..o L’ ;.'.:'T ‘ .1 W..." 1:!‘ K 3; nlnasrw .*_* _ » ‘. ‘ I 7‘ W ‘l ail "‘..' ¥"la‘ ~ .;?-"V3 . _ ‘ ._...,g.h_..‘-3';-.-:»;_M;___ A ‘ T .. T I t ' .00‘ ‘kw i ._ i. _V g _. 1 . _- . _' _' =_ - . e - 5 ‘''’'d._ at I’ as .: -I ‘pm SE‘parc“Lstc§'_3ou— « -‘ . '_ .~, , _, ‘ - G,‘ 'v . in . .4, .- . ~ m W £1‘; ‘V ..;“,.c*.v,|’l _ -. 4-: . x; V _ ‘- - _ . {..I;,‘ ;- ,“f.t'-'{ .~ ' . ‘ ', .° "."“‘ 7 . "' Ilardn and wife to' W . ; " T ‘ ' - ¢- v.'l'. _ -_ V. W‘ “”‘“"""l”‘°t"-".""° 1""l”‘h°'°: ‘L. lC.I-‘.Sansherry.Lots3and4,Bloek)' an. anyone; y..'.a. _ _ ~ .--gw-¢¢~0H-0 .A . .. '~ '4‘ " ‘*' -""' ~‘ lb“ ao“mra bu. ‘wk, on R_C‘R’ub%m‘Dd'ifet° P W181“ B ‘Romain Add C“ ‘cub! . W ~--»- ~ ~--» 1 — r— " n. -_ ..,_., ‘ -- — .1" *'°°"P"“*" W‘ mymteucal o'nan~ ~ Paws:-s‘¢lnandsrife.Nl~2u_I.ot5.L[c..'u'-.1i.g, ‘moo, " ’ ° :""’“°‘ ‘''‘‘__LL'‘‘_‘'.‘'_.____ ' Lime Lggkg . . ~N . 84511390‘ llllllltfill Iilc flan-{A"hd.,;,;,ngn¢1,;a, Heine's Add. City of Co-9 11... g‘.‘nu¢,..gga ya‘. to Leo; Seetheuasdarhargalnaoflerso . « ‘ _ . "-"'~"" """"""'-“"§"""’ - 1...! ""'t;,"‘@, "',.,.,,,l"i"|d"';,,1,"°"' the was called to liberate ' . lwhit 5500- . lllillis Lot ‘loo, woswooa Ada; City Lhoany in the wantiad action. ‘ ~ in ‘Y0?’ Wt?’ 4° ‘’‘° . . :sunu..a...ua.;.n.n'u-ulg. M5,; “mm” _,~ w,~,‘fi,°":_';; Taking up aha w. l. Keene and wife to ShannonlofColnlnilia. ssflao. e . X _._aHh . dnn'lase_ fventunflr to your we-_ 1 " 3 t en,i,‘,¢yu¢_ mm. in ‘.3 Roberts. Lots 13, 1.4, 16, 16, 17,‘ F “_'t';"‘""”iu' . ' . “ ter ¢00llfl¢ system. Perhaps ’. -_ any-u-log use (Irsalsghp.._.......II “I; ‘ad “ nlrb’ an ntthe s .- _ l and 19, A. L. Ooxs Suh., part an’ , ' V. 5.". was. ‘.'y 11.. or no you don't notice them at first. :. '__ moseosaeooobsoisoosioaoécolhf’ ‘, ' ' . ' . ‘ IlAn W mu.’ ‘ad NW "ha W Q - ' l t d wot” . ,"-'-': " ,g _ ’-j-.-"--5 l °‘Pl°l"‘“°" "‘ ’°"“*.'. ""' - y um" ‘me, mu ,1 ,,,..uu.§.’ 8 to 21 inclusive Bloclz recently appointed as executive sec $V . hm my ‘'3 wot.” m » l 4. A. A I‘ . guano“ mdutfld ollrnfi. In“ '1” mime difficult thing is to ex 3' lfornintlidc Add. Ceutrahal Mo retary of the Missouri Hflvllodiat ones as loan A thy. A and ftll-Ill‘; “ION! II '13:‘ '9“ ' ‘social .- . '»" ' ' ' ‘I if A‘ if i ’ b.to . as CKAIITY WITH L“Kl(}K" 3 ‘bum .5“ than i. plain it. It ls to that and we mug 33350. ‘ Pouudatlgn Vllcll I;frl"¢;".!?l""‘bfl‘; SQUARE DEAL LUNQ BOOK 2:: "$1,, mu, $351., before A cdmbu bum.“ ma ,1, an“ 1“ 8“ “Von” to “_ ournext anddegpcst efforts.“ “Wm. Izdosklns and wife to Frank ‘Nay. eh?” be". c 0:’ wl % flu. "3, “ "3...’ they gin‘ Mg. valklaghnmeashortdlstsaloeahud numb“ ” .3 Ho’ ‘gm Jn ‘::l::b. seycel-:2; szflgsontsggauflzze "39 :91’. . -_ . ‘AA ‘ _ _ l d «-- my : ‘O .1 y n on of mm. 30' ‘u in M. 47.‘R..12._ mo. V-.. _-----~j_7-‘ *0" i :7‘ - T- V’, ‘t '*‘lJ’ _ ' — ' A H. J. I-n tamed M‘ bad at A ‘ ‘dis ~ rocessvlll whiflr it has ll?’ Ow F“”°°l\” “ml”? |l1P9"°d°4l 308' Bessie ‘Allen to Laura Frances AL . ‘ “'0” 3" 2‘ N‘ uh 8‘ ‘ "’“"““" “'»“"V °""“‘“‘l.» ' :34 h",’,m.,'M go ‘-3.6 the land as the cents? 0? lfiwmt *5 len. Lot 102 Srnithton Add City or ‘ 51319‘ ‘hall.’ P"°'?l'.””-'° lmp°n7 , - ' R,-' G .9 spiritualism and the study of its column“. ' " - -4"‘ ‘° "’“'“ l will which make it possible. P"°"°"*m~" Wendell Hathlnan and wife to APPIRDilYlh€P"‘i'“ °L“'éd'“'. Some‘ nitnals, especially dogs. 5, d 3 :1 1.; Lo N dren were not-Poor and P‘ t have 9°lh"m“ir‘:‘:“n. ' "W are susc:ptible to spiritnalistic in- _Ad?,._”Ci:;. ::;'C°1?mbht_ l;'9oo_°w'.’l econ - T given thenl money for askinK- ad gnome fluences. Sir Arthur said, pointing '7 f l I O. W. Boutwell and wife to J. C. ' see them. Thenhewalkedon. ~ Their immediate worries. l10'¢Vfl'- were of a financial nature. Th!!! wanted some candy. and the? hi‘! 3° money. .'fhis much the man ahead of the qualities of character o which further improvement must be based. l ofthem overheard. ‘ Justi a short distance past a cor- ner; the man stooped and placed two nickels in the center of the walk. ‘ Puucl-:N'r PARAGBAPHS I An alien may learn to respect American institutions, but one must ‘ out that dogs often whine with fast‘ when taken into a “haunted house.” While the dog stares fixedly, he may be gazing at “something you can- not see-—sometiling psychic.” :.?....___—.. “HOME DIILLINERY” IS OUT New Collage of Atriculture Bulletin Tells to blah lists A new cxtcnsioncircular called Radar and wife N. 55 ft. Lot 24. and N. 55 ft. Lot 23, John A. Stewart's Add.,- City of Columbia. 83300. - A. Lincoln Hyde and wife to Eli- nor 1:. hiccaustland, Lot 52, West- mount Add.. Columbia. Mo. 81500. ~’I‘holnas Adkins and wife to New-l ton D. Evans and wife, N 1-’, Lot 21 and W5; S59 Lot 2, being in Sub. 1 Cut Flowers for all occasions Decorative Plants, ‘Etc. . 13 Green Houses - _ ~ _e.. - - .n - , Lot 88, Ste hens Add.. town. no - .When he thought the children had gicinz‘-ism‘; on the cob‘ B" nIl:;m;r::ll'&:né°‘?:;ej::t :;c,.r:c:1‘_ City of Colulxhbia. $500. “ about‘ reached the coins, he looked —when Fume dead“! to bury the mm at ‘he’ Univenm. of Missoufl Fred W. Stewart to Cannon (‘. around-‘in time to "ltd! rl-hem ;,,m,,,, , ye... ye", no she had“ ml. bulletin is Extension Circular _,,_,o, W _ _ y Inaketheir discovery. Each Pl . ‘DD thought of the Riffhnv; neck as 3 I71 and may be obtained by any- New Store South 9th Street Columbia Floral Co. a a nickel. their faces became hidden Nimble p1.u.