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' .~ T ~ ‘ T. ‘ . .l .1 at . T. ' .: A :_ .. o ‘ *3 ., ,-_ .-_~~ 3. _‘V '- , c - vi‘; ‘ -al. -3-‘ ’ .‘ I . - 7.’ 4 ‘ " X" " -1,.‘ -,1 s. .‘ 2 T‘ _ .- -1 '1‘ ‘ ,T ‘Ir’ T 1: . s ,_ '- T’ . ‘ . _ , ~ _ « ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ,-'7 ~- ‘ ‘ - . - o‘'- 5 Ti ‘ -1 ..ul‘ .-. .. . A.‘ ~67 ‘,5 , -.$x ' '1‘. ‘' ‘A5 ‘ ‘r —;-’3.T~ . T~~ ‘. l . T l ' . ' ‘ - ‘ '*- v?‘ - . T _.n' 3?. T‘ ". * ,’ o‘- : .3 I ‘ ’ i«_Jr‘0 ‘q. ‘::-I‘' if .'*‘V.' — .'skIii:""<" V-S5 "C-_ 1., _ , I {F . ,..l ‘‘1_ ‘LL ;‘ ‘TN 1.. L‘; ‘_ ‘- I . V O. .- . ‘_ . ‘T’ _b T ‘. - ‘ Q. A A ;£¢n.1.;. H. . . . .- . . gar ll‘! ‘£‘,_;;é;..;.;__.f;.':..‘E_= "T; .».,_f/ T123” T T . _ _ T I _ ‘ff :|;1‘(4.‘Q! T , TV _ 56 ‘la v . . _ .,TT_.. . V A :!‘::'.‘~’:---‘-': 7- 5- T. . V ‘ FT-‘-‘?';A.‘wi~‘->;r" T‘ Tag: 2 Vi . . ..' T. . TJIOT. -‘ T - ~A -’ — - W;-1' ; .'_;‘~; 1 ":"TT.(.':"‘:.'T-.’T’. j T f ' T‘ "' T — 1' _g_,T};§;:Lj;' T" H‘; T‘; "".g.i!‘ -_ “ " " :, -’- ‘ “ - V YlI§ol'.-If1..IIuty-thy‘ 4 - ‘ . _ v - - T ‘ ' T §“ . ii. -.'j_‘aT‘;T‘:T._:..,.-..1.z, ;._ ::.T ‘f-A . T ,- ;T_4TT : _~. ,‘g_-J__fl',.‘:,;: ~‘ ,- ~ ~ . ‘g-‘:-“i_;’:j§.;.‘ A‘ .- T . _ ‘. _ T V ‘ T 1: - T _ "J: . T .,*"IT*fi|l WT T; _, o -T . ‘ ’ T 5, fTh.:35_ T « Te .1‘: _ T T . luooxivulhyahool t l . .T;...TT .T T» . . JL1 l_.!'=A:;:: fl ~ TT all ,: -T - T - - 3°'*"!'-‘at-nub-1'~mr°vA L ' “ es!-H-vicmie-ov-r - -.;W ~. % TT ’ ‘ ‘T - . _‘ono;m0fuld.':¢r‘.hs;..:1q’c‘go.:l‘.o.fb'.ooh;:.T T % 4 T mm“ M‘ -. T.- _ _T T V l Tl T" . T . _ i v ’s.:holuvede1 - 7‘ ;‘*::;...... ...T...o.;.. woman lS00NE1.lSP1»A¥* * T ” = » aeyuéoo not .'?.-.:::.’.-.-:-2.: t.,......rn--,.,...°°-**=-===...’e*"°l M. l.....l.,:r,.:'.~.;.-:: : ‘hook :Her lye-st““i%'p.a.‘..o.»..;T.l iocT’*Ai7?liEliliéTAo33 1- A ‘ 9‘ AD°f°*’*~ A l “’° A" ‘ °°"""°?~;lT A . . . i ' e'°"'°‘;‘:""":'.*'T*"-‘ T TT T . - , T5 . 3153-. l - VMOTY 3f‘.!'0!!!'3_‘7t'=,51'3*'5° -T ‘."“"“’°‘ T A A: = . T; , On Hffiléer-?I‘igelr Tilt T T 2 ' ‘ (.431-‘_.**. . Basics 76 09-245 GAME; ' kaj 13991, °‘““"*“'|-Olrmwc Club *1; — ’ ' - » ‘ - T --59¢’!!!-T.¢of._|lI11II T g T . W- .,T 11 Y I Tllerhley. o . T . asHnsthnport»T..~ 43;. z-.—-s—-l » .— . . ..T D 5‘~11mo;. ' _GlIicn¢on.0lI,io&ttcutChiu|!o.l " inton 1.. T T """""T _Pnemler Meetmg With; ,1. . ‘ —-———.— -G of GNHMNI "- Wesleyan at Beta; . .__.__,.. _ _ . 1:39’! -.