f'~'.~ \ .£',“o_.‘u_." '.- _ '. atilf ‘i I I {o .1‘ - ' .l J‘~ '3 ; , L '1 « . a _ . 'i"~E'~‘.. ' --;i;..-:.-- .- .,‘ .:r-My _ .‘ ‘z -' -._ - ‘ . a E V_"~~_1 ._»- -_ . ' ' - T‘ _ __ * . --..".?. II -» '-~-——~~—- « ..-' _ We, ' In 4”‘ if 0 1‘ '- ' '1'__ ' ‘- "5 ' ' 0 0 “-'. .0 - . ~ . g 0 y f -y 7, 3 1 g kg - y A ...x. «J 3HEGOLmBM. , WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 19%‘ _- 3 ’ PAGE mi; - $6‘ and nine‘ to-clan‘ runuc ausr ‘now me ael!-improvement. and such moi», -no 'l'lY'n1nA1'nB smog. f y ’ 4* I ‘ ‘I 5*-*-II’. . °"'."*"‘3¢"'C!I"'1'='°3'¢4 ropuIa:uocn.nics':"scsI::a‘i!iii’icIsqn'i‘c':‘3 Ioherlrllovioowuivioiou.-nan-. ' .. ' mic:-this mu iii:-as u hundred miles.’ Tlii-eeIdays will be ”°""‘?°'3°.°'=- ican, llissionary Review and the «I-7 Own--er. I " I I I I ~ Oct. treat-Go-'la~Bab-to atthe National Dairy shag, “ltlsvcyevldenthuethat achool w cmum 11,, ¢;,;1d,,,,v,, MOBERLY, no, Sept. 1a,_3¢. - - ° ’ I ' 0» . I; NEW Y has " Hiaa B. Willis, mggggine, ‘R John Mug,-. 30,3‘; cause Hoberly had its first picture 0 , Dales-tionsof «him-an am aui mfg Agsuuhnflmmm. D3‘ gm librarian, said at the is Pub— Boy’! we. and the Youth’s Conipan-i -h°W Sgmd-3' the muse: or the over 11:. gate u to ‘met’ . lie Library this morninc. “We have ion.” § theater is to be‘trie1 I »»’?I5?é'e’i«‘»i« I»'%*':¥.e"I» :*°.=:;'::;.>.*:::a:.°:.:::.:..:‘:.;.s~ .; sin A Month the churches there. That afternoon "fmm as . H , ' . ’ ' 5 I; ' ' 0 ,. . S ’.n be d h ‘ ‘ pecia.) to emphasise that _ t; , ' gt‘: geirdsv be":_;nt°S‘;(:_i::nt 3:; twill be an inforgnal affair with .3: ‘ , Others Indianapolis. arriving in lndianapo. a“ Oint; (purpose-— 0 get exeryonc i 7 ’ ~ lis_in time for the evening perfoi-m- “siting eA H-Id b d - the < and 0 0- ' ’ once at the National Dairy Show. . {V " Am’ .d' f ,"",h"‘ ~ ° ° A - This trip is being sponsored by in‘ ‘en; a;,d"':§; ‘fad ‘ya, ‘I’ {$3} '1 “Violin, Piano and Alsacephone” Electrlc Reproducing Grand Plano * ff;‘.€?“i5r?.’..’Lt;‘:°f:?2l‘;"£§.S§!: "551=""i~= =.*~'~=ndc°n*°3~n== 5 WRIGHT and ANDERSON ‘ _.bal Chamber of Commerce. ‘Guides’ rohnfi: P;-:2: wflngfxnmliiinfol It): fl .. ' “in 0° m"'i‘h"‘ t'l"0“3h00t 050. furthe‘: actiyitics willclie mad: lat- ': “UM SILLY” I trip who can explain intelli ‘ ; "3. ‘ Q I I - . . lb‘: group fa:-3 If you €ZT?:ECy_o; sell some» 0’ ' ‘3 Comedy Smgmg Talking Ihnclng e id’ .t ‘ h‘ ‘- th' , M’ ‘ W d. ~ - 4 t v s’ 3. ’., righribifs Lzilitfdclndc s<=r;e:°n7$z W: W 0 mom” mt A New Fall Patwms 32' '————- g€1'Jt(’l(’:ll)Q:}S:lre 'I“1h<]Jci,’I‘e(atq 'li.dhdI ; ‘ -' I .'I ' 1:3 ,‘,,,‘;;’,::;:, N25‘ 33,"-nffifj ‘ W J PALMER and I-mm and Satin: 3;; TONIGHT ONLY \ est In our history. ‘$3 years “£8 for 8 b_nll_ -uociati“o_n.fn cow w‘u.p;’«.‘m am, Beautiful .130" :0, an _ ,of honest reliable piano sell- i?~%“é‘?‘ "-°°:*..'%.:':::'-"L ::~*;*:.~ M New - ‘in..'3.:*".::.:..i?.:;‘:..t?“"? D‘ ‘ll b th ' - 1" ' I ’ , 5539 ..:'::::°':.:'....:. ..°::..:':;z::.':: c«--- u» -a w-rm u to sew» um MAE BUSCH. FRANK MAYO and wrong aavamage or um '_‘fi I _ wasroo-n nomggy ;; __in_ _ 'c1]1anyIll)ai'gainslofi‘ere(<;l(.) But, I so: hosiery i ‘-,b , I on’t e too ate— me- I “ T‘ cm’. mm w3m."‘.'f»:.c‘i§ 0:" “THE TRIFLERS” Bring the family ' . ,- ; nude. Enduring beauty—-long .5 ‘ . . wear. extra value. :0 _ We know you are going to like this picture Bend, “,5 mm” ofncw I ~ - _ , ;. —it’s the kind you will ‘remember. , rolls with every Pia-/er I. J b. . Reid 8 Boot Shop .3 I A . 