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Timnsn Y. rs1~:1rr1:1181.:1: 17. 1926 it p I » OF ’a_nd at The ‘I/'ngi1aersilJ' of . A % ~ “““g -0FT[{EN()'R']‘H. Mzssourzfor the Second Semester, 1 , ‘ _ . s. 2 . Member of Macllillan EL ‘ "25_ - . . . ' ' " ’ ' ‘rlacveragesha bee potedbyauigtf tothegrade!-Zlex-l _ ‘ pedftlon Gura Side. cellentl the number 4'00. toatl:-‘grade S-(uperi1:f800. to the I ‘ lnghts 011.014 M80 (u1edi11111)Z)0.tothegradeI(tnferior) 100.andt1othe¢1'IdeF(fa1l111-elo.‘ of Etah. rluralgnmns . ’ 1-1.88-. 24-25 1 4 _L11"as 114 11 R0814‘ Iowa ‘9 Akkomidingwa Is One of .« ' ' Biggest Eaters Found . During ‘ Arctic Exploration. 71.11 is the talrixt Axkousdinmu. ea. i ’ 11...;-«.2.-1.a.«.t:r:.r«. 1-«.8 8:211!-«.11-a.rv AlphaGa1nn1aRl1o80 234 1 285 235 7.5 31.0 50.4 10.5 E siz1na.\'u ...... ..22228221521901.125.250.3114 3 218 222 8.7 27.4 46.5 15.2 . 6 218 218 9.3 n? 520- 10.9 Sigma Phi Epsilon 24 221’ 31 184 202 6.5 21.0 59.7 10.3 Sigma Chi. . . . . . .. 24 219 13 193 20610.2 23.6 45.8 15.8 Farm Honae......3l 216 15 190 203 7.8 22.0 58.3 14.0 3.45 Zeta Beta Tau... 16 2138 8 £17 210 7.5 16.1 60.4 14.1 o1411.no111.e11on11,oueeam1g111,- Acacia ......... .. 22 211 4 218 215_ 4.9 22.9 51.0 21.2,'.1.a nomalnightyeuterand Kappa Alpha..... 19 208 1': 188 197 3.6 24.4 48.4 238 pa1rian:ho1Et.ah.aatoldby 11.,-- 11. Sigma Phi Sirma. 1o 20': 18 188 188 4.3 18.0 84.0 81 n‘ardOwe11\\r'1'1lianuoftheVl!adlil- 12. Delta Tau Delta.. 20 207 7 211 209 6.0 15.2 60.8 16.3 184 11.0 fiswvmerewr 3.“ ‘"15: };,,,,dmo,, ‘mg (org-grd- 13. Phi Kappa P111... 24 206 12 197 . . ,4 by ugh, mum" 13.; um, 1!. Pi Kappa Alpha. 30 205 21 .178 192 3.2 18.3 60.4 " .13’; ‘ 192 . : 185 ‘ tihrouh ‘he .35" u the ~&k§mo, lo. Triangle . . . . . . . .. 26 ‘ call it, to the National Gatgraphic If “P” 533"“---~ 32 - v Society at Washington, 11. P111 Gamma Delta 30 202 ' . 11,,..,. "410 open“, -1, 18. Lambda Pi Eps.. 19 201 nu,“ ‘beam '” A_ 19. Alpha Tau Omega 22 196 etc.‘ 0‘ ‘uuon l ARE. ‘t 20. Ikkfl Theta. . Ian ‘J. _ 21. De 88 84 2.4 15 . I i A p ,. ,,Auhw‘hM.ho"ummm 22. 1'11: Kappa ..... .; 9 178 10 204 191 3.0 7.5 552 32.8 15 ‘ _, . . . , - ’ V ' northerly settlement in the world. _ s’0lt0|u'l13sp ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘- ‘ latlon is unstable," the 8 1:1. Sen. 24-25 , .; 3:uuME N >0 1 5?’... 3 he i 3 C '3 X C" -3 U3 I-Stab’: popu message an . Aver. ~' ‘ . . C 4-c1.Aver. flank Aver. for Yr. Pet. I2 Prt. 8 Pet. I Prt.1l'ct. 7,‘ ."I'up1k and 1xloo, summer tent and 1 mg 235 . ,1 . 104 44.8 409 59 .. """'“""°°""°"'°-‘""°"“"">'."" 58 2 258 25815.3 311 48.7 6.7 . °"-' 17* 5""'”°- .1».-111. Gamma .... .. 