new and ways of making workers expect to exceed their aver-7 We have completed our stock for Fall. and now have . ’ .'* _' ‘_ d__7.‘ g .j'-_ _"-K * Sp‘, - _ es s. p v ‘ ‘ _:, g . '- . . . . . « ‘ v .. . "ma t».'_v=‘:~e‘»:.»,__-_; tx:~:n‘ mu -' ‘.4 “L";«,; - '.' é ‘ ‘ ‘ ° " '** ”*'““‘ --' ‘— "‘‘~-*——- -— """" '" E " , w v . I . g . . 4‘, e 0N80PflK)l'%E‘$B _" ?"%‘GIIlt Wfi ‘aaaaaeuun ‘ "I ‘ '~ " ‘ 5 ' A ' din " I. E t T Months W P--H-""‘=-’ ~--‘ "' ”'-"..."c:"’.;."'-3..-..-.".".-'5.’-;-“~’...=‘-. §=="-. ‘-'-4"-2 «~ 2- ' ‘ déll III 38 ' CH: Wlthbaugiih-alieto - _' ,,._.,.- ._.,.,..,... ;''L';,'‘‘‘'''*'‘'-- We - . . . - . . . . .3-1. s:t.rrx xsnoxst. cam: " ._. , . _. ' 1:‘,-3,’ . lanre "hi ”. hew~ehee-la-o-aalrgasslrossu ' __ t= _, ._‘ _. . . .”u.~‘"__[4..".‘_ _%; I . fin-Rd"-L Swans. ; 1“...-u."“.“~;"‘“¢.":m raarxxrorcoumror at _ _ PARIS. -— Decent dleeoverlea IAN BI.A‘l"lVm I-‘0_|l Rs saw YORK, Aug. 25.-—‘rvel_ve' °""'_.,,‘ Sam‘? mg ,, Z T ... , tharausalasef loladfi — _ 1"[I8]Nll1BA pbuiu, grhichtheufid :&aIee"'**‘.-1.:...h‘“..n AQC.1I.S.T-&pt.! . - " lytngun _ Va‘ ' . sulficiatt ttaflicto - """'; jflguu, alumnus-dhgu _ Tosvntolk Row Pay More brought up aunt’ of bodies oov{Iehert:i.‘:.&nD.IInI".::“: °“’ commie!-u lines ‘..¢¢..¢-.1» “'3 ,,"""'_,,,- ‘H ..;s:.:._‘»“:---;. ___ ti» intbeavert_uarlaofAuserleaneeme-I _ verwenamedlnareport completed -sets; is-cpl " °"" , V ' ~ Aaen -. teriea over‘herI to my - _ 4 Shut la Colalllil. k by the Au“, IA”. of Anne“ “, 9.3“: rants; P¢tIsI:.:.&l1I. -and-a Z _ ‘g 'EnfeI't&1nm81ll‘-8 St |‘°“.9' W“ 5'" . 4°‘-I .3‘!"°'£ . ° .3‘==v;on :1 saltdl-IN: 11»: projected lines include: ...... new ...a' n.n.n' mum». " 2 . Th -. H me. 3 and are Waiting whatever posios City: a vtaittnt t e omes M M‘ Vaoflom N", York’ china’ 5” ‘mi ‘blnkvvvmw h ".'. “am a. up.‘ “ am M‘ J . " - en. 0 film fill!’ 1! fllflded ll! U30 3'3‘ “I b’°‘.h°" °" sim”°"' c Francisco. ‘.'_-_u_ u ‘an. (I) carats‘ anal-err notes in said. deed .‘_ .‘ “ . .4 —"““— ‘,, kin. The others are being he_ld.for. sister. Mrs. Pleas Wrtlltwegt ,3‘ Co- New York. Chine“ L“ A16" . “ kn. ,, 3,‘, ‘xx ,..M ‘ says; H .. I T -l CIRCUITS LACK SUPPORT _{m-uier Investigation and research; lumbla,. It is the fl"st time n rt); 8“ Mirth‘. “arm ch? to J mow has been undo the V, - f ’ . - -‘-=““' ' “" ll" "°"l"” °' “"'w" D°"""§ “l"‘’ ""7 am be M’ "en ‘M 0 cw York. Cleveland: Detroit. houtht by mun 1 ms. n-n-uni: ' M‘ Let the Guardi ‘I A ’ Old r Style Performance mm in W-Huston in ti-«hove M; W ‘-'*"'F- - , m........=.n.. Seattle. -. .... .. L... .. ... .. .. .. ... be your ad. nu: ' - - they too may be identified. ; Th e day that Mr. Simpson In Bonn" mud‘ mm,‘ om Se, _ -Iiarrla- sets-an has been us. la the names: ol 8'“ 1311 '-V tad: ,.. ' May Lose ‘H5 Appeal. 