0 Piano- - - , . - . Eleven Nora Tall , . :-: 7:15-9:00 0 20c—30c - - ° _ ‘ _:~ I ‘ ‘ A _ . _ , t - ' ““ Mahogany. or —-uatest unpro “"10. 3”’: p‘y. , I I ~— —~ ———-——~ ———- -_._ .. ..: -__ PW’-” “'10” 5295 ''$2-°° ‘ “'°°“- merits October tat we REDUCTIONS IN RADIOT first’ when the New K Sefies Chev; MU ‘ H A '. O rolet was announced, we are- able to gallldesjtrgiegtfir Regissttratiion begins Igionlgayv, S$ptembe‘2;'_ l'4th.v.1£ll25. By special arrangement the Manufacturers we are of- _ _ _ _ , re 3 _ . . . 1» _. make Immediate dehvery on any i . ceuo. Orzan. mile, ‘éoénelf. ¥§’§.-’§?5ri’$m£o“I?§' s2i°f,;ho£.‘2'"izh§é’n°.i‘. f°’“‘g ‘"9 ’°"“°“°"‘ ‘“"‘°““ I - ‘ Dramatic Art and Expre ' . ' ' ' — ;" .m°0‘*1 Of‘ thls popular Car’ h ctice rooms 8!‘e8::8rll8ble for instrumental and Vocal students I, 0 , , _ wit out extra charge. ,_ , ' ' L . jlncreased production In each Of The hours of instruction and practice are arranged to meet the’ ‘ / ' I an . ‘ I the twelve huge Chevrolet plants in I °°"Va"‘§"°:ngt;;:g‘\‘:glfIfge§t‘:g:3t3ge taken for academic mdib Appw ' ,FREED-EISEMALNN NETRODYNES , . the U. has made this possible I Music, Harmony, Orchestra, Public School Methods, and Public 0 . ’ « . .~» ' JUNI 1.4.013 us have your Order today! ‘ For beginners an Greene Conn ' ' ° - p , Entire S_tock—During V E f , ty Building Loan Association. “"8 Sue , , _ y W 2 Pay u.s $55 a month for approximately 120 months and 1 A ° -._ .:-,-t... ';r-”'-‘ . 9 we will then pay you .33 a month for the rest of " 2 e I . ‘I your life, and at your death will give your family , , ,, ‘ AND GAS” - $10»000 USED PIANO BARGAINS .. 0 to one here, not to the Or you may draw any art of the 10 000 in cash. 0 » _‘l‘aodiesgeexclusi\~dy, but to all D $ ’ AS LOW AS $5 Monthly trons‘ indiscriminately. _1'ou , - - _ _ 3; mm «boa, imwwi The Secfet of Success Such vsell known ;lal(eS asSgnabIe,hK_Imball, (l‘{llll£aKl"ell,u(1}al)le, Ham quality? at this filling moon. M°‘“"l! 0 Cash V I ilton, Smith _and arnes, rr_ 0. nson an I13 0 ers among whether you are a regular call» hymen“ End f 120 I; "ems AV¢fl8¢ these sale pianos. Taylor Music Co. guarantee back of every in- .er or only ‘ mm‘ y W" ' ' . ° °" M‘’‘‘"''’ E”'“‘““ strument sold. p.....,,,;..... is another -rsotlee-. 3 5.50 for approxiniately 1% months . . . . ..$l000 . . . . ..$ 2.84 ' I graph . .. . .' . . . . . . . ..$ 19 Console Phonograph . . . . . ..$ 59 _ I ‘/7 ninihm $16.50 for approximately 120‘ months . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.50 uptight pin“, ___________ Us 39 .UprightgPiano , _ , , , _ ,3 , _ , ,3 85 _ cu ‘ ‘ _ $27.60 for approximately 120 months . . . . ..$5000 . . . . ..$14.l7 - Upright Piano'....., . . . . ..$110 Upright Piano . . . . . . . .'....$ll5 .. _‘ - ‘I °- I prig Piano‘ ‘ . . . . ..§..; 135 Pla er Piano . . . . . . . . . . . .5225 S0lllld, §uCC€SSfld Business I Piano . . . . . . . “£165 Pla§er ano . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$224 \ _a_ ,, _ . . -Not A Single Loss ; Upright fiano ....... ..;..s2io Player ........... ..sI6s if « I ; _- j 7 ran canton Time Catificates, payable semi-annually. withdrawal : I ‘ , ‘ ‘ : g . the of any month. , , I JOHN N.SHOM ,. .3’ I I ,1 1 V ‘A i 0!ticelnCa:nalBank DistridA:;t .. ‘ l E." 55*‘ Q3 3 V ' * "0-f Publicstendgraplier in I‘ I °‘ E ~ I 1}-.';lZ_§"_.:1l-1 1, ‘ ' ’ __ W I“ '~ ’I - I * s‘~.~i;-._.I-.-.i - ' .- ;. 0 0 . * ' 0 .0.-‘~ -5 4 _ - ‘ 0 _ ‘ .: