1.55 J‘ ‘. 9 A ‘ i > 1.’, “J ‘ 1: v " . ! ~.. ‘ . ‘ -l’ ' e - : 1 I L ' o u. re -I,’ ‘‘.l‘:‘: I O ‘ s. r 9: ‘I’ ‘ -' H‘: - ~ 0:: ( ‘V: ’ - ' 1. : ‘#1.: ( ‘ ’ ‘ ~. g'')'’‘ ~4 “ :_- . I , _ ' 1 ‘ 5. ‘ n -_ .0. A 3 ~ ‘H ’ .1 ‘A ‘Q ‘.“ . ,- .j“ . "J r . J . . ' < . . _ ’ ‘._ ___‘ -fl ‘Z ; l . - ' __ :..’{ . .' I - .. . , . ‘ : . . -- --0 -‘ -' ‘V‘ . I‘ ___ . ..., ..- .; _' _‘_. ’ “V - A ‘ ‘. » V‘ V L I V H I 2 - . .. e es.» !:'-JL‘-_:l.'..: ~-.*.s:.~;-I-*4 v “~‘!*A‘UGUST18.«10fli h. l . - e. . . ,. n . rectum. >1,‘ —*_*--W ***'.;_'w,..u...' " V “W-"4 ,. u . - . . ':;___,.“ j,.."*"f‘ *‘*"‘*“--—~---e---"--—~w—---—— _ _ ‘T. T ‘ L_ F ’ ' » ° ‘in . V A“ r f - 4 ' ‘' ~ '1 * ~ .. W ‘ .:“',',f*‘~,,‘l’,‘} ff‘ ' if ‘1:_' Q ' ' L‘; . ‘ ‘ ‘ V l * W.C. 7.11.0!’-’OAIiIlDRNIA’ Vermont hills formed part at least one man was killed. 0 g .-‘-ii" "- in: E ‘*_,i¢-* , . A " * ' \ 4 ‘ A A1TA(I88IPl.!'Kfl.'AN,_o£:Pnesidsl§Coo'lid¢e‘s.qnietSab-andthatloodwzztu-irumtbenorth .a-.. z:!..s.. 1_ .1 ft. ll . . . ‘ l~_r*e,l‘ 3‘ . r"; ~ , , .:'-. ~ 2 ~12 ls. « . . s eh.-hm“ -'I- was at the low- ‘ _ I _“ , A _>._ A . . E (I -v 3 1 _ _ fir m u . _ i -“E “mung ° stréiou, was a '11-amp for an ‘hour Wslliam Howard. 70, a recluse liv- overcowpatlls up the steepest hill in: in the southern parts! Raw- o\ we a '> : j s. . e,,,.,s_.e_.p : -A 5 ; ’ i - 3*“ be . . in this section or state, and lln8CcU1Ity waskilled by lightning , L . p R ‘ _‘ - 0*“ ‘* Ia‘ up n‘ then the return to Plymouth by the.!"riday night. and wsi found by we--an In wt po3sA§3_.{haveaomebeaIItl-- fun-IIII-ed for Baht hounekeephar »- A — . same Juggling. bouncing‘ convey- neighbors in the barn ion of bin, or - - e * , :-'‘m'P'. ful5’sud84-eoinlaunes;-on South, -* still» - 3‘-‘3F 3°09!!! Strut. arm-Md. 7 , .anee. hm‘ . . g,;.fi..- » A Side fit "will surely Iblleél 30;. 13133-4 _b A ’ @IOA .--With the tooth!) _Unwearied from a morning so lien rain has talk}: in the parts’ e ‘ ..'. gap, as to toe ha‘al- the~°‘yog' gpgdguy if you don't want. T ssasonioominxonthehos-ison,stu-s’ eazaxingly spent, the president v.sxted by the storm. . ':1""""'" """"'; to malts 3 payment down. You \I!8CBLl.ANE)UB of the~Western Conference are got- with Mrs. Coolidge and his father. *“' i ' ‘.3 d...n_u . _ can-,. than the "mg: ‘ J - rad’ ‘or. _ John cooudxq ‘nmaod “know Pays I’-‘iae But wu; Never Arrested. ‘hm. .3 '03 8 "I1 ‘I58’ buy 9” *3: ‘ AND ‘O ‘H th‘t ‘' ‘t _ ' Al llllllfllll 33 ll! l.