-I l i I I 1 1 u _r?. in} ‘.~'W \ 7‘ 6 I (_. O 1 ,. ,..._._.v_ +. -e_._-.__ __ . ta 1' ' liggaflsunggwm 2.25 ‘l 0 ..r - , ... a ’-_ I ._. a n i you and his $\'Esss may 0 .l’ - . ‘an open ..._.._. .‘._I, 11%.»: I . .‘ ,o e . a v. ' ‘ , s‘ . I _ g-‘ - ~ » a 1 a ' . -: tones. Iuncw ICED!‘ " r€'-Cy’: pl _. ' l . sayis the archbishop or . .Ari aerial lpouceflforcefi 5Gl‘vet~ so as {licxs’fha§_ laien or-gsnihed in l iéaco. ' ‘f 5""l'*en ‘ltalan and . the irucharirfic cohference in}_C_N¢1_|° go next Juri. lo . ‘ ' :llenry Troy lst lzlii studflit, v.'o'_h A I ial A V p group’-lot. European scientists fI'lBl«llllll)'l' the Phelps lie-< attend 1 u. taro.-‘J. ‘sniff eclipse of the sun‘ at’ i "'15 "$2."? ~'»' -25:” oeam.e.3a v 103- .I- ’-.-nut. -ea-an . ‘WW > .‘- ”"’ detaialfi 5-. -" ‘ V c&2oazm T .9’ : R. L. Welcomes Vis-1 itors in the Name of c' Columbia V Rotarians. T «o... of t'rI§_mI§ITlaapor=-nt ;noux-age: every perso - the tkht of franchise at the 90113.", oorninx §Dr. Burton 1). llyers of Bi ton. 1nd. of Ki wanis lnter- % ‘n 5 iseinatra can-Ian. l0. teary? in n falnousiE1\¢liIli PIN: _ "Rotten = golfers" have these turraed n noenu.-clot the Glen -R5118!" cm» nuts‘ in Bloomfield. N_- 1- . Consumption and lunacy are 8850 to 4:9 ra"~'ll8itlg the population of Arfllll lr-lallll, Off’, till.‘ ¢0I$i ll?‘ lurid. ‘ l lg ' ‘‘ .NIlNuis lleariliulajhlaisodell . (blfinyeo has:dekndod“his right to that 1 . . , .. A Missouri's‘ ' uxistaxe wealth this year will total s4;iss.oos,o!6. an in- crease of more 44 millions over kg’; 3'3,‘ . T . ‘ ' A blindcouplc twho had been friends before they lost fieir uihttwen5vyea.t§fil0V"¢!'9,U3"' lnfitd in New Yorlt, ' jf ‘rim -rt «inn-I-zinc ‘hasreac _ ‘nu. . in to fire at two al.Il'B!'I. 080 of avhom she thouht to b¢{llI 101'! awiaa her p; A e 1 '97)’ P“‘°tficQ,.c¥rk,-, .,. "turned into Ill‘ forts’ .-of recent ho " p _p All the peoples 9; the have to count for‘-.1000 you -‘certain the number-f of atom . A ‘iels ‘Bohr or " . "f A first-edition ' y at ‘'1’ an... Brotheu” 1327 w in Iaach of _ 1319"‘ The amhon,-‘ere I-lord Chariot. h. p‘ l ‘€11 ,5.-..-—o ta0I. mint their . ._ _ . , _ I‘ All 18-year-old; pchodgttl .pll.Dicd, alter l-Zarlls horse, nagm. to vie-;. consa- ggjwlnch V A Paris? 1.5+‘. Fm‘ =nu‘.1;. an; as excited woman this wieeaaal» 0‘ truszee Field tomorrow afternoon has promised to support the Tiger foothallteam. This pledxf “'83 made yesterday afternoon to 5 ' Kiwanis convention Lieut.-Gov. Don A V of Augusta. Kath. and was rri\'- ‘ ' en unanimous approval. _‘. o . national. told members of his or- ganixation here this morning. Con-, tinuing. he said: . “Out of every ten voters, two are‘. naturalized citizens, three or four are the children of naturalised citi-; sens, andoue or two are negro:-s.$ When or: stay away from the polls?‘ the ' c is decided by a majority ‘ ' has just come to this coun- OI ‘ I Convention registration exceeded eidlt hundred today. Other dele- gates. some of whom have been de- i pt. layed by rough roads. are expected ‘ to come in ' aftc ’ rnoou. _ ttcad in B033. . _ Rolariaas of Columbia attended‘ the Kiwanis convention in a body; morning and-«presented a large‘ mans. R. L. re-2 . -9. 0 aeaslm. reports dealt with agriculture. Sam; 8. Shh-ky. who made this report.1 advised a hands-off policy in regard! to production and marketing. but" urged that Kiwanis work to promote a better understanding between the, city and country. He also recom- mends that the clubs invite the farm-: on to occasional meetings and that- _ a spirit of oo-operation be shown by; hgving game Kiwanis meetings in of fostering Boy Scout, Girl Sc-outf! and boys’ club work. Spealcingor. the "Mechanism of Kiwanis." Dr. Burton D. My . . in-‘ ternatioual trustee. addressed the * —-mo soIi_'a_ now ' Ballads of it nu:-Q: . shin vie- er precious peach; her hon The apple of hegeye.‘ :1 m .. Irjfltghafiter years of l '?,r ' thought I some-tot ;'1“l’ find I am none ‘pf thew‘ ;; I'm just her a ‘ A 9}“ an _a' ,_.ao.»..< .._._..... -._.. .~ — Q“. E!» .2! mitxee repo message," Mr. Myers began, “other thap words of greeting from the international Board of 'I‘rust»et:: nndv Kiwanis International. International is referred . ‘certain place. We have place. This place is most general-i ly referred to as Chicago. the head-. quarters ol'the of Trustees. B At this point Hr. Myers ‘explained the mechanism of the organiution. of national, Ir. llyera continued. are “tc give primacy to the human and i am ‘convention here the removal of n .¢§000 deficit left over from the the country. He stressed the value" ’ fre-' . as occupying a, what is grown in'the state reprc-‘ View of ,,"i.. die laid upper ‘Plains. ' -.-a... . __o .- —vq-—_.-.— - -—a—. A’; - .- llcavy I-‘rest ls Predicted.» It‘ will be fair for the num- .:’ -........._. - ~' I - .: ' A llyifair . ' 4 -H t bug.‘ man; .513 ._ . ,; gflig ' tell! the "exercises nt ‘F’ e Mm» SW-*6 ‘rro$"'t-us:-»»:* in-owl-’-z i was»: Attend convention: . ‘i§.“‘é‘."..‘i2.3i..“‘§.'.f°“§of".‘.‘: J.¢’.‘;‘.._..... 5.. lira "to in so: . its-33-fig-oergdggnm. m:_e.'m', Kong; Cityyopp ; i E " the - 1. ....t......... . . ':"'h°" iv’; ‘:e'.‘:..;";" i A cleared or is elehring_i_n most ‘ '0ClZ. 19 Illd 2'0...‘ . g. , man of °"‘ ‘°'"“"'é‘.b't1‘.7” '~’v’.:i"l$.'ii’.e"°§a«'2'."o«:ii'v‘-'iie;’~f‘3i’7.i’§i’3 A 1>norosr‘no—rT"fs' °‘‘‘‘‘”‘‘‘’ 3’ ""“‘ ”'°"“"°°' Speakersishow How ers Can Save Moheydly ' .ri-Nebraska football game to- iuorrow, says the Weather Bu- reau. Tonight there will be a . ‘heavy to killing frost.” ‘Die , temperature tonightis expected 1 to drop to 28. ’- i '9 .1 Dl!l0CRA‘l'lC WOHBN PLAN f srncuu. C_ELliBIlA'l‘lON nuns. [lave Removed 838,000 Debt Left From Last e County Quota 81000. Democratic women of the state aref pluining-to celebrate at their last campaign. Boone County has ' Queen)‘. Wfilldent til the Kinaaacltfu Shipping Grain’ if by Water. The Columbia Commercial ‘Club was today invited by James Xe-' - . *tj§bfHalIop of South Dakota in 1905: : Chamber of Commerce. tn.loih:the' Missouri River Navigation Asaoela-+ tion toaendrueuioflte _i ence to be held in Kansas City‘ on Oc:. 19 and 20. t ' i ; A. W. Macliay of the Kansas City hlissouri. Navigation Co god Sydney J. Boy of the liv- er Improvement Aasociitlou accom- panied llr. McQueeny here and made Short talks to the Commbrclal Club almost raised its quota of $1000. ‘ . Three districts have not been hpard mm. . Mrs. Emily iiarsho. general chair- n_' char of the arrangements 0 ma m Re . moter of this enterprise but that the‘ Democratic 7 and "program has asked the women on the Boone County committee to see that women from their county attend the convention. This committee consists of: rs. 39 . Baliitvin, llocheporl; lira. C. C. sand,‘ Harrisburg; Ira. Mansil Shus. S:ur-geon: Mrs. C Cen- . B. aye. trala; and Mn. F. B. Faucctt, Halls- ville. CLUB FLOATS PLEASE CROWD Columhia—'Ch—e’e—r§ -Kiwanis Auto QSMWB 3*-#59?‘ ' .§_ ‘. i 4 'Un_t'eWcretwo:“ mm uwlvlfilrfiicolunlbla oIt.heaide- web. of Broadway and then iwaniana.'viaitors ind natives. pa- rathd‘ in the center Broadwa from Sixth Street to College and bad: to Ninth Street and the Hall Theater. . The Kiwanians, marahaled by Glenn Davis and led by the Uni- yemity of Missouri band. left their starting point almost an hour late dress _ of Oct. 19 at Convention Hall. - 7 bushel in freight rates which they he luncheon today at the Daniel conference is to be held there as the most central point. Herbert Hoov- er, mcretah‘ ofcommeroe. will a'd- tho convention on the ensuing A. W. lfacliay. who was manager of the,‘ formerly existent navigation. company, described graphically new ‘ a profit could be made by nchfa company. . “As an average for the last 1&- per bush To illusrste this point " A Bay, a river expert of Karma" who last year bought about pool andthuasavtng3centsouthe were able to turn back to the farm- "B... 1-; J. llccaustland or the- he Kansas City .. that he is heartily in accord the movement and intends to attend cars. which carried the national of- ficers. Then came the Arkansas del- egation headed by a float which told o the progress of Kiwanis in that state; ‘ ‘ The Lions Club~.gave a hearty rts were concluded. “ii “'3_°°m9 ‘O the Khwhhfi “T0025; Sutton, George Williamson and T. 1-‘. have come here with no written. W91!‘ T308! ."hl¢h .f°n0'Od 9"! 3"‘ Armstrong to the convention irritan- kansss delegation; it -was a lost of ‘purple. gold and white, and pret- ty girls heralded the welcome to vis- ittrs. A « The Kansas float indicated that to locate it‘ seated and miniature sacks of wheat. i - - . ~ gallon of.the river that we started just as we have to do any other thrown to gpectatons stated that the-. in Kim“ C“), in i9” ‘,5; . fund Kanns wheat is the. best in the world. The Jayhawker delegation. International Board walking behind their float. frequent- - ut Klwarris Interns-T’ 13-’ gave their war cry of "Rock golgmd Sui” tional is something more than this." chalk" which was gleefully ansv.-wed‘ ’ from the sidewalks. _ Richmond Kiwanlane gave a car- nival spirit to the. parade with a float bearing a slicing orchestra who let the world know through songithat they werefrom ltichmond. ‘Fulton Kiwanians rode in a snow- the conference. ‘Dean P. 8. Hum- ford of the University College of Agriculture has issued a -to all of the county farm agents urg- ing them to give all possible sup- port to the movementi ‘men is now existent in Colum- ;bia a branch of the Missouri River 5 Improvement Association. _ This 1 club will send three delegateag r. r; l . has City. The Commercial Club has 3 not yet announced nhether it will i send tcs. . llovement Started in loll. This convention is held with the lug interest in the nav- § of 51,100,000 was ruiscd.- This with !an annual appropriation from the government of 320.‘ 000 was dead to operate onthe riter until the World War . at which time the government sup- port was stopped and the operation of boats was discontinued. In summing up his argument Mr. lfacl-lay pointed out the desires of the association: To improve every possible outlet totheaeatotheutmoatandualng them all will decrease the cost of ' shipping western products to distant markets. To create new marlxcts close at orado Springs, Colo.; rector at Red-1 P is :and a horse. told orscrouporxmsaitityuaui _' * more mmum bushels as ._ , $3!-I io_§2r9r|rs . ng them _r . pment to ‘ver- 9 , . . 4 . ....-...—~ .o mm-1 < NUFBER 33 I - ...__§_.. ...__ --..- -_.___,‘ _____ __,_ "_ __ _ __~ A -_.-......_ - ~o——.—§-¢-_ ‘ ‘____.____'_ F '~’ _ iHUSKERs ANB’ . { He?! The Tigris Tomorrow 6 _ of Arts, lane: of Am ' _ ‘.of Divinity from Trinity ‘ '_ V r of’ Divinity from ' Divinity School. and from as ” ltcr at Glciuvootl ‘arse. Stephen . a. Springs. Colo.: ' a Church, Col-3 - was consecrated assis-' elected hishqp of South Dakota in! la ; bishop coadlutor of llissoun ‘ in= ll;,and bishop of hlissouri 111; l i I Brown iilichols ‘ Found 1 Guilty of Killing a ule. Brown Nichols. negro. W1!‘ 50"‘ tended to two years in the peniten- in the Circui: Court yesterday on a charge of cruelty to animals. vordict‘wan-announced about 4 o’c ’ in the afternoon. . __. P. Smith, plaintiff, said that w Nichols was using one of his ' _ he beat and starved it. caus- Ingats death. one of the principal witnesses for the‘ plate, was the prosecuting at-. to '. George S. Starrett. F The plaintiff charged that on Jul)‘ mule, with another mule. all belonging to him. to a wagon and that ‘was so mistreated that it ‘ road. . Sarr Whitcman. ‘ht? “ill pl::_\‘ I23. fir.-l (‘rzifcrt-nrc garlic no leads: of the 'l‘igr-rs when his l(‘:ll‘ll lnrcls Nebraska lnmorrurt. ;1‘H1JtD(;i:\-11$ OF ’ .WORLD SERIES " IS POSTPONED Rain This Morning Makes Field .Too Muddy for Play, Judge K. M. Landis Decides. GIVES »WA.;‘llNG'I‘()N Enos BODY ill‘ .\lA.\' l\'ll.l.Ell lit \\'n~ Strurl. .\'r:=.r iluntsdalv 'l‘.i .\lu:nin;: by Eastbound M.-l\'.~T. Train. A ;.n .\l.-l wt-st mi this murniru:. t:1.~'.':..nt;n(i train l\'.’.'- mile‘- illmtll .\ 0".‘l0L'l{ ll nrrai p.-;rl.n.< by the train new. Tht ‘ ‘.r:u:‘.;. near :1 Sl‘.:‘.T§l curve. train wits . could not stop the The max. wit-' .\‘1~ that zdi-ntifizrtti-=.n ’ according to‘_ B. (2. this curve. train in time. ' Postponement Will ,Help Bleuge Recover’—-Mc- Kechnie Disappoint- ed at Delay ‘Ty United Pfj _ WASHINGTON. Oct. 9.—The -third game of the World Series be-, tween Washington and Pittsburgh was postponed today on account of rs" was imypmzsibl ’Dnvis, compo old. and was either‘ a’laborcrlor tramp." Davissaid.‘ ‘ ’ BGO‘liiiC—(l[lNTl’, mnle.butlateradmitt':.-dheused Vendoftherelns, BLAST BEING C INVESTIGATED 4 Killed and 35 -Injured’! . in Explosion in ‘A St. Louis. Br-Uahl Prose. .- 87. 101118. Oct. 9.-—Company of- ficials started investigating coda)’ the causes of the blast in the Laclede gt’! Int: Iarr‘ht_hC<;mvInY °“ k9‘}:i= Senators as it I-tives Bleugv. 518?‘ lflflo '1 W cl °“T '9" ’ '2 third baseman f r \\'ushington., thlTil'-“V9 l¢1’l0D8ll’ lnlumdv ‘ml ,fif”. twenty-four hours iii which to recov-_ :31 ‘u“¢"°d ‘mm b"°’5°‘f or from the effects of being hit in 0 "33 035- ; the head yesterday by a pitched hall. . fit” "°P°“‘_ °f ll” mull It also gives Johnson and (‘ovele.-- "hid! 8500* 9“? b‘""‘‘~'”‘ °°m"’ °(i lcie. veteran zwirlers for the chem- the city said that it had been caused‘ vim.‘ Sm.m,.,,' "1 en,“ (,8... ‘O ,.._.t by the explosion of an ammonia, mm. a,.m_,~ tanffegug :3; mm could. not 3 Manager, Bill Blcliet-tmic of the ver i y icias. l’lll'll0l1l8tllll' ;pimu, bud hoped the “amt. wum ' were used in the basement; N phayed tad,» 3, he had p_;,_-,- tilt the O I in. This decision was made by Judge ‘ K. M. Landis after :1 conference with representatives from the two clubs, ! and upon the advice of umpires, who i said that even if the rninxvhich has been falling nll morning in a steady driale should sfop before the game. the diamond would he in no shape for a game. is postponement favors the crease of 614 Over Last Year. !’.v OC 2. 1 total 586,162, according to Ilepartmenl. more than ln:-_: year. .. M;__.._‘_WA J. R. ll QUICG and pipes of the building. but officials were; K,,_.,m.,. mm. to ‘M0. 8, ,5, _.~..,,,|, unable to determine whether ‘ht? tors and was confident um; ow Pi- ll“! 010805 15¢ ¢XPl°3l°"- I irates would win and got a much- Bfiescgebworker; .1-:8 still dlitlflflfli desired edge on the champions. 1.1? 1 e T58 in I C tmfllin ll “*9 “But the postponement is ¥ll.~‘O ‘belief that one or two bodies are‘ useful to us," he said. "as s: gives buried there. A complete list of the ¢\';¢- Md,-353,, “gnu day. mg [ cmplaoees who misht have been goats ‘Vic’ showed them about as Jvorkiuaiathe buementhu outset good pitching as an_vbud,v could r tained W Ill." 1\iASS MEETING TO BEAT 7:15 George W-i_'ll—sfon-_and Hen- ry F. Schulte Will Speak. Ballot Over Spafford and Savage. 3: l'nilr«l l‘resa OMAN.-\. 0'... .. Tales of heroism came out of the and fire. In a ten-story build- ing filled with screaming,’ frightened; women. two Filipinos and af nntionnl commander of the i I V-5 :- :3 convention hero tod 3lcQuigg won on tor shafts filled with ammonia and? ease smoke. until the machinery Spalford 224, and Savage 5?. -_.:———o——.. lly Unild ‘VASE Pun ‘ l)iG;l‘ON. Oct. V.’ culture today forecast a ' per cent normal. 1 7 This is compared with the Sept. ‘ 0.P.LeeehBarlel'l‘e¢Iay... araithclB24crqpof2.l87 .l-tarhela. farnwr of near Con-. V‘ ' A. _ .. - 4 I _. . ._ . ,‘ ._ . ' -‘.4-syn —.,.,.....-o«.o-«a'vodv-oocvnai ‘ ..' -a ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ’ .. ; :v1-_ ‘- u . I , '_ v ‘ ‘ ' .‘._. s .;., a ’ . . _ . . _ '_ ..a. - J. ' " V ' L ‘- ‘ ‘ ' . . . — 2 - u s . -. . ' .. 'trfiia.died.at his home at 1l.o'c.locl:t . niq-nig. .__ I-‘one:-al 3. 04*!‘ \.V«, CF l I1.-0'01 I . 'ru.\xx IS mmu;u'_r tirzitrsj n ux1I¢lt'l\..i.".u_ii nun: ‘.‘»'."-.-‘ ki}':c-J b_\‘ ' ' p3£1‘SL‘TlL'l‘ ll uiitscinlci botiy was liruught tn the Parker in-A; - m:-.n \\‘1{.~ tvalkintz doundhe The en- gineer did not see the man till the andi badly mutilated; .- “He appeared to be about 63 years{ Sb HAS 5199 AUT0sj State Refiirt Shows In-ii l'r~Il-rt ‘Prawn ‘ JEI-‘FERSO.\' CITY. Oct. SI.—Li-,« census to euros and trucks up to; report of the State Motor Vehicle: The report 115'; Siilil vehicles as‘. l‘('Kl.‘i'..t‘l‘(‘tl in Boone County, u"nich’is: nn lDt'l‘(’llS£’ of 614 over last year.: Adair county has -1010. which is 415; Macon Coun-; it)’ has -ifiiii. an incrn-asc of 150 0\'Pt‘. 11! H E A DS LEGION; _ — -_ --— _ _year, a Wins Election on First. afternoon outouim meta 9.-«John R. Me-‘ Quigg of Cleveland. 0.,,u-as elected‘ find gum. in the untud Sm” Ahlffi‘ I .Two M “o Legion at the seventh annual‘ [egg fig. 51° ay. ' (ll? first ballot‘ m-rr Edwardrfif Spafford of .\'cw’ York and Howard P. Savage of Cci-_. an: ‘be fink," cago. .\lcQuigg received 667 vote-s.l ‘tho phgomng - (;n2A'rziTcon.~: vrnho sans i _ was (‘top is Forecast at 2.918.000.-i " ooo Basis-is. i l . United ‘States Department at .tgn.+-Boaneeanlhs-has . 1925corna_"’1' Ia_mesforwhichraco- _[ crop of 2,918,000,000 bushels, on a; ticket: ‘ ' lblsis of Oct. 1 conditions of 76.1 ‘estimate or 2.ss5,ooo.ooo snout-.,3°"m f TIGERSREADY FOR BIG GAME :30? Nebr.:ltans Invade and Home Workout on Missouri Gridiron _ Today. ?1o,ooo TO‘.-SEE--CONTlE'r {Large Mass Meeting to § Be Held at Univer- sity Auditorium Tonight. ‘o l f About 'l'umorroa-‘s Game Mass meeting in the Universi- ty Auditorium tonight at 7:15 0' ock. ' Nelzraska team is quartered at Country‘ (Tluli. Attendance for game estimated at 10.000. " Gums starts. at 2 p. m. Gates will be can-nod at l2:30 ..o. .. p. m. ‘ Officials: Warren Gilt-.-, Wash- ingtomantl Jefferson. rt-1‘eree:' D umpire: ’. \\'cslc,v- llargiss; .55 at E‘ is: 2. El'llp0l‘ll’s. head liacsmnn. J Will it be four victoricr for - defeats \'iv:tury Ernest Severn! years. agu Gwinn llenry. Tiger coach. was coaching Emporaa College rat’ Emporia. Kan. lirncst. Bearg. 1 head .\'t-braslta mentor. was in " : the some capacity at Wnshbum i .\'or-mul at Wasluium. lion. The ' tl'.rt"e_ years that the two coaches were there Kmporia and Washliurn played‘ imrdfought games. yet Emporim and Gwinn llenry alwayiwon. After five years. during which Bearg has - T been assisting Robert Zuppkc at . lllinois’ and Henry has been at- Llissouri. the tcamauf the two- coaches will meet ‘again torntvr-. iron‘. 2 5 I . 1 .g.. z 9 in Thirty members of the Unit-crsity i 0 1 ‘U- 1'. rec. 1 . I‘ . ‘f dian’) -Schulte. but ~members of the I-Iainen o w A for-ainerg in Columbia early Nebraska Player Cdlled Home. ‘A Robert Stepli"ens, quarterback. and a gcpd brvlnen-(ieid run- ner on ‘the Nebufln football team, was called back to Linéoln this rnonilnx 5)‘ the‘d that . his Stephens t on ; the 10:50 o'clock Wain:-b train. The position of quarterback will be filled by Brown. who played quarterback in the game‘ " agairnt llllnoislast Saturday. ..«-..v-..: —r» ..-..-.-..—-—~.._ . this mtrning and went immediately to the Columbia Country-,c1uh whue they will, live until game time to- marrow. John . Seliock. lazsinjm manager for the liusloers, arrived here yes- _ terdsy to make final cments ' sleeping and eating quarters for players at the Copntry Club. llaaltera I’ It Out Today. « for ' the The Ccrnhukerlv Ed Weir, 1 er Camps all-American team last sh v I return immediately to the and will . 1 Country Club sogthey may be away Ne marrow as one of the mod adver- when the [incisors trp Dame they at- tracted national attenti kept in the publlreye. victory ‘over Jllinois 3 099 ft (lb he-.°'¢ _ >'OQOOOOOO o _ ‘I nucleic‘ f N!-bur.” its netball squad." Ber-.- _'rt Cir-.‘n. ammo:-. In-Se;-a 0 . l . I country teamand “Doe” Mclnah. ‘ ted by cape who wushalncd on Wal» ' ut this‘ O