=on;e Centj a Dayl '0 Insertions for 55¢ a Word 0 ‘ ‘ . _ ,2 .. .;:'...:‘...";.“.':.';.'°':..'.':::;.:‘.‘.::.‘..'.*.: '~c.. 0 block from West Campus. Ph.one,mu-y_’ ' Dmkd C ‘ l . - ‘ w v Raeorldcro am». non y. noon- 584whlte. T9-tf. groom midenw and ‘nu’. F03 £1-‘d.:'l';£‘ne mnliogo ‘zoo’: in n. in (. rm, ,_ 741 rooms. bath and pantry. for llszht 4-room residence on Walnut, qéeonn 'T°“ ‘M luhu hoe‘ shone i:t‘:"a‘: he: '(3i:7:r.of.“:‘:l:ni.l.: V . _l_.0R RENT F . hed ho _ housekeeping, private family. (‘all partly modern, at $30. ‘ * ' "" \ _ 0 - 10-12.? F03 §‘5"E‘KM'°" f“'."°°t” ‘W0 windows l-;ou:l::els rivlinlé " If” H.""“’°"'. 9"2- 5 Roms and all-eplnlr porch on . 9°“ 3533‘ °°""‘ . .. . _ *WAN'lE~D—'l‘o do cooking for. Z . i .good‘ condition. Call at 514 South imh NO auger 2 Ph , FOR RENT__3 be r as 1 Collego’A\-¢__ “, ;42_5o_ rm SALE N. 1. he.‘ ‘_:::_:;,'L"f"_"" “_';"'!"" _‘:;“"""m""" ' in; house‘ or groin.’ Phone; kpggfmgxfs FOR 5&1 Sued" “roe 1032' D64" Close to Unl\?('l'!lf;’o::nlIcl;:8I:.?2doi?::-i boys running hot nrilid coldwwhtcr 2);} 7 R0031! find £11820 0!! We“. cra.. J. R. An.t—i)oI'lI)‘:., yarm‘ 6-ii‘. " 1‘ fl ) ’ “ ‘‘‘‘‘3'. Two 4 room alvartrncngs 0*! 3°”? FOR SALE-—-Reed bol.,-ooreloso incss district. Phone 630. 0 L8-tf.7 all rooms. Reasonable brace. 'rbllo}Br°°d*9Y “ $45- ‘ " a ho d. cal my 3 aralzrllnblr FOR nrn"F.I£ mm‘ °‘"“’‘'’ ‘‘‘° "““”°" orroom an ar _ . o-I - __ _ IE 0 _ gdiatrict. Garage for rent. Board __ , ‘ G6-ti. 2 ‘ A coping porch. private bath and en-‘ . ANTED—'C0 W3 ‘ very newly I (,'l'0Nl. ;._... . work as maid. Phone 564 8-12.: ‘W e,,,m,;,¢ 309 um 5;,-egg, ' ‘ A p ‘L; . 11-‘ :)!:'(3dfllf8'o(V'A".l.l}(l;n§;i0h(:'t}(l,i‘!,'legi‘:!(;‘!:éigh:;t' $1-Sgrirt-5,12 glgzgsocfindition. Eigzlg-user Edgugieiie :elfP0;i£:ne\V1h2i3lg% pol; Ii'tTtSi:>!oex‘r3lLnnd :chi3;Loo“l:'e"b:?I;‘5hlm¢aloW'. Bou- m.1li(£\".sAi;i'yH:\;!:$PP!§.:“3:e{oro!I!al}e{ :33; m hum: been made in the par 1 . . EXPERIENCED and ~capabl¢‘ ‘fished or dnfumifihed. Also. 1 mymi FAR SUI M kw h ._ _ ‘ C84“ __F??FNT Furnished room 5-rod; hbrick blll'tg8l‘;Vl and ;;a- Street. Sec Mr. Roberta. desires to do half time’ for ‘hm... 1,(,y_. on first f1,,,,,._ 3932 4 . .—- nms: new lc on «t - 7-‘ t ~ 0 d P t _lrago. g St... near ison Ave., ’ I h - O . H r .4 _' will and attend the UN- South Eighth Strecl. Phone s.-'»o~ °lll‘"l°l "h°"° 1339 l¥'°°"- '““’“- non RI-)l\"I'—i-‘urniahed room tori Re",,".‘°§, pr.§,“..._."‘«3s‘o :.:l.l“‘ ' ‘r, FOR SAM. B fid R k R f.'r.'ll'5‘°..i l...'.T.T§‘l:’.."1T',-r'...TI'c...§.,'...'.’:. ; .- Phone 744 red. 1302-ti" g.-Mn, 4 1)3.12_ USED CARS FOR SALE boys’ ‘-150 cum“, 8 College; phoncl _ on ! 8-room new brick residence and .—. urn oc cof - an trustee will ml r ahmro .1.-«ml-l -2 ' _ 4 ‘ ' ' . H35 whim H _ ' garage on Wilson gt ;35_ erelll (park strain) 300 egg laying property oubiert M all prior lies: at publi- ’ by ‘ 1509 ROSS STREET—-Four room. . FOR SA!‘E_-Che‘T°!°t > C0.-uric‘. .. . - I—:FoR RE\'T_-‘Large. front floor‘ 7_ro°m new. brick residence, strain. Phone 381713, R0018 10, MT8. veuduc. b the hilrhcolhiddcr {or cash. at ti... : for mornings. Truck driving. furnished IPl!l'Ul‘°“‘- “PP” ha" d"' fine condition. Reasonable. 9 Mel-E. FOR RENT.-2 second floor frontl room in ."e.w house. girls, married‘ “'l‘5W'00d. at 835 E“‘"“‘ 39m" ' " Now. rlllmsmnr. inlmnu.-.nrr, WW _ 6.1V. rbo f bo - ‘r18. 1 . ‘ . “V ]k' d m 2:‘! d . - ' ‘oed . ‘P : 0 1 I , 1:.‘ B03 0- “Y9 0‘ M55800‘ bath. kific-‘lcllette. lnrlrc ¢101‘~'-‘15- bonme St. 1 G ‘ -131guJ\l?l»r?l0n:'-s;1r1¢::€ zlfnfo $utxl:‘r(l:ce)roliu8l.J'hc::r:?:)}§)1(or btl:llll€":~‘x.: rake. Norxrlf ciiixllths Setljce ‘D 3‘ J0}‘ATHAN ‘ppm; “'50 b°'f‘."fl bolwzcn tile“ 3.1!‘ 5‘: o‘'cS£l."7hr;l L: 4 rian. ,. C4-tf floors and walls refinished. electric USED CARS FOR SALE 5 S 1 difitrict. 1402 PrattJStree:. H10-tt‘.‘. or furtiler information see grim Rivéniewmlbmzfifis :(°:‘;5““:‘1 " "5 '''‘‘i “3;fl"" 3'" "“l""'”'j - ..._.__.-. ._ _ ..ro.qlCc front T0031.‘ Phone 1046 green. 9-14 and g.r‘gcoon Mdbourne at ‘so 39,1‘ . _| . up “game” 1205 puwin Ave, I-OR Ri:.!\T-—- or 3 room npnrt- I-‘OR SAIE--Rotary washer wl.h single or double. 518 College.» Phone, - WHEREAS. ‘thr um note a. due avid l:n- . . 6- ' — a’ Ad‘-_ H_9,]4 the trrlrn of -laid cit--1 rs.’ trust. and at lh- ’ / p ‘ ' . ; _ yon RgN1~._'pw A . ' the street’ from Journalism ?{loors;_ basement, garage. every», Inveltiga Boone flatlonal‘ "°°¢'¢l| 35ll}1_l|"v'»’l_f'n'*- l-N Forth--t 2 -2 21: ' oorl'1"“?'°"’ ?°"'P‘°“"f b'c‘;’:"“‘1°f°‘. "°“'- ’"‘d1“l';‘6- "°“‘°° "° §1"J"lf"., per my for 1,0,: i,‘Z,‘{“’i.,‘.;" cm Bldg. Miss Fannie Sanders a--. ‘thing mod -4 new furniture. 308 szvlnrl Ind Loan Association }‘,"'[,‘,‘,' °f¢,‘;,'f‘”,‘;,,“_;,,;*':j,’§“:,“§f,§. ' Eman o_cr caurea. V . _ _ .; . , « n. 7- » 'uitar . . .1‘ nah’ 49.1 I4. 