e E n e - ‘ . ‘ ._‘:...;4_.,- -~ F’: . .0... “ ', ~;\ I . . .l 0 - ‘ h . , . , ’ _ V ., ;- E Q 0 ._ Y AUGUST 1 1925 3 ~ » 0 . ‘ .- ‘ : V - 0 0 - ‘ 0 '5. ‘sanssniivcaixiiss CI.A8l!iinthwlatar.aoeordin¢totheaa- wnnoiiioinnumsnsrsiroc three_youngaviatnrs o- - .- ~- I - .»= -s '-"4'?’-" 0 ' 73 ‘i it in riuuio TI‘! b°°" '"'7""i'°° W’ . . I$§lN 4OWo8KoaIfl3l.|OO.90O Dan-, ‘u.(3,p,,,u,_'hen .‘k&t°‘_'mn“ {from Chicago.Jnly 27, ___ - . . , — - 80900433508!-‘tilled C confirm u... ‘ ¢0‘.‘.;.¢.;M .IflND:;‘1::"‘°.°F::‘- , _‘ltz-oitastheii-objective. _ ; - ' » ; ‘ rial.-ll. .1 . - ' ..,,... --1' ‘W “W: The " ii’. A _ 4 x - - 0 , ; E ~ E X - _: 0, poriooN.—A Central News rsenl g‘;:::d' mm, nfl, "pm i, London to India by only three days‘ G,.,,,~,.c,;';,"_’”§;"'f,, ‘ff’ ‘" Q 0 _ _ - ‘ . . _. _ . _ -.‘_ 0, . w‘ _ _ -. -. ;.'._ Tun. tch said that a recent‘ mm‘ ‘neg um, Caz-peak! is liv- Aflrina time are predicted to he ml 3"”, cm—_u._m.,._ .. - Itwasearlyiii tiaeiiissnn-yous. ’ ‘ _. f_Q".3j,i.f.-_»j%’§‘...‘_.f’_i-’:=af~u»s=- '1’°o;.‘f°°" 3°° “’.“‘“"‘ ‘"4 inzten at‘ La I"o!‘t¢.C81'P¢nter vil- 0i>¢P=fi°", "’n‘."’."‘ ‘“".“".‘°’-i fie , M“ I *‘l_.""—‘fi ‘- _,,.i ' ' ~ ‘ f Uulversliythat a departaiaiit .0 . V , -0‘, He "~"“"" ;la. ' l""‘”7 " '3 ‘. ‘°°n._/Mn -J 'M_ Foam,” of 1600' of Interstate,'m“”;,,eaA; .,,,,,,,,,, ,, 0,, 0.5. " 7 "’ were killed and forty wounded, enefivizw iiiiiici; is RECOGNIZED» 5,... over planes and contracts ion; tralia. who is in the And ' ‘ - Hi ’ 0 d ,u.,;t’.h 134g_,a,e u _ dispatch added. _ ..""""—"'d nub the new route which be known! Pltl1_ ‘"91 3 h'°k'»’“ ‘"3. ‘ . W3y5_ . me "mun hmwou ‘ml the Damage estimated at 81.000.000.“a'"*°'w‘ l"‘?"nl i :5‘. as the Great Eastern Airway. _ fvrovxnn . V . Defimtaely (0 University was not a very pleasant E W "W004 dghwt -;imefi;-:1-1., ..i.“..‘,.. ......‘“°."' . wilt 055*; 1* '=¥P°°::‘:r"5fc,‘::“: —— -- re ._ ' .‘ 0 ' ' °0°b°=i8°-eoftheveridet "" °°""°" »‘. °" °’ CLEVELAND. O.—The “Charo 1"" '~‘*""°’3, .. 0 : . ' 0 Prwdhmtbe Chqw" cdnmbhp as rioters lglitlshtd machine . __ Juana bu been officmly mm‘, route. but Isteplltlifiil I-5 _ conunnmlok MAIN ROUTE was ocmpied bi pawn troons when The trail G came ".h°“ Ch"',°’°-niaed as a standard dance step by ‘"3’ th°_'°‘:l ‘ 'f"'_. .t C“: 7 . .