. A E; if F ; J} ‘ . ‘- . I ' ‘ _. ‘ I T‘ '} : '4 Q Q l l i‘ _ 9 .» . I 0 I ‘A ‘.4’: =3‘-_.-,A,;,-.§ «-0 y. or §ft.:“‘: -"~_—,-_¢_- fl-._§‘ .134 ,; - I 75.. , .5 . _.> _‘__ .0.‘ ’:._L_ _ ' _7 . Eb ~ I : 5 « ,. 4 -‘_i:.», _ -, ti“ ~;’7.‘.f~':’ 32;“ ' .. ' I 3 ” ft; 3; =‘T§f" 3'7‘: .3‘? j "17 T Z" ‘}.1=53':'?= '."7"' ~ ‘ft? ' 07’ ‘T .s ‘ 3 . ‘? -_ %iT~"f *' " ':'.‘I? ' ‘ » ’- ‘ it 6. °.__-_ .3’... - ~=.,,1--:3-_-‘.‘_V‘-Vi" l ‘ I . : 1 ; _‘ . '...__ ,5; ‘r_ __ _ ‘-f~ :.f;t§«: P i -0 ._ I _ ,,.'i 3-‘ ""' "— ..~4i"-';'.$hl3:‘ .. .4 - l "- I _ i " * - i .2 T . T . I '. E '-"‘ , 0;. A _ 0 0 _ , . MGNDAY, ocrosnn 12, 1925 . . . .. 0 .0 - - . . _, l _ .‘ -.4 . ti '0 rot} ‘ ' =““T-“.—i[IRop" 8.7”“ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ in V ‘ 1 ¥ ' 1- - «J--~ - AND‘ ltmoum ' " “ """‘"‘—“‘* * ‘ - . 0 .~ 0 . A . V, I _ _ L,‘ b .1: _v-uu__.u.,- I _ $ AT Exam". or PAnfn”G8‘}I AL Herbert Gent and ‘tht‘l_r_. son. and JOHN ASHTON TO TELL _ -the conditions of their everyday . . ‘ pa. 2 « ,,a M ,5. ~ 0! u_ _\- ~ , rm 1 i “ ~. . . 0 _ 51;-In gm, :3; or mm ca». 0 0*‘ nvnormn 'rwm»s« me mu m. and c versed with = : '31. ‘. ;. P°'~'°'''* t ‘tin.-‘u1e”or St. Lo’ good I "3 " " ‘M AK'l¢|I'1III‘Il—Bu£|d» % ‘ “. ."f-J “"°"" °‘ Em1- - ......,,.,'’‘'“‘’'‘..,..~ 3,...‘ m In their own |amr' es M ; ; ‘ T - T‘; _ .. . re _;Cuha will total ebotttlm$l6.00t: "“ “'"”‘°°"'~" 7'“ "W" ' ~ r'T”°C""‘°" “me to Kan-ws Gin“ 5"” ”""’"“ "'"° ‘°' C"‘“"’bi‘ 3”’ “::aA new-an ‘glthd lion '-‘‘~‘‘‘‘°" *8 a wvrld wax-oil:-‘or mugs. . .. _.[ ' _ :0 . §;,,__§,. V MR no -this yum “Rhine”, i, the hn'"8t_ . EadiTl)ay. T Saturday where he spen:,1};-_. w“,k_~‘ iiffdaiifio see the lllssaori-Nelnauka y at V“M‘ ° ' 7experit-nee. since he sop-'vp4] in the . Ii‘ - ;’ . .151 hl?I(I'ID.|'|h at the item on the list. aniountini: to $550. More zhan fifty pers-:ns aueudcd. en . T -3:1‘ \1 .'§"'°»"'3d w mm gm Mr’ The llrotram of. the.Hen's Club of Wm“ W" “M “""‘ “l“° 27°!‘ “W 0 ‘ 3_"3I'é‘ $1! Dllii Ifltkllt is .100’ W0 for September one. ' 150 exhibition of oil painting‘ by the wmlull Lllllton 01 St. Louis spent H. ‘ I. (mm. ml Pr." A“ the gnudw‘). uflhodiflt church 5'98” the foreign r1_.-pr(~_:(-mgtivc of - i i ' ‘. . : An air be. . v Ar! _L0\‘1-rs Guild in Roornqzil. West :1)!‘ uk(nd In Columlm‘ "1‘l'~5|li! ' Mondl)’ night will include a 80-min-’ we gmwfl ' u.