-._ , 5%}-‘-== Grinnell Thls Year—76 = ,1- A - T A 1 A .T N:-I.. - not to law - F Snvnlull. Cllosr. T ; a? Com“ m Wm“, ‘t ‘gnu EK. U. no Mam Clrctonm Th “___Tm_T__ ‘ "W5 M“ T .._(;ames Wm; Valley 3 te In 1928 Bengals IFolight1~co’,:".“:‘“"{5_f,‘;';{,‘,:, "“°""“"1?~ Kansas Aggies to Clash % 0,‘ mail R ‘if ‘met - S°h°°15- # 0: Heavy Nebraska Tealn. ‘ ._D1'nr5' n old-. Im at spriinz-‘ With Bulldogs-—Other Kati-s'8uulNTormnl at°§l1Ilwmr- LAWRENCE. 1un,_'rl.lny-n«o} T {d l in Hard Baoleotm ~""“- ‘ ' T '1‘eanlpWillPla on-rm umoo l. ‘_w only ..... o. .l.. on o.l....o,. of. T .e .7 7: °~1£ ;, ».: """°“mm,d"" "“ §’f,3,‘f°“’ “Ed”-E . OT mid T 5' amkrorthe conference Kaunas football team walked upon! tn 1 ' _ T 7 . ‘'“' ° ‘"7 “ ''‘'T U ers.- . ‘°*l0I|0-005933“. ' slflilrun for._its tit!‘ b“"“‘ ‘uh’ l W11: the ml Illinois to Butler t nob n "“”"" ‘Mk. “ ' A “ omm °Akv°:lL sit "8 ‘ “mi; ‘ n i" . ’- .“ . “‘- ‘ '1' 'th tireVlle ‘ll’. ognipptflnkeran um.-on,11 T azhinst the Nehmh ‘‘’'''T‘’‘- 3“ “°“" U”""- “‘ """‘} be ‘find antral. :2»; “Mn "’ '_"",,f,nn“’ ‘ '” 3:: to 12- Later Boxer defeated thoé ‘ 4. tomorrow, they ‘Q, CRY. ,: I mo"-ow gfi they meet in Vhlt pro!n- JIYHIVXB 22 to 9. Will! in the ’ :, Missouri’: first football vlctotviovcri ‘$8 53:! ‘I: IUm888F8_t -‘am!-'5-1 5,“ to in on of the mo‘: impor. “N .1“ ‘ ’ p‘.'h ' game glued in 1880 by Knnxna, the: . i . {hf in IDOPC Mf‘; ‘ H888 . 'es 3'43!) V3. T1911 I kl; “at ‘me. of the ‘e‘,°n‘ Nehr‘8_ ' “ T “ 2 .. . hm.‘ city‘ Y. M. C_ A_ was victop; ‘ g ofaantnry. 'I'hela_sttimetlntthe 585% lg’ 1}”, g ' ‘ct -F03 '.'-1E01An- lotu,18tol0. 1 - was won wnrin 1899 whcnthey Louisiana Stnte vs. Alabama at ate ‘Runi. :”fl::::!:';d“ "rnztfizi “my. ion“ 1‘ we am.t,_fi‘.e ya“ imen.e,,_: Naw uut h l th t ' * ._-_. defeatedthered and white tum 11 3810!! Roam ' - . r . - t e °°° we“ 3' “ms even T '_ y T. . ' T. - - .. - - A ,5 "°" '9 “i” 9“ “"97, wk’ ",ha°!*“‘ +T -T T E woman's tho hts to Fall Dresses and ' go 0, . T . A. bollchlgan \-. Indiana at Ann 1- we Tm". “ubbormflgm ‘tumn . I Coats we Invite you to see our dmphy I I MiIIOI1!’i'8 Ithlefit Ydlfiwlrwifi "' ‘ » . . :th strong nouthern team and ad-5 _A ‘ TT _ ~_ ‘ ‘ Nehrtskn began in 1892. onelyur‘ “?""°‘°"T"" °"""’" “ °“""“’§ moo climatipal oooaitson. mm? L ‘ 'fA " tiff-6!" ‘tilt “K9” 1!-lid 0 lT>°¢A‘p°l"' .‘ ‘ ‘them as strong clnmpions ip con- ; K.