~r~.~*‘~'-r "'3 “ I l ‘.- . . '--‘A.’'v-}r". . v. _ ’.‘_)-Q,""-'a|"”_a 1':.1‘.,"".""' . ,':r: H * ..-.. ‘r. -: .3. ‘is- .-.'\\.4“'¢ :1 1 ‘l ‘ if " -.\' N ‘ .. . , - , , h L 2..- " I‘ I‘ 5-‘; a_¢_‘ ‘ ‘4gaaliaiIdnel«lte4laeaealooau- locus 1ov,ri.Ar,_roo1-sang.’ g _, aslnsle A‘ la,“ up.“ C u . flu E it - ' ' . TULANEOCT1'“ '‘‘‘'’'“'''''‘''“‘''° ‘ - ‘ GE5 .‘:grg_-_em.»e.-R-_-; 3“ 635;: R U - 1,-.=°*-d,__rIg'-I Néhmhi 11-» r. . I ,' ' ‘ *. - . , I , - ________ ‘ Q DESPITE I{AIN§8'°*°"*°°**‘-**=*°°"‘*°"'*f.Missouri Party to 5 M V ll‘ . _. . , crancftllefiutwater. ills-PC8098,’ , ifleargbfootballsqua turnedout _..} ‘ 3 Shown City and ‘for practice. Henry r. Schulte. Cold Drizzle and Coaclli ""' I ‘ """‘ ' " Banqueted. °°'°"- “"° ““ "°"‘ ‘°' - ~ -dnrinsthewufinso: 2 Loelre-to . Last, Henry G!“ T8833‘ ' ,5 -no-.;'*'I=-‘am. " st. Louis alumni ofthe uni-enny-"°"' "'°*~’l*,” to‘ lanes: in- Wcrkout Against . «yin on polish his rneainnen ale are any nmnsiur so to the-'P""**°¢ "”'“¥- -.""‘ P°P“l'“’ 4°‘ * "7 - ntaad to 5 ll ‘tha . , ’ great of the week reparation for lfilssouri-Tulane game. in New 0r- T0118 1. ' ‘ #3..-aw-..:.'.*:.*# r.:'-.:.;'*.:'.. re. 3» -~e:.'.::;.°~ :: --—-— A l y,, . y ya V ve' rew , lrector o a , w c - ' . KEWPIES a ‘ ._ v_ A .-.........._....,... ._ .. _ . _ v mo muoeuoouocuuanuaec-o-anaemic" . U 0 O.DCtCt$}§?'V $13 FGUV O I I»g.-¢g.‘.,g,..9¢Q. qgfey-..’....Qg.. ' ' ‘ ’ . .-1‘-. . ' ‘ 1-— . _....- vww .C “ < ' ‘ I I‘ ,, a so-accused. 4-350-aeo an a I I. ,,. s- _ - ev-.~..; ll. -». _.. .. , .:. ,-‘,.,.:, _‘ a -3 , l,,~ . e . . &. ,‘ ' . -- -,\-_- -pa-WU "fia"\':":_P..‘1§'O'_- , - _ < . A -. ' 1; V~_-;.__.,A.v,,f,__.I,,,‘g'.'_,,‘ ,,:_- _..“,‘_:w.1,n__,‘_ ye. .av\-a..-vs‘-.a~ \ wages.» . "In . .,.-.‘a.....»;-e1.-... .-D‘-. a-nu--«aqua.-aaaqlon neat q-e--.4»-were-1,-r.-cs-v9*r-4. . . ‘ . _ a 4 ’ h ' '. . . . " a‘ “ " ;.l-'~ ‘ ‘chance on injuries which might keep: _ well Gymnasium. been offering opposition to the Ti- was in St. Louis fitzmday to at- " so many as that they; tend the luncheon «if the Missouri ficarlcely had time to develop Alumni Association . A ma. Several pullmans have already 9! been reserved by the St. Louis alum- Blo .IMl’ROVELfEN_'I‘ SEEN mocking and; m Tackling, S Passing Given Special‘ 3 “Jack” Craligle, line coach , Attelll‘.lOl'l at Drill .;°"."" :'£:°i:k:3:‘°n;":“ t-xi: m. At least twenty-five members - fmi‘uu‘m' Mk‘ ‘V’ known Cum of the alumni association in St. . .- . y‘ ' 7 ' ' Louis. as well as a like number from lgle A cold rain fallinlr all durinz the? no V“ .' mr funmk “ we mi-‘ "'"“' C‘¥>'- ‘" P“""‘“¢ ‘° “'‘° , school'for four years and later. th i f .1‘ , practice hours made the llissourii played a season witlrthe Chicago, H. "m "5' _ football squad keep moving at ‘top cardinals, reputed to be one of the The football ems! W111 1eave.Co- terday as ‘Coach Gwinnl best professional teams in the Unit-' “ml ‘‘ 9"’ _w‘b“h “ 9 °'°l°°“ - Henry put -his charges through a -.ed States.‘ ' ‘ ‘ £Tl‘“”d‘)' §”°"‘"'8- 0°‘ 1- “'5” lo ' drill’ at blockin . tacklin and ----— ch:‘,.‘;ng_ nice idea .