3 152.. . 4 V 4 -I . I _ H 4 . ._ -‘l_r_V.‘HV iv. ‘_ .":-...:’. 2 ‘. -.}.- n.‘!'.'.'..a-. : .‘_I\..:. 0 - ~_ ‘ : _ _ _ ""‘”""' "y- ‘A % _ “M»”'*“"' ' ’ ._’; ‘ ' . . ' ' ;. ,:~.‘-'=”‘ ' '- ‘~ 73:’ '_'- . ‘,4 =3 7 _ _ .5‘ , . :. .'_.:;'I= -; ii A 9 .4 ‘ . . Hg, '5?‘ - 2-‘; i . : - s in i 3 ° ‘ . . .31.‘ ‘ , v~— -~- “ “ '9?’ 4 E?‘ w .; ‘ ‘ '- ” ‘dicta’ phi: Blue Deinons tea!» at the crucial mmnent strains Q7." ' ‘ V ' ' t 4 V I ‘ 1 ‘M511:-' A ‘ ‘« . ' ‘ iulit almost to the breaking’ in£.'-.}~E’ oiioui-avail!‘-‘D .. - . o u'it‘-oftheliaaouri - Dr.'vE.?D.iBa£ltct:-I-1-been 813- pieces. . 5 3 . . P“ Mat , _ .: — _ * .. ;. n°_.- Jami. “fa P'“a ,N . ‘ native fol’ The book and lyricsiare by ‘S. H.‘ Lost friends. pawncd Jc-wok. n'roc]pg ._*!l'3:’_'_;\i -F0‘. ._ "°°i‘. . T .- h_aw:ae v . »... G . . Bum“ Dudky, Jim, one of thegrcatest col- surroundings follow the one missitnp ’ - “ ‘f , A f ,5’; m”.'=.‘nd*h. . _ no w_- egg or mad musical ‘comedy writers, and of Lady Helen and add a.t0uch at _.Ji V ‘ . . . .- - , ea re 9 P108" - _ ' : V . 0'."'Dr.AIBaskett will th inusi and 80118 hit5 bl‘ Bi"? P"~h‘”- i _ "~-. 5.? lllé dikllllbfl M _ bu w.dn”' an B Y P hem ‘ti our‘ Cr‘w‘°'d i‘ .¢uvlcl s Baealtettmc who jazz numbers have '[\'3¢ cast include; 3 long list ' dajr. About 15°‘-"3h‘l‘ tun‘ ‘ e ° ' . uni Sfindgy,‘ “"a,' £"m'°°n.am°”' . mm-‘ disabled '?éteram ofwthe World War been will ‘mi whisued 55’ the. celebrities. The feminine porzion oi! " ‘ -* ~¢aai activities G!'lndV5°" 5“‘"d'3' eauntcrestcd In pi-obknu of rural; _ _ _ , - .- - . 3, 1 {en . v. -i - .. . , . Th?!’ 3"“ 1-hi - ugh‘ ,,¢,¢5,¢. we;-e.held at . ‘petal in,i.who are in traaningiat the Unl\'e!‘H- entire countrg for 9 P85 .he a.ldl(n(‘l: cnicyid th( ;i,..zeg_m 304 t!'I35t3°09- " ' , 1,3o"°odo,_.k. sun,-4.y gfurnoon... H.“ in“? been 3‘: ‘meta it)‘ of ll'iatourl. These men will be yenni. _ ’ display at’ gowns, will sv: off by _, - 09* “*8 “""""‘ ‘*'° ' I” Pi-ofcuol rFI'ccaerofWilliam‘Je1rell ‘’‘‘‘‘'‘‘°‘' ‘° '“°. ° W . ‘me last Veterans‘ Buneau trainees s. H. Dudley. Jr.. as “Sliufflm Miss Griffith's (lclicaw lim-lini-ss. cunca. (9 ¢n‘21:ei; the‘ aublefzzfg gave the main address of -“'5' “Q; gohmd 3 bgfiduggi to receive vocational training at the Sam" is considered to he the irrca'~- --. . I-3.. d53'¢'°“5°" '3 39”“. men 1,3,1, ‘cu goiiogoa b\' is P!‘*‘*‘i ‘ ° °°“” é University xince.all vocational train-' est delineator of the make-negro i ‘ ¢-—. ‘ C‘ comm‘-£50" i “"“‘°"’°°”" . ’ Mrs James Kilimrichalso of Cw-~. . , - i, ‘h » world C — A _ , .59; . , - ; _ i my will end June 30. 