112 ll ; houaofiu yard.8u“e' ‘bun. bomp°"‘?lmle: furnished See Simon Con-E fieiofnogffiizfootgrfig ‘:06’: S’ 5”‘ Strec” ' 88711‘ ‘B0ARD-lr. Hd€!1dl'lX$H8ii for mepnw 5 ‘ ' ‘null! ‘:70 113336 . _ _ t a I , .n 9, . . , ‘ 9 « ‘ ' - 1 ' j v - . v ’ ' ' . : ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ’_ 5 PhaqIo.1988 red or 953. W804-tfi8Bll1'uctlon company. 314-18 trégzmtré cum momm. Garage. mm FOR R,.;m._2 mom furnished 2l:0l;:l;k=~lu;";:w ;csl;*r""‘:i:*;‘sV iiOL’bEixEEPllNG Rooms i KODAK Fm's——-—-—-Bum $3; :5‘:-h_a'§f*u;-'3' 39%;’? "'__ . ‘ I - ‘ 2:! ‘h ‘ d 'tc ‘ " ‘ § ~ v ‘ an o r -. . 2 on one on mo-mom 2 - .22; ;:‘;..:,",::.: om-.« m'=*’2.:?~'" 2°’ °" ""' "" -~' """ “«’%‘=’ "°"'°- '3“ 5° ‘“"“°." ‘'‘‘° “W”; I-‘on RI-2NT—-Unfurnished apart-§ I-‘OR RI~}N'I'—-«For the school you-..-l.l.olr. V . 313.“. - ROOMS pm REM-_-.-r. ,.,.,,;..,.,_. ‘ ~ ' 2" '*°1."['l-8°"l§R'UG ginfg 2 ‘ 0°"-tn ll‘-'s°-W °'- load-r; October 2 .2 and lower apartments, 7 _!'00m3v menu two rooms, private bath‘. furnished livingroom nn _ room; ' * win, 0, “.i.h,,u. ,m.,,1.._ Hm R0,..- 1-‘on RgN'1*_un{m-,,1,l,,d mom; _ ‘:52’ -3! 3:; dap::~ F-._ unit; located at northwest corner sleeping- pomh. can“ 319 1201.! on first floor, private home. Phone I-‘OR RENT——2 rooms with pri-' man. Lmc. phom. “(,0 ,:,-,.,.n_ \\’.§for_ lig-ht housekeeping. Call 2074. NOR-nu)? 33pAm 330'? _ ..u...; .u.,,.,;,, .,.g,;.,;g-. ,...m.,.. .,.u 2‘ at catnpua; '. bust -redeem . « _ - G297-i152-I47 white. K7-tt.i wlte bath, professor preferred. 1.1-. H “men. “10-15.Ngmw' an“ 6 P. m. 3 3} Phone 2“7md lmnouwst 4,, ma ,, ,,,,,,,,,,, "4 ,,,.,,,,,,, ,.,,. . " rated. Pilot: 1252 ‘ C307-is ‘ ; ' , , . ‘ : l - ' -4-r-I-oeonlnrl. , ‘ ”‘ ‘ r C ' M’ ron lzmr_-rwo‘rory ao.-or..l0NE Room tor‘ boys: close to: "‘° ““”"° mm 63”” mu‘ BOARD-—For girls and l...-.. coal For nl:N'r—2 tarnished mm “W” "0"" ‘''m""''‘’"3 A we eo§r’or or r-mo ' rm SALE 03. RENT—Att“'c.'b|c n rtnlents of two rooms each€“7hit° Cimlmfii 312-50 "0' 009: FOR REN'I'—'i‘o quiet. boys, tu-o;' Conley A,.,.,,u,:_ G w1o.1:,, for light housekeeping. 119 Stew-. Scfnsansfind “Q '’''"‘1'53 mi 5--4 1- 0'" 0’ Ni“. 4 hr’ ‘"73 6"'°°m b"‘°k "*3 ‘-519 -b‘"‘3‘' pa ‘WY 31550!’ “'0 b°)’~"- 1505 CI‘-"j h ‘ cond floo rooms in mod-‘ ' ‘ hurt Road. Phone 1181 red. 7 339" °‘‘''’°'‘ 00"! of Be-In county. In:-nap. ‘I 1809 he“ one on and _ one on second, ' — .. C 0'99 3° _ 7 . . , . ind the real of rain! court. floor at ohm » - 3°“ °- 1”“ b‘°°1‘;no°,. 