‘fir. v-53". " K. §ru::m.v. I . «- A ,4’ , I‘ .: 1 . .., . 1.2‘ I. a . 4~%w~,"-< . 11‘ ;- 4 7-“ 7.‘ ‘I ‘. ° “. ' C.‘ ' . 't- '‘‘V prus club.3 ' are 8.88 births each minute andzlgtbuaccording eopewiththereducedstaelde‘-‘ ' Germsnyivtodhction A contract providing 8.700.000 ’ university chapel of the . ‘ of Chicago was signed o .p, - ’ c - ,0 .«i§“" i< . ‘ ‘ ~ Thef Woirld ’ may Bars 0 itleishipilhris and two so.‘ . '_will'luve''l‘eulvon may . Ioroeco. men have re- as members adrpttwonsen _cnt?0 ‘lilac 5 E E Y0 in 0 E. W I '0 work ‘Ionday. avocal concert. aixcbaptersof thePl in-ten states are retire.- alcon-' L?” ‘ firms in Sao Paulo.‘ baokru reunion of male choral ...-: "'°1'."""' S" » . .. izirriss ¢°V¢I'i|It50.000a§-eswillbe ia1adh.- - " Iona than.10.000 metal -workers‘. , we been on a strike in _ r a month. have voted to re- societies Saxony, Germany, recently together 25,(Kl0 singers who .- Ten tons of rubber toys and bal- _loonswereeeatiastyeartol ,‘fromthelJnited Statesforfest ' fiudedvertising purposes. - '5. A London to "collecting stamps. and barber spends his odd the with tioll Brazil, pt with proximately ndia ‘ ival on. J. B. Bak§F’c1'aTms in "Is False. ‘on 15 and 17. .\p.;... the us... Gazette. ' Commission. correctin credited to Picpmcier tan newspapers concerning nd laway County road injunction ‘suit Thursday col afternoon by J. R. Baker, president was given to the press of the'l-‘ulton‘,Chambcr merce. ' character of many of morning. he newspapers of the state, cate that they emanated f mm mon source. - not right of every American ex that opinion can not nied. On the pression "” be justified. “This letter is written to actual facts are published. e to the following statemen is no suit shotdd dgfect Routes 7 hioreover. you know that you c in Why the survey‘of Route 1 you promised the citizens of ata be let at the. same tracts were we do not understand. tothefaotthatthepresentd could have been decided tw cui more than two An appeal from the decision ' taken to n. BY. FULTON MAN ter_;Much Being Said . 1 _ About Injunction Cm Nonrn .o:» A_nu.n~ra Head of Chamber of Com- rnercgxsays Writ Can- . not Hold Up Work An open Better to B. H. Piepmeier, chief engineer of the State Highway ’ g statements’ by .metropol1- The letter in full is as follows: “A great deal is being printed in “l have always believed that law ci;'i'u-o to have his. or her own opinion and to other hand. neither the misstatement of facts nor the an of pertinent facts can ever Could. ‘Proceed!’ ' t this county working on the location of No./l6‘.'nntil after this injunction suit was filed, but have had them here since that time. Fulton north was so delayed when meeting held here July 3, 1925. that the contract for the building In n we time the con- let for She building of that part Q No. 2 riow in‘ dispute, "May we also call your attention if ‘there is any, in building No. 2 is en- tirely the fault of the State High- way Commission? The question at issue in the present injunction suit to this suit was brought by citizens of Wauven and St. Charles counties ' '» and decided in the Cole County Cir- ‘ ’ years the Supreme 2* 1 55: g-°~ ‘f Let-‘ er. portion‘ Saturday. For fl .i.;.s;o.: no ptvlnbly Saturday: slightly warm- north and east tonight extreme eCal Com- Besides exposing the misleading‘ 3 Picpmeiefs statements Hr. Baker's letter chal- lenges statements made in an editor- * ial in the (_}lobe-Democrat Thurs‘dsy editor- .- ill ‘ O bode- you in C perl nd I desire to call your attention i or 15. had no 5 from Fulton uld clay. of ms; iili ii.-.5 vf ’ Fulton tan expense. road is built thro ed and bridged. oowill west tained have none. ' ‘‘In closing may‘! again express the hope that that the public" truth and‘ m witlf u kno_ they draw conclusions adverse to us _we make no complaint.” Telephone, messages in Columbia yesterday stated that there was no «present probability of a withdrawal of the injunction suit affecting work on lliglsway No. 2 through NO CHANGES AT PENITENTIARY -mu com-nus your Méxibir? of State from Fulton ‘Br "HUM - JEFFERSON CITY. Aug. 28.