.‘ :‘-‘ ’ N A."’A. g’ ’ ' _ _ _ I 0 ‘ l . - v e-rm: COLUMBIA . SATURDIEY» 3E_1:'£'f':_3IB_g?‘3.§,§“_l_i1,i’25 g_ 1 . *1” «~~~ ~e—‘,~ O. 0 ~ *- " -‘ ‘ ' ’ a Y‘ ‘ V 1' ----——--—-~—=----'----‘-"""“"""TT“f"’”"““’_ ‘*"" _ _ .5, 5.“... ......e..- ‘or is. scores-um‘ . . . 3 2 -‘~-7—‘.-.' _-' " » A ‘p .'’'‘r,J‘-‘ ;' ‘. i i " . l3°s'ev"1'i‘i's.de"e:ide...“".e.'.'i"i'."o‘e"euie.°‘a'§t7s'e'f:r°.‘:7*u:'i£:n’ee'5'"-‘:u“lm‘:uiheu east nmw:ns:zi:;u:=,1w - i I .‘ ' — 0 1 V ilm‘| nun OOIPANY. the 8ootI‘Ivl:‘!,I;I‘I3:|’ 6¢.$¢o“:" ".‘i‘°“"§‘ - I - 0 e ? NOW I, , ,i~‘,;',,,'~';-;,'*.,,.. ee]..i’e..';';.“..L ‘."" ”I*°"‘ *::‘.':".‘: “.::..""':.'. ‘:1 :.';“.:*‘;‘..‘:‘.;.‘:;,.. ....,e.'.‘:s;‘....?:::*'"- ‘M - '~ .. $:,t._,r_.l_,l..m_.:_.,,n.".;._.m_«; 0;: , . V ‘ " - , - of Boone. and sum or sine-curt -—---' _ .c,h,u,’ _ ~ Q’ g Loolstopa cattlo.50cnnder8t.Lools3 seNtATIONAi. S100: Y;ll8’DS.3Ig‘l)-:“:‘;;,'§:f _ _ ., g _. i_ ~ vanes orczgzusanon .‘ grnnrh Ni-“$23”; or mind!’ . LEA r 1-.“ V.’ " ‘ " 9 topIhe@andlI|!l5|.31 $052.35”; P . 2" V . ._" 11.. starts eight ran at tho Vat aaoi5if‘*"‘ fihirgom Odo“, 1-,,,._ 19:5, County. Hi-oori. on Monday. October 8.: — :‘ ‘ ' St. Lotti! top. I m”k°t' ‘tau’ $15‘ ‘over’ ".“"° ‘ hundred imeeo feet of lot acrobat-~0birts~‘ 1” 3"?‘ k “Nu” cm“ "¢;_ .5‘. gufi can you pay $91‘ 0 . r P ‘ —-ncI\’y [Wine 2013; nthti be! ‘“en' ‘7‘25@12'75; y°"n"g dthl. I'll 134' 3000' f°'i5""‘J°‘l“:‘ ‘M 35;’ gobh.‘ '{.f.gu, and answer‘ or other-win $1 - co . . , -v ;«; ‘ ‘ 5 he?’ "5 11; » ,‘a' hundred arisen to-at ton-.f _ ._ . 3,“, ueie. ; ouien-lee pistons‘: p . - ‘ ‘°'“"'°‘ m‘ "'7 "u hens. mczl ;ii2"§'@i.nso; cae;'ier‘s6darg cult:-:. :.’g:‘:E."(‘_‘:'_‘:’u;'; E,°'£:{’,:’g,.‘-“y1;m:.: _! Ra“:»‘ltngs“;h;'d:l:ti;:‘ flan” :";:*" "i::l';“"" ""d'?""""'»‘ "" 7 Dealeraallovérr country keep talk; L and as a matter of fact, throughout ._..¢ goals, lac; young ducas..l1c; 014' 3397553-753 'H¢93'¢'v 93-75@15?‘ suioeei to agfinit sees or trust. marines,’ Tb.’ u“w‘;l”°“’ m”m_ ,,,,,,,__ 6,. A W, ,9, ,, ,5, ,,,,,,,g_ in; about the _ _C8!' Problem ’. 15¢ uiiddlewcat. This is not to II)’. ducks, s¢- geese. Cc: old ducks. 8:. stockers and feeders. $7.40. In Bank :.-‘!;nI;apvc°::(‘,’6; need or}:-cut’-A W‘ wa~*""‘-. of m_dm‘_ mm.‘ 0, wrmms I.’ “M -u ad of an They ‘gem to fund 1; 33 3 sort of IIOIUVGI‘. tilt the forward pass is Egg.a—30c; country bllflfl’. 35C. 1 HOG!-.Rel;El;.:.*:.;1'.00J; market. 10 I~c;.omceh¢.“u a;"”w‘.'”‘I*°"‘.