3% “ch 1403 1.3.5; 3,.ogd-;th0!'n Alfellllt‘. M1000 1190 Nd» 54‘ errl house. with hard wmd floors. ROOM -‘UVD 130-‘RD’-1‘°‘~b°>-“" T308-ti in colnulbl-. Iiaourl. um and 4.: at ‘ In-ll.I’Whi*8 C“'P“'- 5' C‘ “"~"'*.r " Phone 1.849 black orsol-‘3 '5"-— . well furnished. hcatcd. ugmoo and 511 Turner. 7.12. woos Noflcm Alma-t. tub. _ g ' “'5 "hm um ‘hm’ Rm’ 5 W ‘1*3°9*“'3brcI:l)<}t{ast §3f'¥«."5o‘°’.'°...f.".‘§.’“r..?.'.1‘.‘. "°“‘“‘“'~'a "° Via‘ l"'°°"i'~""‘ ROOMS ANDBOAR9-For bovs Hm‘? WANTED - ACACIA DODGE. blfooz """' am 1' alinlus n..r\. 5“-3 03 ‘"3"""—"7°"‘ 4APAltTMEN'I‘ FOR nl='l<'r_wol “'0 “""“’-- W . 9"" fgigh iilllrgse Ag.-M91333“ sll?£‘¥'l‘.-55"‘ 7*‘°¢k 5°” “”““" mum’ 68" t‘?l?‘AN1:EED-tZ—1.oIl:lxpefiI.nced miltlfir’ ' A‘ F‘ & " ‘ u I a r -“8".°" ""'.""b"-""' and 3313' ‘boggy, 5,1; block 1. f .hed kfwh ac‘ ' " ‘ ' l7_m."_ra|re for rent. 1205 Pnquin Ave. at lmmlcls 68¢ llll- - -l . ‘ "“ W’ . _ » A - mnirmixy Avenue. Best of :‘;,‘;:l_f‘m-t:"',e,,"",':,': ,,.,,,.'.,,c:,"°m. Cl:‘3‘Z"to“§?;"'i';c"(§:,‘;,f;‘;’”‘1f5‘:,5,"'A°:‘~ 2. ? 2 , 6"" SALESLADIES ‘ Tuintgled co;nmn;l.cl:‘l-ltlvlfl. ""’""” '°' _'_'7T.Tf__. . 3 '; ' ‘ ' ll ,' ° ‘ ' ‘_ - g; , . ‘ - acvcnnx. '..'rn nu. .1 storage rtgm 8 Elder-cnhrgc caflnny logntcd ‘M are wry dam‘ t-h°""' SH‘ * ordolfil l}{If)':lYh|irfo§'Jnr'f"i; . I "m '°""° "‘°“—‘ ‘5‘“‘"‘3 ‘h¢‘,"“"‘);‘ m§‘pc°;c:’°°dE' “W33 1; ‘t 7.30)’ v_ 3. P wanna lu rrlroblr and null.» ‘rm.- ’-°°"'7"V “ é"l‘"l"bi' 1;"""“'°'-" “ l.l:hedl¥‘panmd‘"e:nt:l.”C:llf::d ROOMS AND 305311-701‘ A¢?°$8 ‘M: 91;‘ ('‘"'‘P“‘? 3i Isngoelynilbotltc 82:: neat in appearance. callable ‘and’ ’ :c"ir:.n:.h.l:r:.a‘:':-:g.'&.‘;'olhl:i-:r.'::..'-:7 .‘}enIal_ Acetic)‘. phone 259. D307-ti ‘how yam 3. A_ stew,“ and S,m5‘!boys. 2 first floor double rooms blocks from Broadway. Phono_850. ‘ " . ' n_.,,¢,-g¢,t;¢, good oppommgu’, w,-iu,VJ. M. LONG. Secretary. W ‘L ...g ll... rvflk-r or the ,'l:;-vdrr . . . ‘ I _ A _ Bl Sm - _fm. boy“; 3‘ block from Rea Cgm- white. 805 Elm Street. ‘ Pl-if. Mlslrsandara will open ,her I)ll\- 123 ",9 of nj,,ouri.n_ l ROY R. WRIGHT. . of Dead: _of lb:-one con ly in _ I. In ,l'0R SALE-7-roorn house near 205 E‘°h‘"3'. dz‘ 4“;p“ 703 H5350”-3 phone 914 you [No Room Tuesday, Sept, 15. Make ' {—— 3' ' Mm. 1:-c‘ :!:.”.¢:m:'vv;:'-4fl:n . _ T I - 0 ' ' . ' _. ‘ Illiflurn . to reset. 