“n":""‘ ‘md ""h"" f i ' ‘ .0 . Louis ‘M chin mm?“ b:“°°" .St‘j A‘m°““_""°' Bllildinl. )'esterday ‘buds’ . I - 0 utc travel talk by John Ashton, who‘ “men”? """""'""""' H‘-' “l’°‘l‘“ .‘ l . ed by the Robots)“; Aimhggh-' allt;‘renoocn. f_ ‘ Ankemy Raglan: tI':fl\’lS left for Little ‘ Real Estate Transfers "gently "tamed fro“ ‘n ex“ ea ,:l:\‘einlI-.ui-:1;-inn lrielruaggcs fluently. fl « ' ' , 7- 8110 on “L.-cal Resources in Art ” - ' 7 3- Is morning on n stun-li 7 to f E H -u 1‘ dub. .. e is u res’ nt of this city. having 'porationwhiehhasjuthr-- -pd.‘ . '-- - ,. ' ' Jud’ z’_ r _ , "“'° _‘"'°P°- °‘" ‘° "F - _ _ . . l",f_ ed ‘ comma by ‘he’Go‘_:.$;m oxhibmun room “Ill be open 13"‘. I . .4 W Burk , .1, _ H" impressions of the rural people of’ b°°" bmuzm M" -b-‘_ “W m‘3"°“" . , 1 . i is moot; {mm 3,30 [0 5:39 P. m_ 8 . _ Her 0.‘ M. Jose.-ph km.‘ . am. W! t» to .5. A. lun- Enghnd‘ Smu“d_ yum“. S‘.itu,l._ State Board of J\[:rI('ullfil'tf thrq. I . .‘ .- C. 1-‘. Davis of Windsor died at dglbfi The following is a list of v?:i:i‘n;"‘:rie:§(‘k-(*lld Ill (‘uiumbiu ]f,“‘- -_ 1:»! 2 and all l.«(17t3. Block hug. “,3 n,],-_ ' Sears lLl!t;‘:lI‘ I apt--rial writer of - . hi, home the" .;.m,.d.v He was t 0 artists represented 2119 title; of 3' ~ ‘" unmnu ‘°“'"' "-‘“‘ it.\'. (‘(-n- v‘ A M D has had an n - ‘ livc-sun-' I cling. b _ _ . ,. . . . Joseph Baum f Q _ ..mlm_ moo . r. 3 o oppn um- _ ._ ‘ _ ‘ ~ «89 years old and the oldest \lnsonT “'9 '’‘‘'“"’°-‘» and the names of the ' m " ‘L I“"“" “'35 ' ' tv to observe the farm full: of the-ac Th"! “’lu‘85*° ‘W1-"-v u-uul 'rou ‘ ’N1NAGn't I x nu’ 29:: ‘rut?’ 1})“ Dam “S the’ gnu? It ‘ i3nS’lZ';flb'§.§?e"“°"“ W 'mW"”' cis( 27:1‘: (L Mix" fan)“ M“ t" F"‘“' °°"nti°= durinx the past year. He srnizmsz which has Fvmv :0 be =1 nop- ’ ' . 4‘ ‘ . f . '§.{ ‘vrtr -' h ‘N .'u, " ‘ . ' - - - U“ o '. :- :. ‘ ‘S . , . . , . ‘ ' _ ‘ - I dtfillllltfirflo ‘ Ville. 0 rs and mu‘ 0 Ch)‘ T ‘L "°'1m M “I on!" \ 1" hm‘ “in! Olivia \\'ator.< ll \‘ "’3 m w 2- m"<'k l nifirrat-'4 f&d(i‘0L:‘i:\"":i!' hitfmmfi-a gtfiglthelgmintfgstzzfiir‘ Erzzltfeamr-G‘ of fin TMU“ cm‘, pm ‘ 1 ‘ 4 ; C _ Hr. Seth-1. "The Cum-lire," In. C, 1; teaching in Granite -. --.11‘ ., ,‘ (‘4.nu.a]i1L '3' A . ” ' " ' .~ . , . " , * ' 1“ ' 5‘. . ~ ,i_ '' . _. 1 lumen;-. ‘ , , . , "'-‘§‘ -v.