“.m,‘um._, Reports from Nebraska that Bo St. Louis 'thc_par°.y will board pull- ‘, minute, of h‘rd mm“ land Locke, Husker. spirit star. will mans that will carry them directly ‘aim 9,, {,¢,},,',‘,,,,_ ' , be in a football uniform again this to New Orleans. The “All Missou- jnu, 11,," ‘bowed mud, improVJ fall remind’ llissouriarls of the rian" train will be composed of four men: We, lat week in .11 d,pu.t-l value of a speedy man'_l'n the back-. pullmzms. two diners, and one bag- mem, of eh, '3,” and (hand field. With a tired lllssouri team. lzage car. The round-trip fare‘ from ghmugh 31,, {;,-,g.,-..,, squat go, "3 fighting for victory in the last quar-' Columbiuto New Orleans is $32.62. pawl 10,,‘ him and ,,_.‘.fl.,,1 touch, ’ 3: of the game at Lincoln last year-_. and pullman fare will be about $10 damn, . . ‘ coach put Locke into, additional. co“), }{,m-}.; 53114;” P 5,3,, 1119 ll!!!-“P .0-Dd his 3P¢°d Clffle . Arriving in New Orleans at noon machine to take :0 New fa‘: 15°‘? t° .‘ ‘"°"°r-"' liehre the T'“”' l,'‘’'5‘l‘>' “'19 ”“f’“.b¢“ ‘ll the ‘am 35¢ 1\;1u,¢ Univ“-31¢, mm, 0,, Oct‘ Nlllfld 508! Wllll It “'38 I" 85001-; will ‘go immediately to the Tulane 3; ring ig u'- "pic, V1,", “id —"""“"-“’ ; Stadium where they will take a light he would do .11 {,1} ",5 th‘t 5, W I I S gworkout. The other members of the .Ir’hat the southern schoo cts in 7 31' ' “’m be ‘3l'°‘"l 9" hllloflc 9 m,,.u.‘ . ;spot.s of the city as the guests of Al , , . the president of Tulane University. In game, :0, 1,3, 5.31,, '; Gov. Whitfielx and trllle c Inner of . _ _\'e shown plenty of ability to " ' I‘ Commerce o New 0 cans. skirt the grids and plow through c _Cr0wd ' Expected 2 Friday night Missouri alumni will “C3398 Ind at‘ Mlssouri-Kansas entertain the team and Missouri par- ‘ dinner at the new Roosevelt Game, Nov 21 : }§0;‘,“ A , — . . - ' ' ; . peclal training menu will . _ r“my m°““"d p°"°"” will 1; morning for - mi and backs were separated and “"° ‘° .‘°‘ 5”“ ‘°’ "‘° ‘.'“'“ ithe Missourians and alumni living Q“hthe'c°‘c}*‘ zivifig cu}, mm in, homeconunggalne between hansas “flan! l“‘"'“¢5°D‘ they Pflctiotd ‘ad "law" “ uwnnm Ehubhgf also Planned to take the visitors on bah‘ ‘ml b]°°k‘ while m°"l118 It ‘£_hisB‘nn°°"$mc?t V‘; "aft. y {I an auto tour of the cit)‘. gpeedr 11,, fo,“,3 em rewer. _rcc or o a c ics a . - ' . liven special instruction in opening’ lb’ U”i'°"'‘y' ‘"3 vsaum-1" my“ at" the sum the 1.. I , f m tri t . , e. A . _ ’°' “ wk“ “d ‘um’ A "2 wtltl’ich’.tiinep heoandwgr. William cm; "*0"! 0'90“ -"ll SPIN-h «tins best beta for the cklc C had 1 14°55 and “T08 9“! bl" KM!!! New ‘ with Barnbardt a close rival. Hol- was then sent for a squad of Goa I-"aurot’s red-jcrseyed tresllmen.’_ ‘one A Starting with I-‘lammanck. Clark.' g‘_r':lte‘l1l:i aéidmiflilmpson in the ones.‘ “T”: . center, lflllgan Ind Welker. lrnsrds. studebakln» and '*"°““ c°‘H.rR‘¢hSU°.nee:::l¢t;»e .v.nity “flied ;i:‘t;.t: the Itldb§::l|b€;.mDleted.J’nltj_?‘ morning. -5 _ flaw“! 5-43 "ml! to’ 3:3;-m ,,,_,,,"“'-,.u,",,,,’ ,m,°°,~,_ ,,,'°“‘e ,mm,,:,.= M. v.-nj..u. Indoor sl‘ee;,-sen ls. “duel to he received here for distribution; C- L- B"¢“'°"~ dl?¢¢'~°1’ 0’ lthltllfl l among the students and alumni will,’ 0‘ the U'Ii\.'*-'l‘8llYa lnnofinced ‘I _ Allen, Kansas athletic director, . I Wu. ‘he “diam ‘ad gut; Orleans the name of the “Parts of ya" no ui”om.i.M were? Saturday at midnight the entire , "3 ac - in St. Louis shortly after noon. At rtherc. New Orleans residents have; only sooo act.“ for _u.,* party _will board the trsin to Irriveg The schedule for this season gives ‘M Bud,“ ‘nag homeeomh-3 gun,“ but Wm, the m.,.