‘.d:' n‘. \ "gym, voluntary. or_ involuntary awn“ couflioe 309., cdnnm ‘gg.‘,m.g_f we lea]-ned long go that not highly regarded and that hours a Grain—Wheat. No. 2. $1-51@, @l5c. higher; Jieav.-y. 8l3@i3.75; ,, ,_,,,,', ,5, ,,,,.,,,,, 0, . ,,',,_,_.,.. grantees of Gears!‘ hon and on uni of said co-in. no-i-an oflleoi we biggest P,“ of eh: pmblcm con- and hours of intensive work are not 1.55; oats, 38@40c: com. 88¢@9°i~‘- medltllD,_ 8135001425: lig.-:2. $13.75 my not: in an deed of ma . H11!-ll. at J:-nu ‘Ilcll:idin.°'ocCId«"m. mam“ Columbia I!-°°'L “f” 5"‘ “<7 "3 fin‘ of gating People to realize that -ventupon it Thus ifiisto say that __.=__.__._ . ‘@1410; ugh; iigiiu, si3.25@i4.4o; --4; _ : dR_m,_ ,, ,,.,,,‘ ,,...,.,., .,........_ bf (;_f_‘;;‘~ Edmund ‘uuscd Car dealers the tendency is irrovins to reserve "M with Him“; Director C_ L; packing. sows. 81l.76@l2.50; pigs, ‘iii?-ifi-‘:9-07 -m"';__‘;_".‘*' :5‘ ""f Julia in. Lewis. .i......i. ‘tea Mali-olrn ms 7 "mm cm. V IIJIU. i_ , , . the Pl.’ for “ch time .3 i -the 1‘! we has madceardanzemcnts with ? ‘12°75@"3 'b“Ik-.'u3‘m@"'25- .:.::.i H" w’ ' iur‘ D‘ '’'h' 5" wk“. ‘mud. 2!: '7'" ii: ‘Bertha Aitwtld. Donuts. . 3751‘ ‘nu’ A“d “ '8" t 8 problem running Ittlck ‘I no‘ 8313338 &°h.ve . u!)uu_'- mark‘, Now -runnti-ORE ' |”nur“I.‘.°.' d ‘ .';fd'ad.n:: '13?“ ‘ PHI‘? _ fl I-Ind. R i8 P79“? 33:9 ‘O Pifdia h ‘err {orthe Comhu‘ke”_ , nominal; ewt,-5,, §5GI7.50; canncra 1).. 4.1.’... or “id ¢...g 0} ;,.,,.._-.,,,g n ,5‘; ;:E’8.rA'.n: 0’, fllssoum:-M ‘he .50" Attorneys for Plslaitl. ‘ that against litiff. 8191'?» °PP°i“d°“ mg. 0 ." be “awed ‘O the rind cutters, $l@3.50; wool l:i,-nhs, mun-t of 25- Ir-i.-ul In-I-iv-r of all atoll. 15*! .,.,...3 unknown dereadsnu. GBJIETTNGS: _ “L g *_t__ V _ when . m‘sc‘r'i.:'e oft!” ovtrhad w‘ and the Ncbfllkl merit‘ $l2-75@“-‘50- mM""‘”d "ooh. (hum, Tau ‘ "''4' Your are hereby notified that an action —-——j ' “""°' "'°°"‘ "M d'"‘"’ "my ‘1 ie: emu ‘in their cars dur-A "““""‘ IL..'L7."{';'.';».;'.:1'..."3i.nu:.:.I J2. $33.72‘ in in °‘*""""°"‘ '‘'‘i’"‘ M ?" "" l W ll P ‘ ‘ i . "5" °°'°h°." °l°‘"°'“ "in ‘wt "' Yul zip ‘n ‘Commbh ; 3; Long; pmcuu. ..-me...-. In is. inch-si liiddrr (oi-on-h. ut.Ihc-‘ c"°““ ""°"‘.°' """b"‘_"{(i‘|’:"."" a aper s - N. T I031 ‘O it Until the! M98 ‘W t’ Ir s:‘3:_’n _____ ,_ . lg, U.;ud sow‘. . I South frunl dots: of tho Clufl House In 15' l ‘f‘:‘""n"?e. ‘uh ‘0 :u B:on:":;.'n,. uh. , ad . . ' tfie possibilities of their riiiiniiit 1"’ LOCALS no run’ MOBERLY : ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Sept. .'