-‘_l‘f‘"'~ ' . - _ ‘I '.ltoral;ln':y¢£ the ‘Fillings. gbm “ pm uhit(;°::d:';:"n:W:°::r:)flr::c::tgal:i G.A:'£"::l'lu-it. "om Wt.-nan." Prof. J. S. i:§n3.:d'°"d m Lfllumm“ "'*‘“"1I J ‘\3_‘:’”‘-'1 S-‘glillcr El 10 Ilurnice . _' Charur rt... i::-.~ . 5 _ T , v . . A V M if ".“*'¢¢h°t" !_n,‘M.” the zro. '3: V ‘on the field of‘Ti- italiaed ghout $30,000,000. Al; ,,‘.,,,% xi;-o.k.F.r:,,,,,_ .1,“ W ,.mh_.. um Mn Jim. R. )1. nr_\-,,,, 0, ,”\_mM_im “-3 .wuy;(, wt‘ :tild€:«;0«.;_.' lest.‘ ln and ()ff1¢1a] Statement of the Fugancgal Condltjon , Jog’. ,_'.1heed of the win 0 J 0 . ‘ res to e merger will rt-ive cash . ' -'.‘ .. Ark., who has been visit’ r. \.l_ - -.' - . . . 0‘ H ‘ "C 0 ' . of the . E ‘ “7’ht.*,ld \Ii'i‘thilI'_the'uclI:t sixtyide e M.wh°“_’l1_'ksm Jsholz. a former 3"3'mt'_nt for their properties and 3 __’r'::‘;"|~*-”_W. (2 Curtis. Mrs. J. L. I.,\'m-.2, I'(‘Ill]2‘:jl:g! .}I,l;.‘,! PR. Blfidfiml mid. M“. m C’ P’ P90 188 Bank T e; ~ .1 _ . . 7 - Ilsonri any, ‘.3 m,,,,;,,‘ in “he stock interest in the new corpora- nu,“ ‘ " s""""'- "- "- home Saturdnv 3".“ l‘”““ ‘m and -’u. Bltck 3. Hart p . > ‘ ‘X n T!‘ Id\'IlItl3e of the’ 80830 h" 3500. . 1- 9 Q" I ., (. ' ‘ (‘:13-, Iguunt. (',,‘_ M,‘ su,-‘O at Rm-ha-purl. Sun: of Iii--curl. at (‘low of:"Ot:!'IYi|~- on an pith ¢i«I_\‘luf S4'|I‘.‘.'hir--_ ‘.2-_--__ - 1 ‘§'llInI‘g' ptjn Feb‘ it u ~ do“ ‘i. ’ '5 ‘P99 ‘'33 - ‘ -' - *"'¢ Hod Auturnn.” (‘Dirt-tilt! Colo ‘@0786 R. Ht‘t‘k(’l‘ of St. lnltllr‘ ) ' - ‘ _ ‘ ' tiohlhhc-4 n the (‘olumhla Evening: Mi:-toorll n 1195‘-3-an? pr-into-E and ;._.|.li-has 51 ~'\ ~' , 1. Md .' 0 '“‘“" an I r ‘.“- Th? Jlldxes of . . -'m°:"'~ I traveling pas:~en$.’l‘r £21..“ {W .) ' l . \\. l-i-(zir and \\‘lf(‘ tc. (‘_ I-:_ Columbia. sum of an-..mra. on {hr 12:2: «lay uflktobt-1. iu:'.. - 0 4 ’ 0 .« no executife thorn or.¢§,.;,_d, rage deehredhe véon, but _ The \eile-d Prophet made his ', ‘ ""-"-'~-r- 'l=«~m' uu..i.~=." Dean J. r. M.-K.-T Reilro a .. . -' ‘ Kl" t:a;.._t~, 5 3;, {L [M 15",”; W 2- n - Rt>:som:u»:s T g T . uifeira.‘ A elt menus" ‘.03. fun cording tohis owejudginent he lbs fort_v.sixth visit to St. Louis l3ltn|:annrlx..,,_ ..M'_'_m .. ,.r‘,_ J‘ S‘ An. Flfilltlhfl ht-r lllet-gt. :\““- Virmninl 1Clt‘>.¢-d will nu-'.n_\' her at once. pu..r.-«.3, nu... i..