& (hlla~ ‘ aa':"Irz¥‘ pun. whfqgy n°t'p,-jg.“ DON'T Tflfiflw YOU3 Ilfltdrxaakes of sewifit machines flirt be lggmtotlngt ‘ongoghnunpornngaut ulwhintawit of u church .e"i°u."““*‘*‘—'* “V circuit cém"em'“ ai'P°’°a ."“”. 'ltsatUIli'ea'ealled tn.‘ 5%“ $50“ qua”. away. We will make a libere 1,“ u the sin”, sham .15,” for 9; Man’ - - at ‘ant _ 3'93“ 53,“... MAN NOT INSANE ' ' °‘ '5“ .8 M" ‘P398504 twill)’. ‘henuthussst adwnalerhha so 2”.‘1.u,,',,,¢,o.,.,¢.,,fi,¢,_ { f{_h,”_a mum . 3"“ 4 ,, “dc. , .- - throuxhhissttornemtonebsrge of , co -p].om.272. . WEL .o ncs not kept in _‘‘&d ) Gflnttasterling the exercise of their prl\n— . . . l °* “"-M"*"'-" "°"" * 0 A - s rnomors cause istock can be supplied ..-sun. three mean i received . "eon— lees. have brought relreshmentsw . ”,‘j;“;"’°" 3,‘ ‘“'“°'-;;" ‘"‘°‘‘ W‘ -535_.3,°.¢ man’ 533! " n ' ‘ .. t me an pccst V without the ' . . ~ *'° 2 *" 22-” ‘*1 o”°'"' M on W ..:=.;::::.:::°'.:-.:'.°:* -:.-..," 2 '2......."‘ M .,«,..... ....... ..... ’*»’*””” "”“’ ‘W --,,-;_=,,—-== or .\_‘. ' . ‘ 0 ‘ ~ . ' ' ' L 0 1.‘ ‘Z-—'-Z. ' ' f‘ ' ht “cf,” J_""5"u:'“"'l, 85A “"11? nltllt at Wheatoa, after laying. been known to have been beasdi “N23”: l;-'5;m_pm,,,tm- 8 he i, ;":lll9lI n‘Tnc‘le':I?ph. The lgqltlor _ ——-2 lsrpgbzflee lot! 0!! 801:3! uh‘. .ul'°‘“°-w ‘, . . Edwin no” wmmm’ . . Illinois cs? dmnl: .2‘ the resort: g gue;tion. not hum beau" he “,5 W» was found on this menu Property wood.sou Stewart, ‘. .. ' . Z‘ '6} 05 ha” - . With a se Withmu month." , . . .U. ‘ ' v 4 Newmille 9“ 3_"°‘d"3'-7. Pb°“°! E! .1.“ T“'{_-102 P am. - lPPII1llif:da:odybof ‘tutors who have stated. "1: would seem that the ear- 3;‘ i:’b:d ‘lira? 3:; en; I or. 1473- ‘ ‘ ‘'°'''’'' . ' 13339 CARS pop SALE °°P*08. 8800 Ice ‘"35 Ir names: to see that nestjvor of our enforcement o£- - ' ' . ' ' ' £531., ' g .50", ..-— _____ « _ - _ ———-.- APARTIENT8 FOR RENT _ - V015! by lady; eight ’ ' exp,“-_ ),¢_ '5, 5” ha “ed the _ 3 - 1 d to . 25. tanner Johns Hopkins Unlver- ""9 , "3 °" °' ‘’ - 703 ‘SAI‘F"si""°°'" mid‘, ' . . ‘-‘’‘_‘‘ mu aiwokt ‘°”'ng' flu’ enoe in Columbia- Ad. at Pllrer of all la ‘la: tees; mum bctlrtesfcrmfd ‘ti? m fir’ mldem ‘ad m ‘tmndnt “ ' ‘ k to hf” "C R3050“! 