1928. _ character in t 9 s on. _. %_ ‘flaps winch m;a.:.ln‘dayuev.;isi’!‘1°2na PHI)‘: "FP'm9’ "flm' ‘S "creury,.t"”m"r' "' """""“" "The Charleston." tin offering by f C . ) _ i 3, wt ‘fa’: "ta “_ Brown’: Conversion to the Doctrine Y W C 1* “E”, m IND‘ Izrae Carr 0:‘ St¢;c|;’lox:cl:"‘:L" The Charleston Steppcrs is the iicn- “ I ape!‘ - me? { P - II‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ ' ' ' . ‘ ‘ 3 0 390 . '9 ' f late dance c,-nzefi_ ‘ , _ . of Stewardship, was given by the __,,___,____ . Ration o a . -; . met-ting. . _ - mbe f the Gr‘nd‘.ie“. B_ y_ _ _ . - .‘t” H‘. “cork. shipped to the National Stockyards. The (mun, bake“). and gallery ‘ad . . = According 10 We 35”” “‘ “'5” me rs O 5°""'s""'" C“'m PBS” ‘St. Louis. over the ll.-K.-T. ha: been reserved for the colored ' - - - h ieetionorrepresen- 9-" . C . . "'°""°' . ’ ' dn'. Wtt Bllrd ' 3. i, .- ‘= - - ' ‘C in giligxntmee .fercahnIn commission 77: 33'9"“ C‘:";' 13;”? t‘;:(‘_1' Y. W. C.‘ A. Rirls are ;lPPOinte‘:? nyefifimg of came. "Ctr 0r'1;“i¢ni;:'tu*"::‘ 0,“_;;]clk hem" Painting , .- "hurc,e-we - - ‘ , , _\'lll '- - - . ; .7 _ . _ 5. ' ;' “:1 “ °°t.nf°fiE;°: ‘K332; ::mo;”i»i?r: tfhe Association Sun-. n:.l}:OMi;s‘b§:;n’;o gshgfi Ahgairiea and d }S1ublctt end! (Adi-.) Let In fixture on your work.‘ ' ‘Ti’ ' ...._. I ‘a! C 3. iEhIeaVur.,. who Wil "5 ma" ‘"3 v - ,l dav ing K basket dinner was " . d th ' - Q, . 8 ‘PP 3 €170‘ °‘55- —-—-- _ , ' i Tli I Suppm‘ ., Texas on ‘niiitible constwction-" ‘“"“'°"’°“"""'f°" ‘imp bwiiirugi «$33 the zrounds .i noon hi‘ '3’ '"-'"§ii:'"3r3:« fo(i'Y‘ardl’:.' om: « ‘ ' “""' . Glass Decorating Co- = ' A; ’ i “Gua ‘ale Y r °f C° S‘ ‘kt ‘hf le..de"h'p 0. ';§nmem The." the ladies of the church. :,_‘_mr-b ‘ beg,‘ ‘the fipecifl ch"-gc Theaters n;;c1,Assx»; 7 " ‘.__ ,, A e “ " 5 Eh...‘ “ "LI . c,, vim speak on Eliirhc-5:: 23mg’ Gnu, .°§....§":o hold Columbia pcopl; ap1;car- “.-at A_ H”, seven ya”, ' ashdflh S“. From M.},,,,,- Y '11 Corinne Griffithuf d ‘ Phone 2051 14 hi. 9th St. .. ,. cam*¢*"~ ‘"3’ ‘*""°W*'°”""" """‘ *'."' "6 it on Bi! ‘discusiiions. and front ‘these troll!!! 9‘! °“ we sun Y ‘ up 'l‘h- social sen cc committee At, the mnbia Theater M!‘ ' 5"’ M wfnt :0 .151. mil‘. ' i i ' ~" .\'l-ZW Y K No rcducfion ill 5'“ ‘in 1“ ’ ' h~ <1 utstanding "girls are chos~ noon. Fred B. D1803. ¢mP10¥m°m*~ ‘ ‘ “ rk mm ‘U we bhnd pea“ y_ of title-all-Iniziizih SOC.“-’~). “fl 45”’ 5 4. ‘ . ‘ . ~ .. ‘ ‘. halter will lso speak. ‘ ‘ "'°- ° - secretary ~th Uni 't,' c P3" “ . . Z - A]; s. native Missourian. ~ ~— ~- ; 4,3 . the prices of Urea or other rubber 3"” an Wavodb 0 on to the frediman commission uswwzfhhig md‘re;Th;!’m'.'