n iii: v . -«. 4 L . *~ .. -~ K. ~“ n . - «,4 a 91- -3 ‘ » t ‘- ‘ ‘E * 3*‘ ~ - - ’~‘/Z}? ~;“:-' '.’.3,~. ‘Vi - L 1;‘ "an: 5‘ .» ‘ '~. "5 ~. ' ‘:1. "3?a~~"'l' ‘ ~?'“'7.‘ ‘:-..i ;- v ‘in r ‘ ' i 5 “' . n .7 2' :.'-‘=2: ~ . '- . ~ ~ ' ‘. ‘ =~ -_ 1. ~ .. ~-.' _ . _. . , = . . , - . ‘ ‘ - _ .‘v ..-, fl ‘..¢’£, 3 "4 _‘« 4 . I. ..n h“ .‘.g‘.,t.i _I ".l| .V'.V‘."‘ . 5" E.-‘lfi«*:. "_"-:.§‘..| "‘:~. , :.;,_.:- ‘ _ .: '- ‘ 0'.’ V; I .,.V‘ -_ ‘A ‘ _ H I ' - :.?...f\‘f._‘/l_:.:; ’. __"‘:- .- tn t:rtt.%:-i V t, i o 2»i = " -~ * .i -.+t;s~.«-:+~:~-~—-so we- =2-"i“‘+. no-«—«~.»-t~- L L‘: A . . A V ’ tviév LU ’~. ' V :. A ; * . ' 1 ‘ ‘ -_. ;T\.V"'V '6' M‘ '-'O)\ ‘ A h ‘ . . V‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ,' q o”' . ‘ h _,,-_ ._ .3 1 M . w -3 _ ‘ ‘:2. ‘ L ‘ L‘: ._ , '. 2 ‘b .‘ . :‘ I‘ J ., ' V . ,.,.,......,. ,.......,,n..t ....._..-.nun-s-ml-1-e"""*v"" A sencmz. 'l'08'1'IiDEN1S b 4 o u ‘ ,§:l A: - .‘ 3 ~'-», ,4 .. g ,3 ‘ A ~' a'lqh1oc'laaaa'lth‘linina‘la!'l¢ open, : - -- _ _ e - . ‘ 1: ~_ ' * :5. 1 * - . ii "3 *»- '3’ 1 ‘envelope one huaxpiga K W ha - f'lw— ‘i.;mn:.¥dm"sm-8'31-or ' , j ‘j I ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ; A. - tclanhunr the I airkwt1I!'_‘t"?*.*"'-“¢ ‘ 9 '93 ..° 300%‘ S o -‘ -- for F ‘V mt. hroi:-by mu,‘ .._-' .. . ,,,,.;..ti...-nt with his 6;» near pnléenqnd at! bat W i Bennett-(Du ) tephenson L 7 ‘ °i= -=-*~"*° ~*”=*°°'°c ; ~ . . _ .' . h_ “I Gym Em .5 Loin so.-nit ...... ..2o—22V;e Sausage .......... ..|5c : _APA_3!'.I[EN'l‘ w.u~rrnn- ma s.u.a——2 extra good Jersey de;'.‘,'::‘°}",},:“{.°,.2,b;,,,;I'n' sfigm 3 Porterhouse Steak .....225/:43 Pig I-‘ect. Cleaned ..... ..5c dinni size. By_ Walking eoa-a. Phone 154;:-een. S18-tf. Auoduion wednudu. nub: .1 the 1 Fresh Beef 'l‘ongues....179';e Dryksalt Butts . . . . . . . . ..;55c » Phone 1 ,' llinxs. ‘ """"“"""""""""""'—*‘ ‘Y, 3,[_ c, A_ Bufldj;-;‘_ Fresh-Beef Hearts . . . . ..7'/gt Smo ed Bums . . - - - - - - -- C t -' I " I ’. 3 f3‘ -rfimums FOR SALE was decorated in black and gold. 3 0:: Tails. each . . . . . . . . ..10c Baoaldast ‘Bacon Strips . Tn . * ' _a FOR SALE--An oak bullet. farm Harry B. P!-lee, Praibyterian stn- [2 Best Oleo in town . . . . . .;.20c Fancy Light Bacon . . . . . . 3&3 .::fe‘ ‘ill’ tile. in goodcondition. Will sell dent secretary. acted as toastmas- ; Nun“; Colo, 0190 ' medium weigm Bacon ...3oe "'0 pa, ‘Gnu; Pb-aw 656 buck. cheap. Call at 52? College Ave. ter.' Rev. J. Li. Alexander ' . . . d. I Pr‘ _ .