¢.L., i..'g)...r, “.1 mm ,,,,.,,_,,;,u l’ ? _: . ,p¢n4 .vulna e time Qmmignin‘ tho“. wh . .0 .. K he he“ in st. Louis {Om da“ N- 0”” .Jm" M “ mxtmure. at the smclair .-\P:iy-1- . V f . .. . 1 .' ,' .101‘.-the next leg-“On” ‘ (inc. 30,1.‘ n‘iln.:y.::e“’p0?§9:t!(-) Ctllltfzlll). ginninxv 10du.‘._ Discussinns . on 5”“ m H Hum‘ Arwmi. l“u-1.5,... ".4. da(;lt!. l'l‘lUl"llt«d ‘.0 llt‘l‘ hump gun- N ' Tutu! ¢-2...}: and dur Irttn l-nnI.« and banker». . . . . 4 . . . .. .*_'1_',g‘.q.'. ( .3,‘ r i‘ aécurd he Q.‘ .Ka‘"l _ IF I"nfl.|= ' (frog; prubielns. n‘.s§ tnQeti:u:S' ('. 1.-—,'-_ ‘nufllnavn r. "’.\'\;~-J-l, ‘hr .~._n:,&‘ P, M.r d H . ‘ I TU:.]“ ' H - H " ‘ "‘ H ' ‘ A I ' -. .» ,_:___-___._ , ' ;; -,,V~t‘.;'m.a 5” month . -‘nae. . seeing unfair to went in a and address:-s by pmminom men; .4’; ‘'''_‘''‘'‘'’‘‘.'“f it rt_~- n-..-... ..r R.--:‘-: w- fn . Mrs‘ “‘”“”“ ‘Vim Hf °£c°"*7°” I - 0 Hii.ia'riii‘.rrr't»i~V A’ 4' m“T”"""’ . ‘pet-mite . and "x_”h‘unb'e‘l"i¢:f3.:l.;\i'oo'l":T(‘pC:ll::1li'"05:!’ rte-2' and women will (‘unSlilul(* the bro»; ‘J-hn:l'irLnnlI.' V ; NM" """"’7-" ‘hr ,.;1‘:.:t;;fi”t‘““§1i?""%" ”*'1>l_F-\‘am~- Hm 4...-..,.g.¢ mh,:,,‘”:;,“d,_um.. : Mid » . ~ » ~ . - - . - . . . . . 1-,.,.,.._,.. l qoncentz-at n ,,f‘;,.espom.Mm_ ,. ,edvocate it. Some that are ;,pp?};°:i‘A xram. 5 ‘ h .. I 1311+ i:'u.'t,V..,..; ..r.m H” “ “WW Dun‘ Jmnfl Hard?‘ -“F °“f'- nun Mn, d;::;n:o:::: F-the,-, Homo--[pg .. .,..m,MdM WIHK... M or‘ ‘M ‘: .-..t.w.w theh*u'i"d. feature '0! (M the fl)m‘puh°’~" 7°|'»0?t‘ of the Missouri’: taxable wc-nlth iv in- ‘F’. l. " .‘ "limp \"-m—°- ginw" °" "'1' "ld$.'t’["l\\)’;\'u'(“ WALL PAP]-:B—PAt?~"l! L. | (“mu 'Mw?M “M tn" "'""" ' '-'—A'.‘~‘-‘£1 2.17:-.01! .\'8hem. manhger is rosponaii 0' 7: C.Vare vlierhaps pa;-ifi.<.s, ling creased 844.5'.I8,:u3 ,,,.m. 11;“ 'n_m_‘ Fliang... ~ ~ . H. H fllli,-Tl(lll. lU('zlIt'd at l:‘t'an.<\0.I:.: 0. J‘ ‘ 8llADzs—awrm~'cs rm...-a Dena-its ' u _ _hle for o.-vcr)_eity pin“... exvtem an “"u“'1l)' there Itrv‘man,\'h that object according: to ;. Jcficrsun (‘itv die-I ’,_,‘,'_ [“ ‘”“"' '0-‘Tin-n oz." t‘;~..'..:a.n:v.,:. nl’3“T “'1-od.~‘. sun u! ]*.1_.-{.,,_-,.,,.,. 0 ""“*'-ll--I! rl-w-«---u -nlurv: :.. ch»-J...,..i... .. wt"? in Q '“ "tnraeiin-r,~ élrk, end assessor If who "0 not pamms‘ ~ "““h' 1‘ ‘‘"‘''“l“*‘ U? $3.~35':'.tH13l.- *- "- -"M-A ~x~.