, .... . - , if‘-"'lT‘,"E".V"7'7;977-TEE?"5"3'5"¢'3?:‘4?’7“7‘?€réi’~‘fif:l*9,‘i§ - ‘ _ 7 , 1" '1, ‘-. . I‘ ‘O. 1 ‘Jun. -“Lu Q '1: - ' 1 _‘ _ ‘to! ‘re. ' ' .- ‘Ti. V ‘_' ‘. » .7 ‘ f _ . ' ' . ‘ _‘. -V . ‘- ' I ."‘ v *' ‘ 7 ‘ . ,_ ...,‘ .=.. :';“i>...._"‘fi:5a>5321".‘?‘¥?§=i «ii? ‘» . ‘ . C - - .. .. ..’ s -.; .: .r:*t<'* ‘ >.« ' ’=""""~’~’;.“ ‘W ~ ."' _—._ _." 'v'fl\’”“5:'J"_"' _: "i_-T‘.‘}‘:r;iV.:.‘:rf§’,s ,_ .g 3 I.‘ 2. .- ,3 . . ._ l l ' , , - . L J "7 -.~ ’§‘i“._~¢';. .54. .42‘ -3 '-°«’ 5? '*‘ ' -- “ ~ ‘ ‘ V " ' .. . . ‘E E . . .. ‘— .__‘ _ . - V J V ' V . A V V ___,______‘___. _ ‘ ‘ —. . . ._._ _ --- _ .7 ""' 7'." ’ . I , -~---' ' _ V : " ‘Pwi? _ .. a:_~f_;.-.6 : .V 1; _ ... ’ R » . . n 41:’. . _‘ bud” ta. ndshgzz iti§IIIf|fl'j|]n‘1,’?@¢l'. fhebwhib-‘“I01!lBl81‘8.BRBAKlN6 LAF"‘drln‘of sable}: sh;i1pu:a': ‘vs . -.3’, . _ g ,._ - » . ‘, E ' - _~; -' ‘ ‘ . T - ' ‘filth dost, field. dovelike, gllt:te1'*_ a _an ra town - —‘----— hide rom rearw ‘ hicle_-‘. .'.‘-~‘~:° E:-1;;-5 4 3*“:‘l~..‘~‘ ' " ‘E , ': - i . minutes we have .to s split-i-thbrthetlne rim otthe At; *’°‘‘°' 9“? 3-!‘ ‘°'' 3"! 59in eroaaint an met.” a as‘: _~; “; ‘-4 v .1. A 7 B . ~. —— ha. __and with another yilot Iantig c. e plunging breakers crash- I _ cs :3 " ; -gun ‘fiiaif; «E _.;_.~.,,: 9 -T" ~ -2 , ‘ - -- In at: dawn the coast. the lower in: now-dimly at its feet. Then “*0 .-°=5°° :_°f the hlflfiq .or1I;st frog; the xgsonelier - Th‘? b08115 3011113; and the athletic girl ‘ 1 5 °f w"°°”’i‘ Vb“ t ‘ mm’ lnlclicr view of the American legation at San tau, Costa Rica. now occupied by ‘Roy 1‘. Da- '° ‘ ''°'’‘ ‘ °p°" 3"“ ML Oil‘?-—"1il|0i8 ra i i'"‘u°n h” due ‘or mew’ in ' Col h’ United States minister to that cmntry as it appeared following a diplomatic rvception 0! ' form“: impmible t° '°°k~ - 1') ; ht they b,,,¢¢,., of tan. *7“ 0‘ W W _ ' g * westward, toward the burnished sun‘ Clean, free of chnkers 1,, E 3» ~E=’'~=-- 2 ::.:n:::.:.':':'.:. "°"' "°“'" .. . . 25. ...... = TONIGHT ONLY »« way the circumstance o ose ' o - . , ' “ crouc own to i aheter n‘ 1 ~ not holding office have been bet‘ —,,-»,:;;—_:.~.:—-- 1 z- : ex. ‘ xv" "’ " "‘3‘-””~’~+-'-“—~ ~ ~~ ~ -- —— 030 Ihldow of the ktiit. dbutftlzeg Clark Implement .0 and ' . ' ' ‘ o ress'v ti - .‘ . -~we”i’.J§oan. to we we-e who Fhght From France to Morocco £13? .§’$°y‘;';‘:’..‘5'.' .§‘.‘.°.'€"?.‘...‘.‘.‘3.a‘.‘.,'°.'.