26 254 9 227 24215.8 32.9 41.8 9.9 the same locati - ‘ 1'. stili a hutxtcnmovea his dwellingto ‘ “pm Chi Omen. 2‘ 25‘ " g ‘ . g V . ~ 232 238 8.1 28.7 60.5 2.6 . . I " . 261 252 9.4 31.0 58.1 3.5 4 1/ ts r . 1,‘ 219 225 7:4 272 579 49 2.81 . 5 . . . : 9 , 4 l " ,' 1 2 3 4 ~ seaorhillaccordingtowhetherheia 5_c‘mm‘ Plug?“ 30 2“ manning the‘ savage‘ walrus or 6 . " 7 is 9 228 3.8 31.0 545 9.7 9? , ‘ ,' 219 220 3.8 28.5 53.8139 2; * ' 8 ‘.2 . 11 . Kappa Alpha Theta 4 262 . Chi Ome . . . . . . . . 30 2 scan-hing his stone ortuetal trap: {or 11111 foxes or other game. Sum- mer or 'Iter there are likely to be ~.l-I1sl1i1'11o settlemenu at Anoritok and ' 1 - own new r-nu-r mu». ifi’: fl’.’i“‘1~.’.”".'.;.;.‘.':.‘: 3’ . 5* “¢'P°‘ 5! W8*'-'*i°t- 12. P1’ Beta Phi . . . . . .. 221 ' ' “The dean of Bull society, by liv- 13. Alpha Cam. Delta 27 221 ingthclyearronndinarock igloo :1 14. Alpha Delta 91.... 21 200 8 229 214 8 6.3 5491. 35; the Eat: Harbor. oo11111'r'n:r: on sruosxr ACTIVITIES. ‘Boo111e1rn11g. enables Etch to 1nain- Alb"-1 1(_ Heck], ch31,-,§,.n_ ‘ I tain its reputation. When there was . 2 — work to he done in uaesahlinx the "“'”““ " “ “ '"*“‘”‘ “"8" ' planeai this old Eskimo 4:5 {or ’ hiuuel a convenient viewpoint and ' his heavy labor to over- -33‘ 3'.“ =9: '5'? is 313 851° NWO §cs=3cn:c.1--1e- o to 3? :3 '3 3‘? C03 CI 0‘ S‘ M -4 § 3 b N S S 1'21 be to ea lo -4 5 i; F amons Style Authority on 2 College Clothes is now at _ — ...._..--_—¢a....—. 1 seeing the job of paring a new back .’ -;_¢o‘f_§: our store with a very excep- » tional Special Showing of 0°’ 11ei:°.aend helpmate a 17- -0111 311-1 W . 1 hi, _ . - 1. .9 . . - ~11. an eater,’ Akkomiaingn 1. 3' * 8 - 3 without a peer among the Smith‘ " g . ‘ ‘ ” ” ‘ A Sonndfiekiznosandlutaaaregular i‘~ - ' .2_-A ./A w1thh1an1ealaaethereare1nea1a 2 ‘ . .‘ ' _ Nnuialtxve by natntc. hla stomach, Q n . ‘ '1 1 . sun of operations, -. - k 0 1 ‘ ‘°°k1'1iml°1r1 L‘ 11 11 ‘ : ‘ . an r o . . . __ 1 in new IN gates! ybvrgerf 3:1 ; ' Kiddies Thrive On ' l ‘ '2 v I b¢¢'1ra_r'a1non¢ a people whose way 3 . ’ . 2 . ‘ p _' , ="~‘"**=‘=='=‘~“‘»“’°*?»==“’«‘-'*‘»‘=°”‘ Central DairyMi|k ‘ S 1t (1 0V ‘ 8- -= - u s an ercoa s 8 1 ' ;'.'.'.': :‘.:‘::':.I;'.’.°..::..'::‘i‘:.'.‘.':'.‘:.‘: . 1 1 "' 2 ‘ any 0 e ea iest i ren in ° areeaxer to share their own an 1-.’ M f th h lth ch ~. T has Sense of 111130; 1 . _: : ‘j ‘ any of his Jnniou ia.u4l“h:iae?rre:l been brought up on l o o. -' -=-= or ~=--°r~ 111- he-1 not on» '3 ‘ ° ~ ' is Speclall deslgned for COLLEGE ‘ aervea his feet and his stomach. but our de efidable rteo d - 31 1 y I ‘ zntalnsacx-altineaalhatben ready 1 Sta 1) t ldcou us nlyers 7: - A - ' “ t, 1 , : place at the disposal or an w1 p a your oor e same our , n exce 1 n 5' . ,{1'l.f.”