?C.—-—Eg;:s §(f;d"‘ §°"";';";f;;"';_° “";'°;,’-,,’_‘_‘f,_'_;"",‘~e °"i fem. u»-win" - ' Phone 576 605 llmzidwav “Ck. --- ' 1 ._.F' . 3 v H ' '.. ‘_ ‘it: ‘L ‘H: " y 2.; I . > wen - we 1' O 0 a V‘ ' - This is the more interesting in as Columbia Nine Plans Chanxes in- n‘r;_"f§!_::'"3.2. ‘Maw’ 35‘ ’ 0"“ "" ‘ "”' "° ' " " _'°‘'‘ *‘ "‘ "“' T” 3"’ T " " us) ' T“ r Pajntlng much 35 it "35 “T the we“ nut ate un9’"p for Coiflal Q6‘ " Bulg¢p_.Cream¢ry ext,‘ _',0§,,(.. ' " ‘ 0" ' ‘ " " ' , ' ' . ._ air attack was first made a pri- Rslph'McCabe. manager of the’ mmduda “W” “"15 4;)C_ 3-‘; _:._.-.-..A ---- e ‘ .—... — V bet as fltllre on your work. ‘ snary method of advancing the ball. Columbia baseball tum received nmnd. 38;” ’ ' ' ' " g « . .2’; - ' , U . Perhaps U10 success ofshlft physis message early this morning train. P ' n ' .".|-;; . 22.“ ' kg __ E . we haw M ,4..,,,,,¢, .43 Glass Decorating Co. Donseanameas D&ALERSSELL5OOD senator . the answer. They are effective-—-and we manage, of 3,. your], dub; Osrou r).- e 2.0 ’ .. 3. mtiir o.‘ g _ A 2. mi“. . ‘ acmpfin‘ . ‘NM to be phyed in ..“;e spans, ks-‘)12:‘.* ul i~. lop; k p . J’// (1 Phone :05] ll N. 90 St. V A . . g :. Dr. Wiloe holds with all students Moherly, Sunday. 4. _ R hé“e__'N:::-mérn" -1~:.m_,, mu, ‘,. ‘ , r ' 0 y X I ‘ _. -ofthegamc thstthe forward pm. Many chgnxc-aw-ii be_mId°"i i{i°_ Young Ammm 22 ,6 ' "‘ ' e * 'T _ e , A W _ g _ , _ e e_ gm y perfectly executed is. unstoppable. Columbia line-up forthis game. lad: . _; - - A g _’ 3 ____» ' . i A x but perfection is infrequently Barnhhrt probably will do l..he‘pltCh-I ‘ . _ _ 3: _V,,.«/ : , e——— '3 and a zcrkfjritlte ing, and nt'l;as!Eietwo inswbeinfieldfi in F “&.:%tl,. Louis Cash Cram. 5 A5: d I) - of defense against it so notcw yo and one out ie r wi secur . "‘ '’'‘‘e ‘ J__/fr» . _ ‘ applied by Illinois, and Chicago of by the local club ‘in on eifort to: __§:‘ Eagiltsg 33:’ §""t‘£6_'_"qC"”."% _ r so restricting the pass tomconfine I1 defeat Moberly. J ; _6(" ;c 76;“ . as. 1. ./cpi’;9 ‘[ - j. V to-short gains. if any, we -'--'“—‘— ; ' '. ‘ ' , ” i . . to we fish of we p1”._ the Theaters .hC.):1ls;}:{0. 2 white, 40c; No. 3 a ‘ Deception versus Pi-iwer are Hall. ;“ ':' t9"?::9“C’ 3 _ __ , ‘ ' ~ . g - . L- iwogeargdinal differences in offensive ‘rm: SPOILTLNG \'r:is'us ‘A g ‘ “:1 m(.