.’_)°¥r_ 31¢ of Columbia. ln plannms “"9 The seasons [Irentrst musical E";w1 Bzfnytgow ‘Lt Lad‘, H81 9" T- in '. : Products may be expected beftre . a . - The members of \..\‘v C A cahl. on uii non. Elisa I-‘ranceswavne Allen tamed} smvfise J5 m “om ,. d .h , 1 . {ha IT,S T , 1: ,i E Jgan l 3 1 Ross and Prafthcrtgieil out’ not \\-yin‘ are leadinx the discussions 8 Mc1l;toshBgn_ve a given ft; lmgdi» a trip to Jefferson City to H“. C°1umbi‘um.u.e “SJ-um booked linden. 1;-rcatc‘ t t-“trio ,1: won "me; 3 ‘ . .’ -_ , . I fifiui ‘P M. or 5'3“ '’ . ' ‘ ‘rung’; ng 0 . . ' ‘ . ° I u _ . ,, guy-9 er In crpre 0 . . my _ . 5; fzé kc 7:: £‘.".”"':‘;;"£__':_e ‘itwgomfl me will ask for pledge-silo support ?(’)’l‘i’o;_':‘:" pm" 0‘ mam‘: m u '. P. U lnterestanx-" Egtherbtafl :";”‘w‘i‘; 32° “L ‘:h:t“:‘l°"§"';usi::;‘;"‘cO,n":‘3:';i)m;:;, ting; than that ..f COrl!1l:'i(- GZ‘:lfi\ltll, W. ' ' ‘Q ” "wk ’ . . he k of :1: organization. a ' ' . — - hy Grover war a ‘ J ' i .‘ ' ' '1'. plays the “last of 1 e ma 'n- . _ . , ‘ 3. in: It .11’ *0 2C €93‘ 11950’: U" 1 9 “H M Y“!-_ -MIN‘- Hlldcllftbd 81 393471‘ ::Fe?::}.Newr. _ Jones ('I[)('(.F to_ coine 10 C01‘-‘mb" tppearance here Monday. . October ;‘;d‘:s‘,_ Ins “O. and estimates M “ i ~ it !’ tin. veiir .due to diminished: "um “ the bmquel - llall-,!iliirv lm1l99 mm”? ‘t Re“! { 11 -.d 1 . ti, 1:» l'.d(ll"!’!‘.\' the ‘x. W. C. A. soon. th. _ . pet ‘ _ - ' 7 in '0 W‘ 21- B I niis‘-arm »""'““’ ‘’’’‘’''°° 5‘ C‘ “".""‘“” “"' Hal‘: xiii; Dérothv Kfl3PP‘~'Tb°"i-"-“' . Th’ 9'9"” W“ 0 cm an if ““"’*""—' - \’ot in the liiviton‘ of colored —C*“‘‘“'"‘' ‘“ °""’“- ".°"""""""“' "‘ Chflrflllly ‘swel- i§l . E i’§£ln“‘m(‘n:~ p:i(_" sine. dc!’ the 1¢8d'~'1’1‘hiP£: }D°“"'Mn "ll" J’ ‘Till Viixao i A\'cnue: Miss Coral '"u'9d.‘;.n°" of Ofimfls an t L ('hrii-lian Endeavor Osrgcanlzcd. mésicfl com; "1" ‘web ‘n ”_ CO!l1l)!‘OmlSll'llZl(‘It0l' written I.ald,\'i '3 . I. ‘ ° *""’*' ° - "' , AColl R aelce n on wi II In ‘ “ _' " ~ C - 5 ; 50093‘ *°“- , _. “h '..— ' F. deav r iety W88 i ' H -l~ . nd divorce Carr)‘ 9 I1 01 . .1.-, ’ l lcriginal equipment demand is hit” . vifiira cold. and Catherine Priich ;"‘”‘!" i':‘L1;'Lh::‘:‘ ggfg- ,_ Ollie Edwards of McBaine was 0":‘n:.n';‘d ‘ma’: ’;)ripp?ng Sprm , Scnsblt} oihrrtlistii :\€(!"0 "l:::l!1‘ \ stating 812;; "Lad: Hclmk mm“: nvemh IL ‘ ~ I _ . ; , . . ,c-‘. ‘(I I. . . . . ,'_ . ‘ ‘ r n 0 ( v . , v ‘ . _ “ ‘id H" mnnualciura’ ‘re wrm ‘nu pl‘, ' flute ’°.l°' ‘:':fim" sit)‘ .