-S. 1‘. Ni: will remain warde state itcn ' him nation was submitted xx for al ‘ laid out by the commission you ex.- PU-‘ted through and would no longer main. to abandon the road .n I “Fourth: Increased A_ distance It is stated that if be your instruments, we computed the distance and found it to be a little less than three miles? Have you for- gotten that even in maki that computation we took it for granted that the road would 38 o as to come og- south of Columbia? You state that be ( ridged. “Wrong Figures Pu state-built road. . you agree "with is enti to Callaway County. , Penal Board Will Be Reappointed; Yrous. as n‘ of tiary and its several weeks ago and lowing Lon Alfronti, a and the northof However, the est:imate"does seem high when one considers that the route selected about the in-1 by your commission must S _ brought against‘. the Highway Commission by certs" ~ citizens of this county. The similar- and b ity of all the statements of alleged facts by all these newspapers if’:-‘ “ C a I Whereas, the route through Fulton is already graded blished. Fifth: Other towns. There is a strange editorial in the Globe-Dem- ocrat of Aug. 27. 1925. wherein it is stated among other things that the field!- hut the truth? If. of the true fads. . pen there will be no change in the personiml of the State Penal ‘ The governor made this statement . lat_e yesterhy after viu been the restau- to . The - to Baku sftefi been severely condeed. City gangster who was in the peni- tentiary, to visit his home without a 2981‘ ~ . Thetermsoffourmembersofthe StatePenalBoerdcxplredJune19. ‘ up‘ s statsraantthst a _ , srsoycr, when‘ a: man No. 2 is built and completed flexi- have an east and west state- ——lain built and state-maintained road. Jef- ferson City will have an east and and state-main- Whereas. Fulton will Board me t strike the g3 hi ii? here today BrUaitedPros. ~rnn.ADBuunA. Pa., Aug.-—A ' thracite .3; .33 9 suite 168,000 Miners to Lay Down Tools M01158? ’ . at Hrdmght. of Conciliation which met .¢' of 168,000 an mine workers has been formally called for midnight Monday. when the present greeted Sergt agreement with the operators ex- pires. The 325 local unions in the an- thraciteregiontoday will.receive rder signed by-vd hn Iowis. president at the United Mine Workers. and Bushy it will be read at special meetings of the union lo- 9 l .ing ’ he _ rstovebefore he'left. Tbe’firc department was called. but the house was in flames befo neighbors noticed it and little could be done to save ' an furniture in the house belcng- to ‘Ir. Gordon was destroyed and a room full of furniture belong- Jennings. which had stged Ihefire 2-r'~_":5-‘g-1*’ . ‘as I. lie. ill: to Taylor ‘i been recently to were Visi Boatville ‘and Dir. Two brothers ty years ago from stead in Columbia, were united J. W. GORDONfS HOME BURNS Loss Partly Covered by Insuranoe—Furniture Destroyed. I-‘ire believed to have originated frat an oil stove . ct de- strayed It o'clock tlis morn- ing a nine-room house belonging to W. T. Conley at ‘no West Broad- : and occupied by J. W. Gordon lit, Conley ‘ Bo one was at the started Ill ley Avenue. Kansas John and “Pat” separated in Au- 7 ___—_o————— ‘ u._u. cuusroa an ltfilcli soins t rst. They had not communicated, in the years of their. separa_o'1. has bee Scrat- rseen Kansas City police force ears there, was de- tmg relatives in Gordon had left to bring his fam- ltlg. -———_._.._¢_.._. UNITED u-APTHI PORTY XEARS by John and "P:t" Thor-atea Separat- ‘ ,- ‘ed re . Northwest. lie house when n and Pt ture of about $5,000,000. F9 on for but that no action could be taken in Kansas Ci to St. Louis he ecn T“ _,, cated on the present route through ge,u.d st,-¢t¢},__fc,gy mne, though 1:. . he . « ‘:::'.