\back ' in Columbia early Monday TO HARDWORK Scrimmage Practice Held ' Monday—Forty Out”; . for Team. ‘ l Monday afternoon, Captain Jlmniia Turner led his men into the-fie‘:-‘st I o . to the practice has been limited to printing and drill in the rudiments of the game. on I five of the forty aspirants for berths 5 on the Kewpie gridiron squad are i letter men. With the loss of six of E 8 men : spring. coach Clinton Stewart i 8 o ',faced with the problem of building; .z.:,::;:-I: i from virtually raw material a team ,that will be able to hold up'the ; Kewpic record for the last {DIV l years. The hardest games of the season will be fought away from home. ‘'with Sedalia, Fulton. and -Kirk» . ville. The first gamcof the season will be-with the Boonville eleven 'bere. October 2. _Thc lineup for this game has not been definitely 3 decided, but it is likely that Captain - Turner will lead his men from his ‘old position at half back. Charles lTurner seems likely to‘ occupy the lather half . back position. Mus- ! graves and Gilbert will likely round - A " Wlt Outrforg Pacific Is ‘United Pro-a. A SAN FRANCf800.—1‘hree stront _ versities are about res A cede l ' " varsity, including “Babe” Harrell. 5 out the backfield quartet. Edwards , will probably axain occupy the po- I silica in the center of the line. The l ing aspirants for the gtia ' berths are Crane and Balsamoq - lis. another veteran from last year's squad. seems due to land one of the wing positions. the Kewpies their first game home with Boonvillc, Octo 2; October 9, Sedalia at Octo- ber 16. Missouri School for Db“ at Fulton; October fl. hfo ly«at Columbia: ‘October City at Columbia; November 6. Fill- a there they opened Plllllles and bucks through Richer; Rid! the 10,000 mark. 1 m°nllnK all‘ “If ' ' (lined consistent ground ' _____ _______ we -- aw ow we -e‘ *::'=* loll. ing big holes in the freshman for-7 crowded to capacity for the Tiger-} ton at Fulton; November 16. Mex- ico at Columbia; November 26. Kirksville at Kirksvillc. wand line and Grantello and clarkf Javh-wk club. but with the added! F°"- 13- were pivoting and dodging throughl seating facilities promised th " the secondary defense for from semi Kansas school the largest crowd ev- _ den to forty yards It a time‘. ' ‘I er to attendllthe annual game is . ._—..—- — ....-_ ._._.j.r ——. _ t nearly every‘ . sophomore candidate had a try at‘; VALLEY n;D:::x:E.Fnrl8 YEAR the freshmen, but the slick ground; the coach ; his veteran backs into the -1 Buildings of Kl the ? nun. Realizing that it Is the new‘ illeldle West. , ; "ml '50 M94 ‘he 11308! 1. is Accordin to a recent decision: 3 . annual MllIOl*l Valley indoor‘ o meet will bestaged -this year; in the new Drake field house that. '55! "P655594 Pllycrs but of the 3' is now well under construction. Thisf 9”“ '~ ‘ _:»: get haéi pmfiady been held in ““* . " ' nsas ty at nvention Hall. UPAND ' FIE“) j ‘The new Drake field house will ' . g DOWN THE 1 be one of the finest structures of -———— _____; .lU.k1lld in the -Middle West when! The lgeghmen ,5“, of‘ it is completed. It is c e h'¢k°d 1151‘; can in the scrimmage last nlgile.