“D‘:“'l'— 8): $1-44"7s; K : moi->-i -v- v:,.“'i'c=; ::,;C: i::;*:;::;';:;: :3: *°a:;r.i'.,;d,:;..f';°;;e,@, e . 0;» ,, 2.3:, .‘;"J,': .233; ,,,‘.. Mille began making his million-do}:-i‘ Sl.55@l.58.‘ ' ' " 013811 35 118118‘ Tuesday m01'nm8' g ; ‘ u,;.1u,,g 5, guugbjg, ' ‘rm defense lsr spectacles with furniture sum: .3 ' 9;: (hord)——l\'o. 1. $1.53; No. ) ia al-1-3 m nt “V wvil] :4 he believes has fallen short of the inch-:6 gown bail:-,tth=§:e:¢ri:§ 2v “-52- By S1 ec I nge e e :} IS HI I I ‘'‘*Z''''*——---——- , . . ‘dance m-——--0————‘de by modem ouch“. gllfrttiegtelmglsrk ‘and Blanche? LEGAL \ have for 5319, next Mondadrs Tues" 3' ' Sweet. The two are still in eclipsei , . TO ~—although Miss cam is said to u;- ,,_ - g 1 day and Wednesday (3 days only) E, . fingering the idea of a re:urn—but It ALIJ ‘ ' _ _ .,‘ :1.’ SE Blanche Sweet has comebhack. d; ‘"339; ‘3,',;;_-'_;~u_*§;-;';_;;;' *3; F l_ _ __ . ___ _ a higliclass line of Coats, Dresses :10 ‘ g‘ . She has htda new aircut, an _ ° \ , - I‘ I . —— 0 °;'=-‘ed '.§iP;g,‘;;;§:;;-O; ;;°_';§..._; ‘ ~ - ' \ or e e ~ e i and Furs from Garlands of Saint ii ‘ - ° C0!!! 081 C O 0 , I1 All Sections Re. gilurray? and Anna Q. Nilsson. “Thé; ._ Louis 7‘ served for Sporting Venus" gives bl: oppor;, D0 . IE 0 o o ’ ‘ ' :unity to wear severa c nges o ; h S 111 g I] v ‘ ;, Groups. W,,,mi,,,, ,,,,,,,_,,m __,,, ,0 con,‘ you rea ze ow a avings w row wit F —--.-— trast her Scandinavian blondeness . o e . e ' . . . '. - ~ » - — 9 D ’t th it t v 0 This year Will Doe I more 8YIl¢- with Ronald Qolemans swsrthineu. Greene Count Blllldlll & ASSOCIHUOH. on rnlss 13 0131301 um] .‘ - ' antic seating arr-angensent in the he story is nothing. But one _ _ y 5 g - \ _ I “"°"°" °° R°“"'1' "°’S’ ‘°’h‘fj 9 9°‘ i=°;° ' "‘°‘j°.i°.*““"Y "*° Payeus $55 a month for approximately 120 months and ,. . _ I. TOOIKILQIIDQI. Al sections iechnlqtle 0. dl’lml_bulldlng'. One . \‘,]nd0\v been duisnntedto certain specified -ould easily believe am the scenario we" will then pay you $58. .a month for the rest of ‘ - group This outing arrangement - .1. tea 1 “Tho ' , . ° ° , - ‘ will‘t:lae effect beginning with the X;'},,,';, 3,, Rc,’,",'f3. jfmkfindmd {fif glypur life, and at youi death _will give your family , N1-‘bfllkl CUBE. Oct. 10. crary produce. For with a poor 5 »' ‘ I H and Ixanareserved for hero. destined, a priori, 1:; fang: g _ ~ - _ A 9 A 9 the» Thundering ,'1'housand," the a surteonz 1! gracious )' 0 1 ' d . , - ‘ 