- 3. ~ _~; gag.“ Ph0IE__$5- B31-it the II‘-ioclglon. The Onlfibfiitfl P Y6 Creates! Meat Values In Centnl Mtssonn Regar ens o ce V ‘ ‘ " 1 ‘ ' 4 sever‘: secefions, a in .5 ‘ W . A APABTAXI-XWTS R‘ RENT — “Isa”-‘LAn3°U3 Mcllner gave a whistling solo. -1; P e - ‘ H C . ‘h & 4 ‘"5 - ‘pdfi ‘put'"" a three room house garage and 'p°°°b” were in cc " ' » i‘ A ~ ca; neg“-gs? Stneet.- garage, _820. . . ‘ with the harvest moon idea. “The I C M k 2 mm. sprig-gs M!-saga». °§‘:°“".....“°‘:£.°.;.‘:";‘§’;~2‘?“ °‘°§n'§t‘3»’.fs':§'. gioouwnxg hsmgh~;;~;s;;n- W i~ arr)’ 31' et « - n pc on, ma, . _ -, wing,” y ' a . wmaher,‘ _______T E . _ 5% A - _ 2 bomnn:¢ment,_ nicely tnrnished._ _,3oo_u AND BOARD—I-‘or héyn “The Cultivating" to Ralph liar‘ ~—- V . ‘ ' o .. ‘ on'oCllete. 3 25. Flifln 3953‘): C‘’- and (iris. 504 S. 51}! _Stre¢t. 32-34 ten. Ind -"The RGIPIHL" 5)’ Rllllh I - — o ~ — - * -* o'" ‘ "- i Q Guitar Bldg; _ Phone 1820 . C. Ahele, took up the various phases’ A ‘ ' ‘ ‘ i :‘ _ mm» o i i W *:t°**.::*§.::*;~= 5.12:; °* W:-— M “'‘;‘‘'R?}‘ “*;°-** ~ - o ~ t -. ——.—— - .. v - 9!‘ . 11 G 8 0!’ on “ or jective," an en up 1 . ~ . l . * RENT'_Fn"’p d Zel1Bf%6ll'.I. The Singer sewing [37 d D , M, C, T '33:: spoke 11,‘; C 0 A L t - h . -‘ _~ _ 5--. ' I A .- v£oor.8lP3,V*m¢l§‘ °nf3£::lIT7s W3‘ machine of oday is the result of. “Ou‘;nBud::et." Theo evening was T? A e —. !l'1lIl‘!'°¢m- .'"“'I. W‘ Pa1:§°'kii“::p°, exptrieneed workmanship. The enlivened with songs and yells. Q ML Olive flhnois . e ‘ . ' ~ 1“! P°“E‘*- ‘“"‘“* ’°°”‘ 1:; 9f’*SinsescompIflFh1881W8)'sP!'0mP1- Cold boiled ham, mashed pota- - e »- ’ n K o - . o ‘. _. i'GI!‘l8¢- ‘R-¢lt"V01’y. reasons 1 - 15, nglgopted any iinprovemcnt that ‘veg, pinup. ; ~ . .' ; o we ._~ , toes. I: ttered peaan iii: In -0n°°-'- P50" 1797 "'-““- caster. pie salaud. hot rolls. sore cmm, cake. A - ' _ ; ’ ._ ' ‘; " tlastlonger, 01' do its work better. gnd coffeg wax-3 gag-yd, ; ..v Shop. 111 North 9th St. ————o——— ' ' ~ ' f"°‘:,,.;__M‘°,f,,_‘«-“2",’;",V7‘. rbono 148-red. 214:. t-nnnicrs moans: POTATOES :36».-—bd iwI"I*¢!"‘f“" REPAIRING-AND ALTERING-— rnnk ficrhn-on 8_aya Minnesota ‘ii Iibll-t fihnn G-t DWI» 3". Gilt“ or clothes for men. women and ehil- ‘ Snow wiinuroot Price. ,; ' ‘ . o . V , o. .‘ U ‘ ' axenwnow done fly HR Singer S1109. Columbia will be affected by the . . 