~\\-ciiuc: Miss llclcn Woodsnialli Tekcud ii fey‘ oicfilpe Sui~..viu_\' afN'rfl00_n .53’ 5"“9"" "Efm' :,]:.bno:§ (.omedi,m_ 5. ii_ Iiudiey. l“.’f~()l'P dishonor enr0un.('r:“ Phone .‘ °.m"':ud . E.” “?,:::‘,:]}suhpIp\'inZ wlnsfazunder the dli.:>!oIc:°:il(l act ii! fifltl Rollins Street: 31:!” Frahnigu >fBo°rnii:eFc:nr:t-“R:-sociatian will meet bore of xiii-AC-h"”‘“an itifezfiagn. Jr Victor Scott. Anderson Bros, d:31“:1¢' -"1ll]"1l|0d"-‘E-) {lll§}:";‘£:;:lh(‘: . Dav, I2: night. 433 _v are _\*in< can '. zo ‘ J (rah. In me 3551;» C0 ego: 35‘ . - ' , ;'i'c5.:tition. program ' - "_ . ‘rib Mud “F L 0 (,,.n_ pa)-9 _\- - ' - . ._ - - . ‘ . ' ‘ ‘. . . - t the l\asli\'ille Church the fouith ‘ " . _ . . f h , llcyt Jenkins. . Ur _ 0 ‘ . < i - dinkad tigéah :1‘-ii‘:-hziimmcr Whig; tgnmu ' ,. Ml‘-'.li(';I.J1i!l(‘1.§ ‘at 40;) Conle)“A7‘1e:.z gunday of every month. ha. grefi 303‘. Lillie Turner. Gladys ltiiliiiiwn. . , ___,c ;-T-__- ,. .._. -- ._ - . _ _. . -, o P‘Pl‘“. _* _ "3 l ‘ ‘ , s1'U[)3x']' fls \,ALo[)E\ll.l.E nu‘). .~lII’~ C0"?-3¢_ ‘P9.’ 8! - _.: .--:--_ _ _ -‘-.‘° '_ ' ,_1 charge. Talks Beligh James, Mabel Cher-seynan tint. .— ;>- ~ ~ __ “' ' ‘ f" “.;‘..:r).sx':.-x'gv;)t ."""“‘d b"“'°"' 59"‘ md “mm . . . !!!arylai:d Place; Ilia; “illie 1-EL5>goggg 1‘RAl-I-‘l(. H55“ "aw. chdlrmnm L V ' ndlhe Creole Beauty Chorus. 3 “ :1’ u°liv"'Vflumaum"t' ' i . Kenn‘? Nab‘. s"M~ (“mud CT 3'~ “09 R""“’m.‘73'° Avenue; M3” . i—_—-(rail: Hera Fri- an H-"0 purpofi‘. o'rg’anu.tF{(l‘1'(,l'(.*B’\i'O!’ ‘Shufl'lin' Sam from Alaluim" 5; I . P 0. 1 0 I‘ l '1“‘*Piili‘ “f ‘hi’ ‘~"“""“'"'"‘ of bad. “m.fi.u‘u ‘u. ge Maw ~ um P-yin“ ‘E lzlggllnoiiml a90¢l1;)%5n: Saturday fumtfli if ‘l‘~.hn}§:i!:',i‘l!I Clark J ~ome< direct fiom ii ‘war and :.~ A 1 : i “exit; ‘ the outiiul continues well Kenneth Naylor. I ‘T071191’ Fill M :’trL-1'1: and M55 ”"”‘ ‘m a _' i ' - . . o ‘W C Yin‘ 0 “V . ' - . imjf . f «undo;-‘.11 sue;-i-<~i in thc 53‘ ' ° ‘~’ I i ‘ ' i ' - ' U ‘ ‘ ' ' nil!‘ sishcd '8 400 Bi thaws Street. Five hundred and nine.) "U'\‘K"‘"‘-' D. 3-lunin. Ji-.. Lawrence l.in\ e. c .\. - _ _ -~ ‘ :: S :: ' illhtstl of that (if ills! fill. D0111? "‘ “*9 ‘‘“_‘"’t5' '9” l n _‘ ‘ - . -. . 1»; it . z ,.- . ' Le h. E .t. 'ith the original ciist. ii : A y ' p _;-. i I!'IIb,lJ(-r ii : c Sill!‘-Q-1'. A year ago contract with the Pantagcs 'l‘hc- H'_‘R" 0-m)“-*"'—“-ERS WARRAXTS Loilfh:lg:;1:r;£;)i:8.:‘i:1e‘;;c:ge"E339; (im .\ur. ‘C:l'lil_- N‘ fe::ure“sddOm seen in we “.cSwrn : I iruhber signs quo:ed..o:*29‘.t cents a a_te!j _CO!lIP8"3'_ 19‘: °"b°“n *0“ "TH «‘ q FOR OLD FAIRGROUNDS“ Fyriday according to fills: Ida ‘Pot: Dr. Ellwood to Bay County. ta.”