1 seven Amerlcanizl y.-au.old he left S:.Louls ,-where c “Q ' ' ‘ V ~ 7 l . n no.‘ 1. ml. .. sq-urr (ho py. ‘fir nan sessmssd ms. In rea - 5 C " in to legions swept across the fl lving and started West to . . — . . fiouthnal uuaner of North on """ °' ‘ °""":" '7 '°“ " "" "" "“" """"‘ . f g is-estcrn I.-‘rnnce. little detachment: make his fortune _ I-‘cr tcn yfrtrs he .rj_;;;a ‘Wk "°k’°mm°‘ u‘””i' nu-in of no: so: nus acres cf‘ ‘.2: ‘J ‘mt ‘M mm“ “mm hut ‘mm “'°“'|__“'. “":‘_',"h": """c':‘,": Life Insurance .._ 3 3,: ‘ Writer. . of men just as determined may be; kept in touch with his family then '_ _ ‘ _ ‘ can or Non t warm at‘ __ ,, ,.’,_,., add an or that so so 4... and pass». . . "- : .-‘ A Hound M”, “Dan 0,, ,,,r,,.m mm” me mm,_ ;. Bostn . Pittsnfirxh. St. 1.92., I_.os;:v_‘_fi:°;;*”-7:37 °‘ "“‘°' ."= °"' o.....-... .. ..,,,_. s.-. are. .. ... ...... .« the In all its branch$ 1; J: . Mm? 7-- 8'“-*~ ltoric trails blaied in 1918 for com-', fgznilv (:1: sure um h: had dic-dqA"1'_°l‘~"- S-1} 31. with Mexico City. ,,-,_,,,, ,, ,,,.,__ ,,'."'.;:,_,‘{‘; f’ M“ m-- or -an ad: cm: --4 -z u~-.'---' 5"" -' -U - 0- u k-I-. 5.4 Such! Cont-¢Poadru'f. rm," ‘.50 M1 in b,,a,_ ‘3 mméhcm in the we“. "o'm.,,.l .\ixnntup.'lu,,0mahs. Kansas City,» ‘um ‘tn.’ . ‘ma; W out 0! the of ma welsh-yo N-U--I I--I --0&7‘?-t T Tel 454 Red ‘ in I “V-,.n"~‘h, ".35 5, Q, c‘...,354.g,.g pnnsl An,’ ‘Q-5'01! “Sun: yfifiv duihwf. Sl!!|P30n WI! not dead. but WI!’ H°u‘t°fl' Tatfipzeo‘ “aka City’ 8°‘-".'{ °' hub“ :7‘ ‘H ‘u 0‘ u:‘:t:u‘d "..u:!. vuhlic voodoo ‘"1 atpn . ulilznl.‘ I . . A WASHIxGT0x""Tb° old in! '-'l1l<‘l' 3""i“9 N90 53" l’3¢°"¥,.~u‘andeinz {om place to place to placf P“ ".“- l _ . -:""'i"”fr':’-“‘l"I' l‘- 0-4 too“ be u, ,5, 5%,, “Mn, ,0 a,‘ tread the hours of also ocloch . 1. and Ea-t Broad _ ‘ fa, American chautaoqua. Hillbilly‘ .“-“gamed again to roll-top desksf in the wegg ‘yin, go mg)‘; g {cm-¢, 59.91110.’ 53!! Pitta. San Antonio. ‘Inf... um; .'.’; ‘Neat:-tour swat um mm «M 0, ‘ _ no :1 o'clock r. I. any. ad! as me. ‘ during the summer 0! the lhdilflll 5 and regular baths, an average of: pm,p,fl_,'n‘ go, ‘o;d_ 3, “mid Mop Moxie) Cit,-_ Pauma. ,,,_5;,. am day at the an! rs. Con. la. Boone Court: iasouri on I... tats 5-nsauun land at pails: . , American statesmen. is tllftzlt Mu-en honored names of their lid-. ‘t . pl.“ 3 ‘hip .ud.hunt gold \Boston. Cleveland, lndiampolig,,’uIar tern of talc court to he use at an 3}”; fiwkf " _,_ 0 ‘ P ‘ “A ‘ D Mfcfldl‘ it 1585 5&9 ¢'“"l4i1¢d “i ll’ dies at? U63!!! 3953"?" "WM 13' ‘and then move on to another place, .'¢w Orleans, Havana, Mexico City. ‘"7 °‘ °""DHI« .4 - ’ ‘ C A tug,‘ W”. 