‘-' 7 ' ‘AV " . their nm football team. ‘ll 1 "km" ‘'78- ’‘‘°*’'‘’‘“‘ "‘ -‘3°‘°“°}tooom. Walter Eckernll. noted _: T 3 T , In won the game, but neit yet the at ‘ ‘ T ' Chicago Iport writer and referee. i " ‘ T; '_ .' . ’ T T "13 T1333» Derfealy tfillored 8nd f83h1_°n“d Tigers evened the count by winfninc. ]_:v’I°’:!‘;"»"“*-""‘ "3- C"1°t0n .!-lay, the m,,°u,.i_1q¢b,.,k. pm} T. T T T R : along the lines of the newest fashions. . . I Hi nrl we as - ‘ - ~ - -: Cger * t . . ’ , ti?) oils: of 'th:::‘by tislginz 1:18.? Beligtre Dune \-,5. Beloit at South‘: 22°52‘ ;l:°y°;h':°n’,':£':‘ni";nil T .. . ' I Prices range from . ~ 12 tame from “it 3053975» '. I the United States tomorrow. A . . To -‘ . 0 leth . C t t All 3 .2 . . . ' Don't Fit‘! to Obtain a C0 . The W ‘W M" "~"° ‘l.°‘°" o§1.ao?..'§°£§o. °Jl.’§;.'.’m 3132 new wort-ht rm “'1. be!’ ‘A T . . W T .- o ' °';:; ‘:1; 1; Normal at Stillwnter played at Annex. Ia..‘whe_l-Fmfinnbns‘ 1 — of the Attractive Official ‘A T I 3 '9 ' ‘'11 1.11 C 1 neon T‘ - ,. T , T run up a lead. ’lho.line!nen allowed "“ If”"'° '"‘lI3‘’T3°"°'. , I :1‘ ugntttnkso .{§.‘Z'§°3oola seem t; f , T Dresses for every occasion. street. ' tannin‘ ‘O be . penedly Pitfitttgrg-igh $5. W. a. Unit. at: inmate ‘ Jnqnwk victory: ‘buts T T V V V _ '0 afternoon and party style‘ satin?‘ bl’ “Cl? 0PP°@m‘4 759 ~n.“.“¢1‘Q _ . ' . . :Amcs is always dangemns. Lat‘ ' o T T Crepes, Silks, Twills. »h ‘ad, 123015. Princeton vs. “ash.-Lee at Pr;nee- ‘ . , _T E‘ T“. L’ T : _ -T T ..TTT ,T: _ V . ‘me not-:2 ts-e:r"uw " qgler" se ‘°',IEuh. _ W . . . N ,0 4:38 E22: ;‘“‘°‘3- "mu: A‘”°'i F0!"tlle ‘M‘ U..—N U GunL The nary newest materials and shades. ga!ne,‘.Nebraskn‘{i T winning; flu M W ‘ mumpm I‘ e“ r-i““‘ 5‘-"°‘° 3* Wi8¢°Min Badgers in § ‘ ’ ' ' Sizes from 16 to 46. t 4.. Then came-rtjo game; 1 ' . _ , . 30.0.0 The to -‘ 2‘ ' I '- 3‘ -A w(',hidlTthe 'rigen’wo:o.soowod finder P°%t5- 3'” “.°“" "- ’.“‘9‘ “ M" tow sllooldgglx-L inurunnhfhamgel 5 ON SALE EVERYWHERE . To . 7.‘ 1 2 ; ~ 0 v T ::.°::3. ml l.::»AuTsT;<-T.Aa-eTTu:°::::,':* ;*.:*;*:;.:;'",:**.:*;::: * A last éue Missouri ' ll-§‘e'il-‘A "“"P°“‘: . ll ' c A V ’ nd the ‘i T- OMORR ‘ . . .' T tire backfield nod-h.lt_u.o line when Utgglxfllg :fn:°:;h°m 08111 "-1,;'f,’f::,m:§f,e‘‘,m"f,:‘’d:di“,,d."°'5 : . I _ Phoenix Hosiery ‘ .- 'phyCrS VG.