-tm.)._ 5 T‘ .18 J ~._5 if ' ‘ ii’°‘"‘d' 7°“? ll bk 'd"‘”°°d mu’ we "gal" cmlnuflen tfif tg}-W ,°°,m$:.' ..; . ~. V pi”-ed -pi. tcr, chief operator. This nuiiiirt-I 1):. ("n:i*’.2s A. I-Zllwocd of the 50' It is a musical COITW3.-’ “ml .3 R /’ \ \\.--.._ ‘ii, 2, 3 fly Wm,‘ At :-his um‘?-In-at st" i .$!'I"':!l Ciiicflko (maul Cim:§e‘:uI.lli'llIo Scliool - shows an’ increase of about I-'-U C1131-" -_-T«.i«'L':~' <5‘-‘P‘"1~'"“"‘ °f {"9 Um“!-' PM." ‘lith ‘ lhouiumd hmrhs‘ 20 hm ,‘; fixkw " lli:Itl'S Bu’)! Sllfill is (ii'l'-crlm! . 4 i ::°°“*.."‘.;:'-*";°:."‘..:""'*-‘*;.* ......, ....i.. -um " iii» in M . i ““.‘i.'.';}’"“ :2: :'“*::"'2*..:::"..';::..:.“‘;i‘:"‘:..;::‘::. rm r - .‘ on. I 1: I8 0!‘ mar Q ,. - . S. v - ‘ . . ‘ _ g on 5 Zaturuiiy (-x:~3c..':i. ,(,n ¢«m;_\(-rt-!'_' ' S I _ «. ~_ " . o‘ 1. $4. I ‘h A ; I 3 ' lvd 13.238 tnru. T068)‘ 1'10)’ IN a mu? °f.‘$e ‘-blazer \‘ - ‘M Euard 0f‘Educ(lal’nof"1:\P&‘:Tr:l:tt5 35.000. an increase of 7000 our the .'~.F;i!imi -if‘ Ray (‘nun‘~:~' UH-“ €“'°“"‘¥ greatest c0mBdl3"5~ d“"°”‘~‘~ M‘ . 'i‘(I.Ii1:1M:i’i] iii‘ ~")q’l('l"lt" l‘l‘("‘ (ff 1 L ~ less than 5,000 tons. ~ ‘ I Whlilcgi the Univex-git}. Mi‘. . 8;, ed 15*’ 5f‘~“"7‘:'3 mi‘l;“undg ” regular number. The Kiv.'ani.= con- ~,~. --.;~,»_.-A the . cns_ u’ .- . _ ' f ‘ ' E . - ,~ . , . - - v '- '- , ~- _ _ , ffic lug,-is Pnttcr said. Ev-iecopzzl Church in Kansas Cit) 011; Bgttgr Prmting— .,; , . V rl-last ladies. the main source of sup-i fi;gd_ i in min ‘Will oe made some time wlephone ..-n“_ \'w. (-h,.g,tg3,,;n-_" 1).-, 1.. in um um . '.- : a ‘kc.’ fi)l)',lI.Iq\»gtn('d by the ave:-18¢ sell- ExAulV ‘GE lwect. ‘Foe old fairgrounds was.en- FARM .-\SSOClATl0.\' TO ME!’-IT ‘w(_d win “mm .1-hunda}. “hep! , : . T 9 "'8 P’'“‘ l" ““""d. "W3"! ‘°" "" ‘ ._ , ‘ ‘ , l uulcd nrozwm‘. and It “35 "°°°‘" -.‘*“."‘ . -. nrirm .—————-—-~ ; ~,~ cQultty 7 R d, t : 3 _ r’!'e\lnu5 ,~;h,-94-"t iiicifiths according, to A5, 0“-id“. Seek C...“ of "um off sun. :.~. condemn the land by court Board Fol’ \\on}i{¢-no F l:!l'o?r¢.‘-sfle . . i Quick mm‘ S A T . whether .it_- in {hove or below 38 c‘.,;” Amefi pr . The ‘hilt’ will be per» . arincrs ere ri a). V . é _ ~ E . fl . V 5 ’ “nu “Wand ‘HP anon “mph. win R, mm,‘ 5., I in-zed in the district by action of the The board of the Boone Co.xnt;» _ ~ Phone 2249 9113 Broadv.a3 ‘E Brown hid _ ‘i 4 _be'iiic_neaxod by-10 per cent Nov. 1. BELLEFON73 0“? 13-_"'F’°"‘ Circuit C°..__...