-.. u..1 .. P‘ K‘ w"""-‘- Was in (‘«»luuil»m '0 7 'r..: ' l .1 . . T d . T'§"“"¢'Ifinm “f“8tisfacwry"the F°’\'“‘-'°"° *0 say that all who 6”‘ °"*“"*i"<' uf Valuatitm 0! rvrivau-it .'7°“‘;?" . l H n" ‘L §.‘.°"" ""“ ‘“i’-“'U!‘l-.\'r-i:rn=kti ‘ BE SING LAUNDRY '“'"° ":r°‘-ll-x-M - ' ‘ - -A ..a..-mix “ I ‘I ‘ I W‘. “ |resp¢‘ib1e. m£e thg conipuhs-or-\. {ea._0‘r(. (‘IT 117105 and EISSCSSIIICIIL nf ‘nCr.A --‘yum-p.‘.lt.n..._ --'fI'iv- So-.1!!n..:_'.. (.hr£_:§‘"’ H §‘lf.'llt' and In \'l.-Kl: Dill’;-nf_\~. and promptg service 1‘:-r'.i'fia xtr «-2 (hp... _; “.35. t -_h;,;‘ {Hr ,,'>,¢‘..) i,,.,_,\,_‘ 1, V‘ L, '_ _ ' 5 . ‘*5 .''n53l“8 the hick" ‘ ;dI‘;“3_1ltll‘_." ‘Ire pacifioztie and are C53"!-* and manutm-tur(~.~. The as-'.Mr 'i‘r>"V: .., ,”m_ 0,, .. I A mg” "“‘l" ”“"¢'l* 1°"? . c:zm.‘\‘ Work called for and deliver;-d T 1 tin s 1, J ’ . ‘ii . “ _ ° , ' ,. 3 ‘ - 1 2' _\'_\T 1 « - ~ . . . »' . ‘M ‘ ‘» i " “‘ "“ 'r. _ . ' . n_\‘ ' :5 “. ‘ . . _ ' __ _ . "'I ' » in to-is-~.i ‘ . _ ‘J g ‘ ‘ 1 ‘Quick 1.-lint inatim ol undesirabletllt «Fri ‘F3-mcmm~mdN t:I‘ :!l>;‘ter'. su‘pho_s‘une .E,,{_ l. “U” ‘uuu ‘hm ah’ “"""‘ ~"A-"~“‘ll¢’hl 1- true in zinc hrs’. u! out Liza n';¢-J'..'e an‘ - ' ~ ‘V - . I ‘t » njgg - — ; 0 cu‘. » en ‘” AIR ° ‘ . 5 ‘ ‘P i ‘ ' -" m. 1. Incompetcnfl . Nfita Pacifist‘ J :.' .._,- L.‘ -h, ‘v . . . . . . l . V V; or_tt.rol‘oYerlpuhlic:'otilin'es. He can: Friday mxht at the nine: Vlflcc-d an; ;y_,_.,.t. his wml_;bin'_"m_\_‘_3 0 an Wahul Station -- Y q.mm...l fur . tv:m rttvtrmg .-.:;. .;_ ;,_v.J._ ' “ ' ‘ ‘Y’ *0 "Wu «i-mwt and T -. reate ollieet eue'ti V as '3 ?'.°"'.”‘F" ‘.""b"l k‘-‘°P- teriounin the ‘ '- .. ' ° , ‘.7 E E ° 5”" , -e-- .-r-—. ~- t ‘F-I'M‘ :4.‘-. - .- . T3 :. »-eicnq‘ or dflscinz flitlitothtthe (‘KL 3]! of thelflgd‘ spirit. I nm opposed rid“. re‘! in “Sf:lTmItr ."l;V,(EH{(|hl|‘t ‘x 1-: thlngwn & 1 ""4 c,,\“_‘- V. -13 lu.-.u. : 1} >- r _ ' _. 5 _ ,' -‘ ' r . , ‘. - ‘C S ,9 1 2'4"’ ‘.. _' _ I 5 ‘Lem-. of‘! :m°iVdeml.°cmp.tiau.“‘])ree 3:} ,,"}lt.ar')i],t.ria!:‘nI;;i:zt::: mw bhowmgil. M _ ———-_. _ , , -3 _ ‘ ' lg?";:f\‘}{:il;f§‘;E;::«.-:m. ‘ .+ _: , * ‘ . I m ‘ p.c.f..t g l > c ; .o- (4.: ‘.93 CT. I - _ I‘ T Y ’ ,____ _ __‘___V —‘ ’ . A ~ 0 « » t~:.'3§.:‘¥33~=’,§.+ aw fin;:‘\\\‘d_‘n ii.‘ E°“““’°’ -"' ':;:*:;:;*, ;.:';:.::,J::i ‘;‘.’::'....:";‘..'.::'~ Ch-3“<§~i-330° .