has ' ' . , tensive 'surveyo'fhla auhjeetamlhu ‘h'l”:§""7.“ ’°9’°’° _ on‘it. In Ipeakinz “:2 ,w' ‘h. B the first hpund ghaterlal. alsan ol in t'he.south7ern its L ‘ ' eheapen gold. lioiycver, it a great Eighty-Hour high school boys. fiver deal of tnercuryeonldgbe accnmu- memberalofthe Hi-Y Club, «heard ’ _ med. the whole Inonetary system Dean J. P. McBainc. of the School as non U . . After Dr. WhitInore'a tall: he was essentials of ‘character ‘building last entertained by members of MP1‘! night at the first banquet and meet Chi Sigma with a smoker on the ing of the club heldat the'Christian third floor of the East, Chemifitry (1mrch.7 - Building. . E. o!'a'uch loans until"tlml,N'¢ University will give the first faculty‘; Pl919- ‘. . . , recital of the year a}tw8:I1J5 ,0’ _ W‘ Thursday night in 1 nivertnty Y last ear talked on the advant- . Auditorium. The artist will be ages of-Hi-‘Y membership and of; Beauty the prognln of the district conven- Tom R classic. romantic and modern songs. and supegsar of Hi-Y. also gave a tson of the Kiwanlsqllbe the mem- club. who no-essaea, said that there Above Heibefs . or In . . tch. . . .__..._.... hocktoithe alehengiists who of the Dwomtéc '°m*=n to be he“ : Mrs. c. B. neygnesa G- as ~ ’ ’‘ Mr‘. ‘ I am not enthmtouslastic anbouthe ddock ‘at 8‘. Lou“. ec of me P)’ A -- {into gold wouldhean increuein the Eighty-Four ‘Boys Attend Banquet *“‘“""' ‘ . “""" of W » ‘ ‘ the Bid’ cnou ould be ISPRL of Law of the Universlty,ulk on the oe... McBaine «told ‘the Hi-Y _ ‘ ' members that four elimenta’ are PROF‘ WALL IN RECITAL nhcesaary to the character of a man: I-‘lrst Faculty Program’ of School of Education. physical, mental and. KINLOCH HAT.SfloP The School of. Fine Arts of ~the1-ities clnractrr cannot be com- I 0 . S *3» a is 3 E 5 35 E.§.Ea-§.--§-- . I M :1 h l .‘ ‘_' __: ‘:-_ ‘.1 V‘. J .. I -' ‘ -' ‘.";"-‘.2: ‘iv _>I . '4 I -. - . ‘ . - ~ “I ‘ V _;_.'- . ~‘t‘o""4:':... ~ ; ~ . - .-Examéxox ro.»* . elt‘IeIoneaemrroamluton.atn-‘ut- E I g rest-«of ~ ' %.eriIvm¢oeurout:nuh.oat!-euisht _ I ~ ’ 9. ‘i it 7 , . *5 39*“ ‘ 3'9“ 6°‘! i” m'd°' the “iwicu 0‘ the ‘to! :aMra. Clifford Bowen Hayes dbl! 4 tn‘kiIl the milled We 136- ¢°"‘m*“'=°- ‘"“ 5° '"‘ ‘”"“” "‘°°" at her home in I>mauu,ct1. sat. ' 751" 9*?‘ hm’ 9°13‘ A“ £93." ‘ At 8” “u°m°°n "mo" re”. tiday. Mrs. Hayes was a niece at "°' through ieienoe mercury hm ,.,_ J. Roan“ ' ° 9'‘ “P ” ‘ ‘°"‘ dim“ ‘id’ ‘°°°'d‘ mt‘ ""7 lhdonn‘ Sum mm formerly of Columlfia. While a - ing to Dr. -Whitman. mm 4 - ‘ E’ 3 ‘P E E 8’ *3 ii 3. § 3 E Huhafiu" 1°“ may ‘t 1 lira. Hayes lived with her _nu_nt. -4 The" inc: and trltneues vere sworn in at 10:26 o'clock this nlorIi- I ‘lug. . . ;- _ N W I‘ E atate_wltnosa.