1“. would seem to be at st«al:e.l {mm ,5‘. Ame,“-.,, Anny rolls Of expecting to get i nt:.uch with his Panama. . . goats. ll-om. 'k:°I;r.”oeto:--r :. :0“ I: luv ‘th:M:;|r1un: 3! 1:‘: A \\,\“‘m:Eiwi/ I Am Golden tongued senators and, Williarn‘0.. Smith. of the Quarter-ghmiyy whgn hg became rich. . About s¢.,u;_-‘ L, Mazda. 5“ M”. ‘.‘t‘.‘'" or 0‘ M *5“ W: tru B K I DOVAYLL CAR \§‘\‘\.,\» ‘ - vi spell ‘binding rexresentatives has‘? the “Hull!!! I¢¢0''d"''K 10 Q01-gten years 8:0 he Il0PP¢'d in SE33 cial. Mexico City, Panama Union: in plslnura wutlon vi’ ° ‘ .,"m,__ I §\ - fig ‘learned to their reflex the furs: math‘?! D4'0IfUM‘M. cofflmlfidfnl Lake Cit)’ _I'here he went into the Bo.-.ton, Philadelphia. -. New Or-<5’ """"' "l:"‘”""“' "‘ "“"“""‘ '"" last insunan 5:31. 12._ ‘With tho brilliant)’ of its‘ clean- L‘ - . I the . thor depletion of thsir visible mcanfi ntiicer cf the Grave: Rt|S8lTIU0n‘m,nlng bum,” um dgcjddg .10 79. |_“,,,,_ Mai“) (my, p‘_,..,m_ J6-‘Nd accord tr. ___________ ‘inn.’ rum‘. Thu.‘ we ‘ ._ We . of s art. that e rtdio is “cut-‘ Service. ~.main t ere. ' ——--4;-—.—.. A ‘W’ 0°97 0' 0* NW NOTICE or facsrn-:1 BALI’. ' . , ' Q 1’ “PP 7 . . . - ' "' the ch tn : meal Rcturninl from this Duriodical“ . . mu. £.\"rEItTA1N Ito1'.uu.u:s "' "W - t'"l- ' n A-bun wife ....s i....i....a by our ""“' °' ‘“"° “‘"“"’ "°"‘ " * - " “»- 1 :1-rfixlzntottliat the B‘;-lteriudf striousl tour‘ of the American cemeteries I “,o‘:u’h:3Mm::ck“; h.:“f:°c::_:d.:§ C. b n be» ..r__..... ° ‘.7:°:‘o,°‘u|':°°¢::nC°°g;:. :""°'~:;* deed of tn:-c dated February 5.’ tees. and do here. You could not match’ it 1 r,,_ ~j';';‘ _-aw :. cm ‘ _ i . _ ‘ . o 9 . _ - _ ! 1 lkummcr circuits are thinkinlr of he reported that 159 bodies of hm up hi‘ brake" Md mun" "ad °('f;m:“¢; ‘CQOIIILIIZ: Fulton. h cm_W_ “mm. M. and d" a, mad“ It’0..d:8:(8. in th yourself if you worked over your ( . ) gt ’ L t.’ tan ‘.m,d,..«im: their support. ican ho)! have ht-en_found during‘ Re knew th“ hi. brow" uoyd had Raul-film of Col" bi eata.F mm» 19:. “mud. ‘n no“ 1”.“ was .774” ohear for days. Let our upeciIl- E 5‘: der ‘ 11,, ndio ifwnuld seem, is giv th past ten months About 45 pcrqfinished hi’ medial naming in St‘ md C‘. .‘ H V" ‘:1 0. u (.41) J05‘ T. “Mm” H H ‘ the Iortnse Record. convened an naelugists keep your car in first Gass ' _ ‘ ( ’ - - ' - ' . . cent of this numb:-r have been iden-* . . . _ H. Y8 n M _ the guests‘ . . or . s...i.,...i Rank and Trust Company bf KI!» d‘u‘ ‘‘ - has any: ‘to the people precisely the lint ‘LOUIS and had started his prltllcl of “I, If h _ 4 is. um... ;u,.....,_ l,..,,.,,, C.‘ - ,0 1. 9. ,<‘°" ' 0n- O\ . E» 4» n . ' - tffiwl. Tho missing still totalsl . , ‘ ‘K W") fifllulemfnt Com-g'_ . "" "- ‘ "_"|'°"‘ "- " ''"'l''- ' . Tht of stufi the) used to truvcl miles in that cit), and a week ago Satur- pmw Thumduy evening The 0! u‘"i_ ‘ P,“ allowing am-nlml ml estate situated in J, _ __‘.(;<\\- in borer uader thu»-chuutaugna cun- "°"l3l‘l5' IR ' :day he went {,9 St_ Louis to find ' , , ‘ the County of noone. State of Ilissourl. l d . ~ "7/,"',7,"{.iTllfi~"g'l_'r\‘\\“ *\ '3' V“ n is ‘Wing R to them 3‘ mm“ ‘The ranks of am. unknown mhimm but wu umuccflfln so he Md be closed ‘0 ‘H bu‘ Roan.” "om. Msomen Jot Hslntm. ‘ , “Hm: Auto nun r) on south Tenth St. / i ; ~ W‘ *= is -=*"*~:= *= ."‘°'." W: ;'§.‘*':..:":.f‘;f.:”.:"::‘ .':::.:‘:. ":’,....':°"l‘.'s M: the on 7» stwvwn 2-mm’ "’ X{.‘.‘:"‘u.:° .‘.‘..i.‘.’..‘.!?’.f.’.° i... there. . "“"'*‘" “.”‘ '*°"" . 33--"-'3"-"‘«"«~‘i"~“r¥-r""?~'r‘.“-»..'»“«'-r‘$2 . ALLTON AUTOMOBILE co. ‘ °‘ . Vherrits In the 015 till)!‘ it ‘P83 '0‘ .formcrly lived at Wright City so _.' . . , '*"'I« 3- P~ Ho-Cu -bl Ian I. no 'nm- «so. earn-pt rm (5) am. . 9"‘ tomnry It; pay am. good hard mom-)' homo Wh0'Il| these Venn have suf-ihe went men how" “at M mix“ viii he a picnic lunch in the ra- C sown. his wife.‘ by their 00 ..,¢,,, ,, ,,,, , - ,, 9"; Chevrolet—Mnrmon—BuIck We f,,, , urge, of “$.05 g;¢k..;_.;. fer;-d_ from /lhe haunting doubtgfind ome true of ‘mm. A" "M of tune be-hind the pool. C, B 301-!"-It ‘Old 0» -0: ‘day of In 19:4 ant u.m.,; ".4 ..,.,,, mu flung,“ ".9, Motor (hrs ( . _ ' _ _h- h - wf 1 ‘ hns J d F 0 TM‘ ‘H '50 0"‘? 0‘ 3,90 . The automobile is another factor \% It‘. HI MI’ in 0 ‘his. . nah Slurp. ‘.“ nvin‘ u . . 7.. an rank Deanna are D...“ at can -“OWL h .0“ ‘ -_ V me, Walt: ii pl.II)'ing1h"0b {Will} (lit $805 c?;u‘X"';}L*ricfn‘ retutjg; “'fi‘ht Cify ‘ad ‘gvg fin infor. "1 chlrxe 0‘ the 9nt3rt'~inmeHL ‘:Ige'h:nk.dlII gt 533g 13; ‘-9., an F A u. 7 _. F -7, V ‘g V‘. ‘ no _ o c autauqua. e armor an. 5 ’ “W” mafia“ mncemip‘ M. gum],-_ D,»_ ”. fi‘_‘‘“‘.‘’‘‘‘'‘ in an mute: the folbvlutl do-crib u up 322?; 2:: :.:".:.::.=:;.::: :1‘: 12:: if? .:?°..§‘.:."'“ ’°°‘°" ? “°".ii"""°" “.2 2'' ‘°'‘‘’' =~i-5-“auxsi‘¥z’Zi~2‘1‘mi‘»:’?i.';“.»:‘...,, u »..::°1‘..':'.**r."......:*:.'.....- 1 _ , , . _ ' .'. <'at tti vitngasis r.a _- ~ . to.-.5... . ‘ a mu. time ‘D ‘pan ‘ad 30“ “wring identified. and the service is confio; ache“ simpnfin vidwd him um". Sixth fit!‘-1:-t. has tzcen tPp0mud.u_h_°A:.“O:uv"‘ ;‘£‘5:'hts°a:;'n:‘|:.fl" at the coumn, 0, ‘°,,.,.i,it;°‘-,om, dent that the War Department vnlljnd than “me ha to Colnmbi. Wm ;.