« . . were quartered In the University .9151"; 3: round 3:: riot- 1uu,_u°nu Auochuon of an aft: eelgree «tab 1'05 1181'|_ Spa: , . ~' —‘'''''''r'''’ . Great waathe era exist in e e pie-{nun of D - ° 5 ' -aiain on e service. ' To New 'Yorlr¢—San Francisco--..,...u, .‘l‘I31_- 0 ' aians was vious day between strikers and the'h,,,. 1‘ mung m com,” on senses’ IOTVICCS Vi“ be ¢“°d- : ‘a mad Wm F°n°w ‘ 1. coma u:nkenb°°n—iedk' mi'i'iii‘e1-{shooting resulted in s Plninicriittle :3 nrcefiggutidmmniiiigiihiii 3:fl'.‘CB'”G FOR "'"°“S ‘ “"3"” "‘i"‘ ‘°°‘- ‘. = Highway: N0’ 2- ‘;" '.s°""; “Mm ""1 .d::":h"m.°" """‘n§ Dvipma jumnzidiwu hotly opposed by man)’ danc- 8 lion Who Leii Chhic:iko July 27‘ '“°°h‘"“°3l shwe‘ - 0 »- u asstabesa I e river a were row ,f- - ‘ _ " go.» 1).,-1.-gnu ng. . . _ - _ . . ‘nu mmninuon after the W , amid the °°"'==P°Dd¢n*~ E"°"‘““’*'-7m:~.o:e declrred it was nothing .°'('.',;‘;gA'g;;-~ In A m 8); Missouri Motor - 1» wow. "iv °‘ "fir. *.:'...:'; .,..*'"*''°'°:":.::~...‘:,‘‘.:'..‘.*.t=.= . - °*°°.,......'" "W "*6 "mu-on on -n en-bar-mu or we .... ... :':.~.... Hum-see: rubs.“ hflcuw to“ '- Eh lel Read widuych sent head the V’ T“ '” " T" ' ‘ ' E ‘ :- i "———‘-“-4' tumor.‘ hompipe ‘Dd others waned air’ an 'armed search was started v I . ,"“"""" """'°" Uninnity Pmidznt nude I-id‘ =~4‘~---‘-—?7l‘—— ’ .——-e-“" ' "" ‘E aiiss VANDERBILT TO wi-zn ‘ ‘it suggestive. ' u l 5 from the M1010“ ¢°“‘ “’ ““ 7", km for 'u“n“m work 5' "V: , * ' , -——— ccordin: to Mrs. Anna 1}. Kce- -~-~~- -- - “ '”“*"“'s ' ““ " - J fcific coast Wm M“ throiwh Co. P gin than new deparunenu! The realdelce 0! Prof. L. It. Defoe. 810 Virgilio Avenue. Event Will Take Place iinnu, of Phj[.d0]!g-ff.’ chgrmu, of 'll‘L‘bi;;3h.y. ti: K‘iii:'ne?iedenaswiI Komoiixe thoseyprovosed was the do-.’ ‘ A iiti:dmr’.:.w¢fi¥ to R’-you 1"” ”"w‘“" °°"""i“°° °‘ "'°'”‘- 's ' VI! in» - «» ‘ V 1 ‘ ‘ ',sociat;ioa, the “Charleston” was -° '”*.:,~.....~° '- .:°°:'..“’....“: -...'"v... ‘r.‘.°:£"‘:":'i..s»'°°"“«« 5%? 0 °W°°....‘8 *::':.‘.i.*:.Se.'°.... *2_....m A mm ..::..'*:::::2:“;;. .*:-.2-...‘*°.."-.:.=:..':;i»»u»-as but - «mum be 0lot'ill 1! 7 A I v _ _ . . ;and would s ii t I exist- »-= «- W-we -W . 0 .. 3:23:53: .:.':’u.:.'::‘.?‘s.... .*:.':3. .. .........-.-.:-::..+:....... .. .. ~ "" ":.':;°°:.~.'*.':::'.“.’::¥.::. "“ *1’-=..°°.'::°.=.*°.*':.m*;;‘:~. “:::.‘:.t em. °° ”“‘ °‘’ ‘7 » Tm‘ t'oinKf°“"C‘;:o‘::i'tan' Sc ool came into existence andi Years-8: to Ilave PARlS.