__H.,u°,.d -mm“. one writing to the (‘allege of AltTl- _ . amid smiles andlthey began to 50m? Europe ms 10,‘ ‘bout 3" of the: cultnrfi and Isliinlr T0? ll; f d R. F. _ I _ ' Phone 366 up and down, talking faster with cup t A - t th th t! __n le clrcu or may . nun ar- : _ 9,9,). jump. ch~e:r;_’___:k°]_'::‘ $32“ Jfm°r'::;L 8 ; tlcles telling how to choose a hat Osteopath 75 horsepower. 75-mil . that the Better Buick, _ ; .. . n - and how to wear it becomlngly as S - I - . , an-hour Better Bui&: with it! 75 horsepower olw-oz. ms to. . . . But A hunter who can't tell u black-1 W.“ as ,,o.. ,0 .,,.t.. hats. ?°°"’ "“°"“°" “"°" 3° Valve-in-Head engine. a . the rest of the suggestion could not bird from a slarlinz will-he mi ~-; W “,0 chmm m cm, W, diseases of women and clul- _0nce vou have wheeled ‘M, Wupo _ _ _ > ~ . ____-_ -be heard. They already were gone. ing his companion for a ground hog‘ shapes man; becoming to different dren. :,°"¢"h5¢l3m. ll’ ‘ad inexpcnfive peb ,_ ‘"3331 who Md ‘Mn “I'M the l'i'el::,:h:h.th° mmlw t’;p°"’ :fwf:::5ih:"‘:,a::‘§1°’:,_‘3';: ‘J: olfltoom «lhand Iilgira Bldg. gaining speed-mall thcway; gmanagke no other ' " l i . hflwlness walked on. He. too, was a f;rcsothe land, to hastening ills: make the hat mclr-:___bccolning. Rec 1; one h (line: you luv: oberved Thc’b“t°“ myhmm ::n' vet I ~. ll ‘ In ' . - -. csi '1 4 ' .. “°° * hip” e ‘had not five" n "W Where men Pia)‘ Rolf instead of Better gwngmgl are Npmrmgl ence p one 2 3 red leallllfymfiin actsume. the r howverymuch the Ben“ sum of money to some cause and had making hay.— Morgamown New [)0_ ;‘la'.tery service is offered motorists Buick has added _to the .' his name‘: broadcast as that of :1 _ . h , _ , ' . . . ._ m, ,,_ s ere. We also cum 3 (‘l-fllpletf‘ Once you have checked p me of drlvmg is to 8''?“ _l’5’°f¢¢“!"~ 3“? Md '‘‘‘’_’'‘’'3' :5; mi“! f th and “ed be: line of Overland parts and can offer ~ its economical gasoline: drive I Better Buick. We 5 P<‘ff°l'm¢'d "G "7 W‘ "““‘3’ Fm’ {or come ,°fi°, ‘£1 ." t‘° _ c best service on Overland cars ‘ ' consurnptionapinstyourl haveone waitingfos-your I ;. thoushtful _¢-eds he performs e\'- to be . "3 ‘°“‘. °'; " “"’°“"‘ in town. As dealers here for the For . . Q-1.,-ad,’ cg;-5_. ~ tdephmean I‘ eryday—,-hehad given someone llap- fiends _":::’;:“-‘:2 ,l‘3im:”°. ‘peed Chrysler car we keep a complete % . pint-nn, _ ‘ o C “.hl‘“. the habffduhen Se “mug. line of parts to give Chrysler own- Expert BUICK MOTOR COMPANY. FLINT, MICHIGAN 5 .1“ ‘l""" “ um’ 3"” ' the last word in necktie: seems more °r;3E)“(§Nbé.8t()3l‘U:¢e3I-‘;»mAU1.0 CO . _) Dwwan 0, Gama mu" cwfiomdm °"' like IIGCFY Of 3801!)’