. - .-.-....6--...-....._- ‘Elie . U85! Yea eostlfifingland - s Donald I . y.-ill return to the , . 5' i "player. i can hold § ha_ll.<'in one hand. (1.,.m Norember9. .. _ i-year-old VD!- lamdon again sueltiiu A candy. This old cnaiom lapsed dur- « log the war beuuséfof the difficul- of tacked; i ' r. i-, a~y-em-‘to feed- Mac Ian, expl A ‘ 13.. fourth -mood i—n:\~ will be held. in 13's bio TI \ . i ty of getting sugar. . ‘ Skunkx horses, bears. toads, -and p 1 esnmies of bees, sa s Ross hiorrill, bee expert of Illinoi. ‘ . iris. Ruth Gillette‘ daughter of or suck. ' 10:25 ‘a. m.-—Ki\vanis education. ll confer- Ihinston. D.- sriillinl : ts. . » ‘ear. 3; ~ A 1 A. r. Burke, . pnlressionsi tennis fourteen tennis a_:___, . _ “ ll. nationally A _ Ibesday at lr§_ ...,4,r,, , " do co ‘V A 1 O DA,Y’.S:5ESSI 2 O 3: of Conf- :'theOaat‘Aka‘’ " §fit1ltl0n’.and By-Laws 1 _Si’iON8ORING biscusssii W. L. Nelson Welcomes? trict Meet. 'f'aniorrow'a Program. 9:30 a. ra.—Asaemhle, liall room.‘ Daniel Boone Tavern; aiming. lai ‘’ by Kiwanis lender. 9:45 ' R. C. Abriin. Christian College. 9150 a. finance committee: Dick Dale. chair- ill and griev- Wichi 10 a. m.—Claasification. Clarence William J. Ryan. Jr.. chairman. Kan- yanclanethtts sac ,. i I ' I405 Angeles contrador. will be the‘ ‘ only‘ aviatrix to participate in the’ international air rafes. : Cecil B. Dehiille decria the pub-! licity intended to 3?.’ rid women aeehnt ment from Hollywoh Higher duties sed the keenne with llontevideo the .f The mission of? IVA. Clarl'ln N1 ‘acoatoflmillioi duty. if p-syoung men- iu empl '.d~ hilt have in- cru is of English srangjlers. A $50 I’aris gown now carries a $35 I-Inglis " ‘ A lsongfellow-Ev] A line memo- - iii a fifty-acre 1 .' ". v ‘i .‘ "!P‘9"l“‘ r l : C. E. I-‘aulhaber. chairman. Little Howard Hill. Manhattan. 0 a. m.—-Music. E. W. llille. eimirman. Independence. Kari. 'il0:d0 IL rn.-—-Publicity. U. Lo tional trustee. Burton D. My Blooinin 12 m.-Adjournment. 3 eon by Stephens College for all wanians and ladies; luncheon spe 1!. John 1?. Cash‘. St. Joseph. ‘ ent l ,, 2:80 p. m.-'—Sports. golf and t . s. i " . 2:“ p. 'm.-Automobile drive Golumhia. starting’ at rqisti-arid} headquarters . I’ well Gymnasium "gush eonseeuti r dine.‘ selecfing lid, fiance for the re. . - is‘. late Senator’ of them overcome. .....1is'rn vlthgas. ~iii.'isoa .T trl Thebuildisuisinolivestzeds You-k.builtat iniursfirnlnr Seven hundred pa-so quarters of ti: sixth annual district‘ convention of Kiwanis. Of this nuru-' _ _ , sums are sympathy, love. adminrs-‘ 10-11. m-— yumaaium. her, 200 were women. rived this afternoon. man mileage than an Practic has sent ddegates. defiates. are among standing _ an the Kiwnniaas of this distri Local ' he 7 o'clock this morning. Mill. cheatra ‘ ‘sputtered hack. it Wis for gm:-ado ‘ ' 2‘ > In *5 "1 W i . L‘ $uPheroon'of the Kiwanl 7% d --....- .....¢...~.._.-s.-. ' ' --- a, rn.-—lnvocation, the rm. rn.—-Committee reports. I _. Davison, chairman. fll a. m.—lnter-club relations. 33’ Poindexter. chairman. Kansas Cky. Ka n. 10:45 a. rri.-Underprivileged cldld. Sam 6. Sutherland. chairman. St. II a. rii.-.-Pnogram. Thomas Cl ' rk.: . ‘_ . gers. . 11:15 la. ru.-—Address by into an V 12:39 p. iu.-—-Complimentary Iiin - I I §-.__A._._._» - . 2 i p.‘ In.-'—Annual_Banquet, Roth.-1 ‘mi ball, Womenbl d rcgin-1 t head- i A large St..Louis delegation an; _ Wichita dele- gates are estimated to have totalelz y other city? represented. ° of the sixty-four clubs in the district Hissouri has the largest represen- tation of any state at the oonvcntr-n.. altlloucii Kansas has a larger mile- age and has sent nearly as many ofautomobilcs beiiring " vi the. KiIranians".‘ that Coluniiia is host ' c’. Both Hexico ami Fulton elabs have reg- istered 100'per~ In spite of bad roads, many dele-' gates came in automobiles.’ A mud--, ad boosters. from ‘ Blob- _ carryi an or-- mund. Nu. arrived lthis morning. 10-. S I l 9 5 & . I 4 l .t .‘..-.‘ 1.? —' ow--C I ‘.1 ll 5. -.—..... .....,_... . -— -_ "“-2’-‘It’-":...’“" ‘:'.:'.. .'.:‘:‘. ..,.....' ' I 3 ‘l .§ I . ' ‘ ’. ll. ‘ I 5 . __ . _' .' p . ' u =.~ - wanes ‘. Ii‘ : :5‘ .. ‘ -J. ‘ 'a~ ’ - .' ‘ . _ av ‘ " . '. Q i- ' . ’ ' - - ' ‘iv, I _ . -I ' ll‘- "'5 i— -.._., , .- --. s ._,, Sis Bands In Parade Tonight. The Kiwanis parade at 7:45 o'clocli tonight will be u musi- cal parade, according to Glenn, (3. Davis. who is in charge. in addition to the University Bind. ' which will lead fmsrc will be the Mexico Military Academy Band. , the Odd I-‘ellows Band. Ithe Crcat Band, Kan. orchestra. '. the Richmond, Mo.. lloiin’ Dawg orchestra. rind the Kansas City. Knn.. Buglcrs. Six floats reprieseming the ll:.IlY|t'l division.-«. each followed :-y the rcpre-entntivr-s of the district iii'."ision on foot. wili be followed by floats from the Bo- tary Club. Boy Scouts. Lions Club. University. Stephens College. Christian College, and the local Kiwanis Club. The parade will start at Sixth Street and Ilroiidway. passiru: down Broadway to (‘allege Ave- nue. then hack «to Ninth Street and down Ninth Street to the Hall Tiicnzcr, w'.':i-re it will (ll!|- - ban . uis. . 10:50 i rri.--Efficiency cont:-st. - - -- - Charles Wells. chairman. Baxter Sprints. _ o {action token to the general nit-cling of all members Fiittirdiiy morning. The main address of the morning 3 wns miule by Thuntnia (‘lnrli of Rog- ers. Ark, on "Cliib Sponsorjiig." Mr. , lingers has sponsored and organized 9 more Kiwanis clubs than nny other ' man in the district. ~ spon«orlng,"‘ Mr. Rogers said, "5, .. good outlet for Kin-nnis enthusiasm. It gives the truc‘Ki- wanian a chance loiahoiw his neigh- boriinens to idwr_is"ctoseto him, - i Club Sponsoring Bneouraged go about the matter in a systematic way. I first try to know the people of a town. and then teach them the great principles for which Kiwanis stands. “Some members of Kiwanis can't understand why we should take time to‘forni new clubs; instead of leav- ing the matter to our paid repre- sentative. The motives behind Ki- I tration. self-sacrifice. hospitality. and anxiety to help our fellow man. This is the best reason I can give for establishing new clubs around i our own towns. . It gives these towns a better spirit toward us." Immediately after this talk. Bur- ton G. .\l)’t’I"F. international tru.-tee of Kiwanis. was introduced to the gathering amid much applause. Ten minutes were given to a gen- cral discussion of the problcmg. of sponsoring Kiwanis clubs. Other talks wene mode by Morris Breidenthnl of Kansas City, who quotes on “District Finances": and W. E. Messengcrof Independence. .- Kan. who spoke on “How to Bring the Local (‘lob Into (‘loser Relations », “'ith the District." (‘redential (‘omraittee Named- The comniitice on credentials, an- nounced at the mix-tinguis composed of- Char s Wells. Bakter Springs. 'rhairm : J. P. Davidson. Wichita. ohn J. Suliran.SllinI.KIn- rt Smith. Pat O'Connor. Kansas City. district sI(‘t'Tl.‘lll')', is an ex-officio member of the conirnittce. The committee will make its rc- port tomorrow morn ng. his welcoming address Mr. _ In t 1* Nelson spoke of the attractiveness sinvcnetu I of Columbia. ‘ j and 3 it historical hackgrotihd. andcalled ' oollqes and the y located.hore. , l “Kiwaniam, xvi-fwelcomo you as members of an ssganisatlori that. sf‘ has risen above the sin a of flog, said; “an organisfiflon which epi- rrownes -IIEVWUI. Ian. will be! creed. party. and nationality.” he- a ehantan-H tomises progress. bymbolises unsel- s flshness. and is emblematic of ear- . J0 fi‘ 7 ! '1 ’ JREIKKY ' ’. “ln organising a Kiwanis Club, ii‘ f AGAINST‘ SOVIET; Delegates Oppose Close T, Relationship With Rus- sian Workers. A fir l'n|t Prba ed , A'I'l.A.\"l'lC CITY. Oct. 8.-—Ou' ‘ record as informally but emphatic- ally opposed to affiliations between‘ American labor and the Soviet. the‘ delegates to the convention of the American Federation of Labor today - to consider many ‘important resolutions. ' The delegates. alniost to is man ap- ‘proved President William Green's scxrhing rejection of the appeal of .\t"t“t!r Purcell. British Laborite. to "establish closer fraternal relation- ship" with the Russian workers. Among the important provisions which the convention is to consider nrez‘ A demand for Congress to in- vestigatc the textile industry: s campaign of opposition to any ship subsidy bill;-national organisation of negro workers; the urging of the withdrawal of extra-territorial rights of foreigners in China: the demand fo a congressional investi- gation of e Bell Telephone Com- Pin!‘ C. S. C. TO IlA.\'QL'~E'l‘ Oct. ll Dirlgiblc Voyage Is Planned as """“" ;Jff':.Hou!'5 After. World’s 'ngr_am. The Clrrixiiur‘ Smdtlrts convin- tion is planning a‘ lmnquetfor Oct. ll ' ' the program committee. It is to ;held at the _ Church. The program is planned as a di- rigible voyage. 5. Bryant Young. student Christian Students‘ Congregation, M will talk on “Flying lligher," Schwabe will give the details "Construction." Frank M. I10 ..lr.. pastor of the Christian Church 3'. IX - Howard Prathcr will “5h_00t in the naked for. will furnish the music. 600 DRY AGEI\"l‘S TO BE DROPPED. First Reduction in Force Oct. 15. Prbst 'lv "sited WASIHNGTON. Oct. S.—The first general reduction in the perso of the prohibition enforcement since Col. A will be‘nsad¢ on Oct. 13. One week from today. 25 per cent’ L dred clerks on the roll dropped from the service. This reduction is in line with An-i dre w's decentralisation policy. lliss Fanny president of the Graduate ‘ women at a‘ meeting yesterda ;ornoon in Jesse Hall. Miss Crochet was elected '. 8. ._Co cil representative tion: Xian Florence ;doeiisd . . it was announced this morning , . ___.__, by Clifton Blickmou. a member of 87 United "N- « . be SARANAC LAKE. New York. Oct.’ Boone 3,-o.dw.y fleghodigg ii.-—Chr-isty Mathewson. the id ' . base of '99 Mexico. will tail: on “Safe land-5 . ing.” while Woodburn Ross and; 11" Pl3fl5- _ from Sarnuac Lake tonight. ' _ Mathewson‘: battle with tubercu-3 losis has had the sympathy of base-' ball fans ever since he contracted! the , tain in the army gas service in the‘ 5 World War. slow " when pledges for the rear are The C. S. C. orchestra ndrews. assistant secre-_ _ _ . tary of the treasury. tool; charge,§€!*'3"" ll"! '"°"‘"‘¢ . Fsnton. he was being delayed in Wheeling l v of the 2500 agents and several bun-~'“' k ' be y . Louisej G. 'A.3 by aeclama-5 E. St. Clair was ' The secretary . , president was authorised to appoint! ; a social‘ and publicity committee. 1 . , V " - I s _y-__ g_ Nuiu‘ BER 32 I IRATESTAKE SECOND GAME ' OF SElilESi,3-2 g; Pittsburgh Evens standing When Cuyler Hits Home Run With ' p Mmm0m' 'f’I‘Hiu-:1: 1N}GAMs 5‘Bleuge- Washington; Third . Baseman. Is Knocked ' Columbia. , Down When Hit by (‘ommiuees have been appointed‘ to perfect the plans for the state Ban’ ; convention of Democratic women to§m, 3.4;. p,,. gnu, ’ .7; OCTOBER 1925 to Cbivéaztioni .—. I . . T This 4 An ta-ed I night and took 85 in change. The thief entered by cutting the screen in a back door. He took 11 milflof trousers from a bed- room and after taking the num- ey left the trousers in the _liv- ing room. He escaped by the door with the money. A baby's 3 high chair was placed on the di- 1 van. apparently to keep it out of the way in case a hasty exit was necessary. _..._...——_.....§...... _¢:-—-—-a-—-1-nag»: . __.___._._~ “ DEMOCRATIC WOMEN'S ‘ « IIEETING PLANNED HERE E I 1 ‘!(‘omraittees Appointed to Arrange‘ State Convention in l r ...g.;......-.;.. moor msrlri <1-~——~~..-.... .-.-...-..4. 3 be held in Columbia either in _thel . P11'rsBUR(;a, 33.5 ¢.,...-.'.. 5 l"‘“" "fl 0‘ 5" °*‘ 9*’ 7""‘i§ I15‘ crowd M!’ the Senatorsgo down hum of hovember. The dim of the mm 9,. pm.” in the mm‘; 1 convention depends upon the datej gum. of 15, ward sag" “ 3.-Mb“ For Missouri: Mostly cloudy to-‘ night and Friday; .; . south portion: son-iewhat colder to- g . night. ' Weathe?”“1'onditions: cloud} tains to the Atlantic. 9“ “l M'“°“" "'1'" ‘D Q°l°l'Od° Ind; witT-. ii compromise on the dema-.d~ ' south to Texas.‘ Intermittent snows um: M, ‘i, pom). hc indoued‘ have continued in the northern bor-. dcr states. I-‘air. mild weather con-' (ird an being “pg-op;-fly imp”-,..¢d'-3 tinues in the Gulf coast country. ' -“'°T1h.0f 10*‘! 3‘ Ni" ii 7315". ganize the national defense unvicri «M In all parts‘ of the country; one Cabinet official. but the delc-i tcmpertwrrs approximate the new i gates are not asked by the ‘‘‘’‘‘l “‘""$'° {°' ll" d5“°’@i “W: ical committee of the convention to! I 13'“ {W C"l“mb5‘5 "Kim" Wm’ mittee presented a resolution to tho5 pgnlu" -‘V-”"’d“3' ‘V35 58? l0“‘¢‘fil convention today in vi'hit'h a'l refer-I last night, 523 l A One year ago. highest, 82; lowcst._ 64: precipitation. 0.00. Lo ‘ I-nssahlrfisnsrloiothu l'l.Al\' i | E Series had opened in Pittsburgh. Tu» ‘ ri. ltions brought on the end. i Funeral services will be held in. Isewiston. Pa.. according to tenta- he i A a 3 ma ortsov.-vrr: wosu-:.\' I-:i.nc'r yliditr of the requisition papers. . Miss Fanny lilowln is President of, “W”? “.394 5| ' rue Bill} . ; Nowlin was elected 30489 W- D- . schooi this morning. Ed Smith. arres .3. on a charge of sbeedins. was fined -and costs. l-Is I fined 825 and costs on a charge of pa-sesdng iutrndcafliig liquor. Ar-‘ irestedim a statutory, ' 85 C. For Columbia and vicinity ly cloudy tonight and Friday around 40. prevailed generally in all parts of ,,m,,,.,.,,-_ h", ~ year fight against the white plague. Ma the‘. “um ‘after the first game of the World? Manly of the poem‘ 'on as coach of the New York} _ Giants. the club with \".':it‘h he won; 1’ it-ma Col. Andrews to Make His fame as a baseball pitch». 3 _ For three years he lived in se-3 iclusion a: the Saranac Lake resort,‘ _.‘nd i: ‘ms mount 0"‘ Clarence D. Giambarlain , covered He returned to baseball ‘as T the ma ;8oston Braves in 1923. i —--—o———— 2312 James Featoa [X-layed in Wheelins ._ Boy Creed. sheriff. received a tel- ? to‘ , his on the charge of stealing a dis- mond ring from A. jewele ."l'horuton was fined $35 and costs am! She . o DeagItaetaIr.aadIra.Iarts. . I i 4 v N v’ that the s ers can be obtained. 1 ' ' ; 5405;- l The mesfbzfig of we commit“ I‘ :l:“l:'Il‘“, bd;u‘ ' I had“ . I '. $.r“d wan. sfiing ‘uh “run; ‘:3.’ “dz outs. Bioeflaabed sjlinesiijla ' m to center field. t at A who had trduck it. E. B_ Ghoon,alsoafarmer.onthenight °”‘"”’°‘ ‘ meoiiuiinpimsrsiie ‘to ‘ of‘! H The court today ordered Augu iocu. chefs: the Dauielfioone Tav-= wfsk my em. to pay $100 suit alimony to his wife. Ifrs. ‘ rum James ‘Sun I deputy sheriff. saying that \'a., where he went last wee brim Joseph Felburg to Colum- r. here last June. :2 be given a hearing on the va- tion will he guests and ‘speakers at a meeting of the board of directors of the Commercial Clubl tomorrow at noon in the Daniel Boone avern. E. Q. ccaastland. dean of the College of Bnglndvririg. will be among the guests. , Arrangemerda for the -luncheon» were by flax itt. Commer- cial Club sou-etary. .. by telephone City cluhtoday. < 0ne'of the snbjsrtsgibe d:enms'a:I-be I r’ ' ssou r 3‘ ‘*5! ‘ad i“ ll” 9”’ ""‘ ':talVl:I.l::fluy ’. Q‘ in Kaams. .3.'.‘.'* 9‘-‘é‘’‘‘'' ‘' "”“'.“""' City. oei..io.'sss Pelee Court. cases were brought before ty lficas. on or before: 2. in order -that Kur't8.~"JlB ray ‘ munaanoe of ‘a , ”_ :1. 0. Abernathy‘ . _ thshirthof uii.s.rui.ssn-Plullis. _ htsnefis-ta ,. _ r“ 4...: Pecktapaugh was thrown out; M. . . Granth 7 io..p..i..;. out ’Wright.1No . T °~ ii ilrelba r‘ -.-5.-.:~'.'s-4-zisfiuasleolan-a-‘+—a-..,~..@>..}o'«. .- I A X73- . ;__M efi p\*'n‘"fi"“.""““—‘ o 0 ~:. I ‘. , I ______.---- --_-..--A....-na-¢¢o.o-soc . v- -: 1-9, 5-.-