—Thc Eiffel Tower has :0" ",0 gig“; year); to I-:3’; E T ..s. . , . . "°'“ 5‘ "‘ °“’ - took over the newly ted depart-‘ s.soo.ooo I) isso b'~=n :'rnod into the world's great. s 'th f E: Wh°tne (5 V V N " ~ B. N . 2' pun“, 2 7 - .— L _ _ _ _ . ini son 0 rs. . i y zir- _ _ Srrruzh B O vine. ‘u‘ 8. nient. . - i :7 0'3" L 3 ‘ lest nky.stfi!'I In connection With the pentgr, Jr" of Newport, was.mg(’ic1: Wt’. A 9 H. PJ.ei,mhd""' ‘mu mflun). "mi- _ It was ii difficult task that I(aj.“co"rkm “u""“L°°'u_"'c°._,,”."""' M ,.,,_,, ‘Decorative Arts Exhibition. ‘When at Beach Mound. the \anderhilt vil-_ w.‘ 9.9,, ‘,4 pa... D r "Id ‘ member 0! the joint R. “. Johnson. the first officer ap-, CH“-3AG0___wm1 the 3'000'000 the organizers of the exhibition-— ~ la here. by Miss Just. secretary to w. 00.0,.“ ,0‘, ‘fit " o -d b 5 pointed by that War Departinent.-‘v - uh - f h begnftcr planning to make the tower Mrs. Vanderbilt, who is now at Sar- no 7 , "°‘"L o "" ”°’”"°'°' "” ° "-' had 1 A lt f iii ~"'”k "‘ "°" ”°" ‘ °' °"" he 1:’ it id be vi ‘bl N Y ,, 3“ If P601318 would tit rather not win", m . .. to’ I60. ‘ ._ (?ne ‘ 3 “On “ lcd “um 31. C ‘was e-dd‘. '1' 18 I W N m Kansas is New'York-San I-‘rancis'- 5:3‘ “";_;.'°° "“f,,° 0',‘ “£3: ziunip _hehind Paris in coinpetitiongfm xiii: riroiiili ikand mid e w in: in c p oe ear y I pay a few dollars more for co road followed Victory 3180'"? '," "'3 "’ P‘ 3 U‘ “I _"for honors as the worlds fourthgcf '0 _"3 “W I 5'3 f‘ ‘"3 I __ _,___ d ad on 0 """""“ ”"'°"° °°""“ud V’ e, largest city. is becoming enthuszas-. bl’ 9|’-€70“ 3 "'0 *3 8!’ "VI! L a thfly 898 , through Lawreuceaiid Topeka. Theodore Gary.’ chairman of the highway commission, says that the large aiileage of new interstate roads awarded Missouri and Kansas is a “his achievement." we. niade in View of the light mId¢ by Iowa and Nebraska forthe adop- Unlon arm)’. 3181- 301111801! W88 701" - ; - ' 1, g -0 as the Channel coast--came to put |0'I’0d by C8P1- R. B. Wad‘ who con-53”“, “uh mm’ concgmmg ‘ C U ;the scheme into execution. the)’ 2 tinned the work alonir the lines 1. t 1. .coniridered the cost prohibitive. 1‘ adopted by President Read and us), “hing ;n¢:m:“:i’;y’ _":§fl:'fip:;1 The famous French lnotor-car Jo_hnson. Not much was recorded ‘man 0”“ pbengmenfl groflb 1,,,.,,._,{,.cgu,,,_ cm-ca,’ .=. about the work in the following. " ‘ ye 5' i 950. The talk is of a we wouldn’t have a Used Car Deparunent. We find «.