5 e o o o e e e o o e . ..h....‘.&.l.. dim box R. G” a," or this ’ p y‘ no . Mics‘! or “fin ‘: “the the ‘nlnhllttp for - urt .nd {‘ne 3 2 gene; ‘cit. groulllz “'7' 2 have a tow urniabod e V hm towns? ' C ' ‘G50 ' G298-301 Gfnxe is tenet-ally rated a bet- l‘ "9"" “"‘3°”° 519' 707 10.'r'llt)' 3 hut?’ ‘ch mtfljuy ta)“ - A B %. Eu. uh. , tngdh,‘ t’ w ‘R ....... _ ‘ t¢!' than avers t 5 _ to lam» was un s_ una s cc to. ... - ’ "mg mg gs part pa ‘uni ‘int. the ca’ "75 WAN'l‘ED,—-Horned man to work in 1.“ flmettfie ewl.l"e!1I.t,idl>:‘t, The Women,‘ Union ‘ho mam seven hours following the rat :,=: \ A.) N." 5"'°°"' -°°'Pp‘cw‘y'm°de and att:l'uctive- also ‘a few unfur- p -pAyu)g EARAG; "P """3 “° 9°’ "'°“l-hi N’ 8 tier: of mumps, which kept him. I oformer occasion when the law ‘oat A . 55* l”-'"3"°"' wm‘ °'''’. '°'' um; “bed ‘wflménm 0“ ma 3, . _ liable man. 6. 1!. Miller. route 5. away from the university for nearly maker eulozized prohibition and Th‘ mdem tn" °““’°d Grin", . 5 acféi. '91 fill’ 3 bfltain. -::thW » J A Samar‘ “"1 u’; SEE THESE USED CARS =phone 8l"l2. H297-802 a month. He cmght up via, .11 conga.“ 3,3, with h- , eleged imprisonment. tell from 0 gm-mo‘ ‘gator’ hon” “i206 Ba.nk"Bldg S294-tf Hudson 7 fiseenger - his Studies save Transportation ‘stand. Senator Phelsn sbscs ::>e:i:l- ‘tam Vim‘ ‘""°‘fi-"' °"'°’ um “"7 gr!’ tl;:d‘l:.287o:xl;f0 *0“ in ‘I .1 l . ‘ad’? Qverlsnd . . . . . . . . - you ‘Ky’. Atbthe Univenity °! ChE°‘K0.lh¢ “la in hit two speech-;_ "1 un dent’! bed and landed on Grill‘: art . 0 -“ pr __u{ ‘hed art- - - ' bugs 1; bee },.,._.d- - - - bareclu-t,hc 'd.A kcdb ‘’ 13."‘°°U 'l‘°°'¢- 1320 -N1‘-l'°°!im::R ggxtooms’ ur;:is,.ate a:.a_j‘9” ?l.?cr:m;°;::t" good mu" ' OFFICE Rooms F93 RENT‘ ner elm 8:32 liiceld nndmdohvrcioed l‘l°:.'}nh.?v:ar)':f the thud’ and stlldt real‘ivx.in‘: whast st" priced ‘O R“ or Wm mmisleeping porch. curate» 319 R°l°«Ford touring r mount She 5' 1"" "Chuck" Duval, whom loyal Ms-. has shown to have worked out so 9°“ °{ ‘"'“im‘l it "”v M 55’"l‘' ‘ » ‘°’ "5 P" ‘ 0 Tune. G297-ti‘ mountable ‘rims ........ .. 1s';';:§¢1-§e§h°,’m,c ”{'2°‘s. ‘;{’,f"" “ mus say wtu fade Grange and badly. Under the Eighteenth *4 “W Vrixclins "It with his . 1 .' “ New brick bunralow. 2 ,bl°cks:_a.i- a Ocmrs G A1-“GE . 