,. .o__a.__ , i l =-.a~:?‘-1-er‘ »= .;-:.*> «ii is T = B T ‘i %~ ' I V ; 2% ’- ’ = . . ’i‘ .»- = ' "5 ‘- . 4 «?< h , ~-- “:~‘“’-*— oz - = .- z .. no kw‘?-"c"*"i.* b F l — B . 3 .2‘ ‘if. '1 W ‘ i g i _ % _ A ~‘.; *3 i ~_ ~ .. y * ,.;’-.z-aiéi .51-_ 2 : 2- gape. ; B ; . Hf Li ‘git. j 1 .2 THE comm; ‘MISSOURIAN; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 1925 -.Y« _. » ' '3; I «ii§§=:'—'-‘ii .1 "V: ”““‘~ 7 " ’ ~ W ’% "woIitanoI- ’ lnfuiihda-é to xv-. '. —.' ls - ' ‘ AITRIIDE .W@N§l3AY. aerved. aeata for that production: .flT STEPHENS COLLEGE 5 . "=l“‘?’ ...' '.nP..‘e. -? ' ' °- ‘ "’Vai-|adl'aatanP05¢ra.n t ottb Work-.'—f ‘ - ' '. ' li. “ 4 4 _,__Nx'n§“ u g. 3.1‘ '. - ! Tmafic ‘"°°hfi°n firm‘! ' ‘ 7 ' 5. . -_ . _ . . . . ‘ _ A 1 shop will be _ . . a ti, wt - .: .3 . 9 . «wfigjy. “ ‘ruck fin# t'.op1.,,’-11,913. willbeheld in the college gym-._ , g; gig 11 W‘? I’ . ’:” ;'T°",l" W, . '—",'3,'f,'; ' About three hundred and mu‘ wad"-“ “ °‘l"‘°*‘lIlay .. ‘nuhnn xonday night. This is an' T 59? :3,‘-' mu“ I J, v P501339 l“¢D5¢3_ll* W3‘ ‘Q9953! 07 linck. ‘and 1'Doctor Auntie.“ 5'‘ annual affair at tit college and isL _ _ 1;,‘ ‘ : 3_ ouaflfll ll _ .1 7-‘ . ' i ' . the Ilisaoorl Workshop Wednesday A}; grown,‘ will he presented. gag of the most important events on _E 'I'.{".1B'° 3°" . “'9 WW‘ 5"’? ‘”' " """‘ ""‘ ‘*9 5' ‘‘'‘'‘‘.‘’°‘”'' ''° nlrht in union Hall. cc -—+----— B the'eocial calendar. There «in ‘ ~ ‘ - ' ii‘: 4. .ug“ of Q ', Immfkl . x of filklfi .mndo ,3‘aki. ' Du“ Run”. punk"; of 9,, \I'._)l. Regan Visiting Here. auxin‘ from 8 um“ 10 °.d°ck_, ; _ ’ A ’ iilii “ l B "5 “""""“‘ ""“"° ‘5""" ‘»'-""’i‘“’°“’“"‘h‘ ' i -'""°' '-"°"' Warkaho o ned the meetinz with W. M. Ream. - rradnm of W B - ill be i hed h- 1 “America S C01’ Of TOd ' . :.. ’-‘. meltcconlll men: of 10.1130. "“1'¢*‘- .“Bo1ore one aeea thecrlckert booth‘ ‘ ‘flmmpfnlpfipoxh to dew ‘M 0“ mno-mi Cone" of Aniculmn. $283“: omhtfilrrrss 5 one 0 ‘ ; 3“, . S, ’ : ;gu¢,y 11.. grape:-or gave ball has one hears IL A miniature storm of m when M ,5 “,4 now in charge of the California. . ' ' - ‘ o .i: 1 .‘ ~ *. - - ° ‘ "“‘ an . - ~ - ~ F E Eran and son of . 5 .- ' L ' ‘ ‘3"’°“”"“°‘]i"° we Pam‘ "° nu.‘ ‘bow’ the “man” of °some of the Plan: for the fur lie (18175 4*P“""°“l ‘‘ D“'“‘v can " ‘ Mrs’ "E In’ S — - ‘ | - _‘ ‘ 1 . . ‘ o ' - . ' . . . - . . ' " M , , - ' i. 1 Ma the rest in the l'D)‘al conversation bl-Zlbon-Ira)‘_§; uplained the purpose of the or¢ani- here \'l31tlI'l£~ his_ brother. J. 1_‘:”v'::;f‘am£hu’?’§me Ndfion" ‘rt .. ; e z.