. I - - -V. c . ‘_.'_ Moaoooosesapoeq ‘ Q ' V .m0OOOOa90'OOOO.._‘I - I “ 3 . 5 _ ; - --9 -ao;_ ;‘ ‘ ..—o.«.- ; J ', A wonrnir cause - 'l"he,.annual financial campaign of the Sdlvation Army will be held in l ‘P ‘versity will make a canvass of the ' _ I city. - o ..-.a-.- . if‘ ~ ruliae the great work that the.Sal- . organisation last _ . Ibould not only to continued but -O » ‘an, s .— -06--0-...-.. .......... ... . ......-... , . . . . _ . ...........4.. ............ .1. . .. . ,. _ 5-... l n. I V ‘ hag discontinued all over the . Throughout the ‘ rr---44‘)! -ca‘-on -so .17 Co}, ,, _ ._'_ 9 me. away" ,.. - . . ... . . I-ea. .. . . . -'. ,. J - » .y. -p-.....-.‘.—-_.«-_.-»....- .... ,-. .. . ._ . o ..f ~ ... . ._ 3 a ‘,.. ' V “y ,.. .an .. ",5 ’ ."-*‘a‘..I‘l z;.';‘' D . . J ‘ 's.‘ ‘ "*9 "*.-..fl4.'tI§-l‘.I‘u!\o‘-re‘-; rwed hishnn, state system . :- aaems a matter ing whatkindajf‘ '-‘will'be con- Improved _ ;‘§lghiays tor Boone Countyale «fly cointaou- _ be inauzluated looking to the construe- tion-of a county system iinproved — highways. Columbia and Boone County during October. On the first three days of the month students of the Uni- The raising of tutti} is '. difficult tates todonate his fdollars to a movement. which to him may seem uncertain.]to lack purpose, *and_to ahowno¥iaiblesignsofservlci-nen'- so dered. He should hesitate. Asia that is why,we believe that once the e:iti- tens of Columbia and Boone comic‘; hdou Army is doing throughout the United States they will give and I ‘ M Col. Willlam'i\ndrews..ta charge of Salvation Army work hn His- Such work TQIUTCT i one rassmc or-ms ramsmd CLIP. GIOUN D , , In!-In9r.. ..’ of7the §:¢~i‘eh-w--in-eirmamr as-ind. l_nt.isju-e_ light of the “ teeta the honor the household supplies aha pur- chases. . . of . ‘voice deparment at Stephens Col- ‘. Dobrins. ' dent. Mechanics, as well as lawyers. ‘should be required on pass an exam- ination before they are allowed to practice. ' 8. County, are not all that they should,-R.’ .1 wish to take this opportunity to.cal| your atten- tion to one siieicn of road out was‘ not mentioned in your mlumns. ‘ e question is wut of Columbia and leaves the Rocheport Gravel at a tire sign, about three miles west of Columbia. From there it continues on past what is known as “Gillaspie Bridge" and about ' The road 1' last two miles‘ is in ’ ‘ndhaa been for Inc Outéiups of rock -in some places and washed out ruts in oth- ‘er; the ‘ - im- pdaaible for tnotyularnfiic when the woathenis dry.’ weather the _rI'nd is absolutely impassable‘ to motors. _. - , This road is a ‘county highway and one that a large number of people . . . to . . . . ‘ . ‘ 4.’ a‘-.'j=I.....- -."-T -. it "-1 * mu ' Re1igiousiCoun- S seeks 'Abolition.of "’Hilital'YT?_'95flin8H91'9- cil yesterday afternoon in Low- ’ all meeting of the Student Coun- 5"‘ en of the University will be held - ‘El: w morning to decide upon plat ‘ the resolution against mili- l’*'°’ ola. lira. J. Bryant Young: and Har- ry Price. @ (.50. :1. Those discharged were e John W. Moffett and Charles Pope. - reason given for not keeping it up i - is the (act tlnt_there is not enough ' 1 money availah e. to improve this road. But some way should he found ‘ ] AT THE HOSPITAI..'s Boone I County. Discharged yesterday: ' E. B. "°“"k .3m°"l°“' 22"“ Spahr. Mrs. Roy Richards and baby girl and Mrs. Alice Cannon. Admitted yesterday: Jasper C. 3’ Gillaspy. ‘..._____.