3 ‘ 9- t - 5‘ “neon” Baker, Northwestern stsr».A!nendmeat, should the Volstecd “K” “"5-. Tl"-‘ '8‘ 5“ ""3 ms CIEPU‘;-_;c:‘°° 1‘-‘OB E!-INT-An aparhnentol P3 i ' ‘ ' _ 2954‘ this auson, have become eligible. Act berepealed, each state has powe ‘°"“°h°d hi"‘- 1‘ 9°‘ l°°3° i” “W t‘ .rooIn ,_sou -‘M mi um‘, _ A . , p ’— Duvsl. downed] t b sch 1. to ct 'nd .5 ,1 , , bed. lie felt it crawling oh‘bie Broaden)’. $4700. Wm ¢°“"d°' wy ;9lIpi::een. 7:8 Hissouri Avenue: HOUSE FOR RENT iplfcgk pl:!;3;¢e,T-1—‘(6}araxe at 3;‘ 2.31:3; "imp. nd 0“ :5’ u3;:"‘“:'e whim Sn‘ xgwémgingré :5 athgmfiegr body. and" the shows. he said. \ , . A ¢"l| Pym“ _ _ ’ ; , 3294-91} A ‘ 3 ' 33¢ S}-lttmen most needed a ca- field for state action, if indeed we Grill was terror-stricken. Utter-A o _ We have othtflilftflllls 111 h0|1l¢8. _ ; FUR REN'l‘—Seroom brick house.} GOAL Pi‘-N9 passer. has made the grade approve 0! sumptuary legislstion gt ing a scream he bounded from l .’i suburban places and I . ; FOR BENT-—Furn1shed 3-room‘ close to business section and Univer-3 = — _-____ for the 1025 team. So has Yeislcy, 811-” ‘ the '0 burst open the door and , i _ Also houses‘ and aplrtrnenta lot;-and ‘kitchenette SP8?‘-5'9"‘: IN’|\'Il¢ slty; located 1009 Cherry Streeuf DAVIS COAL co, "l‘°'"l3 31398951 to be the “coming The controversy is flogging wide fled down the hall where other at» _ 1 .- rent. . If you want to_buy. Iellubsth; gas-see. .502_ Turner Ave. A. H. Newman. 904 BroIdI'ay.§ Best central Illinois Coal °"d- interest in this state with its tn» Wndant-m lhinkins: him demented. exchange or rent your property. Call 1368 emu after 5 9- 111- ‘phones 284 or 1472. - gcsu 478. ' opposite Wabash station 5* Nmhwestern. Baker is on the ditions of home and commcrcisl..P°'-"1!-‘ed upon him and bow him see Garey dz lfrasier Realty Co,’ . H-291-tfi m4mm furnished, F,-“gun ‘county Cu] anxious seat with Grange, but a Wine making and its roe-o11¢¢g5°m of to the_floor. He was bound to s Rooms 1 and 2.'hliller Bldg, phone _ _ . ghéne Se L I to Jun 1 as ; - _. ____ condition is all he has to remove, so recent frontier :1.” with “at lunatic’, cot and kept there never) t 519- . 295401‘; LARGE’ "'7,fl"t°£‘°::.2'w°m§ mom}; Ephcuic “gm: got ‘:3; Tl_lE.DRUG.8ll0l: and a summer session course in l"dl‘,‘idual freedom. The former "Kl 8 hi" h0ll!'8. Grill ChIl‘8¢d- ' ~ - _,IPI!'