‘ - A A l ‘3""“‘ ‘‘ bu ‘he "m °{ ‘»° cg‘ ti - nation and announced that the Rel!” 5 ll! 515*?» C13" R‘f‘n- Stephen‘ cone“ ‘ ' A ; . . 7 .' 4-“'llI' ui4. _aenae of I12)‘ soon be OPPIND1 1 ¢ chtl 11* y hm -. . Am.» he I that! game Saturday. ' - ' _g:-' ‘ 1: ;VhichcAfl"Q‘l¢!nl *0?‘ .5950"-'g 3:’, 3101 in 5981 °*_'5°l‘¢c:‘- 5'93‘ 20%“: :?¢?;f,nm::,dfr;:n¢l;:,:°!:: Mr. lldzan rill go on to lndlan- Mrs. J. L .\i'clsonh( of d\\’it-‘him. A l;‘_{ l. 53 * -.4 nanfliuné of a sk)'nc!‘Iper?or c‘ are amount the “l "‘ °°”" mcmbera ' ' ’ apolis toattend the National Dairy . ’ n.. is Visit us: '1' Bus tan? . ' .A. 1:‘ ' - ‘E ' vasu:nsot'a‘stsdinm.theJ-59830“ Just as road coloramrn c-nudes ‘ .- sh th next 1:. Evelyn Nelson, at the college. i ; s; l ' icateh lromiinall thlnn: I firefly command axood price in the-0cci~ The p"’‘"“ liexlm. Nu‘ “ ph.m- 0'‘ er:—+——--ow—e~¢ -—— - 16,. mi ; — H -- . . . I010 by Kill Vlftlml Hm» 31158 N15,], 5- 1)“. wan“... in ".41.. — ~-V ~--~——~— ~-—--»—-—— , :'v ,3; 3 greed in .—px-den. the tilt at a dent. Thoreau the weaver cricket vimni. Ruttflc no “um” i. M” I S‘ _\ ~ , '. 4-__‘ 1 1%" ' {lower in awase or the s;hcc1lo.whoae whirring tune is the noun ""1 Rich.“ Katha“ puyed ' do- The sP9B¢(:31ba lN<‘>":d9 Ylllbrlfb . . « ~- l fl % ‘ ‘la tuflh‘ n ‘ Mn‘: ‘ loo-m‘be]‘l‘mth” ‘dug: lin solo. Fred Shields (ave the last gtnbeoginnhiz 0% '1“ Plfihfenfiw FULT0I¥JYAN% C0lI‘'‘IlI'?éBlA ‘ . 4 ‘ Q‘. .- -3 K 10 1 ‘W’ I‘ 0 W S l P In CeCl»rk' I’! “H - , A on ‘ la,‘ . . . ' B S 4. ' :1: . . + - ~ - A“.--‘M . . _ . . G scene of the . Inf) P°-'_ 3’ ,5 . Sezdazardi, year 1924. contain an , y _- ll“ ‘ 32”” 'l'€'.dqum'? m V‘ ‘M: udrnblfllnfriclrlelf t'l'he b"‘dE.u‘°:° ON°n' d‘;'°°‘:'d"‘“k 5’: article by Dean Walter Williams sfiedak P J! ’ ~l:“‘¥ 31,; ' , ' _' -g -, ~ ; , ,‘ .. . ‘ re in; y a compr naive s e c u n “he pine“ of the Fine . . . 4-:.. 31 V ,;I- . “Fl ‘awn! (“mu ‘re ‘lfi‘n.\'g -Fuzupushl CORK‘ IS O‘. - d k { 00x '1 d p0 " ‘ Dd . :30 E s 3 nu‘ mdrchandiae at temple for ms any bells Shmto priests:-can °f- 9° W "' '7" ° 9' fie "“' L°"° C°1°mW 8 ' 1 ’-. ROADSTERS : l ' -’ min A inaiawni-' of booths sa.ll- in «ma danms “""~“ ‘ """°'”“ °f ‘h’ "1" ' ”“"""“ WV’ ’‘“‘‘°“ 1° W’ ‘ - v '_ . ‘- . id“ . w it ‘md (\ ,_ “R M k sin scenes. SQTILE '10 (.AS_ C0?ilSL’3llZlt§ Columbia Phone . ._’¥;’ '4‘ ' mg "’ owe?‘ ‘zmnt the ‘n’ ‘ n’ Am?!‘ the fella?! P702711". SW’ kindly pay hliasoun Utilities 173 9 . I -. -... games /amainatract a se -- ' ° - - _. ~ . - t ‘ . -- . B ..».»..:..... -r. .... . firvfb ......‘."".‘...:'.?:';"i§.':’.‘: ‘:f.,..f.’.‘.