0 I r¥Io;lbu.GanpauT¢WIi}ll°t::dl¢;, F03 RI-3NT—8-room modern . B3-15‘ fir:?%§:Ng:£‘rl; drt)0l:)i;:1€B rzgtn macwatlonrunon. 306.8. 9th Street. SAVLESLADIES “fwd m‘ rm, ‘hum M“ __‘ , apartment, conveniently located at Adv‘ S’9"”J E‘mfi°"°°d' t° "11 i" DR“ ‘"6 rod. G“ ‘ Coat department. Must be ‘rule I ll FOR REN'I'—-—I-Exceptionally at- end floor. quiet home. D98!’ UhlV¢"' LEGAL NOTICES’ 2 1...... ......;....;........,;., rulinna‘ LAND—We willbox0- 1'” "°°""’ "h°"° 188° 30;. em :1 2 ‘lo 1' 1 nd‘ 't' 1403 Bass Ave. Phone lllr. BOARD .\ND RO0M—i-‘or boys in appearance capable and Ian. rm ».r 5...... 2! 2*" "'“""""”‘°"'°"“‘ °“ ""9" A - 0 0 at‘ Free vc d$':r°o'."?£'w':=:o'§e’3n"l:o7ue. Wire. ' A 7-12. for the fall -emesten 6°‘ 0°" l’-‘relic. Good opportunity. wrlul it ’“’"°' '§’r5‘i§.T“"°" T.'§'."Zr"“ .‘.i3'.‘.-.‘Z..T.Z."".‘.".‘f’ :;’.?..*".:.‘ 2- . -"0u.CfD In REN:T—-‘Four..room furnished or unfurflishd 2; MONO G. G” egg‘ of : Aux Pkoptskllg '1“ E. "“*'fl b'h‘ ‘,,‘‘,m“ .5.“ :7 " “v” ‘u ' Qua‘ guano)’ gawk céxne ‘mi Gd run 1’. to llfld U ~ Eblocks Of CENPU5/El?“ 132‘ L6’ '0 ROOMS for boys ‘tL‘3o‘ E‘“ ‘ ‘ d [)0 ' t b 8:» ndc-rl-lanai city clerk new 7280 I’. lb Nerthvet corner thereof dncriludl an In tell you about it. or write 33‘ '3.‘ W" W“ "“ . B,.,,,d,,,y_ ‘ 7-1; BOAitD—I-or glrlll In if 1; ‘ MISCELLANEOUS ," &'_'',m 4” 0, , m_ ..a launch: uoglrum-g ‘bl no Noffiwhe--I rr.. 3“. hiorumuo ' Aim 133.30“, and varsity. 1948 Kfeen. -éjr 1'-Von R1-2N:l'.l2 front room: for 719 Gentry Place. Phone 343 ll ac W NTFD. R _ h .5, ,_,,.,,,,,, ,, 3,, 'g,.,.,.u ,.c an or an watt. in-pg-aoola'ua_4 chaina, find Iota filth ms for sale, you will ‘ . « D303‘ ll-,‘Jl‘lill'£!'§lCy ihmployees or senior.-..; FOR RI-2N'I'—-l\'ice.. clean. com- H8-t ; A . oom ‘mate for 2'71“ the City at Columbia. Ila-uni. at ha nut that North 4! dark but ‘'35 ch!-. ' ' ' ' flu or. them - or » » T Phone 1339 klllte. mo u “rams-l {ortable rooms for boys - 14 5"" ' J '0" “M "°°" 9"“ 95°!“ --u-‘c o-n-It-n l-r 0» e-v-6*- -' ‘*'*°' 3"“ “ ‘em l‘ -I--'*-- 8-4 . pm ' - -ill(§tj«§@N'.lf..—1~lg-,wly decorated .~ ‘ n’ - ‘ ; - ' BOARD-l"6r 8171! and 5033- 703’ 1405 ‘need. J10-16 unlaonl -«rm la oolonbl. lhuurl an» ll.» cl-lnr. the-to II-rthuovnb-«lo-I» .-c°' Phone 1820 or 0i'ht ‘lptrtmenh 335- '3' ~ ' " ‘W5’:-0" Mme’ mom 859' s7'12' ltiuourl Ave." Phone 914 red. 1 ‘ District No. :l in oooou-um arm. the clan I-H1701-A .