-51°: an entine football field and will. 19 lllltlltfltave been the weather crib‘ ""5 ‘ha! Duke turns for} . yneedalittl ti ,. _ eweatherisbad. . ° "'°" "“ :11». ceiling will be high I Grantello..freahm,en star last year,! allow punters and kickersentoolllgi-stegl in practice last night? tice inside. The meet this year will-j and for the first time} bethe fourth annu l ' th V 1-; made good use of his; ley. lflasouri has .sro(iln:i'i:,iN:hy:5-5 - _ _ . '; kl one, and tfio_ v ,: LEARN TO DANCE H soi.IsAY.rox.TRoT—sTEi>.oUT—lNTER. ANATI0NAL-WALK-—COLLEGIATE—TANGO_- FOX-TROT—MIDNIGHT-WALTZ_— CHARLESTON PRIVATE LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT CHARLESTON CLASSES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS AT ‘SEVEN MR S. JAMESON PHONE 2048 . n ‘ —- — ' ~ . ' V ' 75-5 ‘ ~ 7 9:3. -.v _ ‘,5 E .,,__ __s . , V. l. g . .. _ u, ‘_ cam Teams Will Fight Coast Honors. California teams will fight it out this year for Pacific Coast Confer- ence honors. Pacific northwest uni- Of the leaders. Stanford Univer- sity and the University of Califor- nia aeem the outstanding teams. just as they were last year. The ' Joseph Reilly of Georgetown will be had llnesmen. A University of Southern California.. with a_new coach and a change in.‘ playing tactics, ‘is so’far an un-' known quantity. E Andy Smith. canny. successful: coach, is again at the head of the! will face thel the great center of the Bruin team for the past few seasons. But asl things shape up now, the Bruins! will have this year one of their; are test backfields, with ‘lmlay.' Brown. Dixon, Griffin and Perrin? available. It is a team that dc-l cidedly must be reckoned with. The new Stanford team will have l only five veterans, but forecasters; say that it w be a better organi-I than the one with whichi Warner last year held call-l fornia to a tie. Ernie Nevcrs. Prod Swan. Ted Shipkey, Mitchell and Solomon are the vets around whom. a new team will grow. augmented. by sophomore stars from last year's victorious freshman team. ford's backfield willcombine great weight with muchspeed, and entire strategy. of the year seems likely to be built around a diversi- fied attack. something“ of which. Warner is a' master. The southern California institution . expects Stanford will be its tough- _ mentor, will eighteen experienced players nucleus ' tactics. the first September practice. Jones predicts that U. S. C. will at least win a majority of the thirteen‘ games on its schedule.‘ all except: one On the home gridiron. ; In the Northwest, Washington is; liven the edge by the dopestel-s.‘ Coach Enoch Bagshaw has a great’ ‘:1? backfield upon which to count, but' mm '-‘-—-——s.. njw-..4_i ‘-_... _. ..____,___ __ 3o_ ,,,,,,,,,,, Tin and Furnace Work C. W. VANATPA 705 Cherry Stlleet Phone 1474 _ Guarantee first-class work 9 at reasonable prices. Repair work of all kinds. 6 Lawn Grass Seed “Sow Now” -lings much chance to display of- the- on several plays that the Varsity . urday. ;kick-off past midfield every time. .On line plays Clark gained consis- tently off tackle, knifing his way ,1 pared‘-_to fill. all tend, eo_al and l -..-.._ 7 “Say It With Flower_s” V. -''.‘a-- ._‘- __,. _z»,..._. ‘r _ 53"‘. '. if. . ‘ \JW.“~‘\'_ '-. <2. ._.- " Ctr I; .r-.—— - .v—-v‘§' “7.b“K}"' ~57 ‘ . " -.‘ ~ ' . ‘;;v.. a e.- .- »s. Q . 1' _.._._r.... ._ .