°“::‘.*.";.,. ‘E; ;‘.‘;:.‘.E‘...'..':...‘£’°..‘.f’..‘!:.‘.".f.°.‘.“’.':."." €{-‘I..':.‘. :,;".::.*’.‘;.":.},’:.'.'i.‘;’:..°:.‘::“:t.‘i‘.:‘.‘.§*"‘ °'-° "' "- W‘ “P *2 COACHES ; ; ’ r l : l . . 1 ‘ ' ls‘ , - I ' l - 1 “AL South a milling cnowfl in the temp ; . 11,1 1 _ 35,1 5 h , d 1' {ed 11, ' pg‘ 1 - . . e y CAFER -BROS. MOTOBA « -1. , ff ’ T park at ni¢l_1t Ondfll U30 30“ "V" ;:::.1:n::-1 vcsually? ‘ll:;risone:d‘:t :32»? the llepnnmfdl mum on 8886 hi ' ad" 324": 1 BUS LINE . ' .""l'¢.~i I i ; ¢‘°l°''¢d tl Wffim {“'.‘d’°d4' 1”" the same time since Cricket’: wife who are X3 follows: Acting. Grace? “ '“" ’ “ g ‘ “ *—*- ——¢ - ' ' 3‘ . V E. V 3 ' ‘l “~'?'”~ E 3 ml’ i‘ ll“ is nlwayl tagging along. But man» Saltmarsh‘; directing. Virginia ’ C ‘ 5 . .'r 1ane_aeems§.en_d:H" °“‘ kind is :-uthless _with these family Hart: costumjmr. i-"rnnceswayne 41- ‘ ’ ‘ _ y . . f_ ' 3 “W85 0“ 003. if‘ if’. "9 l“""' lie.-: the male is xmmcd:ately.separ- len: make-up. Ethel Zachow; music.‘ x ., g l ' ‘"3 ihl'°“3A3’mh ugh‘ ated fromlthe female for he alone Roaelee Hnnlon° publicity Henry I ' ‘.- - . “The fireily bazaar itself is like hinge. Placed in company with his Bodendieck; prdrram. Ann 5;: Newd Plgwer . 1: ll‘ . nothing eleein the‘ world. 1nnum- mate he ceases to sing and soon dies. stage-manaxinx. Elmer TI3'l°I'3l Sll 6|) ' l . = crable‘t:ny_.xtraw and transparent Hm silent partner is kept for breed. play-wntmg.,David Newcll. For Your Motof . . l ‘ ‘D8156? ¢Il:€s.§v‘eathe in-darkness and imé purposes. ’ Ticket; were distributed to the ‘ . “ 3 . ' expel ¢loV- in dloir pulsations ugmedi ‘ -ck {wed ~ members as a betinnlng of the stu- D i ’ . . We well with the eds .3. E 1’ - 1 I . Amour hiséfirefliev the merchant crock: hairgnndga :—l:h":.oi).: ell); 4"“ ticket "19 Vim‘ “med t°d‘5’- "-3 “mi. mu ‘ um; “.3 K3‘ s""""f"’ °’"""' °""£'.°{ . ‘ 2 stands likeian idlingleader of an The ma“. die, {int and the “mug The Workshop announced that the 9 “' , ’ _ ; .. ,, ;, Mu, l I M -01193053»?! 0f‘°1i8l!1I Whkh 33" “'9' li V l l 'l 11 la‘ Dramartic Arts Club and the Missouri l ""7 xadu‘ Moll trwble and com: ‘ ' 9, 1 . '- -« -~ l ' W‘ °“-" “W “ ‘W’ ““ 'd- - . - - ; Kmmca HAT sgop repair: by having it done no. ' 4 ‘ L tr; t1l!'Illlfi‘f0!‘ Lzrund syngzhony L,“ m the “mm; mu,” the st “orlcshop nfould ag1;m co-(‘aerate xn_ Phone 7” A n N "6 Ala” . 3 _ ; , o ' umma_ on"! ‘t never. P031105 {mu}, ‘bout the mgddge of Jun. gut presenting our ‘ma 0!‘ pr Il(’tJ0n:'.. (I'll! rlaed 2 1 I . $2“ nI‘:'1c‘5e bt'r'cLl:.:;nm°lflt:cl:n':'. merchants: incubate crickets for the ' i J 1 “'7 V . ._§. __, _ -A ear 3.’ spring tra in warm rooms. - ~- -- a" P _ ‘ ,- ‘ 5' " i Ff"? 71'4"! DCIIIIIL _ "Musical fromealso delight the ‘.-H C “j ' ' C -—-——- SO. - _ Ph0n.e ’ i e ,.._ r.ph,m“_§f fig,‘ §;’{,';,‘{,'f'{,,':}‘,?',,”,§,’,'f.' ?,f“§I‘,f‘.fi‘:‘;‘,‘i'{,?‘§f’§:o‘,{§I,f‘f_‘;,°‘:f’,°,§ - i 1 4 °’“":;°;fi‘l5__'*°""=I Columbia s I\ewly Appointed Chrysler Dealers i j - ‘ iahed It is en Nmllnibfl known and often visited in e eve- 0 H I ‘ C ' l ,‘. ~«u- ri-‘cm-~' - -- - E allGoodR ul ~*~-M l -i « 9 ~ ' . . . . : ‘e um ‘ a ‘r . .‘z'..... :‘:.'.:2.: .*.::".. .1: :11": ::.:.:::°1:..:2:: :,°“: ‘° ‘”.‘:: X09930“ Y . 95 is .: :12" Z‘: -‘='- .. -'-'3‘ AT l JTRDA l lllt l ‘B 1? l * flickering 1_irel1ght nrth n Shovel: whose song is highly esteemed.” \ l meet nu yet’:-engulf: 1:: ,',:.::: ’ . . - . w » c'°v-=*-M t ‘ o Are Always Ass red W--*-°--~ - i 2 '3 5 "There liyed in7 Japan a «very B’ ’” - . » ' V V 7 r w I 3 l ' ' . f‘ . 7 ' as Abraham'j'Lincdln'a’ father and ‘ ~ r - x foster mother were in Illinois. The! Ethel-V" Beauty when you use Better H-P Flour :1 your . £.{,”‘““" 8‘ ROBINSON 3“- . . C , one 2366 sis Bdwy. i . were blesaed nth a hon who had Sho e baklng , _ «. urn: earcrhess nor ng- But pp ’ ; * *‘ ' ,1; r -—-D-. J-r 999 P003’ Pihenulicouflg not afford to aend their sonto School. ey 3 could not b candles that he might '_ ~'j’ntody,at in ‘t. ,So the boy collect- ..edfirctlieafromth Expert Cosmeticianl L 12 S. Ninth St. Above Heibel's Pharmacy v ' ‘"8 “|¢"¢.*'i5'8‘°I8¢ Y croirdmz Prices Reasonable .. ._ . .. ‘ fiiis cbae to’ his’ Tgwhone B .1 B? :« ‘*>°m'°d 5°91“ gs °°¢1d m-be °-gs Making yourself beautiful " “M an hu.}ri°«.nay‘1uut°;“:u; ls an alnolute necessl . ’ _ M he hi‘ book llOl. 8 luxury. ». y it «mm tba'§-Tdim; ligh reflected h» ’ ' snow againili. the vi ow. Stud; Bud 333198: ‘ _; ‘and work hlgought hi honor and» Proprletrm .‘ " ' .7‘ f . f ". ‘I ‘ ° + IT “ ~~ *-~ ~ ~~ - -;.. H ~-~- --~- . E Madsfield N n ‘ . ‘. l ,.v l l ' i n .. _—..- ANDTUBES %f_ jStandard ’ Aaoxst/,'§£_ ;.cL.‘.. sus.§s_ 8013'/g‘-'..._8S... :15 o -31:4 .{;..[.. no.9: ‘.'j‘iL.‘.....l.. ‘ op.b a - - - cola. 38:43/;?;‘.......§.. 337.88 29!-|:l0;j......_. ,.. $15.12 30:: ..,‘Po .. (17.70 32:4 ..l’orta¢e.. 3 \;j Soles»-Sl:udebaker—Service 15 South Tenth . ‘ a‘ “J ip”--But a TUBES 20:3‘/1 ...Gray... $1.98 3033'/1 ....,Tan....«32.22 3lx4‘.... .. .VGray.. . . .Gray. . . $3.72 Tan ‘ - . .. . 