‘ w'?i’nous' ‘ I “. . Frank Mayo and H- 3- Warner ;;- hnve been ‘ allied with the P7935“ . E f we taxi to the hangar. What a con- “ 7 N10‘ 3¢ 3 $0 8 t-‘W. Phone 391 3;]; and Cherry “ ° {a state administration what ‘part th9)' .' U-,3: with the cool 3,3,, fiegd .1 hundred feet above the ’Bled, where- , In ' hsve been permitted to take in do.‘ . g Toulouse a few hours earlier! Here ' ‘ ___ . W V” in .':'.*:*'.:'.":....:"*.:: .::.'::'...."':“.it£.“.; .::.%*;‘.‘.:—**°°..‘**°“?"..*'°“."*°*’: ".3: °".:°*°..:;’.:‘.‘:.‘. 32".‘; —. “IS LOVE EVERYTHING” nu ' e in 'n1rp ne rom‘an ere e .; . . _ =‘ 1 I“ “” °‘"d‘d‘'’° ’°l°":"°d f.°r um" (l)“rant‘-rte Morocco ti: take supreme one hour from Toulouse. to pick up} With Suspended dull?» . L Th _ _ :5. in some secret tneeunz in somt command of the‘l'-‘tench forces fightl the mail from la!-aeilles. The con-l b1;:°Sume 1!,“ fifunchllllfi thwp 0‘ 1.’ S C E e Story of a husband who dared desuny jo back - - ' . ' ' netting ' bet E ‘ " C I "' - .- v ma»: an he had - pm sn l.'§f$?.yi.'Z?J§?"x5'§.'3.:s.'§"dp§'§§1§L‘Z""£§ with “$35: 'T,‘.'..'.'§."...'.'-’," . $7.35: as beme"§i'nsr°e3re7s° to - vi-xiii-Q . E ‘° ‘est “S ‘’”f‘~’ 5' ‘°Ya“>’- M the original “progres{zve" moveo look into the political aspects of the Frenchman with military clothing; plane. and We are Off. MPPY $0 Ti“ 5 \ di , ' Wisconsin 3-Weill)’-five war, were over one of the most pic- samples for his clients among .th':L <1‘-lick‘? 850% l-hi! W999 0f_ dim 1 GH 1 ; 4- E years ago and does not now regret turesquc uir romes of.Sout.hern fonctionnaires at Rabat. ; !}fl‘<‘l.b!'€8lh.€ 154! Ck!!! I1!’ 8811} _ _‘ _ 9 .. d‘ it. T‘;P°si:__'&5" ‘B 2011:1106 9;: “fig “I: is noon and ye arebgipproach-J mi':1:“::°f:“’“f°:ko ‘go’: i *~-- . -' -~-- ‘- ~— 20': 30° ; N Lenroot attacked the progressive ‘ '“‘_ °!‘v - - °'_ 9“ _ ”' ° }i!iR licsnte' . BNO eet a re a tong’ i . . ‘ . ....-in-'.*r.:*.=*=‘°=....°* °*;.."=:.'°:*.::.°°°=*'.::"f.°°*:::.;...+:::°‘.:°:.*:.v..2.;*»:..::~=::‘.:'=..::.=;?:.*::.:'.‘:':.:‘:.:;.*.:':.*‘:::n.:“‘:..::.:::: J - DOUG MORGAN ~ g ge primary e U D Q00 - 1 . . -_ « -..___- _ -_ _- ___ 1-‘; - - . .1 r ' ti to th Soci .; paeeusoueny to the ri . Ter-1 mnshnble amour its neichbors. now 1 - / l;'rai:loon by ‘t:he‘:otg:aatp‘tlhteJ pr: t)r*° 13:‘-o:x1ci:i'¢!ei'1"t‘.".1l).cl’a?i:ler VI; Zand£t,§ races, burnt dry, struggle up the :?Eo:13i:fi$”‘n§2l: 539$ ___...,_ ~__,,,BéI_(E ‘[8 I) 3: no-pone antd glee: he he civenhonly 3583- 3319:" ‘?‘n’;“}°;o:;“?r:‘f’f:u’f:.2 "‘f"‘°,fi“°e ,"" °1“; p‘:fnh;d“'°pf;°i‘:;‘ I ,._.,,~,,, ~‘,m,g,, me ¢,,,',,;,‘ ‘ g . Our Feature Play 1' We llold No Clearance Sales on the ballot o M which c in i to o W" .481!!! _ harp . _-1 m ms of e '“ befin to not the ‘ W I alfillatod with.” I-‘nnca Hon?» with rum" "'4 P9°*¢*= "E 3 3'" ' rm," , ‘THE MAN WHO DARED _ d. “The prim", demon kw’ dc- w‘a:°?dvu:::c:o_°'£ Chg“ w;lu;°;;d Du 3'.