“‘“" **"=*‘“>' ‘aim was» T A “"~”“"’ " 4. _ Z I‘ tsgouri pa ; A ause a man belies-er. th ~ ' ‘ '1' P 8.\’els of :. c - ; 3 “- , , 3] kinds , * j KLCS il [be filnveur}. f‘ Pe. ml ~ .v__ _ . 31 (0m- Ill-star Cast that mad - 1} - ‘ 1 Li _e I fess 'nd 5"-"3' ‘ A: - 'an legion’ ht 03.3,: :h:£d‘y"°|‘Ih; b“‘l’°‘.uH3'_|!Ii1..ary is not the :+.ic_h is thr semen \'ct-rsirri ‘:3; Boone Coumv Cm] C W “e Dye and Clean. Phone 1920 .; )'McII‘hInja'I:lnistn. E loss to undexatnlldatllfi “'3 Eng‘ -1 bf‘-‘-at-.’e «soccer. 3:‘ Cher“ S‘ M ‘L 0. eA.l\|lt;-‘rnadnd Repair. green Cleaned, pressed and (]€1iV€l'Bd in a '0 °'Ll_§t night the I ' k - used It !'EI"MYl.]:’ chiud-‘I Z'_‘_’_ : '_'_ V 393% L1)’ llulzon and Max -. - - '. T. ' 3 0‘ ‘“'(‘-‘If. . . r - - 4 - than i ‘boisthlus m;‘.“‘"““ l*"‘°"" conclusion is :'nTb" a '"'l""""‘“ ".“’*‘*'- '~ is dire-cred by ‘m-mt». Phone 88 . The Work w. 1.0, Wllhite Seed Co “ay that washes‘ . , ., 5'90 3 mass of hu. , . not such men as Btachc. ‘ 11,,“ J . . . » _ 9 “Te do a In ; Ixroniey. .N tum“ punk’ .8 ‘ paclfleta. ‘Becallsje ndtenta are op. T ‘__.» ladxzl E_ H. Hebensu_e.t t!tst.l.eke .\e1\'_ 1014 }\_ 3”‘ St. I ye g ‘ 2 up 0, ,cmHm,8_ Tm m no_s_ed to 1)., com, ‘"3, {mm M You an mimhg ;p.‘;).nun.t. . ’ 0 _ I 8: Son The “ark In All, Columbia, Mo, V A E l . «I ‘in: “ 9 °_ciock ‘me bodyorn; military C‘“5‘°°' “H-‘ them 7°11 do not use ‘ad rem’ thleltgnl . Pl'lel0l‘S \\¢- Ask of You. t__ - T _ *1 item not in conventi ‘ 0 31”". Spineless end axeent numb}? lonrien Want Ad; 13.; Residenc ph .-- ,__, . Sanilarv~‘Cleaner-s and P.- i no the ...up..-. ~- ‘."'T"'-“' ‘”’°‘.”‘ °' °"*°r‘=-wnninxlena ta-«is.-mm T; T ' :1 ‘~‘ We has , V . Phone 649 R. E. “Shorty” Robin em” ' * ' ; '“ Vale “N59 it‘let:"lli¢ece penal.’ 1!‘l‘li wh“ 87°‘-"Ids Cnstnel hnsofor W ‘ H ‘--. l E-‘ 0* N E 0 ‘on phone 649 L t . . . . _ ‘ 0% 0 Q M ‘.110 ,n g ~ P o _ . - . _ .» ‘ptatesllcn. '.‘1'Iu3 1 1;‘ 5“ - u, . . 2 '9 ,0Dnos to v OWE!‘ _‘ 7 7 g » _‘ _ S‘ it . In vietriifi t1;i,'s‘j.8u:ty;::-1'02: “E tt‘;ln’:1uu1un'ch: n3;"'f!ca‘.nr;-. of this trnin- I ' , - ‘ and Pep _ # ~ - t — .7 .~....;_.._......._. - , 0 . +5," °‘ Atnericuirm best; not dealing ,. toxic presented 1:7 Q5”: if at "” FLORIDA ' For Your Motor TO“ N L “g i ’ w ‘ M *—-j * ' 5 ' '3” "3081 hilmm Mug (ha ' I " ‘t ‘ mm as ‘ ' E CHILI ' ‘ I ' ‘ a -. 