“ ‘ O ‘ the 0 ‘ ' , ‘ _ v 7 K in ‘ _ _ S»-=~*~»~~~wi°-== l T §§?:°3’"'c.o"'§§‘2? :;.:*l:‘:;‘::~ The .::.. ., n on vauea souvenir The return of these ‘players to ' __ ;____ T ', . of 1 school Am; next year~hbIvedTl>mT|d up nose Football Players Dun’ lr mlk.iTD°‘ ’-‘°"3°”’ '"'°"" -0°”? M" T * A ‘ "°“°”“' ‘°“" "“"o‘-"m-"' ‘W Tl’ T’ be t ‘ll 1 ball = 533133‘ Mnn‘::kt§g;?o:l‘zlLmut ! h ' ‘"5 won the any “we inA"hich toxin” Enflslhento ~(iel'll‘l)(Qll a ; Wasllin‘;ton lut week I'll !:o‘tulm- f \ ‘they have held Nebraska seamless. , ° . "' ‘"" ' 3. 1 ._ T . . ‘I,-L Vt, . The “on W“ n to 0., _ .. pm: of milk g dgy 5.5-; . dag. , pressne, and indications point to 1‘ . : '. T _ _ pgtch in (he New York 15333, T Wildcat gictory. The Bulldogs have: . . .;. , ,T “*9 t"'°m_‘°th '_t”'““°ff This jg ouch )1¢Lgugm,ery'5 suffered heavy losses lately when? T~ badly for Missouri when Nels-uh hum‘ P-nuripu Eu,‘ du. ‘tau, p1,).,_.,._. ‘.,_.,.,_. d,c1u.¢d ;ndi‘i,{ . aw” thetigoo 33”’ 12; 0' at the end of pr£.?ice, he gives bio and I-‘ramk Anderson, our punt-4 A. _ f‘ T ‘V Cecilia wk‘: no mg dfill ppe - « , -. ' . f d in h‘ ‘L A - ‘ ' I 1'0u°“"18 ‘lei? “"5311 ‘he Hath :‘nfih:‘l;nh:'eli!:ct'l‘l'e‘;l1pt2.li:[d!::: ll:rm“l):ca:aceeoft:icl:‘::ss. “ u I f1::b°£ gfemcglq-99§§.IBhl:c¥-“erg: on cat! for half an hour _beIor1:,‘ ‘V Three other Valle)’ teams will . . . tn! veqety‘ ~'x -v 1 °' Ts ”°"«T-T:T ' T» 2’ Wm ...,cl.aw..*:.'=*:,..*:‘:*.:~ ‘*1.’ °m=.:r.,..,-°~ *:T- we on I -as my zoom L; . T T . us. I 5 c t to 1 ‘ L light’ ‘me fig‘ "J2 tn Am’ number of injured men is steak Ilzlenisfeoriltyoof ‘flinngtolti. '11:: ‘Kim; Lfié‘ Cflxums . 3 or)‘. ‘T W _ ‘ 'l ' T o '2 X ‘vented 1:0 ’ 2 whbh . ly T : nesotnns won a 254.0-6,vlctory from‘ _ of Du“ F: l mend 'W- ’ TT T “‘‘“‘r V l I ’ l - : nus . . For eight years the two trrns i . failed to meet, but in was to _- , ‘ gers_won the‘ valley charnploaulupv 2 by yvictory over Kansas, after the 1 '1 J syhhwkera previously-.had deflated T Nehmaka. % t T H E T 3' . In5l91l the two teams again met. “’ Mun holding the Hookers on men A ternw during the early periodlt the 4 . ' Tigds {ell before the line struishes Portable I . T oraol-*raokoooclu.-n,who brlhght f “. Nebl!tIl£t's.scorellp_ ". _ T _ . H T. T ’ %' In 1912 ‘Missouri ought]! r- ‘ l v1ctr0la8 Mo.‘ . 7- ~ :. T— 7‘ A . ntely and ouecoeded filholdin: heir ‘ ' '“ ‘W A __ ; ‘T ' _. -, "' : ~ ‘ ' - ::~w":.:°°;*::*A* ‘hero A 1 l... T _ -' - -r '~ T . O t ‘w T V T T_ T ,_ T A ‘ - t . am" the’-line for geiouchdflw in T I I T’ I T % T. . T ' COMPLETE 8'DOCK ! th .utq .Enr lnvthntun-. ' ' - T V ' ,h.