“.fl(ewmtCx.aic plrtment MA,“ ,1“, ad 3”” m__. A. saw "u - -, near Eldorado where lots are selling l4‘ 8511' *0 WW1)’ dill *0 9‘ . him’: ~ - he -" , mm, , 5 _ "919 fl . M87512,--t sun at the Nona-mt rrguoau ‘\ . _ with hun where. V: pend H,” "0 “ms H" , R f V 1“, - _ ' like tcakes and Pisper fortunes the name of the olllcer. These tnengdme vismn‘ m'rv in f ‘ ersuc ts‘a or-: g . x‘ V‘: 1 4 .. _ u‘de.oV¢fni‘ht. ‘ were found neararailroad emba -j Anon)" broth" Dr cu‘ gim . u out o Stephens (ollcge._ ’ “ .' l . ‘ i . .1‘he'farmcr. thirsty. for’ knowl. menu !m 0, Sb uu.u"u' M3‘‘m§; —} . <—*~ noamcwnxr Lang», nu 1 ' U A ' l «leg. and shut aw-r‘from_the world 75* "~"“, °' '°““""_"‘."“’ "'2 Mr.’ Robert Simpson went wm. lie I LLGAL NOTICE3 ,' Dry Ch-alas Ce. ‘ ya " J3’ 3: . I to d‘“''"‘ mm °! lb‘. "”‘°"v V” °""'°5"°ly dwmu "’ um "me Otis on his vacation in Michigan and - ' ‘ ‘l "‘ ‘ ’ 5 I _ _ e 1 s T: . . g . . . the nu,-thong of the chgutanqng my. year. Col. Smith said. because of the; hu not ‘an h. bro en The 0”“ or '_U.uc‘floN Phone in or ms. Oaallg ad. _ 9 ' . : ; euita. Now: that he possesses high Kllflrflll Ind 701188? I500! lh|3:simP,on funny ”, piannin‘ to but Sm, M .‘__°_fi. cm“, 0' an”. m 1 Wilt 101 8. Ith &. _ .. _ . :3 j . rb , . by L ‘ 9"” “am” ’“ ‘"6 ‘H m‘”' ‘Md unde nub‘ 0” ho" l¢”"°d’a11.-union in St. Louis when he re- -—-¥ “ 3 ‘ - « «I, W - l 4 ' hin about that msderhruah' . - ‘ ‘ ' ‘I - ~ , . of tranaportatidn 4 from the comet _g ,m_ms_ ‘re ‘re “"3 d,,M,,,, 5,, \ .. ; ; guy flirvgy to the impofigd 3911,. seven years ago this month. andl the Simpson “mny. : _ ox. —- - . :‘Roy'ee, dmstanqua has lost much while it was an impediment to 910-; , , "' . \\ : '0! ll! 899081 3 3'9"» “I °“"‘fi'lf”‘~'*-l'“ " ffigdly : Nelson Riley to Buenoa Airea. ' i ' \ * "~ ' 1 e -, ‘ Ilany chautallqta orators accus- covet. t is n a cover or one . . - E \ \‘:§\ . V i turned to have‘ lens at: ra of who remain there. . inh'$:°"Sgl' Rs?!‘ '3°{°'m" 'md£'lt, . I ; " _ “ll! vi \. . hautauqua work. founil emselves 1'5. but time for reclaiming the 1”" mn month for Bum,‘ Kim‘ -——} . ' " ‘. 3°01 0‘ I 505 “ill 1!; I189 09 dead is in the late autumn or Vllllael’.- Awwtgm ,5 A, '5“ ‘b, “.9. i fthe curtailment of. I and pro- Under Col. Smith a systematiaedld, ‘ ° as Rodgers. 8.‘ J. ‘ M .. .‘ é. . V trams In most ms the ra- search of the various where.1922 in the am“ of 9* SW”, “' '5 ' “ F E G ad ‘ 5 l,_‘, .dio encroachment was given as an Am"-ac.” fought nu been opganiui A . 0‘ u” Unhed A ‘- . . . O1’ 1’ 8 ' ‘ _ ¢W9’¢ *0 ‘-50 dhapvoinhd ‘Nu zed. and from clues already at hand? P:;1 cizochdolm 3,. Rod‘‘,,,‘ ' V ’ x ' binders who had carefully prepared ' ' ’ the eagle saean and of twisting the ‘lion’: tail. to the delight of the rural population. * H311’! HANG8 7 ABSABSINS mum Pay was Linea for Death » Sir Lee Staek, I7 ; - E CAIRO. . The aaaasdna- > tionvof8in&rSirI4ueStaek.the Sudan age later this year in Belleau‘~ Wood alone it is he that the re-3 mains of fifty marines will soon be‘ found. ' mostoftheaemen shall be France, and in Italy and proceeding vi At this late day the parmts of whose remains‘ have been found direct that they‘ buried . oflleer left: Paris with eight bodies, leaving half 1. , th the re-' mainder to Palestine where they. were luried according to our mill-.' w_ tary regulations. , just recently left to take a positiai 3-‘ E. LEBLIE I SON Phone 910 I8-17 8. lmh FRIESE and com’ Comedy ‘Singing Talking MARY IJAND SINGERS ‘4 Girls—-1 Man A’ bunch of real artists also BERT LYTELL Stuart Holmes, Charlotte Merriam MANSFIELD ‘I'll!-ES. P2?“ ===dCi§'3§’ No. 7-9 N. 8th St. .MEATS Phone 3751 Wednesday Specials Creamery butter. the beat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..45c Guaran vra r melons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20e 8lbo.Steelcut coffee....... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..8l.25 Par chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c O O O O O O O I e n u no /A 7:15—9:00 In “STEELE or THE ROYAL MOUNTED” From novel by James Oliver Curwood ‘ He'll catch you !——with- a tear, a laugh, a thrill-a-minute. l . 1 Last week for Piggly Wiggly tickets - ‘V:-II.-.-. ‘I of Textbooks and’Supplies for the Schools of Boone Conn 51 full supply , ts’ School opening is not far away. It's time to think of éupplies and textbooks noyr. Remember—you can get just what you want at Scott's. _ II7"V'V'|W Q O O Q ¢ O Q O o e s j lb.Net .. . . hams .... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..20-22'/ye Country stylehaIn3,lig'ht ... . . . . . . . . . . . ..27T;gC Sldnnedcured hams. whole or half Ge .Pure lard . . . . . . . 50'll).‘N3C cane .........‘............... _pmm . . . . . e co tube at fig‘ Want Power on Steep Hills? may ~. . Mothers! Your reaponslbillt l seeing to 15. of Children’: suoas should be’ arrolualy ' um’ ’““"'-"h'PliD¢3! and health. so much depends upon l~"°'|¥thtIrl’lIE‘1'arefittedfronstheageofonet.o 09"‘-'lIt¢¢n.whichiatheperiodthelrfeetaregroving and being shaped. _- . . If ‘you could Fall Season the most Women and Children. Styles for Fall. 8 styles shown and select. SIPD Brothers Shoe’ .. Columbia, Dear Madam: w‘ M" ‘Nd’ bl! P0!-'Plrations Company Missouri Alltust 25. 1925 Q to show this coming attractive collection of at we have ever shown. In In early date to see OUR Beautiful 3' “Vin early you set the pick of all ‘"7 C50 l'1‘|'{¢<’Uy fitted in any type you _aaethebetofthesufferingpeop|a,a.a - vehaveaehanoe£0.'m|5°3l¢|l.wrIII.twiatadover hnmmertoemeallousesaud fie! for bovine taken to heart. or L. :1‘-rise 9.;a.:_.asr- "9'a'c E.‘_S.'i-IE? -35? ll Qfifllfiv E23-Q! 71 C ‘ .‘T1"3.o“§'-_ ‘. ' K ‘. L’-- 37 .' ~:'- . . ., I r- urr aaoa $30!: co. '01» gm’