. wolteitff EVE-g S. St. . .‘.'dsk r M‘‘"sa ‘’ It , “I l I “"18 luneo ‘ . . 2-rvasufioadstar 81123 Inadsar - SXZSO 7-passtfiadaa - Slob! ls ra er common anion}! Deop c A man was arrested for sleeping‘ Two Chen.o}e..Tom.in: can “ Repalmng . . Z 3:? SoOas.Tolrh¢ . I195 Sons. 1 who are arrested to lay the blame on in 5 chimgo fl,uu,_ ‘nd we think each Mi”°m_i‘Mot°r Co ' H _ S-pass. Zdoorse-daa nos ‘‘’‘'‘'’'‘‘°‘’'‘‘‘'‘‘‘ ‘’°’ ’1""'- "°“""“°5 ' the law-enforcement officer's desire we have seen the same show.~3 ' ' ' ""“*5"°" 7°'é‘:“" A for his commiulom . Such an Ic¢u- Gmnsboro Record. 5 > or -~ - ~> -- ~ ‘ AllavicesI.o.LBoddl¢aoy1g.| .....= '.,.'..,,,.,_' '7” . sstion cannot be made in Columbia. if th;:ts""keep 0; ctztting gasoline; mum" now 56 32.70 .‘ .: ’ ' = ' * o ' Batrolmen receive no commission for FY1093. soon eaper to keep‘ ' ' ' ' ' ° ° ’ ' . — ‘ Ms W W rid - -m*-*“ "3312? #2:: .‘.°..":: ; *’;"“"‘ ...o.."".;;;.;".;;.;.;".;.;.;'°““‘ "*5 ALTON AUTOMOBILE’ 00 E BOONE COUNTY NATIONAL ‘wry by city. V "" - 1'! 0119. , I’ . 1 ‘_. . . .,m8__"m of .m_ing policemen , I 5, ................ ":32. We Call for and I C"°"""°,‘mB“” ‘é';mM“""°“ BANK 13 the llneal descendant of the Iib ‘ um nu m .~. Int AND 01' Mmsoum I ..................... .. 1.30 Deliver . _ _ _ ~ , ,2 die fist l3ellc:emlT|;?V:: A ' .. .. .. . . . l :’:t.m300ne County coal, 20¢} I ("HEN slzrrea aurouosui; ans auusr. BUICK wsu. noun nllzu Banklng Houste of Prevntt & Pnce eStab' Iflflttd I10 fl"0lIfld t0 \ Enrollment of ujg Nofthg Q n' -l - . L vi ‘ ‘ ' ‘A - V ' ' . ‘ cgmpmn fin‘ hg fig [ping 5g:3fi..gt‘m Tea¢hfl.' Cones‘: :“:;‘u::-in":)nd‘d wood’ ~- -~ ~—~—v --- -- -- ——-——— — ~- -. — _. - -. -.s.e—.— ’* “ ~-*" '‘ “ o ’ 1 zaaely for the-money the officer will; year has eseeeded all previous rec-1 ’ _ ‘ 7 . - getout of it. ‘Then. too. ithas long was Monday the enrollment stood~ Slnarr.& Richards ERILS OF WAR and changes in bank- recognised among polia forces at 687 and it is expected before the. 207 N. Eighth St. Phone .1379 V t certain unintentional offenses. q°”"~" °"d"u’° Wm”? Win “"113 -. especially those ‘violating traffic F0 735- i —~ - ~~ e e t -— n ‘ n0t be A tegnpog-‘ry 03-“nil.