__~_—____ Dean Edwards on ‘hip. Dean G. D. Edwards of the Mia-T . souri Bible College has gone to Kan- 3 '‘'h'‘°- 39*“ N°' ‘ sas City to attend a meeting of the’ _ - .- Missouri Educational Commission of the Christian Church. Saturday he will go to Salisbury where he will speak at the fifty-fourth annlver-I sary of the Christian Church of Sal- 3 3851111» He Will return to Columbia Monday. S ———___o_——_'._. In Advertising Work in Denver. Miss Ruth Hunt, who received her 8. J. ‘deg-rec here last spring. is now writing copy for the advertising de- partment of the Denver Dry Goods Company,‘ Denver, Colo. . ~ - . -' MN!’ I v'§ta‘r'a ‘...a.... _‘- -L‘ * L"-' '_ll 5 .t - »‘ o if ' ‘ 7 "07:- .{~ -4 ' .' ‘ “" ‘ " is .nAa-o- 51'. ' " ‘ _ _ -:.~ a..==—=-—— ~=======zr“"*.~i.:-that-#1-- — ""1 ,..’ s ‘W "" V ' U Pllamda-§'u "”’u..c.”"“fi1'°.°" no W, [‘i'\ aim‘ to chew; ';a_aeh. one 1294"!» ‘ honorary educa- ’ p L- T. . 4 ‘ Iarhsta. (future)-llay, 31.493633, {ans N soc under 8t. ssnt,~.tl.Isii;Dec.,s1.49':i. T‘ Sept.‘ '_,-Wheat (rad)-«No. 1, 81.69; No.: a, _ ‘ 2 l p. C .i Wheat (hafl)—1lo 1. -$1.87; No. our hens. 10¢: iiilylit. 8l-55I1~l0- . A . - _ to Meet Toner: ow‘. ', _ sisata¢8o’clock .-Q ;. -the home of H ‘Ave. ’ no i S {radon j mus ~Bpecials' _’. ‘ : " casters, 95. is , " - l S AIASDWARICO. ‘ - Broadway Phone 234 ‘ POI. men: -wish toaublet their room‘and ‘s1eeP- ' flag at 1114 Pamiin at 81.60 laclt. C20-21.1 oaae, containing horn-rimmed spec- nclaa; aspirins and some change.‘ return to Missourian and re- ceive reward. R20-21. _ ; ——l-‘irsc country candied. 3-tc; ordi-: ~ ma fir ' ‘ ‘ A Hrs. Linnie D. Walker. Mrs. Rita; gnu” Richards. Miss Gertrude Heinrici,‘ ,t.,,d,,.d., 45¢; tings, 40c, conds.« Hiaa Dorothy Kaucher and Dorothy- 35¢ ‘ Zellars were admitted yesterday aft-'. 9 .. , FOR SALE-—P'ure bred collie; t , 486; I pups. Phone 2056 black. H80-25.3 i;oulu'3'—Ilens. 24¢: turkeys, 320:: ‘_ springs. 24¢‘; ducks, 19¢; geese. 14@ . ilficicwh-12 ,, _t ‘Paallfisas-—ao5a8n ~"-‘*°-' on at was-at Station V .WAN'I'ED-,—Roommste, y on n g man.to share room with engineering fly Uni“ fgagg Clad‘ . sr. LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. 24.-Eggs.‘ sired. Phone 2433 green. i:2o.3§.§ e———i . ¢___ —..—-..—... 4_._.?—. I . ‘HIM-«a. IHJABI-3. AUTOIOBILB REPAIRING _ i ST. IDUIS. 350., Sept. 24.——Col’t‘— 2 white. 84@85c; May. 8" 2 Oats--No. 2 white, 40@‘»-it‘: N0- Altering and Repairing ACE Cleaners P A wear-qzomfortable, durable, “Say It With Flowers” New Fall Patterns amt Patents and Satina Beautiful shoes for fall :. reasonably priced. . To see: ’ them is to appreciate them. WE‘l‘C0'l'l' HOSIERY gilk hosiery in bran, or 0-! brown leather spectacle ‘ 904 Hroadway am“; _ _. ‘ .-————-02:- iipllea Council fleets 'l‘ouil'5l-_ Columbia Trades Council will hold its regular meeting tonight Ill :13. . —-—?-O-.——“ 'FlDOR WAX Johl_Iaon'a Wax in powdered. P89‘? 3. 5" 5. n. -s o 3 G Corona typewriter for sale, $17.50. See Sunshine. ll§ Hitt. _;Ij_oM0RRO W after deciding just what meats you ,- want for dinner and e lunch. settle . _It. is an established fact that Richards meats give entire satis- faction. ' Rolled Boneless Lamb Shoulders Cut from young genuine Spring -Lambs. all bone removed and neatly Zied, econpmicahweigbcd after bone is removed, Per pound .; . . . . ..30c Phone A J “TWO-SEVEN-Oi-l” “The Best of Everything” 1 by my: ' real life. pl-gs the’ o the wifelwi rat! . A O u of comedy canton ' try my in which the wife”; Duillfi‘ ua‘band’s wishes, hp-fpartles, V street‘ w ‘cvory other .04.