———un° ii)-i1.lmh:lfi“: ‘ Fireplace wood, stove wood __ __”—_— 3”: l;.’:.':' Q ‘ . ETW inm-N will not m'~'e'- h°'- ‘o‘,‘§’,‘f,'°‘_';“'§°,§ ""1 "\Y?’f,“ "I‘ ‘.’.‘,‘; Addition to flonor Rank List. .i.,- afternoon at the Y. M. c. . ‘ and kindling. Best Boone :;__ ; ' -“' ~ ~ ‘ ' l:.:’:.'.~.::..:*.:.*'d "4 .3... an 3:1-».°=?r '»~~’=‘~ . ‘:.*h;.i.::*:.:ii*;.:**:..P::'.::;“ fl ::;:’.*:"‘:;.i2::~ 2.‘.’.‘:..“'*::..§:,'.‘ l - : n 1’ ‘3 i ' - . ‘terday sought b unravel the mys- ’5 '9 . . ' ’ ' - ‘- For 2 ' / ' F3 ‘ ’ ‘ Tl”? |'1|"°f84“l"'"!' Md °‘h°’ tery of"the duth of Charles Amea‘ ‘hem “'‘'’° “‘'° °m's"°"‘ “"6 ‘me T3353 3A“3['R(‘pRg pox ‘promptly. . - . . . . . . . _ -. , ,, . - _- " ; - , ' . . I 1 . . I 4 1 ‘ ‘ r : , , - ' . ,,fi ‘I ‘l¢on‘unua13 have‘ been running an nu ma pa ‘.h°.e body “.‘s mlfilhkf. ¥i§ BI“ A. , ‘N ‘ 3’9 I. ‘ ' {icjrclgg spgking 'p_fldition3l supplies fggnd snndly ‘fur a tenfidgv “'il-h 3“ a""'ag° _°f E’ ‘hand hm“ SQUARF Dpgl‘ [.[_'_\’C[] 300)! Phone 1 ‘ ; : L“, :_ —‘ ___- P’ ‘f_’- 7 _ __ _ >-_ __ _ __ , :’.g it ‘W. N d.t. Jmmnh - ; ‘ imnpuidomia.~4oo,niLAus-, 0 h d__ i _ . ._ - .. ._ . C [E I ’3Z3.fi°.§'§.i '33., ‘m°$._.' liigcninz 'l‘behotrdofinquiI’.\' composed or U" ‘**°"‘‘’ ‘*“‘‘'= *’'’°'' '“°‘“‘’.‘’‘’ “F” pm... 1537 mic; l!::sadwI.~' Y ‘Smarr & Richards 5 Shoe ‘ii ‘ i ‘ 4 [Zita they-_; compliiiriis, made umgn. ‘Howard-,SlII‘v¢r, axajptant sunei-in» 9“ d“‘('_;'-1."3_‘~'° f"3o313vk“"d Mm‘ 3”’ ‘ ‘ V . 3 . . . $4 an protcats in in. to the am. «idem or we e--um air N.“ d» “"' - = 208 ’‘-8‘‘* 5‘ e»R¢P*“.’"‘8 § CUSTOME 2 . 3' govcrnmdnt, and spent a large sun: malt S’. ‘gene’ :’:'f5;':°"$°:;' Missouri Worlishop to Rica. 1 : _- 3 3:-_ _ -7 3 ‘ . -" ' 01 money "invliilikltinlt possible D tug“. en“. kg" to ‘ien‘_'es‘ti‘“e‘“ T-he hlissouri “'0rk.:llOp 3"!" meet ‘ .‘ _. 9' ; '="; ‘£n—£H I 9 ' 3: 1 have_ mo‘-ed my “re harness and shoe repairing ii 1 MW?“ Oi WM! 3-‘. Tllis on fol_- 1h'¢"uk,"“‘“mmwdeu,Ymim‘ ‘~°m0”°"~‘ °‘'°m°8 1“ ‘=30 °°‘°°“ "‘ Dew,“ ‘O be “shed 1’, M 4 ' . _‘ . shop from 8th and Cherry to 809 Walnut Street and 1§,‘;:’§,§:;,§;“ 3°: °'?u',n:,f:,_',"f,::,?¢' the cause of the fall of‘ the Jflaneo Imhwp mu ' experts with their combination‘ Tin and Furnace Work I M,\x\,¢,\) 33 $113 ready to serve you in e same capacity by .‘J5 ‘ P ‘- . nfi. _ .._:A ...i .~ — ——A ~ of - R . ll ‘ a,‘0 ' ‘ é. . ._ worl. . . . ‘ Tine Whitenaua An Captains. I ‘i’ “' . _ - c_ w_ VANA-1-[A -: 4 ;. ’:.' But only one fizkn in the whole There are‘ three football captains ONLY ALLNIGHT 18968?» 