‘_ion has i too severely. Instructions to ‘police- been perfected which probably will} Tin gm] Fm-mag Work’ men having to do with such viola- lead to formation of a Southeast; this are more likely to be observed ‘"8900?! Real Estate Dealers Asso-f ' C, W_ VANA'['[‘A ing laws necessitated its change in char- ter and name. ' A N 1863 it operated ‘ under, national‘ A Tothe Student’s Store To M. U. Boys ‘ . '1g,‘.u,, ya, of an-‘ht 1- elation. W. R. Anderson of Gideon’ . ’ _ nrylnlh nl. ...‘.".......2.. isgivenstlle :::ul_;amed -3 crane tem-3 705 Chem’ Street charter number 67 whlch. was the first o'!6ce:_&- » ~ . ' ' Ofglfllll OR. 5 . . ' . ‘ S ' Ph°”° 147‘ natlonal bank established in Missouri . Martin ' ‘ .’ ~ rol.l.s AND rs-rrlcoals in, mm Gf,;,'§;;':°;,§‘:_°’2,,,2,';”ff, Guarantee first-class work Bee of file advantages of woman tered a claim‘ to having the biggest; at reasonable primes. urtrogo iathat the wife canremind pumpkin in Chi! district. He no; Repair work of all kinds. - the flugngud chug it in fine to gang. peared at the office of the Southeast - and the third national bank established west of the Mississippi River. 7 N" ‘°’ u'°'°1°°u°”‘ 3“ ll" ”"’-" :“‘u':::;-m ’.}:5?peiGi-nrdew wiml -..... --. _-- _-. .~._.;. -,-,., Gflk K -t Ti I fled E ' e . WWW" W“ °‘ W .P""*‘°¢° " - “ “ ‘_.___"° ”’*“~___"’8 "°‘"""'f " “' ‘S’ mm M. T THIS TIME the Civil War was at its FOR SALE. _ ~ 1'! the sbvernmut tandem Wm! sars JOAN or ARC was . vb-t -one ll-mm call by lune usolun or ms srllurs tats. and are -shoulder to“ shoulder 5"_*"“"" 0”" °°!'° Dec‘-M‘ plum M ‘mm.’ W "- . for laws specially for "“"°' .""°""" “" "“‘°"‘ __ l r I V ' l 0' m“a:dn;I~ent lnto Tnnces. Ag pngngghgugwggfiuugfghgg ?ARlS——Joan of Arc w“ “uh. with beautiful shade trees. gm“ “eh” my into an N‘, questionably a lnedium and a very; Remember University? Avenue A ‘s boohs apparently through the Kt“: °"°~" ‘°‘~'°"dm8 to Sir Arthur’ is one of best streets in our uenoc of the women. And when Cofiurpo °‘ . * ‘ Ell)’. -‘hey rem’ hit that “ride in pon__ ere for the International (‘on- 30”“ ‘re modem 5_mom 51 value. 79¢ , — ' lish Broadcloth 3'; Shi"‘3° 51-79 x height and on the day of the massacre 1* E; at Céntralia a block house was built on S Broadway facing the bank. For protec- tion the bank was changed to a state charter which required less reserve to 1:0 kept in its vaults. ' .~ ‘N 1371. the bank ‘was changed back to nationalsystem under. the name of . ‘Boone County National Bank which ‘has » continued to this day. . HROUGH ITS ENTIRE IfiIIST(.)RY.of qarer half a. century this bank has never closed its doors or failed to protect its depositors-—-a. fact full of significance to eted. ' . Loatl U ' it . W‘ m"" ’ A'°' ~,-- Let this store be your downtown home H31.