*1D¢°l’- 3353 lm” 'P°”°"18“t but émn“ north on fikhw. NO 35.01‘ P"-'3¢T|Pl|0n *8¢_!'V|¢€- 50 charge fvlnch he is excelling in his work, legislator has been assured, how. Then he was released by a nurse. ' , Pblt SAL!-3—New brick bungalow, sion. 1403. 3- 3"°‘d"‘7' =7 hm“ 21,” ' 10!’ deliver)’. is all set to remove the “con." ever, that the two resorts against "“"""‘."'“‘. . . i at 1404 Anthony Street, 6 ‘rooms, blltk 0' 3573- ‘_ B25541‘. ' ' - Phone 302 At the University of W'is;:onsin which abatement proceedings are MAN Kn‘l‘E" B‘ u('“Th'u‘G " hall. breakfast room, bath. garage ., ‘ . , . FOR REN.r_M°dem 5_mom bum: LOAN ‘ssoc the new coach and athletic director. pending, will still be open during wm-u.g¢.¢.,I. K 1'“ 5 by - ~ 0,,‘ APARTMI-.l~l'l‘S I-‘OB Rl'3l\J'—; _ , 3 l_A'I’lON Geo Li , . . . _. _ . . . _ - " wj-- "M h human for ‘We an ‘ ed m aplrtmeute D71-‘ltllow. with El"'”°d in ‘l°?Pm8 19¢“ Boone National 9“ ‘E; ut:v°iu:'2{fi:::ch:)’{"”t‘;g 2:‘ 31:“ 5ti;tecsudl:ysm§ser:e..c;:lett;xt-Se Vnnd and Rain Storm. _ . , lists us. , cg .. .- , ' 1 9”“ t.l"'°“3h°“l' "d "‘°d°"‘ "‘ Fm-ms f ‘ 'h-lporch° close in. ‘Phone 1206 red. lsavings and Lea Association 8: United Press. ‘ 1 '13- 3l5¢.€!|U'lD°9 00 €13‘ 3“ “mil”. t:i:“.d°:lut‘6gm1.' ; 3297.302} um“; nu xmomunng querterbscks the Cardi~ will not permit the proceedings to SALINA. Kart, Aug. 18.—- Bclst- ‘'0 ’ l” 4’ ‘makes two towns convenient for, ' “°"' . Md y'rtm:"~ "‘2.5o_; Gd“, 3”‘ W a 8‘. oh‘, no! had ever counted on. Marshall‘ come to a decision before that. ed reports in the wake of a terrific ‘ F!'P°|¢8- L9‘ 508130 16¢‘-f mm‘ ‘P3 " FOR ’ RENT—I-‘ive-room thor-: < . ' ' ' wind and rain storm which wrought " Unfn .——.- ‘aell world: the money. Newly 5"°°"' “niunuhed ‘pn ‘meat’ ‘S07 ouxmy modem bmnlow; lute; three years to make the scholastic,‘ SOFT COAL ”‘“‘E8 F3003” havoc in northwestern Kansas state urnlshed or unfurnished. For in-76"°°'" 'pfl'm°nt' “Bl "room. at; garage; close to University;’ 30953’ FINISHING ‘ ‘nae ""1 fi“‘"5' d’'°PP°d ‘'3 °f Bltnmi 1 9 7 formation see G_a!'ey and F:-'asier}‘P"_t’“°"t' “°' 5"°°"‘ ‘9""“‘°"" mu“, ‘mg phone 2323 whit,’ 1507311: our own department. Films left ‘°h°°l V’ be mlffiedo “n5 p P“ s '9‘ ‘No :_;,i_‘_____ ;__ __ ‘ ‘ 0- 00 mm“ 1 ‘ad 2. $75. 