396- it dew‘ 5°‘-‘I ‘.3 ’ A; We can for and :3 M1 M- JACOBS f 1{ if Findujtrytumed lb the United States inztlie Whiumin iamils-. Besides -. T A M IN side I114 °“*- _ ' _ i 705 Cherry Street Deliver 5 , ‘ = _“o i i ; an a’-source of sipilly. It found it. Sup Whileinaa.=captain of the ' - Pmmllt 1110 '|l>‘3f"t°TY '°"""‘ Phone 1474 . . — ~ v v —— V -. . "~ ’ E by mean: or a 1i'eh'su.-r unabridged souri Tigera Clarence Whiteman is TOWN ‘ awaits you at - ' ii I I _ 3., ‘ i : dictionary In licking over the de- captain of the —Wari-ensburg Mules. » C. ‘-Guarantee fitstdna work . . finitinn of ruhlig.-r ; this statement and! John the youngest of the three WAFFLES, S5; ICC? V II 3 at reasoname prices .,-_ .. _ ._ -- - -- _ i . j ‘ ital found: “GIia,*'ule ruliber. 81- was ca'pt.ain of the Richmond High e P to at ' . . ' - _ i ‘ ltracaed min’ the stems and roots sciiooi team iut year. PLATE LUNCIIIES 13.15 s. an: St. .- 3993“ ‘‘’°’1‘ °f ‘" ma‘ Katherine Turnbough o , ? sot giarlhcaiuin iirgentatuin. native L , MADE P ’ Beauty Shop .on the road is when the *3 Wfih “**’°°""4 Tm‘-" ‘ ' - N TOM'S LUNCH " ” ~—~ « S 3”] tvff“ 3‘ ;o':"¥“t°" °°’“°” Gnliyulc rublcnhaabecriknownior V _ HATFO 3308- _ ‘ . 7 at-..a. no I. in. e 9.. , €81’ 8“¢_ 8 ,9‘;-1| is . prod jfg of fiofih ' ‘ W0" LACE i n l Phone I5!‘ Van. ‘radiator repairs. » : , co. It turned ll nd poor hacienda» "_ """"“. W‘ d___&m_,., - C ° , 1 y shampoos mg pour _wprk holds up under all i 1 dos into uinio ire: overnight, but 3...’... ,.., nu.-. g...._.;... -. ........ . - 415 Broadway Pholn 10" Sho e arcels . . . . . . . . 1.00 —- 'i conditions. Get your radiator : V5‘ "5235 hi”? " ‘'''“'”n‘z', - ‘ Opposite Central Dairy pp Shwmwmmaound made right at our shop. ‘ -1 1 y. anarlictr rqyo tioniencoinpaa‘-i Ill-PAINT! O”, ‘,4 _,.,,, 5.... “.4 E t Cosmeuciuu H -5: i <1 ' K . i . 2. L 3 3:5 ' Manx: ifta Pé':ldlllCt'I)‘l1i‘ ($1 05: '''"‘a ollol by ‘llfrs 1*" tr st . . . . . ésc H J . «* 5 TIM" °'i W 9‘ ~ . —- steopa‘ ALEMITING .. . in . . med . . ° ' ' ' ' ’ I IE ii 7 ' ' on . . l -C‘ "' W’ °“"‘°‘ l""’°“ °°‘”""" aniaana amouoans man. an -n as -in i---. ‘~. '- - ‘ ~ ' ° i A ' ' l' ll ac E eh Arch . . 35c . '5'“ 3” ‘ 3‘ N° 5''- Q5. fizz» *0 rtnlg-3m$:; uaotfgljtllnig G. atftention slvgn mt? suur oasouiia. -In I-«Om» Ab°‘°_H°‘be 5 P "m V "Y i‘‘"‘'‘ . . . . _ . H 75¢. ‘ _ v T . P ,3 ; ii 1 .3334; d;,f,.;u if Fens‘. ;,,,.1udi,,, - PI ‘LL83’ drsenmus 0 .w°mcn an e . C‘ 6' Ane'"Pm“'. H’ 1' “awn Pgigles h gaggle ” Hot Oil Shampoo 1.00 "4. ‘ "Au". N.” - F‘ I Q i*‘. ii fifimm ‘M hm Conan ‘gut ‘ ‘flu. saw. C . - 4 . d 5 El . Bug F.’ Making figugilsflf beautiful I“"'°“ p°."“‘“"“' 10'“ A . . \ ' "C iu.b‘»{.cu .c. Roolnan vita .‘ t - /. . r a_ 1: i*,3',’j,‘,,°{’,,'2,‘I'}‘,’,*,:,,,§,.,..‘§’{‘;‘.,,f 0, Efliington .& Gibbs iomc. 91..., 2315 or is tan ltbzogjte necessity» 3 One: Saturday Nighls ARE YOU G015‘; T0 THE ’ ' "'h: :5: “ e . 1 no aux . .« . 1’ 1;. *:,::::.';.‘:;‘.,,.;";, . ~ - -~ ~ : ~ ~ c ~ i Residence phone 2134 red nmg§I§YArg;mcoLUi1BIA EM , 1 ...----- - -- “BA'l"I‘LE OFCOAL DUST” AGAIN ifiprolt. Theshxubiafound onlyfil ' , , . R3'm°57,—" ___._ ‘ , ‘.5 ., ,, ,,,,., ,.,,., ,....,...,W.,. .....i YER, S316 LFQUNDRY . seine-in; H ._ THIS WINTER on HEAT e i . 31'.‘ :‘ vamlauccdsful iy aid vi onlyat ' ' " I . ' . - ' - Vi: ' C ‘ ' . ' ‘in’ ii """"“""° °‘i1°°";‘°*‘*°° ‘" "n....""‘ i“"°“m "" :.';‘c..,.,““'“§‘t il« ”.'.'~""‘..‘°'.... ':°.i:‘ ..'.'°3..“‘°.." i‘:."' ;»°.:’.‘::.‘‘'‘‘‘' 1: ‘"5’ i * Ford Prices Wm‘ ‘- 3. . diuntc. All a tie . “'°“ ‘ “ .. "3 D In ' . : . : :‘ . , 5 VJ . V '. ' ," '__: V C j 3. N fin dnzhrii siieirhfiseiznmit II to C0‘lIIli7;aPh0IIO 3 WILLIAMS . 5 1:: E 9. _~. '.t°""’ Bocnc Count)’ 0081 C0- . ,. Rea:-aid overhauled $5.00 ‘OMA . :3." hi “ ‘" “’°i““*”+ '°“"“ ' ~ . ‘ 0" W 31- M-4 W .32 -pi htdrodbearin 2.50 I'—'A‘l'lN0-- ‘ r ‘ j» ; 5 ; ‘__! solidify thecrij e robber under inn» A Chen) St. M. K. & T. Yards CAFER , BROS M0133 : I 28 . -- I , ~ 3 ‘i=£ . '.;nin¢c0ld7m¢- i . . . - Phoae88 Buggy}; ~. Ti-ananision Bands ‘ J ',L0UIS ii; " '.i ‘ l “ ' . ' . ‘ » 5 ' 7‘. ,3 . awn” t:_ru:)'lIiI;i?i '_|,mi;" nomim. Be-«refit unseat‘ $13 proprietors 3°“ .1... gmma 2,00. PLUMBING and HEATING 23 ‘North Slh. iii? 3i1iig‘.~-aqrinubim-,iniipo us V d Pb "59 ; Staeerlnggearbuslied 2.00 ? ?_ ; ' . ; "53 "3 remarkable quiilitiep of , ‘ ‘ 7- A R5‘ 9909 03¢ g I -ijntofahrica nialti '\oz 1 :a' Otherworkllvmhmiion ' r 1 ii to ‘ in-iaennnn cture mi _ W we-C--~~ v 1- C “"""” " “‘“- ‘ .. . --~ , 7 ii a stnigiu time work, ~ c C ‘ T“? :f_. . til ‘Dr. F. 7" w Ooooaooooom -‘ .. : p 1 1 4 ‘ ' ' ii ._;i I Fl-embes ii All Witt Glll'Illl&d. C A I ;% I ‘ \. ‘ ‘3 . 0 ’ , . ’ — _ ‘ s’ . . ’ ‘ . . . _ . "ii _! ~§ _ i _,..; .4. lace»-ii:.i=_:;nby]-Vida _,,,__ Square Deal Mt. Olive, Illinois i i u ,; J, t '.l":‘- 1 . method every other occuioa. ; _ e - V '_ -Q J c— .. iuanocn mvr snap _ - aarag "“"""‘ 33., Exchange Nan Bah Bug cane ya: -‘ ll Nona ioui when Belt;-rFBat:lery Service 8“ A.‘ st‘ 3 ' - - " . 1 our . * 3 Telephones: Office. 498, - --- --* '= ' ' A ' C. , ' Home 2230 black 4 ‘J ‘L .’ ‘f It 3. ‘Infill! 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