‘ the big values in New Fall Clothes I Young Men's New Fall Sweaters I Slop-in Sweaters (a riot of colors) $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 p f . . . . ties. there is; no telling what will be mid sth‘: ' lJS:l'l:dtu;ll:?s. lg" , ‘"5 T59" " ’ “f'°‘"°d (hm? L5‘ tlltive interview there could no "' b"°'”""’° ""“F“ .'“P""3‘ ‘l’“'°“‘""¥ louse! be any doubt that the “Maid, N priced — retain theigcidnnahip irrespective of_'0rlean_a" had astonishing ability 3500 to 31000 cheaper than O! the nationality of their husbands. in this realm. ' any similar house in town. file sheppardsteuner Law is 13¢. ‘.“She had 8Dells;_slI¢ lug! visions;_ Terms. small cash payment." . .flu°dm.°cm.e dd-mmgh meg”, she heard mystehous voices," de- . balance paying "u-nt_ tznnlent for mothers and newj-barn °“.'°d 3'' A"h.""' 3?“ "'°’“ "110: CALL 2306 R8!) or see . . trance: and sh: came out of them: 3.,” ml flu“ 4?," 1') A‘ «— ‘Wolnon helPedtaoulaltc’3>erntanent'~ :_,‘."“""°’ “W” ‘null’ ld'~'“3' ' ' ’th'e ,Womea‘s Bureau of the United ~v-~--- Sweatcr Coat Styles. $2.95 . Young Men's New‘ Fall Pants New [light Colors and Powder Blue $4.95 $5.95 86.9; New Fall_0xfords-7-New Tan and Black _. $3.95 $4.95 35.95 ""°'-.’%..‘°":.".‘.‘.".‘.':... .5-"a ‘ Every Student Should "Carry ' 2 movement to procure unend- .. _ ‘ . ' . V , °~:’t’.‘:““.:‘:"..':‘.::’f:’:..‘: ‘ . Iglfitilnsurance Young Men's Yellow Stickers The idea] wet weather coat—$l.95 “Tl .ao¢.aooi'n $:c.ml:l'l.-C: are pmllokiln your 50¢ ‘Mews ; 3 7 everyone who has or intends to open a . ‘ ‘ m V ‘ > _ ‘V . V V - .‘. . . . ' _ . at in ' pm” gm; bank account. ‘ nouucltj . . ;_ p’ "'1 t*se-‘-'-*'T-"°"t-?-‘cur%'s«-é- '. Equitablbfsj * Contract “°“°"”* 39° l." §‘Elllott B£BdIarr,1llo "t" Y"? 9“ g¢.i'°.‘}¢}!_ 9 flflfhlflt your schoolwork. ~ ‘I. B. JASON . over $2,000,000- 1 S « V. C A v _ _. , IV. '«u . A . ‘~,: A ~ .a: 1' sum; < 6' -1‘ '-.. .,L. zslanne L . ' . . I ' . ' * Y no u. . o‘ .‘ ' .5 °‘ ._ '. ,9, _ . . . ..~cp..§oco - s 0 ' $"' * " 4 r ' as" 3 C I. ‘r 5 . - 5 ‘— .» .~‘,'~ .'. ' ‘ .. ' ‘ on F - --».-..~ :22 -.~—.g- - . .~ . . . V . . .- . . - . . l. = . .. .. .» - - .. - . .- -- a&~- . -r . - . .. . .- . _ . - . . . _ ; ., . -- - ~ - ,- - ..- . ..- «. , ‘pa.’ h_.“kn¢_‘-fl H J M o. .. 4..-1'“ " ‘ - * ._ .«4$_a-_.- 1 _. .\ ~ ~ _ ;' ,‘...a;.4 .,&)‘_:¢-g__§*1_ .__;_‘:r_ fig ‘‘ .V ' ._‘ _ . . _‘ N. . . .. . .7 , v 7 , - _-._ -'; ~ -~,. 7 _ ._-. _ - 5 7 _ _- 7‘ _ ‘ Q g_ k - -,,....3.;_._ - . . . . . ,.._a_~_ «_,—.~.. .- . . Ar 4' .‘ ._#>‘ e so 0 . ‘ - ° . t T _ .. .. -.,--. -.._.,, ._,, -___ .,_____._ g ___._._, __ ( / I \V K ‘i’ I .' ‘ r