-eaai around a P18! attains: her h This play is indeed a new touch in the treadnentof humorous situa-, hobograp dons. ,3’ sun’: ' 3&3 0-C e S ' ; A lack Sennett co d‘céf ' ' ' mug-.'-as "' with I and husban _ ‘- ‘ Clerc. - i¢ -A--'§‘|.:p.:l-.*..-3.-' suiahlhopgtotheir wives, coin- ev-I---N ".""" "" ,"""" ‘I’ using bili. - ...i.. the bill 4 the 8-11 Thuwv P"""" "" 1 ‘ P” ‘nil! 4 .. ... -_ .. . Richard smiunuu -or-_ -8 0* ' R . ~husband in “N r ‘Mn.’ 3 c0 1 of married life with ienloutr 88 W i motive. Fanswillremember 8; ':' fin,» yusja suriouaduma.Hc.; hjggggk i .. . 5' 7 g hysis excel.-§__i’U¢B . and retriinmed KINLOCH. HAT SHOP , > P ‘ ‘ 11 North that i f for and question of quality by calling TWO- ‘ SEVEN-OH _——u —v up an up -I - an -I In an an on In on an In Iv 0- '9 II 121 ::j1111Z111jZjI1 A.Mark of Good T051? -- ~ Jimmie’s College Inn 1: Dine at J immie’s, enjoy your meals wiflpwreal pleasureand sat- ‘; isfaction ‘with your University 3: and College friends. They know - ‘j; the best place to dine forquality 'of food and courteous service. " _ Make your dinner dates for ' Jimmie’s and hear all the latest in news and the ob-est orchestra in town. \ “c‘ommodate,people wh do not liave commodata people who do not live _a on this highway. state. Our motto should be not only tomakeallthe 11.8. W 1. NELSON spams A1‘ of Stephens College. Weak that has just ‘passed. at the Rotary Club luncheon today. . onzzmnfi , Pfotramwas givenalg‘ __ T ’ ‘ . :§ Around The Corner; From; . The iPdl'.'!§? lege. and Prp£._B. D. Gauntlett. . qaorintlialsclioolh Boone County is as much able to 7;. _ fix up herroada as any county in the ' to improve the main highways. but id roads good. ‘sonar Luxcuaos TODAY 5 .:——I_—:— r Congressman W. L. Nelson spoke g}; on the Constitution of the United States in observing Constitution __ ‘6 ,... .- 5 E Tiger Barber Shop - We are now ready ,to serve you with the best of barber. work. Our equipment is new and up-to-date, with the best barbers that can be found awaiting you. New “Price Bldg. So. Ninth St. Cut Flowers for all occasions Decorative Plants, Etc. 13 Green Houses New Store South 9th Street Columbia Floral Co. Phone 366 _Other guests were 1‘. H. F Ggntof I-Tultsn. Robert Rutledge 1. ‘ p_ of St. Louis, .£. Gillespie. Jr.. of ‘I _ yitlationiride movpyatvsuch criti- Newf0tlI_a_ts§ . Fl . 1; ‘ _ P "-1|s~uf_ of 'ne Arts. ; Ichester 6%: mevada. and~Henri' i is ty student prt-si- I Dina oaedclfi gfledlabytheweeh . A la cam am-en oa_ hrdlayliightg '. Wehavg school supplies including notebooks and f_ tain pens. ilbilet ar- ‘ that will pleaseyou. mnery you like and ._ «I H V. P ; stopiaiaiihe 131.4 ool, surrouu “A non in rank ” P J. A I 2 317 . , .‘- . u ‘ , ;.~ 4 ’ ' ,... ov‘p.- L . ‘,-__.« awn, . 1} . . I'- ' 1 . .,.‘ V .,._'..¢ . . -’ :~-.-r-.(a ’ to . Colul _ is you sho jtfiitid .Auéu'on Sale Terms: 03¢ two. C '.‘A roairvniv. uy o1u*Lot Now I If ‘y u are thinking? of a home in the fnoat ’ ul part of the_v.'city,.dose to town,- clog ‘'3? its best homes in "P ‘d huyalot. 'I!hadpybiIrplanning fora A; _ to build in the Iuture. Never again ‘Of unusual variety and charm——~suitable for all occasions. mi UMBIA THEATRE ‘ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY if IIIIQM -stats-chin V ? _ i I ' , '1 . , ‘- '. V “ID 7 GDDFY” llltahsi §tt)l""" ‘.‘t.‘ ""3" ’ ‘N: ‘ - ' - .~ ~ ‘c.’ v _‘ I. 9‘ . P’ -"i 4 * ’ *4 ~ we , _ ‘ii . “Here's a new onirjlwith starts 'v‘ ‘i ' .. ' - . I r ‘ .