1 .l - 111 9“! Sl>~,4LDbOD¢ ICE Yfid. gnowgtgrm in ujnnggotgi 3.9, {n am. '1 » . ‘ , _ . ~ ' > H W « i -L . b . =- tan; a ha n (it ds" $_ 1'§‘s”°§g,';_'”“‘,""“' A3; uosr Ann mum) toes. according to Frank Mono. ,3 « T un y-.-—We V6 -- A ' “ ' . . A . -O 9 . ~ A FOUND—‘PalY'0F'£lP8aes Pho fl"'u' 'h° ’.“th”‘e:°!.:pnrd“'i.n‘ 3’ 5 ‘ I‘ ' . t A : ‘ 811.8» n5‘o..‘"gn_ - ' __&§ Missouri Fannera Aasociaf : ’ V . Vt“ -~ _-—-——4 _ _ k ‘ 1 . i E: I SLI3: ;ps1'.;_p;i£ of glasses ma Luly Hr. Mel-‘arnen received a telegram c 2 ° 26* Cents Bushel __ o ‘ ' . V =3 n......... non. :2::.%;*t:;"*;'.,:::=c;z::;=r«,;:;;~ ..a.,::::'=*:.:“:;t..:.*‘::. 4 ~ NY ‘ —~ A « ~ — nan ’ i V F011‘ ‘ ii?!‘ . n L . nesota and, as a result. all potato 1 “I ‘- . , tiati nodae ‘routines-r. A WSTTPST 011:8? fiortiiu -he“ dixzinx had stopped. - <7 Phone 891 ~ ’ ;__5_;e 8th and Cherry 0 a for Red Crown e t 5 ~ ‘ {$34 any ehaker. ,(:oupa.- ~e -7 classes :11 me ac’ eat crease. Th’ '11 ‘ 1 f *0 1 ._' ' ; . " . " Q 0 « . » c A ( ; N . 4 Reward. Phone 1460. 81-32. 35 cgumpeg-?;:tndr:dr;o:n;s o‘f B?» in 1 ‘W _,._ 0 ‘ ‘ 3, nod‘. ‘ IDS1'__Sih.er _.!-ounoain pen be. tatoes ll! car-load IOU. according I0_ —— ’ i % ‘ I x- . j CIT‘ ‘ ‘ _ . ' 0 i SEE THESE USED CARS tween Brotldwn-6' Ind Read Kill. R6 gr‘ n°F""°n' wb°‘°“k “nu. ’ A A N A M‘ M A H H ~ ~ NEW‘ — ‘ n A - ' ' I. ‘I ma” 3,1,, .00 ward. Finder phone ioo_s. L31-32. ;’°:;_"°", g;_“c°:df$‘§;’f: “ *3“ 7 - V if . ‘ — » =: .5 _3 . . yo 59"" ‘ " LOST--Barrel of fountain pen. in- Retailers n-e now selling potatoes V ‘ ;’ 1' : ‘P"‘”?“‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ " v ‘O0, itials D. L. S. between the Palms, at about $155 and 8l.'a’5oper bushel, «:- 3 9 FM! Tvimnt V5-°° Botany Bldg. and Lee Street. no. but it is probable that they will be -A , . , - ’.l"°1‘d 305” ' ’ d. Pb -165” red. s3o.31. niaedto$2. ’ . b *‘ o , 4 ‘ Pnocmirs cannon.» A "LOST "’r°° h‘ k d ...EC—r;_-—L—-E C C = FRIDAW AND SATURDAY , ; - ,1. '—' “es 3 n1 0 e573 ‘n P R A : . _ l i -- - inoney in beaded hand bag, on or - ——'—-—— , 1‘ f V ‘ ' .. ; pa,-_ sguu. 9;}, st,-¢.g_ ubeng ,,_.. Franklin -8. Lanner Will Give hlasi- ' ' ‘ ' ward. Mrs. liinber. 805 Elm, phone '3‘ 9'93"" 5“f""° i _. . ' "‘ " ‘ 21 = 850':-kite. 31.34. Franklin 8. wllcagai 1- m- _ > “ -1‘ 533 _ ' ,. . ano recital at an ge at 7, e I‘-OST--Ladiu Platinum Bar pin 4 v tack 5,3,4”-_ 11,1, i, the 5“. = fill” ‘'ml.