“. V. .‘ ,» muawm ! . rm 'l‘h Whole World to Tour we T l T . 5 fl’ dnvm which had count up H 4-‘. ?A ‘ - T Martin Ilflflllltlll - . . ; ~ _' ten-lrardliaeudonchlioldthe us ’ .. '. _ 9 ‘ T . -, ' 5. «en ifw am. on no one-r-rdline- . ? ~ HOME Twrrn ONE OFAOUR RADIO-TSETS A hula t 3. ' 1913 159.“? .9‘1,{?I,.9l..°. I " ‘ A ‘ , , T T v . ‘ o d ' '. °’*;*iP:;";‘;gL°‘,_*g',i:"'l'“°' 3 3 World's leading lines-—eonvenlent inrlnse oi T payments. Prices ""‘ T V _ _ ‘ ‘ 0 ‘ _ ’ ." 1 .‘ t1 or e. noun 7 A ’ .T:;. ' ‘T ' "ri¢&rs'od1 tlyduml hlpb _ ‘ fro . ‘ ‘ f ‘;' '50‘ 5“ P"‘l'wT'L - ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 3. T _-I -A g I T. T I ouch beaten Nebraska. -, \T - T _ !_ T ‘ nextyeu the 'I‘i:eu~.*' [ T‘ “-T ~'xnal:hfortheHusltero _ T A ' ‘}tnqncth,or endurance. _. . ~ \. - * ._ In~l9l8 all ‘_ llinonri lost 3 - T '- V-_ . , I ' '. .-. :1 ‘:' l _ 5} ‘I AfA I ‘ . 9 ‘v’ 'r- 1 . 2' V ° 1:‘? ‘Rf * ' . ' 1 ‘ ‘of ' eooioiny inlxfieh TT on; stocks are more complete than . fy "7 knlt‘it the but informed people i T m - ‘T T5 I ‘ TT ;_ T Tsenihé T. T _ for mon 31 ;T'_ 5- ‘- ‘-“°"°9 T. A A i- ' 4 . " . era e. ow e tune, 5-1 I r*_ whohavetned llunsingwep with , T. .3.’ . : - S 13 ~ T g ; .1 -, to -T-now1sthet,imet2oT :“Gtvemetlle unainglinionstutevery _ T T T . T. i,-3 up them for the littletots. and all the w1yvTjup.=ll_lo 1 Lot 3“ Our extended payment P ; mother; T T‘ ; T T _. - 1 pump ownership T ‘ T. 3 '; ve some nlcetwann l!nnsinfl'€‘"' ‘11 1'9!!! far T: A Seal Victor *-~- ~- ~ . . ; A puton. A T alé 6 ‘mt: T % _ , ' ' N I - ‘ T w - _ I . - _ > , V .- \ ....."*'=°*.:‘*..':.“l.%.“':.:':.?'*;'.:.,".:;._l'"o.'°"l lo.noeo°"Jo T T“°°""" TTTT mo - T ,3 T, T T v’ .T . 3ior$1.0o .......... s17s.oo- .T T viegqaenta-Tfior Womcnfeland ' l - A T V T -- ‘g ' - ’ T“ everyIizeT ' - . T. TT I ' .. T ~» * T T T T are room -for ouraluncnneetod of Calling!’ 1 TT OIv“6IO’I.0QO-O0gCO4II- “‘- ~- W 1 _ ‘I a _ ' :‘ .....‘'........‘’..§'‘-.....-- ‘ ~. | l T ,r. X; ‘:1’. ...‘.. .l.o‘_..§‘;.oo.. _ I... . W E“, N M fl m‘ . If .‘ 9' .“' -.2‘-'9". -."' ' ‘T _v‘-' ' I I‘. -?-I "‘ - 4' 5» ' , *- «-‘ T .T T. ;- ‘A 9 ' * -= i 5 ‘ V 9 . ‘ti ¥ In ‘ . ‘ .T ;_‘.¥ 3,3‘ . ‘ - ’ I :1 La‘ . £' é-{ " l ' ’ ugh‘ . ‘IV J ‘ . ‘ '5 ‘,7 : ~ . 4.. ..T_, " K ‘:5 V ‘M ' . ;.~A~‘*~-1 ‘!.~.'." -‘-. l. M.’ I T_-. on .-