11 Y0“ 11'‘ ‘“W°"°’l'°‘l an ‘ ‘g 3 t 3, out .; 5 Other conference schools incl d on ‘ er out ha“'c' ' ' t ‘Realme? mptnio 619 2" zmgwuthcn Bait’ co” phone 27% Csuthorn Ave. ,_ _ E 0.06 in; “km!” ‘ad Minmszm‘ 1:0; ‘WASHINGTON.-—Highest records i _~ 3 ~ mg" P; ' ~ L i ' - 29‘-299. ' E ' forward to little scholastic trouble "-"°° .F°1-" 7 "°“° °“‘1?“"’°“ ‘°' ‘ - . mg “LE on ; i 2 F0 1‘ V ode . . ,bmI-:11! RI;J:~lT;§e::9or:d mgnirged, Phxonrnpr nrzrsm snor with their grid luminaries :’,‘f“"“"‘;“‘ §.°P‘ Imlgctm gurinr . " V V e ~ .. 1 . RN 1-3053‘. g gN1'_.fi m .; sow . - m. 24¢] _ mo _ ,___.__,_ ' ewee ening u . , d . . _ ‘ ; ’ “"‘°°"**°"'° “ ‘?1‘.°“““’,°l’”2,5°“°., mrnishea apartments. 2 to?:oox::; tarnished house in Westmount. re : t.A%3§ no ruit)§x'F1~°z’:xiié FREE 10 TEACH r:voLv'rob' P‘ "in" W -*m°in°ed~ mm AI|IIhVOl*IOl'y1‘ l ‘ “" ‘ A ‘Dris-ate baths; image. 1504 Bsssi'°°:" °‘f“""“"°‘* "",';8"l°'-f4 5:33 S .8 and etc. 8,“, ,, 8,o;;;;;,md to st I d A‘ ""~‘h'*"*¢ “me amhndte PW ' ' ' . 7 '5 _~' 1. 1341 ".93., feas campus. eroom urn ’ 239“ I uction s owed l’ ht d 1' d — ° FOR SALE-3-W¢It'0°d M130» venue P one (;295.tphouee. 8 blocks from campus. 12- £ _ of Private Scboel.. spite the possibtilitylgof secvlrxllkodtq‘ V complete modern.-tnlaadidlr-lmiltr 1 room» furnished‘ house; use «blocks 1 7 1‘-urge --cmoedflin post. ron Rl§N'l‘—l7‘urnished s...;o...‘:oo..' pus. Also unfurnished V « NI, ' _|¢¢0fld 00!. ‘ ; first floor; south side.ihouses nd bungalows. -If . . , Ii ‘to. k and th 't.e - throughout, house was built 311 uiuom-1 Ave,’ phone. 835, Ewant to buy, sell. exchange or rent Efixsedfsgig‘ t:£';3i"; n:h‘°h Shae cstimat.erd srtc‘c:l,967!.‘(‘)’:0 _ F ‘ "°""" '°°'""' "' “'° °' 0°’ - W’-95°“?-?°"’ l”°"°”"" '°° 6"‘? ‘"4 F"' ‘ Stated communication. join the faculty of the i"a’s"7.":;.1‘.1. ‘°“" "‘ i"".‘”° .°‘ If P" W‘ :3: United I-tr-a. Sept’. {H t .. v «- - ~ -. ...:r.uznrmwh', N. v._ . '. . . . ‘it 4 — ‘ Scopfis. W’l_‘°se views on efilldtidh The bmmunom output mdudug ‘ e . ..-...o.L- - ..-.-.~ . _..., , -..._........-...,. . .4 ‘ ___,.‘___._.-,.;-< vs -. .-gr...-oee-e... o \ M_mflf, 9;» 's most' desirable and isier Realty Co.. phone 619. 296-301 . . . over the previous wee A - I ‘_ a‘ la”, ad ‘act; g ‘ 5 y Tuesday evening, Aug. 18. school for girls here this fall. . . ' . , . . V I A n on!» ll-‘UIINITUBB I-‘OR FOR REN,{,_F°m.m°m house oi“ 7:30 p_ m_ D_ "gene H. Lemma’ bud of Anthracite production was placed n :3 h E J3?’ gum "Ed ‘rm ‘ - 531,}, gm] 1131,13, "men, 3; 335 ' the school said admiration for Miss at 2'068'°°0 mm‘ ' 'd°°'°‘““ °f ‘*_ ;‘¢.....;¢j¢3;'._ H if". .iIlI- ‘ nwhection ‘ho’ IPP"Iintm:x.1t§{°lI_"0gveSA:"'(:":_I°"“1‘l’h°(=:_l fi‘:'“m""’7 Beautiful 6-room {urn ed home. 3- 35- LONG‘; y“, M h. :'1§;mrt}z:gfh:i- brother in “T: :n:'w::"in(1:g;' ~ - ,_-. i ,l ‘ _ A- ’ :'.."-.......*°"‘~'°'*......*“°";"»‘.‘.~:'+ '°° °"°:%»»«-~. we me new c-u«».""'"om“:........ ..... .. ...... ’-‘° '* ' ' .’ -:5 °..';é‘.: »°-°=~, :21; '°"'°*°::“ r" spoenn Train . :~ , es . 1 0 , , ’, . ‘ HI» - . - cg-cage ', s an 2 Killer ma... phone on ;“"' i=°=;;.h,,-;de- °"*;;*5.°i, - 1 LEGAL NOTICES ;;;"“°*°' "' "“"'°'"“'°' “"4 *“°" ......1,. °. ,,.. ".°.S..°°.'.‘.... f.‘.’5.°.‘.‘. - * ~ ~ . . s - : - . . . . ~ - « ‘ ‘a ma ssLr;—rhree-qbslrter while! .n'_fI t;?;"b:‘:h‘s‘°";f;r ‘:3:-i _mNT—m__..___mTER POPULAR gtae Z: stored :1 bins tbs: Year August " . ‘ ' . .iron bed complete. white resser, ta-* v ' ’ ' 3 None: or rausrars BALI. an you w en no stri e was ; '03-.~‘§“4E"*7°"°°"* 030:? 3.: 1,3, ",4 ¢h,;, go‘ match “.1 wuulrog 2:: “ ”""‘b°’ °f °a"" h"“"°‘; u. Asbury. one and husband. by their Scores of people turned impending. Stocks in storage were Special train will leave "H" _ "'3! ""1" ‘°'~'- basket. Good conition; price 3 1 W th Wed 0' mm ‘IN ''*'“I'7 5- lmv '3" sway st the doors of. c J. Doug estimated to Aug 8. at 55,992,000 Columbia at 6:15 gm. Re- T “"fl°°"3"°"" ""‘ M" °'lms Bouhell b ooo bl k‘ °‘ °“R°‘“’ °°"P*‘°"° 272-"°°""""""'“"""""‘“""°""’ M n sh Inst n htr lackto ° ' » ~ . - ; ’ . ° °v P "W 1 ‘”~' -1 0! theneeoeoeeot neeaeet noooe cooeo. °"'¥‘ °" _ '3 °' "'- turmng leave Sedalla at ;. - I333 g _nmn ‘ “hue” h Ba‘ in u "‘u ‘:74?’ 0' of root“. ‘cc°rd‘ng to the m.n“e_ A . ‘O. 0 _ ‘d’ - Joan, ehiehen house and beooaer..; ‘ . » \- 5,,” ,,,,;,,_,, ,,,,,,,,_'c,,, ,, ,.,,,,,,, mm. ham the show M em coounos moss IN ruvvnn ' -3 P4“-'3‘“'"=. Y-e : A see or -ground; lruits; eow.; 1-‘on ssu-3-Immoaisbeiy. bodk- ‘'03 RFNT-Twlve-mm homgs.o....n mt «-4 Tm: 0.0-an-er of ltan- mm. --———— , . . , y beta. 0. (Liease, washing‘ machine andewrinpt-Hon Rosemary Lane. one bedroom ongsu city. a eon-