w- Authorised er and mlles you pay for. ,It IS sold ‘ha ‘ wlth a guaralltee that we will re- 5‘, ’5___P-—.-—-——- ‘ fund your money for a single drop 0 lg; ‘ Cylinder c_ f; A 4 ‘ ' that does not prove entirely satisfac- ’ / 3“‘*°'.‘ to . . « tory to you. i Cylinder griading is as’ l ‘ ur auto truck or motor has as oil ‘ ‘ and grease. Cylinders receive the g ‘ ' '_ bI’:'cI 1: IR Ill’ g p y Leonard Oil Com All Work Guaranteed :0 9 ‘J 3 i .MURRAY & ROBINSON ,3: Gtl and Broadway ;_ ;Phons 2866 615 Bdwy.. 3: f _ , ._ E - ‘ \ ;’ - _ .~"“‘. ,. Al.______ - %.--—=.?:‘ .. _ en. . _ . - .‘i‘ ‘H‘ N.. '- _ _~. The nation-wide Roads «- --smooth, ‘ be because its ab t not “slick”; Ora-hardened ..l'a; A'us:_aose_arrlIyshat expense Is I imam and llaaaaaaay 0' It , 06-01 by llrn aratauaaaca. ' -long life Ilud uulfisupssd b i will $031-[RD ROCK. C8003!!!’ BLAOORGB.AVBLforDaas because 3 y ‘ 0- baaasrnoslaaayoooosivabls .‘gi_' aub-ad! oolfioqandwiha ' 50¢-‘int GRID of sand or ‘ acraaalngau sob-so-can for lnudolu‘ trafic. ' . '. ' ‘ . ‘fa’-‘M-I’-"o-" I. ’. Bead !or_!ro¢ 1' congruen- ; nor: . tart irra- I . . "‘~_-iv.-.00-.',r-r'lr.-.~ . 4 i o ‘f’. .7. .1.