-nan-'3 ’-='P-l-J . Bloch and Breaburn Shops ca _ .1, ‘ in og._T_ eac1'sri n, e _ _ - T '\ _ A _y. ‘ fnnvwlg 1 '¢lid¢ d l m — ‘ " " ’ — ” ’ ’ ""' V- p - telson. ‘ new 7 -O X‘ men ‘h “M M 9 I V. l ' -‘ '1 V 8 o - .)'g .. .;‘.‘-’.£em.. ° "°"”' *§.‘.;’.‘.”1‘..‘.’:..‘i“.'§"é‘.’.l‘.:‘a‘..."‘"..‘.‘.’.;. 3:; '‘’"°’ °' '°"‘'' ''"°‘' " ""' ~‘" * * $25 to 355 °‘ ‘ . . _ . _ —~ . l .0} »m’’'”‘‘''’-»-‘ °°:3.““«°~:: °’€v“ai‘c°I'».?-i’ r;°::.'t.::"%.:.:‘;.:.:':.:*:.°°.:‘.:°:.*°..‘..‘v ~ F R E S 1 .,,, ,,, ,, ... d ,, s u . , . , .- A _e new a ‘a an caps are ere-5--evgry ' h . "gum ::;°:';c:':thY‘n°y "‘n‘:::'°d "“°"iE a e 1 day brings something new. Be the first to get .51 -an . .. .......x "u.... ‘... .....;. ozmty ext 00 s » :3 r .3: “'.........'° ‘?.‘.“°.';..'.f:..'.;'..“'...“;*: ”..?.‘.:' “'*°°‘.‘:. .1. '‘".‘i‘"‘ . ’““‘.. ::"‘:i*“ B Mod B ° k B 1 meat.» or . -r * . ‘ - swm eea 1n,nn a re - -. . 4 - ‘ ‘ 4. ‘ ' in return for his efforts in ly th‘ers opens he;ogr.e us a glorious! j I - - ‘ AND C 0t 0 u . ‘ tho St. vsence wntcr- picture’ ofrthe breaking day. The-{ ;. . g _ Ge B d 1 h " 1' 1 I'll’: . _ walled city of Carcassonne slips b)'.3 I '. ‘ . ' ‘ l t. l ‘n .33 mg. Cm ill llflht ‘Dd 8h3d0“'_.! ‘ - V . c,,.m,,.p,,,,°.,1, which he anddtho glls g ten the; . . ' . worth $2.50 and $3 at MOST -S'I‘0RES—0UR —‘ 5 t; ~ 33- “($894 by radicals.” nM'm ‘pp°‘r ‘rem’ AI‘ "9 1 I ' ~ - ‘ - ' 1" : :. -——-o——--— swing y eastern opes the 1 I ‘ . . 2 2. . :1 § ’ .°°N(iIt:sslAfi ra(rnsG_1vAn Pyrenees, V the cloud: _ the: had; Now ON SALE AT 3"“ °““ °f Gym‘ F'" "’°'"“' 8"" ‘mm’ _ _ , , ',% q e- E‘. g 3'!‘ seemed so‘black and ominous ovcr- htge mu“, hardwood floors. , ‘ ‘j V- H i . sen: c. Jensen-seen. Carton of "°"' "°" f_f{’°” "‘f"‘ ‘"“f;_ ‘°“' = hm “ «:- . ‘ "‘8nohss" te veteran Who """’°'°“','f8. “;f:d"’f 2,“ ' ~ " - ‘ ~ . “ . ‘ s 9 ‘ ‘ l i ' ‘ ' ‘ - , 1 ' - I . n‘DI'A;A;:ag "n$‘°“ “Perpignannlies in n zrtile x-they v T . S L. Hillcrest i‘ Q-3 0‘ Janna“ of Aberdeen. _ _ . _ _ ,_ _ _, A __ : 4--— ee R? ’ d g 1:: ., ‘member at the Home of Rcp- _ ‘ s ' tatives committee a T. ‘er tudio '_u or B. W. LUCAS at Mo. Store la War veterans’ legislation, and him _ 3 . - ; 3 , sell a veteran, has so in ' 3: man . war do_ht_ of Let , WHAT WASHING DOES FOR I‘ . E ' and Christy Dounitldes. of Burlinr us give your -5 “’'‘: V“ "’ W “'”' 5" "°“""‘ Kodak work the qual- Y0 CAR E ' ’» * -§~ the wrist of his . ‘ . , ssnn. cart and post cause the greatest wearpn the . . - .' ., a htolieaahledhvgar V:-d It)’ It deserves. springs and mechanical part of a car. and do the greakest,d_un- . . _ . Inn). an ilita ' _ ’ agetothefinlsh. B ‘ - ass. lie The powerful stream of water mixed with compseafinialr ll 0 S c - and at our wash rack cleans your car both insideand out. " _ ‘ _ Phot2»graz»hz'c"i “"°“‘“°‘s °"'s V AT AUCTION * ‘ E‘ 1 ‘ g _ ' I f. . a_ t_» . = ~ woon ssnvrcs swrronv ;- . r - . The P703994.‘ - , - ., —; ‘E _9A E‘ 81:}: SL1 .‘ i ’_ *._ _--«--so".””'u 8'~.w’8' A; B". In order to close up the Hockensmith es- for ‘I ‘ " : X .- E ‘ *4 . T tate, of long standing; We will on :—~ . . , ‘ . 'W:—l, I - ~_ :.‘- -::~. .7...‘ ‘~- . u ' I ‘ - ’ . I- . . ‘ Ti‘-.~ . ~.. . . ., . . 24, IS gmczt _ encou.1;:‘1isnlIi1Is-_ Mamfier : . N V tow ” as E . . ' . « .ture.,mvan. 68 in‘ ~ , _ ‘ ~ ~;»-gt and‘Intea'-City] sell by auction to the hi heat btddetiii three cne liales, railroads generallyare-. E r 1 3‘ i gt mud E ‘ -gaunt‘ ' 7 E ° ° din81°l8— 0“ 9 WT‘ more ' bbi house sales * ‘ g . 4 . ,_ g "5 ,_ . very cho1ce_hu1l . I outed prosperous,Jo ng _ _, _ , ‘ . ; E E ; g ... 1; - n 5- , ' . _ ner of Paris Road a_1nd»St.. Joseph streets. gm ¢1,mbing_ and ¢mp_¢_ondmon5 19; - 1,. I ‘ e ; _ , E llf- _. _ , . ‘ . 887108-B - {these lots are close in mid on o firstwlass dicateabumperiyzeld. i ’ E E J . I - , . . ' L A A; J; ‘v V I_ :...5‘..=..~ . . I I 1 V ' » . .. b . , , _ '1 4 .1 it not. . . - -1 . E sold mthaucrqaerveor brbgd Inthe local reflection ofth1sproo- _ . e L .g, _. . foil, -. » E:-‘.1 . ~ . in = ‘V ' s got lnnd. If}'ouwa:tttol!)l}'~aba!’88!¥1- ; pject, the Boone County 'l‘rust.Com- E 3 W‘ E - E - g . ’_,_. E ~ 9* ‘~i:..}: ~ it j - it. . . tohe 9169. E panyoffersa rsonal banlnng‘&rv- _ : g ' ‘A " -4- ‘ '- . ‘ ' “ -'- l ,' ' 5 , 1 ‘ ' 3 O 0 - Q 0 1 . : . . A K ~;._ ‘ i . 2 .- 2; W F . :4 ..,‘_- ..;j..g;%_g%.- _ loll _ _g z g _ on A‘ t i use thstgrvesmdivulualattentaonto 3 l ~ -. r .- . E ~ «e. . . .2 rs. . ~ . -E e _‘ “ «R E Day ores.-le T I '‘~'‘‘’ "’°b’°”‘° °i “‘ "“"°”‘* -. ‘ 3'0"“ ~ E I E ‘ ‘ " it on am one moment. E ‘ _. I‘ _‘V I ‘ ‘ V, l I < .~'_. .... . . I I s‘$;‘,_ ‘ ~ 3- _ V . ‘ _ v A.‘ . ‘ >1 . . , 3,. ., s‘ ‘:2? ‘ i . in .. " E’ i ll 4 .. ,A ~ ._;_3:‘._; _ , g . 1.. . 5- A . “ ‘ . _ ’1 Ax‘ . - ‘\- '1 I ‘ -‘V _‘., ..‘ . I-.. I A.‘ 5 - ‘ ‘.1 -... . _ _ to "” ’ ' 4 ‘ = ‘*- ts . ‘ ,'. '-' 5 1'3"" ‘ - ‘ . ‘ . . .. V ,‘,. V "': "“-. -.:."";;.‘ A.‘ l