‘. 491 CAB co. .....9u...,..,.....m.. Excursion Bus to State Fair 0 ' " ~ ».- I<‘ --9-«ego -<{Wlii;- T’ N was ‘ 14 per cent firms: p ” E3 . I U 1 Q1189 ' ' ' ‘ - -r. iiuiiaoedn in: 1. Melt» and immediately me: the c,,',‘,';‘{,,_" ‘ °, 1'" '*°'°‘¢° "‘ ‘’‘*"“'‘°~ ’ .1 In the manufacture of man. A IN . iasonri ‘Val awarded another am vendiscnevtcrsiwfirhfi u; There is little thought of a limitf You are mififiillt owortniiities if E RING FEEDS we are 83 F ‘. 4 J important tranacontine in'rh‘§‘u8ct up houukeepinoxnroon to the ambitions reckoning of this}S'0l1 do :0‘ Teld 305 08¢ llisaoiiriao fill in the d8eiehCL|Oll Of l!‘l- and you will ow it riirht aft— t... the Les 0 highway. 0, - bum, h. ciiyu it gases on into the ruture.§ want a a. gredients an t eir prepara- e, mi...‘ 0“, ,,,.,.,u,,e any , 1°11-Wins ich-as No 14 thronsh §'°,°f,,,,.°,','".'§. c.,,,,.,.','.,,,3f,l.J§f,',:',.° Logkinz back only eishty-fire rem» . -. I -- - _ M- tion as if theij were for 1111- at our station Your engine 0 ‘twin’ 8pm"‘.‘d,'u?°“' “wfivsc: in a safe corner they had_°built a‘ ":43: :::1,g:rKncltyTd§:; man C°33“mP 571- will respond to it at once; ' -; aiiouusoonuiieuorden ted ds “""" "°“' 'w't a.oo'o mined °' to the F0 . . . . . ""." “"" K‘-‘F "‘°’° ""'°“~ “‘°" ‘A in 3" “menu” 3:.” Thawtclzrkman reportg.-iiliis discov- fiiyh ,_.°nfine'(2oa1c:1m°M Lawn", 1 . R This is the most important thin¢ in any feed._ [91102] peg irallon. andd no gas 0' ' -- ol the new national road "7 , ° °°""‘°‘°’- °- ‘”"°‘d ‘considerthat in the future popula- DG ' 7 f ood t ~31 to b at "0" '~‘- ""3 UP 00 U’! 801315 ' . Ivltau eiinougs isaourl will begin °"‘='"*¢ “W 0°“ “'1' 5°" “'4 non gmnii will have to be inélud-,0 0 D0 E SEDAN It must be made mm ‘ ma 8" 8 e E A aiih-ooniuiituie is ' ed in a territorial expansion. . i . ' good food. ‘,4 Chicago is now 25.000 inhabitants! Mechiuncfl . 1 Good tires. " ' A R 7 ‘ ' . . . . ' ' . :e:ssdm.i‘ii"an :dw::rfl:dm£hsem:;:riirzt:rd:u§e“:aflr:i:od P;;",m.,”dg31i',?:°£,°: ,l_’;:kci:;! comhiwn fire‘ _ Think it over and let Your next‘ order be for I -D‘ ' nnscut? road bers*°" I '= Emir 61- befo ‘ ha 1 ° - . _ Y ' A .............*:r........':.'; .. no one on o ::.'.°::'... ..'.:."'::: z:::;:. ‘.°....::; Miss,-gr-, MEN“ 0°” BEDRMZFEED 0“ an at lt from your PRO!’ ‘ 91 thaaalf .‘ "—"-‘——‘ ‘ad ' ' N ? i ' eror-rom us. _O . n......°:?'-..'.:‘.':,":':.f... ......':.