‘!i‘m°“d‘ ‘"3 P°"'1‘- 5*‘ ohrlcof a periea of faculty recitals if ‘A .._1_ -' tween Daniel Boone Tavern and Wa- an, "1. hem‘ xiv,“ by we con. ~ 4 “"11 D’P°L I-553"! n°‘''"d4 39‘ servatory of Music before the -holi- ‘ 3 Fur“ Fa DY)’ Good! “,5. The Wtmm W‘ - A - 3 N30’ ' presentedby Miss Helen Myers, vio-g 3_ llniat; Mrs. ‘Pita Green. soprano;' - §f,f;‘:,‘,;";,:§"§g ‘ Miss Viola Cox, pianist: and Mrs. » bur‘. - 1:-ind”. P1,”, phone 55 Anna I-‘roman. accompanist, on Snn- . Red Crown is a Pren1i,G“ab5,—‘ » ‘ ‘ran to ltlisso§rian' Office *5» °_°t-25- _ , § . hue, 1 d d . , .., 5 afimmg ‘. m. ‘.4 5c,,_ _ lgtenoprogram for this Sunday is _' when om Wotan . P ; .. , _.g t . , _ 1 . .‘ I . ‘.3 0 I'll , wflkedoutot -"l- _‘ m hne I ‘, , n; E“ Y" ”_._1._._,: .................... _.M: . we WM .:;;d e 15; e t gaso {you can % _ 1 ; H-0 31"’ . A tum»... ........................ i right in. Think that " dl f ’ ~ " T , V .2 wsi~rmn_.nigh School 0, on. .,.:::.'..,.....n. ............... .::n.°‘:‘?.'.'.i‘; 5; om-an-= wee an uy regal‘ 688 D P1103» . 0 e i -=~rw»o««»«=«'-urn» *;-;~...:..-M’ ..:::i: o "W ‘i“'~ 1 o’ to et less. A i A A i 7° ggm and ho-rd~ B!;g°_;; n.....;;.;;;;';.;,;,;:‘.'.:::‘.'.'.‘.::'..i.....,o with pay 353 g g .= - A‘ g 1 " I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I V '-> ’ ' - " 1 ~ ~ ”°“"" :':"':.:'.'.'*.:....... ...... ............°:':‘.:.:.f: : . - , . » v SIUDENT AGENT ’)la_aaariui Bhaysedy. no. 12..., .... ..Uszt . . . _ To u!l'ABut-Tia razor b e er """"‘°, , , 4- 3’: “ T and dropper. Fast ‘seller; (Wes ;‘£|-'“|i‘¢ 3054! ‘ — complete aahsfadion, ‘Write today - _ W095“! 0 1 ~ . , ? for -dehils. AYerexa Sales Agency. lW¢.lfA!'¢ ll! Wm N M“ it “*9 ~ ' , ‘ if t ' ~ asis Summit 8:. Kansas" cm’. In‘ bvmricrei-I ab It 4 o'clock Hw- .. 1 .1’ ’ ‘ 5-32. _ If“, I . l‘ A.-.‘ J ‘ ’ ' ‘viii!-e‘r~e!-i5.w£.s;t°°=i tr: ' " was p. __ iified .,_. ..»—v-4|-,w ' ' .‘-"3‘-"-.-.-*..sx"~.1a‘t .: L .‘L [h is zf,‘ ' 1, ‘ * ‘O’ ‘.' ‘ 1 ._ _ .. f L}. 1 .101!» ' {. . ‘— .1 " ' ~ii<3*5i ’e"“7't9t'1.=' ' ‘ H " - ‘ - ‘:33-" '7”. .,{3?;'*'.‘r“-’¥ “ _ . . . _ ‘ o , 1 . ’ 4 . * » ~ . ‘ ‘ .v ’ ' ' ‘ '9 ~ ' s N _f, It I 3‘ ., _ ! ' ..._ “'1; ‘ ,. . ‘ '-, --‘. , » ' .- .-,- -: ’. ‘ "- ‘<:.ata.-. . .'.- ' _‘ ' “ ‘ vi ‘ .' n V . ‘ ‘H c - ‘* 2 ‘_ :.“,.._. .-I-‘} 3j I ' ‘.'{,¢t‘ 3.3 -'."'$ V ' 9 ;. .- .v¢- ~ - . i '1 ‘ *§ _- v‘. ‘-"- €’g.21.'s'.('¥ .o.‘T".",..~ ' t . ~=,~_.-655;;-," r',':: _ :_ - ‘ n .' H _ n . . . — ;h- - I_‘,:' , ". ‘M ' I * ' _ ' ’ A ' _ ~ _ . V ' ' . u‘ - ‘p.-n‘ u‘ .-v--. 4oz-In-j-ouunjs-A-