— . ‘\illl,lisvs't9' hill the ‘Bert Bpel - ‘i ‘ ‘GAME OFFICIALS 1-a——-—l—--s - Jda Grover Will fieleree for «Ills- -Kansans Officials for that 3' P’ ' footall game at Llavrrence Nov. 21 « were announced this morning L. Brewer, director John C. Grover as will act as referee, Clyde Williams of Iowa will umpire, B. L. Mccreery of Oklahoma will be field judge and The selection was made ‘at a con- ference -in Kansas City yesterday between Dr. William C. Allen. Kan- sas director, and Mr. Brewer. Satul-day's Scrilnmaae. Scrimmage was no fake affair Sat- urday. The Varsity and first-year teams gave everything they had in the way of hard line smashes and driving tackles. . Practice at dodging and shifting took up the early part of Saturday afternoon's practice before the freshman team was brought over for scrimmage. Coach -Henry changed his line-up after every touchdown the Varsity - registered. making about five changes in all. Nearly every likely candidate for a regular berth was given a trial. The Varsity didn't give the Year- fensive power. F'aurol's men couldn't connect with the “first down" sig- nals at all and the Varsity kept the ball most of the afternoon. The freshman forwards showed has some weak spots. Several times the linesmen brcke through _and nabbed a Varsity back *._bcfore "he had reached the line of scrimmage. And they were especially good at smothering the Tiger passer: before the ball could be thrown. Grantelle and Clark showed some peed in the Varsity backfield Sat- They were returning the past the freshman secondary de- fense after the Varsity line men had opened a gap for him in the line. Coaches predict that closed gates will shelter the Tigers for at leastl ——a- .1 4 ._ ._- NOTICE! To all our friends and cus- tomers-—We will be temporarily located across the street at 208 North Eighth street. and pre- ~wood5"orders. - All «parties who have placed coal orders with us please call us again, so we may rebaok your order. as our coal book was destroyed by fire. Host respectfully, Smart and Richards Q nertbisweek. A notintendto the. land they -—'llu¢.ir.llJcirlIiritlrinlrir-lrirJr.xxii . - BERNARD’S The Florists 919 Broadway __4.._. _ —§ctivity tickefi for _all foul-’ma.- sports went on sale today. I-'oot- _ letter men are selling them as; well as the business office at Both-i -5- .- .- ...—_. --._--. I ' 4 I I i fitlanc l5la;':.a practice game on‘ Saturda with is’ ’ ~ is ' southern school about as seriously; A Henry is considering the; . . . .._.._..._ S 1 day the second eleven men’ and many will continue continue to gatl ENGLISH P FRENCH GERMAN “pl . _ N'EwnndUSED i a.. l 4 _‘<- - ‘ ck new... 'a-.._ Ga’:-r age . In--6'1 ~.s.. . ‘o _. . ‘ “.~ u‘.,_-.‘ _‘ - ‘_.‘ ~_. ‘,' '_ ' '~ ‘ ' a ' 5- V ‘- I D‘ V‘, I _ x I‘ . ‘ -Ia‘. - -.. :- :.‘$O.'-.e (f ‘V. - ,. - ._ "'_ DIICTIONARIES *-*'""‘*"“-’”‘~"’—‘4'-‘S’-""~%“""*'?'°'~"t"'i“"”’ ‘f SPANISH . LATIN - ALL‘ Kinds of‘ Dictionaries 9 V I fj Opposite UniveI'sity_,Libr8'l"7_?.fj 1 -‘ . ,r‘o YES!/'l‘he Has Just FELLO WS! It wont do you any harm’ and we believe it will do you a whole lot windows tonight or come in tomorrow and see Gas Bag Arrived ' of good, to stop at our or try on our New Heavy Broad Toe, Gas -n'....