° ammo or -wvs ;...*°.:: M“ '0‘ " u "°° * "3 0 "_"*"""‘ ~ Prouatera Get 1‘ Y ‘ P -7 _ ,, PHON 9 D ‘ :§3€;.‘““g.2.’?u9%.€.“.::‘:a:. 3 W rn....";u3:.1' "'° " n E - ~ 1‘ l’onste'lllefth' -'“ "'* . 0 -- - . in no. ‘ "”"°"* ms «~<=w=.s~-Jo» in .°-- ADA Boone County Milling & Elev. Co. E” % . é ea»: -in me as mono. or we mi 0 0- F=*-=»-m- mm Dealers Wanted . 0 ' ; the Kappa" Phi-omega tiaiei-any °‘ ""°"'°"’" °‘ V‘"“”' ”°“‘°"“ . . “lihe Convenient Place to Trade” . A’ 0 1'5, '”¢5,‘...’ds‘¢‘“" and Iloaeissoleoin Park. gave ::en ' ’ Rfldl0 , . ::;;|;:I.Bllto.at_tcndtheState :2?" ‘°:':’°‘"'"n:;; V’ Aaanasaabl pn.eniii-nio:¢s.auudii-¢oiei.owuii-I:_ao-urana . A . 0 - men‘ Judge J. ‘coo’- :aI:;“aa~a “lb It &¢i“ U] naaalartarae “V'CCh§I(,' wll 1 . ; Aaihiuirdiuappoiaios. inick in addition they were each ' "“‘“" """"" ‘“"" "““"“' "“"'“‘ " W‘ " -L— . jgfig [L A.&[&, ‘coun_ orducd to my ‘ fine of . 150 else h restricted to ealy aaeh dealers as wll appreciate 3‘ , ‘:‘ ‘ . am-so '- =»-m ~=~ 4 °°"*"'“'"""""* ""'“*"'"““"“s COLUMBIA THEATER - - ..o....°'.:....:....=':'. :.:..":.:.t'* :*:.*.'.‘.:::°: ""°""*' “' -‘‘l‘'‘ W“ ‘- C"-v s~ ~~ we-- i--- : . Ladies Free Tonight '. Who lllld at Browns. Southern California investors. ' *' ’ ._ : Y ' . ' ‘ , it « ‘ L E L LE 0 3 0 . j I 0, F . E PRICE and GILMORE E - BIG THEATRE E W ; ‘I ~ : . * o e Wi°° m we W°1°m" 25_.PEOPLE 25 F‘: * . 0 elfleasure ands. MADELYNYOUNGSINGERS # €:"«i =' ~ 0 Ejié “E if“ QWW. . . 0 . Featuring- . Xv‘? \_‘.",‘i L .- . ." I . ‘ 1 1 * ,‘ . .1: ‘.s-- . _._ .1 ;- MORRHL. K3 ‘7';“ " ’8t'a~and_ enioirfia1"“"" ‘ ' “Id the ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘°‘“" HotGeortiaJaz.zArh‘sts .5 . 3 :5 .-«3 3.... or two on aaeqpald me tieketl. ' . 0 . _a .7 , ,‘ 3‘ ‘»'~‘fd . - . .. A V. . ‘:1 .: . .5 ~'"”¥§‘”‘:'$.?'.?s .‘rf'i* *‘ ' ‘ .'.-:_. :§_‘;_., Ah: _ __ _._ _.5'__ '> . . . , E in 0 . , Tonlglrtls Play " H 2 E ' 0 A Riv-roaring, Screaming R 0F~_8IGIlB” Comedy. in 4 .Wi-itteii - -? ‘ .. I 17“ -, V - ' ' ' ' 0., ‘E own ‘'’‘‘‘'‘'0 W19» Mi” M N. {‘jf(;r‘;'.r.i:_;¢V\;.-. 1 0; . E . ‘ , I‘ . 0 _, ___ A "-0.0 0. ‘ " V - ' 7 it ‘ ‘ ‘: E 4 ... . '3 ‘z"',':_ -: « - '2.‘ ' '. . ‘. . I .1 ‘J ‘ . , . . - ‘ I “; _. . E, .. , . .- *'-..~rv:-‘1-1:‘ -. -:- «w " ...- r ''r‘‘’' ("ii Y§""."-¢"?'¢- '. a ‘ . ' . ~ ‘ ' . .‘ .- ‘ ‘ " . -3‘ ~- I ; '. _ fly‘. £5: ’.".* 0"" t ',x .,o* _ ..-« _ . ;- - _~ N‘. _'gs _a