— ‘ _______,_._____ . meet their home at ‘abouts ‘oeloclt ’ t‘ ' I ; onthe eveolngouone 2o.ou:og Y°°"".""“““"’°""‘”‘°'.“: * . .~ Bid’ Pb 620 - “on”, -youvdonotuaeandleadflsellta-n 203Gmt:u-. g. onel ‘testified, they passed Sandifer who 5°‘“'*”‘ W‘‘ '——————~ S A , "was going in the direction of their _i , .. _ .- . ‘ rm. _ ' Oentralia they discovered tint, six- .. g e witnesses stated. they identified their thin?-nl at the Gannon Produce Company in ‘ Centralia. B. Blanton. another state - W ' .’l ‘ 4-"~ A ’ 3 “ _~;’. >4 . ~ ~ $_“f,,.. M :r "F -"'f.». 1 . llomofinr. 1 for chhap tales and -hotel reaerva ns.:Excursl1o£' every esday’. Mao ' your Igléxidalands for sale. will r _‘ you . biz profits. When they returned from I Cut Flowers ‘ for all occasions ' R. F. Coonc. now, a deputy county coroner. The core came out of the investigations of the . recent "diploma mill" in\'esti¢ltion.j Decorative Plang, Etc. 13 Green Houses Phone us » New Store South 9th Street 1!!-film! meecur! , ______,_____ was known by many of the older stated in the course of his talk. 1312,: DEAN N‘-EAHQE SREAKS ¢-ifiluns of cozumbj‘ 1. 'F‘ll'L'H)N §)0LUMBIA Z , A.M. Pl. Leave Columbia 8 and 1:80 One fly 31. round trip 82 .. CAFER BROS.."MOTOB BUS LINE I-‘lneArtatoBeGlvea Thursday. moral health. Without these qua]-éphne 7” 11 Noah 1.“ V. t —»—-~ ~—— —~ clock illitn Jeffries. president of HM Prof. Herbert Wall. baritone. with the ad tages he had derived M31-‘gre; Poindexter -Tello, _accom— uu-you;-h he organization. Kennethl panist. The program will Include La University. track star Eng“. Cosmefiaans‘ The recital will form I part or short ml 12 s_ math 3;.’ house, president of the‘: her of which_ hhve been invifed to would be? similar banquets held, - _ atgnd. ‘ E ye‘r. ‘~ i I 0 Telephone 1888 The program (allows: . . , I .....lIuseI . I-Yoanlleconueudedhat. not 8 1uxm_'y’ ' acavaoo a e 0 . - 1 t . ' Reconun dat ns t’ d t ft-. I 9 °mu ’*'."':L‘g..’_‘.°. cers have ‘Eeenwaent Otto _.“PIfesi(deIit, Elbe‘. n"i‘°3v M,_,,,,_, D. 3... 1., I z... _ Strntton m Brook's office by R. o.f Proprietresa ' lfului‘. _... rt '1‘. C. hisadquartera. A new plan has. 4 u at -. a ll . 4- .-‘eta’;-‘qt 4. that D ......_—.__._.._.-- , _ __ _ _ ‘ A lIiiplic'§[“ D ‘ ——._r— i . 0 . mo sELnc'r CADET OFFICERS V hlalflng yourself beautiful mm 1 Burn! eh ' Paw} in--Vb -55" met “mg is an absolute necessity. ..-eat. pofe“--vs. tag». ‘ {Old . --‘S- __. edfeapahillty in one . of the Irish) ......... ..a 1: number: —~»-Y--~.