‘:.‘°:°::;:"‘:*:..°:;:°.::*‘*.':‘..:: Am _(;()LL1s1()N position. its ‘ W LASTEDl'l,‘ION 604' lBF;':I;‘oAr'g.u_§_uArm>Br112 RECEIVED ON - STATE ROADS 1"‘ ""” 33-Mile SEER in Boone A“ and Canaway Had Up The following people and their by Injunction Is Baxter Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. xv. I-2. 3Boyd, Mr. and run. J. 0. Richard- Included‘ .4 son. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Miller, Hr. e ‘—.“—“ and Mrs. J. T. Richardson. Mr. a TOTAL 18 206_ M1185? Mrs. R. 1. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. —— J, 'r.‘B Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. John No Contract Can Be Let Hall, in. and Mrs. w. A. Dudley, ,r : Mr. and Mrs. W. '1‘. Black. hlr. and I" ijart B1°°k°d P5’ ‘ ism. Curtis Black.‘ Mr. and Mrs. R. Wnt, Although B1d J. Baumgartner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank llisumgartner, Mr. Mrs. None I8 '- Baumgartnheir. lnlé. a:d M;s.IJoc Bak- .5 Hr.end rs. neisley u lard,hir. 8’ U "‘ Pm" iearrid Mrs Edgar Short. Mr and Mrs 2&'E§F%‘5‘;’;p£::f' “I °" "‘““‘ I-‘red Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Kirt Sel- mv w*n°=r- tom waived 6°‘ '32. ’.‘§§;».""‘3' ’i‘S”'a’Ji»§;a.S"i’..‘§:' iii‘ bids for the construction of 206 ' ' ' - ' miles road and thirty-sis, ‘"33?’ 3°" ”"_°h‘{"M bridge.‘ _ _ r guests’ were. - rs. . The Ed t u d. ‘ .\i n. Mrs. T. B. Easley. Misses ‘ 3 "pram "1 Pauline Vcmer. Lorene Lents. lnenc - D today represent the l ' num-1 and Eddi 5” '-‘"7 "-‘¢°“’°d " ' *“‘¢‘° “~"‘- Grover 3lcClanahan, Barton Little. ' Louis Vemer, Henry liannan. George F W0 They included eighty-one bith Bun“. Form“ pomcn and constrpetion of thirty-three pau]ey_ concrete in Boone and‘ _.——o—.—— Callaway counties. This is the sec- ?-lonhof #13 St. Louis-Ktnlssls Ct)’ iiig way at has been c up ' ~ aw * J DISCUSS WRIT Picpmeier said the bids for this ._._..._.... stretch of road would be received. To Ask That More Names of Petitioners Be cause of the petition. _ . Withdracrvn. The bids in all covered fifty-nine in projects in twenty-three counties. By Ur.iu-arr}-.-. el-‘ULTON. Mo. Aug. 28.-The They were for 164 miles of con- twcnty-three miles of grav- road fight which arose from the attempt to obtain an injunction to 2 3 won 3'2!‘ ('3 arding of contracts be- famiiics were present: Mr. and Mrs. ~ Harvey ma ceived $82,865.59. el, End nineteen miles of gr-_adcd . ‘force the State Highway Commis- :-—.—*-——— ' h th ' f th WIROUTING 0? 50- 2 ROAD E;I§‘."s°.. x.§..{.f’ "£125. °ns..."i DUETOROUGH COUNH“ way, was quiet today pending the Chairman of Highway Commission OW-‘°m° of t°ni8l}*'= m'~‘°“"8- _ . Issues Statement Relative ': F3_”“¢"‘ V330 9‘8“_°d the P'~"~“‘°“ to p,,1mn;n,m,,_.g;.,,,_ ‘seeking the injunction and others sum gig-1,.-‘y xo_ 2 gr“ cgunged * interested in t will meet from the neighborhood of Fulton and I a laway County because of topogrspb-. ical conditions near Fulton and lumbla. states 11: re Gary, chair- man of the Missouri Highway Com- mission. hlr. Gary is at present in . hsspwined a state-_to obtain more consents t ment to his odices in Jefferson City drawal. ' The town was interested in s from where the report was issued.[ ‘Hie route of the road was notilettcr sent Thursday night by J. changed by any arbitrary act of theili. Baker, president of the local Chamber of Commerce, hi (commission. . The statement is addressed to piepmeier, gate (at e public" and reads: - _ ‘Th? 78836“ 300143 N0-I Bids for construction of the con-- ltlioir names. An attempt will be made tonight o wi - to B. chm’: ensi- 4') k is 10-; Callaway County is laying the line through the north p,.e,_.,nt, am wtgom edge of Columbia. There is dif- —-———+...