0. be I’ which must have a ‘n Scotch peera8e—with 8 caste-bound V , you may 1a“ any part Of the In Cash. ’ A ' _ ache“ .'no '9 '0 father who, happily. betakea hirng ,‘— ‘ g ’ _ . Sections D, E, P, and 6 gm 1.. self to other spheres: family for- £ . _ S f S g g . served for season ticket holders. tut»; 10:; :2; t::- Srzicirnz r";:;isn:iid ~ e QC re t 0 IICCCSS - saga.‘ re ev ' e o poo - - w- . t5,,,,",h,,¢1', ,,:::,r:,-°:k.f:,. affluent surgeon. the course of true‘ M°“u“-V ' C385 Valli‘? ' AV9!'8R’¢ Popular Pnces ‘mm, L ‘ad )1 u», nu;-79¢ love runs its chartedway. . End of I20 Months Monthly Earnings for ruidmo lemons! stsdium'sub- One is it little wry iii-t it ‘"8 5. or a roximatel 120 months . . . :. . 1000 . . . . . . 2.84 ' ' "3 section, 1;, Q_ “,4 p, .3; necessary. to almostedrown Miss $16 for app mximamy 1% th 3 $ 8 ,0 Bl'08dW 3) mung go, v,,¢n.m},.g§b,,-g, Sweet twice. And having first seen ' » ' » pp _ Y mo" 3 - - - -A - - - - - -0 The norui bleachers will he held M1r1.uCol;'r;ifia; assthtiltalilan officer $27.50 for approximately 120 months . . . . . . . . . .$14.17 for nail order and general adniis- “ is r:'' I er I8 e ' ‘V , . ,5“. c, _ L_ 3;. m- youngbusiness man of “'l‘arnish;" 0 _ _ ' K V ' nouncad todayrtliat orders ;:nisil- and recently as the Lorgdon ttiloredi Years of Sound’ Successful Business ' __ ", QM _ __ __ ’ ____ A _ A - order tickets would be filled stsrt- scion of Agierififti nobility in “HI! —-Not A Szngle Loss e —} ' " ' "” “ ” "‘ '“ - v in 3 y, prenie omen " it requires a _ . e ‘ 3, .1” “mm”, ,1“, the co, fgw ueond, to mug one. ..u 7.PER.CEN'I‘ on Time Certificates, payable semi-annually, withdrawal lonlilans and season ticket holders to his Scotch kilties in / this ‘the firatday of any month. vonio. pi-om.-ran.ss he intends to picture. They Just don’t so with hold all reservations for then until that lanxuourous South European \. . on s. -« «me» an my any-~ m.-_-i-c.- M be «rm JOHN N. SHOMAKER e - . ' sin In-ldnsruervntions forthe ¢- ~-~o ‘ e ~e M - . . ~_ . _ R be An _ ed Office in Central Bank DlS:.)l;t“);eA§e5gt . . Columbia, Missouri I. ; sea year are reserv 1 » ' I 2 The-e hoidins -won fckeii ‘mi; . 0 Public Stenographer in Office ‘ . . , , i »m*m -Wh Y P Y Wu * r °"“e.'.‘a'$'-'.'e 1:: 2:: lick‘: a l 1 F‘-.— '. fl ct. I‘ ‘'.,..,.o ‘ ....