¢h--collard-I-l°eh-l-. r so: Guitar Bldg. Columbia. ‘€52 ‘ .,éa“sL . ¢._ 2 AH! ; g ,+ ‘ p I WAN."-.;D__A,,',lecu-;¢ hm, gm. plan. uueulooblom and bum-_pnpma thaeeWft 201: any n thc,_ ..p _ ‘ -9 5.13 _,, . ,._A_ V 0- fmhtyroflmt FOR R!-3hl'l'—-One room!!! brigade HOUSE KEN?‘ idem abkwdbook nckpbom us. an W? ‘,4 mg .;a .5. Ln sen-. In _i mar “ ' " ' B9-tl. cm" "''"I “V . ‘ . . ‘ 9097- €13“ ‘-3 home, unpercl‘ uaman re .._....,._f * .. 0 . . ' _"Ph$‘l§10 .1} 1-lyuooe 1897'5lack. 9 L742. "’1'=‘6!’z‘1u-1N1‘-—_6 room boas, ’ 2 . an l-la. ' ' . . - 0 S 0 ' ' A 6 room one 840- 5 mm fun“ °°'i EXPERIENCED cook da-lra sit. .',’,',‘.§,.‘;,,”,,;"{'.‘.,‘1'.'{,I.‘J!',“..".;.".;fi.‘.".‘§ County a... latte; haola ...... 12:3: . - ' . _ .2 o r 2 . ' ' ' . . : FOR RENT-2 '°°'”' ” "4 .500” 1 °'' “nu ’°u' D'gi'u‘§'" nation with uorority or irltlraitt. or fall fills. ‘ho ‘ '¢""- ’ 2 2. p _. ».’ ‘ V 4_ " ._ ._,-oomaorlifllthouackeepinxroomu. jun“ .“ sflrda . 4!. Phone 65¢ _ p-5.3, .,..l.l...blll.l.:lnlIl-plant!-outer-rt! aoblcluor-rlorlln u-mu b,¢..¢2 n U. °lClou.-in. Phone1175black. K1-tI;——--————~— . ________._.___._..__._.lanlolll-lrlcll-euualslclolo-r. - our-nnaraoalun-ubuluugoslo 0 '2 ,’ 0 F03 RENT--*‘°""*’*°d m°l'°"‘ WANTED IlI88OURIANS'—6c 2 . aoinl 8.IlatlIu. let can use cu-2: nu--«rs out o 5 ltoollondirstfloor 16 annroom bou_a_eg,l_ mIt¥.5f0°1II.'md2Lu.-ill‘Ilepaidforthefil-atfirccopies § r cuycurb. ‘H-ll-Id-. : . Irlon ueondflgog-_ 3 33 &y. 4 .- ,2-eaao ‘*°fth.§‘§.”ufl.n.ofAn‘_gh.°¢'ht flruiuntha ‘but. 11. ten: -- uwhlcluguavquauwunuluivltrnu . , : ,~ _ Phoae 1509,.hlack. no :3. rent. 79 1“? 2°74‘ to the office i aaaowrloil to lIfIOVI_—IDwI'l' :.£"..'.'._ ..""',..."""....”".,‘ .,_,¢“"""".___’,',','.',';_' I 2 2 . 90 --‘‘°‘°'''' W‘ W’ -SEWIUG nacnnm—iar not .. ‘S ,,,...-g,,, ,,,,,,- A ,_. 1-on nnm~—¢ ~““°""' thdvioek or month. uunoal .r mun. ' 4...... .."'.I.."".‘..."‘.7..'.i.“.1'i.T.'.'.'£2I ' Ave. green. A0-ti. ‘ either bobbin? -me. We deli 0 l 0 . w. on ma on snow us :3: '33:. 2 :".'.'.'.':.:*..".':.:'..*".::.".:.'—.':m 2 sacred =2 W. A: Albrecht,’ phone 1919. 11. *2.-'t:"‘ b:"’- . ii i A r l l 2‘? H3 '1‘: can-zlnnhthderalcalluflh. ‘ Iaaaocoumlluonrioaa tho; IIhlayot|ounIu.!la£.h:¢uuath; haaud!o‘dart.Il.'aadl-olrhalhf I.auuaIlday.tu¢hI-III-uoataatlly-t h¢aalleataialnoclaadug1o(unedIl- . " ' ‘**'I—‘v°'~v>_ _ r.-.'~..'< ,,..—f,—«.\.‘..:_.,_,3“_,H ' . V . v-l. ’ - . r ‘ _o‘.a._‘.‘ V-7 , . .: ‘\ ‘ ‘I a 6