__.. Fulton, but cast of Fulton the eoun-1 try is so rough that a northeastg course would have to be taken. &3chI a course would intersect a projected‘; line due east of the rough line of. 2 Columbia, put a big bend in the. route and lengthen the distance scv-1 eral miles, also greatly increase st. 1 . “Tlhidrxlncers made several re-5. connaissance surveys. both south of Columbia and east of Fulton, and, inqnen V“ uuggd today into the ‘°‘""‘ il"-‘ l’"’“"‘ ‘°°"‘°” ‘° 5° .''*‘'i th of two men. killed last night m-er? °" mun‘ °‘ ‘°P°8"?*"=*‘ when on United so... army air- °°”““°"" ‘"“‘ "‘." .5’ 33"’ "‘”""”; planes collided in midair, 500 feet ‘ct °f lb‘ °°""”'”'°“’ ‘:1 above the government. flying field NEGRO .AocmB:N'r.u.t.r snor ' i at hlayw ‘ , _ 3 Military authorities will attempt Edward Henderson Hart is ltlgto detre-mine who When can I-ills to floor. ; either plane was ther the pilot of Edward Henderson. negro. was ar:-; the crash oocu INQUEST BEGINS Killed When U. S. Army . Airplanes Crash in ~ Midair. By United Press. stunt flying when y shot at 12:80 o'clock when: ' ' .- pilot one of e -—-—----O-'——-—: . crrr council. um not user‘ Quorum fer Sple-T Night. 1 ‘ r 817.88 and $16,137.48; and Bands "’ .5':5.4‘27.s2 cmcsoo, Aug. 2s.—s military ° BOONE COUNTY SCHOOLS LESS Will Receive $25,734.98 From General Funds, Supt. C. A. Lee 399°“-. $7087 Lrss. THAN 1924 Three School Districts to Receive Special Aid Because of Valuation. Boone County will receive 734.98 or 37, 7.84 less than I year from the general school fund ' t E. Northcutt, county superintendent. today. This is the second consecutive year that this county -has received smaller amounts than the preceding year. 923 Boone County re-‘ The following year the apportionment dropped 843. while most of the surrounding conn- tics gained over the 3923 amount. The total amount of special state aid for rural schools amounts! to $643 for Boone County. Only three schools in the county fall under‘ the minimum valuation of $75.0(Xl ne- cessary to receive state aid. These districts are: No. 19. which received 8241. No. 83, $300, and No. 92, 8102. Only a few schools in the county can benefit from tiis special aid because the valuation of $75,000 is very -10%‘. according to Mr. North- cutt. Surrounding counties are also re- ceivizzg less than in 1924. Comparative figures for 1924 and -1925 for seven near!!! counties show: (1924 figures are given first) Audrain County, 324,- 223.90 and 816,156.92; Callaway. $23,456.71 and $16,736.40; Colo, 322,. 343.83 and 815,082.80; Cooper..8l8- 833.99 and $13,605.35; Howard. 314.- 156.22 and 810,822.42: Monroe, 818.- 830.619.28 and 330585.75. St. Iallis County and St. Denis city also rc- ceivcd smaller apportionment: this year: St.'Louis County, $129,792.51 and 396597.84; St. lhuis dim CUTS,-;' mm to the schools of the state this 7£'ar'is $3,2l9.l®.85, which‘ is consistent with the 'onment1 pecific 8' cited above, being $897,224.46 less than the 84.116.387.81 received by the schools last year. The appor tionm_er.t for 1923 was also larglr than the one this year, being :3,- o The ‘money which is thus apper- tioned to the schools of the-state is drawn from th state revenur fund. being "one-thi paid into this fund fr all A co son of receipts into the state revenue fu rom July 1. 1924, to June 30. 192 . shows that the largest single sou is the in- come tax. This was or more than a million lars more than the amount received our the ts. 06 ‘4 749.45 for the above period. only remaining receipts from a sin- le source amounting to over a ml‘.- _ cm-- 1 which - 2 lion dollars are those from the ti hiss po on franc amounted 81.867.309.54. NUMBER 331 1 STATE AID T0- $25-- om the general fund ‘ oftheanourt‘ s I . , . ‘ A . _ . ‘ ‘* On ~vve—A« e—na.. on-j-¢a-n—4.gg.__ . -: . '~ ‘ - p-nu-sand.- The rural chock aregettingmore 2 this your than in either of the last ' The dead are Lieut. 1'. P. Smith. "' in lfil snta- w. a aornwuu. 18 new Californian Formerly was is j » Col on ' em a. lira.‘ W. B. llothwell, 80 years‘ .1: l old. ‘died at her home ‘u,- ‘a .