- Blucher Oxford with is Tap Sale and Spring Heel in the new shade of Golden Glow Calf. We really a Dandy at ‘nlegllssourl mentors do 1‘ let anything in preparation of .that the plum‘: 1!] conmntrate ‘on their work more if ' there are no spectators on the side-5 Some strong offensive men have; graduated from the first-year teaml and they are being more thoroughly} ' developed for Varsity service. Flam-E 3"‘ manck. a -big fullback. has shown plenty of line-plunging ability and‘ a good long p His: throws lack accuracy, however. An- I other is Howse, whose punts arei looking good during the practice ses- - sions. . Cart. Wliiteman was back at his‘ old passing game and the Tigers were making long gains on his ac-; curate ‘heaves. Once, when the’ heavy freshman forwards broke, through on him. he dodged through a group of about three or four red jerseys, ran far to the side or the{ field, and ‘hurled zhc ball to Clark.; about thirty yards down the field.’ ‘ While the Vurs2:y short pass was working well, it was the long at- tempts which gained most‘ ground. Bacchus and Cogliser were ,' kept busy on the receiving end or - passes, which sent them far down e field. and once Bacchus added a’ neat bit of running which took the ball from midfield to the one-foot lin ‘ The whole Missouri team showed flashes of good football. . Although: fumbles and lack of coordination.’ between line and backs 'were pres-- ent. the men are beginning to un-.5 derstand each other better. On sev-f eral occasions Swofford. Casteel.J Simpson and Clark slipped throiigh: the freshman defense with perfect} interference. . , .__.j.._____.. Cross-Country Run Nov. 21. The annual Missouri Valley cross- country run will take place Satur-: day morning, Nov. 21,-at Lawrence. Kan. Every school in the Valley is expected to enter a team. The start? will be from McCook Field and the, finish just before the Missouri-Kan-i 1 ge . _.._._._._.. thdrufizlflslf and Tennis En ' A The golf andtenllis envy , wanted in this tournament, an‘ . BETTER THAN , We Berra Waflaa any 11... of 1'.IouRN.uIEN1s ARE ‘ . tries ”' ~.+; -. Made by Wedneulagfl; gm?- have been posted by Coach .3,-’: I Bond in the gymnasium .3; awaiting the names of all tho.‘ _ wish to compete in those . ments. ' .._ Already several name " , I on both blanks.‘-:].1"‘_ l .,.~ who wish to compete are . - 1 Apgn up at once, because any ‘ 3. must be complete by Wednea¢”' ;. The baseball blanks will he , ‘-."~-_»f" A inside the gymnasium some _.‘,' this week. fraterniti¢.°‘.,&' other group or organization.‘ wishes to enter a team mg, «L; ' by signing up in the open .4 —---——+ j_See the used car bargain. . ' today in the want ad section, ~. ‘ac- for the folks at A YOUR PORTRAIT ' Br . .- " BACKMOR L’: Ilia ac‘-Ctr. .._ ‘~-—-.a ( Day‘ or Night. 1‘. Open 24 Ban; 5 n.,_ , . SQUARE DEAL LUNCH Ron] A 1831 "3 3 ' , 1’ I a. We like to sell this tire—they come back for more. B. E LESLIE a son Phone 919 15-17 8. lot} MANSFIELD TIRES I 'll|lll" - - .vV-.v-gP_—-_-.v-:-. vn.s. . , ' .' _ sas football game. We are now ready with the best barbers Tiger Barber Shop to serve you with the best of' barber work. Our ‘equipment is new and up-to-date, ’ that can be found awaiting _vou.a New Price Bldg. So. Ninth St. ‘C? - do da I °*fe,,,-a"‘zr1f"YQQ,c‘ 4’ . 11¢? . tbc -— é’°:.,,f{»<.>d. ‘fir.-.—o,. 0 sq] C1)’ bee” dl-st‘ 3’ J algfs SD;,d1V¢’l»¢,. -?t¢ 3; Q [02 3% /1 6 .6070 6 “Q1: . Qt ,12ee,, Tue... 304,, hp f Vet‘ -, . . '.~~W5- ". .- .r’. _ .-- - F.’ .§.‘r.- '_..I'- ,- -— .. . ._ -.’.‘Sa-- 4%‘-Er. .