0 goes gym, , We I am a loss to under.'. d ' ‘T '0 an ,,. i _ :3 ' «I. “ AI‘ N - ,_ . I “Phat term. _ It is !|,lor9.funderne:1tnl .’.‘.'hr he used such ‘uni-ans of prtjj:-T1- 3°‘? Flynn Realty Compansv ; . 0 11068 » hm-a s".u...x§Zi?,"”«';‘:..;,.f.‘.", "2’ "“‘ PI ATF 1 UN ’ OTICE FRIENDS AND I f ‘» s f» n “*0 "Q fihlit can be‘¢9,.pm_ [:13 MI Petty ideas noon the audience for cheap rates and hotel f 3: ‘t‘lII"t'.g'lnd- ziiinden nu-cory ‘ 0 ‘AA ‘ 3 :1“ the hu "Pf manure. Meflii w“1¢wm”‘.°‘l to r-2-r-m-m “939I'\'atlons. E x c u rs i o n i R“? end overhauled-$5 00 *5-n n Ami: {:53} uh “if . ADE PIES 0 ‘KJ/‘have mo ed 0 : " w - one will th;;_ 1,‘... ’ - rsjiri . 1;“; (3, .. .J,- _ every Tuesd ._ - 1 ' - . ' "'»'NiI'I‘br ha a 5 "‘ W ““" 5 . . V In)’ tire harness - L . 3... »....; ~=>t»u.:::: Your L“..:?.:.'.“’-" "°::;“:= T?.;"’t= INCH and cm .0 soq":t.i::rs:.:'::*'.‘:*: : ! ‘ ‘ habit: a_' Rett‘ A 't .4: *".‘". °°°¥"Pu1sory fcazure ofthis Will met -0 - . ‘ ; ‘SSW’! lids T -J 0" 9111. ‘" ? T985)‘ to serve Von in tli ~ ' - ‘ ~: E ‘Pm by ‘W 9 1° hlpiuon; mm‘ at.‘ "1 mm_ . 5 n his profitn. Q . Installed . . . . . . . . 2.50 t. . Thursd , . - e page capacity by ‘t; . i :1 hr ‘ 170 II‘? 8150 “$3.”. - ’ 2U3'Gu1tar Phone s ‘ alves ground 0 o o e “ T: 4 V M ‘ , it .. irfonndiin th. _i Titlining. _ ._ ‘ __ I Steering £53.!‘ hushed 2.00 Cylindq (';,;ndin‘ ‘yo C . 1' ‘t, " f “'38!-'_ % - ream’ uhe Kfflflvsity-. 0|’ issourlnnz. \\'héri’:‘stu- ‘ V ' U . S, t- — .-_- _ _ ._ __ ._ I - h‘ 0 w»>+e= we» t.:::‘.,:2.t*'°.‘2s»sv=~m— or Dr Fl T 0% M m WW 0 .' be mm by 0- -0 A . . -- . , » The‘:-taken ‘r:u‘o!'£Ae1:$oleiniam * umry‘ ‘.1-I&X:i:?:;l$:‘l.l:!,l§ cars- . 0l'€l'lC€ Fe Li Straight time Stork, :2? .,fw§r...a.n: uxgfmmn, fiipeztnsd withw their combination , --J r 7: -’ ,. ‘.* 29*» ; . i gene '— -tn.’ .. .‘o 0 _ ' rm. wn . . - 4» ~11 iiiatesmen pleaiiehhemn,“_.: E: ”lrha:tie thejiellotg mm than in C S . E ., Der hour . . . . . . . . .754; ...tU...ZT m magi’: ‘;?°::“m , latest type. . I: :l3'e3at;n bath the . . . _;. hi‘ bell!‘ full of ‘trunk, ' - 3' of “gt-:l‘Dl‘t@1 please make : ; ‘York G“ ‘m’ L“ In exgnino your no. side and out. m. I - ' A , 1 "VT? 1' - ' 3"" uheolao is - , T ‘ A ' 00! treatme ‘ ' I m“ - Prom t d ' . i ' ' " i 3-“ litm ' the iltI[lliyg'pgy¢¢“§.;.i:f :e;invwDr°‘dh.tgh§1 women ll€lh'(l)‘d by’ P®t 0 Deal _ An W011: Guaranteed await: afiaudactory “nice I ‘ Flo“'erS Cheer . ti, f. q uh’, ,1 : ,- “per "5 ; 0|} _l ‘l8! ‘* ‘K ‘_ TV? “ . . . L. ' ‘i V - era] ) or r _-_‘§'~' ""‘- -—~-» __ , _ ‘ . __ _;_;‘- ;‘ &“!