-, . .. , _ _ -,-,_ _ __ V , ,_____. _r __ __ _ M ____‘ V-_ _ 4 . . ' a-:2--If;-——:s ‘ ‘ . ‘I ‘r A PITTSBURGH orass aunmn for E , . . . . - g . -i . “man Bowl ms: 70.000 A ' I RHEA‘ I ‘RE _ Tthe métfliifiuvho is fpi1'eparing his will should not select his ' - recs-in . ' ' : ' execu or wi ou ca ' ‘ . . e -‘.'_~,,__ 8 P“ 26 ! be u consideration _ . ~.-“L u,,i,,.,n,i’ ,'.¢ p;w,.,,g.'~. ,1. L g _ y 5 g g ONDAY AND TUESDAY The responsibility which an executor assumes is a vital one. ;_ g 308;“ 5°":-d".iomuin ‘ , . _ He should be experienced in buSll‘le8§ matters‘ and should undcr- = ~ ....'““e mm°°"“'.. "'°‘°"............ ... Ladies Columbia Concert Orchestra Stand the leg?! <=ond.ii-one under which an execuwr works. He -dsrurheiiisersnthereimauiuhea . , 0 ‘ g must be familiar with the various tax provisions under which . 'i%*‘V-5:‘WW*°gW- bu ‘ , - ~ . W --.- 0 - - 0---~~ -- -0 «-~ __ g A ~ the estate will f_a1L H9 must be equlppfl to do the clerical . ufldwfiwd ,m"“""‘mo ad kw _ _ - In labor necessary in keeping the estate adjusted, a complicated :5: be to seeonuuoaeie . “ - matter in an estatexof varied interests. He must be thorou hl ' 1 Italso contains familiar with ° ts d ' ' ' ' 3 i ) ‘OM00 sroehtors “u n_ investmen an experienced in their handling. « paclty 1' 4500, dressing roouia, and ' . ‘ uuuaiioiinn. ‘l'hefloldlIasahslf- g _ -If you name this company as your executor, your estate rails cinder path. with a uo~yai-d will recenfe the henefit of our _tho‘i-ough knowledge of estate 13. 3:1?’ Gales was eraclod by ' L P31; l1r6._91{r_ wide experience in business matters; our finan- ' mu‘ M Q‘ cm 0, ,,t,,,_,,=,,' _ cia responsibility, our. continuous existence, which assures the yin he also used as a civic mom! “ carrying out of your _instructions without interruptions or de- theator- . .. _ . lays. family will always be assuned of the utmost con- nuu mow}. mi gnu, =- aiderationand friendly helpfulness in financial matters. Greatlyoaslsaiilsasassa. . , W in bird Iffiillilllo '1‘hu_n- 0 _ Our officers will be glad to explain to you many 3‘; hh‘““'°°|&°"¥h‘a3"0fl‘_hhu. . A l n . , ways in which we. can ‘serve you in estate matters. _ _ . u‘h°u“d.a“".‘. 1 You can consult with him about your own affairs in _ 0 . ' “°n" absolute confidence and without obli at'o . » to , Ih?hl|fl'-iI.llI50U1Il3 - i o 3 ' " . *‘°"' ’““‘°'i**'i ’Daii'y ~ ' _ ‘.90 x. 1 . . P A V O W. ’ " ‘ . ~ .. O _ I , .4 ; W ¢"°“'|P °f'iI|eni!id ladymn§icitnr.9§fenns 8 Pmmlm of both class- . ‘ Boloaall - i . ,.,,~ e 55,, ., . ". . ’ I 'v.K.~:‘.::-ti _( " 3 .. " 0 ~ ‘ I