-M. » H -- :- anrtattoneontywafiuslulru ' gtoa new-to I aaet’attce-1): ‘ l . i . W I IFORD ROADSTERW A vBoldel.d.hon...‘.‘;....Y' ...... ..I‘aoenrt: . A ' ’ &1§Iu.Di5§nQ&.1@II3(D!Cfl l ‘ iii‘ . ...om:mf.§;'.t:::::'.s't::.."§: . . FOR C ‘ . . . . , . . . . . .. um I ‘ , d. soooluteae Ole ........ ...... ..ar-ttxut. A | AN} ”“' ""7"” “““ "“""” = GENERATOR IN I 3. R7 -‘Weleufa Stream . . . . . . . . . ..8t 1! gotten at-.:o§k.".'.'. ....... ..sottu.-la 7 ' ........ ..t:‘.:::::::::..e.;l... ;; SHAPE e. ll:-glv Do. I‘!-' Springtime.‘ ..... ..Guion_ Astgmc spout ooI.uIIau :‘ ,1 SQUARE DEAL GARAGE S % 8(l8 Ash Street Columbia Floral Co. ' V = '7 I Phone'366- ~ - ' ' Seed! Seed! Seed! E . High quality farm seeds, _;__ all -kinds. - , J.‘ { Phone 1920 green Wilhite Seed Co. I014. N.‘ sut St. - . o°9‘“""”8- W BOMBAY-FOX-TROT--STEP-0UT—lNTEB- NATION AL-WALK—COLLEGIATE-—TANGO- FOX-TROT——MIDNIGHT-WAL':l’Z— YOUR CAR ‘ Deserves to be washed by our CHARLES TON PRIVATE LESSONS BY Al’POIN’l'MENT latest type. It cleans both in- . , - side and out. CHARLESTON CLASSES TUESDA1 AND Prompt and satisfactory service FRIDAY NIGHTS AT SEVEN awaits you at t “ Wood Service Station -n... Place to Park” MRS. JAMESON 13.15 s. 8th St. - - . _ ~, PHONE 2048 __..._.__',.__ ._.__— -.-~—. . . ~.-_.... . CHILI], WAFFLES, _ ONLY ALL-NIGHT LUNCHROOMIN ‘ . . ‘ TOWN _ . J ii \‘‘—/i u T ‘ -‘ i .. PLATE LUNCH.‘ ; The Mutual Life Insurance 1 HoME MADE PIES . - . .0 g TOMS LUNCH Company of New York‘ 12 North 9th. CALL J' t s. K. CH0 % on age. PHONE 523 1. A home ifo_r.the farnily. . 2. An education for the children. 3. A comfortable and care-free . A 4. A protection to business. S o 5. A strengthener to credit; ‘ 6. A fund for emergencies of S every kind. H ~ : ' E1! is‘ .A -r, 5 4.-mu. u 1:... ‘A .. v,“.:C‘1‘ ,1._.i,.;,...¢, og..,1,u,,.,!i,,dw,,g. ‘ We rqpairnadio Sets and have a mlnplete stock of .“I..don't.knon just Ivhy..but. I am V C . . setting an on‘ lly lam number: S. _ _ . J of letters latelyaskinxjor inform;-j Y. _ _-_ %..‘.':—__ ;ti°n mbi-." said nu ' ~ - ~ ~ o . ~ ’. A ‘I. ; . . . 4» . °“"’*°d‘ mwdthe .1 . INEWELECPRIC SHOI; ' I i ' H Some or theinqnh-in co... gm.‘ W ‘ 1 ‘ I . I . - and DT€5$€S w nah”. mwmdenn‘ Mani Lamas. Eden Washing Ma-E _A _ _ _ Co, _ ‘- M”. to “NM comes. Radio Corporation or America Sets. H Cleaned. pressed and déhvered In a way that satisfies. 