- : . ; ; ; 3.’: Dr. W'j]1i.'m_J. mm.’ ‘mteon, ‘ha ptle cannot Ir exwcted to rentier A g 1 b ‘ -f 0 9! ITlH of ~30 mumflflll illdzment on 3 qua, ' - L ,; ? ‘ . ‘.‘ . we ~ hw*kh0n¢hIShId b5l_ « ' _ ‘ X .- ‘ H“ ’ ’-- :‘**' " . i W mymmly llmligniuianfi. yonzipfgmfl ufiemm‘ a o.u ‘ swrgesggvg a few good auto chassis fol- qpeed - _ __ . ‘ ‘ . A. ‘ ~ ‘ _ a " . . ' ~ . . * ’ _ V V T _. leery. _ i . . 0 ‘S V riuhlth my the Mu- _ I ’ _ . . ennett (Duclx) Stephenson for ._ o . - T . .- 7 ‘l"':IJIe-clvihg ~.,,¢,,5m ‘m. h -E, °t°-“theft: C“ be no po,~z- . . , tlculai s. D31 . .1 _ 91: d¢PoanilleinciIeartovrcogus¢.' ch ‘or m '"°" N°" ‘ ‘ 0 ‘ t ’ l - _. at ‘ . . ‘I V ' ' _ , . '1 "'°“.""‘°»” he told the nu...‘ ' r um i"“’° "'?“""‘ ¢“.'*" n N . ‘ 3 St «I LESLIE & SON “ 1 Itgei’ Barb ’ T 0 “*9 ‘vi lit: din».-. - ,._ -9,“, by M’. 1 g , . u ebalners . 0: , 81’ 0 : .. tr « 5 .1 ..i....’ We uh ’ ‘ "‘ '~"‘°; ballot to e ( ’ .. ~ Phone» 919 0 ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ » if V W.‘ . ill! Ioediua . _ o are gnali and r.;;,.,,,. . 1 n t _ _______ ‘V W ,~ ’ _,s.,; f .5: "i . Wilt tlhnon 3,, '50“ in that they realize the - will 1,.‘ ' V‘ ~ ht“ _ » - 8 are DOW ready to , . 3 ' i ? .1 nn...”.¢ if‘ I acted . .~ 5 e . _ ,0 '~ 591'“? 30u with th _ .' 1 E5. _‘ 7 -5. work on prevention dlrecuy by their Vote. an , - .. - fl ..H _‘ best of bathe , . _ I 9 :2 f: it sdueue. ‘ sanimton. health “it taut he insto'ed.' 0 _ A rlCeSo OW to “or - 0 , 1' work. Our equipment is f "1 ‘M F'*'!h1ive'tmuares or ‘ ' ILL. “ e S 0 ~ gfw and “P‘t0'd3t8, With the best‘ . « 1 "w‘ “"““‘"3¢tIeiL« I’-TA. 5.5;” ‘ latcanbef ‘- 0 0 *3 ~ 1 _ ' 0 ‘ ~ ' ° I van y [ ound tawai 4 “’°‘*""" "“"'"’*°3l-yoclinte» nu ‘rho!-rsldp .,..»...t. .,. 0111‘ Own CALL : . ‘mg . Wu - H1“! wort hutneniiiuu ty Peru ‘ ’ ""~‘ ' ‘ l — - -_ D. . -. ."“"‘°- an "*T9“':ir Association ' . , t T i - .. . T . i.u..% .. 3... ,9 M. / , _ N - lonlin county «.15, . 3' 3"" — - . . i cw PHCC o S0 N. . S M M I Wake’, : ‘ . .- ; 0% work am he matit-.‘up B I _ z 0 0 O t ' V 0 ..' 1 . 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