33.54 30:3 Red sieberlnng 81.61 kitchen cabinet or pantry, you need If you have a supply of Better . -P in your not hesitate to try your hand at ‘some light bread. Mak cup a batch of ‘biscuits or stiriup a cake. The results of your baking will be exceptionally good and. a wonder- ful treat for the family. * Better H-P, the flour that is‘ ‘me tested and referred by most of your neghbors shou d be the flour for you. 3 Why not order a sack the first thing in the morning? Have a pleasant and appetizing surprise for the family at lunch or dinner. When you order flour be sure to say “H-P.” Good results we guarantee. ‘Q I Boone County and . Elevating Co. The Convenient Place to _Trade. ," %_J_.._ .u ~41: 4... . ..#g .c 1’ ’ flsuitshiirznd Dressés l l _ pressed and delivered in a win C that satisfies. 3 V B, e do dyeing B ; ,VALET 8anltlr!Cl¢IlI0taandPteaaera . Ckanéd; l 2 ‘,1 5] . .' V, 3 grour ‘GQING no imam rm: . 0F§COALDUS'l"’AGAI1§t SHOE THE WALES-—-as smart as its name-so called because it’s a leader in fashion. A trim’ brogue for the man whose attircrfollows ' the style trend.- o RSHEIM ANNOUNCI BOONE COUNTY AUTOMOBILE NEW 4 ~*£-é"€‘*.“‘R.":' I rt.»-ff‘ \ 4-.‘auA-luv ‘kn: -\3> . CO o _n D : ': ; W $ fl S°"tE:El}‘§'f'i?S.t3z°“sLER DEAL?"§ IN \Ve have beerfap-pointed Chrysler dealer in this territory We interpret this appointment as a high honor and a serious responsi— Cars that IDOIICY C811 bub“ by ili . . < 3‘? b W _ ~ \ n Cold words fail to describe their «lurch : up The public has come to look upon passing exceugncc. Both are ,0 Walter P. Chrysler as a manufacturer of a high order of integrity. It has evidenced implicit confidence in his honesty of purpose by marked preference Our aim will be to reflect in our entire organization the high regard in which be and his cars areyheld all over America and all over the world. Chrysler!-‘our y cC7'\O..-e '0-ye‘/'e\' M“ o 0 o c 0 ‘aim I 5 P.O.I.Davlt.aubiecuec|nrauPedaulada¢hI. ~ ‘ Chryslersix V_ v ‘ . mw 010:-to 9-50.1,’ K, 0 p 0 I 0 O ’ o ‘..- ‘ J . I W 0 O O 1 - - - 1695 Thecroum-Imperial . zoos 3 P.Q.B.Detroi¢,ulriecItoauratFetIeI"ll&laefln_ ’ ooextendtheoonvcnlemceoftime-payments. At 4* 5 » 1 s Mr. Chrysler and his staff hdtve labored diligently and unremittingly C it to give motorists in the Chrydler . 9-. Six and the Chrysler Pour the finest C - B ‘ COLUMBIA beyond any comparison that you J must know them pereonallylto . ' ,5; underbtand their unapproachable _. y {.1 for his product. superiority. Permitus the opportunity of proving .> conclusively to you why toda ’ ’ cl 8 Chrysler Six and ohmic: honncnlae so far ahead of competition. W i Chrydefaamacdnplan. Chryalerdealeeeand,