1 .. ,_ 1 - District Meitagee‘ . . , 205 Exchange Natioual'Bank Bldg. Colulnbia, My. ‘ ’ enea-emthgcln-mm. g¢.,,,,, um- ‘gt Ratllavsupplies including 'lhbes,Battetles. -etc. -We do ayemg ' A - . itor. indicate that Columbia ii to :1; Pm!!! 3e!'Vi¢¢« . Courteous Treatment V ; ~ - - - ‘ » “ cm nvflidmvvr the .c°s=-m- ‘H . ATHENS ELECTRIC snop V. A L E T . ' nee. """*'"TE*“ 1. at... - Phone 474 . ' so Broadway? W, C1,, ,; I 5 pm,‘ ,_. S mime ‘ Irallci W. .Ht'ma~. °"”“' " I . A HoIn'e%'Phone ézus Home Phon:n6!;4‘, ‘_‘8h°'f"' R°m"""' P''°'° ‘*9 I / The Best and ‘Always ' _ ..: 'l.=..¢t . I ma’ . 919 Broadway “Say It. With Flowers” . 5 W Flow liBl§R.NARD’S ,. . ... _ *_s.__.___ _%L..L _H .c~ 7 _ ‘ “ rr .0nther0adisivheI'ethe- .testforeur our TOURING real testof a radiator in. We do not fear such a Our work holds up under all conditions. .Get-you-‘radlahwrl made night at our shop. I‘I1.jJ.'iGRIBB.IoE'i Phanaelai use In. st. V '7 ‘.7 1. l‘ T‘ '7.‘ " K“ ' i "- .9» 1; a’ I -. : I t . : _ “'vv;AFFLEs d=Boo“ , _l J , ._ H . an,‘ A . ' 1. :'- , 5? ' .' i a " I ; l 3 ‘ ' . . , g :'~ 1 i . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘I - ‘ V‘ i‘ z“ s 3 ~ “. .. ' I 3 L‘ ’ .4 go‘ ' J ' it - 3-. " :1 L ' '. -. ji e .;" « ._ .; = :'.§ ‘fl . NJ‘? 'l?‘-.5‘?!-,4,-l-r-W ' " ' .6 I I" ‘,,~.‘ '.'..'r‘ 7-” . ':,t~3 . .« ~. ,, ;-4 * ‘ -' -’ ‘““:"‘ I -7 =.' ""i i ' ‘. . ‘-.:‘ ”’-.‘ I“ '5' ~. 7 I ‘O ‘ " {,3 '{‘O.’ ~~.. _ F g _. '. -’ iA- uh ‘ 7‘ ‘ ‘ 3 .:e> |‘"'..‘...‘-, i . ,_' o ‘ . -‘i -‘ .5‘ ‘;''IV . " ‘. ..z. '. r « ' .\ : . P,‘ . " .a‘.-'' i’ . - ' . I 4 ' i?e"""i§r.l-‘*7 ' v ~~ ». :+‘- A ‘ .4 : ' ~ ’ 1 ~-__»: _- ‘ I A , l‘\ . . la ». .. . I. Q‘. . V ;_‘M ._ 5‘ g ,‘ _ 4 . fb-ti 3 *.tr»_r~r. a'l’.“-o ' . ‘_- . ‘ 3 .'.'5 , ‘ L . _ ' _ ' ‘Ll, : I 7 . L _‘_; ‘ ‘ '¢ ‘ I ., .4. _ . ~ ;‘g..' 1'. ‘ ~ ‘ H . “ ‘ “- n. . ' . '_' ‘ ‘ a _ '_‘ _ ' ,"' I k r ‘ V”: ‘ P L " ' ? ' L’ ’< 3 - In ‘ism .. ,- I ’ ‘ ii .' '5 a '.CB ‘Q45 ‘.3: I . 0 ’ . .':n< . .7’ ; k ._ - “ ' '1- t a ' 3‘ Va’ _1 -g ' ‘ § *9 V (4 ‘ 3 2" . q I " ’ t l ' E’ J o ,..sa. :4 ‘ I ‘_-i. ' = ' « 7 "3 ' . ' -c- -2 . _ t . . " l . _ . . ' it ‘ ‘ 0 . . ‘A ‘ . V . l: ‘ . _ ' t u ' ,‘ '. ~ 1.‘. -. e‘ 4 V ' M — . - V ‘ . I H A Tiger Barbe!’ . .fi :2-~ :- I ° ‘L’ ‘ V Z -’ 1. ;"Z :1; ': ‘ . _ We arenow 1-eadygibo , . , ,m v?~ _ ;. ’ . . ag. iff r? '. x - ,1 311" ‘ .: > ' '3’. . ' ’. ‘ . s 9?‘ - ‘ "S-*:«’7=. 3 ~ ..- 4 . ‘ . A“ “§‘ .. 3 _‘ L’ I; ‘F *9. " . . .5‘. ‘ gjrzj.‘ ' ‘f in , K I 3 1, —‘}.e. ‘rs . r . ‘I ‘ g; . ;- T lfillliftfiliaft‘ F =:::.I§se1.I%sasa.l I sense LEARN TO DANCE I x .1 onesésezmaeliatsselizézz. ~ A Mutual Life Policy g F .' i :33: ea; ...;ee. is H 1?. M. LOCKRIDQE “ 3 .11 :.tlte.;e 4.... 31:23.12 ~..s.ei.s "1 . a. ,. ......-.,.. zt AL ‘. o