.‘.':"..1....""‘“ ' Y.“.‘..‘1’.'1.".‘..'Z§'.‘.,‘:’f: ; every morning. 1 \ _ ° p 0 a 2 Opportun - 1 ‘11eadbearintthe"iatl1'_=' 7.: . 0 o 1 m;$.£..m.‘::fi ..‘:. ....':: ; . 1 , 5. - . '1ty to learn what 1s worn 1n the 1 1 -11¢ eoneetved a real friendship ., ‘ C ,. " . ‘#7 1 V ’ _;;rg;-,g:,-,j*::;,* ,<,}>r,~;;,<;, y g large C011egeS CV31 3’ Wh€I'€- J = ' ‘°“*°°." :.:'.:‘.°:: .'.:.°‘'.''..:.‘’' ‘ 1 1 : i Mtonr . soage g» 2 I PHONE 1300 1; Th - N ' » .- - I . ‘ = ‘W 2*“ '1-— as ew eczal Servzc 1 * I which he ohettnfiuly refused any 1:. H - A_‘ M’ V i J ‘ b e _ . — ~ 1 ‘-1. ::=.'=..*:°.:*.:.,....-*'°~.°:.:’...‘--1*-**...:-:'..: . . 2 .1 ~ 8 1 ‘ 1 he has never detected a ' .3 . _Z '.”..‘."' . 3' ' """'&%;'§"’.$"‘£’.‘1‘;1.‘i-"“""s1'Z‘..?"5..°" Com,-n 1,-, " 11 oo p a a t ;.: . . .‘:;".',;.”;.':.:°.'..:°;..':':,:*.;".::=,.,*;}-.;*,: 3 1 1; 1s extended to College Men and ‘' Arctnc. Altkomidlngva I : j: ' . . - . , .‘;':.".'.’°.:.:°..':.':.°*‘..:.‘..‘..“°.:.:".'::’..:'.:’f . — 3 others 1n Columb1a for thelr con- 8"'"':.°:.°':.':.:.'.."."'°; Going Out : - In ' i . 3 ’ = .. ...‘:'.......... ..... .2; .:., ...:: - vemence and approval. Meet Mr. n:eek;¢ag‘i11. A W“ h I ; Oftglflf tgarasef akrrild 1.-epah}-‘ shop. you have the 1 7 A. _ ‘I P Iv, eou1uu- 3 an ac Ion 0 t t ’ - - . . .... ..... .‘“"‘°........... .. ....... 0, ,,,, .,,,.,,, ,,,,,,,,,,:;;f''.':,';.,,, 2* 1"" *8 . Marquardt. See the new College the cruel 11orth‘..8e is getting 0141. ~ A" ‘and f . : ’- _ Shows I. tonight. 1; ' 8 o repairs and ‘adjustments made 0 4 ...... ............... ms» ; pmmpuy by ....;......\..... 1...... their .....;..... 1 Styles 1n « Soclety Brand Clothes. - l'“°“°.° 5”” :1M.::)“.&¢t‘:M ; a1;_ot11erhth1ng th t pleases our customer: ‘ - ' ' ‘ "_"°“'¢' _- .18 e acttatyourcarwillberead tth .3 _‘;:£}_.“§4?‘sT.P§:*§:1,‘?;;_f:;; b2°v~"s{;:A ”’ ° 3 1 er ;» ' : ; {:3 ‘"1 ‘Tm °°°*":g; 3 REPAIl(t;1§lG '' ‘:7 . 1114 rock 131110. awluulfy 111. GREASING . * youthtnlnauuathceaortul 1.5.1. 5: ACCESSORIES . - . . ‘ . 5 1m1nee11Iwl1icl1t:o111_111are11oten- ‘ wmc ‘ 7' .1 . ' "'°" “$33 1'§."i‘74'.,'i.‘.'1.". 2 4 81181.1. casounm 8‘: % \ maueuwmm; MOBILE 011.3 and K p« manna ._ ‘ _ 33311333 3 3 _ J .. 8 ,,“;;:°f"°_‘;c; : pg 1IEhLY. and 888811111 718118 ‘ , was not nexacluanca champ. - ‘ C _ '-***“'-=....w..*°.....'*~"°* NEE ’ ‘ o - . ' ' tr1u1c11i111tIIeacto1“eati11g.:'l‘lIItp:a I‘ 9 3"“ : ‘ ‘ Afiolnflngwn. ' > ' . _ . , ‘ ‘ A ’ I . 2 11ulot¢Iinc¢.it ;‘.“'°°°353 ‘ . l5N.'7t118t. g _ 1-tBla_Ieaderwit11- 1 _ .l' - * . _. ._ I _‘ ‘lg 3 ‘W’ L-g‘-:o'~..;'*N. v 4‘ _ . 1 :1 ‘ ‘ 4" ‘I: H '- ~ "E H .1 A. ' l . 1 x 4 . l ’ ~..3- 1